Friday, April 24, 2015

Few remaining Palin-bots are excited by easily manipulated poll results which indicate that Sarah Palin is becoming popular again.

I told you I'd be back bitches!
Okay so there's this website which I am sure some of you know about that simply ADORES Sarah Palin, and continues to believe that she is someday going to fulfill her destiny and lead this country into ruin. (They seem blissfully unaware that Palin has already fulfilled her destiny to become a failed reality start and late night comedian punchline.)

Anyhow recently they stumbled across this polling website, ironically named "Elections Meter," and are now promoting it because it claims that Sarah Palin's poll numbers are currently at 55.6%.

According to the Palin-bot website: 

The new 6250+ aggregate vote EM Poll gives Palin a 55.62% approval rating. This is her fifth rating above 45% by one point or more increases in this poll since 2010, and shows the long struggle against media distortion she has had to undertake. Still, the slow and steady rise continues-as Palin's polling over the last six months indicates clearly. 

Undertake the long struggle she has done indeed, and her tenacity seems to finally be paying, off as voters now are seeing her in a substantially positive light again.The following factors may also have been significant contributors to her continuous rise.

Her strong statements on President Obama's handling of the economy during and after the 2012 election have clearly elicited a positive response. Voters look for strength of character and unwavering conviction which, whether one agrees with her views or not, Palin has in abundance.

Hang on a minute I'm fighting a losing battle against a case of the giggles. 

Okay so if you take the time to click the link to the polling website up top you will see in it's top right hand corner a blurb that states "Did you know that you can vote repeatedly?"

Now I don't want to accuse anybody who supports Sarah Palin of being unethical in any way, after all we don't have any "cough cough DWTS voting" evidence to support that, however it does suggest, and let me choose the kindest words possible for this, that the remaining Sarah Palin supporters are a bunch of desperately ignorant idolaters who will do ANYTHING to convince themselves that they have not wasted these past seven years supporting a woman who will NEVER do anything to earn even a scintilla of respect from the American voters.

See I can be diplomatic.

Fortunately for those of us who see Palin for what she is, there are still multiple occasions to see her name used as the butt of jokes. Like here on a new show on ABC called "Blackish" for instance. 

Yep, now these are people who recognize Sarah Palin's actual contribution to the world.


  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Ah yes, that site run by the drooling fool from New Zealand who publishes commenters' email addresses if they disagree with him.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      @ 12:12 Is that where Sheperd is from? Would explain why all her SPC traffic is from New Zealand. Must have 1000 IP's logged in at all times.

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Several are from down under and a few are Canadian, as well.

    3. Anonymous12:57 PM

      That doofus is the biggest egocentric blowhard!
      Definitely thinks his ish doesn't stink

    4. Anonymous1:23 PM

      As obnoxious as MJ is, the old gent is worse. He thinks because a thread of lonely, post menopausal women and old impotent, angry men hang on his every written word, that he is a man among men. The way they fawn over him and defer to his opinions is hilarious. They are a cult, in need of a leader and if AIP Palin fails them again, I think VG could make a mint off of those minions! What a sad and pathetic site.

    5. Anonymous2:41 PM

      51.7% of this site's traffic comes from New Zealand, land of the paid Palin trolls and bots. See my post further on down on Alexa's stats for the past month.

    6. Anonymous4:05 PM

      They're heerrree...

      centralparksouth virginiagentleman1
      an hour ago
      "Hey VG a twofer! At IM they attack you and I. I'm upset as I thought I was worse than you but -2nd isn't too bad

      "As obnoxious as MJ is, the old gent is worse."

      They rave on a bit more about you but you get the gist.
      1 Reply

      korn8131 centralparksouth
      39 minutes ago
      park, may I ask what IM stands for?? I might want to mossy over dare and check it out.
      0 Reply

      centralparksouth korn8131
      37 minutes ago
      Immoral Minority they have a full column attacking my Palin polling post with massive of hate comments about me C4P-don't be offended by what they say about the lovely ladies here-they are insane"

    7. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Hey Korn,
      It's mosey, not mossy, you old fool. Hugs
      Your TBo
      Blogger Extraordinaire

  2. Irishgirl12:19 PM

    Is the graph upside down?

