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Borrowed right from Dakota Meyer's Facebook page. |
For those who are not aware of just how much Dakota Meyer had in common with the Palins even before this, click here and here to learn that, much like Chris Kyle, lying and exaggeration are part of his stock in trade.
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Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas.
ReplyDeleteANd crabs
Deleteyes democrats do. your lies dont alter any positive truth
DeleteSarah is reading from her government phone while typing on her personal phone!
ReplyDeleteCaught red-handed mixing business and personal !!!
If I were that guy I'd run far far away. People who have acted with such animosity towards an ex are most probably going to act that way again.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he thinks he can mooch off the moocher? If so, he deserves what sick ex-relationship this will certainly devolve into.
Junker was a salesman for snow machines and industry. It makes sense the Palins wound arrange things with the military. Dakota is a poster boy, he has the best connections and propaganda. Sarah is in heaven. Dakota is getting what he wants out of the deal.
DeleteLook how hard Sarah worked to pass Track off as a combat vet and all that. Dakota is perfect for her. Funny Track is MIA at this time.
I suspect both of them think that being with the other will pay off big. Grifting grifters gotta grift.
Delete3:00 PM
DeleteIt will pay off. Bristol can get photo ops that Sarah will murder for. They better make sure Sarah can go with them.
Awwwww... two self-serving opportunists of limited intelligence and honesty, zero reasoning ability, and hunger for easy fame and fortune... this is gonna be epic. Okay, three, if you count puppeteer Sarah.
DeleteHe's chock full of doo-doo just like Sarah; he fits in well with the Palin/Heath gang.
ReplyDeleteyes you are
Deletejoey is still a friend, who protects her like a friend
DeleteHe is one sick puppy. It’s as if he saw too many Rambo movies and in a fugue state became Rambo. The story where he nonchalantly passes off his memory as "could be or couldn’t be true" is just scary. This is not a man I’d want my daughters to hook up with.
ReplyDeleteIsn't he also PTSD like Chris Kyle?
DeleteYes he is, and suicide attempts.
DeleteYou sure know how to pick 'em. Barstool!
The age when young people commonly join the military overlaps significantly with the age at which mental illness commonly develops. I wonder how much organic psychosis lurks behind PTSD diagnoses, and then of course how much the military exacerbates tendencies to develop mental illness.
DeleteHook up? I wouldn't want him as a distant associate. he's trouble and troubled.
DeleteTrack and Dakota are both PTSD? Is Sarah going to continue the ruse about Track being a combat vet? Dakota and all his buddies have pictures of them in service out of country.
DeleteTrack has nothing. That is unheard of. Even if he only cleaned toilets in Iraq/Afghanistan there would be photos to show he was there.
@4:20 Bingo.
DeleteI don't think what Track has is PTSD.
DeleteThe number of devices is not relevant to the number of e-mail accounts. Internet, how does it werk.
ReplyDeleteI think this grifter is a keeper, for Sarah anyway. She finally has her combat vet to use as a prop.
ReplyDeleteThat's for sure.
DeleteIf that ain't the truth, Caroll, match made in heaven. Or hell. So much for "his" credibility.
DeleteThe only people who use props are dems, on blogs.
DeleteGrow up
Hey I just thought of this; if Bristol marries this guy, then divorces and then marries a Squibb, she'd be Bristol Meyer-Squibb, and then she could just be her mom's pharmacy!
DeleteUhhh. Who cares?
ReplyDelete'obviously you do since you are reading here' <- (already took care of typ IM responses to my comment).
But really, who cares?
"But really, who cares?
Delete'obviously you do since you are reading here' <- (already took care of typ IM responses to my comment).
You must find talking to yourself so interesting.
DeleteGood one!
Three Palins walk into a building. Don't you think at least one of them would have seen it?
DeleteHow many Palins does it take to change a light bulb?
DeleteDo you know what they call a basement full of palins? A whine cellar.
DeleteAs I've always said, no self-respecting man would EVER hook up with this tribe. Garbage hangs with garbage.
