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Bikram Choudhury |
A yoga guru who founded a rigorous routine of exercises practiced in steamy rooms around the world is facing lawsuits by six women who claim he sexually assaulted them.
The most recent case, filed on 13 February in Los Angeles superior court, claims Bikram Choudhury raped a Canadian woman who had paid $10,000 from her college fund for a nine-week class so she could teach the 26-pose technique to others.
Jill Lawler said she went into the class elated to learn from the master, but things quickly soured as she was expected to massage him while watching Bollywood movies late into the night with hundreds of other students and was sexually assaulted on several occasions.
“Throughout the sexual abuse, defendant Bikram Choudhury offered multiple explanations and justifications for his behaviour,” the lawsuit said. “He would say ‘I’m dying, I need to you to save me. If I don’t have sex I will die. You are saving my life, you are helping me.’”
Has anybody else noticed that virtually everybody that Sarah Palin associates herself with is either accused of sexual impropriety or says rapey things about women?
However, assuming that other Hot Yoga instructors take their cues from Choudhury, at least now this picture makes more sense:
It looks like somebody certainly got their chakras aligned.
O/T Sarah Palin came in #13
Todd Palin is running in 10th place with only a few miles to go.
Davis finished in 2nd and McKenna finished 3rd.
Percent Candidate
Delete25.7 Sen. Rand Paul
21.4 Gov. Scott Walker
11.5 Sen. Ted Cruz
11.4 Dr. Ben Carson
8.3 Former Gov. Jeb Bush
4.3 Former Sen. Rick Santorum
3.7 Sen. Marco Rubio
3.5 Donald Trump
3.0 Carly Fiorina
2.8 Gov. Chris Christie
1.1 Former Gov. Rick Perry
0.9 Gov. Bobby Jindal
0.8 Former Gov. Sarah Palin
0.3 Former Gov. Mike Huckabee
0.3 Former Ambassador John Bolton
0.1 Sen. Lindsey Graham
0.1 Former Gov. George Pataki
1.0 Undecided
0.7 Other
That means only 24 people voted for Sarah out of 3007 votes.
DeleteMaybe showing some cleavage and wearing a shorter skirt would have helped get more votes. Well there's always next year.
Bwahahaha, the Palins lost the straw poll, and the irondog. Sarah's butt enhancing pads and hooker skirt garnered her less than 1% of the votes.
DeleteIron Dog must have finally figured out it was not good to have Todd do much more cheating. They almost got caught last year. The brawl didn't help his credibility any. Who takes a son the military used and abused and the mother makes up stuff about PTSD to a drunken party with brawlers?
DeleteIron Dog was to be all about families and friends. Todd is a loser and a pimp.
Todd Palin should cease doing the race beginning next year! He doesn't win anymore (hasn't in years), is not physically fit, too short (shrinking!), is getting to old, is being watched closely for cheating during the race and has no muscle tone. He's a has been just like his idiotic wife (if they are really still married?)!
DeleteAfter her showing in the straw poll, it's assured no one will even want her on their ticket as VP! She's done!!!
DeleteTodd and his team mate cheated after they made the right hand heading towards North Pole. They went off course instead of the river route and got on a road down to North Pole, then rejoined the race. Taking the road allowed them faster speeds down to North Pole checkpoint.
DeleteQuite a few of the racers who beat or are beating Todd are around his age or older.
DeleteIs that true, 4:16? Is there proof?
Delete4:16 Here ya go.. West of North Pole is where they left the course and got on the road. The checkpoint is where they made a hard left.
DeleteChange the map to satellite and see the road.
The blue boxes are GPS pings, They got on the road near Highway 2, the unpaved section and the river edge 3 miles north of where it shows. The light blue line is not the actual path, just a line between pings.
Delete4:16 PM
DeleteThat does sound Palin-like. Do you have back up?
Has Todd Palin cheated every year? I know he has used drugs. That is cheating. Iron Dog and the National Guard stand behind the cheaters. That is the worst of it.
DeleteEvery sport has it's cheats. Everything about Kastner and Iron Dog is deceptive and dirty.
Most of all their vile pollution of the planet and the hate they have for mother earth. Yes, they pretend to love the beauty and glory of nature while they kill it and shit all over Alaska and the world.
