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Sandy Rios, moron. |
American Family Association governmental affairs director Sandy Rios is upset that media commentators like George Will are mocking Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker for refusing to say this week whether he believes in evolution. After all, Rios explained on her radio show today, “science has done nothing but disprove the theory of evolution.”
“There is no scientific evidence” to substantiate evolution, she said, at least according to “the real experts.” So why has this stunning revelation that the foundational theory behind modern biology has been refuted not percolated through the scientific community? Well, Rios explained, that’s because evolution has become a sacred, religious tenant.
“Evolution has become the religion of the elite,” Rios said. “It’s a religion to the [level of] fanaticism of what they would say was the people at the Scopes monkey trial, the Christians waving their Bibles who were not really thinking through the facts, they were just outraged because it was against God’s law. The truth of the matter is that the evolutionists like George Will, waving their evolutionary theory, have become as rabid and unreasoned as what they accuse the Scopes monkey religionists of doing to Darwin during that time. It has become a religion. Science has disproven so much of evolution…. These guys are wrong, Scott Walker is right.”
Okay here's the thing...uh no. That is complete bullshit.
Here is an article from 2002 that takes on Creationists point by point and destroys their unscientific garabge.
Here are the ones that I think best address this lady's ridiculous claims:
Statement: Increasingly, scientists doubt the truth of evolution.
Response: No evidence suggests that evolution is losing adherents. Pick up any issue of a peer-reviewed biological journal, and you will find articles that support and extend evolutionary studies or that embrace evolution as a fundamental concept.
Conversely, serious scientific publications disputing evolution are all but nonexistent. In the mid-1990s George W. Gilchrist of the University of Washington surveyed thousands of journals in the primary literature, seeking articles on intelligent design or creation science. Among those hundreds of thousands of scientific reports, he found none. In the past two years, surveys done independently by Barbara Forrest of Southeastern Louisiana University and Lawrence M. Krauss of Case Western Reserve University have been similarly fruitless.
Creationists retort that a closed-minded scientific community rejects their evidence. Yet according to the editors of Nature, Science and other leading journals, few antievolution manuscripts are even submitted. Some antievolution authors have published papers in serious journals. Those papers, however, rarely attack evolution directly or advance creationist arguments; at best, they identify certain evolutionary problems as unsolved and difficult (which no one disputes). In short, creationists are not giving the scientific world good reason to take them seriously.
Statement: The disagreements among even evolutionary biologists show how little solid science supports evolution.
Response: Evolutionary biologists passionately debate diverse topics: how speciation happens, the rates of evolutionary change, the ancestral relationships of birds and dinosaurs, whether Neandertals were a species apart from modern humans, and much more. These disputes are like those found in all other branches of science. Acceptance of evolution as a factual occurrence and a guiding principle is nonetheless universal in biology.
Essentially the ONLY people who think that there is any real disagreement about Evolution in this day and age are people who have NO understanding of science, have never even read "Origin of Species," and who get all of their scientific information from a book written by primitive people thousands of years ago.
I love the way, in all things science, faux-Christian fundamentalists and right-wing conservative politicians simply ignore proof and evidence, then they smile and say and that no one has proved that evolution is real or that there is enough evidence to be concerned that climate change is occurring, at least in part because of man-made carbon usage. They simply block their eyes and ears and say whatever they want. Folks, evolution is real. It's all around us. Science has proved it again and again. It should not frighten people; it's part of nature. If you're religious, you can say that it's part of God's plan.
ReplyDeleteI must say that I certainly hope that this woman is not the next phase in the evolution of the American human being: completely blind to the world around her and ignorant. There seems to be an awful lot of her type wandering around, many of them taking part in that fake organization, the Amer. Family Ass'n, or having seats in state legislatures and in Congress. Pretty scary. It would mean that we're not "evolving backwards." Would that be "devolving"?
Actually we do have documented proof of evolution. Animal husbandry, we breed for certtain traits, those animals have evolved( though a controlled evolution).
DeleteBut for a non controlled proven example of evolution is that just in the last century or so the average heights of humans has increased ( gasp! Evolution!)
But I too think it's hilarious how much time they put into trying to put into disproving science but then believe in some imaginary creature( but only one imaginary creature, ignoring the other imaginary ones.
