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Julianne Moore winning Emmy for her role in "Game Change." |
Danny Strong wrote "Game Change," the television adaptation of the dishy book depicting the 2008 president election. Sarah Palin was decidedly not pleased with her portrayal -- which earned both an Emmy and Golden Globe for Julianne Moore -- but the Alaska governor's anger made Strong and the team behind the film very happy.
When Strong talked with HuffPost Live about "Empire" on Tuesday, host Ricky Camilleri asked about Palin's response to "Game Change." Strong said he's never spoken to her personally, but her team did the film a big favor before it premiered. Strong explained:
"The people that were working for her held a huge press conference the week before the film came out, and they said, 'We have not seen this movie, but it is all lies.' And it was kind of amazing because the amount of press we got -- that they sparked by holding that press conference -- propelled the film into being the most-watched HBO movie in a decade because it dominated the press cycle. And I just always thought it was strange. Why did they attack it before they had seen it and point out things that they said weren't accurate? And then when the film came out, they said, 'We have seen the movie now, and it's all lies.' And it didn't get much media coverage because they had already sort of said it was all lies before they had seen it. It was intense, but we were grateful to the press because it was great for the movie."
That's our Sarah Palin for you.
She did the exact same thing when Joe McGinniss moved int next door, when the Shailey Tripp accusations fist came out, and when I wrote Splitsville.
By the way when Sarah Palin comes out with guns blazing against some "lie" being told about her, that is your guarantee that it is the cold hard truth.
I hope this means you're going to be coming out with some cold hard truth! :)
If she still reads the all blogs maybe she will see this.
Hey Sarah maybe it’s time to change the topic!
Unfinished business and unanswered questions.
How about a trip in the wayback machine?
Lets go back to the last weeks of June 2009.
So, why don't you reveal what you know or what is the tease?
Deletejust one of the ongoing teases that never materialize.
DeleteYeah, this person comes around all the time and drops hints and then tells others to do the legwork and research. He or she seems full of shit, if he/she had something why not divulge it? Just a troll.
DeleteI understand why there are doubters. It's not about you. Never has been.
DeleteLook at the austin is a fec,,, blog posts October 5 and 6 2014.
There is enough to turn a skeptic into a believer.
That is only a small sample of what I've got.
There is at least one US Senator involved.
When? How? Where? Why not now? Can't and won't say.
Ya feel me?
DeleteNo I don't feel you. Stop the drama and spit it out or go away. Until then....YAWN
DeleteYou've got nothing but drama. Also, you linked to the worst singers ever. YAWN
Here is why Sarah will NEVER willingly endorse Dan from Ohio Sullivan for any elected position.
Delete“Ohio” Dan Sullivan was handpicked for AG by the Parnellites because Talis from Wasilla and Wayne Anthony Ross weren’t gittin’ it done. (She had never even heard of him! She didn’t even want to interrupt her schedule to interview him.)
With “Ohio” Dan on the job (for two weeks) Team Sarah made the mistake of thinking he was another Palin panty sniffer. . Team Sarah foolishly informed AG Sullivan about one of their little high school type vendettas. They were likely breaking a number of laws (even arguably making false reports to law enforcement.) They let the AG in on what turned out to be the final straw for Gov. Sarah.
I don’t think Dan from Ohio wanted any of that hanging over his head. He’s smart enough to know what a criminal conspiracy is. He was informed because he was AG. He would have been unable to deny that he had been informed. The problem could go away if Sarah Palin quit. That’s the biggest reason she quit so suddenly when she did. Even Sarah was surprised. It messed up her 4th of July holiday plans with her family at the mansion in Juneau!
Yeah she wanted out, yeah she was already planning to leave, but this mistake by Team Sarah did it and fast.
Another Troopergate style investigation with probably more real crimes?
Palin had also received an email from Mike Nizich on the 1st of July requesting a meeting with her the following day. Sarah hadn’t a clue what this was about and emailed Kris Perry to see if she knew.
And yes, Parnell had also requested a meeting with her on July, 2nd.
