Thursday, January 15, 2015

President Obama to urge Congress to pass bill requiring companies to provide seven days of sick leave a year to their employees. Sweet!

Courtesy of USA Today:  

President Obama will call on Congress to require companies to give workers up to seven days of paid sick leave a year, a senior adviser said Wednesday. 

Obama will also take executive action to give at least six weeks of paid leave to federal employees after the birth or adoption of a child, Senior White House Adviser Valerie Jarrett said. 

And Obama wants Congress to spend $2.2 billion to help states and cities develop paid family leave programs.

Damn that's awesome. As somebody who has worked for a number of companies that were very stingy with paid leave I would have seen this as a godsend.

Is it any wonder that the President's approval ratings are on the rise?

Oh yeah, this man is definitely going to be seen as one of the greatest presidents in history.

Count on it.


  1. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Obama The Environmentalist Has Targeted The ‘Lame Duck’ For Extinction

  2. Anonymous9:39 AM

    In its annual Report to Congress today, the office of the National Taxpayer Advocate outlined a series of Internal Revenue Service failures. In the “Access to the IRS” section, the report details the trouble taxpayers face reaching the right person in order to meet their tax obligations:

    "The IRS does not answer the phone at local offices and has even removed the option it once provided for taxpayers, including the elderly and disabled, to leave a message.”

    Way to go Obama

    orlin sellers

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Oh fuck you, Orlin. President Obama does not run the IRS, you fucking asshole. It's people like you that give human beings a bad name.

    3. Anonymous11:12 AM

      And I can't get a human being on the line when I call my phone company. Also, sometimes my postal worker doesn't deliver my mail until 2 pm.

      Thanks, Obama!

    4. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Thank the GOP budget cuts for the IRS slowdown.

    5. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Oh, ORGY SEXERS, did President Obama create the IRS? Has the IRS changed over the past 100 years?
      Was the IRS around during the Presidential terms of the last 10 Presidents? No, Orgy, Your Republican Congress passes the laws that regulate the IRS. You are on the wrong site, we don't follow Fox News like you do.

    6. Anonymous12:37 PM

      President Obama’s public approval rating has dropped to just 37 percent, with 55 percent disapproving of his job performance, according to the first Reuters/Ipsos political tracking poll of the year.

      orlin sellers

    7. orlin, doesn't it bother you to parade your stupidity so publicly?

    8. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Orlin, I can cherry pick too, you asshole

      President Obama's approval rating has jumped 7 percentage points since October, according to a new poll released Wednesday, suggesting that promising economic news is buoying the White House.

      Some 46 percent of Americans now approve of how the president is handling his job, according to the survey from CBS News.

    9. Anonymous1:56 PM

      The president's approval rating is 18 percentage points higher than George W. Bush's at the same point in his second term

    10. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Gryphen, what is up with this asshole Orlin showing up lately? He's a wank just looking to stir things up. Please stop posting his crap.

    11. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Obama's popularity falls to record low among US troops.
      Only 15 percent of US active-duty service members approve of President Obama's job as commander-in-chief, according to an annual Military Times survey.

      orlin sellers

    12. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Orgy sellers is a cesspool of misinformation.

    13. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Orlin is incorrect about President Obama's popularity with our troops and veterans. He is very popular and well regarded by them - check the facts!

    14. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Prove it.

      orlin sellers

    15. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Sorry, Orlin, but that really isn't news.

      Besides, I'm not sure why we should care more about how military people feel about the POTUS than we do about any other citizen.

      Besides, military people aren't thrilled with congress either. In fact, according to the same Military Times study, the reason is that the troops don't think anyone on either side of the aisle have the military's best interest in mind.

    16. Anonymous3:30 PM

      "Besides, military people aren't thrilled with congress either."

