Yesterday, Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced H.R. 86, the Safe Students Act, which would repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990.
The bill, originally introduced by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) in 2007, repeals the Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA) of 1990, which makes it “unlawful for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone.” In 1995, the Supreme Court held the GFSZA unconstitutional, which prompted Congress to amend the bill in 1996. The Supreme Court has not ruled on the constitutionality of the amended Act.
“Gun-free school zones are ineffective. They make people less safe by inviting criminals into target-rich, no-risk environments,” said Massie. “Gun-free zones prevent law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves, and create vulnerable populations that are targeted by criminals.”
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Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massey. Would you let THIS man carry a gun around children? |
In a nutshell that is less money for old people, less control for women over their reproductive organs, and more places for Ammosexuals to walk around showing off their metal penis extenders.
And they have only just begun.
The only reason the GOP even exists id because they have a large base of stupid...That's always been the scary part, so much stupid, plus...stupid people vote...The Democrats never rest on their laurels, and again I blame party leadership for not getting the message out, separating themselves from the current administration, and no voter registration drives...if more effort was put into those 3 issues, the GOP could be 'contained'....owell
ReplyDeleteI'm convinced that the Dems no longer care about this country either. Face it, we've been sold out.
DeleteYep -- Democrats are even going over to the unprogressive side (i.e., 35 are pro Keystone)! WTF?
DeleteDear President Obama -- get your pens & refills in a row, it's gonna be a long, head-shaking, depressing two years.
If Queen Esther's fans think she's going to ride in all Lady Godiva-like on her white horse and save everyone from themselves, they've got another thing coming. She's leading the charge behind the scenes to destroy it all.
DeleteAnonymous7:07 AM, Well can you blame them? If progressives don't get everything they want tied with a nice ribbon they don't donate, they don't participate and they don't vote in elections. They just whine. Progressives are almost more critical of Democrats than they are of Republicans. So if you want to get elected, then you appeal to the people who DO vote - conservatives.
DeleteThat' bullshit, 7:27 AM, and you know it. Look what your "conservatives" have done right out of the gate. I suggest you read The Sermon On The Mount, being Sunday and all....
DeleteKeep on that narrow mindset 6:41.... that the other side is just stupid, no other assessment is needed, especially of your own side, and watch how 2016 works out for you.
DeleteAnonymous7:48 AM,
DeleteAnd who allowed the Republicans to take control? The democratic base. That's who. What a sad state - always pointing fingers at something else, never looking inward.
9:52 AM Yep, the written word doesn't translate the snark. Thanks, 7:48 AM.
DeleteThe social security issue was not about "old people." It was about the disabled. What they tried to pass would cut disability checks by 20%. They want to get rid of that program because to them, everyone is a faker.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see Congress paid minim wage or wage of SSDI!
DeleteEveryone a faker? Congress is a faker they don't work they don't do anything meaningful.
See how much they will bitch being paid min wage or the SDI wage. We pay for that! We who have jobs have PAID INTO THAT! Fuck Congress.
My husband fought for two-and-one half years to get the disability that he had paid into for thirty years of his life working, and now they're going to pull the rug out? Agreed, 7:47 AM, FUCK you, Congress.
DeleteWTH is wrong with these people? Wasn't it Michigan where the small penis dad had no problem having the elementary school on lockdown so he could open-carry come in and pick up his child? Also, remember the pic of the little children in the hallway under bullet proof blankets practicing "shooter in building" drills? So this is what we've become???
ReplyDeletePBO will veto it if it ever gets to his desk. No contest.
ReplyDeleteAn Indiana couple faces charges after investigators say they found cellphone videos showing the woman's 12-month-old daughter putting a handgun in her mouth.
Evansville police discovered the videos after a 19-year-old man was arrested for trying to sell a handgun to an undercover officer.
Police say the man and the girl's 22-year-old mother can be heard encouraging the toddler to say "pow" and that no one tried to stop her as she put the gun in her mouth.
The Dems need to realize also,too, that libs don't fall for "the scary monster called *Isis *Ebola *Palin!"
