Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Project uses shocking images of veterans to illustrate the dangers of PTSD.

Courtesy of Addicting Info:  

There are 21.8 million veterans living in the United States. Out of those millions, about 1.3 million are living without insurance, and 60,000 of them are homeless. However, the struggles of veterans don’t end there – as photographer Devin Mitchell points out in a series called the Veteran Vision Project, which sets out to reveal the struggles of America’s veterans with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). 

Some of these images may be difficult to view, as Mitchell captures the raw emotions of what some veterans deal with on a daily basis. Throughout the series, it’s clear that even if a veteran returns home unscathed, the emotional scars are sometimes far deeper and more painful. 

To execute this project, Mitchell went to every participating veterans’ home and allowed them to have free rein on how they expressed what PTSD feels like to them. From their clothing to their props, each veteran’s photo resulted in a deeply personal look into their lives and how they’ve been affected. 

Here is a short documentary featuring some of the subjects feelings on PTSD and suicide.

This is what the photographer Devin Mitchell had to say to Buzzfeed about PTSD and suicide:“From the beginning of the project, it was my mission to let veterans say whatever they want through my photographs,” Mitchell told BuzzFeed News. “Many people who do projects on veterans only want to take a particular angle. I want to explore all of the issues, all of the darkness.”

“I think I can safely say that every person in the military has been affected by suicide,” Mitchell said. “Whether it’s something they’ve tried, or considered, or has impacted someone close to them.”

What I know about PTSD is that it often goes undiagnosed, and that if it remains hidden it is quite literally like a time bomb waiting to go off. And even if diagnosed, if there is no appropriate treatment, the timer keeps right on counting down.

Now that's not to say that Bristol Palin's new fiance is necessarily in the category. I mean it's not like his eyes betray any significant lack of sanity or anything.

    Of course I could be wrong about that.


  1. Balzafiar4:46 PM

    "... it's not like his eyes betray any significant lack of sanity ..."

    One cannot tell much of the time. I have seen it first-hand in my own extended family. On the outside, to a stranger, everything is perfectly normal but the nightmares, the fears, are still there. It is very bad that this happened to such a fine young man, but part of it all is the fact that the VA threw up every roadblock they could find to treating him so eventually he and his wife had to pay for private treatment. He's much better now, thanks to his involvement with his loving young family, but is he fully healed? I hope so, but that's the $64,000 question.

  2. Anonymous4:48 PM

    This engagement is very, very strange and leaves a lot of questions unanswered. They have not spent any quality time together and Bristol is too immature to snub the spotlight. Like Bristol, this guy is uneducated and I think that he is in it for the money, and Sarah will use the medal of honor to rally her base. Of course, her base knows nothing about this guy, and neither does Bristol!

    1. Anonymous10:23 PM

      very, very strange indeed.

      I had another thought about this rush to engagement/marriage of 2 very immature unstable people. I don't know about the Meyer family, but I would think parents would try to convince a nutty kid from doing irrational things. The Palins are whacked so they will just enjoy the lies and games.

      Here is another thing to consider about what brought this on.

      Let's say Bristol is not pregnant. They don't even have sex because Bristol is still pining for a Lumbersexual.

      Why would they do this crazy thing? Yes, the thrill of Sarah dreaming WH. in part.

      Possibly when Bristol moved back with Mama it was because the child protection people were paying attention to her household. The brawl, the stalker and many anti-kid things we don't know about. Say Bristol and the family have serious child protection agency matters to deal with. And it is not going to stop with Bristol around.

      Sarah got rid of Track, child protection would not have Trig and Tripp living around a drug den. But even Bristol has turned out to be too much with the attention she brings to Sarah with government agents and law she does not want to deal with.

      She sends Bristol away. Finding a husband is a great idea! Sarah thinks she has a baby sitter for Bristol. They must hurry and get the child protection people off Sarah's back.

