On April 4, 2014, a 38-year-old resident of Bella Vista named Eric Cameron Francis was arrested by the Arkansas State Police for the rape of a 6-year-old girl in what the police said was his temporary care. Sexual crimes against children always attract a certain horrified attention, but this particular case earned additional scrutiny because Francis had recently worked as head teacher at a Christian preschool in West Fork owned by state Rep. Justin Harris (R-West Fork) and his wife, Marsha.
Harris, who said he was "devastated and sickened" by news of the abuse, told the Arkansas Times in April 2014 that Francis had been in his employ only about three months, from November 2013 to January 2014, before being fired for poor work attendance.
"He came with a pristine record," Harris said at the time, noting that Francis was also a youth pastor at a church and had worked previously in early childhood education for the Bentonville School District and with a Head Start program. Harris added that he was confident nothing had happened to any of the children at Growing God's Kingdom Preschool, because of strict security protocols (the classroom contains a continuously operating camera that generates a permanent record). Indeed, no further charges against Francis resulted from subsequent State Police interviews of families at the preschool, although investigators uncovered at least two other incidents of sexual abuse of children in the community outside of the school. In November, he was sentenced to 40 years in prison on a negotiated plea.
What Harris did not publicly disclose last spring, however, is how Francis came into contact with the 6-year-old victim. In prosecutor documents recently obtained by the Arkansas Times, state police investigators and multiple witnesses concur that the child was in fact the legally adopted daughter of Justin and Marsha Harris.
That's right Harris legally adopted the six year old and her two younger sisters, then when the older child became too much for him to handle he simply sent them all off to live in the home of a man that he hardly knew, without notifying DHS of this plan.
The reason Harris did not notify DHS, as he stated in a recent interview, is apparently because he believed that they had it in for him. This courtesy of Wonkette:
In the interview, Harris repeated his claim that he was threatened by the DHS that if he tried to dissolve the adoption, he would be charged with child abandonment; he says that Cecile Blucker, the head of DHS’s Division of Children and Family Services, told him this and that another source inside DHS (who he again declined to identify) told his wife, Marsha, “this is what they plan for you… because of your husband’s belief system, they will charge you with abandonment. This is what they have planned for you.” He clarified that he meant that he was singled out “for my political beliefs,” apparently because he is that extremely rare thing, a rightwing fundamentalist Christian, which we suppose must be a persecuted minority in Arkansas. He added that he believed DHS threatened him because, as a state legislator, he had held the agency accountable for its poor performance in constituents’ adoptions.
And don't forget that these uber-Christian teabaggger types have an innate distrust of all things governmental.
As it turns out the family that had previously fostered the two younger girls argued against the Harris family adopting them:
An experienced foster family that housed the two younger girls for a year and a half prior to their adoption by the Harrises has approached the Times with their story. Craig and Cheryl Hart say, among other things, the adoption was allowed to proceed over the objections of the foster parents and local DHS staff only because the head of the the Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Cecile Blucker, exerted pressure on behalf of Justin Harris. DCFS is the arm of DHS responsible for child welfare.
The Harts also say the middle sister — who would have been 4 years old at the time she entered the Harris home in 2012 — was not violent or dangerous. They claim the Harrises were warned repeatedly by themselves and local DHS staff that their home was not a suitable placement for the two girls or their older sister.
The third sister, who would have been about 6 when she entered the Harris home, was fostered at a different household that provided specialized therapeutic care for troubled children. The Harts had some contact with her as well, since DHS would sometimes arrange for the siblings to visit one another. Harris said on Friday the third girl threatened to kill his entire family.
As somebody who has worked extensively with foster families and adoptive families, let me just say that this is an extremely common scenario.
Often with failed placements there is a religious component that convinced the adoptive family that they were called to become adoptive parents by God, and that he would provide support for them.
