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Seriously, are people still talking about this stuff? |
Then you can go back to eating your turkey and cranberry sauce in peace.
Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
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Seriously, are people still talking about this stuff? |
There is no uncle Ralph in my family. But if there was ---may I suggest the following? Threaten to put their crazy ass in a hospital where they had to count on tea-baggers to feed them decent food and make sure they had good medical care even if they had no health insurance.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, you are giving the uncle Ralphs too much credit. They do not do facts. ODS has cracked what was left of their cognitive skills. Nothing will change their minds because everything they think (hahaha) or feel (mostly hate) about the President is based on ignorance, bigotry and stomach churning fear. They do not want to know the truth because then they'd have to admit they were duped or just hated the man 'cause he wasn't Billy Bob from down at the truck stop.
Got another message for Uncle Ralphie.Fuck off and die.You'll never win an argument with these types.
ReplyDeleteDropped by the pond this morning and found that angry white racist muthafucker is still spewing the same old shit...
"Diabolic Obama marches to a different master, the father-of-lies, of which Obama is a prime disciple. This is why the unconstitutional dictates of Obama designed expressly to enslave what's left of a free America, a free America that many gave their lives for in all of America's wars since the Revolution, must be resisted to their face wherever and whenever they rear their ugly heads in the world on any level; else, those sacrifices of the fallen against tyranny worldwide will have been rendered in vain by frauds masquerading as American who couldn't care less!
This cannot, moreover, MUST NOT be allowed to happen which is a cry from the graves of the fallen!"
Just roll 'em up, put 'em in container in the center of the table and hand them out like breadsticks to Uncle Ralph, brother Tom and anyone who starts up. They don't really bother with these crazy conspiracies any more. Those are too complicated. They just use their fallback position which is PBO is the worst ever of whatever. It's easier to spout and doesn't require a single fact or fict. And he divided the country. No, voting did/does that. The first election divided us into a majority who voted for PBO and a minority who didn't, the same thing that happens in every one of our US elections since the first one. Then we did it again. What they really mean is that our votes don't count and that their opinions nullify ours. Their version of American principles.
ReplyDeleteIt is just wonderful that your conspiracy page confirms that Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen and is eligible to be POTUS. The first Cubano POTUS! He and Obama have much in common.
ReplyDeleteKeep dreaming, toots.
DeleteDo you mean Rafael Eduardo Cruz? Did he adopt the name Ted to not sound too Cuban?
DeleteKenyan, Cuban, what's the difference?
DeleteHe may be eligible but he will never be POTUS.
DeleteUncle Ralph is also technically eligible to be president. So are millions of other people in this country. Do you want crazy old Uncle Ralph to be president?
DeleteI'm waiting for the day a grown anchor baby becomes president.
DeleteNo wonder so many of them are fundamentalist Christians. They need to attend church and Bible study just to get a respite from all their fear and anger.
ReplyDeleteSometimes, though, our Heavenly Father can't help them and all their rage and anxiety explodes into a Tea Party rally.
Or they gather together to feel safer in numbers and venture out en masse to Starbuck's for a cup of Joe. Of course they bring their automatic rifles along just in case.
American Thinker has an inspiring article up, telling white people it is ok to be white. The comments are just precious! As a white, they make me oh, so proud....(gag).
ReplyDeleteWhy are white people so stupid?
DeleteThe author of the article is (supposedly) black. Although I don't think all white people are stupid the group posting on that site sure as hell is! I had to stop reading the comments, as they were sickening.
DeleteEveryone needs to see the HBO doc CitizenFour. Obama has some explaining to do. I'm beginning to think these queries into his education/religion/nationality have been straw men that BOTH sides of the aisle support. We rightly defend the baseless attacks and thus are too distracted to notice our liberty is undeniably being stripped.
ReplyDeleteI watched it last night. Quite disturbing. Something's gotta give. Most of politics that we see is theatre. I suppose it just serves as a distraction to keep us from debating our loss of privacy, foreign policy, and other important policy matters important to US citizens. I'm not a conspiracy person who sees boogeymen behind every action of the government, but I am concerned where we as a free republic go from here.
DeleteI've never been a big fan of Glenn Greenwald in the past because I regarded him as a prima doña seeking to insert himself into important stories to feed his own ego. When I heard recently that Laura Poitras was making this doc, I went back and researched all of the articles on Snowden from a yr and a half ago. After watching the documentary, I realized that I had been influenced by those who initially attacked Snowden back before his profile was firmly established in the media. Looking back now, it's now more clear to see who in the mainstream media were used to attack Snowden's character. I trusted some of these journalists who were used by the powers that be because I felt they had been objective and fair in the past.
DeleteBut Snowden isn't the story here. Regardless of his motives, his revelations are of serious issues that affect us as citizens. Obviously, the secret policies that support this data acquisition and warehousing affect the trust between our officials and those of our allies (i.e., Merkel).
This isn't a matter of a divide between cons/libs or Dems/Repubs. But those differences in identity politics will be exploited to keep Americans from coming together to discuss constitutional matters affecting the rights and freedoms of us as US citizens.
Gryphen, you wrote about Snowden & Greenwald when the stories began breaking, and I hope you'll write about this again. Minus the site's pet trolls, I'd like to read some opinions from you and several of the regulars here at IM. This is probably one of those issues we will not have complete agreement on, but I'd like to hear as many different opinions as possible from the intelligent folks here.
Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.
straw both sides? call sarah - she likes playing with matches ya know...
DeleteDoes it say why no unauthorized biographers have been sued?
ReplyDeleteDoes it mention all the times he said leaving Iraq was HIS plan, then randomly says it wasn't
ReplyDeleteAlicia from Florida
DeleteBut, but, but, Obama doesn't Love America.
ReplyDeleteWhat is there left to love about this place? Seriously.