      Bristol may not even be planning on taking Tripp with her. They may be working something out with the authorities that Tripp would be in the custody of the Medal of Honor person or work something out with Kentucky if Tripp vacations with his mother.

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      well considering the 'timing' of things says alot...
      so we got some DNA tests coming up...
      we got live entertainment...DC is coming to visit..
      boo let the games begin...
      gee Barstool may be you should MOVE out of AK!
      Isn't that what mommy and daddy tried to do to...
      I mean lately it's been conspiracy to commit now that the feds are here...engaged?

  3. Anonymous4:56 PM

    WAR! HUH! Good God y'all...
    What is it good for? Absolutely NOTHING.
    -- Edwin Starr

  4. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Those speaking from the afterlife in all forms, from all sources, state without variation that those who commit suicide don't go to hell. The hell thing is an awful, primitive, tribal notion that comes from a judgment and vengeance mentality characteristic of the medieval church. It is a fiction intended to keep the faithful in line with the church's teachings, but it has no basis in reality.

    Instead, all who describe what happens to suicides in the afterlife explain that they are met with understanding and compassion. They endure seeing the devastating effect they've had on their loved ones by ending their lives, but not as a punishment. They are simply aware of what those left behind are going through.

    Then, they must face the same issues they thought they were escaping in life, but now when they resolve them, they won't be with the people who love them who could have enjoyed the time with them, and with whom they could have had a happy life after resolving the issues.

    The very clear, consistent message from those in the afterlife is that no one judges us; we judge ourselves. Eternal life is composed of lessons through which we become increasingly spiritually mature. We learn about ourselves and our behavior, feel we need to change because we ourselves aren't satisfied with our present status or we see the rewards of the change, and we ourselves initiate the change. No one judges us.

    ...Do they regret their actions? Every sitting I have conducted, the communicating Spirit has replied Yes to that question, not so much because of how they had harmed themselves but for the pain that they inflicted on those they now realize truly loved them. They feel regret for the relatives and friends and loved ones whom they witness being in pain and distress on the Earth plane. I am told by Spirit that all are met at the point of physical death, and suicides are no exception. Normally, when someone passes over a great crowd comes together to celebrate their homecoming--it can be a wonderful celebration. In the case of suicide, however, one or two loving souls, often close relatives who love them unconditionally and who have already passed, meet them and explain that yes they have indeed reached home, but they are asked to look back and see what they have left behind. What is it that they see? Invariably they witness their loved ones in anguish, often they see parents or relatives berating themselves, asking what else they could have done. "If only we had listened," is a thought they often hear.

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM


    2. Anonymous5:40 PM


      People believe this bullshit, even the bull that shat it. Sad isn't it???

    3. Anonymous5:53 PM

      This is exactly what I've read and heard through the years. It makes sense to me.

    4. Anonymous6:18 PM

      yes, Anon 5:53.

    5. Anonymous6:38 PM

      4:57 PM
      What a crock of bullshit!

    6. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Too bad that one has ever come back to share first hand tales of the afterlife with us, hmmm? And yea, suicide is a personal choice and religions have stigmatized it when it is anyone's right to choose to cease living whenever they feel the time is appropriate.

    7. Anonymous9:47 PM

      You only have one afterlife to out live.

    8. Anonymous6:21 AM

      That's a lot of mumbo-jumbo, Cameron--I mean--Anon 4:57...

    9. Anonymous2:15 PM


  5. Anonymous5:06 PM

    BBC documentary explores what drives people to suicide

  6. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Sarah Palin claims Track has PTSD, yet she and Todd took him out drinking on Todd's birthday with a 6-year-old, and then unleashed Track on a bunch of party-goers.

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      That is their philosophy. Drink and drunks. It will cure anything. The kid was there for good luck. I guess they failed

      Next the Chris Kyle take a PTSD to gun range method of cure all PTSD and shoot, shoot, shoot.

  7. Anonymous5:30 PM

    After the many years that I have been reading for people and connecting with those who are no longer with us, I can with 100% certainty say that, Hell is just a state of mind and not a physical place where people go if they commit suicide.