    1. Anonymous9:27 PM

      I don't know, maybe. But kinda looks like the wild ride x-ray from '08 too, but sideways.

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Her newest post on facebook wasted no time wishing Duck Rapist a happy birthday.

    So let me get this straight, a man that promotes marring off your 12 year old daughter before they get to any form of independent thinking was granted Facebook space on the day of his birth from Sarah yet her own "blood" get a 4 day late shout out in parenthesis with a plate of stale cupcakes?

  4. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Boy, oh boy, Sarah Palin has a huge jaw line! What has happened to her in her older age?

  5. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Under FAQ on the website:

    4. Can I vote repeatedly?

    Sure. You can vote repeatedly according to the level of your registration. Repeated voting, significantly determines the weight of your voice for your favorite.

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Looks like you can repeatedly vote if it is a "Yes", I tried to vote "No" three times and this is what they told me while sending me packing.

      "Protection against excessive, mean and robotic voting."

    2. Imagine THAT, 12:34! Thanks for the tip... but don't you think those three adjectives describe $arahbots to a T?!?

    3. Anonymous1:48 PM

      @ 1:35 Yes! Robotic voting sums it up nicely.

    4. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Well, so why don't we all go there and vote 'yes' repeatedly. Let those fools believe that these are 'real' votes, and then let them spend their hard earned retirement $ on her.
      At least they would not spend it where it might actually count.

    5. What a waste of time. I would hope IMers are smarter than to "vote 'yes' repeatedly" on some site that inflates the egos of Palin and Palinbots.

  6. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:25 PM

    As Groucho Marx once said, "Vote early! Vote often!"

    Or was that one of Sarah's merry band of PAC peons posting under random names at the C4SockDrawer?

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Whats so funny about it is that even when it is their rigged poll they still can't get more then 55%

    2. Anonymous12:50 PM

      What is even funnier still is that they are excited by the results, even though they know they are inflated!

    3. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Just like the bought facebook "likes".

  7. Anonymous12:28 PM


    i voted for her several hundred times because I mistakenly thought it was a poll to select "Most rapidly aging irrelevant international laughingstock"

  8. Anonymous12:31 PM


    This is funny, since April 12:
    dakotameyer0317 Myself and @bsmp2 celebating our first week living together in KY by shooting our @warsport #LVOA today!!

    Whoever sells Dakota's shirts works everyday in sales.

    The workers at Sarah Facebook Pac are only congratulating rich people and faux birthday greetings. They are working hard to try pretending she is so nice.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      HA...under the Dakota contest link you put up the only one comment is a guy complaining he has not received any product.

      Bill Dean Worthen: How long does it take to receive order? I purchased two shirts over two weeks ago, no sign of em.

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM

      "Godammit Bristol you will be moving to Kentucky and shacking up with that ugly ginger boy with the bad bangs whether you like it or not, and also too, you'll be putting to bed all that abstinence nonsense and showing this boy all the tricks that your daddy and grandaddy taught you, for dollars baby, for sweet PAC dollars. I promise I'll get him a double wide if you just do your duty".

    3. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Over at the Dakota place, they don't ink up the presses until they get a dozen orders. Otherwise, it's just a waste of ink.

  9. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Sarah has told her followers that she needs donations to buy a 65 million dollar Gulfstream G650 jet to spread her conservative message to more people.

    She learned how to fleece the flock from the Georgia preacher.

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Ha! She can only raise $300 grand per quarter now, that ain't buyin' no private jets.

    2. Anonymous9:42 PM

      That skinny old butt couldn't even get a ride in Creflo's old jet. Way too dumb and trashy for his taste.

  10. Anonymous12:56 PM

    She'll never get that amount of money! She's no longer a politician and sure as Hell did not pass the test for television or being an entertainer.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Not that she wasn't given every chance under the sun. I wouldn't even call her D-list anymore.

