Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Unhappy with continued defense of CIA torture techniques Senator Mark Udall discloses findings of classified "smoking gun" report on Senate floor.

Courtesy of The Nation:  

The debate in Washington over Bush-era torture at the Central Intelligence Agency took a large leap forward Wednesday morning when Senator Mark Udall took the Senate floor and disclosed portions of an internal CIA review, while renewing his demand for a change in the intelligence agency’s leadership and criticizing the Obama administration for not doing enough to ensure torture doesn’t happen again. 

The so-called “Panetta Review” has dominated much of the drama leading up to the torture report’s release. The document is an internal CIA examination that reportedly validated many of the worst claims about the torture program, including much of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s findings. (The CIA was after this document when it breached Senate computers in January.) 

On Wednesday, Udall described the Panetta Review as a “smoking gun”—proof from the CIA itself that there were serious problems with the torture program. It undercuts almost every contemporary statement made by CIA Director John Brennan and other top intelligence officials, he said, who have vocally been defending what occurred.

Here is what Udall disclosed on the Senate floor today:  

"The Panetta Review found that the CIA repeatedly provided inaccurate information to the Congress, the president, and the public on the efficacy of its coercive techniques. The Brennan Response, in contrast, continues to insist that the CIA’s interrogations produced unique intelligence that saved lives. Yet the Panetta Review identifies dozens of documents that include inaccurate information used to justify the use of torture—and indicates that the inaccuracies it identifies do not represent an exhaustive list. 

The Panetta Review further describes how detainees provided intelligence prior to the use of torture against them. It describes how the CIA—contrary to its own representations—often tortured detainees before trying any other approach. It describes how the CIA tortured detainees even when less coercive methods were yielding intelligence. The Panetta Review further identifies cases in which the CIA used coercive techniques when it had no basis for determining whether a detainee had critical intelligence at all. In other words, CIA personnel tortured detainees to confirm they didn’t have intelligence—not because they thought they did.

To date, there has been no accountability for the CIA’s actions or for Director Brennan’s failure of leadership. Despite the facts presented, the president has expressed his “full confidence” in Director Brennan, and demonstrated that trust by making no effort at all to rein him in. The president stated that it wasn’t “appropriate” for him to wade into the issues between the Committee and the CIA. […] 

The White House has not led on this issue in the manner we expected when we heard the president’s campaign speeches in 2008 and read the executive order he issued in January 2009. To CIA employees in April 2009, President Obama said, “What makes the United States special, and what makes you special, is precisely the fact that we are willing to uphold our values and ideals even when it’s hard—not just when it’s easy; even when we are afraid and under threat—not just when it’s expedient to do so. That’s what makes us different.” 

This tough, principled talk set an important tone for the beginning of his presidency. However, fast forward to this year, after so much has come to light about the CIA’s barbaric programs, and President Obama’s response was that we “crossed a line” as a nation, and that, quote, “hopefully, we don’t do it again in the future.” 

That’s not good enough. We need to be better than that. There can be no cover-up. There can be no excuses. If there is no moral leadership from the White House helping the public understand that the CIA’s torture program wasn’t necessary and didn’t save lives or disrupt terrorist plots, then what’s to stop the next White House and CIA Director from supporting torture?"

Excellent question!

Senator Udall is damn right. If nobody is punished for this, and some are even allowed to keep their jobs, then there is NOTHING to prevent this same thing from happening again the next time the terrorists successfully attack us here at home.

Which I think we all know id bound to happen at some point.


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    That's my senator. Too bad he was voted out because my fellow Democrats were either two apathetic or whiny to support him. Now Colorado will be sending a lying jerk to represent us next term.

    1. Anonymous10:00 PM

      A very good man.

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Cheney came out today and said torture is good! The guys flaunts this in Americas faces and nothing is done to him? What is wrong w/our country! He, Bush, Rice and Rumsfelt need to be arrested and put on trial. I so hope President Obama doesn't pardon them!

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      If President Obama pardons them, he was just like all the rest. PERIOD.

