Saturday, February 21, 2015

Rudy Giuliani claims that since he claimed that President Obama does not love America he has been receiving death threats. Okay, really?

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

CNN reporter Jim Acosta spoke with Rudy Giuliani over the phone earlier today and told Anderson Cooper that the former New York mayor claimed he’s been getting death threats after his controversial remarks about whether President Obama loves America. 

Giuliani, of course, said earlier this week that he doesn’t think Obama loves this country because he criticizes it so much, has a different worldview than past presidents, and rarely talks about the good things in America. And as Giuliani told Acosta tonight, “I don’t regret making the statement. I believe it. I don’t know if he loves America.”

Apparently Guiliani  claimed that "his office" had received "multiple" death threats, however CNN could not confirm that, and Guiliani did not say whether or not he had notified the police.

Call me a cynic, but I have a hard time believing this.

First off who exactly would be threatening Guiliani over these comments, and what would be the goal?

And secondly I have heard so many conservatives cry wolf like this, including our favorite Miss Quitty pants, that I have a very hard time taking it seriously.

Simply put I would not put it past the former mayor to play the victim card in order to gain a little sympathy after saying spouting his bullshit about the President.


  1. angela4:41 PM

    No one cares enough for this asshole to want anything to happen to him. His own children can't even stand him.

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Giuliani runs a security consulting business, capitalizing on his 9/11 schtick. He also makes millions speaking to business groups about security and terrorism.
    Claiming he's gotten death threats is the perfect move for his brand. No one can disprove him. Instead, by "standing tall," he looks like a gallant victor over violence, terrorism, and people who evidently don't love America as much as he does.

    What's not to love? America's made him $30 million just for the happenstance of being the mayor of New York on 9/11. If you recall, his term ended a few months later. He tried to get people to agree to his running for another term, and no one wanted him. Instead, he's making a mint capitalizing on the tragedy.

    Giuliani's father was a felon who spent time in Sing Sing, and helped out as a Mafia enforcer with his brother.
    So Rudy Giuliani knows a thing or two about death threats.
    That's how he was brought up, in contrast to President Obama and most other America-loving Americans.

    1. Anonymous9:20 PM

      A noun, a verb, 9-11
      -Joe Biden

    2. Anonymous4:03 AM

      I wonder if Rudy's head got in the way a few times when his father was bashing someone with a baseball bat?

  3. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Giuliani loves America. Giuliani can detect and out people that do not love America. Surely Giuliani is entitled to simple adoration.


    death threats kick up sales for Guiliani's security consulting business.

    Take your pick.

  4. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Fuck that punk ass bitch.

  5. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Forever drama queen.

    Rudy, Rudy

    Rudy, Rudy, Rudy


    Giuliani's cross-dressing antics back in spotlight

  6. Boscoe5:21 PM

    Clearly Rudy wanted some of that "attacked by librulz" cred Republican voters eat up with a spoon, and he's gotten that.

    Unfortunately (for him), he got it in a way that's made his own family history fair game for dissection. Bravo, Mayor 911, you've applied feces to yourself in an expert manner not seen since $arah Palin's Iowa speech.

    Personally, I really thought it was going to take at least until the Republican primary debates for that one to be equalled.

  7. Iraq Study Group -- WIKIPEDIA
    On March 15, 2006, Congress formed the Iraq Study Group (ISG). This bipartisan ten-person panel, of which Giuliani was one of the members, was charged with assessing the Iraq War and making recommendations. They would eventually unanimously conclude that contrary to Bush administration assertions, "The situation in Iraq is grave and deteriorating" and called for "changes in the primary mission" that would allow "the United States to begin to move its forces out of Iraq".

    On May 24, 2006, after missing all of the group's meetings, including a briefing from General David Petraeus, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former Army Chief of Staff Eric Shinseki, Giuliani resigned from the panel, citing "previous time commitments". Giuliani's fundraising schedule had kept him from participating in the panel, a schedule which raised $11.4 million in speaking fees over 14 months, and that Giuliani had been forced to resign after being given "an ultimatum to either show up for meetings or leave the group" by group leader James Baker. Giuliani subsequently said that he had started thinking about running for President, and being on the panel might give it a political spin.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      So, he's a quitter, too.

    2. Anonymous4:05 AM

      Having the Bush apologist who stopped the vote count in Fla, James Baker, on the panel makes this report void. He was there to ensure none of the Bush family gets the blame.