    2. Anonymous2:29 PM

      She has a face for radio

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      ...and the personality suited for an outhouse.

  11. Anonymous1:06 PM


    "And in my right hand I have my daddy, and in my left hand I have my daughter's boyfriend Duhkota."

  12. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Is that the website that has Dancing with the Stars style voting, vote early, vote often, vote Palin?

  13. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Check out her ratings now...going down......

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      OMG!! They are nosediving! HA HA HA HA, Shepard is going to twat his pants.

    2. Anonymous2:53 PM

      1:28 & 1:41:
      I saved a screenshot of the nosedive. Just in

  14. Anonymous1:38 PM

    HA! Check out the comments on SarahPac facebook page! The minions are starting to get it, especially since the PAC sent out that email promoting the smarmy 3.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Ha! Jesus may have woken up from a coma and rolled his rock away from his cave and got the fuck out of Israel, but Mrs. Palin will never have a "resurrection" of her career, never, ever, ever.

    2. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Ha ha they want her to shit or get off the pot.

  15. Anonymous1:48 PM

    What are the smarmy 3?

    1. Aunt Ethel2:12 PM

      Cruz, Paul, and Rubio. She sent out a fundraising letter saying send money so SarahPAC can support RWNJ candidates like them.

  16. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Ha, ha, ha, desperate much Mrs. Palin?

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      I'm really amazed that the Sarah Pac facebook page allows "libtards" to comment.

  17. Anonymous1:50 PM

    They must be kidding... Win a Hockey Stick Signed by Gov. Palin!

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Did she sign it when she was Gov. or is it false advertising?

    2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:26 PM

      Would be better if she signed players' knocked-out teefuses, one letter a tooth. I'm sure a crafty Bot could make a nifty necklace out of 'em.

    3. Anonymous2:35 PM

      For a $5 donation, Bristol will autograph this picture for the true hockey fan.

    4. Anonymous2:51 PM

      I'll give $1000 if after I win I get to hit a puck at Palin with that stick!

    5. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Hey remember that photo of a pregnant Bristol with a hockey puck on her stomach? Maybe they can talk Bristol into signing it for a few more dollars. See photo here:

    6. Anonymous3:59 PM

      My OH MY oh my!

    7. Anonymous4:26 PM

      @ 3:59...I love that comment and picture of Brislut. I know it won't hang around for long unless the mods are to stupid to understand it is brilliant snark. I can't stop laughing.

  18. Aunt Ethel1:55 PM

    "Edwin Dryden
    Sarah Palin , You owe us an explanation immediately . Are you running? Governor Palin , Please Explain this . We want Sarah Palin for President 2016 , you say that you are seriously in 2016 and then SarahPAC send out this garbage , We want Palin 2016 . Are you listening to us lovely supporters . Explain this Sarah Palin , you owe us an explanation are you leading us on . Run for president or I'm canceling my subscription to SarahPalinChannel and will never donate a penny to SarahPAC . You owe us better and I want answer . I've given you over a thousand dollars and we want Sarah Palin for President and not Marco Rubio , Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul . Are you listening , Please Respond , you owe us supporters."

    Somebody needs to tell these folks that they are nothing but checkbooks on legs to her.

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:22 PM

      Oy. I'm really, really, REALLY hoping that poor Edwin's tear-stained post is a whole vanload of snark, but I'm probably kidding myself.

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      (I snarkily "liked" it) heh

    3. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Typo: are you listening to us "loony" supporters not lovely. Not lovely at all. Lol.