ReplyDeleteHe's total white trash from Kentucky. Like meets like. They are perfect for each other because mentally they live in a world of lowered expectations.
DeleteHe has now revealed his true nature. He is a person of extremely mediocre character. I am being charitable.
Delete3:45 You are very kind.
DeleteNo one better than bristol. Kind, giving, great mom, family oriented. Parents LOVE her
Deleteanon 230 doesnt know them clearly. Hes just nasty commenter because his life is lame
DeleteIt is a well known fact that Palin as Gov. had ALL (AK business & personal) mail in one place on Yahoo mail.
ReplyDeleteGreat photo of Sarah Palin checkin' out the blogs and then, "shit, what to them annoyin' Alaskaaaans want now? Can't they just leave me alone already?'
ReplyDeleteLove that picture of Princess Dumb Ass of the Northwoods. (H/T Charles Pierce)
ReplyDeleteThat's some parenting! No wonder her children are misfits.
Anon 2:18, yep! Busted!
Boys if you indulge in sex with Sarah Palin's daughters and they tell you that you don't need a condom for convenience, remember what happened to Levi.
ReplyDeleteAt least Levi has interacted with his two kids from Bristol. Even with Trig, he worked with special kid's hockey, even though he was never able to be recognized as Trig's dad he still did more for him than the Palins ever have.
DeleteThree cheers for Levi! He saw it, got out, and has thrived!
Deleteum, Levi wanted to marry her and have a baby. He knew she was never on BC and he never cared.
DeleteStop inventing things
I'm very happy for Bris that she has found a nice Jewish boychik. I hope it lasts for a long time, like many weeks.
ReplyDeleteSo what if he's a lying scumbag -- that's no reason to deny this sweet girl a few weeks of circumcised happiness.
But who knows, maybe he and the Palins could work out a business deal, in which case they may stay together for months -- maybe even half a year.
I guess you're joking because Dakota Meyer is not Jewish.
DeleteHe isn't Jewish, why would you think that?
Deletelol...naw cocaine kenny probably passed on some sound bites from the person he spies on for them...
Deleteso now it's their new 'security blanket wrapped in a flag'...lol...like that will work out well...yikes indeed.
so what's with the stalking Barstool? then have the tired deflated and steering line cut? Who did that for ya all? and cocaine kenny trying to get someone out to a bar - insert rumors of 'date rape drugs' going around in bars in the mat-su' - instead the person that goes out with cocaine kenny comes home alive after a stern warning...oh right...they robbed his workplace instead...head tilt...poor Dakota ain't got a clue to these sychocant's and their domestic terrorism... apparently it's 'Blue Day for Liz' ???
In a red state...lol...oh Barstool you so obvious...
You haven't heard???? lol...
I'm sure that any domestic terrorism plot is right up Dakota's alley.
DeleteYou are so full of shit unless you can actually type something that makes sense to someone else. I'm starting to think you have a serious mental illness and all of us here should pay no attention to your weird drug fueled ramblings. Either spit it out or go the fuck away.
I've got a freaky old lady name of cocaine katie who embroideries on my jeans.
DeleteWould that be cocaine kenny's sister?
331 nice try but no dice...well think about it real
DeleteS-L-O-W-L-Y then...we got crack heads doing favors for Palins again...the average joe would 'sound' mentally ill explaining all the incidents that these fockers put them though...oh strike two...head tilt...
331 hey hey whoa nelly. It sounds like an incident report to me. And those Palins are tied with that AIP group that enlists many many folks to make may hem on those folks they love to hate! So back up the turnip truck baby!
Deletedakota is a coward. born and bred. likes 'em dead.
Delete6:58 PM: Agreed! I'm surprised she didn't go after George Zimmerman.
DeleteMeyer, like Trig in that photo, is just a prop for the Conniving Liar of Alaska. I get the impression he isn't very bright.
