Monday, April 13, 2015

So Bristol "Abstinence spokesperson" Palin is now living in sin with future hubbie Dakota Meyer. Hmm.

Here's the caption: 

myself and @bsmp2 celebating our first week living together in ky by shooting our @warsport #lvoa today!! #sundayshooting #america #shesthebest #kentucky #boltsup #lifecouldntbebetter @rangerup #neveroutgunned #rangerup

So celebrating cohabitation by firing automatic weapons together.



Apparently Tripp's there as well because after all who needs school?

Let's see:

Rushed engagement? Check!

Relocation to unfamiliar area? Check!

Easy access to multiple deadly firearms? Check!

Both participants have issues with alcoholism? Check!

One potentially suicidal PTSD sufferer? Check!

Sounds like bliss to me. 


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    He said they're "celebating" so maybe we should believe him...

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Anyone that's ever been married knows that "the bloom comes off the rose" eventually in marriage. Let them celebrate....I give this union ZERO chance of surviving. Married 32 years a week from today, Poor Tripp.

    2. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Congratulations! We are lucky 13 the same day as you (but 7 years together before that).

    3. Anonymous5:26 PM

      To you as well, 5:06 PM, it's work at times as you know. This hook-up is nothing but a sham, but there's still people out there that believe Tawd and $arah are not divorced and everything Gryph says is a pack of lies. Cheers to you on the 20th!

    4. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Thanks for making me feel young!

    5. Anonymous6:01 PM

      And that guy wants to run for Congress and then for President (when he is old enough, but not necessarily well-educated).

    6. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Thanks for making me feel old, 5:39 PM! LOL Thirteen years were the best times of my life looking back....may it continue!

    7. Anonymous6:42 PM

      I give these nuptials two months. July 13 to be exact.
      Just wait until Tripp calls Sgt. York a faggot, or "Youre not my dad"!

    8. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Sarah I'm not sure Kentucky is the place for your daughter Bristol, especially after what happened in Anchorage on Oct 21, 2014 - famously known as the Bloody aftermath of the Palin family brawl: 

      Here's a small taste of some of the evil spirit brands brewed in Kentucky

      Jim Beam Black Label
      Jim Beam Choice (Green label)
      Jim Beam Devil’s Cut
      Jim Beam Ghost
      Jim Beam Honey
      Jim Beam Rye
      Jim Beam Single Barrel
      Jim Beam White Label 7 year old
      Jim Beam White Label
      Red Stag Apple
      Red Stag Black Cherry
      Red Stag Honey Tea
      Red Stag Spiced
      Old Crow
      Old Grand Dad BIB
      Old Grand Dad 100 Proof
      Old Grand Dad 114

    9. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Hey, 7:17 PM, they went camping!
      Bristol loves her tents!

    10. Can't help but wonder if the Kentucky Couple is nesting there so that when SP announce her candidacy for POTUS, her VP, MOH, Dakota Meyer running mate is good to go. She is goofy enough to think it will work.

    11. Anonymous8:32 PM

      You forgot MAKERS MARK! :) yummo!

  2. Otto Katz4:33 PM

    Child in front seat without a car seat? Check!

    Child pulled out of school in the middle of the school year? Check!

    Tripp does not look happy in that picture. His mouth may be smiling a little, but his eyes look scared.

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Tripp looks happy, comfortable, and very natural in the photos with Levi and Sunny. In photos with Bristol, not so much.

    2. Anonymous5:11 PM

      No seat belts. It's Kentucky. The town is 4,000 people. It's like being out in the country. They don't need no stinkin' seat belts.

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      My take was...
      that kid has seen too much for his years...poor little guy.

    4. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Sheet!~ In them small towns you know who is driving drunk and just steer clear! You can see 'em a mile away! 'Cept'n iffn it's dark, and especially iffn they fergot to turn on their lights. Shit happens!

    5. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Anon@511p, I do hope that's snark, but I'm afraid it's the kind of thinking (along with drinking) that cause the deaths per mile traveled in KY to be 20% higher than the nationwide average (and 30% higher than the great traffic state of California.)

    6. Anonymous5:53 PM

      PS. I just looked more carefully at the list ( and realized there's quite a correlation between low fatality rates (normalized per mile driven) and blue states. Check it out: Massachusetts, California, Oregon, Washington, New York, Rhode Island, DC...all below the national average.

    7. Anonymous7:22 PM

      I feel SO sorry for Tripp. He going to grow up to be one angry person when he figures out what has been done to him.

  3. Anonymous4:35 PM

    how pathetic and sickening

  4. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Wil the groups who paid Bristol lots of money to speak in praise of abstinence ask for a refund?

  5. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Church on Sunday? Check
    Maybe after we shoot mf! Check..

  6. Anonymous4:40 PM

    How old is Tripp? He looks like he's 8 or 9.

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Tripp is six..according to the Palins.

    2. Cracklin Charlie9:20 PM

      Tripp will be celebrating his seventh birthday this week.*

      *In my opinion.

    3. Anonymous10:54 PM

      Oh that's an art ya know...certificate cchuffle

    4. Anonymous11:48 PM

      so if trip was concieved around the middle of July (9 months). when was trig born?

  7. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Poor Tripp -- another "trial daddy" in his life and his real father is more than 4000 miles away!

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Poor Trig. Who is he going to play with, Jill?

    2. Anonymous5:13 PM

      That was my first thought.

  8. Anonymous4:49 PM

    O/T There's a fake $arahpalinUSA twitter page, made me chuckle

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      I'm looking for it but can't find it. Anyone have a link?

