Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Dakota Meyer using the hard sell on Tripp.

Gee I wonder who bought Tripp those boots?
The above was posted on Brancy's blog in between posts about children fighting off kidnappers and 12 year old Christian singers.

The headline reads "Tripp's baby Bolt" and this is the caption, "Dakota spoils my boy!"

Ahh yes the spoiling, I remember it well from when my mother remarried.

She also married an ex-Marine. And while he could not do enough for us kids while wooing my mother, after the marriage ceremony things took a turn.

Now I am not suggesting that Dakota is like my stepfather, or that all Marines are dangerous psychopaths who use aggression and corporeal punishment to instill fear in small children.

All I'm saying is that when a person works extra hard to impress in the beginning that should raise a red flag or two.
Camping with my loves.

Right now it's all furry animals, camping trips, and the firing of automatic weapons, but what comes after?


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Camping with my loves.

    "i love you guys and miss you so so much"


    When is the big bridal shower in Kentucky?

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Bwahahahaha big bridal shower? Like the one at Lake Lucille? How about a fake wedding like Track and Britta?

    2. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Are we seriously to believe that BrisTakota love each other?

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I truly fear for that kid, I really do.

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      The bottom line here is that Bristol has done such a shitty job raising Tripp that he's an unlikable little kid, he's a spoiled rotten brat. That's not going to fly with a young man in his first marriage who knows absolutely nothing about kids. I fear for that kid as well. Just think of the daily horror stories about little kids and stepfathers or boyfriends and their treatment of their wives'/girlfriends' children with another man.

    2. Anonymous10:08 PM

      Funny. Everyone loves him.

  3. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Anonymous7:53 PM

    After Bristol was paid mucho bucks to speak about Abstinence, there was Gino, Joey and how many others before Dakota? Hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite and yet Nancy keeps posting good Christian values posts for Bristol. What a joke.


    Damn girl, how many fuck buddies have you had?
    What about your mama?
    Your daddy?
    Grandma Sally?
    Grandpa Chuckie?
    Your auntie with the implants?

    No wonder you guys ain't working, you people are always on your backs.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Tdon't forget the one-night stands while she was filming her reality show with the kid!

    2. Anonymous10:07 PM

      Whoa. Enough. I am a longtime reader but these lies are out of control

    3. Anonymous6:20 AM

      Alicia, shut your face, you dim bulb psychotic stalker.

  4. Anonymous9:19 AM

    "Dakota spoils my boy!"

    Usually when a guy spoils a single mother's child it is because he wants to get into her draws. In Bristol's case it would be her thongs.

    BUT if she doesn't have any kids usually wine coolers works on them Wasilla ho's.

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Tripp is getting to look like great grandpa Chuckles, isn't he? Where was Bristles, mucking out the pig stye? Duhkota had not better expect much help from her, not with those nails. When is the weddin' did they say?

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      What do you mean , " getting to look like Chuckles?" He undortunately for him has always looked like receded chin Chuck

    2. Anonymous1:35 PM

      poor kid.

  6. Anonymous9:25 AM

    So this is what kids in Kentucky do when they drop out of school. They shoot guns, ride in trucks without seat belts and pet cows.

    That Bristol is an excellent mom.

    Remember Tripp when you get a glass of Kentucky Bourbon in the middle of the night and someone shines a laser flashlight on you, don't make any sudden moves. It could be your last!

  7. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Tripp they have cows in Alaska too. Just ask your Grandma Sarah who fucked up the agriculture business up here for everybody.

  8. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Why isn't Tripp in school? Is Dakota wearing Sarah's infamous 'Mom Jeans'? Dakota seems chunky and out of shape.

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      duhkota will be a fat balding pig farmer who's socks smell like shit when you're standing in the grocery checkout. bristol can be the Queen at Dairy days cow celebration queen pageant.

  9. Anonymous9:31 AM

    What happened to Track Palin? They once promoted Track as a good father. The man who teaches his nephews to shoot. Bristol's brother and pal of Dakota.


    Where is Track now?

    How about that Willow getting a vaca in Cabo? She must be glad those days where she was teaching Tripp to curse are over. Tripp irate and telling her how he hates her on TV.

    Bristol must be so happy that Marina came along to help out.

    How long until Bristol must go back to Wasilla? She is going to be homesick in no time. Can you imagine how much worse it will be for Tripp?

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Marina is with Bristles in KY? That's really disturbing, the woman is a internet porn star, what's Bristles thinking letting her son and fiance being around her??

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Have you seen Marina? She is NO threat to anybody! She looks like a dwarf in drag.

    3. Anonymous12:09 PM

      At least Marina admits it, but Bristol has 'moaned' all over the country since 2006. She has left a trail of babies from Alaska to Arizona and California.

  10. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Is this his place or his parents? He needs a shooting bench also.