      Sorry Anon, but that really isn't news.

      orlin sellers

    17. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Orlin engages in confirmation bias. It is endemic with the folks who exit in the RW echo chamber of corporatism and religiously driven propaganda. They are incapable of having an broadly accurate vision of what is going on because they are constantly cherry picking for things to reinforce what they have convinced themselves is the truth. Their inability to see through the BS they are being fed is one root cause. Wild nonsensical conspiracy theories are also part of the reality they accept as reasonable.

    18. Anonymous4:25 PM

      And Anon 3:55

      Some people don't know what they are talking about. But, your comment was a bird-brainery Bonanza of bird -brainery windbaggery.

      orlin sellers

    19. Anonymous4:40 PM

      So what's your point, Orlin? The military doesn't like the President. Yeah, so what? Why are you posting the information here?

    20. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Orlin is an angry libertarian who thinks he's the smartest person in any room. It gives him major jollies to come here and strut his supposed stuff. Unfortunately, now that he's found us, he may never leave.

      He also seems inordinately fixated on vaginal yeast.

    21. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Orlin, Agnew was better at alliteration. Stick with the all other things you don't know. Apparently you are familiar with yeasty vaginas. Is that your area of expertise?

    22. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Anonymous2:00 PM, stop responding to him and he'll go away. Gryphen does warn you not to feed the trolls.

  3. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I think the next two years are going to be a whole lot of fun.

    A Fan From Chicago

  4. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Good for President Obama.

    Back in 1959 I was working for a bank and got 5 days paid sick days per year. So this is nothing new to me. I don't know about maternity leave, as I was single at the time.

  5. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I remember back before Right to work destroyed many union jobs, private sector jobs for union employees had many of the perks & protection that few have now. Men lost their lives fighting for Unions to protect the American workers and we sat back and watched state after state pass Right to Work laws.

    1. Anonymous3:22 AM

      To destroy labor unions (public & private) is a prominent GOP position. Police unions appear to be the exception.

      The Conservative GOTP'ers ran with, and here we are. Fighting for worker rights won a generation ago by the 'right-to-work' state by state erosion of hard-won worker rights and benefits is a current political battle.

      The oligarch-financed (think Walmart Walton, Koch brothers, and others like them) 'Conservatives' have been successful at convincing Fox-fueled frightened (and rwing radio ranters) blue-collar working class 'rill Umurkins' to vote against their own economical best interests.

      Read 'Deer Hunting with Jesus' (207) by Joe Bageant.


  6. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Yea, President Obama! The US Congress is not going to like either one, but they'll have to pass 'something' or they will lose votes BIG TIME in 2016!

    President Obama continues playing chess to their checkers! Love watching him in action!

  7. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I've been retired for years now, but when working in my long career, I had paid sick leave (cannot recall how much because I was seldom sick!) and paid maternity leave for a few weeks. (think it was four)

    It binds an employee to their employer as to longevity/employment.

  8. Anonymous10:57 AM

    YouTube users to interview Obama

  9. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Oh crap, the shit's starting early. I hope Joni's so nervous that we get to hear her very strange "laugh".

    Joni Ernst To Deliver GOP Response To 2015 State Of The Union Address

    1. I see the GOP is carrying on their fine annual tradition of finding a new goober to embarrass themselves and the party.

    2. Anonymous2:09 PM

      She's one of the biggest Kochsuckers there is!

    3. Anita Winecooler5:07 PM

      Can't wait to see her earrings and if she shaves them or not. Good Choice, Boener!!!!

  10. Irishgirl11:35 AM

    I got something like 12 or 16 weeks paid maternity leave with my last child, and that was 17 years ago.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Well, that's because you don't live in the Good Ole US of A, where we care about babies, but only until they are actually born.

  11. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Lassana Bathily, the Muslim man who saved 15 lives during last week’s terror attacks in France, will be naturalized in a public ceremony next week after nearly 300,000 people signed a petition demanding he be given citizenship.

    In addition, he will be given the Legion d’Honneur, France’s highest award of merit.

    AND Israel is standing up for President Obama!

