Monday, April 27, 2015

Hillary speaks out for women's rights around the world, but the conservatives only hear an attack on religion.

Starting at the 7:54 mark:

"Yes. we've nearly closed the global gender gap in primary school. But secondary school remains out of reach for so many girls around the world. Yes. we've increased the number of countries prohibiting domestic violence. But still more than half the nations in the world have no such laws on the books. And an estimated one in three women still experience violence. Yes, we’ve cut the maternal mortality rate in half, but far too many women are still denied critical access to reproductive health care and safe child birth. All the laws we’ve passed don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice not just paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”

Sounds reasonable doesn't it? 

Well that's clearly because you are a liberal heathen, because that is certainly not the takeaway from the conservatives and religious right.

This was Jeb Bush's response:  

"This week Hillary Clinton said that people's deep-seated religious beliefs need to be changed in order to advance her own personal political agenda. Wow," he wrote. "America was founded on religious freedom, and that freedom is woven into the Bill of Rights as the first guarantee. And strengthening families is an important element to helping people rise up. This shouldn't be a partisan political issue, but unfortunately for Hillary Clinton it sounds like it is."

Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, had this to say:  

In other words, Hillary has a problem with the Catholic Church’s teachings on abortion—they must be changed. 

Never before have we seen a presidential candidate be this bold about directly confronting the Catholic Church’s teachings on abortion. It’s time for Hillary to take the next step and tell us exactly what she plans to do about delivering on her pledge. Not only would practicing Catholics like to know, so would Evangelicals, Orthodox Jews, Muslims, and all those who value life from conception to natural death.

Then there was this from The Blaze, Glenn Beck's site:

Reading between the lines, it was obvious that Clinton took aim at Christians in America during the recent women’s summit. Implications of Clinton’s speech toward Christians couldn’t be clearer. 

It was perhaps Clinton’s attempt to hammer the final nail into America’s proverbial coffin by lessening Christians’ religious, cultural, and familial beliefs. If achieved, the result will be that God, the Bible and the U.S. Constitution which was founded upon Christian principles, will take a back seat to other progressive agendas, at least in a Clinton presidency.

And of course Brancy also felt the need to weigh in:  

Why do so many people feel the need to attack the basic freedoms of our country? Religious freedom of belief, freedom of speech – none of these seem to matter anymore, if someone simply doesn’t agree with me. If someone believes abortion is wrong because of their faith in the Bible and the value of human life – well then, their beliefs have to go. 

Do you see what’s most important to the abortion crowd? It’s not women, it’s not people, it’s not freedom. It’s this one issue of abortion that trumps everyone else’s well-being. It’s the demand of doing whatever they want to do without being inconvenienced by people who disagree with them, and have good reasons to! 

I do not want someone who’s out to change my religious beliefs, just because I disagree with her agenda, as our next President. Do you?

So from that very articulate, and expansive speech on the continued need to focus on women's rights around the world, the only thing the conservatives take away from it is that Hillary Clinton wants to close down their churches.

I get the feeling that pretty much every word Hillary says, regardless of the topic, is going to come under some attack from the Right Wing.

Does that make me paranoid, or a realist?


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM


  2. Anonymous4:47 PM

    As much as I agree with Hillary, I think it was a huge mistake to say that religious beliefs must change. The foundation of religious belief is that the word of god doesn't change with the times. Better to just say attitudes must change.

    1. There is no mention of abortion or birth control in the bible.

      The argument against them is due to the male need to suppress women.

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Regardless, her words will alienate the religious voters. I am not religious, by the way.

    3. Anonymous5:25 PM

      If saner minds do not prevail in this world then the three main stone aged religions will continue to hurt their adherents. I for one cannot sit back and see people injured by their beliefs.

    4. Anonymous6:24 PM

      If those of a freely chosen faith choose not to have an abortion or not to use birth control because of that faith - do you see anyone saying they should?

      The one exception is the Teapartiers who scream when it is a black woman on welfare with a child but turn a blind eye to the white woman with ten.

    5. Anonymous6:27 PM

      What I heard was a discussion about women's education - which is, largely, NOT here in the US. Maternal mortality rates - uh, that's about acutally living through the gestation and deliveries the reichwing would force women to have. NO matter WHAT HIllary says, the right will twist it to being "see she wants to force all women to have abortions."

      Get off your couch, away from your keyboard and tell your sisters the truth. VOTE or be enslaved as a uterus if the GOP wins.

    6. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Oh, I whole heartedly agree with you, 4:47 PM. The Word of God does not change, however there's this little thing called "Jesus." The Sermon On The Mount is not what any of them want to consider because they're stuck in the OLD Testament. It starts in Matthew 5.