    4. Anonymous3:49 PM

      This one almost made me cry:

      Sean Nadworniak Governor Palin , Run for president in 2016 or you have nothing and your career will be dead . This is your chance. Ted Cruz is a user that only wants your supporters, he's just another Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann . We we want Sarah Palin , I speak for every Palin supporter . Run for President , We deserve Sarah Palin . Give us this chance . Don't let the media and the establishment bury you . We are begging you to Run for President. It is life and death , especially for this country and your career . Run Sarah Run . Sarah Palin for President . I pray you read this and know this . You must run for president . Please Sarah Palin , Run for president and don't die in the Political graveyard like Dan Quayle or Herman Cain . Run Sarah Run . We all want Palin2016

    5. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Awww...this poor teen is apparently being bullied by being called a cultist:

      Mike Zlotnick Governor Palin , we deserve a chance to vote for Sarah Palin for president in 2016 , please give us the chance. Thank you . I hope you are listening. Sarah Palin is Running . Sarah Palin says she's seriously interested in 2016 . Palin2016 . Ted Cruz people are attacking you. We need Sarah Palin for President 2016 . Cruz is a snake like Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry . We must have Sarah Palin 2016 . Ted Cruz people such as Rick Shaftan and Judson Phillips attack you and your supporters. They call Palin supporters like me cultists. Please Run for President, We deserve Palin 2016 . Run or the bad guys win .

      As I scroll through the SarahPac Facebook the ones begging her are apparently copy/pasting the same message to her over and over. Like she's even going to listen to them. All she cares about is their wallets.

    6. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Shes got to get her skanky offspring married first.

    7. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Umm, didn't you see everyone's new vehicles. Trips. The ring. Wakeup, she is not going to run, ever. She hoaxed the country. Request a paternity test of your donatio of a 1k!

  19. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Don't care how "popular" you are Sarah, you'll always be a dumb fucking lunatic to me.

  20. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Sarah Palin quit her elected office of governor. How can they say Gov.?
    If I won a stick that was signed by a governor I would want it signed Governor Soandso when they were a governor. Who in their right mind wants a quitter anyway?

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      She should sign hockey pucks; it's more appropriate.

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      she needs to go puck herself.

  21. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Sarah's raffling off a signed hockey stick while the serious Republicans are headed to Iowa.

    Altogether, nine Republicans likely to make 2016 presidential bids are scheduled to speak at Saturday’s Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition Spring Kick-Off . The subtext for the event won’t be subtle: It is taking place at the evangelical Point of Grace megachurch in Waukee, a Des Moines suburb, and will attract the leading activists from Iowa’s social conservative community.

    Better yet, it looks like Sarah wasn't even invited this year!

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      HAAAAAA. Haaaaaa.

      What do you have to say about that, Sarah?

      Struck out on both counts: Presidential contenders/political powers and Conservative Christian.

      Didn't even get an invite! Yes! I say, that's real progress from the Republican powers that be.

  22. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I had no idea Sarah Palin was this unpopular. They really should not try so hard. I would feel sorry for her if she and her brood were not so corrupt and steal so much from the vulnerable.

    Why won't Sarah Palin pay the police, firefighters and first responders? She has used 9/11 to increase her cred and relevancy for years and it has all been fraud.

    "Combat vet" son, oh poo. Get a job Palin and quit the grift.

  23. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Gryphen, you should probably find another shtick soon, looks and feels like granny grifter is so far outside the "lame stream" that your audience may soon drop. I know I come here less frequently just because I've lost interest in the bitch now that her star has flamed out. Job well done!!! Let's see...what next?

    1. There's other stuff of note besides Palin. Things I should know about but might have missed.

    2. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Speak for yourself, 2:29 PM. Until that bitch is gone for good, Gryph needs to keep her feet to the fire.

    3. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Yep. Bubba Jeb. I'll be here for that! Plus I'm sticking around - Sarah has done SO much damage in dividing America, making the KKK mainstream, and to people and families PERSONALLY, etc. ad nauseum I want to make sure that witch goes down all the way. She's an iceberg melting and I don't even want to see an ice cube left! She ought to be in freaking jail!!!

    4. Anonymous3:34 PM

      I only speak for myself 3:01. I believe this is an open forum? Gryphen knows what he's doing without help from neither you or I. I was only pointing out my own surfing habits and interest. She's toast and I think Gryphen is due a huge round of applause!! Because of him, she and her brood are a bore. As are you.

