Thursday, January 22, 2015

House Republicans forced to pull bill banning abortions after 20 weeks because female members are acting all girly about it.

Republican House member Renee "Wait, what does this bill say?" Ellmers.
Courtesy of Politico:  

House Republicans had to make late-night, last-minute changes to a piece of legislation that they thought would pass easily. 

This time, the disagreement was over rape and abortion.  

Republican leadership late Wednesday evening had to completely drop its plans to pass a bill that bans abortions after 20 weeks, and is reverting to old legislation that prohibits taxpayer funding of abortions. 

The evening switch comes after a revolt from a large swath of female members of Congress, who were concerned about language that said rape victims would not be able to get abortions unless they reported the incident to authorities. 

The new legislation doesn’t stand a chance to become law, but House Republican leadership wants to have some sort of pro-life bill on the floor Thursday when the anti-abortion March for Life comes to Washington. 

Can you believe these women are refusing to support a law which victimizes women when they are at their most vulnerable?

And they call themselves Republicans!

For the record most clinics and doctors do not perform abortions after 20 weeks unless there are significant medical reasons for doing so. And currently only about 1% of abortions are performed after this time period.

And what makes the 20 week cutoff so unreasonable? Here's why: 

Why do some women wait so long? The answer is that comprehensive fetal testing, such as anatomical sonograms and ultrasounds of the heart, are typically performed just before 20 weeks of gestation. Such scans are critical for uncovering major birth defects, such as anencephaly (severe brain malformations), major heart defects, missing organs and limbs, and other severe birth defects. Fetal development is a complex process that often goes awry. Roughly 2 percent of all pregnancies are complicated by a major birth defect, and of those about 0.5 percent have a chromosomal defect, such as an extra or missing segment of normal DNA. Birth defects are a leading cause of infant mortality, and in many cases of severe birth defects, no medical treatment can salvage a fetus’s life or result in any measure of normal future health.

In other words this law would force women to give birth to babies only to watch them die in the hospital or within the first year of their life, force them to birth a child whose medical bills will bankrupt them before the child says their first word, or birth a child who will never have a normal life and may suffer incredible trauma throughout.

You know Republicans are always bitching about the government intruding on free choice, and yet here they want the government to have control over a woman's uterus and to demand they give birth to a child they may be unable or unfit to care for.

Oh I forgot, they're only women.


  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    And that is why I am a Democrat.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      And this is why I am a Democrat that thinks the very last thing I want is for a woman at 20+ weeks pregnant to seek a back alley abortion. At 20+ weeks a woman is half way there. If woman wants an abortion then, something has gone badly wrong. Maybe she's ill, lost her income, realized the father is worthless to help provide for the the child, the fetus is malformed, whatever. That woman is in serious need of HELP, not condemnation and most certainly not in need of a botched abortion by a criminal in a back alley.

      And, most particularly, a woman at 20+ weeks pregnant that has the financial and time resources can go to Europe or Canada for an abortion. The only women this horrible Republican law would affect is poor women.

  2. Randall9:17 AM

    And the Democrats should attach an amendment to the bill that requires the GOVERNMENT to pay with TAX DOLLARS,
    ALL medical bills for every baby and mother forced to full-term delivery against the mother's wishes.

    Maybe call it the "Pay UP or Shut Up" amendment?

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      I like that! I would totally back the "Pay Up or Shut Up" amendment. Woman's body,woman's choice. Her life,her decision. Simple as that.

    2. Leland9:50 AM

      Me Likee!

    3. Anonymous11:13 AM

      If you choose not to raise a child that you are told to birth and you don't choose adoption, what else is there?

      Can they contract out as paid labor? Salaried work?

      Women can have the job of taking care of the child until the child is educated and able to care for self.

      Women that decide to take this job would be paid adequate salary to a man doing like work and all the benefits.

      I suppose the men might want the same option. Say a rapist was the father, he could contest the woman getting the work and go for it himself.

      It might work, in that Republican way.