Dude what are you talking about? No one does drugs in the iron dog. Do you see how Todds team and another helped a front runner fix a big problem with sled? Iron dog is about comraderie
DeleteAnd last year winner had to scratch. Winning a previous race had no bearing in how well you will do. You know knowing about this sport
DeleteYeah Alicia, and you, living down there in Florida, know so much about the "sport."
DeleteIron Dog isn't about camaraderie, it's about sponsorship, and apparently bringing your unwanted family to parties where they punch the host in the face.
6:30 PM "Dude" is one of Willow's favorite words after 'vodka and marijuana'. Irondog is about 'cum' raderie with Todd's prostitutes at the Fairbanks party.
Deleteanon@416p, I think I see what you are talking about, but wouldn't it be noticed if racer went off-course, especially bombing down a road?
DeleteIron dog is about comraderie....
DeleteThat is promotion, they also claim to be all about family. They lie to promote themselves. Which is actually corporate greed, destruction of the planet and anyone that claims drugs are not involved is a liar or numero uno dumb and dumber.
The Anchorage Brawl was only a tiny peek at Iron Dog comrades and family lives. It is so much worse.
Even Undecided scored more than Palin.
DeleteHe must use a surrogate or a dildo to rape women because their ain't no junk in that little speedo.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be so sure about that. One of Obama's female lawyers was a student and has now gone to work for him.
Delete3:06 PM And???
Delete3:06, what?
DeleteAnonymous7:16 PM
Delete3:06 its just sarah drunk & high as usual...ignore...
Obama's lawyer works for a rapist!
DeleteOkay, regular yoga is bad enough in that you have a bunch of people with their stinky asses and nether parts in the air not three feet away from your face, not to mention their stinky bare feet, but damn, add excessive heat and humidity to that mess and GAH a hot yoga studio has to be the stinkiest place I've ever been in my life. Just nasty. I firmly believe that yoga isn't a "group sport" but something that should be done alone, without someone else stinky ass and junk in your face.
ReplyDeleteEXACTLY! And that guy? Eeeeuuuw. Where the hell is the disinfectant??
DeleteHow could anyone let that gross guy touch them. Ick! - much less let him touch them!
"I'm going to die" well then, perhaps I should call a few EMT's? 'cause that's as far as my compassion goes!
That's what hot yoga is? During up the heat and humidity?
DeleteWhat is the point of that? To duplicate the conditions in New Dehli?
We have air conditioning for a reason.
The internet posts Sarah being 5' 5". Todd is 5' 8". McCain is 5' 7" and she is way shorter standing next to him even with high heels on.
I highly doubt she is 5' 5". More like 5' 1" or 5' 2" without heels.
This is in reference to a previous post that she suffers from Napoleon complex.
If Todd is 5'8", Sarah is probably much shorter than 5'5" based on their relative heights in this photo. (if Todd is not wearing shoes/boots with very tall heels).
Enlarge that photo and look at the entire family's eyes. ROFL
DeleteWho is the little kid photo-bombing them on the left side of picture?
DeleteNeither one of them are 5'5" and 5'8"! I've seen them and they are both much shorter than that. They are shrimps compared to the norm for white folks!
DeleteI don't believe she was ever 5'5", but, as much as she's wasted way, it's quite possible she's even shorter now than she was in '08.
DeleteThe heels, however, get higher and higher.
Sarah needs higher stilettos. She looks dumpy. Wise up Sarah, with all the weight you've been putting on your short frame you need to go beyond Bristol's sloppy seconds.
DeleteI am convinced Bristol is in it to sabotage Sarah. That is why she has her set up to wear such bad imitations of what works for sexy on the stars. Poor Sarah.
She has becomes such a tool. Nothing is working for her. Except the occasional rich guy that pads her perks. She could have done so much better. It's hell to be stuck.
Willow has not reached the age where she is rapidly shrinking yet. She must be all of 4'6 or 4'7. Go figure how tall the others are.
DeleteShe's about 5'1". Why do you care? Todd gmom is short.
DeleteGet a life
It's funny that you think someone dresses Sarah. Pretty sure Sarah like a lot of moms just wears daughters clothes. The cpac outfit was nice
DeleteSarah is about 5'2". Bristol Is slightly taller. Piper is slightly shorter than Sarah and willow like an inch shorter than piper. (Todd gmom). They've never said what their heights are. Why would it matter
DeleteLevi and Todd are the same height. His sister mocks him for being a shortie compared to Keith.
Again. This doesn't matter. Sunny is barely 5'.