    5. Anonymous4:02 PM

      2:29 here. Gryphen, while I despise the Bush clan as much as you, I think Cruz is the biggest douche to ever have the audacity to run for the POTUS. Who the fuck does he think he is?!!!! Koch money be damned, he will never be the President of our country. Period.

    6. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Point taken, 3:34 PM, yes, I am a bore.

  24. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Speaking of New Zealand (and people of walmart) consider these Alexa estimates for the past month and have a good chuckle!
    Global Rank 9,801,010
    Rank in any country 0
    Which search keywords send traffic to this site?
    1. palin2016 84.57%
    2. sarah palin 2016 10.13%
    3. immoral minority 2.43%
    4. american thinker 2.01%
    5. nape summit 0.15%
    Global Rank 330,601
    Rank in New Zealand (51.7%) 2,035
    Rank in United States (44.8%) 148,248
    (The rank by country is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site from users from that country over the past month.)

    Which search keywords send traffic to this site?
    1. conservatives4palin 63.00%
    2. c4p 6.98%
    3. sarah palin 3.42%
    4. palin 2.63%
    5. walmart customers unruly 2.45%
    Global Rank 233,586
    Rank in United States (100%) 44,925

    Which search keywords send traffic to this site?

    1. immoral minority 35.41%
    2. john mccain tea party 15.71%
    3. sarah palin returns snl 5.41%
    4. hadeel sittu 4.08%
    5. willow bianca faye 3.75%

  25. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I told you Sarah Palin is running for President. You just have to have faith and believe in her.

    1. Cracklin Charlie3:31 PM

      If you really, really believe, all you gotta do is clap your hands.

      Run, Sarah, Run!

    2. Dinty5:43 PM

      At what point will you accept that she won't? 2016, 2020 or 2024?

  26. Anonymous2:59 PM

    How impressive!! Sarah is so popular!

    Popular and hangs with the celebrated horse racing dynasty!

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Does Sarah have a bathrobe on in the photo "horse racing dynasty"? Look at the hem of that pink monstrosity. It's been hemmed by a machine and nobody hems a coat like that.

      She looks horrible in the top photo. No! She looks slutty. The man doesn't look very happy...Hey hillbilly, that's what happens when you get fixed up on a blind date!

    2. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Ugh, she's become so anorexic her head is twice as big as her hips. She should really lay off the drugs or whatever she is on.

    3. Anonymous4:24 PM

      All the woman wear pink...apparently Sarah did not get that memo! What a fool and the coat is about 10 sizes too big.
      See looks absolutely silly!

    4. Anonymous4:36 PM

      4:24 A “Pink Out” fashion theme was also introduced in 2009 and became an immediate and popular part of the Kentucky Oaks Day celebration. All attending the Oaks are encouraged to incorporate the color pink into their wardrobes for that day as part of the event’s focus on women’s health issues

    5. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Hey, head out to the barn and grab the coat off of "Ole Betsey" we need it to cover up another hag!

    6. Anonymous5:57 PM

      That is an old photo, at least last year, why are you posting it now?

    7. Anonymous7:46 PM

      5:57 PM

      The pictures OLD, they are from when Sarah was with the Kentucky horse lady and the Duck family.

      People from her past that Sarah remembers, her children are almost forgotten.

      Why is Sarah remembering Ducks and mentioning a horse lady when her children are to be so important yet she forgets them?

    8. Cracklin Charlie8:36 PM

      Horse lady and ducks have plenty $.

      Kids...not so much.

    9. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Hey CC ask Sarah about is he these is Laurna....the daughter of the neighbor who set him up? How will that work out in court?

  27. Anonymous3:17 PM

    i just went on and they must have taken a snapshot of the "height" of their little poll because the "meter" was all the way

  28. Anonymous3:26 PM

    The Palins must do something like the Khardashians if they want anyone at all to take an interest in any of them. Bristol is too old and repulsive to be another Kim. No one wants to look at her fiancé with or without clothes.