  11. Anonymous9:52 AM

    First off, no real camper goes camping with nails
    Ike those in " Bristol's" blog post. I call bullshit on Bristol.

    Secondly, how does hardcore Christian conservative Nancy French live with herself pretending to be shacked up Bristol Palin. So much for abstinence only eh Nancy?

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      The funny thing about right-wing Christians is that they'll forgive the "sinner," if she or he is one of their own. If you aren't, then it's the wrath of god down on your head.

    2. Anonymous10:03 PM

      There are ,more and more articles that say chritiansneedto reform their old fashioned ways. And bristols always said she would never live with. Anyone unless she was engaged. Writing. She never has

    3. Anonymous4:21 AM

      Is this post supposed to be in English?

      And "engaged" is not "married". You know, abstinence until marriage, and all that (now obvious) B.S.

      So--is Bristol planning on returning all her dishonestly gotten speaker's fees?

    4. Anonymous9:11 PM

      1052...they are BANKING on it...

  12. Anonymous9:56 AM

    "Dakota spoils my boy!"
    -Bristol Palin

    Wait a second. If you read the internet post below then you will see that Gino (Bristol's trial husband before Joey and Duhkota) spoiled Tripp as well.

    Bristol Palin Is Saving Herself for Marriage This Time 

    After she gave birth and broke up with Levi, she became a familiar face on the abstinence circuit, lecturing girls and young women on the importance of saving themselves for marriage or, at least, using protection if they didn’t.

    In a new interview with the latest print issue of InTouch Magazine (story via CB), Bristol says she still believes in holding off having relations until marriage even though she already has a child.

    “Gino’s an awesome male role mode. He takes Tripp fishing, takes him out on the Jet Skis and shows him off to his friends. He just loves Tripp endlessly, and I am so thankful for that…” Bristol says.

    “Gino is on the same path; he has the same faith as I do.

    Watch out Tripp, one difference between Gino and Duhkota is that Gino didn't try to commit suicide.

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Bristol has written plenty of posts where she admitted that she spoiled Tripp. He could only mind if bribed with popsicles. He slept in her bed and she couldn't get him not to. Somehow Melissa Rivers whipped him into shape with a chores chart in a week, but Bristol managed to undo Melissa's good work. To keep writing that Tripp is spoiled means that Bristol is still a child and has no idea how to act like the adult in the room

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      I know that Levi and Sunny are much more private than Bristol, and I have the impression that they're very careful about saying anything that could jeopardize them in the custody battle. But I don't recall ever reading that either of them has referred to Tripp as spoiled or a brat or out of control. (They also appear to understand how damaging it is to make the kinds of public comments his mother has made.)

      From the photos Gryphen posts, it seems like they enjoy having him around. It also seems like they PARENT him, rather than using him as a prop or a shield. With Sunny's background in daycare, she probably knows how to establish and enforce firm, age-appropriate boundaries. I'm sure he isn't all sweetness and light with them, but I also would bet he acts up a lot less at their house, where he has consistency and attention and gets to be a little boy.

      We've seen Tripp on the reality shows and read reports from the brawl. We've seen him be a whiny brat. I have no doubt that sooner or later he will get on Dakota's last nerve. But I honestly believe there's another side to him when he has more structure and consistency.

    3. Anonymous9:58 PM

      Gino is a boy. He isn't mature.

    4. Anonymous9:59 PM

      All parents write that

    5. Anonymous10:02 PM

      Pretty sure it's pointless to talk about a kid you don't know. And really he's pretty mature for his age. H listens , does chores , says ps and qs, and prays.

  13. Anonymous10:02 AM

    a boy and his ...COW??? r they going to Milk that??!?

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      no milking .... but they will have veal cutlets for dinner.

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      DuhKota "loves" that calf.

  14. Anonymous10:24 AM



    1. Anonymous2:19 PM


    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      I'm guessing the water didn't help poor dakota at all!

  15. Crystal Sage10:24 AM

    Dukota is going along with this charade because: a.) he's getting all the sex he wants; 2.) he's presenting the image of a well-adjusted returned vet; 3.) he thinks he's going to get a nice cushy elected office/appointment from his association with the Palins/his MOH.

    Tripp is just a nice accessory for photo ops. I don't want to imagine what will happen Dukota's plans for power/money go awry.

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      You nailed it.

    2. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Tripp will be caught torturing small animals in the near future, the handwriting is already on the wall.

    3. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Tripp will be caught torturing small animals in the near future, the handwriting is already on the wall.
      My thoughts exactly, if he hasn't already begun. Bristol would probable think it was cute.

      Bet he already knows how to play the "trial daddies", he has had enough experience. When does he ever get to socialize with children his own age?

    4. Anonymous4:24 PM

      12:04 PM

      The adults may think he does well to socialize with his younger siblings and Trig, when they are together for photo ops.

