Monday, April 06, 2015

John Oliver's interview with Edward Snowden.

I am simply going to present this to you with no comment, except to say that I think Oliver did a great job.

I should also warn you that it is over half an hour long, but trust me you will be entertained. 


  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I wouldn't spend one second listening to that slimy little narcissistic fuckface, Snowjob.

    And it's a shame that JO gave him a platform at all. It really lowers my opinion of his show to waste time on this felonious traitor.

    And it's sad that you are giving him any coverage either, Gryphen.

    He should be hung for his criminal activities and sabotage.

    No mercy.

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Spoken like a true wingnut. Congratulations.

    2. I don't usually comment on Snowden because so many glorify him. But felonious traitor is part of what I mutter to myself.

      Let's just say he's no Daniel Ellsburg. No matter what Daniel Ellsburg says.

    3. Anonymous6:32 AM

      Well that would make you both wrong and stupid Liz.

  2. FJ Dandy5:57 PM

    I think ES was great. Sick of all the spying on ordinary folk.
    Fear is the motivator of rogue governments...yes, the guilty and my (Canadian) government is complicate.

    1. Anonymous8:54 PM

      @FJ Dandy:

  3. Anonymous7:01 PM

    It's such a comfort to know that the US Government is recording our every telephone conversation, tracking our every trip to and from our houses, recording our every purchase, and logging our every keystroke on the internet.... as though we were enemy spies.....

    Pretty soon we'll all have smart appliances and the government's NSA and multiple other digital surveillance programs will record when we eat, sleep and shit - simply because they can, AND FOR NO OTHER REASON. And morons like 5:19 will go on claiming it's the government's right to know.

    Fuck you.

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Well said, 7:01 PM.

    2. 'Niques4:52 AM

      I just can't help but think that there are nowhere near enough government IT people to sort through all that data in any efficient way . . . unless they have developed a really thorough, accurate search engine it is just so much chatter. And even then, they would have to know exactly what to search for. Do they really care if I get yet another offer by a Nigerian prince? And that junk is a big part of the volume of data being collected. Keystrokes? Wow. Big waste of time to follow the majority of us . . . and anyone with anything to hide would be foolish to put important trailmarkers on ANY computer. Would you bring your cell phone with you to make an illegal transaction?

    3. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Unless you tag your dicpics DICPIC that's a stupid argument 4:52.

    4. Anonymous8:41 PM

      You don't have to be making an illegal transaction for the Obama administration to remotely kill you, your entire family and your whole Yemeni village if necessary. A mere cellphone location is all they use to regularly slaughter dozens of children and their mothers, without any reprisal whatsoever. They don't grieve when they're wrong because who cares about a bunch of anonymous ragheads anyway? Certainly not the Obama Administration, no sirree- their drones are their favorite toys, they never get tired of bombing unseen five-year-old."terrorists".

    5. Both Dems and Republicans passed the Patriot Act, the camel's nose so both are responsible.

      But in general it is those small government whiners and fearmongerers that are responsible for turning this country into a fascist state.

  4. krbmjb058:38 PM

    I thought this was amazing and what I love the most is that it shows the media in this country prefers to keep the people "stupid"! We need Oliver to take every "hot button" political issue and turn it into a comedy routine that people can understand. It not only was very entertaining, but VERY informative!

    1. Anonymous8:56 PM

      I agree, krbmjb05.

  5. Anonymous8:53 PM

    A combination of information and humor. Gotta love it!

  6. Anonymous9:26 PM


  7. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Poor little эдвард сноуден, Putin's puppet. I hope he's enjoying his new homeland. Maybe John Oliver should take over Jon Stewart's spot.

    1. John Oliver would have been a much better choice but unfortunately he is not available, having a contract with HBO.

      I will miss Jon. Stephen will be back but not "Colbert". I have no idea what his new gig will be like but it won't be The Colbert Report. I'll miss them both.

  8. Why do we get "serious journalists" like Andrea Mitchell interrupting serious issues for fluff? Justin Bieber isn't important. Sorry. We get more actual "news" from Comedy Central (where John Oliver started) than from CNN!

  9. Anonymous11:26 AM

  10. Snowden bust busted, reinstalled as hologram

  11. Anonymous8:43 PM

    More power to Edward Snowden and everyone like him willing to expose the lawlessness of the Obush government.

    1. Would you say the same about the 47 congressional traitors?


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