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North Carolina State Senator Jeff Jackson |
Courtesy of Sen. Jeff Jackson's Twitter account:
No problem getting a great parking space this morning... #ncga
— Sen. Jeff Jackson (@JeffJacksonNC) February 17, 2015
Things start off normally.But then Senator Jackson recognizes an opportunity.
I think I'm the only legislator in the building. Let me take care of a few things. Medicaid = expanded. Teachers = paid. Film = jobs. #NCGA
— Sen. Jeff Jackson (@JeffJacksonNC) February 17, 2015
We just invested heavily in wind and solar energy. I'm moving onto education reform. Any thoughts?
#JustOneLegislator #ncga #snowday
— Sen. Jeff Jackson (@JeffJacksonNC) February 17, 2015
Independent redistricting ✔
Invest heavily in wind and solar ✔
Support early childhood education ✔
NC is suddenly a national model.
— Sen. Jeff Jackson (@JeffJacksonNC) February 17, 2015
And Jackson was just getting started.
Went ahead and got rid of puppy mills. Not sure why that took so long...
#JustOneLegislator #Snowday #ncga
— Sen. Jeff Jackson (@JeffJacksonNC) February 17, 2015
Remember that time we eliminated NC Teaching Fellows? Guess what.
#JustOneLegislator #snowday #ncga
— Sen. Jeff Jackson (@JeffJacksonNC) February 17, 2015
Pretty soon people began to take notice.
Am now receiving lots of calls from actual lobbyists. Even the false appearance of power gets their attention. #JustOneLegislator #ncga
— Sen. Jeff Jackson (@JeffJacksonNC) February 17, 2015
Wasn't done yet though.
Just had a big debate over cutting the university system even more. Decided not to, because obviously that's a bad idea.
— Sen. Jeff Jackson (@JeffJacksonNC) February 17, 2015
Our jails are filled with the mentally ill and chemically addicted. Just expanded mental health care for them.
#JustOneLegislator #snowday
— Sen. Jeff Jackson (@JeffJacksonNC) February 17, 2015
I just defeated a filibuster because I needed a drink of water. That removes any opposition to new child care subsidies.
— Sen. Jeff Jackson (@JeffJacksonNC) February 17, 2015
In response to several inquiries, I can confirm that we are expanding broadband access throughout rural NC.
#JustOneLegislator #ncga
— Sen. Jeff Jackson (@JeffJacksonNC) February 17, 2015
BREAKING: Politicians don't get to draw their own political districts anymore. Let's see how fair elections work.
— Sen. Jeff Jackson (@JeffJacksonNC) February 17, 2015
Okay now that was awesome.Too bad none of these changes are actually going to take place once all of the other lawmakers make it into work.
But for one great snowy day, government was actually working FOR the people.
He just passed all the planks of the Communist Manifesto.Congratulations, fools.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you just go to hell rather than trying to create it here on Earth?
Delete2:21 -- The Manifesto didn't have "planks."
DeleteBut please elucidate. Which of his "bills" are Communist? I really want to know.
Neither Marx nor Lenin nor Stalin nor Breshnev nor
Mao nor Castro nor ______ have ever suggested these ideas. Or am I wrong? Please tell me. I'm serious.
Why do you hate puppies and children?
DeleteOh, god, I know, right? Jobs and investment in education, alternative energy sources, and broadband access ARE what communism is all about, you stupid POS.
DeleteMust be a pee ponder. They're allowed here. Honest questions, as posed today there, were ridiculed and banned.
DeleteSounds like you, Sarah. You use that word "plank" all the time in your stupid speeches.
Delete2:52 look up the '10 planks of the communist manifesto.'
DeleteYeah, because the communist manifesto focuses so much on renewable power sources, puppy mills, and internet broadband. Idiot.
Delete3:24 -- they weren't called planks. That was dreamed up in the Conservative Manifesto factory, founded by John Birch and funded by the Kochs.
DeleteOne of the ten tenants was "free public education for all." Don't for a moment think that the right wing
push to defund public education and move public money to private schools is, among other things, a
scheme dreamed up to fight off the insidious effects of an educated populace. The Kochs want an feudal system of ignorant plebeians to populate the land and do the labor.
That's why supporting better K-12 education and supporting the state university system is, to them,
When next you see a yellow school bus, imagine that it's Karl Marx behind the wheel.
