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Courtesy of Bristol's Facebook page. |
A lot of people disagreed at first, saying it was too risky. But now more and more are seeing that Mom was right.
President Obama ignores court orders, makes up his own laws, and pretends laws he doesn’t like don’t exist. That’s pretty much the opposite of the President’s job description.
And now he’s gone and declared his own immigration policy that Americans clearly said they don’t want.
After his latest action, Fox News, Sean Hannity, and Chris Wallace started talking about impeachment. Mark Levin says he deserves it. And now Congress members are bringing it up.
Yes there are some fringe Republicans, conservative radio talk show hosts, and politicians desperate to get attention, talking about impeachment. However both Mitch McConnell and John Boehner have said there is no way they are allowing a vote like that to come to the floor.
And that is because on some level they realize that impeaching this President would be the best thing they could possibly do for his legacy.
Just think he would be the second Democratic President impeached by the Republicans IN A ROW!
There is no way that comes off looking good to the American voters.
However that rather obvious fact is a little too complicated for Snowdrift Snooki and her little snowflake. This is how Nancy French closed out the post for Bristol and her mom:
When the president gets out of control, impeachment is how the people can pull him back. Mom says making the case is the easy part — what’s hard is having the guts, courage and political will to do it.
All I have to say is PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN!
If there were a way to make the Republicans waste the next two years fighting to impeach this President it would be a godsend to the Democrats, whose campaign ads would write themselves, and who would use the anger and frustration of the American people to take back not only the Senate, but very likely the House as well.
And if Bristol and Sarah somehow convince the country that it actually WAS the Wasilla Wendigo who first promoted this idea, which I don't think it was, then it is SHE who will be blamed for the benefit that it provides to the Democrats and the destruction that is visited upon the GOP in response.
But it is not going to happen. And that is because virtually all of the people in Washington are significantly more intelligent than this batshit crazy reality actress and her idiotic daughter.
(H/T to Wonkette.)
Meanwhile, Michelle Bachman laid another turd before she goes off into the sunset. Really, ladies. You're an embarrassment to women everywhere.
ReplyDeleteFor fuck's sake we're going to take civics and government advice from a bitch who got knocked up at 16 and "graduated" high school with a GED only by the largesse of her politically connected mother?
ReplyDeleteI'll take Bristol's advice regarding what booze to get fucked up on and what cute boy I should let bone me, and perhaps what sort of "beauty school degree" I should pursue, and whose ass I need to kick at a party. Bristol needs to remember that she knows but a few things and those are drinking, fucking, birthing bastards, throwing punches at parties and popping pimples. Regarding anything other than those 5 things she needs to shut the fuck up (and yes I realize that all of her blogposts are written by Nancy French but what the fuck, has this stupid christian sycophant never met this whore?)
Bristol is a piece of trash and if we could find a dumpster big enough to hold her giant ego, we should hoist her in it.
Your last sentence is a thing of beauty, very eloquent and spot on.
DeleteOh...that is a brilliant post!
Delete4:42 You took the words and sentiments out of mouth. Well said and right on. Brisdull is an uneducated idiot.
DeleteI'll just leave this here......
How much "postage" did those shirts cost ? Dow approaching 18,000, just for starters, as to why this President will go down in history as one of the greatest. Many other reasons too numerous to mention; look them up.
DeleteRe: that tee shirt - I guess all the other "Presidents from the Democrat party" were OK, but then they were all white, weren't they Bristol.
She looks pregnant in that photo. Does "Rest in Peace" refer to the disappeared DWTS baby, the one she had in her belly in Haiti?
ReplyDeleteShe sure does look pregnant. She may have been eating non stop since the brawl and the incident with the boyfriend that went to jail for stalking.
DeleteShe already needs her chin to be re-worked.
Bye, bye to any remaining sympathy for Bristol. She's an asshole just like her mother and her ghostwriter, Nancy French.
ReplyDeleteYes, Bristol, you are an asshole.
I wish the guy she punched in the face at his own party would press charges. The asshole, Bristol, could use a dose of reality.
If the Palins had not been white, we all know things would have gone down differently.
