Dear PETA,
Chill. At least Trig didn’t eat the dog.
Hey, by the way, remember your “Woman of the Year”, Ellen DeGeneres? Did you get all wee-wee’d up when she posted this sweet picture? (Warning, takes you to the Sea O' Pee.)Hypocritical, much?
Did you go as crazy when your heroic Man-of-Your-Lifetime, Barack Obama, revealed he actually enjoyed eating dead dog meat? (The exact quote appearing in "Dreams from my Father" was, "With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chili peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy)." Doesn't really sound like he enjoyed it.)
Aren’t you the double-standard radicals always opposing Alaska’s Iditarod – the Last Great Race honoring dogs who are born to run in wide open spaces, while some of your pets “thrive” in a concrete jungle where they’re allowed outdoors to breathe and pee maybe once a day? (
(Actually 142 dogs have perished in the Iditarod since the beginning of the race. But thanks to the intervention of PETA and other animal rights groups the dogs are cared for much better and the death rate is almost nonexistent now.)
Aren’t you the same herd that opposes our commercial fishing jobs, claiming I encourage slaying and consuming wild, organic healthy protein sources called “fish”? (I do.)
Aren’t you the same anti-beef screamers blogging hate from your comfy leather office chairs, wrapped in your fashionable leather belts above your kickin’ new leather pumps you bought because your celebrity idols (who sport fur and crocodile purses) grinned in a tabloid wearing the exact same Louboutins exiting sleek cowhide covered limo seats on their way to some liberal fundraiser shindig at some sushi bar that features poor dead smelly roe (that I used to strip from our Bristol Bay-caught fish, and in a Dillingham cannery I packed those castoff fish eggs for you while laughing with co-workers about the suckers paying absurdly high prices to party with the throw away parts of our wild seafood)? I believe you call those discarded funky eggs “caviar”. (You know I may be reading too much into this, but I don't think she likes PETA very much.)
Yeah, you’re real credible on this, PETA. A shame, because I’ll bet we agree on what I hope is the true meaning of your mission – respecting God’s creation and critters.
Our pets, including Trig’s best buddy Jill Hadassah, are loved, spoiled and cared for more than some people care for their fellow man whose politics may not mesh with nonsensical liberally failed ways or don’t fit your flighty standards. (WTF?)
Jill is a precious part of our world. So is Trig.
![]() |
Precious Trig, preciously choking the crap out of another precious Palin family pet. |
Oooh, somebody's in a snit.
You know perhaps Palin missed the part where a whole shit ton (My daughter's phrase.) of her fan base called her out for animal cruelty as well.
I deem this her Puppy-Libel response.
And I kind of think it will have a similar result.
What a snotty nasty bitch she is. Who in their right mind would reply like that? Her little barbs aren't even clever. A big fail RAM!
ReplyDeleteYes, she is ugly, and now she is as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside. She is 80 pounds of rotting, worthless flesh. RAM was also an angry bitch with a very unhappy life, but I think Sarah wrote this drivel based on her very poorly written sentences.
DeleteOnly 3 days into the new year and she's embarrassed herself twice now! This is FUN!!
DeleteWe can only hope her response grows legs and travels around the world like her initial fb post did.
DeleteShe may have tried to write and this mess came out. She got her bull from the sock puppets that are fed by her brother. The brother was a big influence here. Who knows what happened to RAM.
DeleteThis is what happens with a menopausal narcissist. The woman is clearly suffering from a hormonal storm along with her usual mental instability.
DeleteSarah's hateful response to PTA also slams ASPCA and other animal rights groups that have spoken out against her. That, combined with the outright idiocy or her response, might be the thing that finally takes her down.
DeleteI can't wait to see what Wonkette and others do with this steaming turd of a diatribe. Her comment about Obama and dead dog meat are over the top.
Another thing: why is their no outrage over the fact that at nearly 7 years old Trig can't say UP? What does that tell you about his care?!
She makes no mention of the actual complaint & disgust people have with her actions, sloughing it off with "At least Trig didn't eat the dog," which segues nicely into another mean, cat swipe at Obama. Her examples (fish roe...?) have nothing to do with what she let Trig do to Jill (probably repeatedly) to get a good shot).
DeleteShe took no responsibility, learned no lesson, didn't apologize. Pure SP -- we should be used to this by now, as she hammers it home once again. It is no surprise that she resents/hates anybody with more class than she, despite her "pride" in proclaiming her White Trash status...
Perhaps she thought making piles of money (any way she could) would give her class.
Sorry, Sarah,
no amount of money would ever do that for you.
Strong will + weak intellect + narcissism + vodka = unintelligible rant.
DeleteTrig was previously diagnosed with Down syndrome. As a mother of a child with special needs, Animal Welfare Institute President Cathy Liss said she understands the benefits of forming a relationship between a child with special needs and their pets.
Delete“That said, it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that the interaction is safe and appropriate for both,” Liss said in a statement.
She added, “Although perhaps a seemingly innocent post on Facebook by Palin, a child standing on a dog is not safe for either the child or the dog.”
Just want to point out that she has certainly been the one composing the past couple FB posts - it's her run-on sentences way of talking, where she is "semi-colon" challenged. This should tell us, for whatever reason, the human filters/editors she's kept employed the past six years are nowhere in sight. Why doesn't she at least have Nancy French look these over before she pushes "post?"
ReplyDeleteIt was so obvious in the original posting on Jan 1st when she wrote, "He, etc, etc." describing Trig climbing on top of the dog.
Such difficult to follow sentence structure. But the fact that she is not a lucid writer isn't news. What I do wonder about is where did RAM disappear to? Was there finally a falling out? Is there really such a lack of funds she can't keep RAM on the payroll?
Does your source have info at this level? Curious...
There is no fucking way she graduated from college.
DeleteAnd if Idaho Univ or whatever really did give her a degree in journalism, they should be ashamed.
Wasn't her brother a teacher? He helps her out. He needs the money.
DeleteI've been wondering about RAM, also too. Now that is one person that Sarah SHOULD be afraid of pissing off!!
DeleteCome on RAM, come over to our side!! :)
RAM may remain on some payroll. She just doesn't do much.
DeleteMost of the writing that Sarah does so poorly is the kind of stuff that a good 7th grade teacher would correct.
DeleteSarah clearly wasn't paying attention in school, which is most probable, and, also probable, she had bad teachers or teachers who knew that trying to show her anything was a waste of time, and they gave up after the first two months. She was busy throwing spitballs, passing notes, and batting her eyelashes at the illiterate hunks in the back row. Well, she's still doing the equivalent.