  9. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Since they are now living together in KY, I assume this means that Bristol has quit her job working for the dermatologist in Anchorage? So to recap, she's unemployed, engaged to a PTSD sufferer she's known for five minutes, and is no longer pretending to be saving her revirginized self for her wedding night.

    I saw in the comments section of Dakota's enjoygram that some of their fans are not pleased about them living together without being married.

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      I'm sure the "good" "doctor" will welcome her back when this marriage goes down the toilet.

    2. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Duhkota obviously isn't as practiced as the Palins are at lying about all their Christian living. Silly Duhkota, get with the damned program.

    3. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Yes, right around the time she sold her mansion on the dead lake, she also announced that she quit her job (as if she ever had one - besides the fake one, paid for by her mothers PAC!)

    4. Anonymous5:46 PM

      In the comments this person seems to foreshadow what is going to happen in their marriage...

      twister882 about 23 hours ago
      am happy for the two of you & for tripp. that said, take a bit of unsolicited advice from an old guy: don't cohabitate out of wedlock. good chance a wedding will not occur, and a sure bet any subsequent marriage won't last. "try before you buy" is a big lie and bad for everyone involved, especially children. much higher rates of conflict and physical, mental, & substance abuse. please reconsider -- live apart before marriage, and make triple sure it's right for all concerned

    5. Anonymous8:04 PM

      he's just another trial daddy like the last one. this one just happens to be one screech thinks she can gtift off.

    6. Anonymous10:57 PM

      513...she Had to sell and leave or face criminal charges...sarah can't fock fast enough to save her...they are all going down....don't believe me ask the Middle East...they are a coming to retrieve Sarah...

  10. Anonymous4:56 PM

    these dolts need a hobby besides shooting shit

  11. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Here's what one person posted on their situation in KY.

    twister882 about 23 hours ago
    am happy for the two of you & for tripp. that said, take a bit of unsolicited advice from an old guy: don't cohabitate out of wedlock. good chance a wedding will not occur, and a sure bet any subsequent marriage won't last. "try before you buy" is a big lie and bad for everyone involved, especially children. much higher rates of conflict and physical, mental, & substance abuse. please reconsider -- live apart before marriage, and make triple sure it's right for all concerned.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      And I bet that guy giving the advice never buys a pair of shoes without trying them on. lol Bristol knows what she is doing, after all , what does this make, five or six trial daddies for the little Trippster?

    2. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Sensible advice that Bristol will not take. Bristol was supposed to have married Levi a few years back in order to save her honor....we all know how that turned out.

  12. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Tripp is 6. And in my state, transporting him in a vehicle as pictured is known as a *crime*, which makes his parents criminals. But we already knew that.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      How about the custody agreement between Bristol and Levi regarding visitation and Bristol not taking Tripp out of state for long, unauthorized visits-- like the time she went to Arizona to study skin care for 6 months.

      It might have made more sense for Dakota to spend more time with Bristol and Tripp in Alaska where Tripp would be in a familiar place and could ease into the relationship. Instead, Tripp was overwhelmed with guns, cows, farms, camping, all in a strange place filled with more guns. Everything is strange and the only familiar things are the dog and his mother. What a way to introduce him to a new relationship. But then, I never gave Bristol any credit for learning a single thing about being a good parent. And, she never had a good role model of a mother to follow.

    2. Anonymous10:24 PM

      558...they can't...might get arrested...or supeanoaned for crimes committed...

  13. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Looks like he's growing a monkey butt on his face, just like Papa Todd. Good move, Dakota!

    1. Anonymous8:51 PM

      he's trying to cover his "weak chin".

  14. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I hope Bristol doesn't get thirsty in the middle of the night.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      I hope she does.

    2. Otto Katz5:31 PM

      No, Anon 5.19. We're better than the trash over at c4p. We don't wish ill on people. We want them to smarten up.

    3. Anonymous5:55 PM

      I'm more worried about Tripp. He used to sleep with Bristol. He's not used to being alone in a new place. Oh, I get it. They gave him Bolt the Calf to sleep with.

    4. Anonymous6:34 PM

      What happens when Duhkota's having a nightmare and Bristle rolls over to comfort him and her chin jabs him in the throat?!

    5. Anonymous6:37 PM

      No child should sleep with Mom at his age.

    6. Anonymous10:26 PM shit hu...get in your own bed..

  15. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Poor Bristol is still trying to find a replacement for Levi. This time a fat, balding, PTSD gun nut. Tripp must have dropped out of Kindergarten at age 7. Great work, born again virgin LIAR.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Not another quitter in the family!

    2. Anonymous10:29 PM hubby was fat balding and a freak on a leash...walk away barstool...your in too deep...get out before you can' no name...bury your pride...your ma is sick...get over it...get on with your life...drop kick this fat fock at the local VA...let him wait..

  16. Anonymous5:10 PM

    New reality show coming soon ... "Drunks with Drugs & Guns"

  17. Anonymous5:11 PM

    A good mother would wait until the end of the school year to move her child away from his school and his friends. Not Bristol. What's the hurry, Bristol?

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Move in with the boyfriend before the child finishes school (not to mention before the wedding). It's the "Christian" mom thing to do. FUC_ING HYPOCRITES.

    2. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Exactly, what is the big effing hurry? Is there a premie in their future? Or does Bristol want to marry him before he finds out who she really is? Those are the only 2 reasons I can think of.

    3. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Mommy's going to run, and needs her MOH son-in-law to trot out on stage. Troops Troops Troops!

      Oh, $arah, hun, I don't think you want to take on Hillary, no matter the money behind you unless you want to be HIGHLY embarrassed, and you WILL be.

