Sunday, February 08, 2015

NRA board member says "a good paddling at school" may keep him from "having to put a bullet in him later."

Courtesy of TPM: 

An NRA board member and leader of the Texas State Rifle Association wrote on Wednesday that disciplining a child through corporal punishment may prevent him from "having to put a bullet in him later." 

Complaining of State Rep. Alma Allen's (D) bill to "prohibit the use of corporal punishment in public primary and secondary schools," NRA board member Charles Cotton took to TexasCHL Forum to vent his frustration. 

"I'm sick of this woman and her 'don't touch my kid regardless what he/she did or will do again' attitude," Cotton wrote in a thread titled "HB567: Corporal punishment in schools." 

"Perhaps a good paddling in school may keep me from having to put a bullet in him later," he added. 

Cotton did not immediately return a message left at his office seeking comment on Saturday.

Seriously, WTF?

So brutalizing a child in their school, is LESS likely to make them a violent person in their adulthood?

And who is the fuck thinks they "have" to put bullets in people?

I would venture guess that this POS has never shot anybody in his life, and if confronted by a gun toting criminal would more likely fill his Depends with old man excrement, rather than fill his assailant with lead.


  1. Boscoe9:09 AM

    ACtually, he sounds more like a future "stood my ground when that cookie-selling thug stepped on my defenceless lawn" in waiting to me.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      9:09 AM
      That's what I think too.

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    You can see it in those beady eyes,,, "Some people just need killin'. "

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Sick, sick, sick

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    These kinds of people, somehow convinced they are the epitome of Americaness, are why neocons had to invent the concept of a 'compassionate conservative.' Because they are heartless, uncharitable, cruel and vindictive also too. It isn't enough that they bend the rules to get theirs, they make sure that others, especially the disenfranchised, never get theirs. Palins, Joe Miller, Joni Ernst, Paul Ryan, etc., etc.


  5. Anonymous10:12 AM

    My guess is that if he were talking about a fetus with devastating abnormalities he'd move heaven and earth to try to save it because he's "pro-life". But if the kid grew up and stole something he'd think nothing of shooting him.

    I really don't get why these radicals seem to value non-sentient humans and potential humans more than the ones who are thinking and feeling here right now. It boggles the mind.

    1. Republicans love fetuses because they can't question, dissent, or vote. It's the state they wish all of "those people" (female, non-white, "uppity") were in all of the time.

  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Corporal punishment does not mean brutalizing or beating a child.
    Corporal punishment does not mean injuring someone. It is meant to be an attention getter. A slap on the hand or kick in the butt sometimes needs to be used to be an attitude adjuster or letting a kid know he needs to pay attention. Again, this does not mean injuring or beating a kid.

    1. I was beaten by a public school principal with half of a polished down baseball bat for talking back to a teacher.

      It left welts on my ass and legs for over a week.

      Don't tell me about corporeal punishment.

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      That, my friend, is not corporal punishment, that is abuse and violence against a child.
      The definition of corporal punishment is inflicting a pain that causes no injury.

    3. Leland10:59 AM

      Generally speaking, 10:22, corporal punishment is espoused by those who were raised with it.

      "Corporal punishment is a form of physical punishment that involves the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence, or for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer, or to deter attitudes or behaviour deemed unacceptable."

      Corporal punishment: "Physical punishment, as distinguished from pecuniary punishment or a fine; any kind of punishment inflicted on the body."

      YOU may not think it involves that, but then, I would be willing to bet you were raised with the same treatment.

      There are far more effective means of punishment than physical or mental abuse. Break the cycle and we might actually improve as a species. Hell, I'd be satisfied if we could just advance as a population!

      Want to be the first on your block to evolve?

    4. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Punishment and abuse are not the same thing.
      Slapping a kid's hand, butt, or the back of the head is a far cry from what happened to Gryphen.

    5. Leland11:44 AM

      "That, my friend, is not corporal punishment, that is abuse and violence against a child."

      10:54, that is EXACTLY what this damned fool is talking about. Paddles. Hoses. Canes. Anything and everything that was used in the past is what this fool is espousing. Abuse and violence. THAT is corporal punishment. It doesn't matter WHAT your definition is. HIS is beating a child into submission.

      And I would be willing to bet he would happily misquote the bible in order to justify his views. (This fool would probably say "spare the rod and spoil the child." That is a gross misquote. The actual line is "To spare the rod is to spoil the child." In other words, don't pull your punches when beating a child. These damned fools BELIEVE in drawing blood to get the devil out.)

      And the law says it is the infliction of pain on a body. It doesn't differentiate by saying anything else. Pain on the body. Period. Your last four words would go in one ear of this fool and out the other.

    6. "Punishment and abuse are not the same thing.
      Slapping a kid's hand, butt, or the back of the head is a far cry from what happened to Gryphen."

      Not a far cry at all. And definitely failures of effective communication. A "slap" to the back of the head could have terrible consequences.

      Imagine being a small human on the receiving end of physical violence from a large human. It is a violation. Yeah, I acknowledge that one might unthinkingly "swat" after snatching his or her child from out of the traffic-filled street. And I would hope the parent would feel terrible afterwards. But to "slap" a child intentionally? That's horrifying. And abusive. And never something to be used to "get a child to pay attention" or as an "attitude adjuster."

    7. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Corporal punishment is defined by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child as:

      "Any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort, however light."[1]

      I missed the part where the guy said you should beat, abuse and injure a kid.
      Maybe you can point that out to us.

    8. Anonymous1:42 PM

      If you have to resort to kicking or hitting your child, no matter how lightly, to get him or her to mind you, you're doing something wrong.

    9. Anonymous10:40 PM

      Not enough kids are getting a slap in the ass at the right age to set them straight when they need it anymore. That is a straight up reality. And you guys sit around scratching your heads wondering why kids don't respect teachers and adults anymore.

  7. Anonymous10:25 AM

    And breaks the heart.

  8. I was beaten with a military belt which has a metal finishing on the end of the belt. I still have broken blood vessels on my legs from repeated 'spankings' by my father. I have a scar on my face from my mother's slap where her fingernail cut my cheek. The memories are still vivid 50 years later.

  9. Anonymous10:54 AM

    FYI, the paddle was used in my public school. And I remember very well and with much love when my mother came to school to talk to the principal. She informed him if he ever touched me, he would be the one getting the paddle.

  10. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Why do some people think a bullet is the answer to everything?

    With a bullet, there is no second chance, no way to resolve a bad situation, no way to find a better solution.

  11. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Some of my teachers carried a huge load of suppressed anger. Hitting, shaking, shoving etc. a child is bad. It's extra bad when the person has anger management problems. Regardless of what one does to one's own kid, letting an angry adult UNSUPERVISED go at a child is not a good idea.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the motivation for banning "paddling" is as much about lowering the school system's insurance costs as it is about the welfare of the children.

  12. Sorry if this was duplicated...had a crash so will repeat, just in case it blipped away into the ether.

    The NRA, thanks to their two convicted murderers heading what was previously a hunting club before their arrival, have made us all citizens in the United States of Bloodbath & Beyond. In 10, 9, 8 .....they'll revise the national anthem lyrics to be "One less bell to answer, one less egg to fry."

  13. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Sounds to me like this guy needs to be investigated. His victims will come forward soon.

    Jail time is in his future, and he just dropped the clues to law enforcement.

  14. Anonymous8:25 AM

    paddling works..nothing like hearing a paddling, then seeing a student return to class in tears, and smelling of wet pee for the rest of the day, to send out a very clear message to others that they should obey the rules !


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