Friday, March 06, 2015

Sarah Palin continues to push for a Convention of States, because apparently treason is the new black this year.

"Are you getting a good look at my Convention of States?"
Courtesy of Benedict Idiot's Facebook page:  

Arkansas, you're up! It's now your turn to vote on Convention of States legislation. Your state motto is great – "The People Rule" – and many Americans hope that will be the case with your stand on acquiring the tool that reins in an out-of-control federal government. Unfortunately, some of your state lawmakers are actually ducking out of the vote. Please check out this post from Bristol listing the names of lawmakers to contact. Tell them to vote “YES” on the Convention of States resolution (HJR 1003). Remember, this is the ultimate remedy our Founders provided to allow the people to rule. Arkansas, we need your help now!

Palin then links, once again, to Bristol's ghostwriter's post encouraging Arkansas residents to notify their representatives and have them jump on this sinking ship toward their journey to the sea of stupidity.

Of course there are a handful of others who are also supporting this idea like Mark "Not the Great One" Levin and Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn: 

“Washington is never going to fix itself,” said former Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), explaining why he intends to spend the next few years trying to “cheat history” by helping to organize the nation’s first-ever Convention of the States.

Currently there are still only three states (Alaska, Florida, and Georgia.) that have passed the resolution so far.

Since a Convention of the States requires two thirds of the states to sign on, this thing has about as much chance of coming to fruition as a Palin becoming a Rhodes Scholar.

Abstinence only education, repealing Obamacare, winning fights at birthday parties you weren't invited to, let's face it everything the Palins support is a sure loser.

Which of course stands to reason.


  1. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Sarah sure seems determined to make Bristol look like she is a political savant. Guess granny Palin has found a gravy train and wants to hitch Brissy a ride. Someday, Bristol will be a Fox contributor, write books about the assault on the easter bunny and give drunken speeches in Iowa. The only difference between momma and her cub? Brissy's Vegas sign will saY, "FUC_ ME!"

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Momma Palin has visions of Bristol and her new boytoy Dakota becoming involved in politics. That's why Bristol has fixed her face and cleaned up her wardrobe, she's gonna be a political wife!

      Too bad that between the two of them they don't even have a 100 IQ!

    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Let Bristol screw Dakota 'til the cows come home. If she ever put her hat in the ring for any political office, she'd be laughed off the planet.

    3. Anonymous5:39 PM

      At any cost, you bet, 5:22 PM.
      They whore for all they're worth!

    4. Anonymous5:59 PM

      "I ate moose cassarole"

    5. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Now that is so funny and true.

    6. Anonymous3:55 AM

      Oh, Bristles has "scored" since she was in middle school. The entire hockey team "scored". Remember the pregancy photo, big belly with her holding the hockey puck? Message "someone on the hockey team is the babydaddy"

  2. Sharon4:58 PM

    I still can't get over what she is wearing..omg, is that a skirt or nightie? Of course there are the fuck me heels with the red soles....$400/pair or more. She is the most obvious bimbo out there, only in America.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      I know, that outfit and pose are so UNBELIEVABLY ridiculous and disgusting.

      How on earth does anyone, anyone, believe that this idiotic woman has a chance at any kind of political office, let alone president????

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Or, I should have said, possibly president of the empty-brain porno club.

      And yes, I am jealous!! So jealous!! I am a successful illustrator and my husband (in IT) makes a six-figure salary!! All on our own, no government teat, how about that?

      But I can never be as beautiful and sexy as Sarah, I admit that.

    3. Anonymous2:19 AM

      Her top lip looks funny, like someone went overboard with the Botox. Was there a convention in Vegas, for the porn industry? Looks like that could be where she picked up that fugly rubber/lace skirt. Oh, yes, I can see Bristles running for political office. In her words "fuckin' awesome" That slut will NEVER be reasdy for prime time, she has no personality whatsoever. Plus, ALL her babies would be revealed.

    4. Anonymous3:51 AM

      Sarah is in a close race with Kim Kardashian; she's an older version right now. Just as stupid and just as unstylish but not nearly as rich.

    5. Anonymous7:24 AM

      The skirt looked much better with the rubber blouse :)

  3. Anonymous5:01 PM

    If that is her best Betty Boop, SARAH FAILED AGAIN!