Good grief, I meant ". . . that we're 'evolving backwards.'" Early hour but not quite 4:13 am.
If Evolution is untrue, how do you explain how Asian and Black people came about after God drowned everything except a boatload of white people and animals?
ReplyDeleteYeah, how does God explain that one?
DeleteGod doesn't need to explain it, don't you know?
DeleteThe answer to everything is "...because God."
Ms. Rios has obviously benefited from medical science - of the cosmetic kind. This person was born in 1949?
ReplyDeleteIt's actually kind of ironic that very few religious people use "prayer" to health and run to Drs. If they truly believed that God makes all the decisions you'd think it would be easier just to sit at home and pray instead of making an appt, driving in to that appt, waiting in the waiting room, then going to the appt and driving home.
DeleteTammy Faye Bakker? It's most likely a mask of disgusting makeup. I'm sure she would look hideous up close; all those southern baptists look alike, especially when they post their pictures in craigslist's casual encounters section. Just remember to use a condom.
DeleteDo religious 'tenants' use racial 'epitaphs'?
ReplyDeleteThey tenaciously hold on to that belief that evolution theory is wronn because if they give in to that common sense, insightful theory, it means that the Bible is wrong, and since the Bible IS the word of God, that means, unequivocally thst God is wrong, yet that cannot be, so heads explode.
ReplyDeleteAnd that is only because they are two uneducated to realize that their bible is meant to relate religious truth, and uses literary devices well-understood by the authors to do so (parables, metaphors, etc.) It was never intended to be used as a science textbook.
DeleteSt. Augustine in the 400s told his fellow Christians to not interpret biblical accounts literally that were intended to be read allegorically as it made them look stupid. I remember learning this in Catholic grade schools as part of our science education which included evolution.
How does she explain just the most simple questions: how has the human brain evolved to allow scientists to invent the airplanes she rides on, the telephones she talks on, the television she watches and the microphones she talks into, the cars she drives in, the oil extracted to drive those cars, the chemicals used to dye her hair and make up her face, the antiseptic methods used when she gave birth to her children? Who invented the gun and ammunition she undoubtedly carries with her?
ReplyDeleteDid Moses fly on an airplane? Did Hagar dye her hair? Did Mary call up Joseph to tell him she was pregnant? Did Saul ride a Toyota from Damascus? Did Jesus broadcast the Sermon on the Mount on the radio?
If not, why not? Because the world hasn't remained static since the Bible stopped being written. Mankind has changed and changed and changed -- because our brains have adapted over the centuries to meet the challenges of survival. Perhaps it was God who gave man the gift of intelligence to invent all these new ways of being, or somehow mankind's brain evolved over time to conquer these problems.
Why didn't God give all these gifts to Adam and Eve? Why did he let his people die ghastly deaths until scientists discovered antibiotics, vaccines, antiseptics, surgery, dentistry? Why were so many people illiterate until handwriting, and then printing presses were invented? What about Thomas Edison and the electric lightbulb? What about the computer? Only an evolved intelligence, the mind of man developed over millennia, could have imagined such a creation.
With the help of God, if that's what they want to believe: God helped man evolve. But evolve he did.
As a person who doesn't believe the Bible or Darwin that article/link refuting Creationists is as ridiculous as Genesis.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing the Bible has over Darwin is that it at least comes up with the origin of life - even if it is untrue. Darwin or science has no answer for that one.
"The one thing the Bible has over Darwin is that it at least comes up with the origin of life - even if it is untrue."
DeleteWow! You'll win lots of debates with that logic.
So, because science can't explain EVERYTHING, we should throw it out completely?
DeleteSo, what exactly DO you believe in? Not god and not science (since science is never about having all the answers). Do you think it's all magic or something?
DeleteYou do realize that most cultures have creation fables, so why choose to elevate this one about others? Why not admit that people at that time didn't understand how the Earth's systems works so they made up stories to explain away things like Plate Tectonics... they were ignorant, why keep following flawed explanations
DeleteI'll let the opposing sides fight it out. I'm not out to win a debate with arguments I know are baloney and I feel no need to go with the politically correct Darwinism.