  3. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Unable or unfit to care for? That describes Sarah Palin. Or should the women elect for their daughter to give birth to a deformed or underdeveloped child so that they can have a political prop to carry around until it is too big to be useful? Is that what Pro Life means to Republicans, Sarah Palin?

  4. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Sarah Palin's brother weighed in:
    "The Patriots aren't the only ones dealing with deflated balls. Step up GOP."
    Chuck Heath Jr.
    Stay classy, Palin/Heath's!

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Chucktard Jr should know about deflated balls and deflated tits, because it is a Family Trait. Quitters both Chucktard Jr and Sarah.

    2. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Ms Palin accused the president of "rainbow kisses". Stay classy Sarah.

    3. Anonymous11:24 AM

      You need to have balls to have them deflated. I take it Chucktard Jr thinks begging for money means he has balls?

      What did one of Todd's girls report about Chucktard Jr's junk? Does he have a nub or is he the awesome amazing in the family?

    4. Anonymous12:31 PM

      11:22 AM

      "rainbow kisses"

      That must be one of the private jokes between Sarah and Todd. I am sure she knows all about Todd's Rainbow Place. Also code to the Tea Party.

      Todd can do it all. Think about it, if Todd is Trig's biological father. It is certain that Sarah is not Trig's biological mother.

    5. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Yeah, Chuckles, it takes a lot of balls to bone a very young colleague, knock her up, leave your wife and children, quit your job, and sponge off your little sister in the most pathetic ways possible.

      If you were my brother or my son, I'd be completely ashamed of you.

  5. Glad to see the GOP-lead House still "focused like a laser" on jobs and infrastructure improvements for this country.

  6. Anonymous9:43 AM

    ...The more dogmatic voices in the pro-life movement will surely condemn the GOP House’s decision to pull the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act from a floor vote on the Roe v Wade Anniversary, in favor of a weaker bill. Principled conservatives may soon find themselves frustrated with the new Republican majority. Even with Republican control of both houses of congress, compromises are still a part of governing.

    What passes for the ”moderate wing” of the Republican Party won this battle. Whether they can continue to exert influence on the Tea Party-dominated 114th Congress remains to be seen. However, some GOP lawmakers are already expressing concern with the priorities of the new Congress. Republican Pennsylvania Congressman Charlie Dent, summed up his dismay with the party’s direction with these words:

  7. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Except it didn't get scrapped because of women worried about women. It got scrapped because the women in the party thought it would make the party look bad to millenials right out of the gate. I wish it had been scrapped due to the women waking up and smelling the Kool-Aid! Then they're would be a flicker of hope!

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Republican women have one meaningful roll in life.

      They are here to please Republican men. There may be a few exceptions, but that is what they want in the new blood and millennials. That is the Republican women that must be lifted up and given high positions.

  8. At bit OT, but not much. This is the 5th anniversary of the SCOTUS decision Citizens United. Robert Greenwald made a documentary exposing the Koch Brothers. It's free to view today. I encourage everyone who lives in the USA to watch this film. If only 1/10th of it is true, it is sickening what their money is buying.

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Thank you for taking the time to link to it. I watched it.

  9. fromthediagonal10:04 AM

    Somehow the cynic in me thinks this whole thing was a "preconceived" maneuver, if you will pardon the pun.

    The less regressive representatives knew they would have to let the rabid members have their say, if only to convince those who would consign the female of the species to go back to being barefoot and pregnant slaves to the imagined vastly superior males. Now they will be free to try to convince the so-called independents on the political spectrum that they are moderates. They are "biding their time" until 2016, because they just know that by then they will control all three branches of government. I fervently hope that will not happen, as it will be the "Handmaids Tale" dream for the insecure, yet arrogant overweight, quasi "religulous" authoritarian power structure of those who yearn for the past of unfettered whilte male power. It will up to the next generation to cut them off at the pass.

  10. Anonymous10:08 AM

    OT: Another subliminal message! Send your money to our PAC!