ReplyDeleteDakota is definitely not very bright. Just a kid who barely graduated from high school who was used by the US Government to play the "hero" role. Nothing special about that one, he just looks like your average Kentucky inbred moron. Kinda short, eyes close together, ginger hair, funny looking hands, bowed legs and small feet, and mental issues. Not a winner in the genetic lottery for certain.
DeleteI guess there were no lumbersexuals available.
DeleteMini-me is getting desperate.
No, he's not bright at all. I saw his visit on the Letterman show, in uniform, after he received his Medal of Honor. It was like watching Forrest Gump.
DeleteIs this guy still in the military? Why is he still using Sgt on his facebook page?
DeleteThe second link has the best, in-depth story about the controversy as well as Meyer vs The Truth as told by everyone else.
ReplyDeleteMeyer upped the ante after his incident report. He left out the "best" part. Failed to mention his heroic killing with a rock until he had a chance to put it into his book. That gives the impression that the story got embellished along the way.
Of course, the FACT that his story doesn't match what is shone on the helo cameras makes a person wonder. Also, the reporter was imbedded with the troops at the time so has a personal perspective of the action.
Seems that this trial daddy is using the Palins and the Palins are using him.
Fits right in with the Palins, make stuff up as you go along to get a better story, or to appeal to a different audience and just pretend it is the one and only story. Don't let facts, or previously documented versions of you telling the story, get in the way.
What a shocker! NOT. The Michael Moore sign told me all I need to know about this low life putz. Perfect addition to these POSes.
DeleteHe's a lair and apparently likes used goods also too.
Delete"Seems that this trial daddy is using the Palins and the Palins are using him."
DeleteYep, we've got ourselves a jerk circle.
Poor Bristol, he isn't even the man she wanted. She can keep busy going to all those events and celebrations with him. She can wear the clothes, bags, shoes, shades and all she was advertising before they hooked her up with her "boy", "cutie" Meyer.
Deletewhat are you talking about 3:27?
Seek help for your lying before you alienate yourself from everyone in your life
Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State, traveling to more than 100 countries in four years.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin stayed home in Wasilla much of the time, had her husband do her job, and quit as soon as she could get a better deal.
yeah I thought I saw him stalking around in that new white dodge...buy em off honey...and what was that ordeal in Wasilla today? Covering up Barstool...sending a pic of someone you stalk all the time...who was right behind you...Karma Bites!!!
ReplyDeleteTake pics. Have cameras with you at all times. Video, also, too.
Deleteyeah and the feds are enroute I hear...because they are getting the cameras footage...good ol technology!
DeleteHey gang, is it just me and my ipad, or is anyone else having trouble posting?
ReplyDelete3:07 It seems to be okay for me.
DeleteCheck your cookie setting. Unfortunately you have to "accept all cookies" for postings to work on blogspot.
DeleteBristol's type.
Isn't this the guy that Bristol wanted?
Mat Best MBest11x
January 20 Hanging out with these awesome dudes.
January 22 Always a great time hanging with Dakota Meyer, Tim Kennedy MMA Fan Page (Official), and Nick!
Mat Best MBest11x January 19
People have been asking my opinion on Michael Moore. Well, if I was a fat, irrelevant, moronic piece of shit... I guess I would run my suck hole so I could get some attention to my pathetic existence. The only coward is you, bro. How about you thank this community for your freedom of speech, instead of insult it...you fuck.
Since I'm stuck in a car driving to Vegas for SHOT I'm going to troll him all day on my twitter. If you're bored, join in. @MatBest11x
Mat Best MBest11x is a cyber bully and Dakota thinks he is cool. He doesn't even know what he is talking about. No doubt all Dakota pals are similar.
DeleteChecked out some of the photos on Dakota's FB page.
DeleteHere is one from last summer of Sarah looking drunker than a skunk in a wine barrel.
Tweeting while driving sounds so honorable and patriotic. Even more so while angry and misinformed. Feel bad for those in his path. Every day.
Deleteim just glad she raised her standards from 2007
DeleteDakota and his buddies are just a bunch of fucked up dudes that think they were actually in the Middle East "fighting for American's freedoms" when they were really just low achieving patriotic idiots who were willing to risk their lives killing innocent people for oil and power.