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      I'm thinking more "Coppertone™ girl". Either way, epic failure. The women is an idiot.

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      She thinks she's a star. It's pathetic.

  4. Anonymous5:02 PM

    If that is her best Betty Boop, SARAH FAILED AGAIN!

  5. Anonymous5:03 PM

    But but but....the idgit Q at c4p says that makes thirty states signed up! Have they found their hall yet? RME.

    If anyone ever thought that $arah isn't AIP, here's your sign, and that Betty Boop pic is disgusting. That's not sent from God, IMers, that's mental illness gone batshit.

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Sarah Palin is the prop of the AIP and is a traitor to America.

    2. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Isn't c4p run by a foreigner? Yet none of her followers questioned that.

      Personally I think it is run by one of Sarah's relatives., similar to when they wrote bogus letters to the editor.

  6. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Ha! Stupid Sarah thinks stupid Bristol can be a stupid political figure to fill her shoes...will she run for a political office in the future? We know Sarah ain't running for any office.

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Sarah's house.

      Scare line.

    2. Anonymous2:23 AM

      Bristles past would catch up with her. After lumpy little Johnny McCain, no politician would try to cover up ALL the disgusting details for this family. Been there, done that. Nancy French is as fake a "Christian" as the Palins are, she lies each time she posts as Bristles and she knows it. I wonder if she really would be proud if her daughters turn into no-morals, pass around, recycled virgins as Bristles?

  7. Have you noticed the best thing about Sarah Palin? We don't even have to Photoshop her!

  8. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I think the Bristol pimping is a combination of post-brawl damage control and just plain desperation!

    I had some fun at the piddle parlor last night. They truly are sick. Each and every one of them. I was able to get a few good comments in before I was banned, but the process was very telling. There's no doubt in my mind that at least 1/2 of those people are SarahPac employees. I'ts so sad, I'm beginning to lose interest in the Palin grift. She's just too predictable at this point and has become such a nobody, the snark has lost its appeal.


    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      The pond dwellers are a depressing lot, but if we all give up, they could succeed. AIP Sarah Palin is a traitorous, anti-American who appeals to the fear mongering, low information right wing. Never give up!

    2. Anonymous6:40 PM

      I think the Bristol pimping is a combination of post-brawl damage control and just plain desperation! .......

      Most likely that is fact. It is all so very staged and set up. First Sarah tried to use Meyer for the Track Palin propaganda. Now Track is missing. He may have left the basement dwelling at the parents pad. Not because he is on his own. If they could manage to find him a rehab joint I hope it is not like those useless Jebus or Kyle places that "cure" gays, drugs and PTSD. What a waste that would be.


      He is MIA again. Not even his sister knows what is up.


      Sarah is busy planning Bristol's future. Track is useless to her if she hasn't found prayer warriors that can do the work.

    3. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Hey Tim, I saw some of your comments when you told the Pee Puddle People that Nancy French wrote Bristol's Blog. Their response was so childish that it is amazing that you stayed to continue playing the game.

      Today, someone contradicted an erroneous comment they posted that Obama said that he would fight for Muslims. The person even posted a link that showed their error in misquoting Obama's book. The response was the same. Fingers in ears, la la la la la, I can't hear you and childish responses.

      You can always tell when they freak out because they call for their Mommy or the Moderator, crying "Troll Alert," "Oh, please make the bad troll comments go away." They can't handle the truth. It really does destroy them.

      Thanks for the fun.

    4. Anonymous7:25 PM

      I think that the Dakota-and-Bristol love match is a really good deal for all concerned. Dakota seems to make his living by going around giving speeches, reliving his war experiences and going to shooting matches. That means that he has a lot in common with Sarah who goes around giving speeches to keep up her visibility so she can collect more donations to pay for more trips to give more speeches.

      Bristol probably needed to clean up her image after the brawl. Her f------g swearing about $300. sunglasses, not to mention all of the other s--t should have earned her a court hearing. For all we know, she was admonished and told to stay on her best behavior, giving her a pass this time but watch out.