I always suspected that the murder of Hollywood screenwriter's agent Ronni Chasen was a pay off by the Palin syndicate for Ram's help in the rise to power of the quitter-gov. Eddie Burke was in the lobby of the assassin's hotel, when he (the assassin) was arrested with $10,000 for the pay-off. Ram was a rejected screen writer and is known to be vindictive like Screech.
DeleteThe Bitch is batshit crazy.
ReplyDeleteThat was a cranky one. But for Sarah Palin it was 'sweet'.
DeleteAre you sure she wrote that?
I would have thought she would react with more venom.
Batshit crazy in the middle of menopause.
DeleteWow! Completely unhinged response! What the fuck does sushi eating have to do with risking injury to a beloved family pet? She argues like a 12 year old .
ReplyDeletePETA eats sushi. You learn something new everyday.
DeletePETA members would not sit on leather chairs or wear aligator shoes
DeleteOr wear furs or eat sushi
I challenge PETA and everyone concerned to watch the video she posts for Thanksgiving as further proof of animal abuse in that household. She uses criticism of her bad parenting to accuse our President of animal abuse? She is insane. Any last shred of pity I felt is gone. Gryph, Monday can't come soon enough.
ReplyDeleteHere 'tis, Thanksgiving:
DeleteI'm looking forward to Monday too.
What is that going on with Tripp at 32 min? Pointing the finger at her head?
ReplyDeleteYou're so right! And on a Saturday no less, no one will see it. #PalinFail
DeleteSo this...
ReplyDeleteAren’t you the same anti-beef screamers blogging hate from your comfy leather office chairs, wrapped in your fashionable leather belts above your kickin’ new leather pumps you bought because your celebrity idols (who sport fur and crocodile purses) grinned in a tabloid wearing the exact same Louboutins exiting sleek cowhide covered limo seats on their way to some liberal fundraiser shindig at some sushi bar that features poor dead smelly roe (that I used to strip from our Bristol Bay-caught fish, and in a Dillingham cannery I packed those castoff fish eggs for you while laughing with co-workers about the suckers paying absurdly high prices to party with the throw away parts of our wild seafood)? all one sentence.
Someone needs to take a deep breath.
None of this "sentence" makes sense. Just wow.
DeleteSo much raging fury in one foaming at the mouth run on sentence.
DeleteShe's been totally out of it and hasn't fully recovered. She needed another few weeks before she tries to write again.
DeleteConsider the source.
DeleteI remember that scene from "Game Change" where her stylist was trying to teach her to say "Jimmy Choo". Now she's typing "Louboutin"...I'd love to hear her try to pronounce it!
DeleteThat being said she seems to know a bit about "celebrity idols". Let's see, who was it again that made a point to visit Bethenny Frankel, the anorexic Real Housewife? Who was it again that made a point to loot the gift suites at the Oscars, even though she wasn't invited? Who was it again that required an audience with Celebrity Apprentice guy Donald Trump, to be photographed eating some pizza in New York? Who was it again that locked herself in her room eating Taco Bell and reading tabloids while she should have been governing? Who was it again that put People magazines inside of the briefs that she was supposed to be reading, regarding the governance of Alaska?
Bitch be projectin' again.
Yeah, she wrote this one all by herself and it really shows.
Delete(And with all that time she spent trying to get that undergrad degree in journalism also too.)
"... your celebrity idols (who sport fur and crocodile purses) grinned in a tabloid wearing the exact same Louboutins exiting sleek cowhide covered limo seats on their way to some liberal fundraiser shindig at some sushi bar that features poor dead smelly roe..."
wow, someone is jealous of celebrities. Not allowed to join the Cool Kid's Club, sarah?
I would not like to have to diagram that sentence :)
DeleteOoooooh! Wow!! Sorry G - could not read all of her diatribe. I started to feel chills down my spine!!
ReplyDeleteWell - this is pretty much what we expected, is it not? Her constant attempts to distract, blame and deflect are legendary.
Not once does she address the fact she allowed "her" child to engage in a dangerous activity - all for show. So sad and pathetic. Still - to this day he is nothing but a prop.
Pat Padrnos
" for their fellow man whose politics may not mesh with nonsensical liberally failed ways or don’t fit your flighty standards."
ReplyDeleteOh my. The journalism courses are on vacation.
But, the new facebook rant still ignores the fact that a child (quite likely with cognitive challenges) was rewarded for standing on a dog instead of being helped to understand that this behavior could damage him or the dog and that the many other dogs Trig will encounter in life could react to such behavior by biting him.
Sarah Palin is hoping that invoking PETA will distract people from the fact that she celebrated her very bad parenting on a facebook post.
Saw this today on the Alaska SPCA Facebook page:
ReplyDeleteYesterday at 4:51pm ·
Regarding the posts to our wall and messages about Sarah Palin's dog: The Alaska SPCA agrees that this type of behavior with an animal is unacceptable. Please know that the appropriate enforcement authorities have been notified. The location of the household falls under the jurisdiction of the Mat Su Animal Care and Regulation. You can register complaints there as well. (907) 746-5500
Note that this was the SPCA, not PETA, which many people dismiss as being a radical organization. I'd love to see an advocacy organization for children with special needs weigh in on the dangerous situation she not only allowed, but actually encouraged.
If the dog had bitten him or moved to get his weight off of her back, Trig could have been seriously injured. She may call herself 'oblivious', but I call her neglectful and careless.
It's great they posted this, but I'm sure the Palin's will suffer no consequences. Todd will bully them and Jill will be stuck there. And Trig will not learn.
Delete2:32 PM
DeleteThat was a bully rant (she signed her name). I don't know who all helped her or worked on that. Sad people.
Palin reserves the right to stomp and choke all her beloved pets!
ReplyDeleteOr, her retarded son! There are photos of her with him where she has her arm around his neck to control him.
DeleteShe knows nothing about animals or kids and should have neither in her household!
Really, you should say," She cares nothing about animals or kids and should have neither in her household!"
DeleteSpot on, Pam! "How dare you criticize my right to find it charming for my (adopted) child (prop) to stand on a dog? I've been stepping on people for years!"
DeleteWhat's new and ridiculous? Sarah Palin, of course, who actually brought President Obama (the bitch just cannot help herself!) into the subject and accepted zero blame for not teaching her retarded son how to treat animals. She's a fucking lunatic!
ReplyDeleteEvil woman with a black heart! Damn, but I'd hate to be a kid or animal in her horrible home on the dead lake in Wasilla, Alaska!
She is obsessed with him. She's one sick woman.
Deleteomg! She really is obsessed with the prez!! What does this have anything to do with him??
