Friday, April 24, 2015

Dear future generations, sorry.

That young man is Prince Ea, an American rapper and activist.

Here is some excerpts courtesy of the Daily Kos:  

"Dear Future Generations, I think I speak for the rest of us when I say, 'Sorry.' Sorry that we left you with a mess of a planet. Sorry that we were so caught up in our own doings - to do something." 

"Let me tell you, trees are amazing. We literally breathe the air they are creating They clean up our pollution, our carbon, store and purify our water, give us medicine that cures our disease, food that feeds us…" 

"I'm sorry that we put profits above people, greed above need, the rule of gold above the Golden Rule. I'm sorry we used nature as a credit card with no spending limit…" 

"Hey Fox News, If you don't think climate change is a threat, I dare you to interview the thousands of homeless people in Bangladesh. See while you were in your penthouse nestled, their homes were literally washed away beneath their feet due to the rising sea levels." 

"And Sarah Palin. You said you loved the smell of fossil fuels. Well, I urge you to talk to the kids of Beijing who are forced to wear pollution masks just to go to school." 

"Cut the beat." 

"I'm not sorry. This future, I do not accept it. Because an error does not become a mistake, until you refuse to correct it."

And they say our millennials are lazy and uninvolved.

Go ahead tell that to this young man. 

Kind of telling that he felt the need to call out Fox News and Sarah Palin specifically don't you think?


  1. Anonymous6:57 AM

    That was the first Rap that I have ever listened to completely...

    Thank You!
    I'm going to share this!

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      this fellow's message could change the world, because more young people may hear it. we can hope! little bits of this kind of education can go a long way. I'd like more. thank you Prince Ea.

  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Awesome. I hope this guy is a vegan. Animal agriculture is the no. 1 cause of deforestation (to graze cows and to grow soy and corn to feed ALL the farm animals--the 57 billions per year that are slaughtered.) If we did not grow food to feed the animals we torture and murder--and instead used JUST A FRACTION of it to feed the world--there would be NO hungry humans.

    The LAST thing we need to be doing is feeding more of the world more meat, chicken, fish or dairy. Doing so is destroying the planet. If you do care about the environment, the ONLY choice is to go vegan. Bill Gates and other forward-thinking investors recognize this and are helping to found startups that are working on meat alternative, like Beyond Meat.

    Of course, from a nutritional standpoint, eating more legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, along with more fruit and vegetables is all we need. Check out the documentary Cowspiracy and read The China Study

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Just finished reading and watching An Idiot Abroad and it was so sad to see that China raises St. Bernards for food and keep them in tiny cages until they are of a slaughter able size. Asians have some seriously fucked up eating habits. Just had the absolute displeasure of visiting chinatown in San Fran and for fucks sake those people will put anything in their mouths. I had to leave as quick as possible and there is no way I'd eat anything there; it was so dirty and disgusting and smelly I can't imagine how anyone could put anything in their mouths-thanks but no thanks I'd rather not get typhoid from eating in this area! It was even more gross than the actual China, which was a trip I did 10 years ago and stayed two days only in that disgusting pollution ridden and smelly place and had to pay over $800 to come home 10 days early.

    2. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Le Sigh Animals eat tons of vegetables, they're concentrated veggies,. I do hope he rides a bike and hugs trees. The man wrote a great song and we're bitching about what more he can do. May we drink fermented adult beverages? or is that in the commandments as well?

  3. hedgewytch7:22 AM

    When my so-called Mensa Uncle who is a retired Dr and I thought a man capable of critical thinking starts spewing Sarah Palin talking points at me that Global Climate Change is all a hoax, you know that the Koch Brothers have won.

  4. Dinty8:19 AM

    I am always worrying about what type of world we'll leave Keith Richards.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Keith will be fine, he has weathered much worse storms than global climate change ;-)

  5. Anonymous8:37 AM

    This young man is amazing. I saw this video last year and it made me cry:

    With people like this there is hope...slight but there.

  6. PalinsHoax9:07 AM

    Because an error does not become a mistake, until you refuse to correct it."
    - - -

    That is a priceless line! Now who is it again who keeps digging in her heels, refusing to admit wrong doing, refusing to accept self-responsibility, refusing to correct an error?

    I believe her middle name is "Mule", no "Donkey". No wait, her middle name is A$$ - Flat-A$$ to be exact.

  7. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Wow. Very powerful.

    Thanks for posting, Gryph.

  8. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Thanks for sharing this. I saw the song done by some girl on a guitar awhile ago on television, but the original's much much better.
    This is why I was shaken when Hootie left the Blowfish and sang country, felt he was talented enough to get this point across.


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