DeleteAll this "support the troops" shit makes me sick because of people like Dakota and his buddies. Fuck you guys, you're just glorified child murderers and I have to fucking "support the troops" with my tax dollars but I will never support the ideology.
They just love to endlessly spout that bullshit about "fighting for our freedoms" when it couldn't be further from the truth.
On his facebook page Meyer has a bunch of quotations. One of them is "quitters never win and winners never quit". I left him a reply "then what are you doing with the Palins?"
ReplyDelete....annnnnnd you're blocked! Good for you! lmao
DeleteOnly retards to Facebook, so I feel sorry for all of you.
Oh, please DO feel sorry for me! I live a better life than you ever will.
DeleteYep, Guess I'm blocked. Or, they took my comment down. They don't like the truth, do they?
DeleteNo they don't, 3:51 PM! This is going to be a hoot to watch.
DeleteHe is a fascist and that is what his sock puppet comments can "American" and strong. They all get the same memos and repeat the same memes.
Delete"Strong" Bristol has even included a Bible verse. You know she is so Christian and all. lol
its her prince charming obsession. notice she takes them to disneyland. disneyland! this woman is now midtwenties and she's stuck on some "Cinderella"syndrome.??! rather than back to back shopping for your prince/daddy of the month-how about being a good role model for your sons. oh that's right. tripp's role models are Levi&Sunny.
ReplyDeleteNone of them ever progressed past junior high mentality, and you;re right about Levi and Sunny. Why the "troll" arrives and disses blondes. Sorry. Brissy, you've settled for sloppy sixths.
DeleteHow is Meyer going to have time to be prince trial daddy? I guess that is a good part of this production. They will only be able to shack up when he isn't earning money going to events.
DeleteTripp knows his mom is the best. #mommasboy till the end.
DeleteYour slander for her doesn't change her humbleness or truth
bristol barely even dates. joey is still a friend of the family.
Delete24 and FIVE total boyfriends? prude
Maybe he can get Sarah and Bristol an invite to the WH.
ReplyDeleteShared the stage with President Bill Clinton and Toyota USA's Don Esmund at todays Hiring Our Heroes hiring fair in Little Rock today to shine a spotlight on Veteran unemployment and help our Vets find jobs.
With the family at the WTC Memorial!
Linda Jean Is th?at your wife and baby
Why doesn't he answer Linda Jean?
DeleteDoes he want people to think that is his baby mama and baby? How cute.
So does this guy have a wife and kid or is this his illegitimate kid? More in common with the palins.
DeleteIt looks like he has his arm around her. Rather friendly.
DeleteThey are the "redneck, teabag, rill Murkin" Will and Kate!
ReplyDeleteDying of laughter here. DYING, 3:24 PM!
Delete3:24 Well let's give them palin names. Swill and Skate.
DeleteHe's a dumbass that was too stupid to go to college so he joined the military DERP! She's a girl who got knocked up twice before her mother even bought her a GED DERP! These two are a fine example of everything that is wrong with the underachieving millennial generation.
ReplyDeleteIn 2013, when Cruz shut down the Federal Government, Meyer suggested that we should have to pay federal taxes during the period of the shutdown. That prompted people to encourage Meyer to run for Congress. It was a stupid suggestion because when the federal tax is automatically added to my gas purchase, I can't tell the machine that I'm not paying it. That would go for paying the federal tax on alcohol and tobacco as well. Go and argue with the cigarette machine.
ReplyDeleteBut that hasn't stopped Dakota. Even though he has never held public office and he has a high school education, people keep telling him to run for Congress and even President. When he appeared on Amazing America during the first season, he must have seen his chance to become close to a political player like Sarah.
Dakota appeared with Sarah and Bristol in Las Vegas. Dakota wished Sarah Happy Birthday on his facebook. He introduced Sarah at CPAC. Oh, yes, that young man is interested in what kind of political push Sarah could give him. Need more proof? Twice Dakota posted the comment on his facebook that no one was allowed to criticize his support for Sarah Palin. And Dakota was the clever guy who scribbled that FUC- Michael Moore sign, with the cross hairs in the oo's in Moore' last name. Yes, he is interested in the political connection and PAC donations that Sarah can provide.
