Saturday, March 14, 2015

As expected the Mama Grizzly could not be happier at her cub Bristol's newest engagement.

Courtesy of Granny Grifter's Facebook page: 

Our families couldn’t be happier for Bristol and Dakota! We’re honored to welcome Dakota into our family. He’s an American hero and patriot whose service to our country – like all his fellow Medal of Honor recipients – has been above and beyond the call of duty; but even more important is he’s a good and kind man who loves Bristol and Tripp, and is loved by them. They met last year when he was in Alaska to film an episode of “Amazing America,” and even then it was noticed that just as we like to describe Bristol as “an old soul” wise beyond her years, the same also applies to Dakota. (A clear demonstration is the fact that he flew up North last week to ask both Todd and Bristol’s grandfather, Chuck, Sr., for her hand in marriage!) 

Rascal Flatts dedicated a perfect song to them last night during their concert as Dakota proposed; it sums it up best: “Every long lost dream led me to where you are... they were like Northern stars pointing me on my way into your loving arms. This much I know is true – that God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you.” 

Yes, God working behind the scenes to turn beauty from ashes. Had tough circumstances in their lives not occurred, and had they reacted differently to those circumstances, they’d have never met. Dakota’s story is told in the book “Into the Fire.” 

Thank you for letting us share good news today! 

- Sarah Palin

Yeah clearly Palin recognizes all of the new opportunities to get in good with military families, and to get a little of that sweet, sweet SarahPAC money, that this engagement offers.

You know if Track won't show up when asked and join the Palin dog and pony show, well by gum Bristol will lure a military guy that will. Hey, and this one is even an actual medal winning, genuine hero.

According to Bristol the two of them have been kinda sorta dating since Meyer came up last year to film an episode of "Amazing America." But some of my sources are not exactly convinced that what happened back then can really be considered "dating."

And besides she was seen with Joey Junker a number of times since then.

A Palin two timing? Say it ain't so. 

What is clear is that Palin herself has been admiring the goods since at least January of this year.

Some of you have been wondering how this might effect Levi's custody case, and unfortunately I don't know for sure.

However the custody situation is still not completely settled from what I hear so one has to wonder what Levi will do if Bristol now decides that she wants to live in Kentucky with Dakota, and take Tripp with her?

As somebody who had their child moved out of state by an ex I can tell you first hand that it is literally one of the worst things that can possibly go through as a parent, and if I had it to do over I would NEVER have allowed that to happen.

Of course all of this might be rendered moot, as Bristol's history with men is somewhat spotty.

And she DOES come from a family of famous quitters.

So we really have no idea if this will stick.

After all we do remember this, right?

  And not that I'm at all superstitious, but who in the hell gets engaged on Friday the 13th?


  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    we like to describe Bristol as “an old soul” wise beyond her years, 
    - SarahPalin

    As much traffic that has past through her hoohah, yes I agree, Bristol is an old soul.

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      So wise that she changes Trial Daddies like Trig changes diapers.

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      that is not who they are talking about...

    3. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Old HOOHAH. That's the gospel.

    4. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Well, it is true that Bristol is "experienced" far beyond her years....or, that is, has been "experienced" enough for a lifetime by the trial daddies

    5. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Oh puh-leeze, Mommie Dearest, an old soul doesn't spread her legs for anything that comes along, start fisticuffs, teach her sons to swear, and rearrange her face at will.

    6. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Well at least Dakota knows how to wear a nice civilian suit. Maybe in some strange way, he will be good for Bristol.........maybe.

    7. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Medal of Honor Recipient Dakota Meyer EXPOSED

    8. Anonymous11:32 PM

      532 I know they are talking about who made her resign...indirectly of course...but oh well...too bad..

  2. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I give them 6 mos. to a year before they hate each other

    1. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Or before he figures out, why buy a cow when milk is soooo cheap...

    2. Anonymous11:21 PM

      6 months ?!? six week's a stretch ...

  3. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Will Sarah be wearing the Medal of Honor every time she's on TV now ?

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Sarah wears the Medal of Horror.

    2. Anonymous6:19 PM

      I can see photos of Sarah's newest son being honored by President Obama in her windows and on the walls for background effect when she channels her TV web.

      Jean Meyer, grandmother

      First lady Michelle Obama hugs Mike Meyer, father of Dakota Meyer

      Dakota Meyer's Beer with Obama

    3. Wafflestomper7:01 PM

      HA, HA, HA 4:38! That is the funniest thing I've heard in awhile. Thanks for the laugh

    4. Anonymous2:05 AM

      Ah, yes. Dakota has "gone where SO MANY have gone before".Bristles wise beyond her years? What a laugh. Who actually writes this pap for $carah? I hope Taahhd and Chuckles Sr have recovered from the shock of one of Bristles freebies actually wanting to marry her. After all the traffic that has gone "there" she finally found a gullible hillbilly to buy the cow.

  4. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Dakota will you sign the Palin Confidentiality Agreement? Or will you keep a diary of all the secrets you discover about that dysfunctional family and write a book about your experiences?

  5. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Congrats to Sarah Palin. After Bristol gets married, you won't be lying when you say you have a combat vet for a son.

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Yes, she will be.
      Dakota is a son as much as Trig is.

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      4:45 PM Trig is Bristol's son, she even teaches him to say "BULLSHIT"!

  6. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Hopefully, for the kids involved, they will go away and live vibrantly out of the spot lights now. Go away. But I sure can't help thinking that they just don't belong together. Both are far from what I'd want my daughter or son to bring home, and they do deserve each other in my opinion, but they don't look like each other's type at all.


    1. Anonymous8:45 PM

      That is what I said on the earliet story! They just don't like "right"!

    2. Anonymous2:07 AM

      Surely you jest? Anyone with a penis is Bristles type, ever since junior high.

  7. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Bristol is engaged to Dakota?

    What happened to Dylan, Levi (twice), Ben, Gino and Joey?

    Those lucky sons of bitches got away from the Chin.

  8. Anonymous4:24 PM

    The whole "dating" story is suspicious... why the need to exaggerate?

    Here's Willow just 10 DAYS AGO...

    10 days ago

    looking forward to spending the weekend with @bsmp2 !!!!!

    wbf_ 10 days ago
    excited to meet you!