DeleteM from MD
I've never understood why the GOP wish to impeach President Obama. Do they not understand that if impeached, that would simply allow Vice President Biden to step into the office of President of the United States?
ReplyDeleteArchie Butt
Palin thinks Boner would hold him and let her whip him just before he leaves the WH in a cab. She would love nothing more than to grind one of her extremely gaudy stilettos right into his heart while winking at newly ordained President O'Biden. Yep, the bitch is that evil and revengeful.
DeleteYou cannot impeach a president just because you do not like his policies, or because he is of the opposite party. Otherwise every president will be impeached.
DeletePresident Obama has done nothing to be impeached for.
10;05 Exactly!! What would the charges be - WORKING while the rest of them vere on vacation? Presiding while Black?? Bristles should stick to what she knows best - screwing any guy who looks at her twice, then getting pregnant by the ones she thinks might marry her when she gets knocked up. THAT has not worked so far, yet she keeps on going. Nancy French must be desperate for a job to try to make this tramp sound coherent. This was not $carah's idea, she has no ideas, just screeches whatever her owners tell her to do. What happened to the place in Arizona, why are the clan not down there yet?
DeleteFirst of all they don't care to "understand" and second Biden isn't black so they don't care.
DeleteShe's nothing but a troll.
ReplyDeleteand i'll bet barstool ( the perpetually knocked up, drunk, sperm burpin' retard ) typed that screed out on her way from her "job" at the dermatologist office here in anchorage on her way back to the wasilla ...
ReplyDeleteLMFAO !!
If Sarah takes credit for starting the impeachment talks, she & Bristle will only take credit for it until it backfires just like with death panels. She started out with death panels meaning one thing and then tried to switch the meaning to something else. Whatever, it will be a lie.
ReplyDeleteShe promised her Channel peeps that she would make videos about impeaching the President. She quit, and the coward didn't keep her word. Now this farce.
DeleteWhore Bristol's shirt should read 2006-2014: Rest in pieces all the fetuses that I didn't actually birth out of all the pregnancies that I've had these last 8 years from fucking anything that moves barebacked.
ReplyDeleteStupid bitch doesn't realize how stupid she is. Prime candidate for a frontal lobotomy, oh wait, that would only improve her intelligence. Prime candidate for a good spaying though, we don't need anymore of her fucked up gene pool in this world.
It's a full moon so look out for the crazy...
ReplyDeleteYou do realize that the "full moon crazy" is a suggestive mental state based on simple minds rather than an actual proven scientific statistic, right?
DeleteYes, I think the professor knows that and is using is tongue in cheek.
DeleteHowever the full moon does its stuff - it does its stuff. Any nurse will tell ya - crazier-craziest shit happens on a full moon friday. When I did geriatrics, people who never talked would talk. People who never walked would walk.
Now, in DIFFERENT FIELD, IT IS JUST NON-STOP med reactions, codes, equipment problems.
I am very VERY glad to be off this full moon friday.
From an ex-bartender, there is something about a full moon. I saw it every month for a few years. You are correct 2:33, it does do its stuff.
DeleteI could write a very entertaining little book on full moon bizarro behaviors and the silly humans that perform them.
On of the many articles fully debunking "full moon fever".
I want to take that pathetic t-shirt, ball it up and shove it down her throat. Disrespectful, petty little bitch.
ReplyDeleteBWAHAHAHAHA, The Bristol Stalker Troll will be all over this thread. Stand by for some Wasillabilly incorrect grammar. BTW what happened to the Bristol/Junker Bastard Baby? Could it be another DWTS type disappearance?
ReplyDeleteCheck out Junker's photo's. There's a pic of Barstool sitting by a bed with a pack of blowjob altoids in full view. Guess brissy doesn't like the taste of Joey's Junk.
DeleteYap it up turd know nothing just like her mother.