And 8:34 What I believe is that "I don't know" how it all started and neither does anyone else, really
Take your pick from these:
"The universe is not only queerer than we suppose, it is queerer than we can suppose."
J. B. S. Haldane.
"We don't know" is the very foundation of science.
DeleteDarwinism isn't politically correct. What a ridiculous comment. Darwinism is the best explanation we have right now. That's what science is all about.
Darwinism isn't the "other side" of creationism. They aren't even in the same universe, so to speak.
"politically correct Darwinism"
It isn't "politically correct." It is, at this time, based on all the available science, the most logically credible view.
9:44 having the best explanation we have now doesn't make it true.
Delete9 :44 Who else is here saying "I don't know"? You?
DeleteIf that is the foundation of science, shouldn't that be your response?
Of course it doesn't make it true. Have you never taken a course on scientific theory ("hard" science or social science)?
DeleteIt's the "I don't know" that sparks scientific inquiry and discovery. That's how it is the foundation.
The problem with religion is that instead of:
"Why?...I don't know, let's find out"
we have:
"Why?...Because God, so stop asking questions."
Delete"I don't know" however, is not the foundation of religion.
Politically correct Darwinism?? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK are you talking about?
DeleteIf only we had the digital version of "the stocks" so we could restrain Rios, Palin and that representative who wants to send Chuck Norris to fight ISIS and publicly shame them for their ignorance and lies.
ReplyDeleteBecause the universe seems to be made entirely out of irony, I'd submit this theory, that I actually do believe: Creationists are proof of evolution.
ReplyDeleteHere's how it works - when compared to apex predators, the creatures who would eventually lead to humans were seriously lacking in muscle power and natural weapons like claws and fangs. One of the survival traits that evolved was that pre-human brains actually adapted into two distinct phenotypes: ones with limited, short-sighted black & white thinking who tended to make snap judgements, and those who were more thoughtful, introspective and big picture thinkers.
The snap judgement thinkers were critical to survival from moment to moment as they were not prone to "option anxiety" and could make fast determinations that kept the group alive when danger unexpectedly appeared.
On the other hand, their tendencies toward short term thinking, harsh judgements and glossing-over of important details meant that what was a boon in the immediate, was actually detrimental to the species long term survival. That's where the big-picture thinkers came in.
In times of safety, they were better equipped to make decisions that promoted the long term survival of the group by advancement of their intellect and through planning, investigating and understanding their environment on an ongoing and predictive basis, rather than just the day-to-day reactionary.
Unfortunately, on some elemental level, modern conservatives understand this concept, and while they loathe and disdain the influence of liberal thinking that they sense endangers the species simply because it doesn't match their own thinking, they've realized they can largely maintain power as long as a constant state of "threat" can be maintained, because even liberals lean toward conservative rule when they feel threatened.
We can see this played out at both at the national and global level, as well as the local level. It frankly defines us as a species.
So ultimately, it is our genetic heritage that keeps the virulent strain of ignorance alive. Conservatives question science, because science does not claim a definitive, simple and absolute solution to all questions. They embrace the bible, because it does make that claim.
Conservatives always opt for the most simplistic and harsh viewpoint. Their brains simply are not wired to deal with ongoing complex, multifaceted, nuanced questions. They demand immediate closure so they can move on to the next snap judgement to be made. They honestly can't help themselves any more than liberals can help complicating things with options and contemplation and compassion.
Anyway, that's my stoner theory based on a lifetime of observing human behavior, and I'm sticking to it. :)
I think you've hit the nail squarely on the head!
Delete'"there is no scientific evidence" to support the Bible, and religion has done nothing but disprove this theory.'
ReplyDeleteThere it is now an accurate statement....
I agree that most "evolution deniers" have not read 'Origin of Species' but it is also true that most of those same people have not read their Bible, either.
ReplyDeleteSo where exactly is the proof of a god and an afterlife? Doesn't exist. When you ask these Jesus freaks for proof, it's always the same: we don't have to show proof, we have faith. Faith? Really? Well I have faith in science.
ReplyDelete… most of those same people have not read their Bible, either.
ReplyDeleteAnd, in particular, have not read John 15:2
[NIV] He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes [or cleans] so that it will be even more fruitful.
[KJV] Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
[etc] …