Monday, March 02, 2015

The conservative attack on intellectualism is both deeply ingrained and purposeful.

Courtesy of Salon:  

Deep on page 546 of his 1,839-page budget, Wisconsin’s Governor Scott Walker tucked in a crucial idea. He proposed to strip a principle from the mission statement of the University of Wisconsin, a school that attracts students from all over the nation and from 131 foreign countries. From the core philosophy that has driven the university since the turn of the last century Walker wanted to hack out the words: “Basic to every purpose of the system is the search for truth.” Rather than serving the people of the state by developing intellectual, cultural and humane sensitivities, expertise, and “a sense of purpose,” Walker prefers that the state university simply “meet the state’s workforce needs.” In the face of scathing criticism, the governor backtracked and, despite a trail of emails that led to his office, tried to claim the new language was a “drafting error.” 

But Walker’s attempt to replace the search for truth with workforce training was no error. Since the earliest days of Movement Conservatism in the 1950s, its leaders have understood that the movement’s success depends on destroying Americans’ faith in the academic search for truth. For two generations, Movement Conservatives have subverted American politics, with increasing success, by explicitly rejecting the principle of open debate based in reasoned argument. They have refused to engage with facts and instead simply demonized anyone who disagrees with their ideology. This is an astonishing position. It is an attack on the Enlightenment principles that gave rise to Western civilization. 

Make no mistake: the attack is deliberate.

The article goes on to lay out exactly how the conservatives of the 1950's bought into the ideas of William F, Buckley who wanted to replace the progressive thinking of our founding fathers, with a kind of blind obedience to the concepts of capitalism wrapped in Christianity to keep the people malleable.

For liberals it reads like an incredibly frightening Stephen King novel focused on a terrifying creature that attacks the brain and renders people unable to differentiate between facts and faith, and yet all it takes is the memory of the last few decades to recognize the truth.

Here is how the article sums up:

By the time of the George W. Bush administration, Movement Conservatives had constructed a post-modern political world where reality mattered far less than the popular story of Conservatives standing firm against the “Liberal agenda” of godlessness and communism. As a member of the Bush administration famously noted to journalist Ron Suskind, “the reality-based” view of the world was obsolete. It was no longer viable to believe that people could find solutions to societal problems by studying reality. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” this senior advisor to the president told Suskind. “We are an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors… and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” 

Buckley’s intellectual stand had won. Facts and argument had given way to an ideology premised on Christianity and the idea of economic individualism. As Movement Conservatives took over the Republican Party, that ideology worked its way deep into our political system. It has given us, for example, a senator claiming words he spoke on the Senate floor were “not intended to be a factual statement.” It has given us “dynamic scoring,” a rule changing the way the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates the economic impact of tax cuts, to reinforce the idea that cuts fuel economic growth despite the visibly disastrous effects of recent tax cuts on states such as Kansas. And it has given us attempts in Oklahoma, Texas, North Carolina and Colorado to discard the A.P. U.S. History framework and dictate that students learn instead the Movement Conservatives’ skewed version of the nation’s history. Politicians have always spun information to advance their own policies. The practice infuriates partisans but it reflects the Enlightenment idea of progress through reasoned argument. Movement Conservatives’ insistence on their own version of reality, in defiance of facts, is something different altogether. 

When Governor Walker replaced “the search for truth” with “meet the state’s workforce needs” in the charge to the University of Wisconsin, he did not make an error. He was articulating the principle that has driven Movement Conservatives since their earliest days: Facts and arguments can only lead Americans toward a government that regulates business and supports working Americans, and they must be squelched. The search for truth must be replaced by an ideology that preserves Christianity and big-business individualism. Religion and freedom for mega-business, Movement Conservatives insist, is what America is all about.

It is not hyperbole in my opinion to firmly state that the Republicans in this country are engaged in a form of not so subtle treason, in which they attack truth for refusing to bend to their will and systematically try to keep the population ignorant enough to convince to support policies that damaging to our economy, to our environment, and to our future.

They must be stopped and they must be stopped now.


  1. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I hate to say it, but liberals and Democrats are coming late to the party. We need all the manpower and money we can muster to fight off the Southern Strategy, which with the colluision of the religious wing nuts, are starting to take over our country,

    They're virtually taken over the U,S, Congress and many state houses.

    We must get big money to fight this John Birch assault, or our country will slip into a theocratic monopoly.

    1. fromthediagonal1:33 PM

      One word reply, Anon@6:29: AGREED!