      So Bristol has cleaned up her image, encouraged with designer purses and shoes, some new jewelry, a few trips and a new respectable love interest. Did she hint that she wasn't drinking in one of her instagram postings? Dakota hinted that he would like to run for political office, so being connected with Palin is a plus. Bristol has been posting Nancy French's ghost written political posts. Sarah needs a hero of a veteran as her newest prop. The Palin Family needs some good publicity photos and coverage. OMG Could Bristol and Dakota launch their own new reality show, too? It's too good to be true, a match made in heaven.

    5. Anonymous7:30 PM

      I saw that, too. They drag every ugly, far-fetched story they can find back to the others, much like how my old lab used to drag home neigjborhood garbage whenever he managed to wander off.

    6. Anonymous8:01 PM

      With the right script writers they could go far with this.

    7. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Could Bristol and Dakota launch their own new reality show, too?
      Yes, but Bristol would probable quit,

      What ever happened to the show where her and Gino/Ben or whatever the boyfriend of the day was, were going to "fix up" her house from scratch?

      There were photos of her and the trial daddy in overalls with some tools.

    8. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Could Bristol and Dakota launch their own new reality show, too?
      Yes, but Bristol would probable quit.

      What ever happened to the show where her and Gino/Ben or whatever the boyfriend of the day was, were going to "fix up" her house from scratch? (There were photos of her and the trial daddy in overalls with some tools.) Was that some gimmick to cover up how she financed the house?

    9. Anonymous12:02 AM

      yeah till soldier boy kills em all and lets allah sort em

    10. Anonymous2:33 AM

      I think Gino escaped, after she had the DWTS baby. He was the trial husband at that time. One of these days one of the babydaddies, or trial hisbands will get drunk, or desperate and spill the truth. Bristles could have a reality show showing where all her ex's are, where she hid all the babies, and evem interview all the one night stands she has serviced. Nah, still has no talent or brains. If she gets into a fight with Dakota, I wonder which of them would win? Bris is a foul mouthed little slut.

  9. Anonymous5:32 PM

    What's the angle of the butt?

    I think her angle is nowhere near Kim Kardashian!

    How does Sarah do foraging at the Taco Bell drive in? Does she have to drop that thang to pick the cans off the kitchen floor? Or does Trig just throw them at her?

  10. Anonymous5:53 PM

    check out that pic! if you paint her face green she'd look like the grinch with that Botox mouth.

    1. Anonymous5:28 AM

      5:53 Exactly! I knew I had seen a mouth like that somewhere, and the Grinch is certainly it. Overload on Botox? Lip numb after getting new veneers? Someone punched her in it?

  11. Anonymous5:57 PM

    This is too good....Palin revenge meets karma.

    Sarah was all hot to get rid of Brian Williams because he don't do journalism like Sarah does.

    And who are they talking to about replacing him? None other than OUR favorite interviewer Katie Couric.

    Haul out the popcorn.

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHA, NBC Nightly News: Sarah Palin what do you read?

  12. Anonymous6:00 PM that her assuming the positioning*To Let The Man Ride Her?

  13. Anonymous6:04 PM

    What are these people smoking? Following palin is pure stupidity.

  14. Anonymous6:09 PM

    That folks is the BUTT of a JOKE!

  15. Anonymous6:11 PM


  16. Sigh. And I live in Georgia.

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Sigh. Me, too.

    2. Gainesville, here. You?

    3. Anonymous8:07 PM

      There's 3 of us?

    4. But where are you! I wanna drink a beer with you!

    5. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Beer?! Somebody say "beer"? I'll have a beer. Near Brunswick.

  17. Anonymous6:29 PM

    bend over rover! so that's why shes hung up on the " man this and man that". is that what ya holler when you're gitten' Rode-by the Man??

    1. Anonymous8:50 PM

      She got rid of her elder son, Track, and now she can say "man" again. She must feel so liberated and free.

      What hell for her to have to go on and on with that fake story. Poor Track. What did they do with him now? Hopefully they will not suicide him.

      He is being replaced by some dude his slut sister is being used to snare.

      What a family.

    2. Anonymous12:07 AM

      850 well so far as suicides will either be a hanging or a murder suicide ordeal with a big ol note on a side of a barn...naked...clothes folded neatly in the vehicle far away from brain splatter? something like that...