  16. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Tripp will grow up just like the rest of them, trusting nobody's affections and unable to have meaningful relationships. I don't think Levi is going to be able to undo the damage.

  17. Anonymous10:57 AM

    "Camping with my loves"?

    And Sarah lately talking about "breaking break" with female hunters? Are Sarah and Bristol reading the same Romance novel? Sounds like they're into some King Arthur legend mindset. Behold! My Loves!

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Got King Arthur right...how's that stalking going Sarah...i mean camping...

  18. Anonymous10:59 AM

    You guys makes it sound like Bristol jumps from bed to bed to bed. She's not like that. Bristol is a good Christian girl like her mother, grandmother and aunties. Now if all of them likes it balls deep, I don't know anything about that.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM


    2. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Bristol has been pregnant as many times as Sarah Palin. The Palins are masters at HIDING babies.

    3. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Bristol is exactly like her good religious grandmother and mother. Both Sally and Sarah HAD to get married because they were already pregnant. Both of them had "premature" babies born less than 9 months after the marriage. There were no other choices for most women then. There was the shame of being a single, unwed mother or getting the guy to marry you, whether he wanted or not. That's not always a good way to start a marriage.

      By the time that Bristol got pregnant as an unwed teen, there was no rushed marriage for her, although we were kind of given the idea that Bristol and Levi would be getting married (in the White House, LOL), but that never happened.

      I can't help but be suspicious when Bristol met Dakota all of two times and they were suddenly in love, visiting back in forth in Kentucky and Alaska and within a month, engaged! Only a few months before, Bristol had been caught drunk and disorderly, barefoot in her thong dress and missing her $300. sunglasses (but how about Tripp??)

      Following the brawl, Bristol was rumored to be acting like a wild child, and then, magically, she was transformed into a Kim-Kardashian-Wannabe, wearing designer shoes and purses, heading to Vegas and meeting Dakota. I can't help but think that Dakota is being hustled into a quickie relationship so that if (and that is a might big IF) there is another kid being born in a few more months, the time will almost match their first get together. Yes, another premature birth as grand daughter follows her grandmother and mother. As for being a good Christian, she's just doing what the Bible suggested, be plentiful and multiply. I wonder when Sarah, Sally and Bristol went to church, a real church. I hope that Dakota is as bad at math as he is at writing posts.

    4. Saying she is like her mother, grandmother and aunties isn't saying much.

      Premarital sex, check.

      Breaking into homes and stealing, check.

      Pregnant when married, tentative check.

      Yeah, she takes after the women folk you betcha also too.

    5. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Also remember how DuhkotAH gushed about meeting SARAH in Vegas - he did not mention Brissy at first AT ALL! That gushing only came just before (or right after) he was given the pretentious ring to give to Brissy!

    6. Anonymous3:13 PM

      @3:26 PM

      Also too, you forgot, the troll told us that he was there to meet Willow not Bristol !!! and also too Bristol was still with Joey Junker.

      Seems like the troll has a short memory while she is posting here with her new fairy tales.

  19. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Hey Tripp, has your mom told you yet that this move to Kentucky means you won't see your Dad, Sunny and sisters for months on end? what she hasn't told you yet?

  20. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Sorry to hear about that painful memory in your life, G. It doesn't help when single parents don't discern and use caution on who to choose as partners. The kids always suffer.

    In Tripp's case, this new relationship isn't hopeful. If these two can't discern that Sarah Palin is a manipulator and a hindrance and a fake with mental problems, they probably won't be able to discern what's good and bad in their own lives. If they can't run with the footmen, how will they keep up with the horses?

    Tripp has been spoiled, but also has been used as a pawn, being pulled and pushed from city to city, house to house, apartment to apartment, farmed out to aunts, friends, trial fathers, been involved in two reality tv shows, been hauled around the country since he was a baby, and he's not even seven years old. Now, he's being whisked away from familiar faces, Trig, friends, teachers, and his father and sisters. His mother even brought him to a fight at a party, with police involved. There is no accounting for what this will do to this child.

    There should be a law against this form of abuse.

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      There should be a law against this form of abuse.
      Yes, there should be. But sadly that would impinge on the parents' God given, constitutionally protected free-dums.
      To hell with the children, I guess. They lose their rights once they are born.


  21. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Bringing a kid into a new relationship/family while overwhelming him with gifts and toys and special things to do, all at once, just makes a child expect it all the time. A kid who has to pose every time he's doing something with someone, so Bristol can post in for public consumption, is pretty sick. The kid can't breathe, without having to make a fake happy face for mom and her boyfriend. Smile Tripp! Look happy for the camera, Tripp! Make our haters jealous of all the fun things you are doing, Tripp! Show Dad/Levi how much Dakota has for you to play with Tripp! Let's shove it in their faces, Tripp! Let's range shoot Levi's book with his face on the cover, Tripp! Let's laugh at all our haters, Tripp!

