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"Me, me, I want to say something about Hillary's private e-mails." |
Well it looks like she was sufficiently shamed and has convinced Fox News to let her ghostwriter post an article that she can then leave her hoof print on.
Here are a few excerpts:
First, some background: I know something about how annoying FOIA requests can be for public officials. After I returned home from the 2008 vice presidential campaign, the state of Alaska was flooded with innumerable FOIA requests to see literally every single email I ever wrote while governor. It was an overwhelming request for a small population state with limited resources. But our system of government relies on transparency, and that means public officials must suck it up and let the public see whatever they want.
Transparency? Is that why it took them three and a half years to respond to the FOIA requests for e-mails? And why they had initially asked for fifteen million dollars to release them?
When FOIA requests bombarded us, investigators and our attorney general’s office were given full access to all of my state and private emails. The only emails redacted were the very few that were protected by attorney/client privilege – a determination agreed upon by my lawyers and the Attorney General’s office who reviewed them. In other words, an independent third party reviewed every email. There was no chance for any “smoking gun” to escape detection because nothing was kept secret in any way. Everything was done in the most transparent way possible.
Okay look I personally combed through hundreds of pages of redacted e-mails, and it took 189 pages simply to list the number of redacted or withheld e-mails. So don't give me that shit about nothing being kept secret.
An honest politician has nothing to fear from the public seeing her emails. I know this. Eventually all but those few redacted emails of mine were released to the public and remain online to this day for anyone to read at any time.
Hang on my irony meter just vomited on itself.
In fact, the release of my emails was a great boon for Alaska’s tourism industry because dozens of national reporters descended on Alaska to pour through tens of thousands of pages of my emails looking for some smoking gun. They even crowd-sourced the work out to the general public to help them look for dirt! They were sorely disappointed.
Disappointed ? No I wasn't.
All they found was evidence of an administration doing what the people sent us to do – work hard for them.
No that is not all that we found. But if those redacted or withheld e-mails had been released we would have undoubtedly found much more. And if there was nothing to hide then why were THEY not released in full?
Good luck finding those missing emails. And good luck getting a straight answer from the Obama administration as to why no one in the White House noticed that the Secretary of State wasn’t using a government email account.
Actually the Obama administration has already admitted that they knew about the private e-mails and that the President corresponded back and forth with his Secretary of State using her private e-mail address.
But here let's take one final shot at the President, his administration, and Hillary.
You’d expect more from the self-described “most transparent administration in history.” And you should demand more from anyone who wants to be president someday.
Well as we have already determined this whole e-mail thing is simply a whole lot of nothing, much like Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, and Obama's supposedly fake birth certificate.
However I appreciate the opportunity to once again revisit Palin's convoluted e-mail kerfuffle and all of the things we learned about her and her desperate attempts to keep so much away from the prying eyes of reporters. And of course certain bloggers.
Thank you, Becky Mansour, for weighing in on this issue. You must have the weirdest job ever. It's like a juggling act for you, isn't it, Becky? You get to play the tough-as-nails writer (like you have shown here), but all the while constantly stroking Sarah's unbelievably fragile ego which requires constant fawning (that part has to get tiresome, right?), hoping Bristol and Willow and Track don't do anything too attention grabbing, looping in Jason anytime there is an article or speech with actual facts so he can insure it sounds plausible, dreaming up new ways to milk the faithful, and trying constantly to drum up venues for Sarah to appear on a stage, somewhere, anywhere.
ReplyDeleteBut the pay's not bad now, is it Rebecca Mansour? It's been a pretty good schtick while it's lasted. But you see the light at the end of the tunnel now, don't you?
Carry on, Becky. A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.
Becky's bff.
Silly Becky. Put words in her mouth all you want....hope you invested that Judas money well!
DeleteDoes she actually want people rooting around in her life? 'Cause she's practically begging for scrutiny.
ReplyDeleteBeyond the arena of 2 or 3 anti Palin blogs, nobody really cares. She isn't worth the time for serious people.
DeleteShe is a private person when it comes to others looking at her life, the parts she doesn't stage for viewing.
DeleteIt really has little to do with Palin at this point. It's about McCain, Rove and the rest of them that thought this mentally ill, uneducated, vindictive person should be one sick old man's heartbeat from the presidency.
Palin has zero affect on any of them or their futures 3:39. Zero. She is a non-entity, persona non grata. She also isn't mentally ill. She plays the grating ultra conservative frontier woman role for dollars, you guys just fall for it.
