Friday, February 06, 2015

I have a new hero and his name is Florida Rep. Alcee Hastings.

Rep. Hastings referring to Texas.: "Now I don't know about your state, which I think is a crazy state to begin with, and I mean that just as I said it."

When asked to apologize: "You will wait until hell freezes over for me to say anything in an apology."

Damn that is just good stuff!

In fact it was so good that Jon Stewart could not resist using it for one of his bits on Wednesday night.

And don't think Hastings is about to filter his feelings concerning Texas in the future either, because he ain't: 

A Florida congressman is not backing off his assertion that Texas is a "crazy state," and he's now citing an old law restricting dildos to make his case. 

"One of their cities has a law that says that women can only have six dildos, and the certain size of things," Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.) told CNN. "And if that ain't crazy I don't know what is."

He has a point.

And don't think that Hastings is any less critical of his own state of Florida either, because that would not be true either: 

And Hastings knows that his home state isn't the sanest in the union either. "Consider the fact I'm a native Floridan and dislike it," he told Bash. "I have cautioned about living in Florida, and when I retire I'm not sure I'm going to stay there, largely because of the policymakers." He added, "I have a lot of other places that I can live."

I have no idea how Hastings has managed to stay in office for over twenty years but that time may soon be coming to an end.

But until then mad props to the man who tells it like it is. 


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I hate my state more and more as time passes and if I weren't very, very ill with a husband who refuses to move, I would leave in short order. Greg Abbot is worse than RIck Perry and the state legislature is full of miscreants. It is beyond the pale in many ways. I don't care what anyone says about it, the Kochs already own it lock, stock and barrel.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      IM's best to your husband's health and your sense of well-being.

  2. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Now there is a Rep that reflects how the citizens feel. Granted, it would be better if they could all get along and behave like adults, but imagine the crap he has heard in that place. I don't blame him a bit. Go Rep Hastings!


  3. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I have a new hero.

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Totally. I mean Alcee Hastings is a bit of a crazy man himself, but that was a thing of true beauty to behold. I love how Jon Stewart play-called it.

      You will wait until Hell freezes over. Mad throwdown skillz on that man. America really needs more not less of that, instead of all this passive/aggressive BS. It's cool to see a Democrat give it to a thug like that too.

  4. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Love, love, love the guy!! lol

  5. Anonymous5:16 PM


    Fundamental Christian Americans upset with Obama remembering Christian atrocities during the Crusades saying so what, it happened 1000 years ago. But what about the Vatican appeasing Hitler 75 years ago? Too recent?

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Sorry, Fox: Obama Was Right About Christianity's 'Terrible Deeds'

      Conservatives across the country are freaking out about President Obama’s claim that “people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ” at the National Prayer Breakfast. Everyone from Rush Limbaugh and Jim Gilmore to Megyn Kelly and the hosts of Fox & Friends is venting about it. Unfortunately, the president is exactly right.

      Every century in the history of Christianity is full of examples. But one of the most vivid cases of Christian-motivated bloodshed is what was happening exactly four hundred years ago, in the winter of 1615. Long-standing religious hatred and political tensions were escalating across Europe. When spiritual leaders incited violence, their followers were keen to comply. The means of killing were gruesome and imaginative. Arms were ripped from living torsos, writhing bodies stretched on racks, and men’s severed genitalia burned before their dying eyes. Kings, princes and politicians employed draconian measures to squelch criticism and halt change.

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Well, this is disturbing.

      Pope Francis Called Hitting Kids ‘Beautiful’ As Long As ‘Dignity Is Maintained’

      Just as liberals and non-religious people were almost ready to deify the better than in a long time Pope, he reminds us that both he and the Catholic Church still have a very long way to go.

      On Wednesday, he spoke in favor of a referendum that denies LGBT couples the right to marry and the right to adopt. On Friday, his remarks were about children, and he appears to be of the “spare the rod, spoil the child” biblical persuasion. He even went so far as to call smacking children “beautiful” as long as the child maintains “the sense of dignity.”

      “One time, I heard a father in a meeting with married couples say ‘I sometimes have to smack my children a bit, but never in the face so as to not humiliate them’,” Francis said.