      Darn that Jesus! He hung out with the lowest of the low....also turned the tables on the likes of Palin shaking it in the name of Him.

    7. SallyinMI2:59 AM

      But the Word of God has is not the same in the two testaments. It is not the same in Greek as it is in King James. MEN wrote all the Bibles, and to think that those little red "words of Jesus" are what he actually stated when written a hundred years' after his supposed death is ludicrous. Seriously. The Catholics and the GOP wannabes can talk about the 'infallible word of God' all they like, but the words of Jesus are the same values that are in many other world religions, and it all boils down to treating others with respect, not killing, and being a truthful person who lives their life peacefully. That's it. So simple, until men twist it into ways to make themselves powerful and rich.

  3. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Bristol Palin cannot string together a complete thought. It is insulting to think she has anything to do with her missive. As to Bristol or whomever writes her blog: Get a life.

  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Why does all organized religion in the uSA hate women?

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Here, Here!!!
      She has my vote also,too!!!
      Fuck organized (fake) religions!!!
      And that means YOU Sarah, Brancy and all the fakers, FUCK you BURN in HELL!!!

  5. Anonymous5:40 PM

    She makes a lot of valid points. She's addressing a conference on women, so of course religion has been so experienced at keeping women back, maybe it IS time for them to put the book down and use their eyeballs in their own communities to see what good it does to discriminate against women.
    OMG She mentioned the Hobby Lobby case. Quick, gulp down your chic fil a and stand up for junk made in china sold by christian owned businesses. That must be it. Violence against Women? don't see it so it isn't happening. Equal pay for equal work? Pfft you're hysterical, woman.....

  6. Just one comment......conservatives, right wing nuts and teabaggers.....go fuck yourselves

  7. Our Lad6:01 PM

    The Republican party will do what they need to do to keep their base frightened and superstitious. If they do not they will lose power and they know this. These pandering wankers need their flock behaving and this is just what the doctor ordered. Just another day here in the kingdom of Dumbfuckistan.

  8. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Today the SCOTUS overturned that birth control and other procedures can be covered under the ACA. Oh, excuse me, 'ObamaCare" because how dare the black man support women or anyone in this country getting the healthcare they need.

    1. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Ignore this. Should have been cannot be covered.
      Get an edit button, Gryph, in the new update?

  9. Anonymous7:00 PM

    6:01 PM Republicans have already lost a substantial amount of power. And, they know they have no one that can compete with Hillary Clinton, so they ride her ass like they have President Obama for the past years.

    Republicans are anti women - anti contraception - anti abortions and have done everything they can to keep the black and brown folks from voting throughout the nation. They are a horrid bunch of folks!

  10. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Jeb Bush is on record now as being against Planned Parenthood - his approach is anti women, plain and simple! Republicans are jerks! Vote them out of office every chance you get folks!

  11. The conservatives seem to be desperate in trying to find something they can find wrong about Hillary. What a shame they have to spin and misrepresent what she said into something else. Palin will be out very shortly with her own version of the spin and misrepresentation of Hillary’s words after she hears more of what the others are saying so she can copy what they said for her own version.

  12. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Your clarion call, $arah! The unconventional run that you've laid out on your SPC channel that no one can see unless they pay for it. Slam her, $arah, while your life is nothing BUT what you proclaim to be "Godly." I double dog dare you.....we know $arah, we know.......pobrecita.

  13. Not all organized religion in the USA hates women. They are not trying to change others' religious beliefs. Some have no respect for any who do not believe as they believe! Many have forgotten (or never learned, not understood) "judge not lest you be judged; thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself; thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor; the parable of the good Samaritan; Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become [as] sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal." So much that is taught in both the old testament and the new testament Bible and the teachings of Jesus -- discounted and cherry picked by those who call themselves "Christians" who think they are the only true believers and only they have the knowledge to know what "their" God wants from the rest of mankind.

    Nor do they understand the first amendment to the constitution in regard to Freedom of Religion:

    Amendment I

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    Many Right Wing Conservatives and Republicans want a theocracy instead of our democracy.

    Hillary has my vote as well!

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Thank you.
      As a "practicing" Christian.

  14. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Funny how these fundies assume Hillary is referring to Christianity. Surely they don't intend to defend Islam?

  15. Anonymous10:52 PM

    On a global scale, Fundamentalist "Christianity" is probably NOT a religion Hillary was referring to. But if that's all the the Far Right can run with, then run with it they must.

    They got nuttin' else.