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Absolutely. And there is more strange and suspicious going on. The myth they are creating now is not the rill dill.

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Of course their whole "dating" story is suspicious, but they have to spin it so it looks better for the "abstinence" preacher when she starts to show a couple months after her "engagement" announcement.

      She may have met and "entertained" Dakota last summer when he was on her mother's loser show, but there were others after that and she was on the prowl for a "lumbersexual" until they became "reacquainted" recently and she accidentallyonpurpose employed the oldest trick in the book to trap him into something Gino, Joey, etc managed to avoid.

      Congrats Dakota, you sucker. I have a feeling you'll be commiserating with Levi in the not-too-distant future. "18 years, 18 years, she got one of your kids she got you for 18 years..."

  9. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Sarah Palin will you be hosting the wedding reception at the White House after you are elected president in 2016?

    1. AKinPA4:47 PM

      Nah. She'll be hosting it in her garage with paper plates, plastic water bottles, and her signature blueberry pie so she can just hose down the spills afterwards. Will she wear that award-winning white dress as the mother of the bride? Can't wait to see how she'll upstage her daughter on her "first wedding" day.

    2. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Only if they jump the fence.
      There will be no election of $arah to anything.

    3. Anonymous4:59 PM

      This wedding will be bigger than that of the British royals. Hell, Sarah's already picked up a toilet seat to use has her hat. Gonna be EPIC!!!

  10. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Bristol is engaged? Is she pregnant? What happened to her cramp pills? Did she forget to take them like she forgot to take them in high school?

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      In 4-5 months we'll have the birth more talked about and awaited in the redneck, repub, hillbilly circuit than that of Jesus H. himself!

    2. Anonymous4:59 PM

      She's got to be prego, what other reason for the big rush.Fertile Myrtle just has to think about sex and she's knocked up..
      That good ole country boy sure isn't going to enjoy Alahska's winters and Bristol will hate those hot humid summers in KY. They like to keep 'em barefoot and pregnant down there.
      Sounds like a match made in hell.
      Looks like Sarah is already checking out the goods.

    3. Anonymous5:15 PM

      to 4:59 - other possible reasons for the timing of the engagement:

      upcoming stalker trial
      Tripp custody issues
      Bristol's penance (image repair) for the family brawl
      Sarah's desperation for relevance

    4. Anonymous5:23 PM

      And if things don't work out with the newlyweds, Bristle can say she was raped. It's worked before.
      This Dakota kid has no flippin' idea what he is in for.
      Run Dakota Run!

    5. Anonymous6:37 PM

      They also need to marry for 911. Palin 911 = great (fake) patriots. Glorious propaganda.

      Track was forced and set up to be her 911 star. He was a fuc_ up mess and blew it.

      Dakota is about as 911 and anyone can be.
      Now that Sarah finally has access to her medal she will want to carry on the tradition of great patriotic Palins.

      I haven't really checked but Fox News coverage must be so thrilling and great. Greta will have them in to interview. Track must come out of his stupor and perform or it will look real bad for Sarah.

      John McCain will do Bristol right, he has daughters and he is not going to turn down invites to events, interviews and wedding. He owes being joyful and accessible about this great time for the Palins.

    6. Anonymous2:14 AM

      Lumpy little Johnny Mac might be best man, especially if it is televised. He loves the spotlight as much as $carah and Bristles do. Dakota had better take Bristles with him EVERYWHERE, unless he doesn't mind if she sleeps with all his friends. I wonder if he has seen Sunny, and realized that there are MUCH better women in Alaska than used up Bristles.

  11. Anonymous4:36 PM

    See, blogs works. Not to long ago blogger Bristol Palin was crying for a lumbersexual in her blogs and next thing you know, Bristol finally caught one.

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Yes, and now engaged to a guy she's dated for a year.......hmmm

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      PTSD, alcoholic, anger management problems sexual.

    3. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Dakota is not a Lumbersexual. Bristol had to change he taste and go for the premature balding gut type. Sorry Bristol, no one is going to believe your story about sort of dating or what not since Track, Mario and Willow were in on the Meyer publicity.

      Willow would be more believable. Why else did she and Meyer write those cryptic comments about 'Can't wait?' Like they didn't see each other last April?

  12. Anonymous4:37 PM

    plus several rag mags has bristol as saying " they started seeing each other last year when dakota came up to alaska to shoot amazing america. they "ran" into each other at several functions and that led to dating."

    all i can say is that there is NO WAY they were dating during the infamous brawl. they weren't dating last year when joey went to disneyland with bristol and tripp. no, this is not in love and romance. this is an arranged marriage and it may be that bristol has been unwillingly asked to play beard to dakota's lifestyle. wouldn't that just be the best though?

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      You bet it's arranged.
      There are no coincidences.

    2. Cracklin Charlie7:56 PM

      When exactly was that trip to Disneyland?

    3. Anonymous11:34 PM

      When exactly was that trip to Disneyland?

      It was a Christmas time. They posted a motel undercoated Christmas tree and the troll/stalker of the moment couldn't wait until Bristol decorated it, she thought it was her house. Bristol was being all sentimental about the holiday when she saw the pagan tree. I think it was in the patheos blog.

  13. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Anonymous4:23 PM

    Bristol is engaged to Dakota?

    What happened to Dylan, Levi (twice), Ben, Gino and Joey? 

    Those lucky sons of bitches got away from the Chin.


    You forgot to mention Maks from DWTS? He got away from the Chin.

    1. Anonymous12:30 AM

      Also Dylan Kolvig.

  14. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Bullshit bullshit! So he has been her off again on again boyfriend now? Didn't Sarah say in her now infamous speech that he was just some guy that had her hold a sign? So he went from some guy to a dear long lasting friend/boyfriend.

    Excuse me while I vomit.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Pathological Liar = Sarah Palin. Lies flow from her lips like water from a faucet. You would think by now she would have learned just how easy the Internet makes it to debunk her many falsehoods.

  15. Anonymous4:40 PM

    LMAO Some idiot gets a place to put it, and she calls that "engagement"? Guess this raises her ,military creds while drumming up her skin job (Whatever it's called today) Wow, the ink is barely dry on the nancy french divorce papers, I wonder who will write the vows?
    Note to Brissy, wear matching camo hard hats, walking in a church after all this time may make the roof collapse.