      “How beautiful.” he added. “He knows the sense of dignity! He has to punish them but does it justly and moves on.”

    3. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Okay, can we all just agree that whatever thing is done in the name of ANY religion is morally questionable and probably really, really bad? I don't need any more examples to prove that religion is a soul-sucking morality-killer. When will people learn that there is no good that can come from any religion?

    4. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Despite Wingnut Freakout, Obama Is Right: Christian Violence Is Just as Bad as Muslim Violence

      If anything, the president understated the case.

    5. Anonymous10:57 PM

      How they forget the anti abortion movement reign of terror that included bombings, arson and murder.

  6. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Whoa! I love him!

  7. Anonymous5:20 PM

    He said what he meant, and meant what he said. And did not back down. I love him!

  8. Anonymous5:36 PM

    The Black congressmen/women are the only ones in the Congress who have backbone. The Congressional Black Caucus are the only ones who have ever stood up for President Obama, and they are the only ones who stood up for Al Gore when the 2000 presidential election was being stolen from him, by the Bush gang.
    When president Obama is being disrespected, the Black men and women of the Congress, and Black governors are the only ones who have defended him, and had his back.
    I have yet to hear of any white politician defend President Obama. Not even the VP or Pelosi.

  9. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Now if Texas only had a law imposing a limit of six dicks in their Congressional delegation, we'd all be a lot better off.

  10. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Gryphen, The pee pond has judged you. Wait, I thought good Christians don't judge?
    23 minutes ago
    OMG...I finally looked up Immoral Minority....LOL...I'm telling you, that is one crazy Doofus over there...LOL

    You don't have to even read comments...that guy is bat chit crazy with PDS...

    You would think a straight jacket would have been in order...the idiot is a certified NUTCASE.

    Pretty pathetic.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      PDS is the latest catch phrase for a group that still asks, "where's the beef?" and thinks "groovy" is current. Like Sarah Palin, once they latch onto a phrase they ride it like a bent back!

    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      ThereseAK and PolarBearPapa are crazy Wasilla people that live in a double wide trailer down by the Little Susitna River. I can't even believe they get internet in the heap that they call home! They're poor, that's why they never give money to Sarah but they live in their busted up double wide and post comments on the internet all day while they wait for their welfare and social security disability checks. Bless their hearts!

    3. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Why am I not surprised?

    4. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Considering Gryph puts up about as many posts about Palin as c4p does, they might not be that far off base.

    5. Anonymous2:45 AM

      It's "strait jacket."

  11. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Hey Gryphen, remember that story about Rep. Aaron Schock fancy Downton Abby office and his senior aid having to resign for his racist Facebook stuff comparing black people in his neighborhood to zoo animals? Well, the plot thickens...he's on record for a whole lot more. Somebody unearthed an old movie he did.


    It turns out that the Facebook comments that led to congressional staffer Benjamin Cole’s resignation Thursday weren’t the only series of eyebrow-raising remarks from his past floating around online.

    Back in 1999, Cole was featured in a documentary about Southern Baptists’ efforts to convert Jewish people. The hour-long film, which never aired but was eventually posted on YouTube, followed a Jewish New Yorker curious what it would take to be “saved.” Steve Manin, now a salesman at a Lexus car dealership, connected with Cole to be his “Christian mentor.”

    Cole, at the time, had a high bar — his own mother, interviewed on screen, said she believed her son didn’t think even she would go to heaven.

    “A Jew who comes to recognize Jesus as the Messiah is a fulfilled Jew,” Cole told Manin. “It doesn’t bring me any pleasure to say, but anyone who at the moment of death either ignorantly or willingly has rejected Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior will spend eternity in a Christless hell, a place of eternal torment and suffering.”


    Here's the movie:

    Chosen Again (1999)

    1. Hell would be spending eternity with the likes of Cole.

  12. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Molly Ivins in he Dildo Diaries. SUre do miss her - and wish she and Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow could have inhabited the same TV studio for a day.

    1. Great line I've memorized: "Five or more dildos makes you a felon; fewer, a mere hobbyist."

      I miss Molly!