DeleteCareful sarah, you might unwittingly make a victim of the president. Now that would be funny
It's clear that Sarah Palin despises President Obama because, in her mind, he represents the unattainable – i.e., Glenn Rice. Sorry, Sarah, President Obama does not know or care that you exist. Remember when he said in response to a question, "I do not think about Sarah Palin"? Please, please change the subject. Your lust for the man and your unrequited obsession with him is well beyond obvious, and only makes you look ridiculous.
DeleteTime to revisit the question, What is the difference between a “hockey mom" and a pit bull? “A pit bull is delicious."
Delete+1,000 !!!
DeleteAIP Sarah Palin screwed the pooch. Pictures will follow on her fb page.
ReplyDeleteShe's already received several comments from people who say they don't like PETA -- and who used to like her -- but who decry her allowing her 40-lb. child to stand on a 40-lb. dog.
ReplyDeleteThousands and thousands of people around the world have said the same thing: Sarah, you don't know anything about dogs, and you're not teaching a child who's "challenged" not to use a pet as a stepping stool. If he does it a few years from now, when he's much heavier but now wiser, his best buddy Jill might finally snap.
Methinks someone got a few phone calls from advisers.
ReplyDeleteYou know what, $arah, oh ye of GOD? Would you please explain to us "heathens" how wee wee'd up is Jesus talk? DAMN that Ellen "degenerate," while your ex-husband is bi-sexual, prostitution is the quiet monry maker, and everything you try goes against you?
I'd take a gazillion Ellens over you. Please run.
I DARE you, you fake POS.
What advisors? She doesn't have the money to pay them anymore.
DeleteZH10000000 was pretty hard on her. About 5 posts against her poor perception, and the posting of those photos. That poster is the one that wanted to canonize her,
Delete"Flighty standards" LMAO
DeleteI think that is what really has her rattled. Criticism from people who worshiped her is taking a terrible toll on her stability. She had many crazy people she thought she could count on for support, no matter what kind of stunts she pulled, and they turned on her. If she loses them she knows she will be up shit creek.
DeleteThe Tea Party posted a "refudation" of the pictures posted by Palin of Trig on Jill by saying Ellen DeGeneres did the exact same thing. Well, kinda sorta, not - it was a tiny little girl on top of a very large dog brushing her teeth at the bathroom sink. The picture was obviously snapped at the moment. Not staged. Not repeated.
ReplyDeleteFalse equivalency once again.
The tea party?? What a bunch of losers getting involved in a non political issue like this. They don't stand for a thing of real importance. Thanks tea party, for making it obvious to all of us.
DeleteShe also got many critical responses on her facewbook for that, which they neglect to mention
DeletePlus if you go to Ellen's page people were also critical of that photo. But you're right about the sizes of dog and child.
DeleteLazy bitch (sarah)! Once again she waits for other people to do the work. Her bots have been posting that shit for days now.
DeletePlus if you go to Ellen's page people were also critical of that photo. But you're right about the sizes of dog and child.
DeleteStupid old harridan. PETA will laugh. They've won.
ReplyDeleteThat's Tripp's dog that Trig is trying to put a choke hold on. I don't think Trig's very nice to animals in general, I wouldn't be surprised if he's quite aggressive with animals- we know he's not the grinning idiot that the Palins try to portray him as.
I agree about Trig- the choke hold and the kicking the dog in the face from the Thanksgiving video are indications of him being aggressive.
DeleteHe maybe wouldn't be so aggressive if he was given the tools he needs, such as glasses to see with, hearing aids, and therapy to be able to eat and express himself.
Watch how Sarah physically controls the kid when he is around her - holds him tightly, holds him by the neck, etc. She has no mothering skills and knows nothing about caring for the kid. I suspect he does not like her at all and makes her life difficult when he has the opportunity! Kids (and animals) know who are the good and kind adults - like President Obama!
DeleteWell, that certainly sounded quite presidential. Hoohah!
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain is very proud of her.
DeleteJohnny Mac is impressed with the tea party. Will anyone else stand up for her animal abuse?
DeleteAnon at 2:39 pm. I had the same thought. How can he dare give her any support anymore? She really is Lake Lucille's resident lunatic.
What's hilarious is that weird inbred crew from the sea o pee that somehow thinks that Americans want character like THAT in the WH.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead, Granny Grifter, pick a fight with PETA, you'll lose!
ReplyDeleteI hope you take her out on Monday, toxic psychobitch needs to be laid out, what a fucking harpy. Knock her on her bony ass, please.
ReplyDeleteI think she is actually trying to create a story that will drown out what is coming Monday....
DeleteHa Ha, she alienated the whole subset of "dog lovers" from her electoral base. Electoral base loosely uttered.
ReplyDeleteSarah, how did you get a puppy from Puppy Jake, when it is a charity foundation? You claim on your facebook page that Puppy Jake prepares puppies for special needs children, yet their own mission statement says the dogs are for veterans. Did you get the first dog they issued? Were any more ever issued to veterans?
Ha Ha, she alienated the whole subset of "dog lovers" from her electoral base.
DeleteThat's the thing I don't get about her. She is that dumb I suppose.
She thinks it was the President and PETA that was ripping her a new one on FB.
She doesn't have a clue it's people that at one time were for her. Now Sarah Palin supporters are the "liberals".
She has a supposed friend (female) that is one of the executives of Puppy Jake. That is how she got the dog - supposedly bought it and it was not trained within the organziation. A volunteer (?) supposedly trained the dog, Jill. Feel so sorry for it being in the Palin household!
DeleteThis is Sarah Palin who loves the vets and used them again via Puppy Jake. She no more cares for American Vets than does the guy that heads up North Korea. She USES them and always has - just like she does everything else in her life. She's a fraud through and through!
Well that's not what she claims on her own FB page, but thanks for the explaination.
DeleteChill. At least Trig didn’t eat the dog.
ReplyDeleteThe kid doesn't eat sold food, speak words or hear.. I'd say that's child neglect!
Chill. At least Sarah didn't teach Trig to eat. Had Trig had him for dinner it would have been 1000x worse than merely using Jill for a stool.
DeleteThe worst response she could have made. All she needed to say was that the dog is fine and she had a talk with Trig. Instead she went off the rails with a psychotic
ReplyDeleteCans are flyin' in the Palin house this weekend!
She doesn't respect her fans or anyone that do see her photo-op as abuse.
DeleteShe never addresses the situation. She is just her reactionary self and darn mad. All the signs of her mental deterioration. Blame, blame, blame. Did PETA write to her? Or is she just putting in anyone she can imagine whether they responded to her photo op or not?
Too bad she couldn't have addressed and answered her fans in a sensible manner. Resolve some of the conflict she has.
It must be her cry for help.
("Help me, look how sick I am!") Sarah
She left out the date 'precious' Trig was adopted.
ReplyDeletePalin must be quaking in her shoes for Monday!