    1. Anonymous2:23 AM

      Here is a thought. This is all an episode for her failing show Amazing America. We will see them dating, pining for each other while miles apart. Getting together again, then him asking her father and grandpa for her hand in marriage. Then the marriage, all paid for by the TV show of course. After the show is cancelled, a quiet divorce?I wonder who came up with the idea, someone from the show, Nancy French or $carah?

  16. Anonymous4:50 PM

    If only the two of them would quietly get married without any publicity and fade into obscurity, I would wish them well. Unfortunately, we are going to be hearing about it for a while and even longer if either one has anything to say about it.

  17. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Where's Track?

    I guess now that Sarah has bagged a real combat vet, she has no use for her terribly dysfunctional son (that she and Todd fucked up in the first place). I hope wherever Track is, he's safe and getting the help he needs.

  18. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Great opportunity for the Palins' to clean house and start over again with a new shiny prop. Track: too drug addicted to be the designated "warrior body"; Trig: too old and unruly to be the cute "my commitment to life" prop; Tripp: too creepy now to be the road to another reality TV show, except on the all-child-porn-all-the-time internet channels; Jill Hadasash: too much of a dog to be more than a step stool.

    Mr D. you have your work laid out for you. Hope the deal you've made with the devil(s) brings you what you think you want. haha!

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      funny how bristol gets "engaged " to dakota while track is gone............gone where we don't know but willow posted a picture saying they were setting track up on instagram when he gets back...............just sayin.

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      well from a sequence of events that happened recently...conspiring...stalking...vehicle tampering...
      it seems marriage is like Track into the way out? well cameras got it all on good luck with all that...tell danny boy hello for me Sarah!

    3. Anonymous6:33 PM

      5:04 PM REHAB!

    4. Cracklin Charlie7:54 PM

      Her family members are not merely props...they are also human shields for Sarah's fragile psyche. Sarah uses them to enhance her victim status.

      She is a sick freak.

    5. Anonymous9:49 PM

      6:33 thanks. read it but didn't know it was official he was in rehab. again though, why is this going on while he is in rehab then? or is this going on because he is in rehab? shiny object meet truth.

  19. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Sarah do you know if Bristol was sober during her first sexual experience with this one?

  20. Anonymous4:53 PM

    So serial fiancee Bristol is putting out, big deal.

    With no job he'll fit right into that family. He'll have plenty of time to repent once he gets to know her.

  21. Anonymous4:54 PM

    April 8, 2014
    Sarah Palin
    We’re so proud that Bristol has been graduated tonight from Penrose Academy in Arizona. She’s heading back to Alaska soon.....

    May 29, 2014 Amazing America airs finale featuring Dakota Meyer.....filmed previously.

    Unlikely the two met when Meyer was in AK in early 2014.

    I'm not sure, but think, Bristol posts photo on facebook in late April of "my love" Joey Junker with her in AZ.

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      If Bristol actually graduated, why hasn't she gotten her license in Alaska? Can't she pass the exam?

    2. Anonymous5:05 PM

      I hope Dakota likes living up there in Alaska, since that's where Bristol has to stay if she wants to keep any kind of custody of Tripp.

    3. Anonymous5:23 PM

      But Alicia the Troll commented that Bristol and Joey Junker were still in love in May, 2014. Bristol would NEVER cheat on her Trial Daddy, would she? I hope that Bristol knows how to douche. Joey and Dakota might be connected in a strange way.

    4. Anonymous6:25 PM

      The fact that they have already run to the tabloids (what happened to the media always lies) with the story they were dating since last year means they are re-writing history for a reason.

      She is probable pregnant and they are doing damage control, quickie engagement, quickie wedding (if it lasts that long) and a preemie baby.

      But the most important part is he is a medal of honor recipient. Dumb, alcoholic and PTSD doesn't matter.

    5. Anonymous6:33 PM

      5:03 PM Bristol is borderline retarded and has trouble reading the menu at Applebees.

    6. Anonymous8:47 PM

      In Bristol's post on her blog she says Tripp met him a year ago. Bristol didn't hook up with him til the Shot show Feb 10th. They've been dating for a whole month. They're trying to make it seem like they've been dating longer so Bristol doesn't look like a ho.

    7. Anonymous9:47 PM

      6:25 "the fact that they have already run to the tabloids"!!! oh trolly-what about those"private lives" you are always spouting about?
      yeah, we know you are feeling the pain of being exposed publicly as a lying stalker who knows not one thing about the skank and her dysfunctional band of misfits. weren't you here a few weeks ago with words about bristol and joey being sooo in love? uh huh! that grifting and absolutely disgusting family knows nothing about love.

    8. Anonymous11:28 PM

      625 and I wonder what Bristol is really thinking and feeling...pure fear...scared shitless is my guess...and how she can become a 'baby factory' is beyond me...if you can have fun making them you can have fun taking care of them Bristol...

  22. Anonymous4:57 PM

    With Bristol's need for nice things, will Dakota be able to maintain her lifestyle?

    Everyone knows that unless Bristol moves away and cuts ties with her mother, she will forever be harassed by Sarah Palin, "do this for me, do that, make Dakota say nice things about me, drop what you're doing and tend to me at once, send Dakota over here NOW!"

    It won't be pretty.

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Dakota is a pussy and just proved it.
      Good luck, you're going to need it and HOW.

  23. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Can't wait to see how the Obama hatred plays out for him. Can you really join in on the very personal hatred, when the President presented his Medal of Honor, AND defended the award in spite exaggeration claims? It's one thing to disagree with policies...political's entirely another to hate on someone personally as the Palins hate on President Obama. Maybe Dakota can arrange for a beer with Sarah and the President? haha.

  24. Anonymous4:59 PM

    She can't even talk about her daughter's engagement without pandering to the right wing.

  25. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Sarah Palin is finally getting a soldier son Track Palin could never be. This is certifiable proof she's running for POTUS! LOL!

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Yep, we can take that to the bank!

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Come out and get chewed, $arah, we're waiting!

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      She just wants to set Bristol up with ShePac in time and keep milking money from her loyal suckers. She has already done the prenup and if they want to quit on Dakota, Bristol will have that income.