    Tripp is not going to have a sense of identity, as he's being played as multiple personalities for people "out there". He doesn't know his mother has a mentally disturbed mind, where she needs attention and wants a daddy figure in her life, so she uses Tripp as her replacement 'man in her life'. It's sick and destructive to this little boy.

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Well put. I still maintain he's going to be an absolute monster when he hits puberty.

    2. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Let's go for a long run with Duhkota, for about 10 yards until his fat ass passes out..

    3. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Grooming him to rape him later...family traditions...eh Sarah...

    4. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Good evaluation of what looks like a posed relationship heading for troubles. Bristol has not had good role models as parents so she has no way of judging what's in Tripp's best interests. She was raised by a publicity-seeking mother who neglected her own kids. Bristol has written too many times that Tripp is spoiled rotten. That's not a good thing to write about. Especially after 6 years.

    5. Anonymous2:23 PM

      2:07 what an ugly comment. I bet you are uglier though. Sucks to be you.

    6. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Rape is God's Will doncha no...hows that workin for ya Barstool...lol...must suck to be you...vaccuum champion...

    7. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Yeah Barstool...your loser momma made rape victims pay for their own kits...talk about "must have some evil in them"...look in the mirror bitch...

  22. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Tripp will be 7 years old April 18, 2015. Bristol was pregnant with him in the fall of 2007.

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Tripp or Trig? I though Tripp was born in December?!

    2. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Tripp is older than what they are saying. Bristol was not pregnant at the 2008 RNC, She stuffed her bra. Levi knows the true story, but has signed an agreement.

    3. Anonymous12:08 PM

      The story during the 2008 campaign was that Bristol was pregnant with Tripp during the campaign and he was born in December 2008. BUT photos show that she was pregnant in 2007. ?? Mystery, mystery. It's what people living vibrantly do ... tell lies to confuse people.

    4. Anonymous1:27 PM

      back to back babies.

    5. Anonymous1:31 PM

      she had to be knocked up the middle of July to have a 9 month old baby in April.. when was trig born?

    6. Anonymous1:37 PM

      No mystery. Read Anon. 12:04. That's the true story.

    7. Anonymous2:10 PM

      I don't believe she was pregnant during the 2008 campaign either.Both babies were born before then. There is no denying that Tripp is a Heath/Palin - same chin as his mother and grandfather.

      Trig looks more like Willow. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the Palins had two underage pregnancies. Now that would have been a show stopper if revealed.

    8. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Was it illegal for Palin to lie about the birth of Trig during the campaign? She intentionally misled voters and doners. Would an agreement that Levi signed be binding if it is concealing her lies? Anyone know?

    9. Anonymous2:56 PM

      In the Palin Family photo of November 14, 2007, Bristol looked to be at least 3 months pregnant.

    10. My favorite subject and this is my theory:

      Bristol got pregnant the end of July, 2007. She delivered Trig on April 17, 2008. Prior to his birth, she had never been pregnant. It can be proven she was in school. None of the commenters that say she had two pregnancies before the RNC, can give you a timeline. There isn't any.

      After faking a pregnancy, and doing a lousy job of it, Sarah found out McCain's team didn't want to deal with Babygate and Bristol had to be five-months pregnant, to stop the rumors, if she wanted the VP slot. Sarah was livid but accepted the deal.

      C'mon, who in the world would ever believe a woman, Governor of a state, would fake a pregnancy? And then, her daughter did, too? McCain's team banked on that.

      With Trig's birth, we have an e-mail from the S.O.A. asking Sarah for "her" new child's b/c. Also, Dr. CBJ
      came forward and said she delivered him. There are pictures and evidence Trig was born at Mat-Su.

      With Tripp there is "nothing!" Sure, a month and-a-half after he was "supposedly" born, we finally saw him. In the interim, for a couple of pictures, I think they used a doll. Take a look:


    11. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Ginger @ 3:11 said
      C'mon, who in the world would ever believe a woman, Governor of a state, would fake a pregnancy? And then, her daughter did, too? McCain's team banked on that.

      Ginger, I think that that is how the Palins get away with so much. They do things that normal people cannot fathom a person would do and so people just dismiss the "oddball" stuff as too far out to be believable.

      Remember when people said no way Sarah charged rape victims for their rape kits. People just couldn't wrap their minds around a community police department charging victims for their crime scene investigations.

      Same with a sitting (or sleeping?) governor faking a pregnancy. Who can fathom it?

    12. Anon 6:52 PM

      You are right on! A few years back, a troll laughed at me and said..."no one pays any attention to you." Boy, was he/she ever right. It was after the e-mail from the S.O.A. came out, that I realized I had been right all along. Bristol was not pregnant a second time.

      The e-mail was addressed to ~Gov. Palin and was dated May 21, 2008, asking for her new child's birth certificate. They were holding claims that needed to be paid. I asked myself how could this be? We knew Sarah had faked a pregnancy. Why would her state insurance be sending her the e-mail?