    3. hauksdottir4:30 PM

      That James Baker is also part of JEB's foreign policy group... They had worked so well stealing the election for W.

      Baker also advised Reagan and George H. W. Bush (see the infamous Venn diagram).

  8. ibwilliamsi5:39 PM

    Since when is "fuck off and die" a death threat?

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Right? Where are the scope sites, Rudyk

  9. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Names, dates and paces, Mr. Giuliani.

    Or it didn't happen.

  10. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I'll believe it when he shows the evidence.

    More likely he got a lot of calls/emails criticizing him for saying the president doesn't love America. To Republicans any difference in opinion is a death threat!!

    Guiliani doesn't love America because he doesn't respect the office of the president and he should apologize to President Obama for his offensive comment.

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      I think it has less to do with respect for the office and more to do with lack of respect for the POTUS.

    2. Anonymous4:06 AM

      Rudy said he would go anywhere to defend the USA. Except he got 5 deferments when his draft number came up!!

  11. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Here's a link to Rudy's nefarious activities. Check out Guliani the weasel dressed in drag.

  12. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Was going to comment but then I saw Anonymous5:55 PM say it all for me :)

  13. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Hey Rudy, when someone places a gun sight on you, that's not a death threat. those are surveyor marks. Now just move along.

    1. Anonymous4:07 AM

      I wonder if his latest wife is looking for a hit man, then the liberals will get the blame!!

  14. Anonymous7:16 PM

    When Giuliani Was Mayor, NYPD Shot A Black Man In The Back Every 5 Minutes

    Former Staffer Calls Out Giuliani: You Have Lost The Right To Call Yourself ‘America’s Mayor’

  15. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Longtime NYC Reporter's Epic Takedown Of Rudy Giuliani's 'Love'

    Wayne Barrett: What Rudy Giuliani knows about love — a response to his 'doesn't love America' critique of Obama

    Al Sharpton rips Giuliani over Obama comments, says 'Rudy needs a hug'

    Rudy Giuliani clarifies Obama comments by claiming the President has been influenced by communism, socialism

  16. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Ex-Giuliani Staffer: He’s ‘Lost the Throne’ of Being Called ‘America’s Mayor’

  17. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Who loves America more than Obama

    Dow Pre-Obama = 6,600
    Dow Under Obama = 18,000

    GDP Pre-Obama = (-1.39%)
    GDP Under Obama = 5.0%

    BLS UE Pre-Obama = 8.1%
    BLS UE Under Obama = 5.7%

    Monthly Job Rolls Pre-Obama = (-750,000)
    Monthly Job Rolls Under Obama = 250,000

    Bin Laden Pre-Obama = Alive
    Bin Laden Under Obama = Dead

    Thank you Mr. President. Love is always best expressed through results.

  18. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Until Mr. Noun/verb/9-11 delivers a police report, he can go fuc himself.

  19. Anonymous9:11 PM

    That picture just screams out "here comes the BOOGEYMAN!!!"

    (Apologies...I just realized how racist that word is)

  20. Anonymous9:22 PM

    O/T, but slightly relevant: Has anyone else noticed their RWNG FaceBook friends have been posting far fewer "Obama sucks" posts?

  21. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I don't want to threaten his life, I just want him to go f#%k himself.

  22. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Hey Rudy, tell us why Building Seven imploded 8 full hours after the attacks on the WTC, burning secret documents? Tell us what you knew about the planes. Tell us why you, who presided over the deaths of 3500 New Yorkers, should have an iota of credibility about anything.

    1. Anonymous3:54 AM

      How about why he insisted on putting the emergency response office into the WTC despite its having been the site of a previous Islamic attack? That was one of the problems on 9/11. The response hub for emergencies was located in one of the buildings that was hit. No one wanted the offices there, except Giuliani.

  23. Anonymous10:19 PM

    I only want to ask him, face to face, and with witnesses to explain exactly what happened to WTC7. 9-11 hero? America's mayor?

    My ass.

    1. Anonymous4:09 AM

      Rudy was so busy with the cross eyed skank he married, that he ignored pleas for working radios for the NYPD.

    2. Anonymous4:50 AM

      He's as much America's mayor as the Dallas Cowboys are America's team. NOT.

  24. Anonymous12:17 AM

    I don't know...personally, I wouldn't mind slapping him around a bit. Big pussy is really asking for it.

  25. Anonymous1:41 AM

    O/T but needs to be noted.