    Bruce Jenner is on to something. You know there are life stories in the Palin clan that would generate more interest and money. The gossip rags may even take an interest again. What the Palins are doing now is an EPIC FAIL. No body likes them. They are fakes and frauds and it is well known. No one thinks of them as having anything to do with politics, they blew that. The hanger ons that perpetuate the farce are a joke and they must know that by now.

    The hockey stick trick is the dumbest thing. Will they sink lower? I guess we will find out soon because if they are going to find donors they will need to keep working Facebook and Instagram. It is about all they have now. The world knows it is all smoke and mirrors and the people that pretend to be a following are mostly sock puppets.

    If the Palins can't be bold and vibrant now they will continue to sink.

    Bruce Jenner

  29. Anonymous3:31 PM

    The woman is desperate for cash! Under her US for Palin FB, she's giving everyone a chance to win hockey stick with her OWN signature! Just give her $20 each and of course you increase your chances by giving her more! LOL

  30. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Leaders and demi-gods who made themselves 100% popular in polls:

    Sadaam Hussein
    Kim Un Jong
    Idi Amin
    Jim Jones

    Keep voting pee ponders. You got Sarah almost there!

  31. Anonymous3:40 PM

    haha hilarious the way the graph just nosedived. Once her cult realizes Palin is not going to save them from anything and exists to line her own pockets and that she is not running for president EVER it should pretty much flatline.

  32. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Hey Sarah, why not auction each one of Bristol's positive pregnancy sticks? 3 or 4 is it?

  33. Anonymous3:47 PM

    The Palins don't have the money, connections, style or class as does the K family of California. Plus, Mama Kris K. is far nicer and far more loving of her family members than is Sarah Palin.

    The Palins screwed themselves royally! And, America knows them as liars and frauds! They can't fool anyone anymore - especially in Alaska!

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Kardashians are fluff. I've seen the TV but don't follow or pay much attention. It is good they are bringing attention to the genocide.

      Interesting that such atrocities could be covered up for so long. The history is fascinating and worth looking into.

  34. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Oh No!! The pee pond has caught us :)

    centralparksouth korn8131 • an hour ago
    Immoral Minority they have a full column attacking my Palin polling post with massive of hate comments about me C4P-don't be offended by what they say about the lovely ladies here-they are insane

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Ruh Roh! The old fart is really butt hurt. This should butt hurt him even more:

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      That's " Joseph Sheppard" from New Zealand kidding dome C4P butt. Probably doesn't want them to ban him again. Must have been embarrassing to be Sarah's #1 fan and banned from C4P ..... Eh Joseph?!

    3. Anonymous5:18 PM

      In reality korn8131 is a 75 yr. old from Wisconsin.

      Aren't you korn? Thanks for visiting!

  35. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I've found that drinking vodka helps with the giggle thing that happens when stupid collides with fantasy. You can vote as much as you want, and that'll get her in the running. Hell, she'd fail a write in vote in a state that voted Murkowski.
    Hey, Sarah, I hear the Kardashians are looking for someone to fill Bruce's Shoes. That should make an honest "woman" out of you.

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Bruce looks more like a woman than Sarah does.

  36. Anonymous4:30 PM

    How does it feel to be more delusional than people who are floating in an ocean of urine?

  37. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Hey Gryph, Shepard is calling you out on the link you posted:

    "Update: I see the truly insane "Immoral Minority" escapees from Bedlam are visiting here. The alleged humans who actually believe A. "Palin didn't give birth to Trig." B. "There are a number of Trig's with different ear shapes who she keeps hidden away." C. "Todd has buried some of these "Trigs" under the concrete slab at his airstrip." (Actual statements)
    These are mental deficients who never show their ugly faces whilst criticizing Palin's looks."

    HA...never heard the airstrip theory, might have to run with that.

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      LMAO Hilarious! brb gotta make some popcorn!

    2. Anonymous6:55 PM

      And someone wanted Gryph to stop? He said, "time to roll up my sleeves," and I LOVE it!