Delete2:34...then why are you here?
DeleteYou are wrong, 3:52. She IS mentally is. She also "plays the grating ultra conservative frontier woman role for dollars."
DeleteThose two things aren't mutually exclusive.
And it is about those horny (and manipulative) old men. They need to be exposed as traitors.
DeleteSo true! 2:13 p.m. you have nailed the ruse. Palin is not beyond shaming herself for attention. She has a frank lack of conscience and the people who work for her will help milk her ignorant and fragile ego until it doesn’t respire anymore. Becky Mansour and the people who pimp Palin are a truly creepy subhuman species. I wonder how they sleep at night.
ReplyDeleteI remember when they released the first 3000. That was a year or three before the big redacted dump.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't sleep one night so I thought I'd take a look at them. One thing that did stand out was toady's involvement. He really did run the show. He was just a first guy. Why was he using government offices and computers?
Because he had nothing better to do. He also hired people, didn't he? And sat in on private meetings?
DeleteTaahhhd HAD to be there, after all the other politicians were wearing buttons asking "Where's Sarah?" He had to keep the gossip to a minimum, to keep his money maker relevant.
Delete"Eventually all but those few redacted emails of mine were released to the public..."
ReplyDeleteThose few redacted emails?
How insane do you think people are, Sarah?
It wasn't "a few" by anyone's estimation. There were thousands of completely redacted emails / or portions of emails.
Sean Parnell totally covered for you. And the way you repaid him was to endorse Bill Walker.
Hey Sarah, when you're sitting over there at your compound off Nevada Dr. next to the Parks Hwy and Lake Lucille, and you're wonderin' when FOX News is gonna call you again to go on air with your commentary, or you're wonderin' when the next group is gonna call and ask you to come and speak, or you're wonderin' who your friends are, or where any true friends are.... why don't you remember how you tossed Sean (and half the rest of this Valley and State) under your proverbial bus.
That's where the people in your life are - walking around with treadmarks on them from having been run over by you and your big bus. But your bus isn't so big anymore and everyone who's anyone knows to keep a distance from you, cause - news flash, Sarah Palin - most people don't like being thrown under a bus.
So pat yourself on your back. Whoopdeedoo. Fox carried an article sporting your name which you absolutely didn't write. You'll get a little wee bit of attention for another 24 hours.
Then it's back to the silence that has now become your life.
The woman is the biggest hypocrite on the Planet. And one of the ugliest too; we all saw her without makeup. Woof woof.
ReplyDeleteSo many memorable emails! Like the one when the governor’s mansion couldn’t accommodate the tanning bed? And how you wanted to make sure nobody knew it required a dedicated electrical upgrade? How about the incredible revelation the “Dude” was sitting int he governor’s office running state business? An unelected barely made it through high school guy with anger issues? Thanks Sarah. No there isn’t anything to look at here ... move along now ... You sucked as a governor. And you continue to embarrass us in Alaska.
ReplyDeletemediaite has an article on this with a five year old picture of her.
ReplyDelete"After I returned home from the 2008 Vice President Campaign" WTF
ReplyDeleteNo Asswipe, you were Grumpy McStains tag along. It was his election for POTUS, not yours for VP!
You beat me to it! WTF, indeed, and let's not forget she didn't even know what a veep does.
DeleteMy GOD she should just shut UP already!
You stupid Sarah. Anything for attention.You are talking apple's and oranges again.
ReplyDeleteAfter years of redacted emails that amounted to crumbs ,they were available.
You are only complaining because you and your shadow pimp got away with one. You are so full of shit. You scum.
Why did Sarah copy her husband on government emails? He was not part of the government. First Dude, Shadow Governor and Enforcer are not government positions. Sarah gave up any claim of security and privacy when she copied an ordinary citizen on government emails, whether they came from her public or private account.
ReplyDeleteWho still listens to the dunce from Wasilla except those so dumb they will never change?
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, something that really affects us all......
"health care stocks soared by almost 40 percent in 2013, the highest of any sector in the S&P 500."
and "ACA still primarily serves as a huge government marketing campaign for private insurance companies, funneling millions of new customers with few if any restrictions on ever-escalating prices."
yeah, and if the government DID try tons et prices, the GOP would be even more insane over the law. Single payer. Single payer. Single payer.
