Thursday, April 16, 2015

Rethugs attempt to use photoshopped picture on Twitter to mock Hillary. Fail to realize that most people on Twitter are smarter than they are.

OMGERD that is SO funny! And so revealing about Hillary's so-called bus tour.

So unfortunate that it's also so fake.

It's also kind of indicative of the middle school level of attacks that the Right Wing has been launching against Hillary since even before she announced.

Getting kinda pathetic out here.


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Good on KaJo and Game of Life for taking it to this Ken person. My grade school aged grandchildren are more mature.

  2. Hillary is going to be an excellent President. Depending on what clown the R's nominate, I can see Hillary getting 60% or more of the vote in 2016.

    So, mock away boys.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      More like 90%
      HRC is doing this for her granddaughter, all our grandchildren. She walks the walk for us & will take the lickings & keep on ticking.. You Go Girl!!

    2. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Barf..... the sickly sweet blind admiration.

    3. Anonymous10:37 AM

      @9:36AM, you don't seem as sick when the blind admiration is focused on Ex-Governor Palin.

    4. Kind of funny coming from an asskissing, idol worshipping Palinbot.

    5. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Get'chur cowardly porn queen out there, 9:36 AM.

    6. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Lol. That is some real deep thinking there 10:37, 10:53 and 11:07.... question anything about your queen Hillary... and you go to full Palin? Dummies, the lot of you. If this represents the pool of Hillary supporters, ouch. You would all do very well at the c4p.

    7. Anonymous3:12 PM

      it'll be another LANDSLIDE! ;o)

    8. Anonymous6:24 PM

      1;46, if you don't like the conversation around here, go back to c4p and piss off, troll.

    9. Anonymous8:25 PM

      They've obviously got NOTHING on Hillary, or they would actually be using it.

      But keep it up, fellas: because in no time flat, you'll actually make Hillary a SYMPATHY figure to all women and thinking men – not to mention people in other maligned groups: gays, Jews, immigrants, atheists, the elderly, the sick and handicapped, people of color, the poor, etc. In fact, the more you GOP guys dig into Hillary for no reason and smear her over non-existent or petty things, the deeper the hole that you will be digging for yourself.

      To paraphrase President Obama at the Romney debate, "please proceed, GOP." heh, heh.

  3. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Like these losers:

    SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) — The gravestone of Hillary Rodham Clinton's father has been found toppled over at a Pennsylvania cemetery.

    Police say vandals may be responsible for upending the gravestone of Hugh Rodham in the Washburn Street Cemetery in Scranton.

    Police Chief Carl Graziano tells The Times-Tribune someone at the cemetery reported the stone was tipped over Tuesday, two days after Clinton announced she's running for president.

  4. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I also see someone came up with a nickname to match the Mensa member that came up with "NOBAMA" -- they're already calling her "Hitlery Clinton" - makes me sick to my stomach.

    Religious Right Pundit: "Hitlery Clinton Is Too Ugly To Be President"

    1. Hmmm. I always thought Nixon was a dog but don't recall the Democrats saying he was too ugly to be president.

      Nothing like politics to bring out the jr. high in the knuckle draggers.

    2. Anonymous8:17 AM

      They are about as emotionally mature as their idol. No wonder they think the ignorant shyster Sarah Palin is presidential material.

    3. Anonymous8:19 AM

      I didn't realize that the Office of the Presidency was a beauty contest. How did Lincoln or Washington ever get elected?

  5. Anonymous7:05 AM

    What do you expect from people that believe this is an important trait for a president?

    chzn2bfree palin45potus • 11 hours ago
    When one meets Sarah, there seems to be this unquenchable after glow....

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Like radiation?

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Eeewwww..... why does everything associated with that woman have to have a skeevily sexual undertone?

      What makes it worse in this case is that "chzn2befree" is one of C4P's more overtly in-your-face religious posters. Do they not see the ick factor? But then again, most of them fall into what our old priest used to call the cult of personality. They're so enamored of Sarah Palin the person (or the person they believe/need/want her to be) that nothing will dissuade them; not facts, actual film footage or eyewitness accounts of misdeeds. I suppose that explains why the audio and eyewitness statements from the brawl last year went from Bristol hitting the host to Bristol being all but raped by the host while a crowd of onlookers cheered him on. Maybe someday, somehow something will get through to these poor deluded folks, but I am not going to holding my breath!

    3. Anonymous8:15 AM

      I agree, Anon 7:54--the Palin dupes don't WANT to see the truth because it will disrupt their fantasy.

      Sarah Palin is NOTHING like what they want her to be, but they want her to be it so badly they will literally disbelieve their eyes, their ears, and the facts. I doubt there is any help for those who are so willfully blind.

    4. Anonymous8:29 AM

      yes, it's the "after glow" part that makes it so icky. I think chzn2befree might have meant "glow", but is too ignorant to see the difference, or maybe his penis got in the way of his typing.

    5. Anonymous9:19 AM

      7:54 here - from what I can gather from comments, I think 'chzn' is a female... hard to tell over there. Some of the women posters are as agressive as any males I have ever encountered. I can understand men being distracted and taken in by the winks, tongue flicking and ever-changing cup size Palin uses, but women are generally better than that at spotting artifice in another woman... I remember years ago getting into a rather heated discuaaion with my father-in-law about Sarah Palin; his argument was that "liberals are just jealous of her because she is so beautiful." I replied that her looks had nothing to do with my dislike, but rather her middle school mean girl personality. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched my mother-in-law nodding (up until that point, she had been agreeing with the dad that Palin was all that and a bag of chips, but she saw (and said later) that the mean girl part was very evident, and disturbed her too... oh well, we can hope can't we?