No one cares
Heels ground a woman. Often.
DeleteNotice she only wears them to speeches. When all speakers wear heels
She seems to be curving the opposite way. High heels tend to bend you backwards and stick out your bottom. I've noticed the higher the heels are the more she hunches forward like something is stuck up her backside.
DeletePoor Alicia, so desperate to paint Sarah Palin as a normal mom when she's neither normal nor much of a mom.
DeleteShe doesn't just wear heels to speeches. I'm sure you know that because you probably have a spread sheet in which you record exactly what she wears for every single event or photo op.
All speakers don't wear heels, you moron.
She has terrible posture, especially for someone who supposedly does yoga.
DeleteWho gives a flying fuck about height? How old ARE all of you? Gee, I suppose if I wanted in on this fest, I could say, "well, Mercedes is only 4' 10" and watch the trolls go off that I mentioned her.
Delete"Frau Blucher!" Neeeeiigh....
anon@623, you know what, I'm going to agree with you on this one. 5'1" sounds about right for Willow, but, indeed, who cares. I don't think it's exactly been IM's finest hour (series of hours), when people get snarky about her height, weight, forehead, whatever. Whatever else she might be up to, she isn't tottering around on hooker heels, or clamoring for the public eye like her mother and sister. And not that looks are relevant, but she's also a naturally pretty girl, certainly not overweight. Snarks about her appearance are almost as off-base as snarks about Piper's appearance. I wonder if these sorts of comments aren't either from trolls looking to dirty up the place, or maybe from someone closer to home who is jealous.
DeleteAnonymous6:23 PM
DeleteShe's about 5'1". Why do you care? Todd gmom is short.
Get a life
You need to get a education. Its "Genome" and its not Todd's "genome" or sperm donor but Joey Schmidt. Check out Joey's widows peak/Willow.
Joey looks short also too...
6:48 PM
DeleteSo true.
It is legit to discuss public figures attire (in the Palins case it has been made clear that the whole family is what is being sold as a package deal) because they are selling themselves and how they decide to appear in public is significant and an important selling point.
Yes, their height and weight is part of it.
Someone (other than those who directly advertise as porn stars) that is selling themselves dressed in porn attire is making a statement. Bad posture and the shoes a person decides to prance on stage in is a necessary discussion. There are still young people who are learning about public speaking and presentation.
Not everyone will want to have their students follow the Palins.
No one cares about the Palins, not even Todd's little dick. What they care about is how they present themselves, the choices they make when in public and the lies they tell. Lies of omission, also, too.
Are there any men that Palin is attracted to that do not have some type of problem? Like in the sex perversion sphere, molestation, pimps and the like. I doubt if we know the half of it.
ReplyDeleteIt is all coincidence?
She has her reasons to style herself, even when a clown, with a certain come-on to her type.
What is the strange rectangular discoloration?
Also, why does it appear the family pimps it's eldest daughter? First it was Track Palin. Suddenly Sarah dropped him from posing with pal Dakota.
The man is not honest.
What a tragic example for our military.
Ass Clown Palin and the sicko posse like Dakota are out to rewrite history and lie to service members and veterans. Dakota Meyers should be charged with treason for going along with the ignorant Palins. I can't believe that honorable service men, women and vets do not call him out on his insanity bad company.
DeletePalin Addresses Vet Issues At CPAC: "The Only Thing Standing Between Us And Savages Is The Red, White And Blue"
Addresses vet issues? PTSD? We know how she dealt with Track Palin.
Be thankful that no one much listens to her, not even kooky cons. Dakota thinks he will get more butt from a Palin. Is Willow next?
Savages are her offspring who get drunk and brawl at parties.
DeleteWhat, no life? You're stooping to slandering good people
DeleteYou are stupid.
DeleteTruly. Stupid.
Mayr if you had a life you wouldn't need to pretend to know others an slander tbem
Posing with a patriot is not dropping your eldest child who hates spotlight and lives a happy life in private. Leave people alone. They're not bugging you. They're not begging you to spy on their personal unannounced accounts. Smh
Are they begging you to spy on their personal accounts. Are they begging you to start a Tripp Johnston facebook page? Or did they threaten you so you'd take it down?
DeleteNo one I know is spying on them, they bring it all on themselves. It's called being "public figures," and when politics are involved, since I am a long standing registered voter, I have every darn right to say what I want to when it involves my country and those who represent me. Do you GET THIS?? Will you EVER get it? Talk about SMDH.