      Have you no self-awareness? I guess not.

    4. Anonymous7:30 PM

      If Bristol is pregnant, she doesn't appear to be showing yet, at least not in that photo, although her breasts do look inflated. If she isn't even showing, couldn't she wait another two months until school is out? Especially since she obviously isn't pretending to be waiting until marriage for sex?

    5. Anonymous8:56 PM

      run Sarah run. duhkota has plenty of skeletons too & also.

  18. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Bristol and Dakota barely knew each other when they became engaged recently and now they are living together far away from Bristol's support system.

    This is crazy, selfish behavior on both their parts with no regard for Tripp's well being. Perhaps Sarah is trying to decrease Bristol's drain on SarahPac and is happy to have Dakota attempt to support Bristol in the style to which she has become accustomed.

    Bristol is not a good mother and has acknowledged on TV that she can't control Tripp. Bristol is lazy, dim-witted and a mini-me Sarah. This new living arrangement is not going to end well.

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      I'm sorry to sound like a tabloid magazine, but when it comes to an engagement that happened that fast, I can't help but wonder if Bristol had a reason to get engaged so quickly. Both Sally and Sarah married quickly and had a child in less than the 9 usual months. (Neither baby was premature). Bristol would only be following the female family tradition-- and lots of other gals have done the same thing. These days, engaged or married, it doesn't make much difference. Dakota had been chasing after Sarah Palin for her political connections. (He wants to run for Congress LOL). As long as he and Bristol were together as an "item" back then, I'll be watching the calendar and counting for the premature surprise.

    2. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Bristols already got at least one

    3. Anonymous10:31 PM

      Gee Annette...isn't this too fast...that's too bad...

  19. Anonymous5:13 PM

    If I ran a strictly Chrisitan pizza parlor around there, I wouldn't deliver any pizza to a couple living in sin, especially with her 6 year old kid in the mix. If you are going to follow your crazy version of the Bible for Pizza Delivery, unmarried couples, even if it's a man and a woman are living in SIN. NO! NO! NO!

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      It's not like she has to order the salami any more!

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Tripp was born in 2008. That makes him 7 years old.

    3. Anonymous5:56 PM

      I agree! A sex sin is a sex sin. I have made this argument to many "Christians". Also, I have asked them when they decided to be heterosexual?

    4. Anonymous6:31 PM

      5:56pm Also, I have asked them when they decided to be heterosexual?
      That's hilarious! I'd love to know how they answered you


    5. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Hi Mildred,
      5:56 here. I get a lot of shocked looks along with hems and haws and one said "I don't have to". It's a conversation stopper that's for sure, LOL. But I hope it gets them thinking!

    6. Anonymous7:33 PM

      5:56 and Mildred, they never decided to be heterosexual because to their way of thinking, heterosexuality is natural. It's the default. You don't choose the norm, you only choose to "deviate" from the norm.

  20. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Haven't seen Alicia, our resident Palin Fairy Tale Troll, around these parts lately. I wonder if something scared her off.

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      And reportedly a number of Pee Pond regulars have reportedly vanished as well. Seems the "postage" spigot might be drying up.
      Too bad, so sad.

    2. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Who the heck cares where Alicia went. A lot of us asked Gryphen many times to quit feeding that troll. She was more than annoying readers here. I hope she never comes back!

  21. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Dakota has the fresh blown look on his face ... wind blown of course.

  22. Anonymous5:20 PM

    That shot in the truck has been repeated over and over as bristles changes new daddies. Except for the dog.
    What a crew. levi must be relieved.

  23. Anonymous5:22 PM

    That kid should NOT be sitting on his mothers lap while they are driving.

  24. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Dumbkota looks like he has more toes than brain cells.

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      He referred to himself as "myself" as "Myself and Bristo celebrating our first week of living together."

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      They are a good match. Two people who barely (if at all) made it out of high school and are completely uninterested in getting any more education.

    3. Anonymous10:33 PM

      648...myself and barstool...

  25. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Can I add to the checklist: No one wearing seatbelts - check; six year old not in properly installed booster seat - check; six year old in front seat (unsafe) - check; child on lap and unrestrained - check; pet dog on lap and unrestrained - check; two twits taking dumbass selfies in car - check.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      I hope they brought a lot of Dakota's guns along. It's not camping without guns guns guns (and a kid running around).

  26. Anonymous5:28 PM

    What the fuck is this obsession with guns?!?! Both these twits and their mother-of-all-things-stupid! Really! Just stop it. Jesus.
    Clearly, they're trying to make a unified point of something, but WHAT IS IT? They really are nuts. Even worse than I thought. I used to think she was simply a grifter...but it's getting worse. Didn't think it was possible.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Somewhere in Dakota's collection of dumb photos, he poses in a bathrobe, smoking a pipe, reading a book (I think it's upside down) and claiming that ISIS is coming to get him. Hes' locked and loaded and waiting for them by the roaring fireplace. No, I'm not making this up.

    2. Anonymous7:09 PM

      That's right, waiting in a bathrobe. Lucky Bristol will get to see it every night: hog farmer waiting in a bathrobe for her to fix her fake eyelashes and climb into her lace teddy and come service him.

      At least she won't be her usual insecure jealous self with Hog Farmer. Nobody will be trying to steal him, all the good ones have already left him.

    3. Anonymous10:34 PM

      Be very afraid Palin and Co.

  27. Anonymous5:37 PM

    This could end Oscar Pistorius style. But lucky for Duhkota, he really IS as stupid as Pistorius could only try to pretend to be at trial.