As for the Bristol-Dakota relationship, we've seen them posing for photos together since February in Las Vegas. I think that they have a lot in common, thrust into the public spotlight without really having an authentic story to tell to justify that spotlight. Their stories are hyped up creations. I'm sorry to write that but I think that this article is closer to the truth about Dakota Meyer http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2011/12/14/133134/medal-of-honor-inflated-story.html Bristol had no talent to dance with stars, have a reality show or a ghost written blog. Both of them have ghost written biographies. Dakota advises vets about recovery while he had a drinking problem and a suicide attempt in his past. Has he had PTSD therapy? Bristol has a 6 year old to add to the relationship. The photos are all the same posed image, but the more telling photo is the one of Tripp and Bristol is this one: https://instagram.com/bsmp2/p/0BcakPy9p6/
So who's he really wanna fuck, Sarah or Barstool? (or perhaps Todd?)
DeleteHe's not too bright if he thinks Palin is any longer one of the movers and shakers of the republican party.
DeletePoor Tripp. Always sharing his mother's attention with guys and bffs, with travel, with shiny objects including phones and cameras and boats and manicures, and with that bitch of a grandmother. He deserves more than another trial husband around, who appears to be a dimwit. Any kid that age wants to be first in his mom's affection.
DeleteHe is first in his moms life. mamas boy. And he loves his nana
Deleteit's true that no celebs have really different stories from the rest of us. One similarity is theyve both been slandered, they've both been immaturely attacked. Bristol's been lied about by an ex's family (proof) thanks to dems.
DeletePast is passed though.
Glad she found a real man. high school dudes are lame
LOL, this just means it's going to be that much more entertaining when the Palins turn on Dakota and try and drag him through the mud after he dumps Bristol just like all her other "trial daddies" have. *stocks up on popcorn*
ReplyDeleteYes, I can't wait until the gloss wears off. These two don't have one functioning brain between them, so it won't be long. They are both self-absorbed idiots taking each other for what they can get.
Deletethey might ought'a watch their backs after they kick this clown to the curb - he could very likely go PTSD gun psycho on the kkklan ...
DeleteYes, it is a little too fast.
DeleteI'd say five years of this, including the year that's already gone by, so, roughly four to go.
Deletelove how you're all so unhappy all you have are lies
DeleteBristol finally found a Teaparty ammosexual rill 'Murican hero with a military pension, and name recognition.
ReplyDeleteJust right for $arah, Tawd, and Brissie to plan his future, and extract any reflected fame they can get from this sad victim.
She's going to do whatever it takes to snare this poor guy, and I think you know what I mean. Oldest trick in the book.
Stop takin' the pill, pinhole in the condom, oopsie, a bun in the oven.
Marriage to Dakota within a year
1st kid within 3 years
Divorce within 5 years, but by then Brissy and Granny Palin will have him tied up with alimony, child support, non disclosures, and brow beaten to the point of PTSD anger.
They will have gotten their famous "what's in it for us" out of this young fool, and they'll leave him much worse off than Levi.
Trial daddy # 6 on deck.
I think it's funnier that HELL that $arah and misfit advisory team will try to push these two as THE political "power couple."
DeleteSomewhere Chelsea and Meaghan are doubled up in giggles!
So true! I’m doubled up!
DeleteYou're probably right. Though I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bun in the oven, you know, with those pregnancy tests turning whatever color indicates pregos.
DeleteDakota is accustomed to strange women as he was in service on foreign lands. He could care less that Bristol Palin has been pregnant at least 4 times, and some of the babies are missing. Joey Junker made out, hidden baby, so no child support. The same with Dylan Kolvig(Trig) and whoever poked her before DWTS.
DeleteToo funny.
How long until he has his ammosexual beard?