ReplyDeleteThat is one evil woman, pure evil! The whole damn family is evil. And this is the family the Repubs wanted to be second in command in the White House.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, she's full of shit:
ReplyDeleteIn October 2010, prior to the elections in which Republicans won control of the House, Jonathan Chait published an article in The New Republic called "Scandal TBD" where he predicted that if Republicans were to win control of the House, and Barack Obama were to win re-election in 2012, the Republicans would try to impeach Obama and use any reason possible as pretext.[4]
...On July 8, 2014 the former Governor of Alaska and the Republican Party nominee for Vice President in the 2008 Presidential election Sarah Palin publicly called for Obama's impeachment for "purposeful dereliction of duty"
She just jumped on to the bandwagon, as she always does. She is YEARS too late to be the one who started this drumbeat, but facts never really made any difference to the illiterate Palin klan:
July 8: Finally, Sarah Palin weighs in.
- Why? The border crisis.
Sarah Palin ignores court orders, makes up her own laws, and pretends laws she doesn’t like don’t exist. That’s pretty much the opposite of the a Governor's job description.
ReplyDelete5:38 Exactly!
DeleteThat photo:
ReplyDeleteBarstool PalinWhore pregnant looking belly: Check
Barstool PalinWhore stupid duck lips (good for sucking dicks and looking dumb in photos): Check
Clueless braindead GED whore front and center in photo: Check
I have to admit, her hair extensions look pretty good, great job WillBlow.
So Bristol, a wealthy young woman, thinks the USA is RIP because of President Obama? What is Bristol Palin experiencing that is so horrible that she feels her nation is dead? Seems she's benefitting mightily from the economy, the entertainment industry, the blogging and reality show era between 2009 and 2014, has owned several homes, just bought a boat, lives well, she's healthy, must have good health insurance for her and Tripp, is in need of nothing (except a husband, but she can't blame that on President Obama).
ReplyDeleteHer family has prospered since 2009, she's become a celebrity, been sought out for speaking, given opportunities that girls her age never would have had, what the heck is she complaining about?
How has the economy, or the country under an Obama Admin. affected her so BAD? She's a disgrace to people who work very hard to make a life for themselves, work and work some more and have a fraction of what she has.
Her whining is heard from shore to shore and nothing she says has any substance. If she's so damn upset, why doesn't she run for Office? Why doesn't she try to make some changes? Of course that would require hard sacrificial WORK, which is something the Palins don't do.
Bristol knows she'd never be elected should she try to run for 'some' office. She knows she has no knowledge or substance....just the nastiness and coined bullshit like her mother!
Delete"What is Bristol Palin experiencing that is so horrible that she feels her nation is dead?"
DeleteAnswer: She was meant to spend the last 6 years in the WH but didn't. Just like Queen Ann of Rmoney was supposed to be FL by this time.
Her mother is a fucking moron too and thanks to the fucking idiot church ladies here in Wasilla she was elected Mayor twice and then went on to become governor. Thankfully she proved herself unworthy of her governorship but still a bunch of crazy church ladies got her elected Mayor, twice!
DeleteFucking sky fairy idiots are laughable but even in their absolute fucking ignorance they end up getting people into office that are abso-fucking-lutely unqualified.
That's why the church people need to go away, they need to be disenfranchised in the heaviest way possible and their voices need be silenced. There is a movement underway to get THEM out of the way of sane minded people and government. They love to use Hitler in their speeches because HE just killed the Jews, but mark my words, they will be facing their own Hitler, and he'll be coming after Muslims, Christians, and really, any of them and all of them, those that are too stupid to think for themselves.
She's "Gone Pogue."
Delete"So Bristol, a wealthy young woman, thinks the USA is RIP because of President Obama?"
Delete"thinks" ... Bristol is borderline retarded. There isn't much thinking going on. She likes to punch people.
Your comment is spot on... many of us are older and worked harder then she could imagine and live with less, she is nothing more than spoiled brat!
DeleteSo who is $carah Payme tp accuse the President of "Derelection of Duty"?? The entire group in office in Alaska when she was pretending to be governor wore buttons and had bumper stickers "Where Is Sarah?" Her simple mided daughter must really think her mother is special, and she IS "special ed." (no offence to parents who have children in Special ED, the Payme's did not even know their kids should have had special help in grade school. They were too busy cheating on each other - $carah with Taahhhd's business partner, and Taahhd with his hookers.