ReplyDeleteI have check off so many dems b/c of their incessant begging for money & the "boogeyman Palin is going to run" we don't fall for that shit.
State the facts and what they are going to do. I just asked help from the ACLU and nothing. And that's what they will get next time they ask for $.
We need some billionaires to buy up some of the libs on tune-in and radio stations give $ to NPR etc. We need to take back our media and correct the narrative b/c they have fucked it all up.
And we need to get involved. Someone on here or somewhere else said "The hell with PTA or school boards" and "city council" BS! That is exactly how these people get in. Its how skanky got in. They get the churches to vote for them. That is our problem most of us don't have a social structure like a church.
We need something to get everyone on the same page to fight the stupid. They are indeed trying to "drive our country back" as Potus said so many years back. Instead of forward.
That's the thing with R's orgs, they have so many fake orgs and fake churches. Notice how all the trolls spew the same shit on ANY given day?
B/c "someone" is telling them what to say and do. Not saying we should be THAT bad b/c we do think for ourselves but we have to have some organization to fight back...we are going to have two years of this hell.
We had better get our shit together.
Isis *Ebola* Palin,
DeleteDarn straight, she sold her soul to the highest bidder. Prostitution is big money in that tribe.
Inner City Turmoil and Other Crises: My Predictions for 2015
Barbara Carlson7:10 AM and Anonymous7:11 AM
ReplyDeleteSure, let's leave everything to President Obama. Put it all on his shoulders, but let's not bother to vote. Let's not lift a finger to give him the congress he deserves. Let's not hold the Republicans accountable. Let's not bother writing to them or calling them. Let's not hold OURSELVES accountable. Just leave it all to the President.
let's leave everything to President Obama.
HELLO!? Tell it to the idiots who watch faux news! They think President Obama is responsible for EVERYTHING! Why b/c Sarah Palin and every idiot talking head on there says so!
Don't blame people on here for it. Put the blame on the MEDIA!!!
B/c they are the ONES who are saying POTUS is responsible for EVERYTHING down to Ebola & Isis!
FUCK the Corporate MEDIA!!!
Just say no! If everyone of you throw out your TV's you would see how fast the media would change. If a tree falls in a forest and no is there to hear it fall does it make a noise? Yes it does, except no one around to hear it.
Lets start by turning off the "Lamestream media". PS its so funny palin aka skanky calls them that but its true if they were such lamestream idiots she would of been exposed long ago.
Oh SCREW $arah Palin and her know-nothing claptrap. They're "lame" in that they give her any coverage at all. Is that why you named them that, Miss Priss Alasssska?
DeleteRUN, you effing coward!
Anonymous8:26 AM, my comment had nothing to do with palin.
DeleteWTF? Suffered enough? Gee, Diane, what does he have on you that you're trying to shut this thing down? 'Made a mistake' my ass, he broke the law, he compromised national security, he went against everything he was entrusted with and you call it 'a mistake'? WTF, indeed.
ReplyDeleteSen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) urged the Department of Justice not to bring criminal charges against former CIA Director David Petraeus over his handling of classified information.
"This man has suffered enough in my view," Feinstein said on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday, explaining why she doesn't think Attorney General Eric Holder should seek an indictment.
Petraeus "made a mistake," added the senator, who is vice chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. "But … it's done, it's over. He's retired. He's lost his job. How much does the government want?"
Holder: No Decision Yet On Federal Charges Against Petraeus
You know that thief who robbed the bank last week? Well, he crashed his car during the getaway chase, he lost his job at McDonald's when he got arrested and didn't show up for work, and his mommy is really, REALLLLY mad at him.
DeleteDontcha think he's suffered enough? Let's not prosecute the poor guy!
Thieving Republicans Robbed Americans In Their First Week Controlling Congress
ReplyDelete...It is amazing that Republicans who could not pass any legislation last year, spent the first four days of the 114th Congress stealing from women, retired and disabled Americas, large corporations’ employees, and various government departments and the Executive Branch. It is noteworthy that none of the legislation or rule changes enacted by Republicans provide anything for the population, but then again that is not why they wanted control of Congress. They already pledged to their wealthy donors that their intent was to take from the people and the federal government to give to the rich and powerful and they kept their promise.