I can't see Bristol waiting until she is old to have #1 baby. She is from Alaska. She should be a grandmother by 28.
Deleteammosexual beard, shaved head too ... gotta fit the personna doncha know ...
Deletebarstool'l probably try and get the inbred dufus to go all metrosexual though ...
4:56 PM I agree. I think he is medicated and not really boyfriend material. Sex, lust and what he's been use to. He does like the Christian scene.
DeleteNaughty or nice?
He has to know about Bristol's bff and what goes on. I don't think he objects to any of it at all.
OMG that photo! Dirty old Dr. Cusack and his stable of "dermatology assistants", wink, wink. Gross!!
DeleteYou're stupid. And need a life
DeleteWhy are liberals the biggest, most hypocritical stalkers
Deletewho is dylan? he has nothing to do with a palin
DeleteYou're not too far off. These crazy inbred people up here breed like rabbits and infest the land with their stupid backwards ill-behaved spawn. 33-35 year old grandmas are pretty common; nothing makes your double wide feel more like home than having your irresponsible kids drop off a bunch of dirty little bastards for you to babysit for free.
DeleteWonder if Bristol knows he hangs out with Asian hookers??
He could do better, but go for it, it will cost you and I will be pleased.
ReplyDeleteYo Dakota!
ReplyDeleteFunny thing 'bout that picture of Sarah.
There are three(3) "devices" there.The baby is a device of DECEPTION.
Sarah Palin DID NOT give birth to that baby.
And you are a punk ass chump bitch if you believe she did.
I wonder if the family has shared with Dakota the fact that Trig is yet another child from Bristol? I wonder if Dakota watched Bristol on dancing "fat" on her first season of DWTS and wondered to himself how she can look so much different now?
DeleteHe has handlers and he doesn't hear or denies anything he would not want to know. They probably all go into psuedo politician and strategist mode when they get together and they all believe their shit.
DeleteYou can imagine how it went the night they posed to target Michael Moore. It was a wonderful evening for them and that is how they have fun.
No way. The Heaths and Palins are all about secrets.
DeleteLOL There's no one better than the heaths. Youd llove them like everyone does
Deletebritta was just talking abour grandma sallys hugs
Sarah can have 20 devices and hold 20 babies but she will never be as accomplished or as intelligent as HRC.
ReplyDeleteHillary can finish a thought and talk in complete sentences.
Go away grifter.
Sarah has no upcoming speaking engagements as of now.All of a sudden it's all about veterans with her especially since Mini Me met Dakota. You can bet she is angling with ways to make money off of their relationship because Bristol doe's nothing without Sarah lurking in the background.
ReplyDeleteDakota could have gone to college for free because of receiving the MOH but just like the Palins he's not interested i education he thinks he can be an elected official just by riding on his MOH status, He likes the spotlight, he's not very bright and he's just a big fish in a small pond that is his hometown. Sound familiar? These two are a match.
A comment on his facebook page showing that picture of these two was "Power couple", Sarah must be thrilled, she sees a spring board to a new grift.
They don't even look like a couple. More like they've shacked up a few times, if that's a couple. Yep, everyone is too excited and going too fast with this.
DeleteLevi moved in with sunny after a month and called her wifey
DeleteNoticed she's wearing the "thong dress" in the above pic. Wonder if she washed the piss out of it from the brawl before wearing it again.
ReplyDeleteDid she find her fancy sunglasses, or just hit the PAC up for new ones?
DeleteWas the photo actually taken before the Wasilla brawl where all the family members were drunk and Bristol was 1/2 naked? It does look like the same outfit.
DeleteWasn't the thong dress a camo print? This one looks like leopard skin print.
DeleteI'm waiting for the troll to show up, accusing us of slander (which is spoken. Libel is printed). And, accusing us of stalking poor Bristol's private websites, never mind that it is Bristol who is posting these photos on her instagram. Not on her facebook and her blog, just the instagram which is public. (Willow''s is private). The facebook and blog are reserved for ghost writer Nancy French.