  28. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Does the state KY have no freaking motor vehicle safety laws?!?

  29. Anonymous5:45 PM

    How many kids did the Bristle take to Kentucky to live with her? The DWTS kid? The Joey Junker kid? The Down Syndrome kid? Wow Duhkoter will have his hands full taking care of Bristle and her passle of four kids. Better get a bigger truck.

  30. Anonymous5:46 PM

    How long before shooting guns as entertainment begins to bore the Bristol? She's kind of used to finer things you know; rental limousines, exciting parties, fancy thong dresses, late night altercations with lots of people in their altered states, TMZ photo shoots, celebrity bar hopping, etc., etc., etc.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      How long too before she runs afoul of the locals?
      Dakota Bar fight the Sequel?
      M from MD

    2. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Those shoes with the red soles are going to get stuck in the mud and cow droppings. You really can't go camping with a dainty LV purse on a chain. And talk about losing your $300. sunglasses in the woods!

    3. Anonymous7:06 PM

      She's going to be disappointed when the locals in KY don't recognize and covet her Lou Bootin' wardrobe or her fugly brown checkered accessories. They're so important to her that she had to show them to everyone in her world.

    4. Anonymous11:00 PM

      How long before she eats a gun..

    5. Anonymous11:38 PM

      wait til shes up to her knees in pig shit in her red Souled boots.

  31. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:50 PM

    Sorry, Bris. There's already a reality show called "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" (On the Science Channel. Foreign to you, I know).

  32. Anonymous5:55 PM

    How much does Bristol hate Tripp that she would take away from him everything that makes him feel secure and loved?

    Wasn't it enough that she made a whole multi-media shit show out of how badly he ruined her life?

    You're contemptible, Bristol Palin. You don't deserve to have children with that lazy lardass you're screwing or with any other drunk that will climb aboard you.

    Don't think you're going to fool Levi.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Levi needs to get his son out of that dangerous situation. WTF with the custody??? No school just guns????

  33. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Notice how the Paylin grift machine has trended toward all things guns and ammo.

    With Duhkota added to the mix, the new $creech and clan niche has gone from (phony) moose huntin' to "never outgunned" glory. Anything, everything to do with guns and the whole $hoot 'em up America theme.

    This is the new feedbag for the Paylins. Watch for big payouts in POSTAGE! Bwahahahaha

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Dakota has filmed a commercial for some gun that comes with a flashlight attached. I assume that he is sponsored for gun manufacturers and works as a spokesman for them. He has also appeared in connection with the NRA at a previous CPAC event. He also supports a couple of veterans groups, which may be important in his own mind, but if he does appear on TV, it would be on Fox where I wouldn't see him.

      Initially, Dakota worked for an arms manufacturer, and he sued them when they were going to ship scopes to the Pakistanis. Since Dakota was based in Afghanistan, he was opposed to this sale, so he sued them. There was a settlement, but in the course of the legal proceedings, the arms company made reference to a possible concussion that Dakota may have had but he never got any therapy for it. They requested that he take a training class and get some education, and he did not do that either. I guess that Dakota is lucky to find people willing to sponsor him and have him represent them.

      Add to the mix Dakota's political ambitions. Pay no attention to his bad grammar, bad spelling, poor way of speaking, lack of education and lack of interest in learning anything. That's why, of all of the politicians, he was attracted to Sarah Palin. Look how far she got dazzling the media without needing to be smart or have any substance. And for Sarah, it's a match made in heaven, getting to pose with MOH recipient and appear with him in front of veterans groups. All those guns give the Great Norther White Woman Hunter the image that she has been dreaming of. OOOh, do I smell third season of Amazing America?

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      That commercial was as dumb as they are.

    3. Anonymous10:39 PM

      Folks...the ONLY reason they are playing in public with guns is out of FEAR...after their crimes were exposed...they are scared Shitless...and so they should be...dumb fockers they are...they can't hit the side of a barn door...they need more practice

  34. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Why does almost every picture with sgt york have a nasty semi automatic gun within his reach as if the whole fookin' world is after him? This dude is paranoid personafied. He's like a murder suicide candidate waiting to go off. Leave Bris down there, send Tripp home to his father.

  35. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Poor Kentucky... first the Palin $tank spread to AZ, now it's the Bluegrass State.

    Please do share sightings of Brisdull and Duhkota for IM amusement. Lol

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Dakota wants to run for that there Congruss and what better way in Kain-tucky than to marry the unmarriable Bristol so you have instant contacts while you berate the very President that put it around your neck? He wasn't the one that put you there.

      You sold your soul, boy, and you are NO warrior.

  36. Anonymous6:05 PM

    That kid is too old and too big to be riding in a car on his mother's lap without a seat belt. What's the law in Bumfuck, Kentucky in regards to this?

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Get serious, we're talkin' deliverance here.

    2. Anonymous7:56 PM

      You'd be happier if she was carrying a toddler or baby on her lap?

  37. Anonymous6:09 PM

    What's Tripp doing in the front seat? Hope they are just parked and had him sitting in back with proper restraining devices when vehicle in motion.

    For some reason, I seriously doubt it.

    Even if it is a family farm and they are driving on private property, safety should come first. Get that kid in a proper child seat!

    1. Shooting Bunnies6:29 PM

      The truck looks like a single cab with no back seat. You can see the back window right up against their backs. KY law requires a child his age and weight be restrained in a safety or booster seat.

      I live just down the road from the Meyer farm. I'll keep my eyes and ears open.

    2. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Oh, Shooting Bunnies, you are an IM gal's best friend. Do keep us informed of all the goings on.

      And, please, be sure to spread what we know down there. Subtle like you know...