DeleteAnonymous6:22 PM
DeleteOut of Rehab? Time for anger management dearie....
@6:22 PM "Mayr if you had a life you wouldn't need to pretend to know others and slander tbem"???? Are you Drunk again? Their Drunken Birthday Brawl was living a life in private? Then why does everyone know about that? You, Alicia, are a sick Facebook Stalker and you will NEVER come in contact with any of the Palins without a Police escort. You worship the wrong family.
Deletewell you all can stop trying to kill your rich auntie Barstool... you know cinderella? hows that workin? I hear she is the Birthright Owner...of what again? oh right that ACCT...that was extracted and money moved in 1989? March right? All those crimes committed...even up to recently hu dear?
DeleteWhen she goes to court it will come back to haunt all of your family won't it? Pain and suffering since when? Actions taken? Human rights violated? Ouch...ouch...ouch in the courts sweetie pies!
what participating in a hanging of a vet then a murder suicide? good ol Idaho Aryan nations...then Alaskan branch hu toddy boy?
DeleteI don't even read more than a few words of the troll Alicia anymore. It used to be annoying sad, now it is just a waste of my time. But I love that she slaves over everything we write. I think she gets 50 cents a comment. Or it keeps her from cutting herself, which is good for the poor dear. The more she posts, the less she cuts. Maybe we are saving her from hitting and artery or getting a MRSA infection by letting her posts thru?
DeleteI think what's sad is that she doesn't get paid a cent.
DeleteThere are more examples. Before the brawl Track Palin was allowing himself to be used for propaganda. Yes, he would obey and pose with anyone who once wore a uniform.
DeleteAt first this commercial for Amazing America was used and Track Palin was featured.
Later the same image was used to promote Sarah Palin's alleged military cred. Dakota Meyer's name was used. The Palins dropped using Track's name and called him "family" only.
Considering both are propaganda from the Palins, why the change? Coincidence it was after Track's name was infamous due to his alcohol and drug problem. Remember the night before the brawl, Track was a counselor and in the PTSD community. The family that gets drunk with their PTSD kid was revealed as frauds and they decided to try to clean up the image and remove the bad boy, Track.
All that about Track being "private" and not wanting the spotlight is also a lie and crap. Track has always had a lot to hide but it is not about him being modest or private. His afflictions and addictions are obvious and they can't always keep him cleaned up for public so they float that meme. It is a lie.
Sarah and her family are disgusting. Most of all for how the treat and use the military and the men and women that honorably serve. The last thing the Palins should do is be the slightest bit deceptive about anything regarding the military. Especially health matters of vets. Like how they were with PTSD. They have no regard for what legit vets are going through or they would not do as they do.
DeleteSarah Palin’s inaccurate claim about suicides of veterans of the ‘war on terror’
O/T - Chris Christie's new PAC site:
ReplyDeleteLeadershipMattersForAmerica.Org - LMFAO
Delete(I'm trying to ignore the illogical Sarah Palin reference as my sense of humor seems to have gone on vacation for this post.)
ReplyDeleteBikram Choudhury is a horrible, disgusting man and I hope these latest rape and sexual exploitation accusations are handled by a determined and skilled prosecutor.
Bikram yoga postures/method, however, while partially a marketing gimmick, are still a positive contribution to the practice of yoga. The use of heat is especially beneficial for those who have flexibility or other certain physical/health issues.
note: All Bikram yoga is hot yoga; not all hot yoga is Bikram yoga (picture a Venn diagram).
Actually, Bikram yoga is one of the worst types of yoga, because the excessive heat can cause students to push further than their ligaments can handle, and the excessive heat can cause a spike in blood pressure that can be deadly for someone with blood pressure problems. Bikram is a gimmick. There are many responsible yoga traditions out there. Trust Skanky Pay-me to pick a bad one.
DeleteHot yoga can also be dangerous.
DeleteFirst off, skanky doesn't do any type of yoga. That pic of her, is her coming out of a yoga studio is where she got a massage. She has always been secretive about getting them, the baby oil issue I guess...
Delete"Anonymous4:01 PM
Actually, Bikram yoga is one of the worst types of yoga, because the excessive heat can cause students to push further than their ligaments can handle"
I had a friend she was going to a Birkram class (before he got greedy and all the owners had to change the name) she wasn't even 21at the time, she would come back from class her face red as a tomato! After about 2 wks, of "bliss" lol, she pulled her hamstring just like 4:01 said.