    Israel Amb. to U.S. Dismisses Obama Rally Absence: U.S. Leading World on Terror

    Ron Dermer, the Israeli Ambassador to the United States, dismissed the controversy over America’s absence from the Paris unity rally on Fox News last night because, as he argued, the U.S. is showing enough leadership in its actions against the global terror threat.

    He took particular note of the hypocrisy of many of the free speech-hating leaders who appeared at the rally, calling that a far greater issue than someone’s absence from the rally.

    Kelly File guest host Martha MacCallum asked him if at least it would have helped for President Obama or someone else to represent the United States at the rally. Dermer said there’s a broader issue here that deems such a gesture irrelevant:

    “The United States is leading the whole world in confronting al-Qaeda. They’re leading the world in confronting ISIS, so I have no doubt whatsoever where the United States stands in this struggle.”

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Ron Paul Institute Publishes 'False Flag' Conspiracy About Paris Attacks

      ...Yesterday The Ron Paul Institute published a piece called : Charlie Hebdo Shootings: False Flag?

      The Charlie Hebdo affair has many of the characteristics of a false flag operation. The attack on the cartoonists’ office was a disciplined professional attack of the kind associated with highly trained special forces; yet the suspects who were later corralled and killed seemed bumbling and unprofessional. It is like two different sets of people.

      If you read the whole thing you'll be sickened by it and it has caused quite a stir today from some of his libertarian allies like Matt Welsh at Reason Magazine. The Weekly Standard was equally horrified by this screed too.

      It shouldn't surprise anyone who has covered Ron Paul in the past, but most of the media only focused on Paul's popularity rise during the 2008 Republican presidential primaries and never bothered to ask why he was able to raise so much money with his "money bombs.' Being a right wing extremist or a conspiracy theory nut pays good dollars and Ron Paul capitalized on it big time.

      Senator Rand Paul, (his son) is no slouch when it comes to conspiracy theories either, but I do wonder if the media will ever ask Rand about his father's nutty proclivities? Don't hold your breath.

    2. Anonymous2:52 PM

      These people are nutso.

    3. Anonymous2:52 PM

      The author of the piece was
      Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting shocking cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random House

      Obviously this anon poster did not read the article.

      orlin sellers

    4. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Are you a Ron Paul fan, Orlin? Tell the truth.

  12. Anonymous1:25 PM

    President Obama isn't just calling for "giving" 6 weeks of paid sick leave to new parents. He's also calling for advancing 6 weeks to them instead of their having to "earn" it up front (Federal employees typically earn 4 hours of sick leave per biweekly paycheck, with no limit on the amount they can accrue). That means this leave must be paid back out of future sick leave "earnings." If the employee leaves before the leave has been paid back, as with all advanced sick leave (agencies already have authority to advance sick leave -- whether for maternity or any other health issue), I'm guessing the employee's last paycheck will have a big bite taken out of it. So this is by no means that revolutionary. Providing Federal employees with EXTRA paid leave for maternity leave, now that would be revolutionary. But as a Federal employee I can tell you it would engender huge resentment among other employees who may also have legitimate medical need for extra time off but not be entitled to it.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      As a small business owner, please do us all a favor and quit your slack ass govt welfare 'job' and learn how to do actual work.

  13. Anita Winecooler5:05 PM

    As someone who's benefited from working for a company with paid leave to care for a sick family member, adoption was treated the same as maternity leave, and a list of items that made the worker's lives better, it's a win win for all involved. The company's bottom line actually rose, when people were needed to work late, they did so with no complaining, qualms, bitching, stomping their feet etc. We had "share time" for mothers and dads returning from sick leave and it was a pleasure knowing it was there if and when needed. In some countries you get mandatory month's paid vacation, plus your regular bonus plus a thirteenth month pay.
    The reasoning is, you treat your employees well, and you get better quality work, a more well rested work force and little to no back stabbing.
    I worked for a company owned by a woman, so we also had lounges for pumping and/or breast feeding, on site day care with workers who were bonded and certified. She recently sold and we're all on pins and needles about the new owners, but we'll see how things go.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.