ReplyDeleteSarah: everything's not about President Obama. He was served dog when he was a small child -- about Trig's age -- not at his own home. He remarked about it as something very unusual, as he did about eating snake meat.
ReplyDeleteDogs are not as domesticated in all parts of the world as they are in Western culture. It would be wise, as an almost-51-year-old, for you to learn more about the world.
Horses are eaten in France. Wanna make something of it?
And, although you throw in your blue-collar cred about working in a fishing packing plant, you can't wait to tell us how you and your fellow workers guffawed at people eating roe, which you call "poor dead...discarded...castoff...dead, smelly...funky..." Etc.
Okay, we got your point. You don't like caviar, if, in fact, you've ever tried it. You think it's only enjoyed by elitist snobs, but, actually, you were canning good protein that you were too ignorant to eat yourself, for a nourishing meal. Don't throw away anything edible, Sarah. That's the first rule of fishing/hunting/life.
I bet her hubby rolls on the floor laughing when she brags about being a commercial fisherman. As do the rest of the fishermen in the entire state.
DeletePalin's stupidity comes out more and more every time she gets on one of her rants and hate spewing.
DeleteLiving in the body and brain of Sarah Palin would have to be the absolute worst experience anyone could endure! She is pure evil and nastiness with no kindness to her soul at all! Her poor kids and animals! god forbid having to be one of them!
I'm sure that Todd is way past done with her mouth, physical violence, mood swings, ups and downs, her change of life antics, being a horrible parent and wife, sex partner, carrying her purse, etc. Can you imagine even sharing a bed with her? Yikes!!!
I cannot help but wonder what awful disease is going to get her - that body of hers oozes hate and has for so many years. I'm sure there is not a 'good' cell in there to fight off bad cells that will carry various diseases which will eventually do away with her! And, once sick, I hope she suffers as no other! She should pay due to the way she has caused hate and racism across the USA for all these years.
Her god did not allow her being elected to national office (as she so badly wanted!) and her god is not protecting her in her regular life. She has bad stuff going on all around her which is the result of her own making!
Sarah, the failure you have proven yourself to be as well as the fact you are NOT a Christian, tells me you are nothing more than the devil's mate with his door to Hell ajar and awaiting your arrival. Please, please do his bidding and go soon! And, know that you will be missed by no one - especially animals, children, your adult kids, Todd and the majority of Alaskans!
When the doors to China were finally opened, there was an article in our local newspaper about how the Chines eat dog and how they prefer black dogs because they think they taste better. A huge cultural difference. At the time President Obama was a small child trying to fit into the Indonesian society. A big difference for an adult American woman to chortle and snap photos of a child (supposedly her child) standing on the back of a dog. A huge difference and Sarah Palin comes off far worse. This woman is just despicable. Is there no one who can control her?
I wonder if the president shoots gamefarm pigs just for the fun of it, and then poses with the carcass, to brag about it. Anyway, can't wait to see the piggy head on the wall behind her.
DeleteI'm pretty attuned to stuff here in Alaska. I'd be extremely surprised if she ever worked in a fish packing plant. Can't envision her as a slimer...too lazy and it's well known she spent little or no time fishing.
DeleteAnon 2:26:
DeleteExactly? What the hell does all of this remotely have to do with President Obama? He did not let Trig stand on the dog whilst feigning oblivion in order to take pictures.
My Dog, she has Obama on the brain (or whatever it is that resides under her unwashed bumpit)!
Tripp trains Jill.
What a family.
DeleteIf she put her hair up, she would look exactly like Elvira.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking more on the lines of Anna Nichole Smith.
DeleteWe missed your apology MS Palin, for putting a photo op on facebook over the welfare of that poor dog who may already be hurt for life. How many times did you restage that photo op until you got it right?
ReplyDeleteHer regard (not) for Trig means he is hurt for life.
DeleteThat is the weirdest part where she brings eating dog meat in another culture up in regard to Trig and Jill.
Since it is the worst abuse that she neglected Trig and messed him up for life... when it comes to eating anything at all.
And how about his therapy and toilet training?
I fear not for Palin but American which came real close to putting this woman in the white house...and they will elect people like her again.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny her fans think she will win everyone over and become President. Do they not even think about how she is alienating more and more liberals? Uh, you WILL need those liberal votes to win, Sarah.
Mildred, no liberal would ever vote for Sarah Palin. Even Sarah is aware of that. Liberals are simply too intelligent to support her for any office. What astounds me every time she gets all vindictive like this is how jealous she is of President Obama and his family.
DeleteWow, she is one deranged, bitter woman. The venom drips from every sentence (especially the really long one!) I found myself recoiling while I was reading that.
ReplyDeleteYou can really tell she feels less than people who have money, people who are intelligent, and on and on. Probably a pretty long list.
The anger that is completely out of proportion to the trigger is a clear sign of mental illness that is raging out of control. If this is the kind of venom she displays in writing, what kind of fury is she demonstrating in person, and is her behavior physical, other than the cans being thrown at the refrigerator?
DeleteHer emotions are so out of control that I worry for the safety of the younger children, including Trig, and animals who are trapped within her environment and who cannot defend or protect themselves.
She reminds me of a student I worked with years ago whose mother saw nothing wrong with the little girl trashing her room when she got angry since the mother behaved the same way. We had to teach both the girl AND her mother that it was not an acceptable - or safe - response to anger.
Palin desperately needs help and her entire family needs some kind of intervention. Sadly, they will likely not get it unless someone gets seriously hurt.
Section 9 • an hour ago
ReplyDeleteYou can't get on C4P. The libs are in a rage.
THAT'S how it's done. No surrender, no yielding to phony tard bullsh*t. Just a good, swift kick in the nuts.
8 • Reply•
That's how what is done, section9? Piss off even half the population of this country and you still expect her to run and WIN??
Fools, each and every one of therm
Really? So her nasty flock can use the term "tard"?
DeleteTalk about double standards.
Interesting to see that comments have been turned off at Sarah Palin's Facebook page. Didn't Harry Truman say, 'If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen' ?
ReplyDeleteBecause Sarah Palin is a coward!!!
DeleteShe can't delete them fast enough, I guess.
DeleteThe worm has turned, Sarah. Go away!
Another of Palin's 'string of words searching for a coherent thought'.
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting for her explanation of why the Obamacare Death Panel hasn't killed Trig or put them in a FEMA concentration camp yet.
Hey, Palin, you dreadful hulking rage beast, shriek PETA all you want. And try to deflect to President Obama and Ellen Degeneres all you want.
ReplyDeleteThe vast majority of people calling you out on your gross irresponsibility were not PETA members. And sane people know better than to blame the President for doing as he was told as a small child.
