Tuesday, December 02, 2014



  1. Wow...now that is a visual!

  2. Randall3:35 AM

    For the past eight months or so I've been asking each of the self-proclaimed Christian women I know if they've read the Bible.

    So far - not one Christian woman I know has actually read the Bible.*

    Isn't that interesting?

    * A couple have started out saying yes - yes they HAVE read the entire Bible, but when I question them further, it turns out they assume they must have read it by now - because they attend Bible study. Or because their whole life they've read these little pamphlets that contain Bible passages and explanations of those.

    But then when I (gently) continue to question them, they realize that there is a lot in the Bible that they didn't previously know.

    1. hedgewytch8:56 AM

      Most of the so-called Christian religious leaders I have met, don't want you, especially if you are a female, to read the bible. Its called job security. You are not smart enough to understand it, therefore you need someone older, wiser, and a male, to explain it to you.

  3. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Can't argue with that graphic.

  4. Anita Winecooler4:13 PM

    I can relate to this graphic. It's been ages, but I hear females can now do the readings during mass at catholic school, and can distribute communion in Roman Catholic Church. We've come a long way, maybe in a couple hundred years, they'll "allow" women to become priests or let priests marry.


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