Wednesday, April 15, 2015

This apparently is how the police in Arizona stop a fleeing suspect.

Holy shitballs! The cop didn't even slow down a little.

Here is more courtesy of CNN: 

Police in Arizona said Tuesday that an officer who intentionally used his car to run into a suspect with a rifle probably saved the man's life. 

The man's lawyer strongly disagrees. Video of the incident has stirred debate about what type of force police should have used to detain a man with a gun. 

"Everything in the video seems to point towards an obvious excessive use of force. It is miraculous that my client isn't dead," said attorney Michelle Cohen-Metzger. 

The incident was recorded February 19 on the dashcam of two Marana police cars that were following the suspect, 36-year-old Mario Valencia.

I first saw this footage last night on the Chris Hayes show, and I have to admit it made my jaw drop. 

To me it did not seem that the officer was so much trying to apprehend the man as to turn him into road kill.

The other officers seemed to have a plan, and to be in communication with each other, when Leroy Jenkins here just jumped the gun and plowed right into the guy.

Now look I understand the individual had committed a number of crimes, and pointed a rifle at police officers, but there simply HAD to be a better method of neutralizing this guy other than driving a patrol car up his ass.


  1. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Did u see this one? Another way to stop a person for not wearing their seatbelt

    Watch "Traffic stop victim shot by policeman: Video is 'shocking and disturbing'" on YouTube

    'Sir, why was I shot? All I did was reach for my license' 

    ● Levar Jones was shot and wounded by police officer in Columbia, South Carolina, when he was stopped and told to produce a license

    ● He reached for his wallet and state trooper Sean Groubert opened fire, hitting him in the stomach 

    ● Jones writhed in agony on the ground and said: 'Why was I shot?' as the officer accused him of a seatbelt violation

    ● Jones tells Daily Mail Online Walter Scott's death should force rethink of police procedures with new non-lethal methods favored

    ● Cop was sacked and charged with felony assault and faces maximum 20 year sentence if guilty

  2. A Superfan In Atlanta3:06 PM


    Now this is just hi-larious!!!

    Watch As This 'Tea Party Patriot' Realizes That Voting GOP In 2016 Could Cost Him His Obamacare
    By David

  3. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Did u see this one? Another way to stop a person for not wearing their seatbelt

    Watch "Traffic stop victim shot by policeman: Video is 'shocking and disturbing'" on YouTube

    'Sir, why was I shot? All I did was reach for my license' 

    ● Levar Jones was shot and wounded by police officer in Columbia, South Carolina, when he was stopped and told to produce a license

    ● He reached for his wallet and state trooper Sean Groubert opened fire, hitting him in the stomach 

    ● Jones writhed in agony on the ground and said: 'Why was I shot?' as the officer accused him of a seatbelt violation

    ● Jones tells Daily Mail Online Walter Scott's death should force rethink of police procedures with new non-lethal methods favored

    ● Cop was sacked and charged with felony assault and faces maximum 20 year sentence if guilty

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Sorry for posting this twice. I thought the first post didn't go through

    2. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Your second post was only six minutes after the first one. Gryphen is allowed to be away from the keyboard from time to time.

  4. Anonymous3:26 PM

    What the fuck!

  5. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Sheriff Arpaio would approve.

    1. Sheriff Arpaio (Maricopa Sheriff's Dept) trained Robert Bates, the 73 year old active reserve deputy that shot that guy when he thought he was using a Tazer.

      So many states to avoid now.

  6. Anonymous5:19 PM

    What country is this? And what year is it? A cop aiming his car and knocking anyone out of their shoes, no matter what they did, isn't how things like this are handled. I want to hear the chief read the written protocol for situations like this very slowly, out loud, with no editorializing.
    Saw the clip of what happened before. The guy took a rifle and bullets off the shelf in Walmart and walked out. They keep guns out in the general merchandise? But they guard their cell phones like the hope diamond. What's wrong with this picture?

  7. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Better method, Gryph? Please fill us in on that one.
    Point a rifle at a cop and you are going down. No holds barred!

  8. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Preferable to gunning the kid down. I don't think he had to hit him so hard but it was creative way to neutralize a kid who was out of control, perhaps wrecked on meth and a danger to himself and others. Outcome was good so hard to see merit in getting too exercised. If he was my kid, I would thank the cop.

  9. Anonymous8:24 PM

    He had a locked and loaded rifle. He was nearing a crowded area. He survived. I have no quarrel with this.

  10. Cops in the US are trained to kill, this is what people don't understand. Instead of figuring out how to arrest a person who is a potential danger they generally kill or harm them. I do understand that if the cops had let him get close to a crowd and shoot at people the community would have been angry, but ramming a man with a car like that is just savage. Generally in these situations and these cops did seem to be quite clustered so perhaps not, there is a supervisor making the decisions about actions taken. I wonder if that cops just did this on his own or was told to do it.

  11. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Just pulled this story off and I am speechless. This is a perfect example of how people view the police based on race. While the majority of those commenting on this thought it was "awesome" what the officers did, I couldn't help but think that most African Americans would not, as I did, find this cute. Although it is true that if you have done nothing or are not breaking the law, you have nothing to be afraid of, but I would be terrified to be ordered out of my car by the police and would not want anyone in my family to experience this as a prank!


  12. Anonymous6:55 AM

    One time, some vandals came a slashed tires in our neighborhood. So the cops were called and everyone was standing in the street in front of our houses asking each other, "did they get your tires?" So the cops are there taking statements and like I said all of the families were there in the street several little kids adults some older kids on bikes etc. Well the cops ask about our neighbor next door and we said we better check since she travels out of town and wasn't home. That's when this AHOLE cop hops in the cruiser throws it into reverse and backs up to the next door neighbor's house at about 45 miles an hour, with all of us standing there!!!! Needless to say we were completely disgusted with this kind of reckless driving with children nearby but none of us said anything because well, it was a cop.

  13. Did they show the part when he fired the rifle into the air and turned around and pointed it at the police car? At every direction from police he just kept walking.

    Personally, I think this was a safe way for the officers to apprehend this guy.

    At least he didn't get shot.

    And he was released from the hospital the next day.


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