What do you have to say about the Alaska SPCA, hmm?
Trig wasn't to blame for your incompetent parenting and the President was not to blame for eating his dinner as he was told to by an adult.
Nice try, you stunted bitch. Point your bony finger at everyone but yourself. "But look at Ellen, look at a little boy , look at PETA, waah, waah, waah."
You. blew. it. You stupid, stunted three year old.
Oh God, that was her, rather than one of the ghostwriters, posting this insane "stream of consciousness" rant. There is no disguising her "real" voice and holy shit, that woman is insane.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if her family was trying to keep her away from the keyboard until this all blew over and she stole her laptop away from them and went and locked herself in the bathroom long enough to type out this disjointed rant?
Whew, good times and greater laughs and the fact that she linked to the P-Pond has taken down their server! (I'm pretty sure they run that website on a 486 in someone's basement and obviously it can't handle more than 15 people hitting it in any given hour). This is good times folks, good times for sure!
Sometimes forces collide and this confederacy of dunces earn their hats!
Palin trigger a DDOS? love it.
DeleteActually a stream of unconsciousness. Too far off kilter to qualify for an American literary movement.
DeleteTypical of Sarah, never apologize, go on the attack, even if it doesn't make any sense. She really needs to be institutionalize, too bad Ronnie closed all the mental wards.
ReplyDeleteShe can add animal abuser to her list of accomplishments.
She is abusing her fans and donors now. She'll show them, nothing like slamming a door in their face like turn off the comments.
DeleteSomeone is probably going through and editing like a good fascists.
She thinks that all liberals are members of PETA, and all PETA members are liberal.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the PeePals conflate the two, but the rest of the world knows it isn't so.
I know PETA members and they definitely are not wearing designer shoes or eating sushi! Does she believe the stuff she writes, and does she actually think the rest of the world is as ignorant as she is?
She's trying to pull the wool (lovingly sheered from organically-fed sheep) over our eyes. Sorry, Sarah, you've failed big time.
Based on the FB comments to her latest post, there are a lot of plain old people who may once have supported her but who definitely don't think allowing a child, especially a "challenged" child, to stand on an animal, is anything but sheer foolishness.
Isn't that picture of the boys on the couch from the video where they kick the dog in the face?
ReplyDelete2:45 Yes, Tripp does.
DeleteYes. There is a picture of Tripp kicking the dog.
DeleteSince I am of the belief that Bristol is Trig's birth mom, I also suspect that he has fetal alcohol syndrome, not DS. I think he was born preemie in late Jan or early Feb of 2008. Just speculation.
ReplyDeleteWhy not both DS and FAS?
DeleteI didn't know if that was likely. I have just always suspected that DS would gain sympathy from the right, where FAS would reflect badly on Sarah.
DeleteAs someone who works with the handicapped, I can tell you that Trig does NOT have FAS. He looks like someone with classic DS
DeleteJust wait until Trig decides it's okay to stand on someone else's dog who might be vicious or a much smaller dog. An average 7 yr. old boy weighs 50 lbs. What are they waiting for - till he's 50 lbs. heavier and 11 years old before they teach him not to stand on a dog? Would they let him use a baby as a step stool with all his weight on it? If they have taught him not to do that then they can certainly teach him to have as much respect for a dog. Oh but I forget - the Palin family has zero respect for other people, animals or for each other.
ReplyDeleteBesides that how on earth can Sarah be expected to teach her adopted child to have any respect or empathy for other creatures since she herself has none. She quit her job after discovering that her money-making forte' was snark, hatred & divisiveness 24/7. Personally I think she was born without the empathy gene in her DNA.
RAM is channeling her rage (and is consumed by it). This isn't her writing.
ReplyDeletei wager the cross-eyed useless skank's still comatose ...
DeleteRAM can actually write in grammatically correct sentences eden though she is a hostile person. I think Sarah wrote it.
DeleteThat is one very sick woman!!
ReplyDeleteNasty. Bitch.
ReplyDeleteFinally, Sarah did something right-she broke c4p!
ReplyDeleteI know, hilarious, right? Makes me laugh because they love to talk about being ground zero for Palin support and Palin fans and dagnabbit, they're ready to accept anyone and everyone who wants to visit their site once Mrs. Palin decides to run. Guess what idiots, if you want to be ground zero for a Palin POTUS run you'd better get yourselves a new server because you can't even handle the traffic.
Even funnier is how they treat new comers or even one of the pack, who dares to utter a differing opinion. I think they are the perfect ground zero site to represent AIP Sarah.
DeleteHey Sarah, just because someone else does it, does that make it right?
ReplyDeleteShe sure made her kid look bad. Half of the 18k people to respond blamed it on the kid, and the other half said it was bad that she didn't correct him, that they had special needs kids and kids like that CAN learn. Few of the responses were PETA oriented, those were real people, real voters chastising her. All one had to do is mouse over some of the pages of the posters, many had Christan pages, conservative pages, real people with very upset attitudes on animal abuse. SArah was just too anxious to go for a photo op with a pathetic slogan, didn't even think of what the world would think of the kid. Step stools at walmart start at about 15 bucks for kids, you'd think it might have occurred to her to get one to help him out. Now they whole world will make fun of the stepping stone theme. One guy was joking about how he had to screw in a lightbulb over his head, good thing his chihuahua was there to stand on. You've lost any residual respect Mrs. Palin, but I'm sure some of the racists and foamers-at-the-mouth will still donate.
ReplyDelete"You've lost any residual respect Mrs. Palin, but I'm sure some of the racists and foamers-at-the-mouth will still donate."
DeleteBecause they stand on their dogs all the time, what's the f***kin' problem, assholes? (I can just hear them as they slouch on their grimy sofas, beers in hand, potbellies hanging out over their Wal-Mart shorts...)
Yes mentally challenged kids CAN learn. They know not to stand on a baby so they can easily be taught not to stand on a dog! This is clearly the adults fault for allowing it and thinking it's "cute".
DeleteThat hateful post sounds just like all the comments defending her on C4p and the right wing sites..the palin scum worked overtime trolling the net, eh sawah? good, make 'em earn that postage. Lol!
ReplyDeleteGood gosh what a pathetic defensive woman. Always on defense. Always a victim. Always crying fowl. What a crazy lousy stupid woman. and change that worn out trash looking blouse. For crying out loud. Straighten the F up sarah and grow the F up too. Sick of your nonsense.
ReplyDeleteI know, right? Never an acknwledgement or a "my bad", ALWAYS an attack in response to any criticism, no matter how small, or how obviously justified. Doesn't matter that she was irresponsible, just matters that anyone else on the planet that she can dredge up on Google got treated the same way she did. I laugh at the idea that she thinks Jesus is going to welcome her into his house...