That is almost verbatim what Harrises argued:
"DHS attempted to talk to them about the girls' issues, but I feel like they were in denial," Cheryl said. "They were very defensive about it. They repeatedly told us they had degrees in Early Childhood Development, they had therapists there at their preschool, and they had God to help them through this."
Sometimes the bad people that are waiting to harm vulnerable foster or adoptive children are not simply sexual deviants or physically abusive people, sometimes they are those who will simply not accept the help or support that they will need in order to cope with the challenges of bringing children with special needs into their homes.
And if you think that reminds you of somebody, well give yourself a gold star for intuition.
![]() |
Rep. Justin Harris and his wife, with Sarah Palin in 2013. |
This is a horrible case and something that our government should address. These kinds of under-the-table adoptions happen quite often, especially among so-called Christians who adopt internationally and then decide they want to "interupt" the adoption. There are some terrifying stories of people advertising on craigslist and facebook and giving the kids up to people they know nothing about.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to be sick to your stomach and outraged, read the following. I was nearly in tears about these poor kids abandoned by their adoptive parents.
434...when some are worth a lot of money... people/Palin will say and do anything to keep it...abandonment...imprisonment...
DeleteThis is nothing more than human trafficking, plain and simple. If they really scratch the underbelly of this mess, they might find a child sex ring and a nation wide problem.
DeleteIs Mrs, Harris protecting the "family jewels" in this photo? Is she reminding him who is boss? This is truly disgusting. People who abuse kids or animals are not even human. Those poor little girls will be scarred for life by these "family values, Christian" CREEPS. Everyone involved should be brought up on charges.
DeleteIn most photos, he looks like maybe "he" was born a "she" He looks very feminine.
DeleteTotally agree! Right down to his voice, Justin Harris appears transgender. "God" probably forced him to deny his true sexuality.
DeleteWow! Sarah Palin's ability to pick good, conservative, Christian politicians is uncanny! I think I will skip my mortgage payment and send sarahpac they monies so she can tell me who is the bestest, most christianest, constitutional conservative running in 2016! Viva Sarah! I stand with Sarah! Sarah Palin 2016! Run Sarah Run! FUC_ YOU America! Hoohah!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of the Palins, and adoption …
DeleteFirst posting on Scharlott's Beacon since 2012-09-08: http://scharlottsbeacon.blogspot.ca/2015/03/has-palin-baby-hoax-persisted-so-long.html
DeleteThanks for the link!!
I see that the basketball-sized fake titties made an appearance.
ReplyDeleteMust have been important for the DDs to come out.
DeleteWhat a bufoon she is!
Speaking of Adoptions...is that the one that made Palin resign? Head tilt...and how is ol Allen of Arkansas???
ReplyDeleteI hear that 'domestic terrorism' has become a Palin tactic...
Seems to be lately as well...she will do it until the courts tell her she can't...well it looks like folks are 'telling it to the judge'...I think humanity needs to keep up the momentum...
Now why is it that when folks do that they are called names?
But when folks like Sarah gun wielding hate filling air space?
The answer is obvious...doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who is really missing the tools in the ol shed eh?
Did you just get out of rehab or do you always "speak" this disjointed? What the hell are you even saying?
Delete5:15, you could use an editor.
DeleteM from MD
"doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who is really missing the tools in the ol shed eh?"
Deleteyou, 5:15?
This person at 5:15pm has been insinuating on the last few threads that someone in the Palin/Heath family adopted a kid who possessed a large trust fund, embezzled from the fund and had the child committed to a mental institution to cover for the crime.
DeleteThey've hinted that the adopted child was getting ready to tell the authorities and that's why Sarah Palin resigned in July 2009.
It seems that this person would like for us to research this matter further but unfortunately there is not enough info to even begin to research this possible malfeasance.
7:30 PM
DeleteThey make me feel constipated. I hope they can release that big turd soon.
There has also been reference to a transfer of funds or money laundering. I don't know why this poster doesn't just spill it, unless they don't have the full story or proof?