      "Oh, I'm so surprised that Bristol and Dakota are actually living together--I saw it on Facebook, don'tcha know?

      "And she was such a good spokesperson for abstinence. She got paid really good for talking about it.

      "She's such a good Christian, I'm sure she will repent at church next Sunday.

      "What? They didn't go to church last Sunday?

      "Well, I do declare. Maybe those Palins aren't all they claim to be, do you think?"

      Don't let them snooker the locals.

    3. Anonymous7:38 PM

      I live just down the road from the Meyer farm. I'll keep my eyes and ears open.

      Does Dakota live with parents and/or siblings, or is it just him, Bristol, and Tripp?

    4. Shooting bunnies8:38 PM

      He had been living with dad. He has one step sibling through his moms remarry, last name Gilliam. I heard thru the grapevine that they are living with dad on the farm for now. Town folks are reporting that Dakota has been living with dad because of his travels, racing, etc. One of the local realtors has met with Dakota about three weeks ago to consider buying a small farm. My guess is Bristols money will be used to buy a farm. Dakota has money. Who knows. But I have my ear to the ground.

    5. Anonymous10:03 PM

      Thanks for the reports, Shooting bunnies! Look forward to more.

  38. DontHatetheGame6:12 PM

    I submit that Bristol had planned to move in with Dakota all along and Mama wasn't having it hence the quick "engagement" which would explain why she had to buy the ring. Maybe Bristol is standing up to Mama again and making another dumb move. After all Sarah is the reason she lost Levi and Bristol wasn't letting this one get away.

    Also, 513 if you notice from reporting on here, Sarah's fans started to disappear right when they were begging for money. Sarah's desperate and it looks like her kingdom is slipping away day-by-day.

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      So the engagement is a front so that the hog farmer can openly fuck Christian Abstinence Woman and nobody will think she's a lying slut?

      That sounds so much like Simplistic Sarah's work, doesn't it?

    2. Anonymous8:25 PM

      You could be right about that 6:12. I don't think she's preggers. Well at least in the latest pic posted by Dakota announcing they've lived together for 1 week. He's teaching her how to shoot the gun and she's wearing shorts. Doesn't look pregnant to me. Not yet anyway.

    3. Anonymous9:54 PM

      @6:12 Someone commented that Sarah could not use any of the PAC money once she announced that she was running for president. Then, they began to hope that Sarah could hire and pay her big important campaign staff with PAC money before she announced LOL. They are sure that Sarah will wait until after the wedding LOL. Even the guy from Virginia said that he doesn't contribute to PAC's. He gives directly to the candidates of his choice. It is not looking that good for Sarah's fan club.

  39. Anonymous6:14 PM

    If Tripp is spoiled and a mama's boy like Bristol says, Dakota is in for a real treat!

    Imagine the kind of kids on airplanes that whine and don't listen, sit down, and keep yelling or screaming? If that's the type of kid Tripp is, and if Dakota lays the law down with, it's going to be one of the first of many relationship destroyers.

    The fact that Bristol, a girl who is never alone, has to live now with strangers, in a new home, is going to fail big time. It could work, but will need discipline extraordinaire. Is a Palin up for that?

    Wonder if Nancy French will scoot up to KY from TN to visit her best friend?

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Is Christian Nancy ok with Bristol and Dakota living in sin like she was with Joey Junker?

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Speaking of Nancy tell us Nancy, what do you think about Bristol and Dakota "living in sin?"

      Dakota said so on his Facebook, so it must be true.

    3. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Oh and 7:07 like she did with GINO - the "trial marriage" and she kicked him out of the car on her reality show after teaching Tripp to call him Daddy.

    4. Anonymous9:51 PM

      @6:14 If Tripp is that spoiled, can't you just hear "Hey, don't touch that gun, it's loaded!"

  40. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Someone is going to get hurt or killed and no one here at IM will be surprised, but if it ends up being that little boy, we're going to be deeply upset.
    M from MD

  41. Anonymous6:23 PM

    The Stool should have let Levi take custody of Tripp for the remainder of the school year while she and her hired fiancee fucked each others brains out. Stool sure knows how to use human shields just like her disfunctional mother.

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Nope, Tripp might enjoy that too much. Can't have that. Bristol is still the same old jealous bitch she ever was.

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      She will regret it when he gets All the facts
      . about what a slut his mother is.

  42. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I feel sad for Trigg, losing his buddy and most likely doesn't understand what is happening with Tripp.

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      I doubt Trig spends much time at all with the palin "family". Hopefully he spends most time with a caregiver or maybe his real mother and father.

    2. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Trig spends time with Postage and Handling.

    3. Anonymous10:05 PM

      9:00 Thanks for the laugh.

  43. Tripp looks like he is on a trip! A little out of it. Who is taking these pics anyway? News reporters? And if so, why are these two crazy people and her child who resembles who? news?

    1. Anonymous9:49 PM

      The photos of Bristol & Dakota at CPAC were taken by SarahPAC's official photographer, Shealah Craighead.
      Shealah also is given credit for taking the photos in L in Las Vegas where Dakota proposed to Bristol and put the ring on her finger, surprise! Of course they were staged. It makes it look as if the entire thing is being staged for publicity. As for the credits, when Bristol (or probably Nancy) posted the black and white photo of Bristol's hand showing the engagement ring, there was a line stating that all photos were taken by Shealah Craighead Photography. Gee, how did Shealah know to show up in Las Vegas for that surprise??? When you see a dramatic photo of Sarah, Bristol and/or Dakota, it is usually Shealah. I wonder if Bristol took the photo of her and Tripp (her latest instagram) or if Shealah is still around, documenting the romance.