  38. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Hahaha. " Joseph sheppard" is whining about Immoral Minority making fun of him. What a loser! I almost feel sorry for the guy.

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      YAY! That was me.
      Smooches, cowboy. hahahaha

    2. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Forget c4p. They finally mentioned the $15K and don't understand copyright law. hahahaha

    3. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Yes...Poor Sarah was never given a chance to take it down, she would have in a heart beat if she was only told..LOL

      I know I shouldn't but I really like Amazed1, she seems like the type of Republican that I have called my friend. I can't understand why she would be a fan of Palin, she seems so sensible usually.

    4. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Excuse copyright that I said before, confidentiality has them up in arms. As someone here said earlier, why not an oops and pay it? Because she thinks the rules are not for her.

    5. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Hilarious! " Joseph" quoted my comment above about him being a loser and almost feeling sorry for him.

      I wouldn't be surprised if he's the only one who has been giving up votes on that link, over and over again, resulting in Sarah's approval rating. Loser.

    6. Anonymous7:21 PM

      " Joseph " is now trying to claim that he did know that the results are compromised by repeating voting, but that didn't stop Palin's detractors when her approval rating tanked. Hey " Joseph" , that tanking was demonstrating in VALID polling you loser, not just this site you searched for to find something positive to claim about Palin!

  39. Anonymous5:28 PM

    The graph looks like an outline of a cross section of my dick. Scrotum and all

  40. Dinty5:37 PM

    Wow, that rating was waaaaay down with only a handful of comments here, notice how they don't break out total votes, just the percentage. Obviously, somebody was voting a few times a week to hit that percentage.

    I used to monkey with online polls just to produce interesting results, a few lines of code and a list of 20,000 open proxies can do wonders to a poll like this.

    Hmm, now where did I put that code....

  41. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I can't believe her cult members follow some nut from New Zealand, has it occurred to them he can't even vote for her.

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      They see it as worldwide support. hahahahs

  42. Anonymous7:06 PM

    No one ever comments on his site. I don't think many even read his resists of others. He quit for awhile but came back before long.

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      That is what is so funny. Who is he talking to? Silence greats him on his blog consistently. How sad to come to your blog day after day thinking you are expressing gems of knowledge and nobody comes to see it or appreciate it.

      He knew something was off as soon as he logged in. His guest counter was off the charts for the first time in his lonely life and figured that somebody was linked to him. How funny he came here looking for the source of interest, god knows that nobody links to him at C4P.

      Internally he wants to be adored like VG but it will never be. He wants to praised like papabear but he usually receives thinly veiled disgust.

      And even through all that the saddest thing concerning his plight is that he lusts after a dried up has been poorly performing politician that would never even toss her used toilet paper his way. What a tragic life.

    2. Anonymous5:30 AM

      It so true. If anyone ever does reference him or comment positively on his blog ( rarely) he gushes. Sad, considering what he pours into this. And they just seem to be embarrassed of him at C4P. I'm enjoying the hilarity of him still thinking a Palin has any interest in politics besides grafting off of stupid people.

      He's just a lonely old man in New Zealand, far from home, pretending he's living in Manhattan ? Very strange.

  43. Anonymous7:42 PM

    He's paid to come back...again and again.

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Like a bad case of genital herpes.

  44. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I don't think he is. I think he just loves him some Lou Sarah, that Joseph. Must have killed him when he was banished from C4P for his stupid mistake, making fun of RAM's appearance.

  45. Anonymous8:25 PM

    ding dong

  46. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Oh this is good! " Joseph" has deleted the link back to these comments from his blog. Heaven forbid he gets any readers and they see these comments that he has no control over. The truth hurts eh " Joseph" ? Or shall we call you " Exodus"?

    And yes, we know you read these comments and Gryphen's blog obsessively. Just like Lou Sarah does.

  47. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Ha! And now he's added the above comment instead. And replied to it! Me thinks he doest protest too much about bring called Exodus. His mistake on C4P must have really bummed him.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.