Thursday, April 02, 2015

Iran, the EU, and US reach historic framework agreement on nuclear program. Update!

Secretary of State John Kerry with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif
Courtesy of USA Today: 

Iran and six world powers reached a historic agreement Thursday on a broad framework for resolving their long-standing dispute over Iran's nuclear program, which has left the Islamic nation economically isolated. 

"Today we have taken a decisive step. We have reached solutions on key parameters for a comprehensive future nuclear deal," said European Union Foreign Affairs Minister Federica Mogherini, in formally announcing the deal in Lausanne, Switzerland. 

She said Iran would not produce weapons grade fuel and that international monitors will have enhanced access to Iran's nuclear facilities. 

She also said that sanctions would be "terminated" but did not specify the timetable, which has been a key sticking point of the negotiations. Iran had pushed to lift them immediately, while the United States wants most of them in place until Iran follows through on terms of the deal.The precise timing will be determined as the negotiators work out a final agreement scheduled for completion in June. 

President Obama called the deal an "historic understanding" that was "a long time coming." 

Speaking in the White House Rose Garden, he said it "shuts down" Iran's path to a bomb using enriched uranium. 

"This deal was not based on trust," the president said. "It was based on unprecedented verification."

Of course this does not mean that this framework is set in stone, and it is contingent on reaching an actual agreement by June 30th. However this is a great first positive step.

Under this new framework, Iran would shut down more than two-thirds of its installed centrifuges capable of producing uranium that could be used to build a bomb, dismantle a reactor that could produce plutonium, and accept intrusive verification from inspectors.

No doubt Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu is going to take a giant dump all over this, as will his sycophants in the Republican party, but that does not mean it is not a good deal or that President Obama is naive.

Simply put I would trust him to make a deal with Iran, over every single Republican in the country.

Update: Don't believe the hype that America gave away everything and Iran gave little, it is not true. 

Here is a copy (PDF) of the actual framework. Take a look for yourself.


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    ...Even two of the most skeptical experts on the negotiations — Gary Samore and Olli Heinonen of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard and members of a group call United Against Nuclear Iran — said they were impressed with the depth of detail.

    Initial Iran nuclear accord basis for "very good deal" - UK's Hammond

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    This started under Sec. Hillary Clinton and has progressed over the yrs with the commitment of Sec. Kerry and our President's guidince and forward thinking for us and the world.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Senator Barack Obama talked of this type of deal in 2007. Peace is always the best choice...
      Working together to make a better future for humankind with his team has proof positive results ..

    2. Anonymous4:10 PM

      2:38 PM:

    3. Anonymous3:44 AM

      Far better than "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" from John McCain!

  3. fromthediagonal2:42 PM

    Calling President Obama NAIVE is just beyond comprehension of anyone with a minimal understanding of the efficacy of diplomacy. Congratulations and gratitude to all international parties invested in this outcome of long and difficult negotiations.

  4. Anonymous2:42 PM

    ...President Barack Obama spoke on the agreement between Iran and six world powers on a framework for a final deal on Iran's nuclear program, saying it's "been a long time coming."

    "I'm convinced that if this framework leads to a final comprehensive deal, it will make our country, our allies and our world safer," Obama said Thursday during remarks given from the White House Rose Garden.

    Obama said the "historic understanding" could, if implemented, "cut off every pathway that Iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon."

    "This deal is not based on trust," Obama said. "It's based on unprecedented verification."

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      As Andrew Sullivan would say of the President's long-term play for this agreement, "Meep, meep."
      God damn this must sick in the craw of repugs! Once again he has shown them to be playing (cheating at) checkers while he is play 3-dimensional chess at an international level. Suck on that, Bibi.

    2. Anonymous3:42 AM

      And how many US politicians or media spokespeople have even mentioned that the deal with Iran included the other major countries of the world or that it was a deal between Iran and members of the Security Council? Getting all of these very different countries on the same page is quite an achievement. Kudos to President Obama and to Secretary of State Kerry and to the leaders of the other countries involved too!

  5. Anonymous2:48 PM

    They're coming out of the woodwork! The hyperbole is dangerous, extreme, backward, and sick:

    ‘Moderate’ Israeli Rabbi Calls Obama a Biblical Mass Murderer
    Why would a respected rabbi make such an outrageous statement? Look at the company he keeps.

    On the surface, it was an arcane Biblical reference—but beneath it, another sign of the sea change in Israel-American relations, and the evaporation of Israel’s moderate Right.

    Saturday night, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin said in a speech, “The president of the United States is lashing out at Israel just like Haman lashed out at the Jews. I’m not making a political statement—I’m making a Jewish statement.”

    When someone in the audience shouted that the rabbi was being disrespectful to the president of the United States, he replied, “I am being disrespectful because the president of the United States was disrespectful to my prime minister, to my country, to my future and to the future of the world.”