DeleteI told them yesterday to shit or get off the pot to no avail.
DeleteTo anonymous at 7:30 pm, I am impressed by your translation skills.
Delete826...well because Palin is still trying to kill em all...Wish I was kidding...I am not...three incidents...one stalking from Barstool...then a vehicle tampering...then a workplace robbery...in the last week...you tell me if that person should 'spill it' ...and 730...May God Bless Your Soul...Amen Nice Shot...you nailed it to the wall...
Deleteamazing that adopted kids get thrashed and trashed and for what? what they fuck people?
what is wrong with the Palins...oh nevermind..;)o
730 well I hear the Kid checks out this site and Malia Litman and Mudflats...so why don't we start a go fund for an attorney...grin...that would wig em out good...
Delete730...Chuck and Geraldine Moe were the 'original' parents...then the Kid got shifted to Chuck and Mary Ellan Moe (page 16 of Palin's first book) until that lake house got built...then kicked back to Gerry...
Delete459...WTF? And that is legal my ass! They need to revise adoption laws in Alaska and the lower 48!
DeleteWhy not add a third party to the adoption? That way if they witness child abuse or abuse of funds they can report it, get the child relocated, and settled in. I would suggest grabbing the 'old school' before they pass away to guide the 'third party' participants to assure a good childhood.
Using a child as a prop for money is just plain evil!
God is sick and tired of being used as an excuse for ignorance, bigotry, and prejudice.
ReplyDeleteThe Waltons of Arkansas could exert an enormous influence in making this backward, banjo-strumming outback a positive, progressive state. Instead, they take their billions and ignore the crackers all around them. This rape of a six-year-old is a result of good people doing nothing. Think of where the Walmart profits are going the next time you shop.
When I attended a very conservative baptist church some years ago, the head pastor would go on and on and on about the boy he adopted from India to give him a better life and everyone thought he was the salt of the earth.
ReplyDeleteWhat I later found on is the pastor and his saintly wife in fact adopted TWO children. The other child had behavior problems and he disappeared. I was never able to learn the gossip of what happened to the other child because I left the church soon after
This was the head pastor mind you, with 500 "Christian" drones listening to him lecture about the sanctity of being pro-life. But once the baby is born and gives you trouble, you just get rid of it.
The hypocrisy still astonishes me
Bristol Palin adopted an adorable little girl from Africa. Actually, that is the woman that pretends to be Bristol who adopted the beautiful little girl. It is hard to keep track of which one is which. They are Christian.
Delete7:25- bullshit. What's wrong with you?
DeleteShit or get off the pot.
DeleteI can't find 7:25. What is wrong with you? Can't you be clear @ 8:32?
So bored with gobbledegook.
@ 7:15 pm It may be Bristol's ghost writer who adopted a little girl from Africa (or an African American toddler).
DeleteOh, good show! I did not see that one coming!
ReplyDeleteAn aside: they were against the government but didn't they take thousands of dollars from the government for their daycare?
Snarky aside: is Harris deformed? Have you ever seen such a little head on such a big body? The guy looks positively strange to me.
DeleteEvery picture of Harris that I've seen strikes me as how feminine he looks. Does he even have to shave? Weird, weird dude...
ReplyDeleteListen to his voice. My husband was in a different room and was listening to him. I thought is must be his wife. VERY feminine. Reminds me of Michele Bachmann's husband.
ReplyDeleteSad sad story.
Whenever I meet someone for the first time and they make a point to inform me that they are A christian I walk away as politely as possible.While hanging on to my wallet
ReplyDeleteYes really.
so it's not just me who does that.....
DeleteMe too - anyone that starts talking 'religion' to me turns me off immediately! First question I usually ask them is if they are a Republican! Haha!
DeleteIt is not just you all.
DeleteThere are many.
DeleteI am looking forward to when the religion tax mess is cleared up and human beings win.
Delete6:19 I just say, I'm so sorry for you, before I walk away.
