Monday, December 29, 2014

Once again President Obama and Hillary Clinton top the list of most admired.

Courtesy of Gallup:  

Americans continue to name Hillary Clinton as the woman living anywhere in the world whom they admire most, and name Barack Obama as the man they admire most. Clinton has held the top women's spot in each of the last 13 years and 17 of the last 18, with that streak interrupted only by first lady Laura Bush in 2001 after the 9/11 terror attacks. Obama has been most admired man in each of the last seven years, beginning with 2008, the year he was elected president.

 Okay well I have a few problems with this list.

While I have no bone to pick with who they picked as the top in both the female and male category the fact that Sarah Palin, George W. Bush, and Ben Carson are included calls in to question the intelligence of those being polled.

Though I do find it somewhat satisfying that Hillary, Oprah Winfrey, Malala Yousafzai are the top three on the women's side and that Obama, the Pope, and Bill Clinton are on the top for men.


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    This kind of poll usually gives people a set number of names from which to choose. So the pollsters put in Bush, Palin, O'Reilly, Billy Graham, etc.; the outcome was already dictated by the choices.
    Would be good to know if they put in Rachel Maddow or Diane Feinstein, Joe Biden or the French President, Hollande. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Paul Krugman. Probably most of these would have negligible results, but they would have taken away some of the votes for the right-wing choices.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      I think that some of the pop and media stars are mentioned more often than Sarah Palin.

      As for Gallup's reliability, they predicted that Romney would win, 49% to Obama 48%.
      After removing the 3% of undecided voters from the results and allocating their support proportionally to the two major candidates, Gallup's final allocated estimate of the race is 50% for Romney and 49% for Obama. How did that turn out for you, Gallup?

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      No, it is an open ended question. If you click on the link, you can see the methodology.

  2. Anonymous6:19 PM

    The right wing mush minds keep Palin, Carson, Bush, et al. 'elevated' on these type of polls.

    1. Anonymous11:21 PM

      who is carson?

      and even the View ladies love Bush,

  3. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Doing the math, adding up the percentages of women mentioning the "admired" women-- it adds up to 40%. Sarah's fans are crowing about her making the list, wow, at 2%. For the record, "mentioning" is not exactly "admiring." I mention Sarah Palin, and it is not with admiration.

    Speaking of Sarah, she has not added a new facebook post since the evening of December 24. I remember other times when Sarah "went silent," when she was negotiating her next year's contract with Fox-- not that she has been on there all that often. There could be other reasons for Sarah's silence, too, also. And, Chuck Jr. is not exactly current.

    Her fans will point to SPC where Sarah has a Dec.29 post about snow machines vs. snowmobiles, and you can ask Sarah anything. I'm not a subscriber, so I have to wonder if she types an answer-- which is something that anyone can do-- or if the "questions" are rigged and the answers are taped ahead of time. In any case, someone can be posting for Sarah, in the same way that another person can post at her facebook, too.

    It's especially strange for Sarah to be silent at Christmas when she staged that wonderful Thanksgiving dinner in Todd's garage. Sarah never misses a chance to put her family on display, playing Eskimo bingo, making apple pies, opening presents, trimming the tree or going to church. (Funny, we never see Sarah going to church-- the reason for the season). Any ideas? Where's Sarah?

    1. Anonymous11:20 PM

      Actually, she rarely posts about private matters. And the holidays are filled with lots of events. It's called being busy. I guess you have no life but to stalk people who aren't public and speculate on things that are none of your business.

      But because someone posted a public pic on instagram, I will say that Sarah was a the annual xmas dinner on the 25th, before Todd's family's get together.

    2. Anonymous3:50 AM

      11:20 I guess you have no life. That is all you do 24/7 stalk people who aren't public and speculate on things that are none of your business. Why are you so filled with hate and rage? Why do you lie every time you open your mouth?

      You are not able to understand the definition of the word hypocrite, are you?

      What has gone on over Xmas to make Pointy go ballistic? Did the war vet od?

    3. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Christmas can be a very depressing time for some people.

      I'm guessing "Pointy" was surrounded by relatives giving her sad looks and sympathizing with her parents.

      What a state of affairs, everyone else chatting about what a productive year they had, cousins graduating and finding good jobs and getting married and having children. And (literally) all "pointy" has done for ANOTHER whole year is live in her parents' house and post millions of comments in support of America's worst family. That's why she's particularly waxing poetic about the Palins' Christmas.