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Walker may have a point, though...hear me out. There is nothing wrong with wanting to further your mind, and understanding of deeper intellectual concepts. Unfortunately, though, this is why most college grads don't get a job in the field as their major. We as a country, used to work hard-earned it farming, smithing, newspaper, etc, but searched for truth as a "hobby". We understood the difference between feeding our families/ keeping America running, and deeper philosophical discussions. Our founding fathers all had a trade, and in spare time, discussed treasonous ideas, and moral rights. I don't see the current population of young people having the work ethic.

  2. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I am starting to lose sleep over what is happening in this country. The 2014 elections should put a scare into everyone who didn't vote. Scott Walker is an ignorant creep and he will sell everything under his control to the highest bidder. He has no conscience or personality. He only says what his "bosses" tell him to say. The rest of the gop lineup for 2016 is just as bad, especially on the ignorance front.

    1. fromthediagonal1:34 PM

      Anon@6:49, I have another one word response: AGREED.

  3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn7:01 AM

    ...and if you're really, really good, and obey us, you'll get your reward in Heaven. Not before, so don't even try,

    --The Mantra of the Tealiban-Pseudo-Xtian Overlords

  4. A J Billings7:04 AM

    Without the trump card of evangelical Christianity, and the submissive position it enforces on the 60 million adults in the USA, this Movement Conservatism would have little chance of succeeding.

    I'm going to call it like I see it

    Christianity, as it's preached and mandated by the likes of Tony Perkins, Bryan Fischer, Franklin Graham, and Charles Dobson is literally a virus, attacking the reasoning and logic centers of the human brain.

    Christianity, as a systemic force for forcing people into the role of submitting to a Bronze age Abrahamic code of belief and conduct is just like Ebola.

    It renders people into puppets, who are able to be controlled by the wealthy and powerful denominations and cults, and the feckless preachers, pastors, and so called apostles like C. Peter Wagner, the founder of the 7 mountains movement

    Evangelical Christianity has given the world the Quivering movement, in which we see girls and women cowering in the shadows, being denied careers, education, and freedom, and being forced into the role of living baby factories.

    Evangelical Christianity is a CANCER, that mutates, and metastasizes it's deadly result into the very fabric of societies around the world, and renders hundreds of millions of humans into a virtual death to reason, logic, critical thinking, or a fact based life.

    I've long resisted becoming a real activist in the political or public sphere, even in a small way, but that may have to change as I see so much destruction and evil as the direct result of laws and legislation being forced on what was a representative democracy.

    Now, thanks to Citizens United, gerrymandering of districts, and the influence of extremist Christians, we see even our Congress filled with people who want an oligarchic theocracy

    Excellent article, and thank you for posting this Gryphen

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Thanks for your excellent comment.

    2. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Excellent analysis -- all this is frightening as hell.
      And so many of us progressives sleep on ...

    3. fromthediagonal1:37 PM

      AJ Billings, here is my third one word reply for the day: AGREED!

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    that last paragraph sums it up. well put gryph.

  6. Maple7:10 AM

    I read this article last evening as I have a special interest in the UofWisconsin, having studied there and having 2 cousins who earned their PhDs there. The University has an excellent reputation and Walker is trying to destroy it. Surely there are enough people in the state who value higher education so that Walker's schemes will be uncovered and he'll truly be exposed for the Koch-sucker that he is. I just find it so incredibly difficult to believe that this sort of thing is happening right on the other side of the border. The Kochs sure pegged Walker as their perfect puppet to control, didn't they?

    1. The only way Walker can destroy U of W is if those involved allow him. All of the staff can simply continue their stellar work and ignore the little putz. Fundraising can offset any financial support Walker takes from them. They can basically give him the big fat ol' finger and keep doing what they do.

  7. hedgewytch7:23 AM

    Its been 30 years of this and people are just now starting to take this seriously?? Well I guess better late than never.

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      All was foreseen and forewarned by Gov. Walter J. Hickel in his book- Who Owns America
      Published in 1971.

    2. hedgewytch9:59 AM

      I grew up in the South. I saw what was happening with the Southern Strategy from the time I was in high school. I got into some big fights with my father over what this was doing to his beloved conservatism and the Republican party. And he went along 100% - this failed husband, father and person, and now in his 80's and broke, he's full in hook, line and sinker. But don't you dare point out the logical fallacies, or how well this strategy has served him (or the rest of the country).

    3. fromthediagonal1:41 PM

      hedgewytch@9"59, I feel for you, but there is nothing you can say or do for this man. Keep living your convictions, for they are good ones. I have seen your comments long enough to know that you are a good and caring person. Let him go...