DeleteDidn't Bristol just post a Thanksgiving thing about being thankful for her mother's garage party? From thankful to unthankful in a week. Poor poor underpriviledged Bristol. She should cry her tears to some kids in orphanages or whine and complain to those sick kids in hospital rooms this Christmas. Maybe they will lend her an ear. What a pitiful creature she is.
ReplyDeleteThe garage floor was hosed down, eliminating the urine stains from Bristles. That is what she is thankful for.
DeleteBristol is an ignorant lying dullard like her mother.
ReplyDelete"Mom says...", "mom says"..." - what, is she 8 years old?
ReplyDelete23 years old and she can't even form an opinion by herself? The girl/woman is going to be stuck in teen mode the rest of her life. And how come Bristol can't get any boyfriend to marry her? What's her problem?
She's living off her mom's laurels and she's unable to cut the apron strings. And she thinks people listen to what she has to say?
You aren't seriously expecting someone like Bristol Palin to express an original and informed thought, are you?
Delete24 years old
DeleteThe only purpose of her blog is to point attention towards "mom."
DeleteBristol herself is irrelevant. As the daughter of a narcissist, her only value is in serving the emotional needs of her mother; she has no value as a person in her own right.
Bristol doesn't really exist. She is a myth. The body is an empty vessel that only Sarah can control and create a fake Palin spiel.
DeleteYou don't hear Bristol talk. When she did (before the brawl) it was all staged and programmed and she was an awful act. The brawl was a tiny peek at Bristol when she can get drunk and be her true self. A very bad mother. The Palins must hide her. They haul her out for the lame photo ops. Anything Nancy French writes is just the load of crap they can sell to a few nut cases.
Bristol actually is a non entity. Some kind of an empty shell who looks alive when the money is enough.
I usually don't comment on Bristol because to me she's a pitiful person. Pitiful but still a stupid mouthpiece for her doltish mother. Mom says---indeed. Bristol seems to have the brain of an overcooked cabbage. Every time I think of her actually thinking anyone believes she writes a blog it makes me giggle.
ReplyDeleteOh Bristol.
You mean her quitting mom who built a home from materials used at the sports complex. You mean your word salad mom who can barely speak english? You mean your grifting mom---who must not be getting enough $$$$$. You mean your really bad mom who told your little sister you all were going on a vacation when really Sarah was just spending PAC money for shits, giggles and attention.
Yeah, Bristol and Mommy Dearest 1 are real winners.
As I remember it, it was Sarah Palin who said that she would keep on doing whatever she was doing until the court told her to stop. Even after losing the election in 2008, Sarah still can't accept the results.
ReplyDeleteBristol's blog post is precisely why she can never again deserve the "children of politicians (we can debate the accuracy of that also) are off limits" card. Bristol, you are a grown woman in your mid 20's now. If you put yourself out there like this you will be held accountable for what you say and for your newsworthy behavior, good or bad. It really is that simple Bristol: talking like a child ("Mom was right", "Mom says", "Here's more from Mom's" speech, etc.) does not make you a child. Also, as an adult, please cut out the "mom says" stuff. Think for yourself for a change and stand up for your own beliefs, whatever they may be. "Mom" quit as my governor to enrich herself and quite possibly to save herself from impending scandals. As far as the President's job you've gone to great links to inform us he is doing "pretty much the opposite of the President’s job description". Help me out: exactly what is the President's job description - to do what "Mom" says?. Give us some positive input instead of only tearing down others, most notably our President. I only started reading the IM blog after your fiasco of a party crashing in Anchorage. And yes, I listened to the police recordings well in advance of your "and that's it - that's what really happened" fiction. As a 41 year Alaskan resident I am thoroughly disgusted by your whole family; you obviously are only out to enrich yourselves, when all of you could be using your high profile to help so many people, especially here in "our" home state.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin's daughters will all still be crying "victim!" long after she's dead and buried. Those Palins don't know any other way to operate, not one of them is a positive go-getter. The only thing "they" ever achieved was Sarah being elected governor because she wasn't either of the other candidates- and look at what a failure that was.