    6. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Whenever a poster at the pond turns out to be female, I am always surprised because they all sound nothing like a woman. I don't mean to sound sexist English is my second language, but there are no warm, caring, and feminine vibes from that site from any commenters.

  6. Olivia7:07 AM

    One of the best memes I have seen from rightie friends has a photo of Hillary and says "Like this if you think a Hillary win would be a 3rd Obama term". Like that would be a bad thing.

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      I don't agree Hillary would be like Obama, Olivia, but a competent president nevertheless. Honestly, I'd prefer a 3rd Obama term


    2. Anonymous9:36 AM

      There is an AP article in our local newspaper today with that headline! So our idiot newspaper is now taking rightwing propaganda and using it as factual reporting! Journalism is dead.

      I'd be delighted and very happy for our country to have another Democrat in the White House (the thought of a Republican there terrifies me) and I want to give her (or him) a Democratic majority in both houses of Congress. Then we'd see progress. The GOP has impeded President Obama in so many ways but I am simply amazed that he keeps moving us forward in spite of the very disloyal opposition in this country.

    3. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Mildred, I'd love a third Obama term too!

    4. Anonymous1:44 PM

      So, Beaglemom, you live in Missouri, eh? Bwaahahaaaahahaaaa [sorry]

    5. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Since Obama is the best president to come along since Truman, I wish he was POTUS for life!

    6. Anonymous3:48 PM

      No, Anon at 1:44 pm, I live in northern Michigan - in a "blue state" community surrounded by a sea of "red state" townships and counties. Our local newspaper, however, has been shifting ever more right wing for years. That's why IM and Politicususa are my go-to websites.

  7. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Apoplectic......the state of the right these days.........somewhere,someone is preparing an excorcism.....

  8. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Folks, it's going to get so ugly from here on out. Not that it hasn't been ugly for oh, since 1991...for Hillary. How the woman has stood tall and put up with it is beyond me! She gets my vote just for her tenacity.

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      I remember Rush Limbaugh--the same guy who gushes over Sarah Palin--shredding Hillary back then. He went on a huge tear about how she was so vain that she had underwear sewn into her pantsuits so she wouldn't have a visible panty line. My parents brought this up in conversation for WEEKS. I was a teenager, so it did not occur to me to wonder

      a) whether it was true
      b) how the hell Rush Limbaugh knew about it, if it was
      c) how Hillary's underwear was deemed an appropriate topic of public conversation
      d) why, if true, this even matters
      e) why it would be a sign of vanity rather than the opposite--a desire to be modest and avoid distracting evidence of undergarments

      I'm sure, though, that the bloviating asshole has said nary a word about Sarah's changing bra size, rubber and lace mini, shoulder cut-out tops, or any of her other blatantly sexual, clearly vanity-induced attire.

    2. Anonymous3:27 PM

      because maybe scarah comes with *benefits for butt ugly guys like rush. oops! that's right! that's the pool boy's job

  9. Boscoe7:52 AM

    "It's also kind of indicative of the middle school level of attacks that the Right Wing has been launching..." Well, you've gotta work with the tools you have, I guess.

  10. Anonymous7:57 AM

    But...but...but...Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!


  11. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Well, let's at least give him credit for spelling "Hillary" correctly.

    Apparently he's not an "earthquaker."

  12. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Wouldn't it be nice if the GOP members acted like grownups once in a while? The juvenile behavior of their leaders like McConnell and Boehner and of their potential presidential candidates is positively embarrassing.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      In your dreams, if they acted like adults they would have to come up with policies, ideas and debate issues.

      This way all they have to do is sling mud.

      I seriously hope that Hillary ignores all their childish behavior and goes merrily on her way, right to the White House.

  13. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Judging from the license plates, the left-hand entry on the bus and the appearance of the buildings, the picture wasn't even taken in the US.

    1. You're right. National Express is a UK bus company.

      This is the UK Daily Mail article from 2007 where I found the un-Photoshopped picture:

      It was literally laughing-out-loud, finding that.

  14. Aunt Ethel9:07 AM

    Bless their hearts, those that fell for this must be in dire need of new glasses. The doctored picture still had "airport" written on the side of the bus.

  15. Anonymous9:12 AM

    To further explain the previous post - you have to copy the photo link and open it to see the full picture. They cropped out the obvious tells. Clearly not in Iowa. Certainly not in the US.

  16. Anonymous10:39 AM

    If photoshop is the best they got, they really should be embarrassed.

  17. Anonymous1:41 PM

    And Sarah thinks Hillary stole her bus idea? I think the opposite happened! Sorry C4P idiots, your Queen is a lying loser.

  18. Isn't this a redux of an Obama smear? I seem to recall somthing similar with his bus.

    As for the photoshop, immediately reminded me of Gary Larson's School for the Gifted:

  19. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Go KaJo!!!! A much better and more realistic scenario would have Sarah in front of the bus. What a sham the GOP has allowed itself to become. At one time you could at least have a fact based dialogue, now they're all programmed idiots with the destruction of our country, and not much else of substance.

    The other day on "The View" Banana Boy's sister, Candace Cameron "I can't believe it's not budda" Bure' was asked how she, as a young conservative, chooses a candidate.

    "I've been in "mom mode" for a long time, so I ask friends, family and my church family whom to vote for" Nicholle's jaw dropped and she held a card in front of her face while everyone laughed hysterically. At one point, Goldberg felt around her own breast and said "Just checking, I thought maybe one of the girls fell out", Candace sat there like a Palin, blinking with both eyes in sync and a huge smile on her face.

    Hey stupid, they're laughing AT you not WITH you. After they went to break, I think someone sat her down and explained it to her like it matters. She didn't open her mouth the rest of the show. The look on Nicholle Wallace's face said it all!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.