  8. I used to think "Every hour of need throws up a hero." But where is another Obama? another statesman? anyone! who is not driven by fear, short-term thinking, self-serving power grabs & money? One who can see what the terrorist right is doing, has been doing, and stand up to it?

    I have a feeling Elizabeth Warren is it, but a worse feeling that she (and anyone she can influence) will be vilified by the gop -- at best -- and shot dead at worst. It happened in Russia to the Opposition Leader with silent protests over it... I doubt Liberal Americans could even muster THAT!

    If you think the gop is over the top now, just wait until next year -- Democrats better get a game plan or America is fucked. (Maybe their plan is to sit back and watch the gop destroy themselves with stupidity....don't back on it. Americans like stupidity and vote for it.)

  9. Anonymous7:26 AM

    No ones attacks intellectualism. But empty intellectuals often attack others just because they are successful without advanced schooling. Yet they ignore many of their democratic leaders were poor students.

    All conservatives want is the ability to make their own decisions and pay for basic necessities to keep the country running. Conservatives own small businesses and contribute millions to the country. And are attacked for no reason by people who belong to a party that is supposed to include all.

    I would say the right is far happier in life. They don't chase emptydreams and degrees because tey were told to. Thu follow their hearts and live their lives. Notice there are a lot of 25 yr old in places like wasilla here and others who have 3-4 kids. (Bristol has1)
    Yet these people sacrifice nothing and are 1000 times happier than you probably.

    Don't judge. Just live

    1. "All conservatives want is the ability to make their own decisions and pay for basic necessities to keep the country running. " Not true--conservatives wish to make decisions for women, the LGBT population, immigrants, and everyone else. They attack education because open minds question the foundations of conservatism that are crumbling daily.

      I'm also curious about your assertion that "...the right is far happier in life." Really? With the right being terrified of Obamacare, ISIL, Ebola, immigration, gay marriage, cannabis reform, "the war on religion," seems like they're living a life of misplaced fear, rather than happiness. Don't judge? You first.

    2. Maple8:07 AM

      Yours is the most idiotic post I've read in quite a while.

    3. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Alicia from Florida, still trying to claim that all those 22-year-old parents in Alaska are rich and happy.

    4. Anonymous8:32 AM

      What hogwash!

    5. @Anonymous7:26 AM, you are a a moron.

    6. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Alicia is trying to sound smart. And she's failing.

    7. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:00 AM

      "Notice there are a lot of 25 yr old in places like wasilla here and others who have 3-4 kids."

      Yup, and unfortunately, the women I know at that age (or younger) with even 2-3 kids are miserable, trying to figure out how to afford to raise them, or how to pay much attention to them, because they work 2-3 minimum-wage jobs and the daddies only come around every now and then, if at all. They can't depend on Grandma and Grandpa to help forever. And they're all good little Christians who were told that they would go straight to hell if they didn't have the babies they weren't ready for, financially or emotionally. Funny, I don't see any production companies running over with fistfuls of cash to feature them in their own reality show...

    8. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Notice there are a lot of 25 yr old … who have 3-4 kids. (Bristol has1)

      This conservative can't even count!

    9. Anonymous9:28 AM

      A great many of our overbreeding 20 somethings here in Wasilla are on welfare and food stamps. I'm paying for their liters of squalling inbred brats, and that pisses me off.

    10. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Damn! What a glop of nonsense (@7:26).

    11. No one attacks Intellectualism?


      WWII Germany they were the FIRST to be rounded up and disappeared.

      You don't read the papers or pay attention to all of the media and right wing attacks on TEACHERS?

      While it is possible to be uneducated and still make a liveable wage, study after study shows that the more education you have, the higher your paycheck.

      The Warren Buffets and Bill Gates are rare and far between.

      Telling someone they can become a multi-billionaire with hard work and no schooling is like telling a kid, sure, you can play in the NBA or NFL. In fact, the odds are better they'd become a pro athlete than rich with no schooling.

      Conservatives want to make their own decisions and pay their own way? Like that Bundy loving woman hating ex-sheriff in Arizona that decided not to get health insurance and is now begging for handouts to pay his medical bills?

      Plenty of liberals and progressives own businesses too. Only they don't just think of themselves. They also think of others.

      I think you'll find a lot more tax cheats and scoflaws are on the right than the left.

  10. Anonymous8:12 AM

    In addition to the bigger point of their agenda and how frightening that is, I can't believe that a politician would even begin to think it is his business to change the mission statement of the university!!

