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Let me start off by saying I know nothing about gay people. |
Dr. Ben Carson said being gay is "absolutely" a choice, just hours after launching an exploratory committee for 2016. The renowned neurosurgeon-turned-conservative-celebrity said prisons prove this theory, in an interview with CNN that aired on Wednesday morning. "A lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight — and when they come out, they're gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question," he said.
He does realize that sometimes having sex with men is a means for survival in prison right?
Perhaps somebody should let Carson know that a lot of the men that engaging in man on man sex while in prison, go right back to women once they get out.
And besides that if you put a man in a cage for years on end, with no access to women, then he is going to have sex with whoever, or whatever is handy.
If you are gay, you are gay. But if you are in prison you are simply desperate.
Update: Carson has now decided that he should just avoid the topic of homosexuality from now on:
“I simply have decided I’m not going to really talk about that issue anymore,” Carson said in a phone interview on Hannity’s show on Wednesday. “Every time I’m gaining momentum, the political press says, ‘Let’s talk about gay rights.’ And I’m just not going to fall for that anymore.”
Yeah good luck with that.
How dumb can he get? I would laugh my ass off if his last name was Gay.
ReplyDeleteOh come on, Gryphen! You are wasting your breath. You KNOW these idiots will never accept anything that remotely resembles logic and facts! They can't let themselves even listen.
ReplyDeleteAnd this fool is a neurosurgeon? I wouldn't let him operate on my dead dog!
He's retired. That was a big mistake, because his skill as a neurosurgeon apparently is far more than his skill as a politician. But you're right about not trusting him to operate....
DeleteGryphen hit all my arguments exactly. Situational and/or survival sex is just that -- nothing more, and it does not make a man gay.
DeleteAll that being said, such an experience will cause many men to continue their homosexual practices upon release but not as their primary means of having sex -- and once again it doesn't make them gay; it merely opens up their bisexual nature which is built in to all men whether they will admit it or not. It's just the way humans are wired.
I simply find it astonishing that this fool who calls himself a doctor would make such comments. He needs to find other venues -- such as the 700 Club, where he will be more welcome.
20 years ago, I took my baby to Carson to rule out a neurological diagnosis. He was a competent doctor. That doesn't make him a competent politician.
DeleteHow can you tell if a person is a Republican? They open their mouths and shit like this comes out. Jeesh!! It is not fair that my vote counts the same as his!!
ReplyDeleteSo then he believes he made a conscious choice to be straight, right?
ReplyDeleteAnd really , if he did, so fucking what? What's wrong with choosing to be either straight or gay? Or both? It's not one goddamn thing to do with anybody else but the individual concerned.
I'm a gay man-- not by choice-- and I've always thought the same thing. Even if sexual orientation were as adjustable as a dimmer switch, SFW? It's a private matter, it is what it is, and it doesn't give these frightened extremists a license to discriminate, normalize hostility, or enforce suppressive totalitarian measures to regulate morality-- you know, "government overreach."
DeleteAnd this guy's a freakin' neurosurgeon?! Are we still in reality?
While your question might sound logical, you simply don't understand how these people think or how deeply embedded their heteronormativity and sense of absolute moral rightness are. To them, being straight is not a choice any more than being born with a penis or red hair is a choice. Everyone is inherently heterosexual; it's the norm, the default. At some point during their lives, a few people choose, for their own sinful reasons and because they are in rebellion against God, to deviate from the divinely ordained path of heterosexuality.
DeleteThis is the mindset Carson is coming from and speaking to with comments like this. When you identify the underlying assumptions, you can see the internal, ideological consistency in arguments that otherwise make little sense. If you say, "So you chose to be straight?" they will shake their heads and write you off as a brainwashed sheep who doesn't understand basic human nature. OTOH, they believe in God as creator and the world as a template for God's order. When they get their talking points from Dobson or Fischer or whoever, they are told that every species must engage in heterosexual activity in order to reproduce. Presenting them with evidence to the contrary has, in my experience, done more to shake the "some people choose to be gay" belief than anything else.
And as another conservative voice weighs in from the grand isle of Dumbfuckistan.
ReplyDeleteI think our Country has more important things to worry about. If Ben believed in freedom, he would leave the gays to be gay and mind his own business.