DeleteThey're the laziest family in Alaska and asking them to get off of their asses and do something for Alaska has been a waste of time since long before they came to prominence. What's in it for them?
6:38 Welcome to the group!
DeleteIt's sad to see so many opportunities go to the Palins who squander them. Meanwhile a lot of very generous and talented and honest people go without a break.
So many actresses, people who really do believe and work for causes, etc. would take a scrap of what the Palins have been given and go out and make a golden clothe from it.
Such a waste! And the Palins don't even seem to appreciate it. Just whine and play the victim.
I imagine that Scarah pays them for each hit they get per post that says "mom says". How else is she going to pay the bills?
DeleteOh, that's right. Postage.
Calls for a re-post:
ReplyDeleteAnonymous4:42 PM
For fuck's sake we're going to take civics and government advice from a bitch who got knocked up at 16 and "graduated" high school with a GED only by the largesse of her politically connected mother?
I'll take Bristol's advice regarding what booze to get fucked up on and what cute boy I should let bone me, and perhaps what sort of "beauty school degree" I should pursue, and whose ass I need to kick at a party. Bristol needs to remember that she knows but a few things and those are drinking, fucking, birthing bastards, throwing punches at parties and popping pimples. Regarding anything other than those 5 things she needs to shut the fuck up (and yes I realize that all of her blogposts are written by Nancy French but what the fuck, has this stupid christian sycophant never met this whore?)
Bristol is a piece of trash and if we could find a dumpster big enough to hold her giant ego, we should hoist her in it.
That pretty much says it all. Stupid Whore Video Playset (hat tip SouthPark from the Paris Hilton episode)
Delete"A lot of people disagreed at first, saying it was too risky. But now more and more are seeing that Mom was right. "
ReplyDeleteNow if momma was only right about teaching her eldest daughter to keep her panties up and boys fingers out of her hoohah then maybe Bristol would have gone to college instead of shopping for trial daddies at bars.
It wasn't the boys' fingers that got her knocked up so many times. She'd have been better advised to keep their dicks out of her HooHah! (or wrap them or go on the pill or do something other than have 4 kids before age 24). Bristol is a retarded whore.
DeleteThe guys all know Bristles is a "sure thing" until they are ready to get married, then they seek out DECENT girls who have not had STD's Getting knocked up before marriage worked for her mother and grandma, but after all her practice, Bristles is still left by herself. Who thinks she is smart?
DeleteYou know, nothing says "Bristol Palin" like opportunistic duck-facing whilst lamenting a calamity that does not exist.
ReplyDeleteWhat a dumb fucking shit-swiller.
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, you can't impeach a president because he ignores you.
ReplyDeleteIsn't 2009 the year Ms Quitty pants quit before she was impeached as governor?
And I'll bet the president is falsely claiming a travel allowance for every night he sleeps in his own bed, just like Sarah did when she ripped off the State of Alaska for two years because she was afraid to live in Juneau where dirty secrets are impossible to keep.
ReplyDeleteHmm. His true, own bed would be in Chicago, unless you count the apartment he stayed in as a senator that was so unpleasant that Michelle stayed with him in a hotel instead whenever she visited him in D.C. I'm going with the Chicago one.
DeleteAragon--I'm confused. So the government of the United States operates from Chicago?
DeleteAny minute now we'll get the troll showing up claiming Bristol should be left alone because she's a "private person living her life quietly, out of the spotlight" blah-blah...
ReplyDeleteWhich really means we're all big meanies for not letting her hide behind a fence & throw rocks at our President.
Ironic that such a "private person" who isn't seeking fame or fortune lists herself as a "public" person on her Facebook page isn't it...?
I think she just misspelled 'pubic'.
DeleteHey Bristol, did you know that the quality of poop is determined by the Bristol Stool Chart. Have a look you piece of shit.
Bristol (Brancy) is chock-full of the same right wing BS our tiny quitter Sarah regurgitates.
