Thursday, January 22, 2015

Just a little reminder how amazing we all are.

We have come so far from those days of scrambling up trees to escape predators, and huddling in caves paralyzed with fear.

And look we did it without having to rely on firearms to make us feel powerful and safe.


  1. Anonymous3:54 AM

    We have come so far from those days of scrambling up trees to escape predators, and huddling in caves paralyzed with fear.
    You haven't spent any time on c4p lately, have you? Some are fighting evolution, because, it's a god thing, see?

  2. Leland4:24 AM

    "And look we did it without having to rely on firearms to make us feel powerful and safe."

    Specious, Gryphen. Very Specious!

    No, we didn't have firearms then, but we DID have a weapon that was superior to that which the "enemy" had. And that is what was behind the development of firearms - the development of a weapon superior to the enemy's.

    I will say, however, that what we have DONE with them since then is definitely wrong - especially now in the US!

  3. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Yes, such progress, but then again, it's taken us only 150 years to pollute our atmosphere to the point that we might wipe humanity off the face of the planet in the next few decades. Great progress, humans!

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Scientists believe we’re the closest to the end of humanity since the Cold War

      The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists announced Jan. 22 that it is moving the hand of the “Doomsday Clock” two minutes closer to midnight. Through a combination of nuclear weapons and increasing global warming, the Bulletin’s executive director Kennette Benedict said that there were some “truly terrible prospects” for the fate of humanity on the horizon, and implored “the citizens of the world to think clearly” about its future.

      The Bulletin, which has been monitoring how close humanity is to annihilating itself since 1947, uses midnight on a clock face as a metaphor for a catastrophic event. The clock was last set at three minutes to midnight in 1987, during the Cold War. The closest the minute hand has ever been to midnight was between 1953 and 1959, when the US and Soviet Union were regularly testing nuclear warheads.

  4. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Not to take away from the meme, but any predator who isn't on top of their game knows they stand a good chance of being prey. Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you.

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    And for some real perspective on us:

  6. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Heh, not so certain that fear-mongering Republicans would agree.

  7. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Yes, we killed to survive back then and there were still risks, but guns make it so easy to "Win" at any cost. Now we kill for profit, we don't know where our food came from, how it was handled, hormones and other crap. I try my best, but I don't trust the supermarkets and their precious profits and rolls of "organic" stickers, when I see the product come from the same box as the "regular" stuff.

    1. Leland12:10 PM

      Which is why I am getting ready to begin another season of growing and freezing my own stuff.

      And before anyone sneers, I get all my seed from certified non-GMO suppliers and those selling only heirloom seed, such as Seed Savers Exchange and other places trying to preserve our seed supplies.


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