      It didn't ask for Bristol's baby's b/c -- it asked for "her" new child's b/c. Here's where another "oddball" issue comes into play. Sarah talked Dr. CBJ into treating Bristol and putting all the paperwork in Sarah's name. Then, they submitted the invoices/billings to the S.O.A., Benefits Div. for payment. How she talked a fine, respectable doctor like CBJ into doing something like this, is unbelievable. But, there cannot be any other explanation for it.

      Sarah's reasoning wasn't only to get Trig's birth paid for, she wanted all the medical records in her name so that information could be transmitted to the Bureau of Vital Statistics in Juneau. In turn, a birth certificate would be printed out just the way she wanted to have for her VP runl

      The plan was to not let anyone know Bristol had ever been pregnant. That's why Sarah faked the pregnancy in the first place. However, this backfired on her. McCain's team didn't have the time to deal with her "real" b/c. With Troopgate and all her other baggage, and the chaos over Pres. Obama's b/c, it was an impossible situation.

      These are the reasons Bristol had to be five-months pregnant if she wanted the VP slot. That would stop the rumors. It must have killed Sarah to have had to parade Bristol around like that, but she went with it.

      Let's bring up some other "oddball" stuff. How many people switch babies? How many Trigs have we seen? They photoshop pictures right-and-left to distort things.

      And, last but not least, where did Bristol find her Gerber baby, Tripp? The cute little guy that brought in hundreds-of-thousands of dollars for Bristol and Levi. As Audrey (Palin'sDeceptions) said, Tripp is the cornerstone that holds the whole Palin scam together.

      Ref: 1) Michael Carey's video
      2) Palin'sDeceptions (Cornerstone I&II)
      3) S.O.A. E-mail dated May 21, 2008
      You can find these references at Politicalgates in the right hand bar

    13. Anonymous7:42 AM

      That would explain why Levi appears to do nothing about Tripp.

    14. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Anonymous12:04 PM
      I agree completely, look at the photo of Bristol on the tarmac being greeted by the McCains, pencil skirt, normal bustline and waist, next day she is stuffed like a goose. Probable didn't expect that photo to get out.

      Also thought it was strange they kept lifting Trig up in the air for the audience, had to be a reason behind that.

      I am sure Levi knows the truth and whether he signed anything is beside the point, he has a family to protect and I wouldn't put anything past the Palins to keep him silent, he signed up with the Palins for life, just like the Mafia.

    15. Anonymous9:16 PM

      It's HUGE...

  23. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Okay, armchair sleuths! This was posted on YT today.....planning another is she? Postulate away!


    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Ahh, throw back to the good old days! Is Sarah planning another bus tour? Who gives a fuc_! Where will she go? Again, who gives a fuc_?

    2. Anonymous12:29 PM

      She's trying to imply that her bus tour got more publicity than Hillary's is going to get.

    3. Anonymous12:33 PM

      She'll try anything to outdo Hillary.
      Nobody puts baby in the corner.
      ME! ME! ME!

    4. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Excellent! Yes, let's remind everyone about Paul Revere's ride, shall we?


      and let's not forget her bots changing Wikipedia to reflect Sarah's ignorance.

      Run, Sarah, run!!!

    5. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Sarah may have had a bus tour, but it went nowhere. She proved her ignorance of America History. She tried to ruin Mitt's announcement. She claimed that it was a family vacation, but there was no Trig, no Bristol, no Tripp. Todd and Willow left early, leaving the family as Sally, Chuck, Sarah and Piper. Piper pushed the reporters and acted like a brat because the reporters were ruining her vacation. What is Sarah calling it now? She didn't run for anything in 2012 so maybe it was just a glorified, over-sold thank you very much for the free ride SarahPAC scam and publicity tour.

    6. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Please proceed governor, PLEASE PROCEED!


    7. Anonymous7:04 PM

      It should be called "I'M CHASING THE LAMESTREAM MEDIA". Goodness gracious this is just her latest tease to get more money from her cult followers. The "I need $10,000 by midnight" didn't go over so well so this is the next gimmick. She knows full well that her die-hards worship her, cling to her every movement and utterance and that they will read unseen "signs from god" that she's going to announce any day now - again!. Personally I think her ruses to grift are kind of cruel to her believers who think that next to christ she is "the chosen one". She'll do anything to wring every last single dime out of gullible ones.

      I don't remember if this was in Proverbs or by Obi Wan Kenobe but it goes like this:

      Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?


      The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.

    8. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Ya know that insurance deal was 10 grand...what was that...life Assurance...gee Sarah...why must one put life ASSURANCE on someone...hmmm.could it be that HUGE account you can't pillage anymore...how ya gonna put it ALL back Sarah...you got caught...now off to jail you and your cronies go...