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      I passed this Tweaking Ho just off AZ Hwy 143 - Hohokum Expressway. No coincidences, right?

      She got out of a rig in a truck stop parking lot. She then started knocking on the doors of the sleepers parked with drivers resting. "Hey! Open up in there! Don't you know who I am?"

      I said, "Sure, I saw your ad on the board at the truck stop. I'll pass on the hoohah, but youu look like you can use a meal. Here's twenty bucks so you can get a sandwich.

    2. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Hey, "word of the day" Sally! If you're going to attach your name to a meme, in your "teacher" family, shouldn't you make sure the punctuation is correct?

    3. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Yes, you can tell by the poor grammar, it was written by a Palin.

      Really that woman has no shame when it comes to money.

  11. Anonymous10:15 AM


    Mike Huckabee gets caught telling a little lie. With video. Is it wrong that I'm smiling?

    Mike Huckabee Falsely Claims Ted Nugent Changed The Lyrics To Sexually Explicit Song They Performed Together

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      he's already blown any chance he had when Jon Stewart took him down on Tuesday night. Probably should have hung on to his fux job.

  12. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Republicans need to stop all abortions, at least make them heavily punishable crimes and incarcerate women where they will be easier to control. I think Republicans are planning on a great year in spite of this little set back.

    What are their plans for all the poor people?

    When they get their Republican dream and over populate with poor and unfortunate people, what next?

    I suppose babies without medical care would die off pretty fast. They really need to destroy ACA.

    Only the strongest of the poor survive to give the rich a labor pool. They really don't need the excess number of poor slaves and all the weak ones. They need to finish off the weak and only use the stronger ones.

    1. Caroll Thompson11:14 AM

      Correct 11;04. The R's are not pro life because once the baby is born, they really don't care if mama and baby are starving under the bridge.

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      The R's tolerate ACA for now because they think they can destroy it when it is packed full with all the poor parents and babies that they save from being aborted.

    3. Anonymous12:23 PM

      The Republican answer to no abortion is no gun control-let the idiots shoot themselves "playing" with guns.

      I must say I was surprised this didn't pass, gotta be a hidden agenda somewhere that they are admitting the Republican women were against it-maybe something more restrictive coming down the line.

  13. Anonymous11:28 AM

    This from c4p:
    "So, there are well over a million people--young, old, middle aged, Black, White, Hispanic--marching in DC for Life. They've completely covered DC, but there's a total media blackout, with the exception of FOX, who gave it a 30 second spot (and called the numbers "thousands" instead of millions."
    Poor c4pers-the millions of Sarah supports are probably thousands as well!

  14. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Screw the Republican men in Congress. They are always concerned about women's private parts.

    Doubt Boner (Boehner) can even get his thingy 'up' as he drinks too much - probably is an alcoholic. Knowing what it's like with an alcoholic - Boner would be a very poor partner in the sack! He'd have to take Viagra for sure! Think him a very frustrated man over all and he certainly acts like it!

  15. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Republicans have zero respect for science, except if it is 'science' they can control. It obviously comes from leadership and the top people of the party. Any and all science can only belong to the Republicans or it just won't exist.

    They have been able to convince a variety of people that all abortion and even birth control is murder.

    No wonder there are so many people today that go along with Repub policies. They believe their crap and they think it is murder. Only is it alright for people like Chris Kyle to murder innocent humans.

    Republicans release their own video of the President's SOTU speech in which they edit out remarks criticizing them over their stance on climate change. Well of course they did.

  16. Anonymous12:52 PM

    President Obama Crushes All Republican Plans On Abortion Bills

  17. Anonymous1:37 PM

    It's become something of a tradition for GOP representatives to begin each session when their party is in control of the House with a debate about "rape." What's wrong with these guys? Don't they care about jobs, health care, immigration - all those issues they ginned everyone up about during the campaign? Either the male GOP representatives all hate their mothers, their wives, their daughters and every other woman they've ever met or they're just downright crazy.


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