Although free public education became a cause and a reality earlier than Marx's Manifesto right here in the United States. It's a home-grown necessity, and it one of the main reason for our armed forces to be strong and smart, our workers to be creative and reliable, and our industries to have led the world in several wars and to the moon.
@ 2:21
DeleteWhen you understand the difference between what you have been TOLD was communism and true Marxism - which is what you were speaking of when you brought up The Communist Manifesto - then perhaps those of us who you are calling fools will listen to your blathering.
No, I am not what YOU might call a communist. I am one of those educated people who extremists seem to hate because we are a threat to their drive for power.
Marxism was never implemented. We have had Stalinism. We have had Maoism. We have NOT had communism! (And before you attempt to twist the word to your advantage, the "we" I speak of is the world.)
Everything Senator Jackson mentions would be beneficial to the entire country. Too bad there are people like you who are too twisted in their thinking to recognize that.
Spoken like true socialist pigs.
Once again you show your ignorance. There is a major difference between communism and socialism.
Why don't you just take off and go home little boy(?). Trolls don't do well here.
That must be why the Communists called it the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics (USSR)
Deleteplank: any one of the stated principles or objectives comprising the political platform of a party
boy, is my face red.
DeleteNice try. Unfortunately for you, one can CALL a country ANYTHING one wants.
And once again you fail to see anyone's point but your own - or even try to. The Communist Manifesto was NOT a political party! Nor was it a country or anything other than a political science theory Marx and Engels wanted to espouse.
Sorry. No planks. Because they weren't trying to get control of a country or even participate in its operation! Therefore, NOT a party.
Your face SHOULD be red. You should be embarrassed you are even TRYING to be a troll. You're not good at it. Go away and seek help.
'Nuff said.
"one can CALL a country ANYTHING one wants."
DeleteONE probably can - but I'm damn positive that a Union made up of Republics would have to agree on a name that fits. In this case, Socialist Republics.
Are you so stupid that you don't understand that there is a left to right spectrum that encompasses all forms of socialism?
Try to follow along. Communism is based on ten planks that the Communist Party followed.
Must be your government mis-education that makes this simple matter so difficult for you
Do you even know what a Manifesto is?
A manifesto is a published verbal declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of the issuer, be it a political party or government
Nice blush you're wearing.
Because Capitalism loves Puppy Mills?
DeleteJeff Jackson = my hero. I will certainly send him campaign money when he runs for office again.
ReplyDeleteWish he'd move to Missouri.
DeleteHe sounds like my kind of legislator. Can he move to Michigan?
Agree Beaglemom! I'm from Michigan also.
DeleteMe three!
DeleteWe can all dream, and he was dreaming BIG! Why can't we have more dreamers like him in politics? Maybe we actually could have a great country again?
ReplyDeleteYou nailed it. Dreamers with the work ethic and a solid education to accomplish their [our] dreams.
DeletePraying for big storm in Juneau. But it's pushing 50˚F in my backyard here in Anchorage. Maybe 80˚ in Juneau would work better.
ReplyDeleteSteve2:42 PM:
DeleteI live in N.Kenai and we have the same. I don't mind saying that I enjoy a respite from all the bitter cold snow from earlier years.
Sen. Jeff Jackson is a hero. If only we could clone him.
ReplyDeleteHe had me when he got rid of puppy mills.
ReplyDeleteHe had me et expanded medicaid.
DeleteI think he's a rising star. At least I hope he is. I've been following him on Facebook ever since he gave this speech: http://bluenationreview.com/watch-north-carolina-senator-shred-colleagues-pieces-six-minutes-flat/
ReplyDeleteI suspect, after hearing that speech, that we will be hearing a lot more about Senator Jeff Jackson in the future...and on the national stage at that.
DeleteExcellent speech.
That was a great speech! I'd like to believe that the NC senate allowed more time for the legislatures more time to read and respond to the budget, but I somehow doubt it. Eight hours is definitely insufficient time to review and comment on a budget for the state. Kudos to Senator Jackson for his speech. I do expect to see bigger things on a national scale for a person who stands up like he did here. Definitely a good government servant for the people.
DeleteWhat a wonderful man
ReplyDeleteLMAO that he started getting calls from lobbyists!
ReplyDeleteThat was my favorite one too!
