Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Three year old shoots and kills one year old with unattended gun. Just another day in America thanks to the 2nd Amendment.

Courtesy of ABC News:  

A 3-year-old boy picked up an unattended gun inside a home and it went off, shooting a 1-year-old boy in the head and killing him Sunday afternoon, police said. 

Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams said investigators are trying to determine where the gun came from. 

Emergency workers said the 1-year-old was taken to a hospital and pronounced dead. 

Full details about the shooting on the city's east side weren't released, but Williams said at least one adult was home when it happened.

These things happen so often that perhaps we are all becoming a little desensitized to the fact that our babies are killing our babies all over the country and there seems to be no end in sight.

Whenever anybody starts to suggest that we need stricter gun laws, and a more comprehensive vetting process for new gun owners, the NRA and their ilk start screaming about the 2nd Amendment and claiming that their freedoms are being infringed upon.

Well fuck their "freedom!"

In my opinion if more stringent gun laws make it incredibly difficult for wannabe Rambo's all over the country to get their metal penis extenders, yet it saves even one child's life, than that is more than a fair trade.

After all these careless assholes are leaving their weapons easily within reach of children all over the damn place.


  1. Anonymous4:07 AM

    so, I guess the 3 year old is a "bad guy with a gun"? Why wasn't the "good guy" the 1 year old also armed? Kids getting their hands on guns is no accident. It is complete disregard and iresponsibility on the part if the supposed ADULTS in the home.

  2. To this quasi rambo idiot his gun is hidden. It's behind something. That is their gun safety.

    He has to keep a gun around...he never knows when another suicide episode will emerged.

    Oh yeah, didn't a girl beat his ass at some drunken party and he blamed it on the lone African-American kid? No telling what this jelly-fraud would do if a man stepped to him.

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Why is the MOH or Barstool or Mama Grifter even ALLOWED to own guns with all their mental health and drug issues? Sarah has given many drug & alcohol fueled "screeches", the chin, "The brawl" and MOH claims he "tried" to commit suicide? Why do they have guns? Its a public health issue.
      They are a danger to us ALL! And that is the "problem " with gun laws because in 'merica its a "RIGHT" to have a gun. Not a privilege. Some sick shit goin' on in this country.

    2. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Dakota is just preserving that baby's freeedumb!!!

  3. Anonymous4:40 AM

    I hope the "adult" in the house was arrested and that the child's parents are both arrested too. They are responsible for the murder of the baby.

    1. Anonymous6:06 AM

      I would like to see the same, Beaglemom, As the first poster said, this wasn't an "accident," it was downright negligence.

    2. Anonymous6:57 AM

      They NEVER arrest the adult...unless they are "of color" then they are arrested in a hot second for child abuse...except how many kids of "color" do you see getting shot? None.(except by cops) They are all "White" and the cops never punish the adults because "they have suffered enough"? I call BULLSHIT on that.

  4. Anonymous5:20 AM

    I don't get it. Other civilized nations have strict gun laws in place and you don't hear their gun owners moaning that their 'freedoms' are being attacked. The horrific number of children who have died or have been injured in the U.S. due to the criminal negligence of idiot gun owners is a shameful disgrace.

    1. Yes. I'm tired of being "exceptional" when that means death and maiming by gun. I want guns to be severely limited. Yes, for police too.

      I'll keep repeating Michael Moore's questions: Why are we such a violent nation? And why are we so afraid?

  5. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Is it really all that horrible or is it like 'those' folk like to say - the market is balancing itself as stupidity is rewarded with death.

    Just an observation using 'their' logic

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Its Darwin's way of "thinning the herd" or RW birthcontrol.
      Unfortunately for the poor kids...because the parents are fucking idiots.....

  6. Anonymous5:58 AM

    That young man in the above photo is prematurely balding. Nice catch, Bristol, bwahahaha. You will NEVER find a suitable replacement for Levi. Is Dakota, the PTSD Alcoholic gun nut, the best that you can do?