ReplyDeleteGood for Willow, keeping her life to herself.
Deleteis the sperm burpin' inbred retarded skank bristool still a "born-again" virgin or will she be "born-again" after this tryst ?!? .... and the one after that, the one after that, the one aft- ....
ReplyDeletego to school
Delete3:26 pm. old school remedies when shit went wrong. planB. not smart enough? trouble maker? military. knocked up? gramma becomes the mom.
ReplyDeleteHere's the thang. Bristol WILL spill the truth about Trig once the luv hormones are pumping strong. Yup. Dakota won't know what to do with that stick o'dynOmite 'cepting to put it in the vault.
ReplyDeleteAnd, when this shallow relationship falls apart, he will have a headline worthy IED to 'splode for a bit of paylin payback.
You just made me think about how many people Bristol has told about Trig and the DWTS baby, but especially Trig. As much partying as she has done she must to have gotten wasted and spilled the beans to friends at least once.
Deletewhat truth? i dont get it. Dakots's obviously met her little brother
DeleteSomeone take the Palin photo above of her two phones and change the text to Monitoring Palingates on one and Monitoring Immoral Minority on the other. Botton comment instead of SarahPAC. "They better not find out I faked Trigs birth!"
ReplyDeletebwahahaha - that would gain attention
DeleteHey, it'd be great idea for Meyer to take some vets suffering from PTSD out to the shooting range.
Deletelol you're just making yourself look stupid
Deletemeyer really has ptsd if he thinks that clown is doing any government business in that pic. the old insufferable witch couldn't do the work that alaskans' wanted her to do. she was much too vapid, corrupted and ignorant.
ReplyDeleteBesides it's easy to read bullshit online just as easily to do bs online. And that's is what this fraud is doing. Ignoring her pretend kid to read some bs online.
I saw this same sorry pic yesterday but it said something to the effect of the silly broad has time to use two phones and hold a kid and Clinton (was too lazy) couldn't use two email accounts. To that I tweeted, Yeah it's easy to do all that especially if she chooses to quit her job. she has plenty of time to do a lot.
DeleteSo, every time you go to a blog to pen slander, you're ignoring someone. Wow, thanks for admitting everyone on lib bloggers are dysfunctionals with no friends
So what mother wears a sharp pin and then holds an infant to her chest, within reach of said pin? And, yes, Dakota, we realize that Sarah carries at least two crackberries at all times, but I bet neither of them was for Alaska business...she's too busy monitoring what people are saying about her to be bothered with work.
ReplyDeleteI always thought one of them was for her puppetmasters. It seemed that she was often kinda lost, then getting advice/orders, then not following it all that well...
DeleteDakota do you know who birthed that baby in grandma's arm?
ReplyDeleteSarah has lost the Republicans and Hollywood, so who is left?
ReplyDeleteThe Veterans? Once she uses Meyer to his full potential
she has no one.
I kind of feel sorry for the guy...but then again ...
I read "President Meyer and First Lady"? on his comments
and thank God I won't be alive to see that happen.
What fools!
He'll wash out in due time, just like all of Bristol's "boys."
DeleteNot nice to say but...I think Tripp will scare
DeleteMeyer off. That kid bugs me.
I think Tripp is the deal beaker
DeleteTripp is the best kid
ReplyDeleteSarah comparing herself to Hillary?
Gee, Sarah, jealous much?
howd she compare? she didn't make that did she?
DeletePlease tell us these yahoos are not Todd's clients.
ReplyDeleteThe Obama administration is investigating allegations that two senior Secret Service agents, including a top member of the president’s protective detail, drove a government car into White House security barricades after drinking at a late-night party last week, an agency official said Wednesday.
Officers on duty who witnessed the March 4 incident wanted to arrest the agents and conduct sobriety tests, according to a current and a former government official familiar with the incident. But the officers were ordered by a supervisor on duty that night to let the agents go home, said these people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive internal matter.