Delete6:19, I do the same and never do business with them as they don't pay their bills nor live up to their obligations. It's cost me too much $$ over the years in lost commissions to ever do biz with "thumpers".
DeleteI wonder how much money the Harris' received from the pedophile for those 3 young girls?
ReplyDeleteShailey Tripp spoke about trafficking in her business with Todd Palin. It would be good to know how much trafficking and such went on. It would be better if some of the children and people who are damaged or killed in these situations could have some justice. The ones that are still living may they find freedom from their captors. Even if it is called adoption. It is a racket.
DeleteGreg West?
DeletePalin has her Belmonts on in that lower photo! One photo will show her flat chested and sagging and in others she is 'up there' and wearing her falsies! No consistency to the woman and there never has been! Weird!
ReplyDeleteI think her the on-again, off-again Belmonts is one of the strangest things about her. It is definitely weird.
Delete9:07 PM
DeleteDid you see Butt Clown act?
Looking forward to the next show.
It is not hard to understand if you would just accept that she has Dissociative Personality Disorder.
DeleteDifferent personalities have different size boobies...different ways of dressing...different ways of speaking. It explains the physical differences as well as why she can't remember what she says from one speech to the next. How one will agree to a venue and another personality will freak out and cancel...
Classic manifestations of this disorder.
6:55, her "no make-up, hot yoga" photo clearly shows her aging, birthed 4 kids boobies are like two deflated balloons pinned to the side of her chest so they hang in her armpits. Why she thinks strapping on Modern Family's Gloria boobs will fool anyone is just further proof of her deteriorating mental health.
Delete3:06 AM
DeleteIs that what is going on with Bristol? She is much younger and her changes in appearances more radical. She has gone so far as to work for a doctor that can alter her more often. His assistants and the staff can work on one another when they are not traveling out of state.
3"06 no. I don't think Bristol is dissociative. Her decisions are conscious on the part of one personality. She has a lot of guilt from her mother. Bristol got pregnant at a young age and mommy had to fix it and mommy never ever lets her forget it. Bristol never felt adequate or pretty. She also is not very bright either nor mature. She is not yet capable of owning the damage her mother inflicted on her. She has Stockholm syndrome.
DeleteShe (Bristol) has Stockholm syndrome. That makes sense.
DeleteThe Palin's personality disorders and motherhood is interesting. Could one of Sarah's personalities have a child, Trig, while another one not have Trig child?
Will Bristol pass on Stockholm to the child she is raising?
306...the best diagnosis of Palin I have heard yet...
DeleteJustin Harris heaps more blame on DHS
Has there ever been a super-christian who accepts responsibility when they are caught? In this case, it's the fault of DHS, the Harris' were victims of the state, blah, blah, blah. So somehow God was going to help them through it all but DHS beat God at the game? And if "God will help us through this", then what happened to God's involvement? Why didn't God help? Did they reject God's help? Or wasn't it there? IMO, it never was up to God...there was no God there to help. IMO, if there is a God, if he has any mercy at all, then helpless children should be the first ones that he helps. Since that doesn't happen, then why should I think he would ever help me? More importantly, I can't find anything to worship in a God who won't help/save little children such as those in the Harris' household.
ReplyDeleteoff topic
ReplyDeletePalin Crony ALERT!!!
"JUNEAU -- Gov. Bill Walker has swapped his choice for the Libertarian nominee to serve on the state commission that enforces campaign-finance and public-official disclosure rules.
Walker’s initial choice for the Alaska Public Offices Commission, William McCord, faced skepticism at a confirmation hearing last week after legislators learned he moved to Alaska less than a year ago.
Walker’s director of boards and commissions, Karen Gillis, said Tuesday that McCord’s nomination had been withdrawn. He was replaced by Mark Fish, another Libertarian who ran unsuccessfully for U.S. Senate last year."
This Mark Fish?
But wait! There's more! Just today new claims...
"LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (KTHV) – In a one on one interview on Tuesday, State Representative Justin Harris says he re-homed his adopted daughters a second time after giving them away to family friend Eric Francis because of behavioral problems."
But scroll to the bottom of the post and
"Meanwhile, he claims he had no choice but to take matters into his own hands and rehome his daughters after receiving threats of abandonment charges from Division of Children and Family Services director Cecile Blucker. "My wife was dying of pancreatic cancer," said Harris"
Which is what he says at 2:30 in the clip.
HIS WIFE WAS DYING of Pancreatic cancer?!
Rep Harris apparently shut that whole internet thing down, his twitter can't be found. But sometimes there is a cached version. If you search "Justin Harris ""pancreatic""twitter" and click on the cache link ( this is what is still cached as of right now. (might want to do a print or a screen grab)
"Justin Harris @harris4arkansas
My God heals! Marsha's mass is gone in her pancreas!
Texas, US
Retweets 19
Favorites 35
charlene fite Susan Busch Sandy Blake Throgmartin Jim Wise Johnny Key Little Joe Jana Della Rosa RL Hughes
12:40 PM - 2 Jan 2015
Matt Manos @myopicjazz 15h15 hours ago
@harris4arkansas Very cool!
0 replies 0 retweets 1 favorite
Carolyn A. Smith @Alohaleafirst 14h14 hours ago
@harris4arkansas @kenyangAR Yes he does. We are claiming healing. Husband/tumor in pancreas. Feel God has removed.
0 replies 0 retweets 1 favorite
Mary Gardner @jagmg 12h12 hours ago
@harris4arkansas @nhhorton HALLELUJAH PRAISE GOD!!!
0 replies 0 retweets 2 favorites
Gordette Leutz @GLeutz 12h12 hours ago
@harris4arkansas @GeneMcVay Praise God, the Lord Almighty indeed.
0 replies 0 retweets 2 favorites
So his wife was dying,they dumped the kids, at least one of the kids got raped but now his wife isn't dying apparently...
I'm kind of wondering just how low can they go? I mean...if his wife really was dying of cancer why not mention this before his neck is in the wringer?
Hey G. either post the Harris twitter info comment or email it as screencaps to Max Brantley who got this whole story started. The cached version could disappear at anytime, robots prevent Internet Archiving.
ReplyDeleteIf you post it email Brantley anyway. maxbrantley@arktimes.com
Maybe you can tell him IM likes to bust morally corrupt politicians just like he does. I have no idea if he knows this little detail, but it seems really odd.
Justin Harris and his wife GAVE that poor little baby to the rapist. Just like that. Didn't tell anyone, didn't get permission, just handed the two little girls to the rapist. To be raped.
ReplyDeleteMay they rot in hell.
Good grief! The woman surrounds herself with deviants. Does she put ads for them in the local paper or what?
ReplyDeleteShe is a magnet.
DeleteThe fundigelical christian movement is overflowing with deviants. Sanctimonious deviants who believe that an old guy in the sky has sent them on a holy mission and thus they engage in some serious fucked up behavior.
DeleteAck. Figures that somehow Sarah Palin would be an angle in this story.
ReplyDeleteWTF is the point of your post?
LIght hearted fun. Let it go. GOP immune from reality. No prosecution. They were just being cute. Dear McCain signed it and you know how adorable he is. Bomb, Bomb Ha Ha
o t
ReplyDeleteLIght hearted fun. Let it go. GOP immune from reality. No prosecution. They were just being cute. Dear McCain signed it and you know how adorable he is.
Not really their fault b/c they didn't write the letter either.
Letter was probably written by AIPAC and they just added their names to it. B/c with some of these assclowns signing their name is about the limit of their abilities.
We already knew AIPAC writes lots of earmarks and bills, just like ALEC.
How soon can we elect some real Israelis to the Congress? Sarah will swear ' in with her star and hooker heels.
