Saturday, January 10, 2015

George Zimmerman arrested for aggravated assault with a weapon. Shocked! That's what I am. Shocked!

Courtesy of CNN:  

George Zimmerman -- the man acquitted by a Florida jury over the death of Trayvon Martin -- was arrested Friday in Florida on suspicion of aggravated assault and domestic violence with a weapon, local authorities said. 

The 31-year-old Florida man was arrested by police in Lake Mary around 10 p.m. and booked into the John E. Polk Correctional Facility, according to that facility's website. 

This of course follows a string of incidents that leave little doubt that George Zimmerman is a violent sociopath.

You know just the kind of guy that would shoot and kill an unarmed teenager and then lie about it.

Hey do you remember when the conservatives loved George Zimmerman and Fox News worked themselves into a frenzy defending his murder of a 17 year old?

Gee, I wonder what they think of their boy these days?


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    In this case, WEAPON = a bottle of wine.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Well, they said that Trayvon was "armed" with a sidewalk.

    2. Anonymous7:54 PM

      George Zimmerman Has Until Tuesday To Turn In His Guns

    3. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Ever taken it in the face with a broken bottle?

      No, I didn't think so.

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Man, this dude gets more press than Justin Bieber.
    Wine bottle = weapon. Good to know.

    orlin sellers

    1. Ailsa1:21 PM

      The law considers the term "weapons" to cover all instruments of offensive or defensive combat, including items of any sort used in injuring a person.

      If you remember, Zimmerman's attorney argued that Martin used the sidewalk as an offensive weapon against Zimmerman's head.

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM

      When you hit someone with it, it becomes a weapon.

    3. Leland1:33 PM

      For your edification, Orlin, there is a field of self defense that teaches the student that ANYTHING can be used as a weapon. That could be something as simple as a tightly rolled newspaper or a baseball bat or even a pencil. It doesn't matter. If the item being wielded is intended to bring harm to another individual, IT IS A WEAPON!

      Even one's fists can be listed as deadly weapons. Or did you not know that a boxers hands are almost instantly listed as lethal weapons in the case of assault with the boxer's hands?

    4. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Hey Orlin, how about I bop you in the head with a wine bottle and then you can get back to me regarding its status as a weapon? Take your time, we can talk after you wake up, pick the glass out of your head and go get some stitches.

    5. Anonymous3:00 PM

      You people have about as much humor in you as those jihadists. SHEESH!

      orlin sellers

    6. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Oh orlin, you are a troll, pure and simple, and just pop in here to drop your "insightful" little turds in a pathetic attempt to stir up some emotion.


    7. Anonymous3:16 PM

      What is the least bit funny about a man who shot a child, got off, and continues to threaten those,around him?

    8. Anonymous3:27 PM

      We know you Orlin.

    9. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Orlie, we people have more humor than you could handle. We just don't find you humorous.

      Is Jason Bieber one of your peeps?

    10. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Sorry, Orlin, but you don't get the benefit of the doubt, especially when I've read similar things from people who don't think George Zimmerman is such a bad guy.

    11. Anonymous11:34 PM

      Orlin wears the cloak of libertarianism.

    12. Anonymous12:46 AM

      Orlin, did you get bonked by a wine bottle or do you just hit the wine bottle?

  3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:30 PM

    They'll either never mention his name again, or use the patented Faux Newz Spin Cycle, perfect for laundering the stench of all conservative sociopaths...

  4. Crystal Sage12:34 PM

    FOX is too busy looking for terrorists under every rock and scaring people than to report on Georgie Boy's latest incident.

  5. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Yeah, who could have seen this coming?

    Oh right, everyone.

    As a Floridian, I followed all of this story, and from the get-go it was clear GZ needed to have mental health care. He was already seeing some psychologist before he shot Trayvon Martin and of course those health records were not allowed to be seen by the jury as evidence, that maybe, he was in a less-than-ideal mental state (like exhibited sympotms of paranoia), and maybe, he didn't have all his wits about him when he fired (maybe he transferred the fact that it was a black young man who perpetrated a crime in his neighborhood earlier and assumed incorrectly that this young black man was a nefarious bad-doer), and maybe, just maybe, Trayvon was only trying to defend HIS life from the guy who actually did have the gun.

    Near as I can tell, he has not seen a mental health care professional since he shot and killed Trayvon. And that seems by choice, not by lack of opportunity to do so.

    Seriously, can anyone give me a good reason why after all this, that man should be allowed to have access to guns?


    1. Leland1:41 PM

      I can, Marvin. I don't like it, but I can. It's called the law.