DeleteTo be fair, it is true that critics have created a number of lies and insinuated false things are true. Gryphen knows, as he has met liars whom he trusted, lots of them.
ReplyDeleteAs I've said, any discussion over email use is stupid. You'd have to be nuts to think everyone in DC doesn't hide shit.They all do. You will never see the REAL drama behind anything in any Pres admin. Which is sad because we have at least one bill that was signed that is BAD for Americans and the middle class (HCR)
Yes, hiding sheet. Like your vetting process. Oh right there was none. So you lost it for old wooden teeth. And i am grateful. Haha you scarah are such a hypo...
DeleteAnonymous2:50 PM
Delete"...we have at least one bill that was signed that is BAD for Americans and the middle class (HCR).
Fuck off, you vicious, stupid, crazy, hateful dunce.
Just how does having a healthy population hurt anyone? My grandkids are in school, and I'd just as soon they don't contract measles or meningitis from some GOP moron's kid (or head lice either.) And you do realize that NO ONE is being hurt by this. No one. My premiums have not gone up since more people are paying. In fact, they went down. So up yours.
DeleteHey, troll! Why don't you shut your fucking trap about Gryphen or anyone in DC. After all, you don't know them! You're on this blog 24/7 trying to tell people what they can and can't say, and that they can't talk about Sarah cause they don't know her. Not surprisingly, you don't hold yourself to the same rules you try to dictate to others. You're such a creepy, moronic, hypocritical little ass-licker. Why don't you shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.
DeleteOh, and just because you and Sarah refuse to actually pay attention to what's going on, doesn't mean the health care bill was some sort of secret. We don't all have our heads wedged in our asses like you do, you pathetic fucking dick-pimple.
DeleteSarah seems to have forgotten that famous quotation, when you point your finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you. Sarah lives for danger and excitement. What does she have to do, show you her stretch marks? She loves attacking the media to get attention and to force them to back off. She lives for it. It's called projection, accusing others of your own worst faults.
ReplyDeleteHow about “After I lost the 2008 election... “ It would make a hell of a lot more sense contextually to the reader. “After I returned home" sounds like it was raining down in the Lower 48 and you just decided to make tracks for Alaska to get out of the rain. You lost, people don’t like you, get over it.
I'm just so GD sick and tired of hearing your name,
and seeing that grizzled face of yours in the news.
Please, please, please, crawl back under a rock
somewhere and die, I mean really die!!!
We're sick of your shit!!!
DeleteLol Jonathan. Too much coffee today? Nobody really listens or cares what Palin says, you don't need to get so worked up over her. Try not to blow a gasket.
Delete@Anonymous4:31 PM
DeleteGlad you can admit that your idol is a loser and a fucking nobody. Admitting you have a problem is the first step, right?
After I returned home from the 2008 vice presidential campaign, the state of Alaska was flooded with innumerable FOIA requests to see literally every single email I ever wrote while governor. It was an overwhelming request for a small population state with limited resources.
ReplyDelete-Sarah Palin
After I returned home from the 2008 vice presidential campaign
"the state of Alaska was flooded with innumerable FOIA requests to see literally every single email I ever wrote while governor. It was an overwhelming request for a small population state with limited resources."
-Sarah Palin
"We have to win this thing -- I so don't wanna go back to Alaska!"
-Movie Game Change
What is she still hiding?
ReplyDeleteWe know Sarah always goes on the defensive first when she has something to hide and keeps taunting people with the fact that she GOT AWAY with something really big-why else would she resign from that cushy job where she didn't do anything.
AK owes that kid who guessed her password many thanks, otherwise her private yahoo accounts would probable still be secret.
Still would like to know what coffee was code word for- it was mentioned in many emails and who emails someone in the same office to ask if they want coffee.
coffee = speed
Deletethat email dated July 2nd 2009 to the BF on page 16 of her first 'ghostwritten' book by BF...
DeleteI found some copies...anyone wanna see?
Gryphen needs an email address to send it to...
Well heck anyone knows that everything is all about SARAH SARAH SARAH.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there's an excellent reason that it took the State of Alaska years and years and years to release Mrs Palin's emails.
I'm going to go back and read "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin". It's all about Sarah's emails. And her lies.
3:26 PM That particular book was written by a member of her Administration - Frank Bailey. Recommend it to everyone.