DeleteDoes that woman EVER get sick of herself? or her stinken family of ticks.
ReplyDeleteWow! She's absolutely foaming at the mouth, incoherent, screeching, hair rising, insane out of control filled with rage. I can only imagine how it is around her house these days.
ReplyDeleteBecause she is a public figure, Granny $arah is probably under control with medication/drink enough to never blow her stack on TV.
DeleteBut I can tell that during some of the interviews in 2008-2009, she was mightily pissed off at Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly for asking her demeaning questions
Some day, we can only hope a camera catches the rill $arah Paylin having a volcanic, screaming, nightmare raging fit, and posts it to Youtube.
Oh, and $arah, guess who is about to announce for President tonite?
Hucksterbee for President, dontcha know, so right there the fundies, an dthe Jihad Christian vote will be divided, and your Pbots will be SO disappointed.
But we'll keep it a secret that you weren't running anyway
Granny $arah is just having a temper tantrum like a 3 year old kid in the supermarket.
ReplyDeleteShe picks up any items on nearby shelves, and just starts throwing things. What do Tebagger raging fundies scream about, besides PETA bashing, hatin' God, Obama's dog dinner when he was 7 YEARS OLD, and hating commies and libruls for all of 'em, any of 'em over all these years.
She really goes off the deep end with
"Louboutins exiting sleek cowhide covered limo seats on their way to some liberal fundraiser shindig at some sushi bar"
WHAT THE FUCK $arah? Don't you have a proofreader/editor so you don't sound like a speed freak that downed too many Dexies? You sound like a screaming lunatic!
The good thing is that this really got under your skin, and you fucking coward, you won't acknowledge the thousands of "Conservative" types who also wrote posts about your stupidity.
Maybe part of the reason she is so pissed off and raging mad is that Queen Esther was planning some HUGE announcement shortly, and now she has to either hold off, or wait a month so that everyone will "forget" about her idiocy.
Oh, and guess what else is coming down the pike on Monday?
And, she brings up the cowhide covered limo seats! Isn't she the idiot that rented the limo for the verified Anchorage Brawl that she, Todd, Track, Sarah and Willow participated in with Bristol's kid being in the limo (although he was also inside the house when the party was going on!)?
DeleteSarah Palin is retarded, evil, angry, uneducated and assuredly doesn't have a clue when to keep her mouth shut. She digs herself in deeper and deeper as the years pass and she'll never be elected (much less run!) to any post!
Reminds me of the blood libel speech when everyone just brushed her off as going over the top with hatred. She never did recover any sort of public respect after that, IMO.
ReplyDeleteEarthquake Movement titles their posting of the rant as "Future President of the US, Sarah Palin's answer to hypocritical haters.". Future President. What a delusional group.
ReplyDeleteDelusional AND stupid as hell!!
DeleteI hope Brissy was there to wipe the spit off of her chin.
ReplyDeleteIt happened, she flipped, she lost it. Puppy Libel indeed. I wonder if her head exploded.
It must be quite a spectacle to see her shaking and foaming at the mouth as she screams: but he did it and she did it and they did it and everybody did it- but they pick on perfect me me me me damn it I am the victim here.
lol so I guess the public can assume that she was joking with the inspirational stuff.
ReplyDeleteWhy is she always dressed like a hooker?
ReplyDeleteTrick question? Because she is a whore?
DeleteLike the saying goes, dress for the job you want, not the one you have.
DeleteMake money just by lying on her back? She's as frigid as her precious Alaska in January, but otherwise, perfect for her.
Todd cleans up the hoe house and brings home "presents" for the "girls". Actually, any respectable whore with self esteem wouldn't be caught dead in that outfit.
DeleteMaybe she's emulating the black suit Olivia Newton John wore in "Grease"? As Joan Rivers used to say (rest her soul) "Oh Grow Up"
Sarah should take a break from being a dummy. It aint pretty. Does she think that she looks good in that top? An old lady with a late night shirt on in the middle of the day? Sarah Bundy here she comes.
ReplyDeleteWow, that is $creech's most half assed, juvenile diatribe ever. She is oblivious that while directed at PETA, she is slamming all the other animal organizations that spoke out against the treatment of Jill.
ReplyDeleteThe comment directed at Obama about eating dead dog meat - $he should have her filthy, disrespectful tongue out. It made me gasp it was so hatefully ugly.
I have 30 years in the Alaska seafood business and want especially to comment on $arah's ignorance and disrespect for the fisheries she worked in for brief stints at Bristol Bay.
$he spewed: "I packed those castoff fish eggs for you while laughing with co-workers about the suckers paying absurdly high prices to party with the throw away parts of our wild seafood. I believe you call those discarded funky eggs caviar.“
Those 'funky eggs' - the roe - are one of the most valuable parts of the red salmon. They are a prized delicacy in countries around the world. During the summer salmon fishery, the roe is graded by experts and packed delicately for shipping. $arah insults the whole Alaska salmon industry by implying that they provide low quality roe products.
I can also attest to the fact that Sarah spent next to no time at Bristol Bay when Todd was fishing there every summer. She uses it as a phony photo pop, like all else in Alaska. Todd has not salmon fished for at least five years, Track even longer.
Yeah, like SHE packed caviar, who is she trying to kid? And she LOVES the family pet, yet paid a bounty for the front leg of their closest relative. Did her share from a plane, how is that "hunting"? Her "god" must have planted the idea in her head.
Delete3:18 Thanks for sharing.
DeleteI cannot believe that she got her slur against President Obama in her first sentence! What an evil woman she is.
I went to take a peek at the sea o' pee pee and it's down, LMAO!! What a great way to start the new year, laughing our asses off at the dumbass wonky eyed skank.
ReplyDeleteShe has the facebook comments on....
ReplyDeleteDanielle Simoneau Marchand Even though I can't stand you, Sarah, I have a hard time believing you wrote this piece of trash. Must be a fake. A strong, educated, and self important person as yourself wouldn't write this. Even you are better than that
1 min
Michelle Katzdorn We were just not impressed with your comparison of your dog and a stepping stone. I don't think you addressed this the correct or classy way..
3 mins
Nicholas Desmarais I feel like I'm watching Dumb & Dumber.
3 mins
Sandy Elvenholl As a professional dog trainer I can't begin to tell you how many times I've been called out to assess a family dog who "bit out of the blue". Usually the bite is directed at a child who has not been taught proper respect and behavior toward the dog. I hope your son never becomes a statistic because it WILL be your fault.
ReplyDeleteHere's a copy of an article I put out for Bite Prevention Week this past year. It would behoove you read it...a couple of times.
The AVMA & CDC state the following:
-Every year, more than 800,000 Americans receive medical attention for dog bites; at least half of them are children.