That being said, I've been doing yoga and studying it for many years. Birkram is a asshole but this incident will fuel the fires of skanky's dominist pals as to the "evils" of "yogra".
On the other hand yoga is undergoing a transition because of incidents like this.
Many are staying home and doing their own thing at home, as a home practice.
Many are not buying into the commercialized "lulumompants" BS that Birkram helped foster.
As always "follow the money" it's all about greed & power.
If you work out hard enough in any temperature you get hot. I skated for 25 years and after one 4 minute program run through I'd be unlayered into a tank top for the rest of practice in a cold ice rink. Sometimes at the end of back to back run throughs at the end of practice we'd lay on the ice to cool off. I can't imagine doing hard exercise in heat. I don't know how runners can stand to run or sprint in heat and humidity actually. Not for me!
DeleteAnonymous5:29 AM
DeleteIf you work out hard enough in any temperature you get hot. I skated for 25 years and after one 4 minute program run through I'd be unlayered into a tank top for the rest of practice in a cold ice rink.
Which is why most everyone knows "hot yoga" "Bikram yoga" is a scam. B/c doing say 7 sun salutes you will get pretty hot and warmed up.
Bikram is a huckster and a fraud.
Too bad he gets all the press vs all the other good teachers out there.
My yoga studio can be cold in the winter for the Saturday morning classes (before the heat in the building has kicked in), but five minutes of sun salutations and everyone's warmed up. By the end of class, we're all glad to lie down in Shivasana. I've tried Bikram yoga; it's just too hot and humid; I dehydrated and felt dizzy and sick.
DeleteMy yoga teacher didn't think there was any extra benefit from being hot while doing yoga. If I wanted to be hot, I'd move to AZ.
ReplyDeleteYou move better. To me anyway. And sweat is good
DeleteThen don't do it. But don't attack the millions of people who do just because gryphen is an Assholr and makes bizarre associations
DeleteYou know nothing, 6:18, about yoga or anything else.
Delete"Anonymous6:18 PMThen don't do it. But don't attack the millions of people who do just because gryphen is an Assholr and makes bizarre associations"
Deletetsk,tsk trollie has a anger problem. Among other things...or a bean up her ass about something. What is it troll?
If 'hot yoga' makes Sarah Palin look naturally ugly like in the above photo, then it is just right for you Alicia/Troll with no life.
Delete6:18 PM Sarah Palin, Bristol and their various helpers have made it clear that Palin is associated with "Hot Yoga". No one else made that association for her. She mentioned it to the police when they stopped her.
DeleteThere are people too dumb to study and learn about yoga and they will settle for anything.
Navy War Ship U.S.S. Gabrielle Giffords,
ReplyDelete$arah/rightwingnuts heads to explode, 3..2..1
This was announced in 2012. The ship was just christened, but the name has been known for years.
Deletethe woman was afraid of being banned from the yoga community? seriously? what does that even mean?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous3:55 PM
Deletethe woman was afraid of being banned from the yoga community? seriously?
It means Birkram is a cult.
That certainly doesn't mean all yoga is a cult. Read up on cults and you will recognize the signs.
So my wife recently attended a hot yoga class..is she also associated with a rapist?
ReplyDeleteRead up on the practice. You decide why anyone would be attracted to it. There are fake Christians and fake yoga and all shades in between. Some peeps are attracted to being taken in by scam artists. Others are curious and open their eyes.
Delete4:17 PM Maybe you should ask her.
DeleteBikram is popular in every city.
DeleteGryphen is once again proving he want a job at fox though he's more unethical given this post
Anonymous6:16 PM
DeleteWow TROLL WTF is up your ass? Stalk much?
Gryphen is posting a informative article. Just because we know skanky is a faker and doesn't do "hot yoga" or Bikram yoga at all, has nothing to do with it.
You need to go back into rehab you little bitch.
6:16 PM Do you proofread your comments before posting, or do you post so often that you can't proofread? Name one time that you have met with the Palins? Crickets, Alicia? Say what? You have never met any of them, but you know all about their daily activities? STALKER!
DeleteCNN is running No Laughing Matter about a famous sexual predator who doped and kidnapped his victims. We hope it won't be much longer until they run the story about Iron Dog Cheat, Sarah's Pimp from Alaska.