ReplyDeleteI guess you'd have to be smart enough to realize that you look like a fucking idiot everytime you speak about things you know absolutely nothing about. She has no education to speak of, but spouts off about shit like she's some sort of expert on government affairs. She should stick to getting drunk, pregnant and brawling at parties the family crashes. It's what she does best.
ReplyDeleteShe spouts off about shit just like her mother. They are a bunch of lowlife idiots.
DeleteShe's such a gross uneducated whore.
ReplyDeleteGo back to school, Bristol. take a few history and political science classes. Come back when you have have a clue about what you are talking about.
ReplyDelete"Bristol Palin brags ..."
ReplyDelete... that she is as stupid and ignorant as her mother.
Nancy French isn't fooling anyone. Her simplistic tomes are still vastly superior in form and presentation than anything that could ever possibly come from the filthy mouths of Bristol or her mother. I honestly don't believe either of them know how to write much less read.
ReplyDeleteNancy French still takes a paycheck for this. What do you call someone who bends over and pretends to enjoy the bumping and thumping?
All this "mom says" and "mom is right" reminds me of Forrest Gump.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Palin girls have never called their mother "mom"....it's always Sarah.
DeleteForrest Gump was smarter.
DeleteNancy calls her "Mom".
DeleteAnd people feel sorry for the Palin kids? And think that they should be left in peace? Bristol Palin is as dumb as two planks and I wish that she and her mother would just let the rest of us get on with our lives. Bristol, your mother did not become the vice president in 2008 and, no, you would not have been living in the White House had John McCain been elected. Both you and your mother have failed to understand the implications of having lost, not once, but twice. Your mother retired from the political arena when she quite as Alaskan governor in 2009 and did not run for any other political office. You cannot make President Obama go away and impeachment would not mean that you and your siblings could move into the White House and trash it. I don't think that you or your mother have any idea what impeachment means. You should have studied harder in middle school and the few years you attended high school.
"Mom says making the case is the easy part — what’s hard is having the guts, courage and political will to do it."
And that is why mom is making the case; it's the easy* part. As far as the "hard" part, all Palin has to do is stand on the sidelines and sneer at people who did not, unlike her, abandon their responsibilities.
*Of course, it is actually very difficult to make a case for impeachment of this President. At least if you are hampered by truth, facts, the constitution, and political reality. Not that any of those things matter to Palin, so... easy!
The Repubs seem to forget that Obama is a constitutional scholar. And I doubt that Bristol even knows what the constitution is...
DeleteAbout now, that chick is pretty darn jealous that the Sled reality show is going to be about 2000 times more popular than the one she put together while having her camera follow her around in a bar to accuse people of being gay, then weeping her makeup off in the parking lot afterwards. You know, the one where she sat around in a mansion bawling while examining her hair split ends.
ReplyDeleteBri$dull, Bri$duller, Bri$dullest !!!
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that everything you try to do has a foolish error to it, you silly Bumpkin.
The closing year on your maternity T-shirt is all wrong. It should be 2007.
Don't you remember, how in 2008, desperate and panicking Johnny McMadd unleashed onto the national stage the putrid Palins ?
And the nation watched in horror, disgust and disbelief as some village idiot named $carah Payme babbled and pranced incoherently. Why she couldn't even remember what newspapers she reads !!!
So Dreary, fix the date on your shirt to 2007. (Sigh, what can you expect from a pathetic daughter whose father is a rancid Pimp, and whose mother wore a faux pregnancy belly, stuffs her bras with falsies and plops scraggly wigs on her head !?!)
By the way Bri$stool. do you and your sister Wildumb always use such foul, coarse language in front of your parents, as you did at the Brawl ? What a curious show of respect for them ! But then again, seeing who your parents are, they deserve no respect. Carry on.
Lastly, a word of advice, next time you go out partying in your thong dress, be sure to wear Depends - you know - to prevent piddling on the pavement.
How long before the simple-minded one or mini-me lashes out about that she didn't piss in the street? :)
DeleteDepends would have ruined the line of her thong dress. It's easy to pee in the street when you're wearing a thong dress. Brisket is not bothering with Depends when she can just lift a leg.