      To my knowledge he has yet to be CONVICTED of a crime. To my knowledge he has not been adjudged incompetent. To my knowledge, he hasn't been adjudged mentally unstable.

      Am I wrong? If so, please be so good as to point it out to the proper authorities? Be sure to include the proof of that determination when notifying the police or attorney general or whoever is responsible in situations involving GZ.

      We don't like it, no. But the law is there for him as well. It's like freedom of speech it covers everyone - including those with whom you disagree - or who you dislike.

    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      His family protects him but they'll only be able to keep him out of jail for so long. He's a loose cannon and unfortunately someone will most likely die in order for him to receive a proper sentence. Remember, he assaulted the girlfriend before this one, when she was pregnant with his child.

    3. Anonymous1:57 PM

      NRA. Florida.

    4. Anonymous3:43 PM

      1:50 Maybe someday he'll shoot that family. I'd be a little cautious if I was them. He definitely ain't all there.

    5. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Gee whiz, I should have just erased that last sentence I wrote. I had thought about erasing it and then just went, "Oh screw it, everyone will know what I meant".

      Well, it's my fault that everybody did not know what I meant because I was just too lazy to write more and explain what I really meant. Sorry Leland for making you write all that.

      I meant that there SHOULD BE laws that keep the types of people that we can reasonably determine could pose a danger to others from having weapons with which they could inflict severe harm (automatic weapons, for example).

      I meant that it SHOULD NOT HAVE TO take a conviction, or a complete adjudication of mental incompetence to determine that someone is too dangerous to possess or have access to guns.

      I meant that there should be a law in place to protect the citizens who live around George Zimmerman or who live within whatever area the judge allowed George Zimmerman to roam, with or without at GPS.

      Even if GZ walks this time (again!), his history has shown he cannot control his emotions, and that, coupled with gun owning, is a dangerous, explosive situation. People around him will be hurt.

      At what point do those people's rights to stay safe trump (or even become as important as) GZ's 'right' to own and carry a gun?


  6. What a lovely young man the right wing and the gun nuts (same people) chose as their heroic American of the decade. Killing black teenagers and attacking women describes what today's conservatives seem to appreciate.

  7. Anonymous1:09 PM

    He's going to kill again. It's just a matter of time.

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      He's becoming more paranoid every day.

    2. Anonymous4:47 PM

      One of the things that upsets me is that GZ was seeing some sort of mental health care professional before the shooting, and those records were not allowed as evidence in the trial.

      GZ may very well have been clinically paranoid, which means, his "reasonable" fear was not reasonable.

      But nope, the jury didn't get to consider that before they rendered their verdict.

      Oh how different things might have been ...


    3. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Agree. Wonder if he'll get off a second time? It's Florida....who knows?

  8. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I do hope that he is found guilty this time as he seems to slide each and every time!

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      He was released this,afternoon after promising to stay out of the county.

  9. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon1:17 PM

    Someone should fix him up with Bristol, dontchya think?

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM

      No because I oppose violence against women that I simply don't like.

  10. Leland1:46 PM

    OT. The Charlie Hebdo attackers killed!

  11. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I think He also finally has to surrender all his weapons by next Tuesday. (Way to go, law enforcement guys - any other, but especially any black, person would be sitting in the slammer by now and/or have surrendered his weapons THAT VERY SAME DAY that he (for the how-manyest time?!) assaulted his girlfriend...
    Remember the black woman who fired a warning shot over the head of her ex, because he repeatedly ignored an order to stay away from her? Yeah, she is sitting in the slammer for life if I remember correctly!)

  12. electicsandra2:16 PM

    At least the weapon was not a gun. The NRA enethusiassts will suggest that maybe we ought to register wine bottles.

  13. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I'm surprised Auntie Esther hasn't befriended this fuckin' loser. She has a real knack for hanging around with sadistic, gun fanatical, women abusing Cheesdicks like this clown and Nugent.

  14. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Fox News: George Zimmerman who?

  15. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Anyone knows laws are only for black people.

  16. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I've read many comments from right wingers who STILL defend this slime.

    This one was one of the most heinous:

    "Zimmerman has a legacy to maintain "in the name of Trayvon"
    He is way, way behind..!
    By now
    Trayvon would have robbed at least 10 establishments.
    Trayvon would have at least 3 young women pregnant (twice)
    Traayvon would have severely beaten countless men & women.
    Trayvon would most likely be dead from someone else's bullet.
    Mr. Zimmerman - shame on you for not upholding Tray's legacy."

    Most of the defenders fall into several categories:
    1. people are just out to get poor George
    2. it's "rediculous" to say that a wine bottle is a weapon
    3. Trayvon deserved it (not sure what this has to do with GZ assaulting someone else)
    4. there are TERRORISTS out there...WHY are we even talking about this??????