Read more:
Go figure. This is Todd in his worst possible attire in Las Vegas with Bristol's besties. For some reason he refuses to wash that shirt. He should have been preparing for Iron Dog. Why on earth would he be going to a Valentine dinner looking like he just rolled out of bed or wherever he slept after a wild night. He's with his daughter's friends and the are alleged to work together.
DeleteI don't know if those SS guys are Todd's clients. I would bet he had some clients during the Valentine visit to Las Vegas.
Bristol may have been up working late, she looks like hell.
Remember when reporters would ask Sarah Palin if she was interested in higher office 2016?
Sarah Palin's Amazing America
6:49 since when did sally heath start working in a soup kitchen? Oh & Bristol should never let anyone photograph from the side where you can clearly see her chin implant with her original face fat behind it.
DeleteI doubt Todd knows any govt officials outside the SS who followed him
Deletehow do you know what laundry is like?
DeleteAnd he prepared nonstop for the iron dog. Irondoggers DO do other things.
Todd was with Sarah. DUH
Deleteomg Todd doesn't have clients. lol
Deletewow even in a motion pic bristol is still hot
DeleteNext, S. Palin and Dakota putting Hillary in their F. You
ReplyDeleteHillary cross sites. They are all so hip you know!
As Dakota Meyer gets a little older, he will realize he doesn't want the stench of the Palins on him and he will settle down with a nice Christian girl from Kentucky. I hope in fifteen years he owns a car dealership and has no more political pipe dreams. The last thing we need is another war mongering, anti-intellectual in congress.
ReplyDeleteWhy the fuck pity him? He's just looking for attention like the palin.
DeleteHe is with a Christian girl, raising a Christian son.
DeleteNot like you can honestly say any different.
It has become apparent Meyer has a stench all his own.
DeleteIs that SarahPac photo of Sarah photoshopped, it looks like she is in a basement? Hardly the governor's office.
ReplyDeletePoor Sarah still hasn't gotten over the fact that the truth about all her emails accounts came out, now she wants to re-write history "to make it" look like she is better than Hilliary.
Sorry won't work, Sarah is and always will be a QUITTER.
That photo is from the campaign in 2008; she was either in the McCain campaign bus, or "backstage" at some campaign venue. Either way, it was all staged!
DeleteThat silly young man thinks that is a photo of Sarah working. Hey, Meyer, Sarah is posing with props for a photo op. Our Sarah never worked. She is always playing make-believe and pretend while taking credit for the efforts of others.
ReplyDeleteeven Frank B disagrees
DeleteWith this budding young couple two scenarios come to mind: either Mini-Me has found her Toad Prince, just like her parents found each other in codependent dysfunction, or this guy is a ticking time bomb and the Palins are going to regret everything they congratulate themselves about now.
ReplyDeleteM from MD
Love how your own life is so fucked up that you insist on creating slander for people like gryphen as done for 6 years
DeleteTalk about "opting for convenience!" Seems Dakota projects just like his new found "family."
ReplyDeleteOH the psychoses of this bunch......
Yes, anon, your family is fucked up as evidenced by your need to create fiction for people you dont know
DeleteThey support people in the military. Nothing wrong with that.
DeleteChris Kyle and DM are good, selfless men who treat people right.
More than I can say for anyone here.
Selfless?. You are frigging nuts and dumb as dirt.
DeleteIf it was sooo easy, why did $carah have many of her emails on her personal account? Hmmm Dumbkota?
ReplyDeleteLatest post
I had to tweet this along with the photo of Sarah Palin giving the thumbs up to Meyer's Fuc_ You Michael Moore crosshairs poster:
ReplyDeleteWASHINGTON:Videos contradict Bristol Palin boyfriend’s account of Taliban attack http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/10/14/205341/videos-contradict-medal-of-honor.html #MeyerIsALiar
lol only a truly mean person would slander a good man and Veteran.
ReplyDeleteWhile ignoring your sacred Levi is a fundamentally dishonest erson as far as dumb levibots are concerned.
Lol!! You are so stupid. You still don't get what slander is. You are a poster board for the need for better education and mental health in this country.