Tuesday, March 10, 2015

New poll indicates that FOX News is the most trusted news source and MSNBC is the least trusted which seems to indicate that Americans are morons.

Courtesy of Quinnipiac:  

FOX News offers the most trusted network and cable news coverage, 29 percent of American voters say, when asked to compare the major TV news outlets in a Quinnipiac University National poll released today. But when network news is examined on a case-by-case basis, FOX drops in the ratings. 

In the comparison rankings, CNN gets 22 percent, with NBC News and CBS News at 10 percent each, 8 percent for ABC News and 7 percent for MSNBC, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. 

When asked, "Do you trust the journalistic coverage provided by FOX News," 20 percent of U.S. voters say "a great deal" and 35 percent say "somewhat." Scores for other networks are: 

NBC News - 14 percent "a great deal" and 46 percent "somewhat;" 
ABC News - 14 percent "a great deal" and 50 percent "somewhat;" 
CBS News - 14 percent "a great deal" and 50 percent "somewhat;" 
MSNBC - 11 percent "a great deal" and 41 percent "somewhat;" 
CNN - 18 percent "a great deal" and 43 percent "somewhat."

Well first off when you combine the "great deal" percentage with the "somewhat" percentage the disparity is not that great. 

That gives Fox News a combined percentage of 55 while the combined percentage for MSNBC is 52.

And NBC's combined percentage is 60, ABC News is 64, CBS at 64, and CNN comes in at 61, all of which beat both Fox and MSNBC.

However that really does not excuse the ignorance of viewers who actually believe that Fox News can be trusted on ANYTHING.

After all they are constantly mocked for telling lies and pushing a conservative ideology, not because the rest of the media is liberal, but because that is factually accurate.  

In fact a recent Salon article goes point by point to illustrate the lies of Bill O'Reilly and the devastating effect that they have had on this country, and the Tampa Bay Times Punditfact has a page dedicated to Fox News that is a veritable cornucopia of bullshit. 

The fact those truths are not more widely known and accepted means that those of us in the business of disseminating facts need to do a better job of calling them out on their lies.


  1. Where in the Fuk are they taking this POLL? ??

  2. Anonymous9:13 AM

    From that particular poll, I'd like to see its results broken down by states across the nation. Which ones favor FOX? I think that would reflect 'better' the idiots favoring that particular channel. Plus, I'd like to know the questions proposed to each individual for the poll. How were the questions asked?

    I know I never watch FOX, I'm in Alaska, and no one called me and asked me questions about my viewing habits.

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      No one called and asked me either and I live in Florida. I hate Faux with a passion, with their bimbos with short skirts pulled up to "uh oh" and the guys who haven't got one brain among them.
      Oh, and I'm white, female, Southern and a very liberal Independent. And I'm old too. So there!

    2. Anonymous12:14 PM

      More importantly the age break down of the participants means a hell of a lot. 29% is about equal to the GOPpers and we know they do not watch anything else or get their news from anywhere else. Most of the rest of the 70% get news from all over the map.

  3. A Superfan In Atlanta9:21 AM

    Not so fast Uncle Gryph,

    News Corpse also showed a graphic that illustrates why you must always look at the bigger picture when it comes to these things. There is ALWAYS another side to interpreting what those numbers mean.

    Loving And (Mostly) Hating Fox News: Bill O’Reilly’s Desperation Is Showing

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I think these numbers can easily be explained simply by the fact, that generally speaking, intelligent people are more skeptical of what they see and hear as opposed to your average fox viewer, who is basically a mouth breathing moron.

    1. Agree. Fox viewers seem to be the most eager to have their bs confirmed on air and cling to Fox as 'proof' their world view is right. Everyone else is skeptical, even of those who support their world view. But Superfan's link suggests that even so, Fox's conclusions are faulty anyway.

  5. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Where do they find the people to take these polls - nursing homes??

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Land lines.

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      If you read the methodology, they also used cell phone contacts. This is about the attitudes of people who watch the news. Those who watch Fox, trust it completely. Those who don't watch Fox, are much more analytical.