ReplyDeleteDon't like gay relationships? Then don't have one.
Don't like gay marriage? Don't have one.
Don't like abortion? Don't have one.
Don't like birth control? Don't take any.
Don't like death and taxes? Too bad for you. Death and taxes are the only guarantees in life according to Ben Franklin.
...so if i was a gay man tossed into a woman's prison, being forced to have sex with girls would make me straight?
ReplyDelete+ 1 Trillion.
DeleteTwo can play this game, Doctor.
ReplyDeleteIf God created the universe, how come new planets are formed each day? Did he fjust orget them or did her feel he needed more useless carbon balls in space?
This guy is the smartest moron ever. Unfortunately, he's also dangerous because other morons listen to him.
ReplyDeleteHomosexual behavior in prison is about sex and/or about power. If people want to have sex in prison, they have no choice but for it to be gay sex. And inmates will use sex as punishment or to trade favors or for protection or for affection and physical contact. Engaging (or being forced to engage) in homosexual activity in prison doesn't make someone gay.
I'd love to see some research that supports the fact that "A
lot of people who go into prison...when they come out, they're gay." Since Dr. Carson is supposedly a scientist, I'm sure he can provide references that exist somewhere other than his own brain.
What's absolutely a choice for me is making sure nobody in the GOP gets elected. Between the rape blunders and the gay blunders, the GOP never seems to find a topic where they don't sound like complete morons.
ReplyDeleteMost people figured out that the last Republican black candidate was just putting on a theater piece, with his hilarious presentation.
ReplyDeleteI assumed this idiot was simply a complete Uncle Tom teanut, who at least believed the crap he was spouting.
Now, I'm not so sure...if he issues forth any more absurd statements like this one, I'll conclude he is just doing the same thing as Herman Cain.
Nein, nein, nein to the lot of them!
DeleteHow did this idiot ever become a neurosurgeon???? He talks like he's dumber than a box of rocks.
ReplyDeleteLet's try an experiment:
ReplyDeleteLock up Dr. Ben Carson in a maximum security prison for a year, for saying hate speech against gays, and see what he says and does when he comes out.....
This makes me so mad! When I was gay as a teenager, I was called every name in the book, pushed and shoved around. Survived two suicide attempts because I couldn't take it anymore. Who the hell chooses that???
ReplyDeleteI hope things are now better for you now 3:36. I am not gay, but I was bullied as a teenager and I will never forget it. I also tried to commit suicide at least twice.
DeleteMy revenge is happiness. I am quite content with my life. I hope you are too.
Stick with us, you'll be fine.
DeleteAnother conservative genius, attempting to equate the choice between gay and hetero with the choice between gay and celibate - when hetero is not on the menu. Oh, yeah, I want this guy to be the one responsible for solving the complex problems that effect all of us all the time. There was a time when you didn't have to be a fucking idiot to run for office as a Republican - just being a crooked bastard was good enough.
ReplyDeleteSexual orientation and sexual activity are two very different things.
ReplyDeleteSexual activity is chosen.
Sexual orientation is not.
Change of plans Dr. Ben Whackaloon Carson just shut that whole thing down.
ReplyDelete"Hours after making questionable claims about homosexuality, former neurosurgeon and prospective GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson told Fox News’ Sean Hannity he was done discussing marriage equality, the National Journal reported.
“I simply have decided I’m not going to really talk about that issue anymore,” Carson said in a phone interview on Hannity’s show on Wednesday. “Every time I’m gaining momentum, the political press says, ‘Let’s talk about gay rights.’ And I’m just not going to fall for that anymore.”"
Thank you 4:24!!! Well said.
ReplyDeleteBen Carson must have decided he was going to dethrone
ReplyDeleteScott Walker for the title of Republican Moron du Jour.
Carson's appalling ignorance and bigotry aside, his somnolent way of speaking makes it seem like he's under the influence or experiencing a serious medical problem.
It's scary to imagine this guy functioning in a true operating
room crisis.
His professional retirement may
have been driven by more than politics.
Walker, Carson and Palin are beloved by the far right.
It seems the more befuddled, foggy, incoherent and just plain nutty
you are , the more quickly they elevate them to presidential status.
ReplyDeleteRepublican are in love with the Israeli Prime Minister, but they'd never elect a Jewish person as US President.