  44. Anonymous6:26 PM

    What's Bristol going to do if her friends and sisters and brother come to KY and they get into a brawl with Kentuckians? Will the sheriffs overlook their crimes because of Mama Grizzly? Do Todd and Sarah own the KY police force?

  45. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Bristol really doesn't know this man (who has PTSD) on a long term basis. If Bristol wants to cohabitate with a man who has PTSD then do it without a child.

    This man has a youtube video telling people to walk around in a dark house with a shotgun and a flashlight attached to the barrel which is scary to a boy who just went to the kitchen for a glass of water.

    My advice to the child is not to run away if you hear a shotgun being cocked in a dark house and you can't see the person holding the shotgun trained center mass because there is a high powered flashlight blinding you.

    Bristol should not walk up to the dangerous situation because when the shotgun is swiveled to your location, the shooter may go into preservation mode and light you up center mass.

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Dang that is scary.

    2. Anonymous10:45 PM a link so Levi can turn that into the courts asap...then they might order him home with Levi...

  46. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Anonymous4:55 PM
    Anyone that's ever been married knows that "the bloom comes off the rose" eventually in marriage.

    Anonymous 4:55 what are you saying? When the husband asks himself why in the hell is my bride so good at doing fellatio? You mean that bloom?

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Does the 'bloom' come off a well experienced groom as well? Can't ask for something you can't deliver either.

      I don't care whether these two grifting fame whores get married or live together, I'm just grateful they found each other and paired up. This will save two other unlucky humans from getting involved with either of them.

    2. Anonymous9:45 PM

      @ 7:58 Wait for it, wait for Sarah Palin, the ultimate political fame whore to show up and play the ultimate stage mother and manage these two actors. She could appear with Dakota at veterans affairs. He is dreaming that she has the political power to launch his campaign to run for congress. They are in Kentucky because he has to run from Kentucky. Alaska only has one congressman and the job is taken. Dakota has friends who would vote for him in KY but not ALaska. If someone as dumb as Sarah Palin could run for VP, then Dakota could run for congress, God forbid.

  47. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Slightly OT, but we were discussing c4per VG on a previous thread. Here is what the fine, genteel CHRISTIAN gent, who assumes he will stare into God's face upon passing wrote tonight:
    2 hours ago
    "I have heard that Hillary is heading to Iowa in her 'Scooby' van. Well, lets not miss the opportunity to toss her some dog biscuits as she rolls past. We wouldn't want her to be hungry now would we? And be sure to offer her, and her team, new flea collars every chance ya get.
    Fair winds and following seas shipmates, and I'll see ya when I see ya."
    Yeah, I hope the old bastard lives long enough to experience the inauguration of Hillary and then, well you know...

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Yep, 6:47, I know. And I agree.

      No wonder his heart is doddery, it's bursting with Hate. I won't miss the old parasite.

    2. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Fair winds, Ram. Don't le the surf hit ya on the way out, you racist ugly bitch.

    3. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Ram is the last person who should be talking about flea collars!

  48. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I seen Tripp unbuckled in the front seat on his mom's lap but I didn't see the big dog sitting on Tripp's lap.

    I hope the vehicle doesn't get hit by a drunk Kentuckian who likes to drinks all those Kentucky beverages.

    Is that Trig's dog?

  49. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Isn't Tripp used to sleeping in his mother's bed? It’s going to be crowded and noisy in Dukota's bed.

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      If Tripp gets out of bed in the middle of then night, he had better not make any noise or Dakota will be getting out his gun. Oh, that poor dog is going to knock something over and end up where all the other Palin dogs go.

  50. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Are they living in Dakota's mom's house? How is Dakota going to explain all that moaning that the Johnston family heard from Levi's bedroom?

    1. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Dakota's birth mother left him with Mike Meyer who adopted and raised Dakota. Dakota wrote about his childhood in his book. He never knew his birth father. He said that traveling around with his mother was like living in a washing machine. He looks on Mike Meyer as his father. As for where Dakota lives.....I never got to that part. His Wikipedia says Columbia, KY.

  51. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Apparently Tripp's there as well because after all who needs school?

    Just like Auntie Willow but this may be a record even for the Heaths and Palins?

  52. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Sarah I'm not sure Kentucky is the place for your daughter Bristol, especially after what happened in Anchorage on Oct 21, 2014 - famously known as the Bloody aftermath of the Palin family brawl: 

    Here's a small taste of some of the evil spirit brands brewed in Kentucky

    Jim Beam Black Label
    Jim Beam Choice (Green label)
    Jim Beam Devil’s Cut
    Jim Beam Ghost
    Jim Beam Honey
    Jim Beam Rye
    Jim Beam Single Barrel
    Jim Beam White Label 7 year old
    Jim Beam White Label
    Red Stag Apple
    Red Stag Black Cherry
    Red Stag Honey Tea
    Red Stag Spiced
    Old Crow
    Old Grand Dad BIB
    Old Grand Dad 100 Proof
    Old Grand Dad 114

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      You are going to have to list all of the fine Kentucky Bourbons because until recently, they could only call it Bourbon if it was distilled from corn, aged in charred oak barrels and it had to come from Kentucky. Now, they can produce bourbon and call it bourbon in other states. The Blue Grass state is also associated with horse racing and horse farms.

    2. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Oh, and there's another problem for Bristol living in Kentucky. Her stalkers had to travel long distance to stalk Bristol in Wasilla. Kentucky is more accessible. And don't tell me that Dakota is armed and dangerous. They will see the light of his flashlight long before Dakota sees the stalker.

