Sunday, January 18, 2015

Ever wonder why two years after the Sandy Hook shootings, and after President Obama ordered them to study gun violence, the CDC still refuses to do so? Here's a hint. The Republicans don't want them to.

Courtesy of The Washington Post:

The CDC had not touched firearm research since 1996 — when the NRA accused the agency of promoting gun control and Congress threatened to strip the agency’s funding. The CDC’s self-imposed ban dried up a powerful funding source and had a chilling effect felt far beyond the agency: Almost no one wanted to pay for gun violence studies, researchers say. Young academics were warned that joining the field was a good way to kill their careers. And the odd gun study that got published went through linguistic gymnastics to hide any connection to firearms. 

The long stalemate continued until shortly after the December 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., when Obama announced several gun-control proposals, including reversing the CDC research ban. His higher-profile proposals – tightening firearm background checks, reinstating the assault weapons ban – were viewed as impossible to pass into law. Congress wouldn’t bite. But ending the CDC research ban? Done by executive order, it appeared to have the best shot, along with broad support from a scientific community upset that gun violence as a public health problem was being ignored. 

But today the CDC still avoids gun-violence research, demonstrating what many see as the depth of its fear about returning to one of the country’s most divisive debates. The agency recently was asked by The Washington Post why it was still sitting on the sidelines of firearms studies. It declined to make an official available for an interview but responded with a statement noting it had commissioned an agenda of possible research goals but still lacked the dedicated funding to pursue it. 

“It is possible for us to conduct firearm-related research within the context of our efforts to address youth violence, domestic violence, sexual violence, and suicide,” CDC spokeswoman Courtney Lenard wrote, “but our resources are very limited.”

And WHY are their resources limited? 

Well because the Republican led Congress continues to block funding even though the President requested 10 million for the research and Democrats have introduced  bills supporting the funding.

So here's a question, if guns really do keep us safe in America, as is often claimed by gun enthusiasts, then why is the NRA and their Republican flunkies working so hard to keep that data out of the hands of our citizens?

And why have they been doing so for almost twenty years?


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    There's big money to be had in selling Americans things they know will kill them: guns, tobacco, fast food, alcohol, fast cars, etc.

  2. Anonymous9:23 AM

    F-ckers! Why anyone would vote Republican (in 2016) needs their head examined!

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Right wing gun nuts are almost like another species. They are the dumbest kids in the class to the nth. The monied powerful herd them to and fro. They will never get better. Natural attrition through cessation of brain function will eliminate them from the voting demographic. They will be clinging to their guns and bibles when they go. They will never have a clue.

  4. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Gun shots heard outside of Vice President Joe Biden's home, $arah 3 2 1 ....Crickets

  5. Anonymous10:02 AM

    NRA poster child is not selling so hot these days and they do try to fake it.

    In need of help but no friends in sight.

    100% of Democrats want Sarah Palin to run.
    Only Sarah Palin has worse numbers than Christie in new CBS presidential poll

    I will work my behind off to get the word out! I live for the day that Sarah Palin is proven to be a liar & fraud!

    Agree, it's not about who Trig's mother is; it's about a great hoax perpetrated by a political leader of the United States. It's not just a scandal, it's a crime.


  6. Anonymous11:23 AM

    3, 2, 1... BRANCY!!!! Save a life!!

    Don't retreat, reload the crazy.

  7. I'm against guns too but I'm pretty sure the CDC *did* do at least some research, very promptly, and they weren't able to find the striking correlations that would be necessary to justify legislation:

    1. First off the article does not link to any current or new information from a CDC study, but it does discuss the findings from the 1995 report that I discussed a few posts earlier.

      Findings by the way which are in dispute.

  8. Anita Winecooler3:46 PM

    Until it hits home, Gun Violence is someone else's problem. Follow the money.

  9. The CDC is owned by corporations and the staff have committed many crimes. They have blocked research for several health problems harming millions. They falsify research, divert funds, hold back research that is against the corporate agenda and it is only getting worse. An Occupy protest is being organized for the spring at the DOJ to put pressure on them to prosecute the CDC.

  10. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Oh. I guess they're the President now.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.