    4. Anonymous11:25 PM

      After the 47% in DC focked up and sent that letter to Iran there is no way in hell any republican or independent will make your dreams my my once bit twice shy baby...

  26. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Sarah wants to know if Dakota can help her work the gun under her bed (wink, wink).

  27. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Bristol may want a private wedding, but Sarah will want a SarahPac wedding. Dakota may want a honeymoon in Hawaii, but Sarah will force them to honeymoon at Rainbow Lodge. Bristol may want a certain type of wedding, but her mama will certainly have the wedding she always dreamed of.

    Sarah will no doubt manipulate this event for maximum personal gain. Usually, it's the bride's parents who pay for the wedding. There is no way Sarah will take one penny out of her own purse. She'll have her C4P bots pay for the whole thing.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      "Bristol may want a private wedding." Really? The girl does nothing in private. Even her son shows up on her net things in his underwear....Her young son, who should be protected, is photographed (by Dakota???) in his underwear. Nice work, Bristol. And I do not want to hear from the troll what a private person she is and what a wonderful mother she is to that boy. She is neither.

    2. Anonymous7:02 PM

      This is a wedding for a national hero. An honor medal recipient. Do you know how many nonprofits, military organizations, corporations, private citizens and you name it that will work things our for Dakota, through Sarah. They could have guests flying to exotic places in private jets. Donald Trump could put everyone up. Sarah will not spend a dime. She will make money. How much did the Khardasians get out of Kim's little quickie in Montecito?

      Think of Star Jones wedding with military cred.

      Dakota had a beer with the leader of the free world. The simple little farm boy. That is worth millions.

      The McCains will be honored guests. Henry Kissinger and so on.

    3. Anonymous12:11 AM

      He is not a national hero. The vast majority of Americans have never heard of him until now. He has nothing that anyone will want. If he tries to exploit his honor award for profit and fame, or lets Sarah exploit it, he will destroy it.

    4. Anonymous2:32 AM

      They can put the photo of the F sign up around the venue, plus the photos of $carah with her rubber arse.It will be EPIC I tells ya, EPIC.

  28. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Well isn't that special, the first item mentioned about him is his military service and plugged his book, but that is Sarah.

    I expect that SarahPac paid for the ring, so keep those donations coming.

    This must be a real surprise to the troll, who just told us Dakota was there for Willow and Bristol was just keeping him company.

    Seems like a quickie engagement, now lets get our calendars out and count 9 months. His buddy told him to use a condom and not to get married.

    Next thing we know, he will be running for Mayor of Wasilla.

    1. Anonymous2:33 AM

      Well, we ALL know how Bristles "keeps guys company" now don't we?

  29. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Had tough circumstances in their lives not occurred, and had they reacted differently to those circumstances, they’d have never met.
    -Sarah Palin

    Yes Sarah if it wasn't for Bristol getting banged in her Junior year of high school, pregnant in her Senior year, embarrassed on DWTS, dragged on her ass at a birthday party, dumped by Levi not once but twice, Bristol would have never met Dakota. Funny how tough circumstances works?

    1. Anonymous10:30 PM

      If only Bristol had the good luck to be born to someone besides Sarah and Todd Palin, her life would definitely have been different.


    2. Anonymous11:01 PM

      You're talking about that first marriage to Levi? The one that got wiped off the record for some truped up technicality because when the young girl's mom happens to be the governor of a state and the dad is actually running the joint so they pull the 'do it for the sake of the kid card?" The same erased marriage that made the girl and her guy so mad that he went off and had her name tattooed in the same place where he had been wearing a wedding ring? That one?

    3. Anonymous2:35 AM

      Tough circumstances for Bristles means getting pregnant, and watching the guy leave, EVERY TIME!!! Too dumb to take birth control, or even keep her legs closed for a while at least until she actually KNOWS the guy.

  30. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Congratulations to Sarah! Meyer is 'bona fide' and Sarah will get a lot of mileage from her new prop.

    Palin ends with a plug for Meyer's book and let's us know he believes this deal will be mutually beneficial.

    Speaking of 'bona fide' and to help anyone who wants to cleanse their brain after reading about the Palins, here's some fun from the Coens' 'O Brother, Where Art Thou?'

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Oh, and the movie scene is about an engagement to get a new daddy for the kids so it's kinda sorta appropriate.

  31. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Wise beyond her years? Not Bristol who just finished her 'shack up' with Joey Junker? Bristol who's vocabulary consists of "Awesome", and "Haters"? BWAHAHAHAHA, the bitch couldn't keep her legs closed long enough to graduate from High School.
    Wise beyond her years? Was Joey Junker still living with Bristol when Dakota visited? You Palins are nothing more than baby making machines and women who are abandoned at the altar. If Dakota lasts long enough to 'marry' Bristol, she had better lay off the drinking, and get him some treatment for his drinking and PTSD.

  32. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Anonymous 9:07 AM said

    Dumped Joey last month. Engaged to Dakota this month.
    What could possibly go wrong?

    Isn't that how it works? Sarah Heath got dumped by Glenn Rice and ends up with Todd the pimp. Bristol gets dumped by Joey and a month later she finds the love of her life (again).

    1. Anonymous2:36 AM

      Hey, if Dakota has a penis, he is Bristles type.

  33. Anonymous5:27 PM

    On a previous post I read that Bristol will name her new baby Squib

    Does this mean that Bristol's next failed attempt at a reality show will be.... wait one.....

    "Life's A Squibb"

    1. SallyinMI6:52 PM

      Someone suggested "A Tripp down the Aisle" to document the whole know... the Bridezilla from Wasilla?

    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Maybe Kenny Pick will do 'Tripp down the aisle'.

  34. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Sissy boy was just pwned.
    He'll be run the rest of his life.

  35. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Sarah will Bristol suck Dakota's dick on their wedding night or will she act like she's never done that before? That's if she hasn't already done that.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      WTF is wrong with you. Who cares!

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      sounds like 'it's not who you know it's what you know'

    3. Anonymous9:11 PM

      That is uncalled for!

  36. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Bristol is getting married? To a guy? All these years Bristol had problems tying a guy down, I thought she was going to turn into a lesbian.

    1. SallyinMI6:53 PM

      No one 'turns into a lesbian."