    3. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Four Roses
      Four Roses barrel cut ( but that is to limited customers)

  53. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Monday, April 13, 2015
    So Bristol "Abstinence spokesperson" Palin is now living in sin with future hubbie Dakota Meyer. Hmm.

    Bristol is living in Sin with future husband. So that's the name of the city in Kentucky?

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      After Bristol was paid mucho bucks to speak about Abstinence, there was Gino, Joey and how many others before Dakota? Hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite and yet Nancy keeps posting good Christian values posts for Bristol. What a joke.

    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Nancy French is a Fraud.

    3. Anonymous9:39 PM

      @8:42 So is Bristol. And, I suspect that so is Dakota. There is a big newspaper article which tells a different story of the gun fight that he claims he was in, the one that got him the MOH. There are people who claim that he doesn't deserve it. I think that is what Bristol and Dakota may actually have in common, both of them love the attention, fame and the money that it brings in. And, both of them are wondering how long they can keep up the act. The added publicity about their courtship, engagement, and up-coming marriage should keep them on-line for a little while and then what? Poor Tripp will be stuck in a small town where he is the new kid. Will he go to school or be home-schooled by the brilliant combo of Bristol and Dakota? Dakota will go off here and there to endorse some guns, race some cars and promote veteran affairs. Is Bristol going to accompany him? With Tripp or leave him at home with what baby sitter? Bristol is going to get pretty bored down on the farm, even if there are guns and the adorable calf for Tripp. You can't wear those red sole shoes in the barn.

    4. Anonymous10:10 PM

      9:39 The added publicity about their courtship, engagement, and up-coming marriage should keep them on-line for a little while and then what?

      But the thing is...They haven't gotten hardly any attention from all these hastily orchestrated events.

      I don't think it turned out as Sarah was hoping. And Bristol is in for a shocker if she things she can be a farmer's wife.

  54. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I just thought of something. How do we suggest a hint to that "Who is this" website about "stars" and gossip?

    Also, how do we give info to Enquirer and the Mail? Do they have hotlines or emails?

    I'm loving the idea of the Abstinence Spokeswoman who was the ONLY one in the history of that organization to get paid and who was paid 1/4 of a million to talk about abstinence. Now the "Christian" family values Bristol is living in sin with her new man.

    Haaaaaaaa. Haaaaaa. None of us are surprised.

    Bet she says they sleep in separate rooms. And had Mommy Dearest chaperoning.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      How? Just go to the website of who you want to report a tip to. Usually scroll down to the bottom and look for "contact us". They will either have a form to fill out or give you an email address to send in tips too. You can also twitter it to the gossip rags.

    2. Anonymous9:35 PM

      And Facebook...don't forget these rags also have FB pages which thousand of people read and "like". You can post there too.

  55. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Just announce your candidacy, $arah, c'mon, coward, and every last BIT will be brought up of what you've done.

  56. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I don't know guns, but I feel like the perspective of Bristol, the tripod, and the gun is skewed. Is there something Photoshoppy going on here, or is the tripod just at a weird angle in the image?

  57. Janice A Soderquist7:43 PM

    Did you notice Bristols fresh manicure and polish in photo 2? Doesn't look like she is ready to cook and do housework? What housewife has her nails done unless they are planning to go out on a trip. She doesn't work, so why the nails?

    1. Anonymous9:34 PM

      They were photographed in Garcia's restaurant. When Sarah was there, they were also photographed in a restaurant. I don't think that Bristol knows how to cook, and I don't think that she cares to learn. What, is Sarah going to suddenly teach her daughter how to cook? Sarah didn't cook either.

  58. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Dakota always names the gun and includes the contact in his posts. I think he gets paid for advertising these guns from the manufacturers.

  59. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I think Bristol looks genuinely happy in that photo; I don't think I've ever seen her smile like that. Tripp looks apprehensive and Dakota...sort of trying, but not too hard.

    1. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Yes, indeed. Them guns don't come cheap. And what's more important than having a MOH sharp shooter who killed lots of people endorsing your gun. That would seem to be most of Dakota's job, in addition to his construction business (that we haven't seen any photos of. But don't worry. They all read here, so we can expect to see the photos soon).

    2. Anonymous9:33 PM

      Ooops that comment was supposed to go under the "Dakota always names the gun and includes the contact in his posts. Yes, they are his sponsors and he is paid to advertise for them.

  60. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Hollywood Gossip
    Bristol Palin apparently has a new boyfriend in Joey Junker, a professional snowmobiler! Or snow machine racer, some might call his profession

    Not long ago, Bristol Palin and Gino Paoletti, her first serious boyfriend following her split from baby daddy Levi Johnston, were considering marriage.

    For whatever reason, that didn't work out ... and Joey Junker - a lifelong Alaska resident with a talent for riding and adventure - is now in the picture.

    Their relationship is still new, but insiders say the single mom is "smitten."

    "She really likes him! She is a quiet person, so [she] hasn't been gushing about him, but she has been texting with him a lot the past few weeks," a source says.

    "Someone asked about her 'boyfriend,' and she turned bright red blushing!"

    "[Bristol] has said she's at a good place in her life right now... she wants to be cautious about the guys she allows into her life these days ... she is taking it slow."

    As for her former fake finace? Levi Johnston and Sunny Oglesby, who recently welcomed his second child, daughter Breeze Beretta, got married Sunday.

    Here's wishing Bristol and Joey the best in their fledgling romance. No wonder she's selling her car... she can hitch rides in his snow machine now.