It is impossible to account for everything Republicans intend on stealing from the people in their first week’s activities, but there are a few specific groups who stand to lose something major. Due to their inclination to pander to the religious right, Republicans followed up their 2011 crusade to rob women of their healthcare rights with another theft of their right to reproductive health care. This week Republicans introduced a ridiculous proposal to ban abortions because evangelicals assert (falsely) that fetuses experience pain at 20 weeks; even though at 20 weeks a fetus’s nervous system is undeveloped. Although Republicans are “taking” a woman’s legal right to choose her own reproductive health, there is no material reward for religious fanatics who elected Republicans to take women’s rights away. Evangelicals will gain nothing except a greater measure of control over women that is as important to the righteous and Catholic bishops as tangible property or money; it is precisely why the Founding Fathers did not create America as a Christian theocracy.
Republicans also passed a rule banning the transfer of funds within the Social Security Trust to rob beneficiaries of their rightful due, and to hasten a GOP-created crisis to privatize Social Security. Wall Street, the Koch brothers, ALEC and the Heritage Foundation have lusted to get their hands on Americans’ retirement accounts, not just Social Security either, that Republicans are ready to hand over to Wall Street. The Koch brothers have tasked ALEC and its sister organization, the State Policy Network, to create legislation in the states to rob retirement funds and transform the money into tax cuts for the rich; it is exactly what Sam Brownback is doing in Kansas.
Anonymous7:55 AM
DeleteAnd we have two more years of this shit! This is why WE have to get out shit together....
They are driving the Klowncar....
Who Is Being Shot By Their Toddlers Today? Your Saturday Gun-Fun Roundup!
O/T but impressive:
ReplyDeleteMore Than 40 World Leaders Head Up Massive Paris March
And makes them sitting ducks for anyone who wanted to take advantage of the situation.
I just threw up in my mouth:
ReplyDeleteMitt Romney met with a group of big Republican donors Friday and uttered five surprising words: “I want to be president.” His words to about 30 donors were immediately leaked to the press, which ate up what on its face appears to be a reversal from previous statements, in which the 2008 and 2012 contender seemed to dismiss another run at the presidency. But Romney told donors that his wife, Ann, changed her mind and is now “very encouraging” about a presidential run, although his sons remain split, reports the Washington Post.
What the heck is Mitt Romney doing?
Delete...Let's start by making clear what he's not doing: Running for president -- at least not yet.
No one -- not even those most bullish on the prospect of Romney, part 3 -- believe that Romney has made up his mind to run. But, it's clear he is more interested in the possibility of a race than he was even a few months ago and wants to preserve the right to make his own decision.
What he sees -- and wants to stop -- is the momentum in the major donor community toward former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who has been the most aggressive potential candidate in the 2016 field since the 2014 midterms ended. Bush, according to one report, has set a goal of raising $100 million over the first three months of 2015 in hopes of convincing lots of other candidates that making the race is a fool's errand.
By making very clear that he's on the fence about another race, Romney freezes some not-insignificant portion of the Republican major donor base -- especially in New York and New Jersey. Rather than signing on with Jeb in the next weeks or months, many of those money men and women will wait to see what Romney does before doing anything.
So, Romney is really buying himself -- and, whether intentionally or not, the rest of the potential field -- some time. He's taking the Bush pot off of boil and turning it down to simmer.
Which then raises this question: Why?
Ann wants to be queen and, dammit, she will be! What about Babs saying the last thing this country needed was another shrub in charge?
DeleteOh yeah, we need a THIRD party to save us.....enter the Tundra Twat. C'mon, toots, there's plenty of "boots on the ground" just waiting for ya, prayin' and everything!
Is it any wonder the world laughs at the sorry existence of our country.
"Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massey. Would you let THIS man carry a gun around children?"
ReplyDeleteHell Gryph, I wouldn't let that creep around children period!
I would. Be a lot safer than being around any of Bloombergf's mayors!