  37. Anonymous5:39 PM

    So Dakota had to ask Todd and Chuck Sr.'s blessing? That is a joke.

    Todd, the father who had physical fights with Bristol, pulling her hair, and she, grabbing his man land parts?

    Guess Todd gave the 'blessing' away.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Who would ask Creepy Chuck anything?
      I wouldn't even ask him the time of day.
      Just eeewwwww.

    2. SallyinMI6:53 PM

      What about Todd's dad?

    3. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Todd's dad doesn't count, I guess. Would Grandpa Todd care who Bristol boinked? Probly not.

  38. Janice A Soderquist5:46 PM

    Does he have enough money to buy her a house or will they live on one of Sarah's compounds. Arizona is too far away for visiting with Tripp and Levi. Will Todd get him a job? I guess the Palins will make all the decisions. God, if she is preg, another guy getting suckered into child support some day...
    by the way, does Track pay support?

    1. ibwilliamsi6:36 PM

      They'll be buying a new Hummer and a double wide with the money from the People Magazine exclusive. That's all they'll have left after the AWESOME weekend bender.

    2. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Janice, Plenty of people will set them up. He is in a position to take advantage of people that want to be a hero via taking care of a "hero".

      All the time it will be about how humble and a hard worker, similar to the nonsense written for the Palin myths.

      This one is just going to be much larger and lucrative.

      These are people that sell out and act charitable and as if they are doing good while living a fantasy. Luxury or wild game hunters of Amazing America.

      Every ounce of it is propaganda.

  39. Anonymous5:56 PM

    A year after the Battle of Ganjgal, after drinking at a friend's house, Meyer attempted to commit suicide using a Glock pistol kept in his truck's glove compartment. The gun was not loaded. Meyer later sought help for post-traumatic stress disorder.[19]

    Meyer filed a lawsuit against his former employer, defense contractor BAE Systems, alleging the company and his supervisor punished him for his opposition to a weapons sale to Pakistan.[22] The lawsuit claimed that BAE Systems ridiculed Meyer's Medal of Honor, called him mentally unstable and suggested he had a drinking problem, thereby costing him a job.[23] On December 15, 2011 BAE announced that the parties resolved their dispute out of court.[24]

    According to Wiki, Dakota has a drinking problem and has a glock.

    We've read that Bristol was drunk in Anchorage and engaged in a fight at the infamous Palin Family Brawl. We also know that Bristol has guns.

    Is it wise for these two people to live under the same house? Is Tripp safe?

    Hope they don't serve wine coolers and liquor at the reception and have a gun metal detector at the reception.

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      He is perfect for the fucked up Palins.

    2. Anonymous7:12 PM

      He posted a picture of himself with a baby or toddler. Within arms reach you can see a gun, a hand gun.

      People made a comment. He joked about it.

    3. Anonymous8:15 PM

      I hear that engraved his-n-hers trigger locks make a great gift!

  40. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I wonder if this is all a sham paid by SarahPAC "postage". Sarah needs to stir up some news in an attempt to keep the retirees' pittance rolling into SarahPAC. Maybe the agreement is to keep an "engagement" going for the next year or so while Sarah puts on the annual pretend to be thinking about running for president.

    This all just sounds too good to be true.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Too good to be true? More like par for the course. Nothing but NOTHING is as it portrayed to be in this tribe.

    2. Anonymous2:42 AM

      Her latest TV show is tanking in the ratings. This MAY boost them, especially with Meyer on board. Hey, DAkota, watch your "blushing bride to be" When Levi consented to have his photo taken with her and Tripp she kept the entire fee, instead of sharing it with him. She is not too bright about most things, but she sure knows how to screw people over for $$$. It's a Palin thang.

  41. Anonymous5:59 PM

    And sneaky, desperate Bibi, Sarah's heartthrob, is making some pretty stupid moves:

    Exclusive: Netanyahu Canceled Intel Briefing for U.S. Senators on Iran Dangers

    1. SallyinMI6:55 PM

      Bibi will be out of office this week...peace on Earth!

  42. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Anonymous 5:39 PM

    So Dakota had to ask Todd and Chuck Sr.'s blessing? That is a joke. 

    Hell yeah you can marry Bristol. That girl has been looking for trial husbands the past six years.

  43. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Yahoo commenter: Captain Save - A - Hoe ( hahahaha)

  44. Anonymous6:03 PM

    This is such a blatant attempt by jealous Sarah to remind the far right that " she " is their only love.
    They tossed her aside for that beady eyed creep Walker and have now tossed him aside
    for that geeky weirdo Cotton.
    If this troubled fellow ( PTSD , suicide attempts ) has family members who truly care about him, hopefully they will try to pry him from the bony grips of the Palin grift and publicity machine.
    Track cannot be pleased that his Mommy has a new soldier warrior with a chest that needs rubbing.
    I see more drunken Palin brawls in the future.

  45. Hey, Gryphen, my son and daughter in law just had their first chid - to be a good Democrat - yesterday on Friday the 13th. Good things happen then, too!

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:39 PM

      Congratulations, phoebes!

    2. Anonymous9:16 PM

      Congratulations from the other NM im'er!

  46. Is anyone skeezed out that son-in-law to be held a fuck you sign up with his future mother-in-law. Could these people be more inappropriate?

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      My sentiments, angela, what trash!

  47. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Bristol Palin 'to enter trial marriage' of cohabitation with boyfriend

  48. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Normal wedding: A formal or informal gathering of friends and relatives attend a ceremony to celebrate the occasion.
    Flowers, cake and a toast at the reception. Some make a simpler choice and just exchange vows in front of a JP or Judge.
    Rice was traditionally thrown at the couple leaving the reception, in recent years, blowing bubbles at the couple has somewhat become the new trend.

    Palin wedding: A gathering in the hangar, port a potties all around. A keg to put the bible on. The vows are said, the keg is tapped and a great celebration ensues. Moose chili and cheese filled hot dogs were served. Sally baked the cat box cake herself and it looked quite good until Willow shoved Piper into it face first. Track was seen ripping his shirt off before attacking the guests while screaming obsceneties. Instead of rice or bubbles, the Ushers were blown. The newlyweds were last seen when Dakota threw the brawling bride over his shoulder and climbed into a pontoon boat. Bristol flashed a thumbs up at the crowd while clutching a 6 pack of wine coolers.

