Tuesday, December 09, 2014

The Comedian-in-Chief took over the Colbert Report last night and it was actually quite hysterical.

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Courtesy of TPM: 

President Barack Obama did his best Stephen Colbert impression Monday night when he crashed "The Colbert Report" set early and kicked the host out of his chair. 

Obama came out just in time for a segment called "The Word," which he renamed as the more presidential "The Decree." 

"Nation, as you know, I, Stephen Colbert, have never cared for our President," Obama began. "The guy is so arrogant, I bet he talks about himself in the third person." 

The segment was ostensibly about healthcare, but the Colbert writers poked fun at Obama throughout. As Obama touted HealthCare.gov's nearly one million new sign ups, the text to the right of the screen read "so, half as popular as a Grumpy Cat video."

For some reason the President's  sometimes halting delivery made this even funnier.

The guy may have the best sense of humor in presidential history.

Afterward there was a legitimate, if sometimes silly, interview which you should not miss either.

You can see part one here. And part two here.


  1. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Boy, President Obama, a subflebe if I ever saw one.

  2. WalterNeff9:55 AM

    This will light her hair on fire: A clip from Iron Sky II


  3. Extremely intelligent people often have a great since of humor.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Agreed, and OH so sexy!

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Anon 10:32, is that you Sarah Palin?

    3. Anonymous10:56 AM

      10:08 AM What is a 'since' of humor?

    4. Anonymous11:20 AM

      What is a 'since' of humor?

      A witty comeback that has occurred to you since you left the party.

    5. I like that, Ted - clever.

  4. Anonymous10:10 AM

    President Obama does an outstanding job in no matter what he touches!

    Love, love, love his sense of humor even if it's about himself and in the third person! Haha!

  5. Anonymous10:34 AM

    The people really love President Obama. Maybe if President Obama threw Sarah Palin his bone then she would love him long time.

  6. Anonymous10:46 AM

    So has the wasilly harpy puked out her take on it yet?

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      She just wishes she could be on a show like that. She would SUCK and everyone knows it. Look at how many non-Fox shows she's been on in six years, and even Fox appearances are waning. It's certainly not that she's "busy," she'd jump at the chance. There's no interest, pure and simple.

      She'll puke out something no doubt. She so jealous, she can't help it.

  7. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Why in the hell would you think President Obama would throw Sarah Palin a bone, 10:34? He has far more important things on his mind than that of racist and idiot Sarah Palin. Jesus Heath Christ - get a grip!

  8. Anonymous11:30 AM

    that was excellent - saw it over at comedy central.

  9. hedgewytch11:34 AM

    That was the greatest piece! Brilliant! And brilliantly delivered. How he could do that without cracking up, they MUST have rehearsed it!

    What a professor the POTUS is. I bet his lectures were just amazing!

  10. Anonymous11:49 AM

    The difference between President Obama and that pretender in Wasilla.. The Presidents friends are heads of state, the pretender friends are a fake reality tv family that makes duck calls, and Ted Nugent.

  11. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Bristol, here's a lesson for you:

    Stephen Colbert, who (gasp) wears Brooks Brothers suits, is a happily married father of three. He teaches Sunday school every week (which means he goes to church every week, dear, a habit you might take up).
    He spends his vacation playing with his children and building his own boats.
    His father and two brothers were killed in an airplane crash when he was 11 years old. He's seen a lot of life.

    But, you'll say, he's a librul! Yes, indeedy, and has even been known to wear a plaid shirt every once in a while.

    Lesson: don't assume that you know the inside of a person by looking at his outside.

  12. Anonymous1:23 PM

    President Obama seemed to have so much fun on the Colbert Report. I wonder when Fox News and its echo, Sarah Palin, will weigh in with complaints about his lack of dignity, etc.

  13. Anita Winecooler5:03 PM

    I've always liked his sense of humor and timing, but this was the best I've seen him so far. One thing always amazes me, the President is always "in his element" with any audience, especially love his interactions with babies.
    I think history will be kind to this brilliant man.


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