Methinks Good Ole' Uncle Ben should stick to converted rice or brain surgery and just stay out of politics. What a dumbass.
ReplyDeleteGotta love you racist liberals. You feel you own the black people in the Democrat Party. They are yours, and you own their vote? How dare they stray and have different social or political opinions! They must be Uncle Toms right? Hypocrite racist.
DeleteYou 835 are a complete idiot. A complete moron. A simple minded re toad. Please get some help for your delusion. Shallow narrow minds need an education. Good Luck.
DeleteWell 4:09, that is a boatload of poorly attempted insults. But really you haven't addressed the issue of the racist Democrats that attempt to shame any black person that desires different politics than you are insisting they adhere to, have you? You have a problem with a black man making up his own mind?
DeleteBreaking News: uncle ben carson apologises.
ReplyDeleteYou called him uncle ben? Seriously? He is a bigoted homophobe, but you're a racist.
DeleteHe is bowing to ignorance and he deserves to be removed from the medical profession.
DeleteStandProudNow Exgunman • 2 hours ago
ReplyDeleteHe is not ready for prime time.
While I don't really trust his Conservative credentials, I like him. He could be helpful in many ways. He is big on education, he could be a liaison to the Black community, etc. Just as long as he doesn't get too much power. ;-)
Oh heavens no,, don't let another black man get too much power. I really hate these unapologetic racists at cforp
HE is a pos just like the entire republican party. There is not one decent republican on the planet. All owned by zit united anti American private pos. period. clear?
DeleteOh my gosh. We must screen those acting like this. This clown should be replaced as a surgeon by a robot. For the love of science, this guy is a quack. A brain surgeon? and he has the ignorance to stand on national tv and give his personal problem a voice. This is a big problem. It is not only him but if you pay attention to many of those with that MD behind this given name......they are personally nutz, quack, play god, egotistical and pathetic humans. Just like in any profession.....there are some that will be removed due to fraud, medical malpractice, murder, errors or personal conduct.
ReplyDeleteI have found in many over educated souls that they lack commonsense, street sense, and plain and simple facts. They are looking for text book, complex answers. We see it everyday. This walking EGOmadic has graced us with his presense and now his views. Lock everyone up and they will be gay. Kinda like rome. Starve the masses and they will conform. Scare the religious and they will give and pray. uck you republicans and your controlled media. uck you.
ReplyDelete"“Every time I’m gaining momentum, the political press says, ‘Let’s talk about gay rights.’ And I’m just not going to fall for that anymore.”"
You're "not going to fall for that any more"? Fall for that? As though it is some sort of "gotcha" or trick to be asked your opinion on a major political issue of the day?
Unfit for candidacy, let alone office. A chickenshit coward who can't stand being called out on his incredibly stupid opinions.
You're not going to fall for that again? Good luck pal, because that doesn't mean you won't be asked.
So Dr.Carson, where do animals learn to be gay? Petshop cages?
ReplyDeleteThis asshole was a brain surgeon? Did he perform a lobotomy on himself with a rusty can opener?
ReplyDeleteI read Ben Carson's autobiography just to learn more about him because my fundie sister is supporting him for President and she doesn't read much. What really struck me about his book was the HUGE ego that came through loud and clear, even though he didn't actually write the book himself. (Some say this type of ego is very common in neurosurgeons.) What actually made him a good neurosurgeon was basically his fine motor skills and an ability to visualize in 3-D. Many things really aggravate me about him. He admitted that his single mother received government assistance in the form of food stamps and he received his first pair of glasses free of charge. That food and those glasses were instrumental in his turning around his own school performance and putting him on his path to success. Additionally, he received financial assistance in getting through college and preference in getting certain summer jobs, without which college would have been an impossibility for him. All these types of government assistance which helped him to become the successful person he became are what he would deny now to others in similar circumstances. Instead, he would have them pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Then top all that with his 7th Day Adventist religious fervor which he never reconciles with his supposed appreciation of scientific fact, and his view of himself as THE greatest role model for troubled youth, and you have Ben Carson in a nutshell. His rigid attitude toward gays is just one facet of his being, and it comes to the forefront because he thinks it's refreshing to be decidedly not politically correct. And this, of course, makes him all the more popular with the Palin crowd.