    The newspaper announcement was published under Police Beat: AST were called to a disturbance at the residence of former half term Governor Sarah Palin. Per standard operating procedure no further details will be provided.

  49. Janice A Soderquist6:24 PM

    Wait till he finds she does not put out, how could she, she still loves Levi, so very little nookie for him. Also she does not cook or clean house. She will never live in a common house like Levi and Sunny has. Wait till Track finds out he has been replaced as a war hero by the new son in law. Oh, I forgot, she doesn't work either..... He also cannot afford to buy her her expensive things, Louis Vuitton and $300 sunglasses.

  50. Janice A Soderquist6:28 PM

    Will Joey Junker spill the beans now?

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Joey is most likely just happy to be let off the hook with whatever spawn is in her uterus.

    2. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Joey will not spill. He has arrangement and can't. He would have to move to the Swiss Alps or Antarctica for snow work. Go in a witness protection program to be safe. Plus if he were to sell anything he would need a fortune for it.

    3. Anonymous8:06 PM

      JUNKER IS FREE FROM HER LOUD MOANING NIGHTLY. Her last pregnancy may not have been Joey's. Bristol can't keep track of when and where she spread her legs. It is hard to remember when she was drunk.

    4. Anonymous11:12 PM

      It would be more Palin style to be knocked up by Junker now and marry Meyer. Or Junker may not be the father to any of them and she has no memory of who it could be.

      She was hoping Levi wasn't the father of Tripp because there were other possibilities.

      There was also that sucker Ben.

      Too bad Track can't be healed and escape that nightmare. He could find a good ghost writer to help him tell his story. Later sell the movie rites and make a bundle.

  51. Anonymous6:30 PM

    No doubt something is going on. A shoe is gonna drop somewhere, a big one ;)

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Exactly....look over here!

  52. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Two amazingly insecure people have found each other. They both have huge issues with self-esteem. Dakota's problems stem from his father, and Bristol's come from both her mother and her father.

    I am a professional astrologer, and although I don't have birth times for either, I can tell a lot just from the birthdays. These two are very different. Bristol has hardly any water in her chart and is therefore not at ease with her emotions. She intellectualizes her feelings. Lack of water (emotions) is a major theme in the Palin family charts. Sarah has absolutely none. The only one who has a balance of water is Willow. She must feel like a total outsider in that family and wonder where she came from. Dakota, on the other hand, has a ton of water: sun in cancer, moon in scorpio, mars in pisces. He is sentimental and romantic (she is not).

    Looking at the two charts together in synastry, I think it looks pretty good. They have great aspects to mercury so I think they talk a lot and have no trouble communicating. And there is a mars/venus conjunction so there is definitely a strong sexual attraction. But they are both so incredibly needy, it will take a lot of effort and maturity to make this work. They both need security badly, and will stay in a situation whether it's good or not.

    Bristol is going to have Jupiter conjunct all of her Libra planets next year. So...if they don't get married immediately, they would most likely do it then. And if they do get married right away, there will be a baby during that time...most likely a girl.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      How does 9/11 look for them?

    2. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Thanks. I enjoy Astrology. Please share more.

    3. Anonymous8:40 PM

      For a wedding date? It's actually a good day for a marriage. There is a moon/jupiter conjunction that evening and a venus/mars conjunction that trines uranus. Those would be the signatures in the marriage chart and are all positive, uplifting aspects to have in that chart.

    4. Anonymous11:06 PM

      Sarah shouldn't waste any time, 9/11 is perfect. Unless she is knocked up already.

  53. ibwilliamsi6:33 PM

    I expect that there will be a 8 pound premature baby in about 6.5 - 7 months. Those Palin "ladies" have the most AMAZING pregnancies,

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      I wonder if little Oscar will look like Meyer or Junker?

    2. Anonymous7:35 PM

      The baby in the picture where Dakota says 'family', that baby has his eyes.

  54. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Can anyone tell me what these two do for money?

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      You just witnessed it.
      Paid by SarahPAC.

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      It is much more than PAC now.

  55. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Felicia Gilliam and Michael Meyer, after reading the post below, its best to make sure your son Dakota has a cell phone when he goes to Alaska. One more thing, pray for the best.

    On "Bristol Palin: Life's A Tripp" (Tue., 11 p.m. ET on Lifetime), Bristol and her boyfriend Gino were on a road trip when things went sour between them.

    After he ticked her off, she decided to break up with him then and there. And who wants to go on a road trip with the guy she just broke up with? Not Bristol.

    So she just abandoned him at a gas station. It was an incredibly uncomfortable moment, and a heartbreaking one for Gino.

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      It was hell for Tripp. Like the times she made him wait, yet all along she knew that Levi wound not come. Tripp must have felt wonderful when she blew up the effigy of Levi's face (book). And felt so wonderful and satisfied.

      Dakota Meyer's Never Outgunned

      This is one of the set ups for him to have money coming in. Ranger up.

    2. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Who is Felicia Gilliam?
      Michael Meyer is his bio father or step father?

    3. Anonymous1:32 AM

      Michael Meyer was his stepfather and became his adoptive father (hence the name) and divorced his mother but ended up inheriting Dakota when his mother left him to be raised by Meyer- who was probably the only stable adult in that crowd.

  56. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Ease up everybody. Just because Bristol spewed her hate on Levi and Gino doesn't mean she'll do the same to Dakota.

    Bristol knows she may never get another chance at marriage.

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:35 PM

      A leopard never changes his spots.

  57. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I'm Just Sayin' This should have been the announcement pic. Bristol is right by Dakota's head. Love is in bloom. .

  58. Anonymous7:26 PM

    As always with the Palins, this guy is very problematic (although, being a Medal of Honor winner, he's more than a step above Bristol's usual "trial daddy"!):

    - Because of persistent questions about Meyer's eligibility for the award, McClatchy News investigated and, while concluding that Meyer likely deserved the nomination (if not the award itself), "[C]rucial parts that the Marine Corps publicized were untrue, unsubstantiated or exaggerated."

    - He's acknowledged that he has PTSD and has attempted suicide.

    - He filed a lawsuit against his former employer (huge defense contractor BAE) who'd fired him for being "mentally unstable" and having "a drinking problem." The case was a PR disaster for BAE, and they quickly settled.