      "Pointy" dreams about living in a home where being an unproductive, emotionally-stunted leech is, not only accepted, but actually celebrated.

    4. Anonymous7:51 AM

      "Actually, she rarely posts about private matters!!!" HA!
      Didn't barstool post her own child in a hote with only underwear on and candy... that's pretty dam private! Especially vacation with a lover...thats Fu*kn PRIVATE!

    5. Anonymous8:04 AM


    6. Anonymous10:58 AM

      I think it wonderful we are not hearing from any of the Palins. It's heaven on earth in fact! She has very little following anymore and that is good folks! Finally!

      They are a corrupt family and it's been proven time and time again. They get attention off and on, but it's majority negative!

  4. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Look at the service the women have provided their states, country and world on this list! The exception to that is Sarah Palin who has done nothing except spread hate and racism since she and McCain lost their election.

    And, then Putin and Netanyahu? You have to be kidding me! Dictators and they are admired by Americans? Yikes!

    I would love to have seen Rachel Maddow on the list vs Sarah Palin. Dr. Maddow is smart, well educated and a wonderful journalist! She's a great teacher too via her nightly program on MSNBC.

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Rachel Maddow is also pretty, natural and funny. Sarah fails all three.

  5. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Much of it is just name recognition.

    1. Anonymous11:17 PM

      it's ALL name recognition. Every single one. All famous people have detractors, slanderers and idolizers

      B Clinton is on the list. Need i say more?

    2. Anonymous11:18 PM

      Those are all people who are perceived as strong and I believe they all are.

      But remember, ALL of those people have been reported to be human and have tempers. Hillary was a hot mess during her campaign and everyone questioned her ability to be president (game change

    3. Anonymous6:45 AM

      If it was ALL name recognition, we'd have Kardashians, Kermit the Frog, and Sarah Palin on the list. The rest of your comments, 11:17/18 (is that you, Alicia?) is meaningless tripe.

  6. Anonymous7:41 PM

    i can't believe Condoleeza Rice and the Tundra Turd are ranked so high. And how did Dumbya and Carson get ranked above Hawking? Whole lot of stupid going on in America.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Who is still mentioning Condoleeza? Why?
      Who is still mentioning Laura Bush? Why?

    2. Anonymous8:35 PM

      They haven't been heard of in years. Obviously there's a rat in the process. There are no coincidences when it comes to wingnut skulduggery. I'm guessing it's about their wingnut resentment of Michelle Obama. She's black, you know.

    3. Anonymous10:42 PM

      Frankly why are any politicians on the list at all? They are all sleazy sell outs and bad actors at the core (yes- sorry folks, I know that is hard for some of the IMers to believe of their idols).

      Sounds cliche, but lists like this should be filled with inventors, authors, scientists, engineers, philosophers, artists, and so forth.

    4. Anonymous11:16 PM

      because Laura is the classiest first lady

    5. Anonymous3:55 AM

      Laura, the drunk that went through a stop sign, t-boned her ex-boyfriend, killed him, and got away with it? Yea, she's classy.

    6. Anonymous4:12 AM

      Oh give me a break, 11:16 AM!

    7. Anonymous11:38 AM

      anon 3:55 apparently hasn't grown out of her high school self. Maybe it's time?

  7. A Superfan In Atlanta8:52 PM

    And so it begins.....the consequences of democrats taking their right to vote for granted. Expect this to happen on a daily basis for the next two years.

    Charles Koch Wants To Change America's Criminal Justice System
    The Huffington Post | By Mollie Reilly
    Posted: 12/28/2014

    SIDE NOTE: You have to hand it to the GOP. They come up with a strategy, tell you they're going to wreak havoc to ensure minimum consequence and personal gain on their part, get the party to agree and speak with one voice (whether right or wrong), and see it through til the end.(ref:

  8. Melinda Gates belongs on this list. A computer scientist, staunch Roman Catholic, a mother, an all-around genius woman, and MEMBER OF THE GATES FOUNDATION, she gives megabucks to worthy causes and is a powerful role model.

    Angelina Jolie is questionable. She has worked hard to rehabilitate her image from her days of wearing a vial of Billy Bob Thornton's blood around her neck, deep-kissing her brother at an awards ceremony, etc., but even so--angelic Mia Farrow and countless non-celebs have adopted bigger families of high-need minority children without making a big show of it. Sorry, Angie, you "minimally-talented spoiled brat" you don't belong on the list.