-Children are, by far, the most common victims of dog bites and are far more likely to be severely injured.
-Most dog bites affecting young children occur during everyday activities and while interacting with familiar dogs.
CDC goes on to state the following:
“Among children and adults, having a dog in the household is associated with a higher incidence of dog bites. As the number of dogs in the home increases, so does the incidence of dog bites. Adults with two or more dogs in the household are five times more likely to be bitten than those living without dogs at home.”
How can the beloved family dog be responsible for many of these statistics? The collage of pictures below is a good example. In every single photo you see below the children are interacting improperly with the dog. Bottom line? The adults in charge need to stop considering it “cute,” put the camera down, and teach the child that what they are doing is NEVER acceptable.
“But our family dog LOVES the children!”
I don’t doubt it! But how would you like to be stepped on, grasped in a wrestling hold, or ridden like a horse when you’re trying to rest or go about your day? You parents out there know how tiring it gets after you’ve reached your limit. Consider how the dog feels. And he can’t tell them to stop like you can.
“Yeah, but our dog was raised as a puppy with the kids…he’s used to the rough play.”
Okay, so he’s socialized. Awesome! So were mine. That still doesn’t change the fact that he probably doesn’t appreciate (or understand) the physical closeness, especially if the child slips and pulls on his skin, tail or ears. No one appreciates being pinched, kicked or tugged on. I’m harder on my kids when they are interacting with the dogs than I am at any other time. I absolutely will not tolerate any inappropriate play, and they know it.
“I always supervise my kids and pets.”
Awesome! Kids and children should always be supervised. However, it may not be enough. Too often the dogs are sending off signals (body language) that untrained adults fail to notice. If you don’t know what to look for when the dog is sending stress signs, you’ll miss that chance to stop the child before it’s too late.
Bottom line: teach children to behave appropriately with dogs. Play games such as fetch, hide and seek, find it, obedience commands and/or tricks, swim together, go hiking or walking together (age appropriate), tug-o-war under control, and many, many other things. Remember that showing affection toward your dogs is not the same as showing affection toward your kids.
7 mins
Dustin Parisi Fantastic info, but completely wasted here...
1 · 6 mins
Sue Glaskey They don't want to hear it. "Queen Sarah" can do no harm ... NOT!
5 mins
Sandy Elvenholl Only because she's a closed minded twit.
5 mins
Tracy Peterson Taylor Thank you.
4 mins
Elena Shur Ship of fools these people and Sarah is their natural queen. Makes my skin crawl when I hear her name and see all these imbeciles salivating over her....
4 mins
That my friends is what's known clinically as "narcisstic rage". She seriously needs to be committed...
ReplyDeleteCustody of minor children and rage is not a good combination.
DeleteSeem to have a song stuck in my head….
ReplyDeleteMonday, Monday
Can't trust that day
Monday, Monday
It just turns out that way
Who knew that Sarah had the foresight to NOT teach Trig to eat solid foods..she was protecting the dog!
ReplyDeleteAnd Keith Olbermann is still sitting in the catbird seat.
ReplyDeleteSeems like it was just yesterday that he said "That woman is an idiot!!!"
Damn! This foolish bitch keeps 'extruding' the BS (hat tip to the anon for the 'extrude'). It's the perfect word here. What a clown!
ReplyDeleteOne day she will back the wrong bitch in the corner. I wish North Korea or Anonymous would hack her ass.
ReplyDeleteOMG, Sarah's response needs to go viral! It is INSANE but also hilarious. That is some serious SNL skit material right there.
ReplyDeleteShe changes topics like mad...she can't stay focused on the issue at hand, which should be her bad parenting and apologizing for Trig's behavior.
Instead we get: PETA, Ellen DeGeneres, President Obama, the commercial fishing industry, the Iditarod, Hollywood, sushi, limousines, caviar, Louboutins, alligator purses, liberal fundraisers, a Dillingham cannery, and God.
Did I miss anything? What a nut case Sarah is! Get help for your mom, Bristol and Willow!
I don't even know what a Louboutin is.
DeleteIt's like witnessing the stream of consciousness of a mental breakdown.
Delete3:35 -- fancy, very expensive shoes.
DeleteBut that's what makes her rant even more bizarre: only women, and probably not that many of her bots, know or care what a Louboutin is. She's talking over their heads, or to some other audience.
Thus, part of her tirade is completely pointless.
She's more retarded than that little kid of hers she adopted.
ReplyDeleteThat rant is proof she is not a real leader. A real leader is one who can work with opponents to achieve results, not denigrate them at every turn, over every issue.
ReplyDeleteI'm a vegan who likes animals much more than kids but, dog aside, why so little mention of the danger to Trig?
ReplyDeletePalin's Facebook defenders kept saying that if the dog was uncomfortable, it would have moved. But that dog is not a pet, it's a service dog trained to protect it's owner.
The dog probably knew that, if it HAD moved, Trig could fall and hurt himself. Trig could lose his balance and crack his head on the edge of the counter or hard tile floor.
The dog is obviously smarter than Palin and her supporters!
Apparently that dog is the smartest one in the family. Too bad the Palin's never get vetted before running for office, an adoption or having a service dog. We've had to do it all & we won't stop this hateful, uncurious, clueless mentally ill woman stops trolling America.
DeleteIn other stupid right wing news of the day: The act of wearing a hoodie in public could soon be illegal in Oklahoma under a bill proposed by Don Barrington, a Republican state senator.
Talk about profiling!
I have no doubt the dog is smarter than any human in the household, but she is NOT a service animal. Those dogs live with a family for two whole years, being taken out in public places, being around people, and being trained for their jobs. Jill is still a puppy, and Sarah merely bought her from the breeder used by that dog group she was posing with. She has not taken her to obedience classes even. Hell, Trig does;t even get therapy except at school. Sarah is too busy building her fantasy world online to be a responsible adult.
DeleteWell I have to say she is true to form...if it weren't for low class, she'd have no class at all! Wonder why the crazy bitch has to make everything about liberals. Oops. Dumb question. All right wingers do.
ReplyDeleteThis was strictly about abusing a dog. Guess we're lucky she was stupid enough to post it. It is scary to think of what goes on in that den of inequity when the cameras aren't out.
Her word vomit makes about as much sense as it ever does in her rants. Not crazy about PETA myself but that is about them being hypocritical in their stances while running some very high kill shelters.
2015 is looking to be a great years for IM'ers!
So every negative comment on her Facebook page was from a Louboutin-wearing, limosine-riding, caviar-eating, Hollywood-living, Liberal. Uh huh.
