Monday, March 16, 2015

Note to parents. NEVER let Ted Cruz talk to your children.

So apparently ole Rafael Cruz was talking to a group of people in New Hampshire at an event sponsored by the Strafford County Republican Committee.

As he was launching an attack on Obama, with a little dig at Hillary as well, he turned to a little girl in the audience and.....Well here let reporter Adam Smith fill you in.

Here's more courtesy of Raw Story:  

“The world is on fire,” Cruz replied, turning to face the girl and her mother. “Yes! Your world is on fire!” 

Realizing that his rhetoric might have gone too far, the Texas Republican decided to do some damage control. 

“But you know what?” he asked. “Your mommy is here and everyone is here to make sure that the world you grow up in is even better.”

I have a standing rule in my life. If your presence makes children uncomfortable, or you scare them, then I don't trust you as far as I can throw you.

Which by the way is one of the reasons that I really like this guy.

 Now I know I have ideological differences with the conservatives, but honest to god I have NO idea what they find appealing about Ted Cruz. No idea.


  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I don't understand how anyone in their right mind would have voted the sociopath Ted Cruz into office. He creeps me out in looks and everything he has to say.

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Ditto. I just don't get it. His voice and mannerisms make my skin crawl! Not to mention, he's a blithering idiot. It's difficult for me to even listen to him...just creepy.

    2. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Cruz is an Addams Family castoff.

    3. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Well, as they say: "You CRUZ, you LOSE!"

    4. Anonymous2:55 PM

      The folks who vote for Cruz or any of these demagogues on the right remind me of the woman who confronted Barney Frank and asked him how he could support (Obama's) "Nazi policies." Some (many) profoundly ignorant people who are constantly exposed to the RW echo chamber of conspiracies, misinformation, and lies become brain washed and untethered from reality. They cannot be reasoned with. They are like members of a cult.

  2. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Speaking of abominations, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the senator from TexASS.

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      One of our 'patriot' friends needs to put a bug in his ear. A real the final stages of gestation. But, I digress...

      Do it for the children, youse real 'patriots'.

      Paul in Indiana

  3. Anonymous7:02 AM

    The Obama economy has us down to 5.5% unemployment and a steady growth rate that exceeds most other major nations. It could be better in terms of wage growth -- but it's the Republicans who are opposed to raising the minimum wage. It's obvious he's not ranting about the actual economy we have. He's channeling the fear of white, evangelicals, who see their world on fire. And he's scaring children. What a great guy.

  4. I live in Austin, he does not have everyone fooled, even some conservatives here see through the Cuban Grifter. His wife is a VP at Goldman Sachs, it's no secret who donates yet people like this Conman...but hey, people still give money to Palin and Robertson so we know there's no shortage of stupid...but yet, how can this Ferret face be considered an outsider? It's the hate speech, gets them into a frenzy every time.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Thank you,
      I am also for Texas and he hasn't fooled me for one second. And I think his remark about "no limits" on contributions will open a whole bunch of eyes since he basically said he was up for sale.

  5. Randall7:05 AM

    The Obama economy is a disaster?
    ...could you point to which part is the disaster?
    Is it the lowest unemployment rate since Clinton?
    Is it the Dow Jones at record highs?
    Is it the strongest dollar since Clinton?

    Obamacare is a failure?
    Can you point to which part is the failure?
    11 million plus people who now have insurance that didn't before?
    The falling rate of health-care costs?

    In other words, could you please be more specific because what you say makes no sense?

    Oh and also, too - Sarah Palin can weigh in AFTER the Obamacare Death-Panels kill her son Trig. Until then, she needs to read some books.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      All they have are lies.

    2. Anonymous10:45 AM


      Unfortunately, the anti Federal Gubmint, SS depending 99%'ers (who love their Medicare funded Hoverounds) think those are truths. They live in the plutocrat 's "Fair and Balanced" echo chamber and then they vote. Their incurable ignorance is a blight on this country.

    3. Anonymous11:31 AM

      This afternoon I saw one of the loonies who drive around with a number sticker that says "Obama = the enemy within." He's a very old guy (keep in mind I'm 71) in shiny new sneakers with a very large SUV. Obviously he benefits from both Social Security and Medicare. So what's his gripe about President Obama? The real "enemy within" is Charles and David Koch. I bet the old codger doesn't have a clue who they are.

    4. Anonymous4:11 PM

      There's a furniture store with "Going Out of Business" Sales going on twenty years Yep it's Obama's fault and the world, your world is on fire!! Someone call 911!!!!!!!! Obamacare a disaster? How so? Ricky, you got some splainin to do!!