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Duh, of course there is no such ting as hell. Also too, there is no such thing as "psychic powers". How many of these self proclaimed psychics have to be busted as frauds before people stop buying into their bullshit. Long Island Medium and John Edwards have been debunked, plus many others.

    2. Anonymous6:19 AM

      Well, gee, Anon 5:30--aren't you special! Thanks for sharing your self-promotion with us.

  8. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Bristol's fiancé looks way over weight and out of shape in his uniform in that bottom photo with the bearded guy.

    Someone needs to help him - get him healthy - physically fit and away from the Palin klan! He's in for big, big trouble! Feel for the guy! He's in way over his head (both of them!).

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Bristol's best friend was in Las Vegas for the engagement romance. Marina is an expert on style and skin and hair treatments. She knows who to go to for plastic surgery and everything else.

      Bristol listens to Marina and they will have Dakota Meyer looking better in no time.

      Dakota may already be on Bristol's diet. She will take a cook with her if they do move to another place. I imagine take out in Ky town of Meyer is not as upscale as Wasilla.

      Bristol would find Dakota attractive if he looks more like the man standing next to him. A little thinner is all.

    2. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Oh yes, our take out is so upscale here in Wasilla. I mean, we have mexican, chinese, sushi, burgers, all the crap that is part of the terrible American diet. We have one nice sit down place in town, a wine bar that serves tapas and meals, but other than that the food in this town is the usual crap.

      And how the hell can Bristol afford to travel with a cook? Isn't she selling her house because she's overextended and isn't brining in any income?

      You my friend are nuts.

    3. Anonymous8:28 PM

      If Marina is such a beauty expert then why is she so ugly and why does she have to take her clothes off for attention on FB?

      Have you seen Marina's boyfriend??? GQ he is NOT.

      You're talking so much shit. If anything, Bristol will have her new boyfriend get as much liposuction on his thighs and ass that Bristol herself has had on hers. Don't expect to see too much of him for a while because that's a heckuva lot of lipsucking over the years.

    4. Anonymous8:30 PM

      What's an "engagement romance", Alicia? Besides being two things you'll never have.

    5. Anonymous9:44 PM


      take out's upscale in the wasyphlis ?!? what'd that be, Carrs/Safeway deli ?!?

      LMFAO !!!

  9. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Bristol Palin also helps get suicide out of the darkness as she did with her DWTS friend Mark Ballas.
    She will be a loving and supportive wife for Dakota and work beside her husband. Helping many others as they are both activists.

    Mariette Hartley and Mark Ballas Step 'Out of the Darkness' on K-EARTH 101 (with Bristol Palin)

    They each use different coping methods to help deal with their losses. Hartley has written a powerful memoir titled, Breaking the Silence full of family secrets and stories of her experience. Along with being a professional dancer, Ballas is also a very talented musician and songwriter, and he uses the comforting power of music to help cope with the loss of his uncle to suicide.

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      "(Bristol) will be a loving and supportive wife for Dakota and work beside her husband."
      Bristol doesn't have any idea what it means to be a supportive wife, she's not a supportive mother to her young son. She's a 24 year old woman who was sadly neglected by her own parents and she appears to have her own drinking and drug problems. She NEEDS love and support and is in no position to meet the needs of another person.

      "Bristol is loving". Based on her actions, she's needy -- which isn't the same as loving. She's willing to sleep with anyone for the attention and/or for the need to be loved and approved of. That isn't the same as being "loving".

      If the engagement isn't totally fake, then it's between two young people who are already eyeball deep in big trouble. Bristol has no one is her family who is capable or willing to help her, maybe there's someone in Dakota's family who cares enough about him to steer them towards help. Since he has already attempted suicide and has drinking problems, it doesn't look like anyone in his family can or will do anything either. I wish them luck.

    2. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Why don't you just pull your head out from between Bristol Palin's legs for a while and begin attending your therapy sessions for a change, Alicia?