    I don't know if there's anything GZ can do that will convince these racist idiots that he's a violent, racist, misogynistic piece of trash who needs to be put behind bars.

    1. They will never be convinced that GZ should be behind bars because it would mean to themselves that their violent, racist, misogynistic piece of trash selves should also be behind bars.

  17. Randall5:27 PM

    Man, that guy is one bloody "accident" just waiting to happen.

  18. Anonymous5:44 PM

    About damn time that someone makes him responsible for his actions.......

    Zimmerman, the former Neighborhood Watch volunteer, was acquitted of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges in the Feb. 26, 2012 shooting death of unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford.
    lRelated George Zimmerman house

    US & World News
    George Zimmerman house

    See all related

    Wearing blue scrubs, Zimmerman stood before Judge John Galluzzo Saturday morning and nodded as Galluzzo set a $5,000 bond. Zimmerman, who is unemployed, bonded out of jail at 12:25 p.m.

    Though this incident didn't involve a firearm, Galluzzo told Zimmerman that he had until Tuesday to surrender any firearms in his possession to a family member or a third party.

    The judge also ordered Zimmerman to stay out of Volusia County and to have no contact with his girlfriend.

    Zimmerman's next court date is Feb. 17.

  19. Anita Winecooler6:06 PM

    Is he lumberjacky enough for a certain single mom? All joking aside, he makes my skin crawl. They sure found a jury of his peers- did they all wear their white robes and hoods?

    I know love is blind, and forgive me in advance for what I'm about to say, but "girlfriend"???? Is she stupid or the victim of a brain injury? Who, in their right mind, dates a murdering racist psychopath? (Put your hand down, Todd)

    1. Anita, there are plenty of damaged women out there that seek out domestic abusers because it is the only relationship they understand. There can be a ghastly and compelling comfort level in familiarity.

      The violence (verbal, physical, emotional, psychological, angry outbursts) is proof that they matter, that he must care or he wouldn't be so upset, that if only they were more supportive and a better daughter/gf/wife, he wouldn't be forced to do those things. It's all her fault and she has to prove that she can fix him.

      It can come from a lifetime of dysfunctional and abusive relationships (beginning with parents). If you have heard all your life that "I only did that because I care" or "because you made me angry" you are not likely to have a clue as to what is acceptable in a relationship or that you are not responsible for how someone else chooses to act.

      There are as many reasons as there are relationships, but this was the most common dynamic that I saw in years of volunteering at our shelter and serving on the board.

      So yes, she might not be physically brain-damaged, but a normal relationship would feel very strange and unsettling, with completely unfamiliar "rules."

  20. Anonymous6:42 PM

    GZ's offenses:
    Sexual assault of his 6 year old cousin.
    They hinted that there was another young cousin also sexually assaulted but she refused to talk about it.
    Assault of a police officer, assigned to anger management.
    Fired from his job while working a party as a security officer because he picked a drunk girl up, threw her across the room where she hit the wall.
    Assault of his girlfriend, restraining order issued, sentenced to anger management.
    Assault of his wife, restraining order issued, charges dropped.
    Killed Trayvon Martin.
    Assault of wife and her father, video showed him breaking iPad, charges dropped.
    Assault of pregnant girlfriend, charges dropped.
    3 traffic stops.
    Cops found him sitting in his truck in alley behind a gun shop. He said he was "guarding" the gun shop at request of owner -- gun shop had been previously robbed. Owner said he had not requested GZ guard gunshop, did not know he was there. No charges filed.
    Now this new arrest for assault. Wine bottle can be very thick and could do some damage if the bottle hit the target.

    GZ needs more than anger management classes. Quite some time ago, he said he was broke. Still shows no employment so how does he live? I'd bet money that some time in the future, Georgie will be arrested for possession of drugs stronger than marijuana, and for dealing drugs. And maybe for robbery. Tick, tock.

  21. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon10:02 PM

    6:42 p.m. -- Thanks for pulling all this together.
    Obviously, "anger management" didn't accomplish anything in his case(s).

    If he were smart, he'd take the resume that you've prepared and use it to apply for work with the Cleveland and/or Ferguson and/or Staten Island police departments.

  22. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I'll tell you how the right wingers are making excuses for "their boy" George Zimmerman. This from another blog I frequent......

    "I think this goes to show how being made a national spectacle can ruin some ones life"

  23. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Oh and this......

    "I feel for Zimmerman. He never asked for the public eye on him. He was put in a situation and unlike 99.9 of situations the national media got ahold of it and it went media viral."


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It just goes directly to their thighs.