    Bristol posted yet another photo of Tripp in underwear. It's titled "main squeezeeeeyy" and shows a crotch shot of Tripp.

    This is beyond sick and someone needs to rescue that boy.

    At first I thought she was drinking straight from a bottle, but they are "sucking" frothy whip cream, which given the suggestiveness of the photo is worse.

    1. Anonymous5:54 AM

      This is beyond sick and someone needs to rescue that boy.


    2. Anonymous6:32 AM

      It is more than a crotch shot. Who took the picture?

    3. Anonymous6:40 AM

      If I had had any doubts about the Todd-is-a-pimp rumor (which I don't), the hyper-sexualized atmosphere of the Palins' family would convince me. All the sleazy remarks Sarah makes, Bristol cussing like a sailor and dressing like a ho and these disturbing photos seem to indicate that sex is always on these folks' minds. And not in a healthy way.

    4. Anonymous8:31 AM

      6:40 AM
      Also Bristol's grandfather has a questionable past. Too much creepy and weird from him. His son obviously has issues.

  26. Report it as offensive. I did. It's not "offensive" but it ts sickening--pure pedophile (or incest) bait. I only assume that Bristol Palin intends to pimp out Trigg to pedophiles so she can buy more multi-thousand dollar bags and shoes.

    I have nothing but contempt for this woman.

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Instagram may take it down but I doubt anymore will happen to try to help poor Tripp or educate Bristol on parenting. Levi and Sunny must be powerless. What man wants his sons junk featured in social media. Sarah has Dakota Meyers following Bristol, his life must be pretty empty b/c he sends his comments and likes to encourage her and make sure she looks popular.

      The Mommy Blogs and especially anyone that deals with drug issues, child molestation, grooming and social media needs to be made aware.

      We know the authorities in Alaska will do nothing.

      It is a shame if they just remove it and Bristol doesn't have the opportunity to recant her actions and speak out about learning from this experience. She is just going to be a social media rich kid that can do anything they want at anyones expense. Including her own child.

      It is not only the action in Tripp's undies that is a grave concern. Does a single parent like Bristol need to be making something most kids know to be cool and look like such ecstasy?

      Did a high school drug cause Demi Moore's seizure?

    2. Paul in Minnesota7:13 AM

      I agree. The photo is not offensive, yet in this day, I agree, posting it online is incest or pedophile bait.

      No one in their right mind would put a picture on the Internet of their young son in their underwear. It's asking for trouble. Tripp should be with his dad.

      Ugh, I shake my head at the Palins and their lack of common sense. Well, now Bristol and her lack on common sense. Very duh stupid. It's cute for a family moment. Maybe, if that's Bristol not drinking alcohol. Yet it's not cute to share the picture with the world.

    3. Anonymous8:28 AM

      That photo may be offensive to people who know about nitrous oxide.

      Bristol could just be trying out for a new TV show. Read the comments. She has a public of one or two that want her to have her own TV show with Tripp again.

      Whip cream is delicious, what kid doesn't love to do this?

      A high you can buy at your local market. While most people use nitrous oxide aerosol cans for whipped cream, partyers inhale them for a brief, euphoric high.,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/186416q1d02rbjpg.jpg

    4. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Is Dr. Baldwin-Johnson still a Palin family physician?

      She would know about Nitrous Oxide. It is not only for the kiddies.

    5. hauksdottir4:39 PM

      I tried to report it... definitely pedophile bait... but got a message saying the page no longer exists.

  27. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Im sorry but every single so called republican is gross, a liar, and an enemy of America today. Each and everyone of them. There is not one excuse for their ignorance and shameful hateful agenda.

  28. Anonymous7:52 AM

    What is it with these old conservative white guys and their naked jealousy of this President. They don't even TRY to hide it. Really, Rudy??? You claim you're more patriotic for being mayor of a city during a terrorist attack than the man who eventually killed the asshole who orchestrated the attack? Fuck you, Giuliani, Nobody likes your stupid ass because you've been trying to climb to power on the backs of the 3,000 people murdered on 9/11 since it happened, and we happen to find it to be disgusting and insulting. You're nothing but a turd in a suit, everybody knows it. We sure as fuck didn't elect you "Judge of All Other People's Patriotism For Life," either. So shut the fuck up, loser.

  29. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Death threats, huh? Well, now he'll know how The Dixie Chicks felt!

    Tom, in FL


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