    3. Anonymous2:36 AM

      Dakota could have found a MUCH more attractive, smarter, no so used up girl in one of the HOLLERS of Kentucky.

    4. Anonymous5:46 AM

      No self-respecting man would EVER hook up with this tribe, which speaks volumes about one Dakota Meyer.

    5. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Barstool is the most damaged palin, well, next to Track. Maybe sarah should offer up Willow instead.

  18. Anonymous6:35 PM

    $arah is a simle-minded, low-rent whore. Clearly she isn't thinking up this convention of states stuff. Who's the puppet master and what is it up to? That is where the real danger lies.

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      I know Mark Levin is pushing hard for it, but I don't know who his master is.

    2. Anonymous7:12 PM

      @6:55 Koch Brothers

    3. Balzafiar7:23 PM

      Puppet master? Actually there are two: the Koch brothers.

    4. Anonymous7:24 PM

      6:35 PM
      My thoughts exactly. No way Simple Sarah could come up with that sort of thing, so who is doing it? They're all Koch-suckers.

    5. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Certainly, they are puppets for a master.

    6. Anonymous12:09 AM

      yes and I would like to know about the crazy texan that the koch bros focked way back in college days? didn't she spit a kid out? where is that kid now? and which bro is the father? ins't the mothers sister sarah's best friend? which book and what page again?

  19. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Palin's draw has always been her looks. As soon as she bailed on the good people of Alaska in 2009, she amped up the high heels, miniskirts and tight shirts. The real Sarah came busting out. She's also dropped at least 30 pounds since resigning. Must be the red bull and 5 hour energy drink. Not the Chic-fil-A she posed with! By the way, has anyone ever seen the Palins on church? Do they attend a church at all? Cause you know they are God fearing, Bible lovin' conservatives. Or is that only for show?

    1. Anonymous2:38 AM

      EVERYTHING about this dysfunctional family is for show.

    2. Anonymous3:57 AM

      She's into much stringer shit than Red Bull and 5 hour energy drink. That is fo shore!

  20. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Rootin, rootin, straight shootin, lives next door to Putin! Sarah is getting her fleece on lately. Take them rubes to the cleaners and make mama a payday.

  21. Anonymous6:46 PM

    soul for sale/ Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous7:43 PM

      What "soul?"

    2. Anonymous2:39 AM

      Did anyone hear how much was collected for her birthday money bomb those delusional followers organized? Was it as big a flop as Chuckles Jr.'s scamming for camera equipment?

  22. Anonymous6:47 PM

    You know what pisses me off, looks do count in a man but not near as much as a woman.

    How many times have we seen Miss Thang dressing like slutty, if she was homely like Ayn Rand their hero she would have faded from existence a long time ago.

    It's the way of the world, reality tv, Bristol wants to be a Kardashion and Sarah wants people to look at her ass. And all of this has made a laughing stock of the United States, and frankly i am sick of it.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      She dresses differently than when she was a so-called politician, doesn't she? Stilettos, tight leather skirts, tight blouses. Not very conservative Christian dress is it? But the real Sarah has come out. She's always craved attention and the spotlight. Dressing like she does gives her the attention she craves. She dumped on the people of Alaska and traded in her governor suits for more Hollywood type attire. What really gets me however, is that nobody ever calls her out on why she resigned in 2009. Ethics charges? If she really were innocent, you would think she would have stood her ground and fought to clear her name. But no. She bailed and signed up for book deals and reality TV asap. Phony fricken beotch!

    2. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Sarah does not dress for any of us. We all saw through her the minute she gave that Mean Girl From High School speech at the 2008 Republican Convention. They could dress her up in lovely outfits, and she remained the mean girl from high school, not very smart, attacking people before they could attack her.

      Sarah dresses for her demographics, who like the big boobs, the padded butt, the short, tight imitation leather skirt which shows her new padded butt, anything with lots of zippers, wild bed head wig, you get the idea. Sarah's people are low information, uninformed people who think that Sarah is smart and real. She is neither, but they are too dumb to realize it, and Sarah knows how to work that crowd to keep getting money from them.

      Someone in the Putrid Puddle described seeing Palin at an event, and she heard Palin ask to "meet people" because she really likes to talk to people. Sarah lives to pose for selfies with them. Her conversation consists of "Hi, what's your name, where are you from, what do you do? Oh, that's so nice. Next." Have you seen her idea of conversation on the videos that we have seen on SPC? Pathetic.