    Nor do you, Sarah. No explanation needed.

    1. Anonymous10:39 PM

      Oh, Angelina Jolie speaks so highly of you, Jude- probably because you know each other so well. I'm pretty sure that Angelina never overlooks your superiority.

    2. Anonymous11:16 PM

      I worked with Angelina and Brad in international relations

    3. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Angelina has done quite a lot in the past decade or so that is to be admired. She's a famous person. I don't particularly like her as an actress or think she's necessarily a great person, but her accomplishments are well-known. I'm sure there were people who responded that they most admire their Aunt Dottie who fostered five children or who their neighbor Mr. Wilson who shovels snow for for all seniors and invalids, but that's not going to show up on a survey with thousands of participants.

    4. Anonymous8:19 AM

      7:42 here. I'm not the wild-eyed troll who is judging people all over this blog. And I'm not scolding Jude (like the previous two comments). I'm just trying to explain why we see these particular famous people on surveys like this.

  9. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Yet Bill Clinton is on it

    Grow up Gryphen. Sarah is revered for some because she emotionally withstood being torn apart in 08 and treated how Biden and obama deserved to be (did you see all their interviews? imbeciles)

    People like strong, true women

    1. Anonymous3:29 AM

      For a very SMALL some. What's say she gets of her @ss and runs in 2016? Then we'll see just how admired she is.

      Put up or shut up, $arah!

    2. Anonymous6:30 AM

      Yes, I saw their interviews, you unmitigated blithering idiot. The whole world saw their interviews. I also saw palin's interviews. Only in the world of the stoopid could a softball question like "What do you read" be considered a gotcha question. Torn apart? You've got to be kidding. Once McCain's campaign realised what a colossal moron she was, they had to keep her away from the media for fear that she would give them away. Was the Paul Revere question also being torn apart? I am not even American and could have answered that question better than she did. That goes for ALL the questions she was asked. You imbecile.

    3. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Anonymous11:15 PM
      I saw ALL the interviews...what an embarrasement that woman was AND is.

  10. Anonymous11:15 PM

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      i can spot piper anywhere. She's the one with the gigantic face.

    2. Anonymous8:06 AM

      did barstool get a new chin implant? it looks like she added inches to her chin

    3. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Now really, Anonymous7:14 AM, at the risk of being called a troll, is that really necessary? Whatever you may think of her horrible family, she is still a kid and relatively private. Don't be a cyber bully. She's got enough problems.

    4. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Anonymous9:43 AM
      like the Obama girls are private and barstool won't allow them. Didn't Barstool post something about "hail to the girls" and something about how they make decisions for the president, and osmething about how they're not classy, and something about how they're not good looking, etc etc etc

    5. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Anonymous12:57 PM, then pick on Bristol and Sarah, they're adults and public. Leave kids alone. The world is difficult enough. You don't need to stoop to their level. When she starts posting crap like Bristol and her mother, then she is fair game.

    6. Anonymous2:19 PM

      You're right Anonymous1:12 PM

  11. Anonymous11:22 PM

    So, a womanizing man guilty of assault is ok for top 3 men? Though he probably is paying off Monica which is why she isn't homeless, so maybe that's redemption?

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      I thought you right wingers war all about forgiveness? He was investigated for three years, he was impeached by newt Gingrich, no less. It seems that the right wing will move heaven and earth and spend countless millions in tax payer money to get their revenge - yt the right wing politicinas who have done worse - get to keep their office and are redeemed. Sanford, Gingrich, Ensign, Vitter, Craig, Ted Haggard, Foley, Ashburn, Hintz. Clean your own house first.

    2. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Thank you, Anonymous6:37 AM. you said it... :)

    3. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Anonymous11:22 PM
      Yeah but you're ok with child melesters, right. Let me see....Nugent and Phyl come to mind..sick sick sick.

    4. Anonymous8:01 AM

      molesters not melesters...oops

    5. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Shoot! Todd himself is a pimp. So $carah is married and LIVES with a pimp and hangs out with molesters (nugyent, duck guy), predators (limbaugh), and she's made the list..go figure

    6. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Actually, Lewinsky was a twenty-something- opportunist & it was not assault since she willingly went after the president. In fact, I recall she was around "the chin's" age..around 25 or 27, except she didn’t have a few offspring (that we know of) like barstool.