    3. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Did you see that everyone? Alicia is claiming that Bristol is going to "work" LOL I just want to live long enough to see Bristol Palin working at an honest job.

      It'll never happen. Never gonna happen.

    4. Anonymous8:42 PM

      8:01 PM

      Did you not notice that Bristol has a big entourage. They will pay her to be able to go with her. Some are excellent cooks.

    5. Anonymous9:40 PM

      I bet that Dakota is thrilled that he's marrying Bristol and her entire "entourage". That should work out well...NOT.

    6. Anonymous6:25 AM

      And by "entourage" you mean "free-loaders?" Most of those gals are whoring for money--that's how well-off they are.

    7. Anonymous8:44 AM

      6:02 Bristol 'copes' by spreading her legs and getting drunk. You know all of this, so why come here with your Fabrications? Alicia, how is that job search going?

    8. Anonymous8:48 AM

      @7:12 Where is your man? BWAHAHAHAHA.

  10. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Odd dill with our soldiers committing suicide out of
    guilt and our nemesis ISIL is committing suicide for victory and salvation.

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      May be that ISIL has better propaganda.

    2. Anonymous2:13 PM

      ISIS is funded by Cheney Bush McCain Palin and all those religous right mo fo's who think God is Coming...yeah yeah they been saying that since they got to AmeriKa you fools...but keeps fleecing the masses...

  11. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Damn, the Palins are such losers, they couldn't even buy Brissy a good-looking husband. Sucks to be her.

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      If they drink frequently he won't notice her lumpy face and she will overlook him and find something on the side. Somethings never change.

  12. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I love Country Club Preppie Willie Robertson's pics- he'll lean in towards the rill hillbilly types but he never ever gets anywhere near them. He'll do anything for money except get hillbilly cooties.

  13. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Bristol Palin didn't even know how to keep her legs together, how the fuck is she supposed to deal with a big fat needy husband that she didn't even bother to get to know?

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      may be his is one of 'Todd's Male Prostitutes of Alaska' now with offices in Kentucky...shake that ass soldier open cums too

  14. You sit behind your keyboard and ridicule a soldier who served in war, admittedly suffers from PTSD, and is a Medal Of Honor Winner. All because he is engaged to the daughter of Silly Sarah. You like to brag about all the experiences you've had and the people you supposedly have worked with that have PTSD, yet you get on here and diagnose this young man just by the way his eyes look in a picture. The closest military experience you have had is driving by the gates at Fort Richardson. The Palins are low lifes but you have proved to be just as low as them. What a piece of crap you are.

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Crawl back under your rock.

    2. Anonymous8:07 PM

      This man murdered innocent civilians. You tell my why we should respect him at all, much less give hime a medal?

    3. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Don't forget that according to several of his fellow Marines, Sgt Meyer is a liar.

      Cpl Meyer was a liar.

      Sgt Meyer is a liar.

      Either way it rhymes.

    4. Anonymous9:18 PM


    5. Anonymous9:46 PM

      We didn't diagnose him; he did. And he has tried suicide once...people don't try once; they try until they succeed. And yet Bristol wants an man who keeps guns around, not knowing if they are loaded, for a new dad for her young son. She has no judgement...Sarah is pushing this because she likes his resume, no matter that he lies. Bristol thinks this 'wedding' will get her out of Wasilla, but she has always been hopping between Wasilla, LA, and AZ. She takes that boy with her for TV shows, lets him swear and not wear a seatbelt, and takes almost nude photos of him to post online. Neither she nor Dakota shows much maturity, let alone the responsibility needed to raise a child.

    6. Anonymous2:07 AM

      Bristles has no talent, so she HAS to use Tripp for attention, he is her prop. I STILL think this is all being taped for a reality show. $carah is likely shopping the idea to anyone who worked with the family before. Without the Alaskan film credit, I doubt anyone is interested. Bristles has failed at reality shows too many times, and Dakota is a loose cannon.