    Perhaps this will serve to open some people's eyes as to his real agenda? I can't imagine anyone letting him get away with this!

    R in NC

    1. I guess he figured since it is a state university and he is the governor, he can do anything he wants.

      Just another example of his ignorance.

  11. Anonymous8:17 AM

    "Courtesy of Salon:"


    That pretty much sums it all up. Thank you, come again.

    You are full of it about 85% of the time and are totally blinded by your own ignorance and belief system Gryph. Somebody has to tell you.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      So, basically, you didn't read Gryphen's entire post or the article on which he based it.

      Thanks for confirming that people like you are anti-intellectual.

    2. Anonymous8:40 AM

      As opposed to Breitbart, American Thinker, American Journal, The Right Scoop, etc? Tell us what sources you rely on? Levin? Limbaugh?
      The tea party seems to think that they have the market on the only "true" sources of news. Talk about propaganda!

    3. Anonymous8:42 AM

      I suspect that 8:17 is the c4p'er known as tk.

    4. "Somebody has to tell you."
      And so you rose to the occasion. Well, bless your heart.

    5. Anonymous9:00 AM

      8:24 wrong. 8:40 wrong. 8:42 wrong, but funny that is your conspiracy. Nefer- always wrong about everything.

    6. Anonymous9:29 AM

      People like 8:17am have never forgiven Salon for telling the truth about Mrs. Palin and her hillbilly brood.

    7. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Your sources of information 8:17?

    8. Anonymous9:54 AM

      8:17 - could you supply something more substantial than a 'lol' and 'somebody has to tell you'? What are your primary points of disagreement with professor Heather Richardson's article?

    9. Anonymous9:00 AM
      Nefer- always wrong about everything.
      Aw, thank you! Coming from you, that's a real compliment. Now I know I'm right about everything! Mwah!

      Have a great day. Bless your heart.

    10. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Hey 9:29, does everything in your little brained world relate back to Palin?

    11. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Nefer get back to your needlework and your 10 cats.

    12. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Why so abusive, Alicia? New restraining order got you down??

    13. A J Billings2:21 PM

      @11:55 am. Disrespectful, nasty, and as vicious a comment as $arah herself might say.

      Looks like Nefer got under your skin, right ?

      If anyone dared to come on C4p and make a comment like that, they would be instantly banned by the saintly moderators.

      So answer me this: Why is it that on IM, you're comment gets posted, and we aren't threatened by your nasty comments?

      Why is that on IM we can be tolerant, of even nasty ignorant troll like behavior, but on the holy of holies, over at C4pee, no dissent is allowed, because $arah is perfect, right?

      What's your answer troll?

    14. Anonymous3:51 PM

      That's not Alicia. I'd say it's Becky Mansour, but I don't think Sarah allows her free reign on the computer anymore.

  12. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Two words: George Carlin

  13. What do you expect from a Governor who is just a high school graduate?

    Personally, I'd like to see higher offices require Masters degrees. PhDs would be preferable. At least then we'd know they had been exposed to some higher order critical thinking and the research process.

    You know.


    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      You know. You are breathtakingly stupid.

      Really that might be the stupidest comment ever posted.

      Congrats mlaiuppa, dumbest comment of the year.

      The elements of the modern world you live in are mostly due to the contributions of dropouts.

      I can't believe how stupid you are.

    2. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Alicia is getting abusive..perhaps you need a break from the computer?

    3. Thanks but not to worry. I consider the source.

      And I'm quite comfortable and secure in my intellect. It would take more than a troll attack to make me doubt myself.

      I've got two master's degrees that I consider proof I'm not "stoopid".

      I am certainly not stupid enough to blindly glorify ignorance or.....stupidity.

      Nor do I place Scott Walker on the same level as Bill Gates or Edison. Although I wouldn't vote for Bill Gates or Edison (were he alive) to be President.

      I'd much rather have, say, a Constitutional law professor.

    4. Anonymous12:55 PM

      "I've got two master's degrees that I consider proof I'm not "stoopid". "

      You like the smell of your own farts don't you Nefer?

      I consider most people with two masters degrees to be doubly stupid... Let me guess, masters in education (or similar)? Amiright amiright? I bet I am. Spend your whole life in education and learn nothing, but pretend you are the smartest. Typical.

    5. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Please mlaiuppa disclose your two masters degrees.

      This should be good for a laugh.

    6. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Alicia must have rested up over the weekend. She's firing on all brain dead cylinders.