    7. Anonymous8:16 AM

      I thought we weren't supposed to judge people at all, 11:22, especially on their past behavior? Wow! What must it be like in that brain of yours?

    8. Anonymous9:04 AM

      No, 8:16, you're not supposed to judge conservatives. They, however, can judge everybody else because they are morally superior and all about family values, don't you know. That's why red states are the highest consumers of porn and have the highets rates of teenage pregnancies.

  12. Anonymous11:39 PM

    what the? Love how people are judging Angelina despite her and Brad's huge humanitarian sides. Love how you're all perfect angels. Not. Grow up, stop living to judge ANYONE and go live. Life is too short to be assholes at a blog who trash people for fun. You're all no different from the jealous people at tmz comments areas making it 100x more hard for people to rehab themselves from what the media does to them.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Speaking of making it easier to rehab oneself, perhaps you should consider throwing your computer out the window?

    2. Anonymous8:15 AM

      "Grow up"
      "You're all no different from the jealous people"

      And you have the gall to tell us to stop judging people?

  13. Anonymous11:39 PM

    This is a tangent but I forgot the Palins were still friends with most of the Whitstines/Hansons. Track is best buds with one of their husbands

    1. Anonymous4:07 AM

      Well one of their friends told me that Willow is best buds with their cousin's friend's next door neighbor's son's girl friend's mom's sister's daughters' ex boyfriend's cousin. Is that true, stalker?

    2. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Who. Gives. A. Shit?

    3. Anonymous11:38 AM

      how is that more creepy than losers writing shit here daily? and slandering people saying they don't have jobs?

      get a clue and life

      youre all stalkers and if you weren't you'd hear nothing of sarah palin

    4. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Oh, dear, 11:38. If you didn't check here multiple times a day, you wouldn't have any idea what people are doing daily.

    5. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Well, Sherry Whitstine (AKSyrin) is a right wing evangelical person so I would assume that she and Sarah would have mended fences by now, and why shouldn't Sarah be friends with Brad Hanson? I mean, if they were close enough to have an extramarital affair they should remain friends, right? And really, Piper looks a lot like him and their affair happened right around the time Sarah became pregnant with Piper, so even more reason they should stay friendly, doncha think?

  14. Anonymous1:38 AM

    I admire Bill Clinton for her leadership ability. He is the last president we had with real ability

    1. Anonymous6:40 AM

      No he isn't, as much as I like Bill Clinton and think he was a good president. Our best president in recent memory is our current President Obama. And history will show him to be one of the best presidents ever.

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Both President Clinton and President Obama have done outstanding jobs serving as POTUS! President Clinton is respected and loved around the world.

      And, I believe President Obama will go down in history as one of the best POTUSs the country has had!

      Now, I can hardly wait for Hillary Clinton to declare, run and win in 2016! The Republicans have no one to put up against her that share her experience in serving the country throughout the years.

  15. Anonymous1:50 AM

    That was a review i came across. To a tee. Recaps what people here felt about that odd and manipulative book

  16. Anonymous4:16 AM

    I've never understood why people pay attention to polls of any kind. They can be manipulated so easily.

  17. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Whew, our resident troll is in serious trouble. I think she must have taken a double dose of her meds or something. It is not a "tangent". It is a fairytale.

    1. Anonymous5:52 AM

      Between Gryph and Malia alone, "someone" is extremely upset with what's coming down the pike.....

    2. Anonymous9:42 AM

      A big nothing sandwich is coming down the pike 5:52. A big nothing sandwich.

    3. Anonymous12:31 PM

      See you then, 9:42. I'm sure you'll be one of the first to "waste your time" to check it out.

  18. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Who even knows Ben Carson and find him admirable except right conservatives? How heavily skewed are these results?

  19. Anonymous6:53 AM

    In the meantime. Teen activist to Sarah Palin:

  20. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Sarah Palin is high on the list, she should run for president.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Please, 7:07, hasn't she degraded our political systems long enough? Time to close down the circus and get back to doing the job of running the country. Why would you wish that on the country, even if it is just for the primaries?

    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      And will I ever laugh at the 4pees' crocodile tears when she doesn't. Yet again. They're just sure of it! LOL!

  21. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Clinton/Warren 2016!!!!!!!

  22. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Even this teen is smarter & can write more coherently that the "university" graduate palins:


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.