    9. Anonymous9:18 PM

      809...oh snap...say who keeps linking Richter Investments to this money laundering racket? Same CEO maybe?

  24. Janice A Soderquist11:25 AM

    I bet she hasn't slept with him yet. When she does, it will be over.....not a manly man

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Bristol has had a lot of sexual experience and she enjoyed it: Levi made her moan in bed, loud enough to wake others in the house.

      Dakota looks like, not so much sex. Also too, he will have to watch his weight as he is already about 20 pounds overweight. Also too he needs to work out to gain some muscle definition. No, Dakota is not sexy, but maybe Bristol will teach him a few things. Sexual frustration will ruin a marriage.

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      The last time that there were photos of Dakota's girl friend on the internet was 2011.

  25. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Dakota looks as though he will be quite a heifer himself in a few years.

  26. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Is Duhkota doing ads for mom jeans?

  27. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I see they've made tripp wear the flag boots with pants tucked in so you are sure to see just how patriotic they are. Nobody I know tucks their pants into their boots. When you have to try this hard to show how patriotic you are it really shows that it is just an act and you're not patriotic at all.

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      It's always been an act. They're AIP.
      $arah only changed her affiliation so she could run for office.

    2. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Maybe his mom made him stick his legings into his patriotic boots so that he will look like his patriotic Grandmother?

    3. Anonymous1:57 PM

      She tucked in the pants because the comments before said that Tripp's legs looked photoshopped. Jump, Bristol, jump! How come we haven't seen you in the kitchen, wearing your apron and rustling up a pan of grits? How long will it take you to learn how to make a red velvet cake? How about some Louisville Chili? Or are you still testing the bourbon for the Derby Pie? What? You still don't know how to cook? We're waiting for the posed photos like you mom takes.

    4. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Sarah has no core convictions. It's all about leveraging events to feed her ego and bank account.

    5. Anonymous8:11 PM

      1137...your confused...it's API...hu Sarah

  28. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Wonder how long before the "Green Acres" schtick grows old for Brissy Hollywood?

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM


      Bristol should be a pro at milking cows

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Bristol will get tired of the farm life when she can't find anywhere to wear those shoes with the red soles. And, if she did find someplace to wear them, just walking out to the truck in the mud will turn the soles brown. I hope she carries tissues in her designer handbag.

    3. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Bristol has been milked many times.

    4. abbafan3:18 PM

      It won't be long before wimpy Barstool will be tired of life in Buttfuck, KY, and be pining (or whining) for Moron Mummy in Warsiller. Barstool, crying to Dumbkota - "Darling I love you, but give me Park Avenue"!

    5. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Uhm, Bristol dear, you can't milk a bull, just sayin'

    6. Green Acres? Both are idiot hicks. bustol moved from one hick town to another.

  29. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Uncle D., soon to be Daddy D. is sooo cool! He lets me shoot the neighbor's dogs and set fires in other people's back yards. He even set up targets for me to shoot of pictures of bad black people, just like the policeman in South Carolina. Next, maybe he'll show me how to give someone two black eyes....with one punch. I just hope it's not me.

  30. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Stunning portrayal of the iconic white supremacist family unit! BTW, does Bristol sport a Tramp Stamp? If not, I think she should.

  31. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Bristol deserves that dumpy looking Teletubby.

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      From the looks of him, he's all potatoes and no meat.

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      He does seem to get pudgier by the day.

  32. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Ya know Willow and Piper Palin may not be academically smart but they know enough to keep their sex lifes personal and not sprawled all over the internet.

  33. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Be happy there's one less Palin in Alaska. There could be more that left Alaska, is Willow in Oregon or Washington? Is Track in a secret undisclosed location?

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      What about Piper? Is she being taken care of by her auntie for mono?

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      12:56 PM If not, she would be the first Palin girl to not have an early pregnancy.

    3. Anonymous2:24 AM

      With Dick Cheney? Hah!


  34. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I'm afraid that Levi has finally lost his son this time. The Palin influence is just too strong for a boy his age. It's a damn shame. Levi & Sunny seem to lead a quiet, normal life, the kind of life that helps a boy grow into a good man.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      You don't know anything.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      X 2

    3. Anonymous1:43 PM

      that's in support of 12:32 pm

    4. Well, maybe when Bristol drops a few Meyers she'll be more willing to have Tripp go back to Alaska for longer and longer extended stays until...he just stays there.

      I cannot believe she has no clue she is going to be Bristol Meyer after she's married. LOL.

    5. Anonymous3:07 PM

      I agree with 12:32's comment. And I think it must have struck a nerve, isn't that right, 1:21?

      R in NC

    6. abbafan3:11 PM

      It is quite possible that Levi cut the cord, and let the kid go. He probably senses that the damage is done; it is too late to help him. The damage caused by the gang of fuckin' idiots is irreversible. Levi is the real man here to see that. P.S. - 1:21 P.M. - Fuck you!!