DeleteAt least he knows they're monitoring his tweeter feed.
DeleteUnfortunately they also don't have the brains to understand that none of it was real.
Didn't see it listed, but I assume he's a Democrat. We need more of these guys on every level of government.
ReplyDeleteIt's always easy to assume the sensible person is a Democrat. So your assumption is correct.
DeleteExpanded medicare, alternative energy and eliminating puppy mills.
DeleteDoes this sound like a Republican to you?
At the top of the blog i had no way of knowing if he was progressive or regressive. I looked at his picture and decided he was a progressive - cleared eyed and intelligent/
ReplyDeleteMost rethugs look evil and retarded, possibly because they are!
You know, I hate to think I am judgemental like that, but I have to agree with you. There just seems to be something inherently disagreeable in the look of your garden variety Rethuglikian that Democrats just don't seem to have. It's like here's no light in he eyes.
DeleteIsn't it funny? I can almost always tell which politicians are which party by their faces and whether they appear to have dead or empty eyes...excellent example of dead eyes being Scott Walker.
DeleteDon't forget the crossed eyes. Walker, Palin, Jeb Bush...the list goes on. Makes them looks like rats, which they are, I guess.
DeleteSoul-corrosion and heartlessness is sometimes revealed in the eyes, IMO. Not always, sometimes the eyes of the hardhearted and soul-damaged just seem vacant (nobody home) and not terribly dangerous. That person, of course can be dangerous (evilly manipulated) too.
He's young He's smart. He's good looking. He's got a great sense of humor. He's compassionate AND passionate.
ReplyDeleteAnd he's got the courage to stand for his convictions (see the speech that 3:01 linked to above).
This man has a bright future on politics, and we will all be the better for it if he is able to escape being tainted by the system.
Isn't it nice when government workers who love their jobs actually try to help other people?
ReplyDeleteI'm a lowly accounting clerk in my state's government. I've been there for 6 wonderful months. I'm always struck by how happy the employees there are. It's fantastic. But sometimes I get peeved at the people who don't want the great benefits and treatment they enjoy to be more widely available to workers in the private sector. (Within reason, of course. I get that small businesses can't always afford great benefits. But Wal-Mart has no excuse.)
That was epic! Imagine if he and Wendy Davis got together on one ticket. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it. What an improvement that would be. Not to demean Obama, but the RWNJ are so smothered by ODS, it would be better if he could hand over the mantel to new Progressives. It's people like him(Jackson) that make Hillary look conservative.
ReplyDeleteYou're the Man, Senator!!!!
ReplyDeleteHe's got my vote. Now who the hell is he? Proceed Action Jackson'.
ReplyDeleteSen. Jeff Jackson -- WILL YOU MARRY ME!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBack off-- I saw him first.
DeleteI love it!
ReplyDeleteThere's hope!! A normal person elected to a state legislature!! Maybe we could get him to move to Missouri!
ReplyDeleteWell, I vote for sending him to Wisconsin; they really need his help there. I pity the poor citizens who are imprisoned by that Koch Whore who is now their governor.
ReplyDeleteJeff Jackson for President! or at least V.P.
ReplyDeleteHe was just interviewed on a local radio station. He said he had to change some rules so he could eat donuts at his desk!
ReplyDeleteAlso said he was on Rachel Maddow last night. Yes, a rising star. He said his tweets started getting 1,000 likes after he got started.
Yay! There is hope!
R in NC
P.S., he was very funny when talking to the also funny d.j. That's another quality that seems to be lacking with the Rethugs.
ReplyDeleteR in NC
They tend to lack a sense of humor and cannot process satire, parody or sarcasm very well.
DeleteFirst, I really admire his fortitude in getting to work on a snow day. Second, I also admire his work ethic. He got a lot done. Third, he seems truly devoted to his constituents, not solely the lobbyists, big money or corporations. I appreciate his concerns regarding education, alternative energies, Medicaid, mental health issues, etc. And fourth, because I am a bit shallow, I think he's very good looking, great smile.
ReplyDeleteJennifer K
Sometimes a "benevolent dictatorship" does work.
ReplyDeleteJust depends on the person in charge.
Too bad the senator can't make any of this stick. But for a day, it was a lot of fun.
Now let's see what the constituents do to Senator Jackson's colleagues when they find out none of this actually happened.