    1. Anonymous6:17 AM

      The scheme behind this pairing will become evident soon enough. It certainly wasn't for "love" as they want everyone to think.

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      A balding, bubble butt, pasty, and soft. Those are the only words to describe him.

    3. Anonymous8:13 AM

      6:17 : You are correct. If you check out DUHkotAH's enjoygram or whatever it is called, you see that he was all gushing about $ARAH, NOT Bar$Tool when they met in Vegas... The gushing only came later, after he was given the ring by the 'mother of the bride' to present for the world to see!

  7. Anonymous6:17 AM

    First sentence: a three year old boy picked up an unattended gun inside a home and IT WENT OFF. No it didn't just go off. He fired it. Guns don't just go off. I really wish they'd quit saying that, "it just went off."

    Why aren't they charging the parents when these damn guns just "go off?" Whoever that gun is registered to (IF it's registered) should be held responsible. And no! Losing a child is not enough punishment. These are the freaks that are scared to death of everything. Make them too scared of prison time to leave a loaded fucking gun laying around where there are children. Idiots! People like this are not smart enough to own guns.

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      My late husbsnd used to say people should have to get a llicense to have children. We have to get one to drive, to hunt. I said very few people would have kids if they had to pass a test! Too bad that so many innocent kids have lost their lives because idiots leave loaded guns around. Prosecute the gun owners, they could have a lock on those guns. Stupidity is what it is.

    2. Anonymous4:31 PM

      I can't agree more, especially testing and mental evaluations. "The gun just went off" and "it was an accident" shouldn't ever be applied to situations like this. For accidents and just going off, they seem to have better aim than Alaska's former Governor and America's laughing stock, Sarah Heath Palin. Even with her pappy on her back handling the gun, it took a village to kill a drugged animal. These kids go right for the head and hardly ever miss.

  8. Anonymous6:53 AM

    "The gun went off." Which means that either a three year old figured out how to take off the safety and get a round in the chamber, or that the gun was not only left where a young child could get a hold of it, but that it was left like that with one in the chamber and the safety off. That in and of itself should be a crime.

  9. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Cool. More children in need of a heart, ling, kidney, liver, pancreas, corneas just got some miraculous news. Thanks good three year old with a gun for taking care of that bad one year old .

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      You really don't think parents that would allow their children to be in a home where guns are just out for whatever reason ever allow their child's organ's to be donated do you? Oh no, those are the one's that can't stand the thought of that.
      BTW I think at the age of 18 you either should have to sign up to be an organ donor ( if you are healthy enough) or never get an organ at any time in your life or your children before they are 18. It may sound cruel, but too many people die without transplants and too few ever sign up.

  10. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Maybe I'm just too cynical, but I think some people leave these weapons out so this does happen.

  11. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Bristol and Dakota have no respect for life. It shows with how they are careless about guns, as well as something as simple as a seat belt.

    For the people that say the last picture Bristol posted of her and Tripp in the Truck was when they weren't driving and just posed you will notice the back window to the truck, this vehicle has no extended cab. No extended cab and no center seat, where in the world would they have placed a booster seat and/or belted him in?


  12. FrostyAK10:54 AM

    You have to wonder WHO in the Bristles/Duhkotah household will be shot and by whom. Will the shooter be a freaked out PTSD patient or a pissed off 7 yr old who has had no previous discipline?

  13. Randall6:11 PM

    I just get so sick and tired of conservative Republicans trying to make it sound as though we want to take guns away from sportsmen.

    That is just not true - not for me - not here in South Dakota...

    It is not the pheasant and deer hunters that are the problem.
    Nor the duck and turkey, the elk and antelope hunters.
    Nor even the farmer and his kid that shoot prairie dogs for "sport" because prairie dogs are a nuisance and who really gives a shit about rodents that reproduce as fast as bugs?

    No, I'm (we are) talking about keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, thugs, punks, gang-bangers, terrorists...
    is what I (we) mean by "gun-control".

    SO stop changing the argument so that you can win it:
    be honest, at least.


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