Wednesday, March 25, 2015

David Letterman asks Bill O'Reilly what the difference is between his lies and those told by Brian Williams.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Comparing O’Reilly’s alleged mischaracterizations of past reporting to Brian Williams‘ exaggerations about his time spent in Iraq, Letterman asked, “Is there a difference?” 

“Only if I did something that wasn’t true,” O’Reilly replied, maintaining his innocence. “What I said was accurate,” he insisted, despite evidence to the contrary put forward by organizations like Mother Jones and Media Matters, among others. “It worked out OK for me,” he said, noting that he got “even more viewers” out of the whole thing, a 20% increase. 

“20% up when people thought you were making stuff up?” Letterman asked, incredulously.

O'Reilly goes on to say that people did not think he was making stuff up because he went on the attack. He also claimed that he never knowingly "fibbed" on the air, and went on to say that his ratings prove that his viewers trust him.

He never fibbed on the air?

I think a visit to Politifact quickly demonstrates the falsehood of that claim.

The fact is that Brain Williams was suspended because NBC News considers itself a legitimate news source, and Bill O'Reilly was not because Fox News knows it is not.


  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Wow! What I said when it first came out that O'Reilly had lied: He knows he's a liar so he finds a home with Fox who is looking for and backs up liars.

  2. Amazing that Billo and his ego fit on that stage!

  3. Anonymous7:37 PM

    So, he believes that because his audience is stupid and trusts him, he is not a liar? I don't think that's how it works.

  4. Anonymous7:42 PM

    What was Franken's book? Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them? Pretty much a Billo bio, wasn't it?

  5. Anonymous8:22 PM

    I am without words. This man is a charlatan.

  6. No wonder Mrs. Billo called it quits awhile ago!

  7. Anonymous12:07 AM

    The word "tells" means things a person does, to try to hide being untruthful. If you're not good at it, you'll lose money playing poker.

    O'Reilly looked in this clip like he was giving a CLASS on how to spot when someone is lying. The body language was SO revealing, all the way through.

  8. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Nothing worst than a liar or thief. Takers, Haters and Frauds. The current repukkklican party of losers.

  9. Leland2:23 AM

    Excuse me, 5:20, but could you possibly make your statement a little more clear? Are you calling BS on O'Reilly for his lies or on Gryphen for the posting the story or on what Billo said on the show or what Letterman said or....

  10. “Fibbed on the air" is something Brian Williams wasn't even accused of, by the way.

  11. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Bill O'Reilly is a piece of shit for many reasons, but the best reason is that he claimed that abduction/repeated sexual abuse victim Shawn Hornbeck was having fun being held captive for years by a monster. Now, I ask you, what kind of person do you think has that kind of opinion?

  12. The word is LIE.

    When people use words like "fib", "twist", "exagerate", "misspeak" or "prevaricate" it's usually because they can't bring themselves to use the word LIE because they are LIARS.

    Bill O'Reilly is a big fat LIAR.

    And it says something about his audience that he gets higher ratings when he LIES.

    I will say this for him. He probably, honestly believes a lot of the bullshit lies he tells. In fact, he probably believes his own lies.

    Thus...not lying.

    Just what? Psychotic? Schizophrenic? Sociopath? Narcissist?

  13. Anonymous4:30 PM

    BOR is FOS


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