DeleteI think people without college degrees should not be allowed to vote, hold office irrespective of income levels. That is who supports this mess of a griftinf family. White trash.
ReplyDeleteHow fucking elitist. Are you sure you aren't a Romney Republican? You don't sound like a progressive.
DeleteRight, as if Bristol Palin actually votes.
DeleteAll hail the Wizard of Wasilla!!! Hoohah, hoohah, hoohah.....
ReplyDeleteRJ in BBistan
Hey Bristol,I guess your Mom's house was too small to host her Thanksgiving dinner inside, or should we say your Mom's houses.
I'm amused when the Palins use the term "the American people" to bolster any argument of theirs, as though Sarah actually represents a majority of American people. (She doesn't)
ReplyDeleteNine and a half million more AMERICAN PEOPLE voted for Barack Obama than did for Bristol's mommy.
If I wanted to know the musings of a ignorant, uneducated, unskilled, inarticulate, petty, no talent sperm burpin' jizz dumpster whose claim to fame is getting knocked up in a tent, I'd go to Wal-Mart or watch "Jerry Springer."
ReplyDeleteJennifer K
barstool just thinks we little people are just jell-us becuz her disfunctional family is fame-us. why do I hear banjos (deliverance)playing in my head when this bunch of hoohahs pop up in print? what did *pillow (trig) have for thanksgiving?babyfood?
ReplyDeletethe palins are like Typhoid Mary.they will * go down in history for all the Wrong reasons.
ReplyDelete$carah idolizes Typhoid Mary and Tokyo Rose. She modeled her career combining the talents of her two most admired women in history and felt inspired to bring their spirit to the 21st Century.
DeleteNice job progressives. Look at these posts and feel self-righteous about your liberal values. The vile and obscene things you are saying are sexist and violent. You should be able to make your point without this behavior. And before you go calling me a troll and calling me all kinds of names, I'm a long time fan of this site and a progressive myself.
ReplyDeleteCool story, bro.
DeleteYeppers, Sarah has a way with words and photos that progressives can learn from.
She taught her children well.
Family value.
Anyone who has to tell us they are not a troll is usually a troll. The only violent one is Bristol who evidently likes to sucker punch people and threaten to beat up old ladies.
DeleteSo cute. She has mommy's mean-girl lips. She needs to muster the courage to be her own woman and get the @#$%^&U out of Wasilla. I know whereof I speak.
ReplyDeleteShe's made her decision to stay and suck her mom's teat. This has nothing to do with courage. She wants the easy life and cash, nothing more.
DeleteShe'll "become her own woman" when the indictments starts coming down and her mom can't do anything for her anymore.
This is ridiculous. No one is talking about impeachment. Well, maybe Sarah and her mini-me are, but that is about it.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you really feel our country is that bad Bristol, no one is stopping you from moving. Please don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Somalia might be a good place for you; limited government, lots of guns and no health care to speak of.
I don't know what it is about that photo - she's not showing a lot of skin. She's certainly showing her ignorance. But it screams "provocative slut" at me. Why is that? Am I the only one who sees it that way?
ReplyDeleteI agree. She looks like she has one of those STD flare-ups and she hasn't signed up for the Affordable Care Act and the nearest Planned Parenthood is in Seattle. She just got her period so she can't go to First Fetus for treatment as they only help if you when PG. Burn, baby, burn.
DeleteRJ in BBistan
B is mama's little hoohah.
I think it's finally happening, MSM is no longer hanging on their every word
ReplyDeleteThe whole family is a social pariah and shamed an entire country. No one with an ounce of care for humanity or intelligence wants any connection with them. They deserve the pathetic looking atmosphere and a big garage with Sarah and Pimp Daddy and all the derelicts they breed.
DeleteThe real "Bristol Blog"
Jr. hunchback
Beauty and the beast
Like, that's such an awesome shot of Bristol! I LOVE her so much for repeating what her mom says and propping up good ole mom for every piece of dandruff that falls out of her wig. What happened to "TV Bristol"? Now she's recycling maternity clothes? Guess she didn't have time to "warsh" her thong dress yet from the Palin Party Crashing Trespassing Brawl.