    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      The reasoning behind a pardon in a case like this, 1 st, the likelyhood of anyone being charged is nil & 2nd, a pardon implies that a crime was committed. You don't patdon people for obeying the law. He would be in essence saying that they were criminals, without any charges, or trials. It would be go down in history that they were pardoned for war crimes. Ideal? No. Also, unlikely.

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      PLEASE, President Obama, do NOT do this.

    4. Anonymous7:02 PM

      I thought President Obama already pardoned Bush awhile ago, which leads to the question, if he is innocent why the pardon?

      Now lets see how the Republicans can put the blame on Pres. Obama and go for impeachment, with some excuse like he knew about it and did nothing. Nothing would surprise me with that group.

    5. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Hey dICK cHEeeney. I got a supersized double cheezeberger and fries with a vanilla shake and two hot apple pies in the food processor. Want to come over and bend over for dinner? Commander Codpiece can watch or even paint a commemorative watercolor if he wants to.

      Maybe afterwards we can go look for scary muslim plots in Montana. I thought that only white supremacists and elk mounts came from Montana but I guess I'm not near as smart as you government psychopaths.

    6. Anonymous7:32 AM

      He did not pardon Bush. Bush was never convicted of anything or impeached.

    7. Anonymous8:10 AM

      He pardoned Scooter Libby. A deal that was made for him to take office. Presidents have their old 'boys' club. A 'girl' would be able to join one day. They just have to serve the office and keep quiet.

  3. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I never heard of anal feeding before the Senate report, but I've been grinning all day at the idea of Dick Cheney with a bucket of Grape Nuts up his ass. Should take care of his cocky smirk for a while.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      I'd prefer the business (green & spiky) end of a pineapple.... or maybe something akin to the zucchini my mom gave me this summer. It was about the size & length of a newborn baby... 8+ pounds and 18 - 21 inches long

    2. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Between dickless Cheny and Santorum I'm starting to wonder if anal fixations and Republican go together.

    3. Anonymous2:02 AM

      Dickless Cheeney, the draft dodger also threw his ONLY real friend (Scooter Libby) under the bus to protect his own worthless ass. Remember THAT? Scooter could tell some stories about that spineless creep.

  4. Anonymous5:22 PM

    The Congress has done nothing to indicate that Dick Cheney will be handed over to a war crimes tribunal. Special Rapporteur Ben Emmerson recommends it and so do I: Nobody in Washington has said anything to indicate their willingness to hand over Dick Cheney to a war crimes tribunal.

    The refusal of Congress to hand over Dick Cheney makes it an accomplice to crimes against humanity. Even John McCain, himself a supporter of war crimes, has condemned torture for being a criminal act. If it's a criminal act, then the perpetrators must be brought to justice. It's impossible to maintain good government when crimes are carried out as a matter of policy. It's to the point that I can't in good conscience do anything but condemn Washington.

  5. Anonymous5:31 PM

    We have the most corrupt government! Makes me sick! Was it like this back in the 50's when I was a kid? Does anyone remember that was an adult then, that would care to comment? Have we always been this horrible?

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      We have the most corrupt government!

      Ain't it the truth! Sarah Palin is anti-anti-gov. She must be burning up her SarahPac Facebook and Bristol's Blog over this. You know how relevant she is and bad gov is her cup of tea.

      I don't recall the 50s. I know there have been horrible things and cover ups before this. This horrible, I don't think so. Cheney really brought things down to the most horrible on a large scale that I would want to imagine.

      And so stupid. I recall before Bush went into Iraq, Afghanistan, too. Many people were discussing things relating to going to war. There were those that tried to warn the public.

      The Bush propaganda was what it was and you couldn't say much without being labeled un-American. No one cared about what was done against Bush enemies, even if children were collateral damage. The bad guys were subhuman. The attitudes that helped to encourage the Kill Team with Palin's friend Jeremy Morlock to kill, torture and take trophies. Similar to how Sarah Palin promotes herself, like killing that pet pig and posing. It just not right and never will be. But as America goes there is plenty of animal torture and killing. Children learn about that early and it is acceptable to too many.