  23. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I think Sarah is grooming Bristol to become the political voice of the next generation, along the lines of Megan McCain, without the insight or education. There is money in being the feces throwing monkey for a segment of the population. You don't have to be smart, understand the issues, or offer any solutions. Just throw that feces. Sarah has taught her well and she will probably make a nice living off it. Maybe Bristol can start a PAC and tease young men with pretend potential political aspirations.

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Well, DWTS "did" dress mini-me up in the monkey suit to hide the pregnancy. Bristol loves her "bananas," that's for sure.

    2. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Bristol is even more thin-skinned, stupid, and lazy than her mom. It'll never happen because it should have happened already.

    3. Anonymous8:17 PM

      It could be some funny to watch how they will go on with these absurd plans. It is more for money than anything political.

      They rarely mention the other daughter, he short one. Are they ashamed of her native look?

      She shouldn't be going around screwing boyfriends or friends with benefits either. You know coming from the family values good Christian gig and all.

      She has some psyche problems and needs to get engaged or pretend engaged about every other month. Poo thing. You would think she is worth it for the Palins to do some better public relations. Make up some shit or something.

      What happened to Track Palin? He just left the planet it seems.

      Track has been replaced by the liar dude that got the award? Poor Track. He will never be able to be his own person. Sarah will not even be able to have someone write a script about him as if he is his own person. He is more pathetic than any of them.

      Perhaps the biggest fraud of the bunch.

    4. " think Sarah is grooming Bristol to become the political voice of the next generation, along the lines of Megan McCain, without the insight or education."
      It will never work. She can groom Bristol all the live long day, but she will still be dumb as a stump and about as charismatic as one.

      Bristol will not be able to attract the "next generation" without doing video at some point, and this is where she will utterly fail. She will not be able to hide behind Nancy forever, and even if she could, let's face it, Nancy's writing does not sound like a young person writing. It sounds like an older person trying to sound young. That silly fake blog is going to get her nowhere except with her mother's aging cultists.

    5. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Let's not forget, today's youth is so repulsed by Bristol Palin that they rebelled against a speech from her at an institution of higher learning and prevented her from participating in that speaking engagement. That pretty much is the handwriting on the wall for her political aspirations. With her limited education college educated young people see that she has the intellectual maturity of a high school sophomore. Educated people her age don't spend all their time on instagram/joygram or whatever. That's for high schoolers and kardashians. lol

  24. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Sarah is just echoing something that Mark Levin thought up a year ago. This is a far right Tea Party idea, a convention of states to change the constitution. Sarah does not have too many places left to where she can hitch her fading star. The ratings for Sarah Palin Channel are in the toilet. Amazing America is a loser. None of the programs from Sportsman Channel ever make it to the top 100 watched cable shows on a Thursday night. Not even when there were two back-to-back episodes on last night. Nada. I can't remember when Sarah last appeared on Fox. She has no more speeches scheduled, unless she can get on the phone and beg someone to let Sarah come and endorse them. Sarah has a few issues that she can have her ghost writers work on (and for Nancy French to echo on Bristol's Blog)-- veterans, service dogs, veterans' families, Trig and/or other members of her family, veterans, convention of states, Amazing America and veterans.

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Sarah Palin has always been a parrot.

    2. Anonymous3:17 AM

      Where's Jill, now that you mention it?
      She hasn't been seen since Trig-on-dog, has she?

      Was she sent back for more training?
      Even non-companion dogs can take months of training to learn whistles, simple commands,come, go, stay, go get the red toy in the other room.
      These are not above Jill's intelligence, but she must be taught every day.
      Who's teaching Jill?

  25. Anonymous7:21 PM

    >...this thing has about as much chance of coming to fruition as a Palin becoming a Rhodes Scholar..."

    Heh heh heh.... it's funny because it's true! they arent smart people.....

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Speaking of, has anyone figured out what the scheduling conflict was that resulted in sarah cancelling her Cambridge gig? Oh, that's right, too chicken shit to take unfielded questions from the audience.