    ...Behind these comments, though, is another, deeper story: the seduction of moderates like Riskin by Christian Zionism and the far-right narrative it represents.

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Oh he would be best buds with Sarah because look!

      ...the Book of Esther has long been a favorite theme of Christian Zionists. The story is one of palace intrigue: the evil Haman plots against the Jews, but Queen Esther is secretly Jewish herself, and is able to foil his plans, at the bidding of her uncle Mordechai.

      In the Christian Zionist version, the Christians are Esther, working within the system to save the Jews. That makes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu into Mordechai—the same role he assumed in Riskin’s remarks. Indeed, Robert Stearns, one of the leaders of the Christian Zionist movement, made the same analogy shortly before Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.

      And in fact, Riskin has long, deep connections with the Christian Zionist community. In 2008, he founded the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC), which often acts as the host organization for evangelical trips to Israel, offering workshops such as “Discovering the Bible.”

      So, it’s no surprise that Riskin is making the same references as his Christian Zionist allies; they are common currency in that community.

    2. Anonymous4:03 PM

      I sincerely hope he's shitting his pants. I hope they all are. There's nothing they can do, their big-mouthed idiot prime minister has no friends left and nowhere to turn except for mutual masturbation with the RW element of the US Congress.... and look at what a bad idea that turned out to be.

      Fuck Netanyahu for all time.

    3. Anonymous3:40 AM

      Riskin is a lunatic.

  6. Anonymous2:49 PM

    What We Know About The Iran Nuclear Deal Framework

  7. Anonymous2:52 PM

    O’Reilly: Let’s Give Iran Deal a Shot, We Don’t Want to Risk War

    Waiting for Skank to take to her shouty page and promote more lies, conspiracies, Netanyahu cocksucking and Obama bashing...because you KNOW it's coming. She won't be able to keep her Military Industrial yap shut.

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      2:52 PM Way past time to stop talking about Sarah Palin - she is not even a part of this issue and no one is listening to her anyway. She is NOT a politician and does not have the respect of the majority in America! She's been a proven liar and fraud!!!! (Many times over!) Forget about her!

    2. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Nobody listens to her moronic maunderings any more. I don't even read her shit even after Gryphen translates it into English.

      Only the FREE wingnut sites link to her, a hundred little blogs that are only populated by RWNJ trolls.

      Between the Palin Family Brawl and going on stage drunk and incoherent, Sarah has taken herself out of the picture without any help from us. Exposure to the world was all it took.

    3. Anonymous4:38 PM

      We all know her PBots, ankle biters, and a few delusional nutcases believe she's Queen Esther of 'Murica, come to save us from librul commie athiests.

      The vast majority know her for the most stupid answers ever given by a VP candidate in the last 50 years, even including Quayle.

      Add in Blood libel idiocy , the Palin Brawl, the Fuc_ you sign, and there's a Trifecta of pure stupidity to stop her cold in attack ads.

      Besides, Granny ain't about to give up easy Pac money and pageant walking for the hardest job in the world.


  8. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Fox is running with an assinine theory again:

    The Crackpot Conspiracy Theory That Got Fox News To Support A Democrat

    ...First and foremost, the opportunity to disparage President Obama is a temptation too great for Fox News to resist. Therefore, by spinning this indictment as an assault on a senator who has been critical of the President, Fox can accuse Obama of engaging in a distasteful display of political retaliation. This argument goes that the White House applied pressure to the Department of Justice to file the charges in order to punish Menendez for opposing the President on his policies regarding Cuba and Iran.

    The only thing wrong with this conspiracy theory is – everything. The investigation of Menendez began years ago, long before the Cuban and Iranian issues were ever on the table. Obama would have had to know in advance that Menendez was going to defy him on these issues in the future, which even Obama’s harshest opponents would not suggest he could do. What’s more, there was no indication that Menendez would ever be a thorn in Obama’s agenda given that he has always been a loyal Democrat who voted with his party and the President 97% of the time. That places him as the thirteenth most reliable Democrat, above party stalwarts like Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid.

    The notion that Obama would sabotage the career of such a loyal ally is especially absurd considering that, should he be convicted and forced to resign from the Senate where Democrats are already in the minority, New Jersey’s Republican governor, Chris Christie, would be in a position to name his replacement. So this theory requires the assumption that Obama would trade a solidly Democratic senator who voted for most of his legacy initiatives (ObamaCare, the Dream Act, disapproval of KeystoneXL, repeal of DOMA, etc.) for a Christie-appointed Republican. The only people who would buy that are still looking for the film studio in New Mexico where the moon landing was faked – and Fox News viewers.