  6. Donal7:12 AM

    I love these pics of children with BO, nothing but smiles and admiration, just adoring fans. There are no hateful Republican children.

  7. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Good job, Raphael, you creep.

    Welcome to the Democratic Party little girl.

  8. Anonymous7:33 AM

    What a tool. Love that picture of our President. Kids really are the best judges of character.

  9. Caroll Thompson7:37 AM

    Ted Cruz will not be winning the New Hampshire Primary. As one of the least religious states in this nation, I can tell you that New Hampshire residents do not like apocalyptic rhetoric that scares little kids.

    Social conservatives have never done well in the Live Free or Die State and that has not changed.

    1. a j. Billings11:55 AM

      Caroll, I hope that Ted doesn't run for President, because he represents the biggest threat to our secular Republic besides Santorum.

      Ted was raised by a viciously militant Christian supremacist, and had fundagelical religion beat into him from his first breath.

      While it is true that our state of New Hampshire is one of the least religious, we still have a large contingent of far right rill 'Muricans here.

      My neighbor who marched with Martin in DC back in 1968 is now a Fox news addict, but I'm working on him

      We once had a governor named Meldrin Thomspon who returned from a visit to South Africa while apartheid was still in effect, and he praised their form of governing profusely.

      We're a pretty strange amalgam here, of social liberals, libertarians, and the conservative folks who voted for George W Bush.

  10. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Will they just get it over with and form their new party, the ARU? Assholes R Us. What? Do they think people aren't aware?

    These little pussy boys are disturbing.

  11. I love the way he says "jobs don't come from Washington". Where did his job come from? Where did the jobs of his staff come from?

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      My husband's job comes from Washington as do all the other people's jobs that are funded by money from the Federal government.

  12. Anonymous7:50 AM

    In no form or shape is this creature a "natural born" US citizen. Very un-natural. Go back to Canada, where you were born, and crawl into the tar sands from which you erupted, and stay there!

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      And he still has his Canadian citizenship. Just because he said in a speech last yr that he doesn't care about it doesn't make him not a Canadian citizen.
      In fact, it is quite difficult to renounce Canadian citizenship. The first step is going to court to prove you are a Canadian citizen before you can even move on to a court case to renounce your citizenship, the process can take up to two yrs.

    2. Maple8:37 AM

      Actually, as of last year he no longer has Canadian citizenship. But what I do not understand is why his parents didn't do something about his citizenship when they moved back to Texas. Something is really STRANGE about that, and bears investigating.

    3. Anonymous9:52 AM

      you are incorrect, there have been no court cases of him denouncing his Canadian citizenship. Him saying it, doesn't make it legally true. He is still a Canadian citizen.
      As for his Canadian citizenship, his parents had no right to take his away from him. What's really strange is that his Dad didn't become an American citizen until a few yrs ago.

    4. Maple1:08 PM

      The Canadian government announced last fall that Cruz's Cdn citizenship had been revoked, at his request. i remember reading it in the newspaper (a highly regarded Canadian newspaper, BTW). No court case required.

    5. Anonymous1:53 PM

      We don't want that fuckwad back in Canada.. Sorry, he's yours now. Lol.

  13. Maybe conservatives like the scales that occasionally fall off of Cruz before he runs into the nearest bathroom and glues them back on.

  14. Cracklin Charlie8:03 AM

    Cruz skeeves me out. So creepy and weird. He looks like the guy Baby Jane Hudson hired to play the piano for her.

    How many people were at that event? Looked like maybe 30. Yeah, he should run for president.

  15. Anonymous8:36 AM

    You want to know why they like Cruz?Watch the guy with the hats in the front row.Nodding and agreeing all the time.He looks like a feel Fox news viewer.

  16. Anonymous11:18 AM

    now light your hair on fire and run in circles! Whatta freak.

  17. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Since when is bold the synonym for CRAZY?

    ‘Life Today’ Host Urges GOP Christians To Take Over Congress, Make ‘The Demons Shudder’

  18. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Go back to cruising bathroom's in your paisley bathrobe you crazy fuckwad.

    This asshole is such a greasy, phony freak.

  19. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I am thoroughly ashamed of my fellow Texans who voted for this fraudulent, lying sob. He looks like something that crawled out from under a rock, a slimy, nasty scumbag. He is a Koch sucking whore bag.

  20. I've always enjoyed seeing the kid in the bottom right corner of the pic with President Obama. (The boy is wearing an orange t-shirt with blue letters)... To me, he is clearly very happy, and I feel that his eyes shine with pride. Love that kid !


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