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Sarah Palin is a freaking secessionist!
      She no Republican, she's CERTAINLY no Christian.
      She's a nut case, as is her cult and those she supports.

    3. Anonymous7:48 PM

      I agree Sarah Palin is a freaking secessionist, no Christian and a nut case.

      The Republicans accept her until they make it clear why they won't.



    4. Anonymous8:58 PM

      "Guess what, GOP: our victory party is over and voters are wide awake and trusting you to keep your promises to America. Get a handle on your debt. Stop Obama's amnesty to illegal aliens. Support our military. Bottom line: we elected you to stop Obama's “fundamental transformation of America.” Do it – especially you Republicans who promised to do it. Or face America's wrath next go 'round because an elephant never forgets." Sarah Palin

      Waylan Loyd Now we have to get rid of the rhinos

    5. Anonymous2:11 AM

      So THIS is the democracy that Cheney/Bush were spouting about? Torture of people even before you are sure they even know anything? Surely the rest of the world wants that!! Rove is also complicit in this, as "Bushs Brain" They all got fithy rich and think they are above "normal" citizens. Dubya is trying to wash the blood off himself, with all his self portraits in the bathtub and shower. These are the so-called "leaders" the gop looks up to?

    6. Anonymous2:13 AM

      Hayden used to be on the Sunday talk shows, being paid as an expert on Faux also. All these creeps makde $$$ off this, every last one of them. If I remember correctly, he wore his uniform even after retiring.

    7. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Sarah Palin.
      Grant me this use of Republican's voice of propaganda:

  6. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Former Wyden Aide Responds To Hayden Taunt: 'Go The F*ck Ahead'

    A confederacy of sociopaths or: What Dick Cheney did while America was cowering

    The Senate Intelligence Committee released its much-anticipated report on the Bush administration’s CIA torture program today, and it’s a pretty big deal. If we’re to believe Fox News, it might be as inflammatory as that “Innocence of Muslims” video that sparked riots all over the Muslim world, except not in Benghazi

    Why Dick Cheney Is Really Freaking Out About The New Torture Report

    John McCain gives impassioned speech in support of the release of the Senate Intelligence Committee's report on CIA torture.

    The horror that is the CIA torture report.

    1. Anonymous10:57 PM

      Michael Hayden Unravels

  7. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Let's not just grumble about this on a blog comment section. Write the White House and request of President Obama that he bring to account all those you wish to be held accountable:

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM


    2. Anonymous10:26 PM

      I just sent the President an email. Great idea and thanks for suggesting it! I'd highly recommend for all of us to do this. Maybe the President is waiting for a national and international groundswell to develop in response to this report (and even moreso in response to the torturers' response to this report) which will push him into acting. Maybe he does not want to be seen as having a personal vendetta against the Bush administration. We need to let him know how outraged we are!

  8. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I find it quite disturbing that we (the people) are paying such people to do "legal" crimes such as these. Are these not the neighbors we are all afraid live next door? On our block? In out town? Are these not the people of crime novels that make us gasp, "Oh, my, that can happen anywhere? And then we celebrate that they are dead or behind bars so they are far, far from "decent" society?

    1. Anonymous2:19 AM

      I would like to know if We the People are now paying for extra security for all these WAR LORDS and their families? Does Cheeney have extra guards, W also? It would be poetic justice if all of them were kidnapped and whisked away to face justice overseas. Cheney cost taxpaers enough with all his health problems, while making $$$ from Halliburton. Despicable, souless, heartless sub human.

  9. Anonymous6:02 PM

    And they wonder why these folks hate us? Gee, Santa, why?

  10. Anonymous6:34 PM


    Ed Henry (Fox) on Hannity says that because the President supports drones killing terrorists, he shouldn't have a problem with torture. But, these two smug buffoons, self-satisfied in their argument, refuse to see that it was a Bush administration instituted the CIA interrogration and drone programs. These were inherited by the Obama Admin. and he pledged in his campaign to stop torture, which he did. If Obama were to try to dismantle the drones, the right-wing would froth at the mouth.