  9. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Outstanding job President Obama his administration members. NO MORE WARS!!! Americans have told him that and he is negotiating and working toward piece along w/our allies.

    Screw the Republicans and the head of Israel. America needs to stop funding Israel - use the money on our country. Israel is not our friend!

  10. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Iran for the first time agreed, concretely, to reduce the number of its uranium-enriching centrifuges from the current 19,000 to somewhere between 5,000 and 6,000; to allow strict international oversight for a decade; and to either dilute its current stock of highly enriched uranium or ship it abroad.

    When the agreements are implemented, and verified by the International Atomic Energy Agency, all oil and financial sanctions on Iran will be lifted, according to a statement read this evening (April 2) from Lausanne, Switzerland, where the talks were held.

  11. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Bernie Sanders And Al Franken Stand With Obama In Support Of Iran Nuclear Deal

    The President made it clear that if Republicans in Congress sink this deal, they will be responsible destroying an entire international diplomatic effort.

    President Obama laid out three options. Bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities and delay their program for a few years, increase sanctions, which would not delay their program at all, or negotiate a comprehensive deal via diplomacy.

    The Republican hawks who are craving a new war with Iran are likely to reject any deal, but what this president has negotiated is historic. The international community has come together to agree on a pathway to prevent Iran from developing their own nuclear weapons.

    It is an important moment for global security that Americans have to hope that Congressional Republicans don’t screw up.

    Here are some of the points that Iran has agreed to:

    1. Anonymous3:38 AM

      I am a great fan of Al Franken. I'll never forget his television show at the time of the 2004 election. He won my heart completely by shedding tears on election night. I was shedding them too. He has been a great asset for the American people in the Senate.

  12. Anonymous3:38 PM

    3:09 PM Meant to say 'peace' along with our allies! Oops!

  13. Anonymous3:47 PM

    O/T but Gryphen, did you know this? It's absolutely STAGGERING!

  14. Anonymous3:51 PM

    An agreement on the details of this deal should be cause for international celebration. I believe former Israeli political and security officials will see the Iran deal as very good.

    On the other hand, whatever will Netanyahu and the Israeli right-wing do when they can no longer fear-monger Iran as their nuclear-weapons nemesis?

  15. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Yep, that's my President, making history, making the world a better place! I would vote for him again and again for anything he decided to run for. He is the most impressive President in my lifetime, and frankly, many lifetimes in this country. He is earning his Peace Prize on a daily basis. He has been after reducing nuclear warheads long before he became the leader of the free world and he has kept his word and his promises more than I ever could have dreamed a president would. Even in the face of the unrelenting criticism, sabotage, treason, lies, hate and racism. A man of honor.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      I totally agree with you and could never had said it so eloquently.

    2. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Thank you so much for this comment. You have said what I wish I could if only I was articulate! Thank you.

    3. Anonymous3:36 AM

      I agree completely. I have felt so much "safer" since January 20, 2009. George Bush and his cronies were such loose canons that I thought that they could do absolutely nothing right. President Obama has been such a stable leader - a person who thinks first, looks at the options and chooses how to act carefully. He has also been very good at selecting those who work with him. My favorite president ever.

  16. Anonymous4:30 PM

    So our president, Barack Obama, has scored a big victory. Fox News will respond... How? Oh that's right. Negative and hateful.

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      If it's good for America, it's bad for Fox, where being a treasonous piece of crap is a job requirement.

  17. Anonymous4:35 PM

    The rethugs knew this was coming so they did their very best to obstruct it (Tom Cotton) Eat crap and shrivel up and go away Repubs!

  18. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Wow. Megan Kelly can't even aknowledge the agreement! She's all about the gay and pizza!

  19. Anonymous6:47 PM

    And they had a cow when President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.

    Who's got the last laugh now?

  20. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Let us hope that between watching Republicans all stand together saying its good to pass a law encouraging hatred, and now their publicly moaning that we've passed up a chance at a good new war--

    --that even some of the hardline rightwingnuts will realize just how insane Republicans have become.

  21. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Bill O'Reilly actually agrees this is a good plan and the best option.
    The repuglithugs must be going bonkers!

  22. Anonymous4:45 PM

    No one will ever convince the faux pearl biting idiots that Detante', when done properly, works. President Obama is head and shoulders spot on with this one. I saw a short clip of Boehner, and he looks physically ill over this whole matter. We need to eradicate War Inc, and this is a huge step in the right direction. I flipped through Faux news just out of curiosity, you'd think this was the end of the world as we know it. Megyn Kelly had what looked like a severe eye twitch and she couldn't bring herself to even mention it. Judge Pirro tried to roll her eyes, bless her tiger print nylon panties. Sweetie, too much botox won't let certain things happen, Fool's a judge and can't even finesse a simple eye roll without moving her entire head.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.