    7. Anonymous2:35 PM

      2:08 PM

      Alicia or not the sneering anti-education nonsense reminds me of silly Sarah.

    8. Anonymous3:49 PM

      That's not Alicia, it's the pompous asshole who comes here because he thinks he's smarter than us.

    9. Master of Arts in Educational Curriculum and
      Master of Library and Information SCIENCE.

      I'm also a National Board Certified Librarian.

      I also hold four credentials, one in Administration.

      Oh, and GATE certified.

      The MLIS comes in real handy since I know how to research and vet my sources.

      None of them are Fox News.

    10. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Ahhaaaaa I knew it.

      You are a master(s) of nothing and essentially a certified whiner/knowitall.

      Guess what mlaiuppa- plenty of people, most people, understand how to vet and research their sources without a masters. Guess you never learned that in grade school, high school, or college. Slow learner?

    11. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Masters in tooting your own horn mlaiuppa.

      I'm I'm I'm so smurt, looky all my (ahem) big degrees.

    12. Yes, I am proud of my accomplishments and unlike Bill O'Reilly, I actually earned them.

      But I'd like to thank you two for making Gryphen's point for him. I find it generally true that those that criticize higher learning are those that lack it. And when the debate becomes untenable, the result is name-calling and belittlement. Sorry, not that insecure. I don't fall for the scare tactics of right wing media either.

      You don't really know the difference between a M.A. and a M.Ed, do you?

      Do you also consider Wikipedia "research"?

      Thanks for the laughs. I did enjoy it. Real clear picture of the ingrained danger of the "worship of ignorance, disdain of learning" that is infecting this country.

      Time to toddle back to the Pond and pontificate over how you "showed em".

    13. Anonymous11:31 PM

      Nice fail mlaiuppa. You still making fun of teenagers btw? Is that what masters in education do? Go around belittling 14yr olds and making up stories? Call me impressed.

      Yes you are a moron, and I don't care how many useless degrees you have and how much you say you are so smart and proud of your useless degrees. You sucked off the system in an easy 'career' if you want to call it that. Now you are going to retire on a nice fat teachers pension off the backs off people that do actual work in this world. Enjoy your conceited bitch ass retired self on our dime. I guarantee most people don't like you, even if you think they do.

      Oh and btw, I am highly degreed, only because it is required by law for what I do.... but I don't brag about it like you, and it certainly wasn't necessary from any practical standpoint. 90%+ of the people I ran/run across in masters and phd programs are fucking morons. You fit the bill.

  14. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Scott Walker's biggest problem is in acting like this is an "either-or".

    We can have our colleges and universities guide students towards finding the truths, developing their intellectual, cultural and humane sensitivities, expertise, and their “sense of purpose” AND have a robust, well-trained and ready workforce. No need to change any language in the mission statements of our Higher Education institutions - none at all.

    I've never seen anything wrong with expanding vocational training opportunities (in and of itself) and never believed it was right to push every kid into college - and I teach college.

    But I refuse to let try to people make my diploma worth less by attempting to erode what it means. Walker's stance is nothing short of attacking the very idea of a liberal arts education and trying to replace it with a philosophy that may as well be straight out of the Soviet Union "You are good athlete. You vill train for Olympics and win glory for the Soviet Union. You are good at science. You vill be doctor at Socialist hospital." While my specialization is in music, because I didn't go to a conservatory, I have a lot more skills I can (and do!) draw on, all the time. I can change my whole career direction, if I want to, with little set back.

    I can't abide those who say "Why should I bother to learn this? I'm never going to need it." You don't - you can't ever, ever say what you are going to 'need to know' or not. So why not learn all you can? The incurious just make me crazy.

    Speaking of 'not needing to know", reminds me of a cartoon strip I saw once. A math teacher is at the desk of two kids. The boy in front says "Why do I have to know arithmetic? I'm going to be an actor". And the girl behind him says "Yeah, that's right. The cash registers where he waits tables will do all the adding for him".

    Marvin M

  15. Anonymous12:37 PM

    11:42 is a bit agitated.

  16. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Please share this.

  17. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Gullibility, stupidity and a fervent belief in mythology took hold of the Republican Party decades ago. Pandering to the heartland gave rise to the 'God, guns and anti-gay platform. And every election cycle, they trot out the anti-abortion pledge. The Republicans are the party doe the incurious, Bible thumping anti-education crowd. Totally frightening is how successful they have been at duping people.

  18. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Thank you A.J Billings and Gryphen!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.