DeleteSarah Palin, the 'quitter' governor of Alaska is a liar and fraud that didn't do a bit of work while temporarily in the position (Todd, her husband, tried to cover for her ineptness!) The Alaska Legislature found her to be unethical! Something she forgot to mention!
Frank Bailey's book was good, although I came away from it with the opinion that he was still in love with her. He said a LOT and stopped short.
DeleteI guess he decided his wife and life was better than death by arson?
Fuck $arah Palin.
ReplyDeleteNobody but republicans care about the fake e-mail "scandal." Pew just released a new poll about the week's top stories. The Hillary Clinton e-mail "scandal" was the second to LEAST closely watched story in the news. lol.
New Pew poll:
The poll also says that republicans (44%) care about the e-mail "scandal" way more than democrats (16%), and Independents (11%). The poll says that Independents cared the LEAST about the Hillary Clinton e-mail "scandal." lol.
The new Pew poll backs up political scientists at the NYT"s 'UpShot' prediction that voters would likely react to the Hillary Clinton e-mail non-troversy with partisanship (republicans), and apathy (democrats and Independents).
'Voters Unlikely to Care Much About Hillary Clinton E-mail Furor'
$arah Palin can keep on beating that dead wig! She'll be eating it after Hillary Clinton wins the nomination!
Hopefully the GOP has "cried wolf" once to often now with regard to Hillary Clinton. She was their prime target during her husband's first term in office; she had to go through the nonsense of "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and now this total non-issue over emails.
You know - I'm not worried about Hillary Clinton in this matter at all. Other politicians have done the exact same thing.
DeleteShe and her hubby have always been 'gone after' by the Republicans and win every time! Plus, the Clintons are used to it and have thick skins!
She will be the nominee and POTUS in 201/2017 if she choses to run and accept! I don't know why she would because her life will be made Hell by the Republicans, as have the lives of President and Mrs. Obama!
I know she has my vote! Republicans do not have anyone in their gathering that measures her experience, knowledge, education, background or support from the nation!
She has provided service to America in many elected positions throughout the years too. And, she has been a very supportive wife, mother and grandmother.
There Sarah goes stamping her feet again. Everyone is paying attention to Hillary! Not Me! Media is focusing on Hillary. Not Me! I had e-mails too, (more feet stamping)......I did! But MY e-mails were clean and Hillary's are dirty!
ReplyDeletePAY ATTENTION TO ME!!! Over here; Over here, I'm waving! Call me! Anyone?!!!
c4p: She's running! She's running!
Palin reminds me of Wiley Coyote and the Road Runner
ReplyDeleteCartoon. Wiley Coyote, always trying to catch the
"Beep, Beep " Road Runner, always lands on his head or butt. Palin has constantly , for years , tried to bring our
President down with her lies, and always comes out the
"look at me, look at me" , "don't you know who I am", desperate FOOL! Now she has included Hillary with the same
vile jealousy and hatred , and again , ends up the attention
begging FOOL!
Want a laugh? Google Mrs. Wiggins from the Carol Burnett Show. $carah walks just like her in those stupid red soled shoes. Carol had much more likeability and intelligence than the entire PayMe clan combined.
DeleteI'd pay money to see the emails/texts between Sarah and her ghostwriter(s) these days....
ReplyDeleteI think Sarah is frustrated because she didn't get caught. I think Sarah wants to get caught.
ReplyDeleteShe enjoys lying and cheating and disobeying rules and laws and getting away with it, while she's doing it. But the thing she doesn't enjoy is being ignored on it. She gets her buzz when people are constantly attacking her over things she got away with.
When they stop, and ignore her, she's in a rage. If she can't gloat about her illicit victories in people's face, she loses her mind and is inpsychological torment.
Please talk more and more, $arah, you just make yourself look more desperate and pathetic. Care to weigh in on Iran and the Logan Act, sissy?
ReplyDeleteWhere was Wikileaks when we needed 'em?
ReplyDeleteThe things that would have been revealed...
Heck, I still wish they'd go after Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers.
M from MD
comments by KatieAnnieOakley from the austinisafecker blog:
ReplyDeleteKatieAnnieOakley says:
March 6, 2015 at 7:00 am
Oh – and one more thing: The Sunlight Foundation has determined that Palin used 8 different email accounts (5 personal emails!), and I’ve found a possibly 9th when she was the GOV:
gov.palin@yahoo.com – PRIVATE
gov.sarah@yahoo.com – PRIVATE
sp@hslak.com – PRIVATE
spalin@mtaonline.net – PRIVATE
govpalin@yahoo.com – PRIVATE
And the 9th one that I submitted to the Sunlight Foundation is: govsp@soa.com <— notice that it ends in dot-com – not dot-gov
Here KatieAnnie...