ReplyDeleteSarah isn't going for anything or anyone unless there is a sexual perversion connection.
Shailey Tripp would know how tall Todd is. She also worked on Sarah when she wasn't pregnant but claimed she was. During Sarah's SpongeBob prosthesis era.
NEVER FORGET. Prosthetics come and go but some are classic.
Shailey would know how tall Sarah is without Louboutin.
Todd and levi are the same height about. And what does height have to do with anything
Delete6:15 PM Height must be quite important to Sarah Palin, that is why she wears stilts for shoes. You have never met Todd or Levi, so shut the fuck up,Alicia/mandingo/miss messy/just no/justtine/kryptonite/Palin Dildo user/Bristol stalker.
DeleteHot yoga or not, I thought I would die laughing at her get-up for CPAC. It's one thing to dress like a wannabe teen and hold up Big Gulps, read Green Eggs and Ham with no thought to what the meaning of the book was.
ReplyDelete:I promise I'll be better,,," so out comes the veterans speech dressed like the absolute trollop she is, and the pee pond explodes that she is not being given the coverage she deserves for "the speech" and tweets to Hannity etal are unreturned.
Whatever she's trying to be....lmao
You know, as much as I loathe Palin and think hot yoga is a crock, I would not waste the energy to call her out over this. It's really nothing to do with her any more than it is with any of the others who practiced this guy's yoga without any idea that he was a rapist.
ReplyDeleteI would agree, except for the fact that, under her watch, she made those who were raped pay for their kits.
DeleteAnonymous4:53 PM
DeleteYou know, as much as I loathe Palin and think hot yoga is a crock, I would not waste the energy to call her out over this
Why? Because she LIES?
He just showed a pic and made a comment about it.
What is it to you anyway?
Palin is just another chump who fell for a poor 'yoga' technique. Whether she knows Bikram Choudhury has nothing to do with the fact she repeatedly attaches herself and her family to a similar type. Con men and creepy pervs.
DeleteThere will always be the gullible who buy into poor techniques and who send their meager pennies to Sarahs. With the possibility that one person opens their eyes to any cons is worth acknowledging and discussing. Plus it is good to see all those of shady character who the Palins have in their lives.
No wonder she piles on the spray tan and make up. She has the hands of an 80 year old woman.
ReplyDeleteI fail to see what a man from California? Has to do with Palin. Has she even met him? She's never been associated with him.
ReplyDeleteYou are worse than fox
Worse than Fox?!?
DeleteAt least she's still mentioned HERE.
Go whine in the pond.
You fail in so many ways.
DeleteIt's called troll bait, Alicia, and you've been hooked.
DeleteHave a great night, sugar.
6:14 PM so glad that your on top of it all, how was rehab?
DeleteReally you didn't stay long enough. You need to return.
Where the heck is a dick in that tiny tight Speedo??? He looks more like having female genitalias in that picture!
ReplyDeleteso is that person she keeps crucifying her half sister? I hear that is the reason she went after her since teenagers...after all since they didn't get the 'lake house' but no name did... then what? oh right the 'swimming' incident...boy you do crucify those you cannot forget Sally...that is all coming to a head soon my dear! I hear she can go all the way back to the 'adoption' and good ol Dave Parker can't save you sweetie!
ReplyDeleteI hear the feds are involved now...what judge in Los anchorage retire? looks like we will have see what he presided over in cases won't we sweetie? head tilt...smile!!!
Half sister? Sarah's half sister?
DeleteThat would mean that they share a parent. Which parent of Sarah is the shared one?
It looks like somebody certainly got their chakras aligned.
ReplyDeleteIt looks more like she just crawled out of a dog's ass.
She was NOT doing hot yoga prior to this picture.
ReplyDeleteShe had a fucking facial.
If she tried to bend that body in a yoga pose it would crack and crumble like a pretzel stick.
But agree, it is funny she is associated with people who end up in the news for a sexual matter, usually deviant.
I have a book by this guy I bought in the early 80s when I was interested in learning yoga.
ReplyDeleteThat means he's pretty old now.
I chalk this up to old guy syndrome.
Something happens with old guys when they reach a certain age. (You can read some of it in Science Fiction. Robert Heinlein comes to mind.) It's like they get oversexed, plus think they are still the studs they were 30 years ago. Add a little time warp of not realizing that those lines you used when you were in your 20s in the 1970s aren't working when you're in your 60s in 2015.