  6. Anonymous10:00 AM

    None are trusted. And none should be regardless of the justified exclusion of olbernann, beck and others

  7. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I'm surprised Fox's numbers aren't higher than they are. Fox viewers are not the type to question the veracity of Fox in my experience - they're loyal to the cult. The rest of us are far more inclined to watch any news outlet with a skeptical eye - especially those whose ownership spends millions lobbying Congress on a variety of issues. Their self-interest always takes priority and their news coverage is skewed accordingly - often issues are skewed clear off their radar entirely. Many others receive only a passing mention with no attempt to inform us in a meaningful way. The corporate media is worse than Fox in that aspect - at least Fox's agenda isn't hidden.

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      This is right. Fox news watchers are more likely to trust Fox news than other news watchers are likely to trust whatever they watch.

  8. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/03/09/1369700/-BREAKING-Iran-s-Foreign-Minister-responds-to-the-letter-from-47-Republican-Senators?detail=email

    Iranian Foreign Minister, Dr. Javad Zarif schools those 47 traitors in the Senate who got "the letter" warning Iran against signing any treaty, as it would not be honored if GOP got in.

    Brilliant letter.

    Zarif should school the lying Faux News as well -- and point out its deceiving nature, turning dumb Americans against their government & President-- obviously the U.S. TV media won't step up.

  9. It's all who gives the poll, who takes the poll and exactly how the questions are worded. Even the inflection of those asking the questions.

    Interesting but I'm not losing sleep over it.

  10. Caroll Thompson11:55 AM

    What a bunch of non thinking sheep we have in this country. And all the R's want to continue to dumb down our educational system.

    Just today I read that Walmart has bought off (my opinion) some legislator who is sponsoring a bill to privatize the public school system in that State.


    If you IMer's don't hear from me again, it is because I have jumped out the window in despair. Oh that's right, we have Alaska snowbanks still - all that damn snow will break my fall.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Oh gosh. I just read Arizona cut 200 million out of the lousy school system already and then gave 200 million subsidy to corporation commission. Yep. New gov dougy douche bag owes a lot to his supporters. He too would like to privatize schools, prisons, healthcare, energy and everyone can carry a gun everywhere and anyhere. This state is mcnuts controlled. Insanity at its worst. It is shameful. Fine folk live there and they vote. but, well, you know. takers. mcnuts controlled takers.

  11. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Look at election results. Yes, Americans are jaw droppingly stupid and they like it that way. Makes them feel, well, exceptional.

  12. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Oh for goodness sakes. I love what is happening on a daily basis. People thinking their mind. Questioning authority, laws and rules. Rethinking. And getting ready for the big new leader of the USA. First off, media is owned by the global few in hopes of controlling the masses, swaying the vote and making mo $. Does not matter...fox or yes msn, etc. The bohemian grove global gang are in charge. The global greedy takers are controlling the planet. Pollution and all. Nasty politics and all. Hate and discourse. Yep. People are too busy to care or listen. The circus is in town.

  13. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Americans ARE morons - generally.

  14. Anonymous2:25 PM

    This doesn't say, but my guess is that the survey was done by phone, more specifically landline.

    As we saw in the most recent presidential election. Any poll done by landline will miss the younger generations, who use cell exclusively.

    This makes perfect sense that Faux News would rank highest in a poll done by landline, which is the most easily gotten access to people. Those people tend to be old and stay-at-home (retired) and have time to spend on a survey.

    We need to learn to read any results from a phone survey with skepticism and always post in the comments that landline means a very narrow and very easily defined group of participants.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      You can go to the link and find another link to the methodology.

  15. FrostyAK3:03 PM

    Look at AK as an for instance. Alaskans on the whole are incredibly stupid. They have not learned, even after the fiascos with the Tundra Turd(tm), that politicians lie. R polititians lie every time they open their mouths.

    For some reason they cannot discern the lies because it is buried so deeply in other BS, and most think politics doesn't effect their lives. Too busy to really pay attention. Too important NOT to pay atterntion.

    The education system is in shambles.


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