DeletePALIN FAMILY COOKOFF - PET RECIPE CHALLENGE The producers of CELEBRITY CHOPPED and THRILLA IN WASILLA are ready to roll out a new series on multiple small cable networks starring the ever present Palin family. The whole family cooks up their favorite 100% meat recipes using only Alaska grown critter meat which includes a large variety of hunted wild game, domestic stock and roadkill. Roadkill is a popular source of meat in Alaska because it stays fresh in the freezing temperatures until retrieved free by anyone for cooking or storage. A promo trailer shows a scene where as the competition in the family kitchen gets busy and heats up Sarah forgets about the cameras and goes au natural to cook a native mule deer.
O/T Palin will be speaking March 2 in the UK
ReplyDeleteThey're importing our most embarrassing politician. I thought the Brits were smarter than that.
ReplyDeletePastor: I punched a kid ‘as hard as I could’ for ‘not taking the Lord serious’
Pastor Eric Dammann begins by saying that he met a young man in Calgary named “Ben,” who was “a nice kid, but one of those — he was a real smart aleck. He was a bright kid, which didn’t help things — made him more dangerous.”
“We were outside one day at youth group,” Dammann continues, “and he was just trying to push my buttons. He was just kind of not taking the Lord serious [sic].”
“So I walked over to him and went BAM! Punched him in the chest as hard as I could. I crumpled the kid. I just crumpled him.”
“Then I leaned over and said, ‘Ben, when are you going to stop playing games with God?’ I led that man to the Lord right there,” he concludes.
Parents Make Video Of Baby With A Gun In Her Mouth (VIDEO)
ReplyDeleteThis is unfortunate for the people and their families. Still, I am so disgusted with all these "farms" in Texas and other places.
Two dead after being trampled at Camel Kisses farm in Texas
I actually feel glad when the animals can do something to bring attention to their plight.
“Chill. At Least Trig Didn’t Eat The Dog”
. British tourist shot dead in Texas bar
. Texas explosion liveblog: up to 15 dead after fertiliser plant blast
. Six dead after gunman opens fire at Texas birthday party
. Texas hospital acknowledges brain-dead status of pregnant woman. Fort Worth hospital keeping Marlise Munoz alive despite family's wishes heads to court but admits fetus is no longer viable
. Texas A&M University shooting: gunman dies after police officer and civilian bystander are shot dead
Jewish dog or Jewish step stool?
"One thing she forgot about Hadassah, or Esther. Esther was not the type of gal who would let herself be stepped on."
In today's "Parade" quasi-magazine, there's a full page ad for a Valentine's gift for the woman in your life that is better than diamonds. It's a rose decorated 22-rifle. I don't want one. A small box of really good chocolate will suffice for Valentine's Day.
Not to worry. As soon as the Republicans revoke the child labor laws we won't need public schools any more. The rich, white elite's children will go to private schools where they can do whatever they want including metal detectors and armed guards. Everyone else's children can go out and get a job.
ReplyDeleteHad to include his mugshot, huh? Yeah, it'll work just as well as those "drug free" school zones do, but we don't need to bring attention to it. What we desperately need is more armed people at every school (We're talking Kentuckystan, right?) The way to stop gun violence and death is fewer guns, not more, These asswipes remind me of woody allen beating the dough with a broom, and it keeps growing and growing. We need to stop the insanity, seriously.
ReplyDeleteIt never ceases to amaze me how uneducated the so-called liberal elites are. Mass shootings in schools quadrupled after the gfsza was passed. The only thing that law accomplished was making schools more vulnerable to mass shooters who don't abide by the law anyway, and cause the heartbreaking and cruel loss of children's lives so Bush, then Clinton could say they tried to make a difference. They made a difference, sure. A lot more dead children. Anyone who doesn't support repealing this abomination of a law is by definition contributing to the continuing carnage. Violent crime is way down, folks, except in places where law abiding citizens are prevented from legally carrying their firearm. Can anyone say Aurora, Colorado? Shooter bypassed three other theaters that allowed carry and murdered his victims in one that did not. Criminals are afraid of armed victims. That's why they target unarmed ones.