Tuesday, April 21, 2015

CBS Sunday Morning aired a pretty good segment on Atheists in America.

I get asked sometimes why I insist on talking about religion and openly talk about being an Atheist.

I think this news segment might help to explain that.

You see somebody has to help to change the image of the Atheist as a person who hates God, lives a life of sin, and is somehow being influenced by Satan.

The fact is that the vast majority of us are simply people who have come to realize that the arguments for the existence of God are paper thin and do not stand up to scrutiny. While also believing that more people should scrutinize them.

We are essentially like everybody else.

There are honorable, and dishonorable Atheists.

Kind and unkind Atheists.

Loving and emotionally distant Atheists.

Wealthy and poverty stricken Atheists.

The only real difference between us and those who are religious is that we recognize the difference between believing something, and knowing something.

And for the more well adjusted among us the fact that we cannot yet know everything, that there is no comforting explanation for the universe and our place within it, is both exhilarating and inspiring.

(H/T to The Friendly Atheist.)


  1. Anonymous5:52 AM

    It was a shock to me to move back to the States after an absence of 20 years and realize how much atheists are hated and feared here. That is not the case in places like Europe and Australia.

    My father was an atheist, although he had no problem with my mother raising me as a Christian. It was a joke in the family. In my teens, I shifted toward a "there are many paths to enlightenment" type of philosophy. I don't remember this virulent Christianity from my youth, although it may have been there.

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      When I think of how the Europeans must see us, I cringe...

  2. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Actually? I like this topic. Another Label. If I must label myself? I would say that I am Agnostic. I say prove it.!! And then I did tons of research over many years. I was diggin deep deep deep until? Another question and interesting documentary came on. Aliens are our Ancestors? Wholly molly? Look up. Then......traced the foots steps of my direct ancestors for years back to beginning and ending of time.. What and who did they believe?.......Everyone believes as much as they want or need. Thoughts of those before us are important, each version or explanation is altered? Read and read it all until you are at peace. I believe in science and facts without a doubt.

  3. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I enjoy your pieces on atheism, and religious hypocrisy. I am an atheist, and not (usually) afraid to say so, although I know when to keep my mouth shut. I have never said it in so many words to my 92-year-old Catholic mom -- why bring up that I think her approaching end will really be the end? (Pretty sure she knows, though; she hands me all the religious panhandling mail to throw away so she remains blameless!) My husband is a physicist; he doesn't believe in a god either, but he won't identify himself as atheist even to himself.

    The concept of being good without god is just so foreign to people; maybe this CBS piece advanced understanding just a little bit.

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I found this very interesting. Earlier today on Face Book I saw a video of two black women, mother and daughter, denouncing Jesus. Now, I’m agnostic, so I found their diatribe interesting but a little disrespectful, as they were saying, among other things, “Fuck that MF! He’s a myth!” Needless to say, the comments were condemning, and many of the posters said they would pray for the two women. What I got from the 60 Minutes segment was this – Christians cannot and will not tolerate someone whom they claim is godless, period. They fear atheists, hate them, consider them morally bankrupt. My take is this, if your faith is truly strong there is nothing I can say to sway you from you’re a Christianity. You shouldn’t even care about my existence, let alone detest me. It’s sad they feel this way, and sadder still that they don’t see how this diminishes them.

  5. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Argument for God? PAPER THIN. Fuck that is ALL it is, on a piece of fucking paper..

  6. Anonymous9:17 AM

    When the 2011 tornado devastated my city, Franklin Graham's Sumatran's Purse was pretty much the only game in town to contribute help as a relief worker. With the skill and time to be of service I bit my tongue as a gay atheist and pitched in for a month. I was always questioned as to my religion and was able to formulate a stock answer of: "I'm really not involved with an organized religion, but I try and follow the teachings of Jesus to always do good and teach by example". I know that upset some of the "church people" in not being able to pin me down..... I hate to say it but that organization was more about sucking people into the faith at their lowest point. I stopped when volunteering when we were sent out to work on houses that were untouched by that killer storm to obligate poor people to join the church.

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      I don't know if auto-correct changed Samaritan's Purse to Sumatran's Purse, but I find that very funny. Either way, thanks!

      R in NC

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      P.S., I only meant the Sumatran's Purse part being funny.

      I find the organization to be extremely offensive, particularly when the Native population in Alaska was starving, and in Haiti.

      R in NC

  7. Anonymous11:26 AM

    My nuclear family is atheist, surrounded by Catholics and Lutherans. I didn't raise my kids to be atheist, I just didn't push religion at them (heck, their grandparents even took them to church every other Sunday) and they of course started questioning the unbelievable stories that were being told to them in Sunday School. I finally admitted that I was atheist, and I'm pretty sure their dad is too, though he claims to be agnostic (another one who doesn't like the label). The kids saw no reason not to honestly tell people who asked that they were atheists. I cautioned them that bad things could happen, that Christians had a history of burning atheists to death, etc., and that they could lose good job opportunities because of it. So now they are cautious, but I believe that my daughter has put atheist under her religion on Facebook, so if anybody is really curious, they can figure it out. Fortunately, she's going into science, so it shouldn't be a factor in her hire-ability! The man who was fired from his teacher's position should sue that school district, and take it to the Supreme Court if he has to. I would donate to a legal fund for him. I agree, we need to be more open about our atheism (though it can be really hard), and come out of the closet. Look what it's done for the LGBT's!

  8. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I respect that everyone has the right to believe what they believe as long as they don't try to force me to believe or live by their particular views and morals.

    I choose mystery. I choose to believe in a creator because that is what is right for me.

  9. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I am going to come back as a plant. That's my whole religion ... make a little piece of earth pretty.

  10. I appreciate the thought provoking posts on faith, science, and belief.

  11. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Always, always, I question how intelligent folks can admit worshiping an entity they claim to be all powerful, omnipotent and their creator.

    Would a merciful, loving creator allow the little children to be violently destroyed, mutilated, starved and lack shelter?

    Don't suggest I should bow down to such an insensitive being, if there really is one. Nor should I give my money in honor of such a cause.

    Why would pray - if there is no interest on this fictional being's part to care for those truly marginalized and dying for lack of protection, how could I possibly think any need I have warranted a deity providing or intervening for me?

    Where is there any written mention of such an actual person as Jesus existing? Education can be so disappointing so those believers simply go on giving and worshiping a fantasy that has no history except the fictitious novel that touts his life.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      I've always had thoughts along the same lines, and in college I remember wondering why a grandmother who was raped in her own home had to endure a trial where the defense atty held up her nightgown to the jury to show them what she slept in. How could a god allow that?

      Recently in my town, a pregnant woman was shot, and she was active in church, and her church members said that god saved the baby, and on and on about god's hand in the baby's survival, and I just want to scream at them, "then why didn't he save the mother?!!"

      R in NC

  12. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Great Post!!!! I raised my family as secular free thinkers, and we're just like everyone else. I don't believe in a hell, but if there is one and I end up there, I'll be in good company. My kids had very few problems growing up and so far, they've been productive members of society. The few problems they did have was the association of Atheism with immorality.

  13. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Everything happens for a reason. Enjoy each day to the fullest.


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