    7. Anonymous3:36 PM


      X2 - on both points ..

    8. Anonymous4:08 PM

      How do we know that Tripp has always been well behaved and good to his baby siblings? We see him looking happier with Levi but we don't see everything. Levi and Sunny may have observed things that concern them for the well being of other children around Tripp. It does happen.

      Tripp could have all kinds of feelings about the babies that have moved in on his Dad. They may be cute and he may love them. But it may be difficult for him. No one may want to mention it. It may be easier if Tripp moves far away.

    9. Anonymous4:11 PM

      You go, abbafan!

    10. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Levi needs to go see the Kid...then watch the Walin Palins freak out...lol..

    11. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Levi will never give up on his son because that's not what a dad does. he's always there for trip. if anything just a phone call away. trip is a member of levis family and he plays a very important role as big brother to two little sisters. im sure tripp knows the ropes at his dad and step mom's house. he knows he is loved by the johnstons.

    12. Anonymous9:25 PM

      813...he's probably been told not to...or else...you know zPalin threats.

  35. Anonymous1:24 PM

    About that picture, the only thing we know for sure is that little "Bolt" will get a bolt in the head in a year or two. Trying to make a calf about a fucking gun and trying to make a calf into a personal pet for a small child with no experience of rural realities is just fucking cruel.

    And that's so typical of Bristol Palin and her mother.

    1. Yeah, Tripp is at that Silence of the Lambs age. One day he'll look around and wonder where his pet calf Sparky is and he'll be told right here on the table. Aren't the hamburgers delicious?

    2. Anonymous2:27 AM

      Bolt is right next to the potatoes (french fries) as Grandma Sarah chortles? So sad for Trip. *sigh*


  36. Anonymous1:51 PM

    There was a movie some time ago, starring Robert Duvall as The Great Santini (1979). Duvall played a military pilot who may have great flying his missions but he insisted of rigid military discipline at home with terrible consequences.

    Thinking about the movie reminded me of the days when postal workers carried a gun, lost control and shot up the place. (It was called Going Postal). Our mail carrier explained that returning Vietnam vets got extra points on the civil service exam so they could easily get work at the post office. They liked the idea of walking around all day delivering mail, a change from the horrors of the Vietnam war. But many had PTSD, not to mention a drug habit they might have picked up, but they wore uniforms and had to follow orders. There were deadlines, and if their supervisor sounded like their tough sergeant from the army, they had flashbacks and "went postal."

    Dakota does not seem to have had treatment even though he is supposed to have had a head injury but he refused therapy. This business of always having a loaded gun around to defend himself is scary because the slightest noise could set him off. Not a problem for a guy living alone. Quite a problem for a new girl friend and a 6 year old kid who might get up in the middle of the night. And then there's the dog roaming around.

    And this business of being the "good Dad" is not going to play well. Where is Levi in all this?

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Did postal workers ever carry guns? Pony Express days, for sure. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the mass shooting "craze" started with a disgruntled postal worker returning to work and opening fire, hence the term "going postal." From then on, it was monkey see, monkey do and one-upmanship.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      @3:09 Are you comparing the Pony Express, a guy riding solo on a horse through Indian country, or afraid of being held up with a Vietnam Vet having flashbacks due to his drug use and PTSD when his supervisor at the Post Office gave him military-type orders?????? My mail carrier carries mace in case of dog attacks, but there's a no gun sticker on the doors of our post office. These days, they don't rob the mailman. They just take the mail out of the person's mailbox after the mailman left it there. They know when the Social Security checks are being delivered, which is why people switch to direct deposit.

    3. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Our mailman used to carry dog cookies. He became a favorite at our house. And the UPS driver used to deliver a dog cookie along with the package.

  37. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Tripp: I've looked everywhere and I can't find Bolt.

    Duhkota: Shut up and eat your veal.

  38. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Just because Bristol says the photo shows Dakota spoiling Tripp doesn't mean it's so. I say bull (calf) shit.

    If the farm has male and female cows, that calf was already there whether or not Tripp ever made it to KY.

    The Palins' use of bribery to obtain a child's compliance is well-documented. The need to bribe Tripp with a calf...and more?...implies he may have raised hell about going to KY and/or isn't too keen on Dakota.

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Yeah my first thought was that calf pic is in Palmer...not KY...fakers indeed

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      there are no male cows :)

  39. Yeah, we had a Marine Lt. Colonel that lived next to use used to beat his wife. She got a royal beating after she had the seventh kid and asked them for a hysterectomy, which they did. He was off somewhere. When he came back he was livid and beat her. Gee, seven wasn't enough?

    She did outlive him.

    To my knowledge the boys did not take after their dad, but it was always as disappointment to my parents that I did not grow up to marry John Jr.