Something is in the air, and I don’t think it is love! By early afternoon, Palin was not ready to confirm engagements for the following week. Something had her spooked.
Statute of limitations on any crimes committed runs out in July 2016 so any charges would need to be brought by then.
DeleteIt matters little now what is revealed because Palin is a private citizen, not a politician and has no political future. Striking while the iron was hot may have taken her down a few notches a bit sooner than she's accomplished all on her own, but she has self destructed successfully, just as we forecast. Who cares if she was harboring grudges and getting people fired, it's how she operated and no one would be surprised.
If there was collateral damage on some of her cronies and contemporaries, Sullivan, Parnell, et al, if would just be icing on the cake.
ReplyDeleteShe left out some important details about why she suddenly quit.
I’d say it’s kind of like a great big lie, but there’s more than one.
Some people say that living a lie is corrosive.
I’d say she’s proof of this.
Yes, Sarah cannot resist make g herself the story, even when it leads to many more people seeing her for the fraud she is. Please proceed, Palins.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I read a story about the Iron Dog leaders and Team 11 is nowhere to be seen among the leaders. Is Todd back at the garage since Sarah is in Florida and then headed for her annual CPAC delusions?
DeleteLooks like Todd is in 10th place and is in Nome where the racers stay until the race restarts on Thursday morning. Any racer not in Nome by tonight at 11:59pm has to scratch.
I didn't see Todd Palin mentioned in the ADN as being in 10th place..or in Nome! He wasn't mentioned at all!
DeleteThe race is actually getting very little local publicity, it's just really a niche thing that isn't that big of a deal in AK. I did find something from ADN yesterday that poked some fun at Sarah's "no girly men" Facebook post,
An "Iron Dog" article was in the major Anchorage paper today - Alaska Dispatch News - in the Sports section (Section C) on page C-4 "Iron Dog Leaders Arrive in Nome Tightly Packed".
DeleteGirly boy, Todd Palin, isn't mentioned anywhere in the article!
Then on 2/24, in the Sport section of the same newspaper - there is another article "Legendary Iron Dog Names Near Front" - Page C1 and continued on C3 - the writer quotes Sarah Palin's comments from her Facebook page - (plus they mention that her 'girly boy' was in 11th place).
Her comments concerning the race were about it being a 'miserable' race that 'girly men' don't race! She forgot to mention that women are, and have, participated in the Iron Dog!
DeleteI only read ADN online and that story isn't in the online addition. No wonder I wasn't seeing it!
Isn't that Sarah's way to always try and get ahead of the story?
ReplyDeleteSarah may have been able to manipulate the Alaska media. We know the stories about Lou Sarah and Louise Heath writing letters to the editors praising Governor Palin, LOL, which is how she had such high approval ratings. Sarah was no match for the national media. Sorry, but the rest of us here in the lower 48 are smarter than that, and we could see right through her, lipstick, winks and all.
DeleteAnd, suffice it to say that Palin and her family members have gotten worse as the years have passed. Alaskans and Americans across the nation now know ALL about her and her family!
ReplyDeleteThe last thing to solve is the determination of the 'real' parents of the DS child that supposedly lives in their home. We are damned sure he is not Sarah's as she gives him no care and the kid doesn't like her - which has been reflected on videos.
Palin is no longer a politician and most certainly doesn't have rank in the entertainment world! She's basically a 'no body', having very little impact anywhere! All of which she has brought on herself by being such a liar and fraud!
Todd, the girly boy is a loser again in the Iron Dog! He has not won the race in years and is obviously not near as capable as he once was. Plus, it's fun seeing the Anchorage Brawl participants (that beat the shit out of the Palin family!) being in the top as to successful riders in the race. Must gall the hell out of Palin!!! Haha! Love it!
ReplyDeleteTodd's probably afraid to get close to the leaders. He might get another bloody nose.
ReplyDeleteAll the riders will be holed up in Nome until the restart Thursday and shit gets crazy up there. Drinkin', fightin' and whorin' is the flavor of the day when Iron Dog rolls into town!