    7. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Not every soldier is a hero. Putting on the uniform doesn't make an asshole into a stellar human being. SOme enlist for patriotism but many enlist to escape.

    8. Anonymous8:38 AM

      D on't G et M ad You are a Palin Troll, fuckoff, assclown.

    9. Anonymous8:46 AM

      8:38.... feel like a big man? Called someone a 'troll' on the internets did you?! You gonna call mommy and tell her about your big day? Asshat.

      I hear you DGM, sometimes people drink too much of their own poison and don't even know it.

    10. Anonymous2:10 PM

      807 yeah let's go drop him in the area he 'saved' and see what happens...gee I can hear crickets from here

  15. Anonymous8:12 PM

    This makes me so angry and again sickened by Cheney/Bush. I live in a community where enough people, including, middle school students, were up on the down side of warfare.

    This very thing was one of the points some wise souls were trying to say when they were talking about having a discussion about the pros and cons of Iraq, shock and awe. Too many people were on the 'you're not patriotic' bandwagon.

    There were many Vietnam vets that never had good treatment and were struggling with psyche and medical problems. They would say please listen to those who want to discuss this war.

    The peace keepers who went to Iraq were clear and certain there were no weapons of mass destruction.

    Now there are more tormented people and more people being told other people's false narratives. This whole wave of those like Sarah Palin and Chris Kyle are teaching not to be educated and you don't need to counsel. Have another beer. Often enough, that turns into six pack or more.

    1. Anonymous2:09 AM

      Lumpy little Johnny Mac, Ms Lindsey, Boehner, and thers are hell bent on ANOTHER war. The profits are tremendous, so the military budget will be increased while social programs are slashed.

  16. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Now Bristol's hinting that the wedding is in 2 months.

    There's nothing normal and natural and nice and easygoing about this relationship at all. Like I said before, I hope Levi is keeping a very close eye on this self-absorbed little cow who likes to put HIS son last.

    1. Anonymous9:35 PM

      She may be preg, hince pigs on cinnabuns. She will have an excuse for a little gut by May/June. Little Joey to be here about 9-11. This next phase is food and hikes? Gawd she is a gross glutton. As a couple they will look better together if she balloons more like him. Marina will have him on a diet when she gets to him.

  17. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I am not PTSD nor was I in the Army. Much family is military. Not all military is the same to me. I am fine with honorable troops doing their job in necessary legitimate wars. I don't think just because someone in public says they are PTSD or they received a medal that means it must all be fact.

    Dakota Meyer is a shady character if you look at all sides of what is being said about him. So far I don't get that he is worthy of respect. Nor am I convinced about his PTSD story, or the suicide. He may believe imaginary things he sees and all that.

    His eyes do look crazed in that picture, they just do. But it is the total of what he says, does and how others portray him.
    the fact he does chose to be with the 'low life' Palins says a great deal about him.

    What’s Wrong With This Picture Of Bristol Palin’s Beau?

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Above was to DgM @7:34 PM

    2. Anonymous5:51 AM

      no what happened is a 'long story' but in short Mommy Dearest took part in the 'HUGE' giveaway trust fund that is stashed in State of Alaska bank.
      When they can't kill the Birthright Owner...DC attorneys suggest to 'feel safe hang with a soldier' or was that Cocaine Kenny who suggested that...

    3. Anonymous2:09 PM

      551 oh snap...and double snap...sounds like someone is gaining traction legally...'about time' ;)0

  18. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Chin just had someone take the most gross angel of her head and it is too big for her body after all the surgeries and strange diets to reshape after the babies. She is becoming so repulsive as she ages.

    They must think sugar will fatten her up for Dakota. She is saying that Sarah is cooking. Sounds like a lie. They are both compulsive like that.

  19. Anonymous2:13 AM

    So the wedding is in two months?
    What's the all-fired hurry for?

    1. Anonymous5:45 AM

      legal damage control...DC attorneys are so obvious...


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It just goes directly to their thighs.