  40. Anonymous3:21 PM

      my god my god why hast thou forsaken me

    Bristol Palin Living In Sin For Third Or Eighteenth Time, For Abstinence

    .....Apparently, the organization [the Candie’s Foundation] was only able to find $35,000 to grant to charities from the $1,242,476 donated from the public. Meanwhile, the young Ms. Palin managed to pull in a $262,500 paycheck for her role as an ambassador for their teen pregnancy prevention campaign in 2009.

    HOLY FUCKBALLS. More than two hundred fifty large for an 18- or 19-year-old “ambassador” whose main qualification for telling girls to keep their dicks in their pants was NOT KEEPING HER DICK IN HER PANTS. We … we just … alskdfjlskdjflsdjflskdjflksdjflksdjflskdjflskdjfs!!1!11

    OK, we think that is out of our systems now (no it is not, it will never be out of our systems, Bristol Palin’s Candie’s Foundation paycheck will be on our fucking tombstone, but we MUST MOVE ON), and we can concentrate on the other times Bristol Palin has lived with gross horny men without benefit of marriage.....


    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Hopefully Bristol Palin did not pass on STDs from Trial Daddy to Trial Daddy. Put a plug in it, Bristol.

    2. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Ha I'm happy to see someone in the media bringing attention to the christian power couple shacking up against ALL the Palin's professed hypocritical beliefs.....I tweeted and/or wrote every single rag about this!

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      I love reading the comments at Wonkette. It gave me the chance to post a pic of Bristol's redneck bridal shower. Pat

    4. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Herpes is a favorite

  41. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Track get well soon

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Send in report. No one can well wish if no knowledge of how near death.

    2. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Or dead already...shake of head..

  42. Anonymous4:07 PM

    They make such a cute couple. The question is "Couple of whats?" Once again, exploiting Tripp for her own edification. When is her new book coming out? "How many daddies had Tripp had in his short life? with Bristol Palin and Nancy French.

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      How many siblings has Bristol given Tripp? 3, 4, ? It must be easy to farm out babies in Arizona. How many times has Tripp seen his mother with a pregnant belly?

  43. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I still say, the worst possible environment for Tripp and he WILL act out eventually. I've seen this one too many times, but Bristol, like her mother, puts her needs first. I really do fear for that kid.

  44. Anonymous4:20 PM

    So they kidnapped jilly, Trig's "service dog" and went milking bulls. Sounds par for the course.

    1. That's no service dog. It's a chihuahua.

  45. Anonymous4:22 PM

    An adult, a young boy, and a dog, all sharing one seat of what looks to be some kind of car/moving vehicle? Not strapped in properly, I'll bet, but the Palin's do really hate those intrusive government laws that save children from traumatic brain injury, maiming, and death. Long live the Tea Party!

  46. Anonymous4:37 PM

    He got some junk in the trunk, doesn't he?

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Being a promiscuous Palin, she probably had him put his junk in her trunk?

      Like the sign on her forehead reads


  47. Anonymous4:51 PM

    You just watch: that kid, who never had to do any chore in his life, and is too young for this kind of responsibility, will be made responsible for the welfare of this animal. (If he had grown up on a farm, it would be no issue - he would be used to taking care of animals!) If/when he forgets to feed the animal, it will have to go w/o food. Maybe Trip then will have to go w/o food as a consequence. Or... The animal eventually starves, and Trip will be made to feel super guilty, and will potentially have to watch it being slaughtered and then prepared for their dinner table.
    Way to go, Bar$Tool!

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Most of the Palin dogs "disappear" very shortly after they get them. The calf with either die or be brought to slaughter.

  48. How old is that kid? 10? You can not tell me he is only six and a half.

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      I don't know how old Tripp is. The setting looks like a new stage. Who gets credit for stage design?

    2. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Ah now you touch on a skary subject...that group is notorious on forgery of documents...hu Sarah...

    3. Anonymous9:29 PM

      819 - yeah they are not happy...no current signature to forge...hey Sarah when you realize that no one cares it will be all right...

  49. Anonymous6:49 PM

    You bought into it, Dakota, may you land where it takes you. It won't be pretty....but as the old commercials sang, "You asked for it, you got it, Toyota."

  50. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Hey Sarah, now that the media has picked up on the story of Bristol & Dakota shacking up, you can stop trying to makeover your daughter as the next Chelsea Clinton. It will never work no matter how hard you try.

    1. Anonymous4:11 AM

      Snort! Yeah, good luck with that S'error!

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      The best part is they do it all to themselves. No one would know they are living in sin if they didn't post in on the Internet, because NO CARES, except to point out what hypocrites the whole clan is.

  51. Anonymous4:13 AM

    I wonder if Laura Ingrham realizes how wrong she was..... and how right Oprah was in questioning the validity of Bristol's abstinence pledge.

    Who's looking foolish now?



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