Most fosters are good people who truly want to help. That said, in one of my jobs as a nursing supervisor of a homecare company, I saw foster parents who were in it solely for the money, with agency nurses to care for the kids 24/7 - who never touched the kids - treated them like pariahs ( wanted nurses tohose them down in the garage after eating???? ) I recently reported one foster mom of two infants who fed them age/developmental level inappropriate food and then acted the hero when she kept rescuing them when they choked . There are fucked up people in the world and sometimes foster kids are more victimized than they were in their birth home.
ReplyDeleteThese weren't foster parents, they were adoptive parents.
DeleteAnd I did medically fragile fostercare for years and overall there were most likely a higher percentage of great parents than there are great bio parents.
AMEN...now someone gets it...
DeleteI also read the other day that the daycare center was going to have to pay back to the state a lot of money that it had been given. The reason: the money should not have gone to an institution that promotes religion. So no one ever wondered about the name of the daycare/preschool?
No one wondered because in Arkansas that name is a IT WAS ARKANSAS.
Deletebirds of a feather...
ReplyDeleteEven worse. Demonic possession and exorcism.
"While Annie would be allowed to roam the house and interact with other family members, Mary was often confined to her room, Goldsborough said.
"We couldn't ever take [Mary] out. I'd watch her from a camera. I think it's crazy. They were adopted, so they're going to want TLC."
Goldsborough said the "exorcism" was performed by specialists from Alabama who came to the house to orchestrate the event. Other sources confirmed to the Times that Marsha Harris told them at least one "exorcism" was performed on the girls.
Goldsborough said the Harrises showed her "a picture of [Mary] where they're like, 'You can see the demon rising from her back,' and it just looked like a little 6-year-old to me." [Mary was 4 or 5.] The separate source close to the Harrises reported seeing a video that Marsha Harris said showed a demon interacting with one of the girls. The source said demons were an "obsession" with Marsha Harris.
"They consider it to be spiritual warfare," the other source said. "I'm a Christian, and I have these beliefs, but this was completely beyond anything I've ever seen or heard about."
Spiritual Warfare.
If this is true then there needs to be a jail cell waiting for these people.
Anyone want to guess if the State of Arkansas is paying for the 'therapy" these quacks are performing on these kids? Because if the state is paying for it that means federal dollars are paying for it. You and I are buying it.
When is your source going to come forward with Palin facts? Has she changed her mind?
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's been since the drunken brawl that you said you would have some facts. sigh....
DeleteThe Palins continually solicit money from people. Including those on fixed incomes and with little to give. Sarah Palin claims she is a politician, there is no way people like that should as much as have the look of being or doing inappropriate things. They should stay away from others of foul or bad behaviors.
ReplyDeleteThere are no lower or disgusting people than those that use children. All human trafficking is the lowest possible of criminal enterprises. It is not surprising to see Sarah with these despicable monsters from Arkansas. Her childhood was one with creepy people and she can't stay away from them. She is fine with having her children around the worst creeps.
So, this guy wanted to abandon his adopted children (the ones that the experts said he was in no position to care for, so they vetoed the adoption). He was worried that DHS was going to go after him for abandoning the children...so he abandoned them without notifying DHS. That's his argument?!?!
ReplyDeleteRepublican Who Gave Daughter To Rapist Had Exorcisms Performed To Get Rid Of Scary Demons
Michael Cusack is the son of the Dr. that Bristol "works" for. He was a cokehead gambling addict loser that ran the Anchorage Aces hockey team into the ground. His daddy would no longer bail him out so he had to sell the team.
ReplyDeleteMichael is the son of Dr. Michael L. Cusack? Dr. Cusack also gets some choice complaints, patients thinking he was on something, many say he is inept, rude, unqualified assistants and worse. Time to retire remarks. Kelly is the daughter and sister? Also one of Bristol Palin's best friends. They are thick as thieves.
"Dr. Michael Cusack started the Alaska All Stars Hockey Association in 1982"