ReplyDeleteSez the thwonk who stole RNC pelts and shoes, still wearing the red leather jacket. This whole post sounds like it's a transcript of crazylady talking to herself? What makes it really funny, is she has no qualms about saying she adopted Silly Hadassah Name for a dog and remembers the day, but can't remember the arrival (ahem) of "Trig" and doesn't even recall correctly where he was born. Poor Jilly didn't get a letter penned by her creator.
ReplyDeleteAs for President Obama eating dog meat, get over yourself, Sarah, You'd eat dog meat if it's the custom where you go, as a matter of fact, the FDA has a minimum allowable level of mouse feces when they test restaurants, lots of other crap is "allowable" and it's passed for human grade food. Pink Slime- google it.
The big take away? She's still got the "Obama and Sarah" romance novel fantasy. Don't blame her, really, she chose vienna sausage for life, even after Glen Rice curled her toes. Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge, Say no more.
She's nearly off the rails. Shove her off, Gryphen. It won't even take much.
DeleteShe is desperately trying to expand her bubble of idiocy. It isn't bringing in the money like before. Some of the folks (the smarter ones) in her bubble have wised up.
ReplyDeleteThe CofP site is still down as of 7:45 PM EST -- It says:
ReplyDeleteService Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
This may be even bigger than the Palin drunken brawl. YEAH!
That was the angriest word salad ever. Poor Sarah...No matter how much you screech, you're never going to be relevant in the real world.
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine the efforts to keep her under control this afternoon......she raged on her FB and can't even go to the devoted cloying bots at C4P to get her desperately needed accolades. Turning on her FB comments will be the only way for her to get any support and that comes with an awful price.
ReplyDeleteI love it, she can only go to a handful of places where she is being talked about and she DOESN'T want to hear any of that kind of talk.
So, those poor dogs are probably in trouble tonight and for that I am very sorry. However, that she is unable to get a fix from the bots is just delicious to think about, almost as tasty as dog!
Seriously, with that response she would have been better off keeping her yap shut. Oh well...if you're reading this Ms. Palin you just dug the hole a little deeper. Nothing left for you to look forward to except Gryph's next reveal :)
Well, that's a fuck of a reply, indeed! All frothy and rant-ish!
ReplyDeletePoor, thin skinned $error! Dang, the paylump really cannot take criticism AT ALL! (or write in proper sentences or express a coherent thought for that matter).
This response will, of course, backfire on the tundra twit as animal lovers are extremely passionate and come from both sides of the aisle, as evidenced by the criticism from her supporters. Not very well thought out at all.
What a completely self-unaware, harpy, snarky, reactive bitch!
See you all Monday!! :) (tick tock, $error!)
I like how she uses the word critters in here rage infused post, it just sounds so down home and folksy, so Palin Hillbillie, how charming.
ReplyDeleteNo logical thinking person with an ounce of insight would have posted those photos to their facebook page,but that's Sarah! can't think beyond the moment. What she thought was going to make her look all house frau and cute was a total bomb.Her lack of judgement is only outmatched by her capacity for revenge and anger.
Isn't that what everyone wants in a leader? Oh hell she's crazy to boot! You would think for once, just once, she could act like an adult. All she had to say was something like " Rest assured, this was one moment captured, it is not an everyday occurence and Jill is fine and Trig has been taught how to treat all our pets." But no she loves to ride the shitstorm, she feeds off causing and giving hate like some sort of power trip, either way the woman is clinically nuts.
In some twist of fate, I wonder if DOG-ghazi is going to be more of a thorn in the side than the PalinBrawl or Blood Libel rant ever was.
ReplyDeleteAmerica is a nation of dog lovers, and that cuts way across every political spectrum.
For Dog's sake, even ZH100, the hardest of the hard core Palinbots was chiding her yesterday for her behavior.
Isn't the term "dead dog meat" redundant? As if someone would eat a live dog! Oh, well.
ReplyDeleteSarah can't stand the criticism because, underneath it all, and barely mentioned by her thousands of critics, is that her six-year-old son can't speak, and that she ignored his pathetic attempts to get her attention with his "up" signal.
ReplyDeleteReally. Mistreating a dog is a bad thing to do.
Mistreating your child is contemptible.
He has no means by which to convey his simplest thoughts, and, when he does use what he can to show what he's thinking, his mother thinks it's cute to proclaim that she's "oblivious" (ignorant of his meaning or ignoring him).
There's no SPCA to intervene, and no Child Welfare group will do so. Instead, there's a child who can't talk, can't hear, can't see, and can't eat solid foods.
Sarah, step away from your keyboard and your iPhone, put down all your electronic devices, turn off your television, and
pay attention to your child. Read to him, sit with him, sing with him, do gentle exercises with him, smile at him, hold him -- love him.
You've never shown love in any of your postings. Even this response about Trig-on-Jill has a bigger photo of YOU with the dog than of your son. We don't care about you: we care about Trig.
Thin skinned is right. Thin skinned, and frothing at the mouth. It must be so horrible at that home since she posted her "inspirational" moment on FB.
ReplyDeleteSomeone just disabled comments on her cocaine fueled verbal vomit Doggie Facebook post, as I'm sure Her Highness would not want to hear dissent or rational responses.
ReplyDeleteDog Ghazi!
She blew up good! What an ugly bitch!
ReplyDeleteTheNastyLiberal3:01 PM
ReplyDeleteTime to revisit the question, What is the difference between a “hockey mom" and a pit bull?
- - -
A pit bull has beauty, grace, charm, manners and intelligence compared to the Ol' Pretend Hockey Mom who is ugly to the bone, crude, rude, lewd, and dumber than a bag of Palins,
Sarah is a blithering idiot with a nasty disposition. There were over 22,000 comments on the Tri-G on Dog post and the largest percentage of the ones that I read were hammering Sarah. She hasn't caught on that a lot of Tea Party, ultra conservatives love their dogs. The C4P may support her but she's lost another bunch of fans.
ReplyDeleteDidn't Sarah once lie to Todd to drive into Anchorage to see celebrity Ivana Trump? Do stretch limos have plastic seats? I would think they would be tricked out in leather. Are those cowboy boots Sarah sports made of plastic? Sarah is jealous of everyone. I've never seen anything like it.
If the above photo is accurate and if Jill was "adopted" by Sarah back in August, she was a very young puppy at the time of her adoption yet Sarah tries to pass her off as a trained service dog. Maybe Simple Sarah doesn't understand that it takes 1.5 - 2 years to train a service dog.
Hey, Sarah, the country didn't want you for VP and the vast majority of the country thinks you are an nasty, jealous, idiot who lacks the skills needed to be even a pleasant member of society. The Palin household = Deliverance Revisited. Hoohah
Hell knows no fury like a woman scorned. Sarah is one dumb shit. Hoohah