    - He's also the asshole who created the "FUC_ YOU, MICHAEL MOORE" crosshairs poster that he and Sarah posed with in Las Vegas a couple of months ago.

    - And, IMO, he's a pasty-faced redneck creep.

    I can't help wondering if this is going to just kill Track....

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      How would it possibly kill Track?? What are you talking about??

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      7:32 PM Track may not be able to handle all of the attention given to Meyer. Track is in Rehab.

    3. Anonymous8:31 PM


      If Track is not near comatose, when he learns about Dakota and the sudden engagement, Track would need to adjust too.

      At first Track was to be the one with Dakota. Remember he worshiped Chris Kyle. Dakota is the next best thing. Now Bristol is the one getting set up with Dakota.

      track has already expressed disapproval of his sisters, they may be favorites of Todd. He must have father issues. He wanted to beat Todd up.

      Track can't feel good about himself after years of being manipulated and failing at everything. Bristol was rewarded for her mistakes and stupidity.

      Track may not literally be killed. He is already doing slow suicide by substance abuse and possibly VA medications. More tortured feelings or even tuning out of life will kill him.

      He may also feel tormented wondering about what happened to Curt Menard.

    4. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Well said Anonymous 8:31. Thank you for expressing my long time thoughts about Track.

    5. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Hmm....Dakota has his own business:

    6. Anonymous10:59 PM

      9:42 PM

      That was 2013. When did he last mention it? He may have turned it over for others to run. Or quit.

  59. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Phone conversation soon to be overheard in the Vera Wang office:
    "No ma'am, Vera Wang does not make thong bridal gowns."
    "No ma'am, Vera Wang does not want to give your daughter a free wedding dress."
    "No ma'am, Vera Wang does not wish to speak to you personally."
    "Yes ma'am, we all know who you are."

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Vera Wang is Asian. Sarah Palin's scared of Asians.

    2. Balzafiar8:39 PM

      Not only do we know who she is, we know what she is and we know her price.

  60. Anonymous7:32 PM

    They sure didn't waste anytime running to the liberal, hating lamestream media, the AP picked up the story.

    Bristol Palin says she's engaged to Medal of Honor recipient

  61. Cracklin Charlie7:32 PM

    Dang, ya take one day off to watch basketball, and play outside with the dogs, and Bristol gets engaged!

    Haven't had time to read all the fine comments yet, but I just gotta say...I can't wait to see what the mother of the bride is wearing!!!

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Sarah and Bristol will be sharing Bristol's clothes.

  62. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Mom you know that white dress you borrowed from me for DWTS and SNL? Can I have it back? I'm going to wear that dress for my wedding.

  63. Anonymous7:56 PM

    "he flew up North last week to ask both Todd and Bristol’s grandfather, Chuck, Sr., for her hand in marriage!"
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah since Dakota flew up here to ask Todd and Chuck for Bristol's hand in marriage, did he ask Todd's father for Bristol's hand in marriage? Why not?

    Did Bristol take Dakota to meet her Native Alaskan relatives? Why not?

    Sarah did Todd's side of the family read about Bristol's engagement from Immoral Minority? How come Sarah?

    See Sarah, Immoral Minority serves a purpose, that is how Todd's side of the family gets up to date info about their son and grandkids.

  64. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Willow has a much better chance of a happy marriage. She has a long-term boyfriend she loves and they seemed very content last time I saw them. She's probably still the bitchy little item she's always been but at least she's not making a fool of herself selling virginity and God and lumberjacks for money and taking selfies of her accessories. Bristol is totally vacuous and too immature to be married to a man with an acquired brain injury.

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      acquired brain injury.

      The one he got at a party near the school where Sara Sells attended? One article mentioned he accused the wrong guy because he didn't want to admit he was hit by a girl. lol

  65. Anonymous8:16 PM

    I personally filed a FOIA claim with the Alaska DMV to attempt to obtain the date of the application. The DMV confirmed that the plate was taken and that name “Tripp” had already been taken. They would not confirm the name of the person who owned the plate,or the date on its application. The file has now gone missing…completely.

    1. Anonymous8:52 PM

      How come everything about the Palins is a giant mystery and secret?

    2. Anonymous9:28 PM

      If there is no record on file for the license plate TRIPP then the DMV and APD should confiscate that illegal plate.

  66. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Bristol likes her man with hair. Not balding.

  67. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I will not be surprised if this engagement was precipitated by a pregnancy. The spin that they have dated for one year (bold lies) does not pass the smell test.

    We can calculate recent dates Bristol went public posting weekend visits with Meyers with a possible positive pregnancy test.
    When Palins tell whopper lies it is to deceive.

    The couple may have fallen in love. It it is too far fetched to want the public to believe they were secretly madly in love, Bristol spent a lot of time in KY or he in AK while she blogged wanting a lumbersexual etc.
    What a load of crap as usual.

  68. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Meyer wrestled with whether to disclose the suicide attempt, he said, but decided to do so because it shows the realities of war. The close call occurred in September 2010, just days after the first anniversary of the battle in Ganjgal, a small village in Afghanistan's Kunar province, Meyer said. He had been drinking at a friend's house in Kentucky, he said, and on the way home pulled his pickup truck over and took from the glove compartment what he thought was a loaded Glock pistol.

    "I just remember pulling over, and it was at my buddy's shop. He had a shop that his dad and him work out of, and I just pulled in the driveway and was like, ‘I just can't do it anymore,' you know?" Meyer said. "I said, ‘I'm done. I just can't take it anymore. That's it.'"

    Meyer pulled the trigger and was shocked when it didn't go off, he wrote in the book. He suspects someone else unloaded the pistol, but declined to disclose who it was. He subsequently sought treatment for post-traumatic stress and is doing better now, he said.

    "That right there was rock bottom," he said in the interview. "I could never get lower than that, you know? And seeing how close it was that I was to take my own life, I think it's something that a lot of veterans go through coming back and dealing with the realities of war."

  69. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Bristol just wants a wedding, any wedding will do. Her Alaska boyfriends weren't anxious to get hitched because they know she's nothing special.