    When terrorists are killing innocents and drones are nearby to stop them in their tracks, how is that the same as keeping suspected foreign prisoners for months, years, and torturing them?

    I believe that President Obama knew this reaction was imminent and played his cards right. He is handing the Republicans a chance to redeem themselves and they are playing right into his hands by showing their extremist views on the value of life.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      We've killed more civilians with our drones than we have actual terrorists.

  11. It's time for the people who committed these crimes (all the way to the top) to be prosecuted and possibly persecuted, or for the republicans and democrats who supported thee actions to admit that we are NOT the best nation on earth, no better than the people we're fighting, and possibly worse.

  12. Anonymous7:02 PM

    ot? Earlier American torturers. Some maybe in the CIA today, friends of Dick Cheney or contractors.

    Will Sarah Palin protest or write about what this school is doing? Won't she stand up for the rights of the Klan to have the freedom to express their art? You don't have to agree with someone or a group in order to stand up for their rights and freedoms. After all she claims her son put his life in danger for others to have freedoms and speech.


  13. hedgewytch7:30 PM

    Can you imagine if the President had released this report? Can you imagine the reaction if the President called for the arrest and trial of the former president and his officials? Want a civil war, riots, bombs going off? - that's exactly what would happen.

    Nope this is perfect. It is released by the Senate Intelligence Committee. It is sitting in the lap of Congress. Now Congress is hemming and hawing and preaching to the choir right now - all hoping it will blow away after Christmas. But it's not going to -it might whisper in the corners for the next year. But guess what will happen after the Republican Presidential primary? If the Democrats have a brain in their heads that is..

  14. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Sarah finally moved on from the pig farm 25 minutes ago. Flag boot imagery.

    "Grant me this use of America's voice"
    When you cut through all the “inside baseball” stuff in this Omnibus Spending Bill that's in front of Congress, you're left with two cold hard facts: this bill doesn't defund Obama's amnesty (so he gets to reward lawbreakers with your tax dollars) and it adds to our dangerous, unsustainable debt. It also breaks campaign promises made by quite a few of our incumbent politicians on both sides of the aisle.

  15. Anonymous10:59 PM

    White House under pressure as calls for CIA accountability grow stronger
    The White House is under growing pressure to hold individuals accountable for covering up the torture of terrorist suspects, with calls coming from a senator for a purge of top CIA officials and a furious row over whether the agency kept both Congress and the previous administration sufficiently informed of the programme.

    In his first televised remarks since Tuesday’s damning Senate report, President Obama sought to partially justify the actions of President George W Bush and the CIA, while acknowledging he believed they had backfired by harming America’s moral standing in the world.

  16. This is an old song of mine called "War Crimes W." It is a parody of Roy Orbison's song, "Crying." It only took 10 years for the rest of the country to catch up to it. Play it here:

  17. Anonymous8:21 PM

    That Torture Report?
    Did the Trump administration just buy some insurance against the Bush Cheney neocons? Or maybe the Trumpsters set a backfire when they realized Flynn was a target?

    Trump Justice Department delivers CIA ‘Torture Report’ to federal court

    But Acting Assistant Attorney General Chad A. Readler, who joined the Justice Department on Jan. 30 from the Jones Day firm, notified the court that “the government deposited for the Court Information Security Officers (CISOs) for secure storage a complete and unredacted electronic copy of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Committee Study of the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program.”

    The damning 6,700-page report documents abuses in the CIA program that waterboarded some captives, rectally abused others and held at least 119 foreign prisoners out of reach of the International Red Cross or attorneys during the Bush administration.

    Lawyers at the Guantánamo war court had wanted military judges to obtain and preserve copies of the report for use in the Sept. 11 and USS Cole death-penalty cases of six men who spent years in the CIA prisons called Black Sites. The chief judge, Army Col. James L. Pohl, refused but eventually ordered the Pentagon to safeguard one of its copies.


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