  13. Anonymous6:48 PM

    This is great to know!

    Exclusive: Obama's post-presidential slogan: 'Eight years is only the beginning'

    Though President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle still have two years left in the White House, their foundation has come up with a bold slogan for their next chapter: “Eight years is only the beginning.”

    When they leave on Jan. 20, 2017, Obama will be only 55 and his wife, who turned 51 on Jan. 17, will have just celebrated her 53rd birthday.

    Not that I ever doubted it, but the Chicago-based Barack Obama Foundation‘s revamped website, which went live Friday, makes it clear the Obamas intend to maintain a robust public presence in the decades to come.

    1. I'd love to work for this Foundation!

  14. hedgewytch6:51 PM

    I am a native Floridian. The last time I went back there was over 20 years ago. I won't go back again - willingly -even if my relatives are still down there.

  15. Randall6:59 PM

    ...and only two of them can be diesel-powered!

  16. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Lovable old rogue. "He is one of only eight federal officials in American history to be impeached and removed from office."

  17. Anonymous7:43 PM

    A real American sniper unloads on “American Sniper”

    "The truth is unspeakable," says real-life American sniper who wants nothing to do with a dangerous propaganda film

    I had just seen the film “American Sniper,” the revisionist propaganda piece of myth-making and nationalistic war porn being sold to us by Bradley Cooper, Clint Eastwood and screenwriter Jason Hall as an apolitical character study. I wanted to talk with an actual American sniper, and Garett was generous enough to pick up the phone.

  18. Alcee Hastings a hero?!?!?!?! ROFLMAO

    In 1981, Hastings (then a judge) was charged with accepting a $150,000 bribe in exchange for a lenient sentence and a return of seized assets for 21 counts of racketeering by Frank and Thomas Romano, and of perjury in his testimony about the case. In 1983, he was acquitted by a jury after his alleged co-conspirator, William Borders, refused to testify in court (resulting in a jail sentence for Borders).[2]

    In 1988, the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives took up the case, and Hastings was impeached for bribery and perjury by a vote of 413-3. He was then convicted in 1989 by the United States Senate (also controlled by the Democrats), becoming the sixth federal judge in the history of the United States to be removed from office by the Senate.

    Much more at Wikipedia and multitudinous other sources.

    1. Anonymous2:42 AM

      It's "Democratically-controlled."

    2. Yes, indeed. I just did a cut-and-paste with those two paragraphs. Shoulda read them more closely!

  19. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Ohhhhhhh chit. Maher just eviscerated $carah's Iowaaaaaay speech again - just by citing the TeaTHUG reponse to it.

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      I am jealous! No cable or Maher. Tidbits?

  20. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Maher to Republicans Finally Dumping on Palin: ‘What Took You So Long?!’

    Bill Maher ended his show tonight finally talking about Sarah Palin‘s rambling Iowa speech that was the final straw for many Republicans and conservatives. But Maher had just one question for them: “What took you so long?!”

    Maher mocked the revelation as an “emperor has no clues” situation and asked Republicans why they took so long, saying, “The rest of us have been watching this dog eat grass for seven years!”

  21. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Interesting trivia about TEXAS. A woman can in fact own as many "toys" as she wants as long as they are sold as "cake decorations."


  22. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Sarah's fb post regarding the main stream media and Brian Williams has a very interesting last line.
    "Yes, I am my son's mother". Looks like she is trying to get a jump on possibly some breaking news? Why else bring it up?

    1. Leland7:54 AM

      Yeah? Which "son"? Last I heard she supposedly has 2. Talk about a statement that allows her to back track!

  23. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Texas is, indeed, a wacked state, but when a dude from Florida calls it, I'm kinda thinking the pot might want to shake hands with the kettle.

    1. Leland7:55 AM

      6:35, I believe that you will see - if you read it again - that HE already said FL was whacked as well!

  24. Anonymous8:40 AM

    You know it's bad when a whack job state calls your state a Derp vortex.

  25. Anonymous11:57 AM

    That feller from Texas got a bit agitated. They can dish it out but they sure can't take it. Funny!


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