DeleteThursday, July 2nd,2009 7:40:22pm
Subject: 4th of July
Independence is something I never got to experience.
the trust fund and planning you knew %^& was doing.
then the imprisonment for better solid legal evidence of keeping the trust account.
where is freedom here?
for you all, spend money like water...
you have to live with what you did...
those are exerts from $%^...
who had to get treated like shit and almost lost at the demise of #$%...
Munchhausen syndrome by proxy...that is why you took the boys and ran...
leaving me to deal with her and her Obsessive compulsive disorder to the trust account...
Happy 4th of July...
oh by the way-
Yeah I am suing your asses...
How dare you lie to me - on the phone...
only to find out this is the first time your mad at $%^?
told that person the nature of that association is over
oh and tell your best friends I am coming after Palin.
bitch tried to get me killed - then went after #$%?
oh the webs she weaves - uh news flash - $%^ Bro is a retired homicide detective...and might show up since I gave him an intel report of how they are going to him...
to get to me and that is strike two now...attempted murder is a felony...
times are hard...peoples are talking for less cash...
oh and tell Palin I will not move...and #$% sold you out...
Hope your happy...
I will be happy when I bring ethics violations and have evidences...
oh may be you should burn my house down...
oh yeah - you all (Palin) tried - dumbshits they are...
they had MEA jolt the wrong address...
wow...federal crimes of the worst nature...
Let's see...%^& had property in Anchorage downtown
you and $%^ had it in Anchorage and some in the Valley...
good developments - which are a derivative of Sun dance Development...
glad I was such a treasure to adopt...
Now I am getting my money back and you all...
are going to federal prison...
and I will be so happy to see it in federal court...local or DC...
they haven't decided yet...
Note the time frame and the 'resignation' of Palin...
" I will do it until the courts tell me I can't' Palin...
Be careful what you wish for Sarah Palin...
and they have been trying to shut them up and kill them since...as recent as last month even... seems to me someone does need to get to court and soon...since there is evidence of negligence. ... in the courts...so how is beverly cutler these days...letting a divorce proceed with no child support...because? what was that case where they couldn't charge a parent cuz he was living with the kids? oh shit! that is judicial misconduct!
Deletethe ties go deep with the money and those Heaths
UK sure seems interested...may be the person in ? has been sent from England to Alaska...Catholic Social Services is a global outfit folks...not a very good hide out anymore is it? lol...so what's with the Catholic Church named after this person anyways? Guess they HAD to spend that $$$ hu?
DeleteDutiful Nancy French, Sarah Palin's rill daughter.
ReplyDeleteMarch 9, 2015 finally got around to passing on the prop with the Gold Star Wives.
With the spin... Check Out Who Showed Up at Mom and Dad’s House:
Sarah Palin spends time with families whose loved ones were sent to their death by the Bush administration, while also celebrating the fact that another state has signed on to the Convention of the States.
palin is as full of shit as a Xmas goose.
ReplyDeleteOh who cares what Sarah Palin thinks, anyway?
ReplyDeleteI tell you, if there comes a day when Sarah 'thinks,' we'll talk.
DeleteWell Gee Squeaky Pee...why don't we talk about that July 2nd email that freaked you out and made you resign 24 hours later? What the hell was that all about? It wasn't even sent to you? So do you still hack that person's computer thru MTA online? Is that how you knew what was wrote? Or was it sent to you? Either way sounds like your words will bite you baby!
ReplyDeleteI will do it until the courts tell me I can't...and we shall see...
What you have done...and we will discuss it in the courts...
Aw...your getting exactly what you wished for sweetie pee!
Yeah, we have only been hearing this for 6 years 5:18..
DeleteI mean I hope you are right, it's just hard to believe
well the recent supreme court decision to stop housing 'foster kids' at the psych ward...that just opened up Pandora's box...and when the domestic terrorism doesn't stop to date? YIKES in court indeed! and we will see them try to stop it 'again'...
Deletesee they don't want that 'hard evidence' to be seen!