    "[Bristol] has said she's at a good place in her life right now... she wants to be cautious about the guys she allows into her life these days ... she is taking it slow."

    " ... she wants to be cautious about the guys she allows into her life these days ... " Huh?

    Cautious? Doesn't this guy she really doesn't know has PTSD and wanted to commit suicide?

    "...she is taking it slow."? Double Huh?

    In Bristol's mind she may be cautious and taking it slow with these guys, just don't blink.

    We wish her well but Bristol should leave Tripp in Wasilla.

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Didn't Bristol also write on her blog that she wanted to have another baby???

    2. Anonymous9:31 PM

      wow so many boy friends and "uncle daddy's" for Tripp. I've lost count. Oh yeah and right, she was abstinent with all of them even though they shacked up. I don't see any reason this one should be any different except mama grizzly said Dakota is the one you're announcing your engagement too and I'll even buy the ring! With Bristol's track record I see nothing but trouble ahead. Poor Tripp.

  61. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Anyone else hoping they are living in a dry( booze free) county for Tripp's sake?

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Dakota lives in Columbia, KY, a town of 4,000 with 6 liquor stores. They are not all actually in Columbia but their yellow pages ad says, "Serving the Columbia area," so, liquor is no problem-- and that's a problem.

      I think that Tripp faces just as much trouble with Dakota's gun collection. I'm remembering the photo of Dakota holding someone's baby in a black and white photo on his instagram, with a handgun on the nearby table.

      Bristol couldn't control Tripp. Someone is going to have to keep those guns unloaded and locked up. Too bad, but Dakota says that he always carries a loaded weapon because you never know when you will have to defend yourself. You can't hold that gun 24/7 and 6 years old can be curious (and bored on that farm).

    2. Anonymous10:19 PM

      Dakota never knows when he might want to shoot himself.

  62. WA Skeptic8:22 PM

    Well, this will make it a lot cheaper for the upcoming "divorce".
    I sure hope that little guy makes it out of adolescence without some major drug problems.

    1. Anonymous10:51 PM

      Yeah nothing like doping em up...all of

  63. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Gotta keep those NRA promotional checks rolling in.

  64. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Anonymous7:57 PM

    I think Bristol looks genuinely happy in that photo; I don't think I've ever seen her smile like that. Tripp looks apprehensive and Dakota...sort of trying, but not too hard.

    7:57 is Bristol hiding her long chin with Tripp's body?

  65. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Anyone remember Bristol's abstinence "oath"? Does Bristol? Hell no. That went out the window in 3..2..1. It was all part of her "christian" sham just like her fake "christian" blog. Even she herself said she doesn't have time for church.

    Bristol Palin Sex: Mom Of One Swears Celibacy Until Marriage

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      So the girl changed her mind and wants someone to bust their nuts inside her. No harm no foul.

    2. Anonymous10:37 PM

      9:24, as someone who grew up in abstinence culture and saw how damaging it is, I have to hold Bristol responsible for her hypocrisy. If she had just decided to swear off sex until she changed her mind and kept quiet about it, or even talked about it in a few interviews, then that's her business and it's fine. But for her to take a quarter of a million dollars, travel around the country, tell girls that abstinence is realistic and desirable, hold herself up as an example, blah blah, and then throw it all out the window as soon as the checks stop coming--yes harm, yes foul. Abstinence education is not a joke when you grow up with it, and anyone who perpetuate the fraud that is the abstinence industry needs to be held accountable.

    3. Anonymous10:50 PM

      ha ha some OathKeepers the Palin's are. And yes we ALL do recall Greta Van Susteran's interview with Bristol years ago and Bristol said, ABSTINENCE IS NOT REALISTIC". Then stage mama Palin jumped in the interview and stopped the interview pronto. After that Bristol got on the cpac payroll to promote an image that abstinence is the only answer and in fact (even though Bristol was on the pill as admitted by her in her ghostwritten book she then went on at the behest of mommy to make thousands of dollars promoting abstinence, urging people that Planned Parenthood is evil, etc. all in her fake ghost written blog. The hypocrisy is just astounding but her followers eat it up. After all "we love Sarah & Bristol cause they are just like us!"

  66. Anonymous8:53 PM

    " ... she is taking it slow."

    I agree Bristol is taking it slow.

    This is her 3rd fiance, it's not like this is her 5th fiance.

    The time Bristol left Ben and was engaged to Levi before the dust settled, well that one doesn't count.

    1. Anonymous10:17 PM

      Is Bristol 'moaning' while she is taking it slow? Where's Dylan Kolvig?

  67. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Bristol did any of your relatives tell you to move in with this guy before someone else does? Don't wait for marriage, protect your interest.

  68. Anonymous9:46 PM

    This is not going to end well. Congrats to the Palins.

  69. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Haven't read the other comments yet, but there's Tripp, who should be sitting in the back seat on a booster seat with his seat belt on, just sitting in his mom's lap. Doesn't look as though the so-called "adults" in the car have seat belts on either. In my state, you get a ticket for not wearing your seat belt.

  70. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Weird to announce living together. Strange.
    I had a vision little boy shot someone. I don't like this. Too creepy.

  71. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Fuck you, Bristol. You are nothing more tan mommy's little whore doll. Bye-bye!

  72. Anonymous1:39 AM

    He edited the caption. *IT'S* like *IT* never happened.

    Plus I betcha stating Bristol and Tripp now officially live in Kentucky gives Levi grounds in custody battle.

    Did Bristol apply for PFD this year? One or more of you smarties should send in Dakota's statement she now resides and intends to reside (Listing her Alaska house) outside AK. Get her charged with a felony for filing false claims.


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