DeleteAny pimpin' or peepin'?
DeleteYeah, so much for that thick skin she always brags about!
ReplyDeleteHow many times in the last seven years have situations arisen where, had she just kept her big yap SHUT, things might have blown over or gone better for her? But noooooo.......Miss Thin-Skinned jumps into victim mode and makes herself look even worse.
Deletepalin's/heath's; all walking talking lies, every single sordid last one of 'em ..
ReplyDeletesuk it you crosseyed hunchbacked skank ..
Sarah can't hack the big leagues. She has the thinnest skin on the planet. This is one reason why she is too chicken to answer any question she has not seen beforehand.
ReplyDeleteI mean, questions such as what do you read are really tough questions. Heaven forbid anyone should ask a question tougher than that. I think the last time she had an unscripted question was from Bill O'Reilly who got sick of her BS during the BP spill and asked her what she would do. Call the Dutch she said. I think somewhere she read about the little Dutch boy who put his finger in the dike. She has never appeared on O'Reilly since then.
Let's help Sarah with some of the answers so she won't be overwhelmed by those LSM gotcha questions:
Delete1. Book that Sarah has read: The Bible
2. Supreme Court decision that Sarah disagrees with, in addition to Roe vs. Wade: Exxon Valdez. It affected Alaska, remember?
3. Will Sarah be a serious presidential candidate in 2016? Are you kidding? She teased that one as long as she could in 2012, and when it was time to register for the primaries, surprise. The Republicans did not invite their former VP nominee to the 2012 convention. Sarah is still trying to think of an answer that teases her fans into contributing to her PAC, even though she will not run for president in 2016 or in any future election. Money donated to Sarah's PAC will just go towards more travel expenses for Sarah to pretend that she still matters. She doesn't, but there is no way to fake it any more.
Deletebetch'a a buk the crosseyed skank's never in her entire miserable existence has ever read the bible .. or for that matter ever will ..
So Moore has an Emmy, a Golden Globe and an Oscar.
ReplyDeleteWe need to get her a People's Choice, a Tony and a Grammy.
Just heard Shawn Hannity running through the list of politicians he'll be interviewing at CPAC the next couple days. It was every Tom, Dick, and Harry - but no Sarah. Wow. That's got to hurt.
ReplyDeleteThe truth hurts Sarah
ReplyDelete"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.
Mark Twain
Sarah is now using Israel, on her PAC site if you contribute 35 dollars or more you get an I Stand With Bibi t-shirt.She knows her followers are all into Israel because of their fundamentalist beliefs.
ReplyDeleteThere has been a few new people commenting at C4P lately also and of course it's over the top comments about Sarah and her new PAC web site, did she hire some friends to post there to up her donations? Well you betcha.
does she pay to post with friends and family??!? she sure does.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin Uses Papago Park in Heart of Phoenix to Portray Middle of Nowhere
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin's new video ad for the Sportsman Channel's Amazing Americashow shows the former vice presidential candidate hitchhiking in the middle of the desert.
Except as every Phoenician would know, the right-wing celeb is actually in Central Phoenix, at Papago Park.
Palin's standing on one of the park roads used most frequently by bicyclists and walkers. If you saw a woman with a suitcase and a sign reading "America" on that road, you'd think she must have escaped from the Arizona State Hospital four miles away.
The ruse reminds us of the scene in the movie Raising Arizona when viewers see a shot of miles of Sonoran Desert that's supposed to be Tempe.
Sarah wouldn't pull that bullshit on us.
DeleteRight Sarah?
OT a bit, but I watched the interview and then ventured to Palins facebook page. AND I POSTED A COMMENT! It was about how tonight we were blessed to see Blake Shelton AND Jesus on NBC. I've had a coupla beers and couldn't help myself. I posted: Whelp-that's two good reasons to read a good book tonight." I actually don't mind Shelton. Here's my question-is the wrath of palinhell gonna rain down on me?