It shows 'severe negligence' and parties to crime...attempt, solicitation and conspiracy... offenses against property...offenses against the family and vulnerable adults...offenses against the public administration...offenses against public order
Ladies and Gentlemen - Welcome to the Show
lol...oh boy a lifetime of going after someone...
Why is my question...I guess we will find out soon
hey I know that kid...yeah I recall something about an adoption agreement and alot of money...so the kid figured it out and threatened to take them to court? my my...what a threat...lol...oh my my sarah...it sounds like whatever this kiddo tries to do...ya throw everything to the wall and see what sticks... now it sounds to me like the kid is made of teflon and now it's not working anymore is it sarah? if I were you sarah I would stop it now...
Deletethe kid cannot be something that they are not!
you do seem to crucify those you cannot forget...
and when the biological parents are located?
oh I can hear you crying like a bitch from here Sarah...head tilt...smirk...grin...smile...finger!
oh serve revenge cold indeed folks...lol..Welcome to the Show...do you want it? do you need it? can I hear it? ladies and gentlemen...good song...
5:18, shit or get off the pot.
gov.palin@yahoo.com – PRIVATE
gov.sarah@yahoo.com – PRIVATE
sp@hslak.com – PRIVATE
spalin@mtaonline.net – PRIVATE
govpalin@yahoo.com – PRIVATE
And the 9th one that I submitted to the Sunlight Foundation is: govsp@soa.com <— notice that it ends in dot-com – not dot-gov
Was there any Loisesarah email addresses that Gov Sarah Palin used?
lol...I loved it when I heard Hillary apologize for having ONE email account...
DeleteSarah...Sarah...oh she passed out in disbelief...
Now I am Fucked says Sarah Palin...
Why yes my dear - you opened up the Box...grin...
Palin is crazy as hell--and abusive, too. Her op-ed is like verbal "gaslighting"--(abusive tactic.)
ReplyDeleteShe is such a blight on this country & in politics. She's the "pitchfork" leader. Her hatefulness has influenced many others & it is unfortunate.
she thinks inflicting fears with whatever means will work..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...we are watching and waiting...bring it on bitches...lol...you mean nothing...
Deleteyou are nothing...you will always be a nothing Sarah!
Sarah Palin did you and all those family members and friends who went on and financially benefited from the SarahPac paid for Sarah Palin family summer vacation declare that on their IRS income taxes?
ReplyDeleteI'm talking about room and board, airfare, bus fare, clothes, boat ride fare to Ellis Island, snacks, expenses that cost SarahPac and SarahPac employees to organize Sarah Palin's SarahPac sponsored summer vacation and what about the professional photographers and videographers who followed this trip and took pictures and videos of this boondoggle? One more thing Sarah Palin, did these people benefit from SarahPac employees who not only followed this summer vacation, but was in constant contact with Sarah Palin and Tim Crawford?
Remember what Sarah Palin said? She can do anything she wants to until the court says she can't.
DeleteAnd the woman has as many emails as she does SuperPacs to grift from people & live for FREE.
Delete619 well that will not last much longer...smirk..
DeleteSo, Sarah, we must have missed the email where you told your staff you were expecting...you know, before the 7th month? Or was it the 8th? And YOU dear. missed the email from Alaska asking for Trig;s birth certificate so he could have health care. And where was the nail to the doctor telling here exactly what was to be printed on your one page health assessment, released so transparently the day before the election? Come on, Sarah. Do you really really want people looking into your criminal acts again?
ReplyDeletey yes she does...lol...
DeleteHey its true. If anyone on this planet knows about FOIA and private emails old sarah does. That lousy actress has polluted the world with her trash for years now. She is one funny gal.
ReplyDeleteThe stench is overwhelming.
ReplyDeleteHey, Palin, trying to link your sorry, washed up loser self to former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to try to get your name back in the news is a waste of time.
ReplyDeleteYou are not Clinton's equal in education, accomplishments, or stature. You never will be because you are too stunted, stupid, ignorant, uneducated, short-sighted, and lazy. You have been on a long and steady slide since 2008 and you will never reverse that downward slide.
We enjoy revisiting these things as well. also and too would like to thank Sarah for the entertainment.
ReplyDeleteSarah, you're a dumb fucking coward.
Butt she used your health care.
DeleteHow DARE that woman compare herself to an educated-working non-quitter woman like Hillary Clinton. PFT!
ReplyDeleteI love that frog-face look on palin...lol
ReplyDeleteSarah, you're an ignorant has-been wanna-be.
The World