    Don't forget there are about 20 of them competing against each other in the Outrage Stakes. Until the Koch brothers select their Drama Queen of 2016 I won't find it hard to ignore these clowns and their attention-seeking AND the media that give them oxygen. I have no interest in any accusations and claims made by any of them. They are without exception known and accomplished liars and unworthy of my attention. They can all say WTH they like, it's certainly not me they're trying to impress.

  16. Anonymous2:33 AM

    It doesn't matter if the crap they make up about Hillary Clinton is TRUE or not, they'll just go ahead and say it, and hope the slow witted believe the lies.

    So, in that vein:


  17. Anonymous2:44 AM

    So it's just fine with Jeb Bush if MY deep seated beliefs about female reproductive freedom are changed by GOP hate laws denying me care, but when a Democrat dares to offer women freedom from HIS religious beliefs, it's horrible?? Please proceed, Jeb. You can run on bashing Hillary, but the GOP list of achievements still reads like a list of Hitler's ultimatums against Jews.

  18. Anonymous4:32 AM

    She's not even talking about the US. She's talking about worldwide progress in women's rights - and fundamentalist Islamic ideas about keeping girls away from education.

  19. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Color me surprised. They cherry-pick the Bible. The only thing they know about the Constitution of the United States is "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". Why wouldn't they cherry-pick every speech, every word of Hillary Clinton to support their views?

  20. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Texas Republicans Reach New Low as They Demand Non-Viable Pregnancies Be Carried to Term

    ...So where does the amendment to H.B. 2510, espoused by Texas State Rep. Matt Schaefer (R-Tyler), “that would make it illegal to terminate a pregnancy after 20 weeks, even if a fetus “has a severe and irreversible abnormality,” effectively forcing families with wanted, but unsustainable pregnancies to carry to term at the behest of the state and against the advice of their doctors or their own wishes,” become something Jesus could get behind?

    I ask this because Schaefer himself, in proposing the amendment, appealed to Scripture. As Andrea Grimes at RH Reality Check puts it, “Schaefer said, during debate over his amendment, that suffering is ‘part of the human condition, since sin entered the world.'”

    1. Let me guess. Is the state picking up all of the expenses to carry this failed pregnancy to term?

      No, I didn't think so.

      He who pays the bills gets to choose.

      Unless the state is footing the entire cost, they should shut up and butt out.

      Yeah, the GOP wants to make everyone suffer....except themselves; the wealthy, white, politically elite.

      That's fascism. Where only the elite have democracy and everyone else lives in totalitarian slavery.

  21. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Here's some stupid for ya, Gryphen:

    Sen. Grassley: No Need To Fix Voting Rights Act Since 'More Minorities Are Already Voting'

    Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said Monday he doesn't expect to bring up legislation to restore the Voting Rights Act, because lots of minority people are already voting.

    During an event at the National Press Club, Grassley was asked about the committee considering a bill that would fix the landmark 1965 law. The Supreme Court struck down Section 4 of the law in 2013, ruling that it needed to be updated. The section determined which states and localities with a history of suppressing minority voters had to get permission from the Justice Department to change their voting laws. The justices instructed Congress to come up with a new formula for designating which regions of the country warrant special scrutiny.

    Grassley dismissed the idea that there's a need to act.

    "It depends on what you want to fix," he said. "If you want to fix more minorities voting, more minorities are already voting."

  22. Boscoe9:21 AM

    "Does that make me paranoid, or a realist?"

    I think that makes me wonder what planet you've been living on for the last several decades, to be honest. Obvs they're going to twist and attack everything she says, just like they've done with everyone else, all the time, always.

    What I think is hilarious is this right wing concept that because we fight back against the religious imposing their "values" on all of us, that's the same thing as taking away their rights and freedom of religion.

    Sorry Brancy, but your religious freedoms do not trump my civil rights. Imposing your religious views on the rest of us is not included in your "religious freedoms". But here's a consolation bag of rat dicks for ya to munch on while you reflect on what a horrible person you are.

  23. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Everyone should read this:

  24. So, does this mean Jeb Bush and the Republicans support Boko Haram and the agenda of the extreme radical Muslims?

    You'd think they'd be all over the Islam bashing even if it meant supporting women's rights.

    So anyone that doesn't think the GOP is waging a war on women, just look at their reaction to this. They've twisted this into a religious issue when it is a women's rights issue because they DO NOT BELIEVE IN BASIC WOMEN'S RIGHTS.

    No woman should vote for any Republican candidate.

  25. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Go Hillary! All of my family, 8, will vote for you!

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      My daughter just turned 18 and gets to cast her vote for Hillary. She wishes she was old enough in 2012 to vote for PBO.


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