  26. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The expensive Louboutin red sole heels do not make that cheap tacky skirt look like anything other than a cheap tacky skirt. The only thing that does go with the outfit is the equally cheap tacky wig.

    1. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Sarah could wear thousands of dollars worth of clothes, shoes, make-up and wigs each day but it wouldn't make a bit of difference. Underneath is all is still a stupid, uneducated, mean-spirited woman, all of which would come out the moment she opened her mouth. You can't hide stupid or mean. Vulgar is as vulgar does.

    2. Anonymous7:14 AM

      My snooty sil refers to folks like the palins as "common".

  27. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Sarah doesn't write most of the posts that appear on her FB page. Her ability to think is limited to "where's the Belmonts? Which wig can I find? Did the butt pads come? Louboutins are so sexy. Fuc_, my dealer is late". She's profited off of her "political positions/posts" for a long time. Why not get Bristol in on the gig also too?

    Are the famous "consultants" the ones who supply Sarah with the posts? Or just Becky? Easy to feed Brancy with the same sort of crap. There must be money in it or Sarah wouldn't be doing it.

  28. Anonymous7:41 PM

    "Since a Convention of the States requires two thirds of the states to sign on, this thing has about as much chance of coming to fruition as a Palin becoming a Rhodes Scholar. "

    Palin knows this and will use it as an excuse to get out of running and continue her grift: She's such a chicken shit cop-out.

    1. Anonymous3:44 AM

      I don't think Sarah Palin knows anything about anything. She's the kind of person who gets wind of what the weirdest conservatives are ranting about and then blends it with her particular kind of word salad dressing and whines about it for months on end - until something else comes along. To say nothing of Bristol, who has even less than a clue than her mother - and that's saying something.

    2. laurensd18:02 AM

      Amen to that, Beaglemom, from a golden retriever mom!

  29. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Please check out this post from Bristol listing the names of lawmakers to contact. 
    -Sarah Palin
    Mother Of A Political Genius

    Oh yeah Sarah we believe Bristol WROTE a post regarding Convention of States.

    This is the same person who tries out trial husbands as fast as she changes her thongs.

    This is the same person who cries and writes a post about wanting a lumbersexual.

    This is the same person who allegedly grabbed her father by the crotch.

    This is the same person who gets her ass dragged on the ground by her ankles at birthday parties.

    Be serious Sarah, Bristol doesn't know Convention of States from the hole in her ass.

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      This reveals what a tool and a fool the Dakota dude actually is.

      No man in his right mind is hot and bothered to spend another week end with a fraud for some scheme by a lunatic. If he needs sex, he wouldn't need to advertise. Their whole deal is more fraud. Not saying they aren't into getting it on and even getting hot over it. But what a farce.

      We should be hearing from the Meyer family soon.

      They will be interviewed if their medal winner has a love interest with a name recognition chopped chin job kind of gal.

      After all Bristol's mother was on SNL 40 years and she has an ass that she must pad. What fame that family is noted for. Amazing America,

    2. Anonymous9:20 PM

      I feel sorry for Bristol, from the pictures i have seen of CPAC and Sarah and Dakota Meyer where she is flirting and looking at his crotch in the "F YOU" photo Sarah would like nothing better than to get laid.

      And Dakota thinks Mommy is great. What a life it must be when you have to compete with your Mom for your boyfriends.

      And would Sarah go for it? you Betcha.

  30. Anonymous8:23 PM

    The idea that anyone would listen to Bristol on any political matter is ludicrous; she didn't even bother to vote when "my mom" was on the ballot.

    I seriously doubt Bristol even knows what a convention of states is, after all convention is a 3 syllable word and more than likely not included on the GED. What office does she plan to run for Mayor of Wasilla , Enjoygram or Awesomeville?

    As for Sarah, the American Terrorist, when will the house fall on that hag? There has to be some monetary reason they keep linking to each other’s pages, are they paid by the hits?

  31. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Alaskan Independence Party
    Republican Party
    Tea Party
    Now the Palins are promoting Convention Of States?

    Come on Palins make up your minds

    1. Anonymous12:13 AM

      throw everything to the wall and see what sticks...right? they will be taken down by august folks know...before President Obama comes to Alaska...I love his excuse to come up here...smirk...but things are not what they seem...uh oh sarah...whatcha gonna do when they come for you...bad girl bad girl...whatcha gonna do?