  70. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Dakota Meyer looks at his girlfriend Sara Sells, a House Manager at the college, during the "Midnight Breakfast," a tradition for the start of finals week at Lindsey Wilson College, where Meyer has an office, many mentors and will be receiving an Honorary Doctorate Degree on Saturday, early on Wednesday, Dec. 7 2011. Hours later he flew to New York City to accept the USO's George Van Cleave Military Leadership Award at the 50th USO Armed Forces Gala and Gold Medal Dinner.

  71. Anonymous10:10 PM

    As I said before, this is an arranged marriage. I feel bad for all involved.

  72. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Well, I wonder if Bristol has broken in Dakota the same way she worked over Gino?

    This is straight from the stallion's mouth. Seems he and BRIS apparently 'felled' at practicing abstinence all the hell over just about every inch of the Fox Studio on the lake. aka known as the fux studio. (Sorry -couldn't resist that!) The desk. The chair. The floor. The wall right by the fireplace. Y

    Yup, Lou Sarah. You're reading that right. And you wondered why your clothes were so gummy after those hits? Now you know.

    That's your girl. Just like her momma.

  73. FrostyAK10:35 PM

    I wish all the best - for Tripp and Tri G. Levi, get with your lawyer.

    The rest of that viper's nest can go to hell.

  74. Anonymous10:41 PM


    Check out the engagement pics, she has already give this odd man a makeover .... no more pudding basin haircut, no more clean-shaven Marine! ROFLMAO!

    That poor bastard will lose everything he had going for him.

    Aisle altar hymn.

  75. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Good grief it hasn't been a year. 4:54 PM

    April 8, 2014
    __ We’re so proud that Bristol has been graduated tonight from Penrose Academy in Arizona. She’s heading back to Alaska soon (because she misses the snow, mountains, and her truck!) to continue her work at Dr. Cusack's dermatology practice. It's been a great four years with Doc; he's been an understanding and very patient boss as Bristol has enjoyed many opportunities in addition to her good employment in Anchorage at Alaska Dermatology and Laser Center. We’re happy for her to have finished this challenging, rewarding academy; and now she’s ready to be licensed in “all things skin,” which is what she’s always wanted to do. I’m a huge proponent of trade/tech schools that teach real-world employable skills that reward work ethic and integrity. Smart, employable, debt free, vo-tech grads have good jobs available for them right out of school! Go for it, vo-tech grads! Get out there and work, and change the world for the better! __

    You must read the reviews for Dr. Cusack and unqualified assistants. The office spends a lot of time traveling to Vegas, Arizona and who knows where.

    They do troll the internet because they already changed one of the links that named an assistant that wasn't qualified. When they go out of town they just say the dermatology practice is closed.

    Dr. Cusack is old and most think he should retire.

  76. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Hmmm....are there any other pictures of the ring she had on engagement # 2? It looks like her current (SarahPac) ring could be recycled!

  77. Anonymous12:52 AM

    In the season finale of Amazing America, Sgt. Dakota Meyer joins Sarah Palin.......

    Sarah Palin’s son, Track (left), and Sgt. Dakota Meyer (right), enjoy the breathtaking views of Lake Lucille from the former governor’s backyard.
    Behind the Scenes with Sgt. Dakota Meyer

  78. Anonymous1:04 AM

    So will she change her name to Bristol Meyer? Kind of has a catchy, pharmaceutical ring to it.

  79. Anonymous1:11 AM

    You can write reviews here and they sometimes have filming schedules and info.

    'Discuss Amazing America with Sarah Palin (2014) on the IMDb message boards' ???

    Sarah Palin's Amazing America: a show so bland it's impossible to hate-watch
    Professionally making money from grassroots Republicans inevitably involves trolling liberals, something in which Sarah Palin is an expert, albeit with diminishing returns as her brief period of political relevance recedes. While there's a certain trolling subtext to her new show, it's mostly below the surface. I was actually reminded of America's Heart and Soul, a 2004 Disney movie featuring profiles of various American Heroes that was touted by conservatives as an alternative to the anti-Bush box-office hit Fahrenheit 9/11. (Alas, it pulled in a robust $314,000 during its brief box office run, making the Atlas Shrugged bombs look like Frozen.)
    . ~~~~~

  80. Anonymous1:30 AM

    I read his Wikipedia page, and I think he is really is a hero. He did something risky and beyond the call of duty because it was the right thing to do.

    Towards the end of his page, it cites drinking problems and a suicide attempt. This kid is probably suffering from some mental issues because of all the trauma he has experienced in war.

    HE IS BEING USED BY SARAH. It's all propaganda. This is terrible and I truly hope this young man will be okay.

  81. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Pistol and baby. 2013-11-23, 5:57 dakotameyer0317 Me and Rowan
    angi_mann Just love the fact that there is a pistol laying on the little table behind you#hahaha



    "beautiful family!!" " Precious twins!!!!" Zane and Gracie! Lindsey Wilson college



  82. Anonymous1:55 AM

    She just needed to stop settling. While it could be considered sad that she broke Joeys heart, he is mature and would support her being true to her feelings. He IS Still friends with her extended family and Willow.

    I wish you well Bristol. You deserve gold after you endured a couple of shitty guys who aren't nice (ie fighting, vice loving dumbasses)

  83. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Her kissy pic is at least happy.

    What's with this? I forgot he sold his wedding and pics. Gotta have someone else pay for the cheapness

    oh well, it's not the sincerity in the ceremony, it's the person right?

    Cmon Bristol, continue doing the right thing with this one. Announcing in private ways (not sold) is the most natural since everyone posts a post engaged pic with ring

  84. Caroll Thompson2:00 AM

    I never noticed where Sarah eyes were going in that Michael Moore poster until now. Sarah looks like an old lecherous one.

    I am sure old Sarah is over the moon with the news of this engagement. I can see the dollar signs in her eyes. Planning the wedding and getting all the free stuff she thinks they are entitled to. Arranging to sell the wedding photos for the big payday. Hell, she is probably on the phone trying to get a "Bristol's getting married" reality show.

    But I wish Bristol all the luck in the world. I hope she is able to get out from Sarah's control and live her own life without Mommy Dearest.

  85. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Two scenarios.....

    Either she's PG and needs a volunteer baby daddy. Or...........

    She's looking for a body guard so she doesn't get manhandled the next time she goes drunken partying.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.