    2. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Guarantee Palin will 'book' a carwash-opening in rural Alabama the same time the President visits AK. Will then post that she had to decline the invitation to meet with the President due to scheduling conflicts.

  32. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Willow must be holding out for the BIG PAYDAY.
    She could do it better!

  33. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Things could get worse for the Meyers.

    The ex-husband of Clint Eastwood's new girlfriend Christina Sandera is opening up about their past together. Read more:

  34. The elected representatives of Arkansas are not likely to respond to a couple of dumb asses from Alaska telling them what to do or how to vote. If anything, this outside interference in what should be an Arkansas decision will backfire.

    One of the reasons I do not comment on the Alaska Dispatch (which I read every day) is because the good folks in Alaska don't really care what someone from Maine says.

    I also think it doubtful that either Sarah or Bristol have the slightest clue as to what a Constitutional Convention actually is, starting with the name (it is not called a convention of the states, it is called a Constitutional Convention).

    Anyway, just another way for Sarah and her rather dull and certainly lazy daughter to avoid any actual employment. The sad part is I bet they laugh among themselves at how they are able to con folks dumber than themselves into sending them their hard earned money. Con artists usually hold a certain amount of disdain for their marks.

  35. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Bristol involved in a movement to promote a Convention of States is comedy gold!

  36. Anonymous3:39 AM

    I doubt if Sarah Palin has the vaguest clue about what a new constitutional convention would mean. Like other conservatives she's always saying how much she cares for the Constitution but, like the others, she sure is eager to ditch it. I say - move to Russia, Sarah, you can see it from your front yard anyway. Just go and leave the rest of us alone. We'll get along just fine without you.

  37. Anonymous3:44 AM

    I used to have an article of clothing similar to that skirt years ago except it was meant to be worn under a skirt. The top portion was meant to keep the not so firm parts in check while the bottom was designed not to give away that you were wearing a girdle.

    1. Anonymous6:22 AM

      CPAC women have come a long way, baby. They can now wear their undies, if they are properly padded, for speech performance.

      We have known Sarah is a cray loser for a long time. She now reflects much worse on those that ignore her insanity, inappropriate attire or behaviors.

      Sarah Palin is CPAC. Who cares who wins a straw poll? Sarah wins the unforgettable butt pad notoriety and taking CPAC down to a new low.

  38. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Let's just divie up into districts like in The Hunger Games series. All the crazies get their own and w get our own.

  39. Anonymous4:45 AM

    So now 24-year-old Bristol with a GED is an expert in domestic politics?

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      And international politics when she writes about Bibi or some preacher who is held in a Muslim country for trying to convert people.

  40. So I checked out the post on Bristol's blog (don't judge!) Amazing how many AR state legislators use private email addresses.

    Also, it appears the measure passed in the AR House, but it still needs to go to the state Senate.

  41. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Maybe Coburn should resign from the Senate and renounce all of the benefits we so generously give him in order to pursue his seditious behavior. Hey, he could form the Arkansas branch of the Alaska Independence Party. Sarah and Todd would feel very welcome!

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Coburn has cancer and is no longer a member of the senate, he didn't run. However he still is and will remain a meddlesome, trouble-making old fart.

  42. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Sarah has Nancy posting her thoughts on Bristol's blog so if anyone has anything derogatory to say, and says it, then she can start the "They're attacking my daughter" garbage.

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM


    2. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Just wondering how much Nancy French is paid to write as if she was Bristol. Of course Sarah PAC pays her. The only question is how much.

    3. Cracklin Charlie7:49 AM


  43. Anonymous8:41 AM

    you can take a pig. put a hat and lipstik on it . its still a pig.

  44. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Is there any part of that woman's body that she doesn't
    try to enhance. The big wigs, belmonts, butt pads , botoxed
    and lip glossed to the hilt. Get to work on your bony shoulders
    and stick legs Palin. Summer styles are almost here!

  45. Anonymous3:41 AM

    there's Nothing that can detract from her mental mess but keep trying girlfriend and we'll keep laughing. we all know she has the intellect of a grape. ronny reagan turned the loonies loose when he released the headcases from the nuthouses.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.