Thursday, May 14, 2015

College student tells Jeb Bush: "Your brother created ISIS." Alright NOW we're talking!

Jeb Bush was concluding a town hall meeting in Reno, Nevada during whihc he attempted to blame the creation of ISIS on President Obama's "retreat from the Middle East."

Well 19 year old college student, Ivy Ziedrich, was having none of that shit.

Here was her response courtesy of the New York Times: 

“It was when 30,000 individuals who were part of the Iraqi military were forced out — they had no employment, they had no income, and they were left with access to all of the same arms and weapons,” Ms. Ziedrich said. 

She added: “Your brother created ISIS.” 

Mr. Bush interjected. “All right. Is that a question?” 

Ms. Ziedrich was not finished. “You don’t need to be pedantic to me, sir.” 

“Pedantic? Wow,” Mr. Bush replied.

Yes "pedantic" Mr. Bush. It's the kind of word that well educated, intelligent people, who would never vote for your loser ass, are prone to using. 

Ms. Ziedrich was not finished with Jebbei either: 

“Why are you saying that ISIS was created by us not having a presence in the Middle East when it’s pointless wars where we send young American men to die for the idea of American exceptionalism? Why are you spouting nationalist rhetoric to get us involved in more wars?”

Bush answered that he "respectfully disagreed" with the young lady and then accused her, accused HER I say, of "rewriting history."

(Hold on while I cough up this hypocrisy hairball.)

You know I have often said that I wished I had been a fly on the wall for certain exchanges over the years, but folks I would have mortgaged my house for the opportunity to sit in on this one!

And here's hoping that it is only the first of many such exchanges.


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Hot damn!!

  2. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Big fight on the "View"..
    Get the Facts people!!
    Poopy Bush all the way down along with DIck Fucking Cheney.. WarMongers All!

  3. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Good for her! Jeb Boy is in big trouble!

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Methinks that Jeb is actually the "dumb" brother.

    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Looks like Dumb and Dumber to me.

  4. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Pandantic? Wow!
    She's one a-them librul smart types. Real 'murcans don't use big words.

  5. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Way to go...this gal should be a future Senator...or POTUS! I think once we get a woman in there, we should not let go. White entitled males have virtually destroyed America; it will be up to woman and minorities to find it and restore always!

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Wow, America is changing. Thanks.

  6. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Wow, love it!!

  7. Anonymous9:20 AM

    19 years old! Wow!!

  8. Maybe the young ARE going to get political. It's their world now, so they'd better.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      I teach first-year college students in a conservative town in rural Georgia. I'm surprised how many of my students, despite thinking Fox is a legitimate news outlet, accept that climate change is real and we caused it. They're passionate about the environment. They oppose the ceaseless wars in the Middle East.

      I don't think most of them vote yet (I didn't at their age, because I was cynical and didn't think it mattered), and they'd probably lean right if they did, but they're starting to engage with issues that may well lead them to turn out in force in 2016. On our side.

  9. Anonymous9:30 AM

    There is video of this on Salon!

  10. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The GOP/tea party talking points must have gone out in a mass email. C4p has been blaming President Obama for ISIS the last few days. The rhetoric is that Bush won the war in Iraq and then traitorous Obama pulled our troops out, to insure that the void would be filled by ISIS. If only he had paid attention to history and allowed our country to become mired in a long unwinnable war, because that is what republicans see as American victory. Kill and maim battle weary young men and women in a volunteer military, because the majority of America's kids aren't in danger of going into battle. So, why not, right?

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Exactly -Bringing back the Draft and/or some type of required public service from age 18 to 21. Voter registration mandatory at age 18. All should have to participate in this country (world) including the rich. This would included training/teaching in "higher education". Give people meaning..

    2. Anonymous1:27 PM

      I strongly support bringing back the draft. If all our children are vulnerable to the consequences of our declaring war(s), then I am sure the American people would demand "NO more wars!!"

      I have worked at a USMC training center and can tell you that most of the recuits had no other option after high school. Many of them earned their citizenship by serving in the military.

      A volunteer military creates a military class that divides our nation. We now have to honor these "warriors" daily because... why again?

    3. And how about congresscritters are ineligible to vote for war unless they have an immediate family member subject to the draft for said war, the family member would not be eligible for any exemptions, and the family member would not have the option of choosing public service rather than military service.

    4. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Oh ya...bring back the draft...great idea.

      Thing is, not one fking thing would change.

      Cheney the war hawk got five deferments, and went on to be a very wealth war profiteer.

      The rich do not fight wars. The right does not fight real wars.

      Infowars do not count.

  11. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Jeb probably thinking to himself ..."well if you just stayed home, or got married and started birthin' babies instead of getting yourself educated at some librul elite college, I wouldn't have to be dealing with this"

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Jeb is actually thinking..."that is the last time I'll take any questions". Now he will start stacking his audiences with only fanatic RWNJs.

    2. A. J. Billings2:27 PM

      RIght on. He's now learned the lesson that Palin learned too late:

      Don't take unscripted questions because it might reveal your ignorance, prejudice, bigotry, stupidity, or just plain show you up for the true war mongering Christian Taliban member you really are.

  12. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Being from Reno, I particularly enjoyed the schooling this UNR student delivered to this pompous ass. Notice how he kept looking around for an aide to help him out of this situation! He is not good on his feet at all. At this point, I'm actually starting to wonder if he will even officially enter the race.

    O/t I notice this morning that Meyer's 2008 marriage has, once again, been removed from his wiki page. Someone really does not want this information out there. Hmmm.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Jeb's own mother didn't want him to enter the race! And, now we see why! She knew he wasn't qualified and not fast on his feet, which is badly needed when POTUS!

  13. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Ass meets whip.

  14. That young lady needs to go into politics!

  15. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Our strong and needed generation speaks out! If her responses keep the right wing nuts from repeating this story it will be one less lie to use over and over. Good to get it said early on...

  16. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Bingo! (hot da__; now we're talking')!!!!!
    NOW, if we and the youth could just be HEARD - and understood!

  17. hedgewytch9:43 AM

    And another fat entitled asshole pretends he's the smarter one. But the sad thing is even though we know the student was absolutely right - Jebby will continue on being listened to and raking in the big bucks.

  18. Anonymous10:22 AM

    My all time fly-on-the-wall dream would be to hear the exchanges between Jeb and Pappa Bush as they wonder wtf their brother/son was thinking, and how in hell they're going to live with the stain he left on their family name.

  19. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Redo! Jeb quits worrying about whether pendatic is a misdemeanor or a felony and decides to try a new Iraq War talking point.

    Jeb Bush Reverses: He Now Says He 'Would Not Have Gone Into Iraq'

  20. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Ask ask ask.!!!!!! Give um hell that they created on this earth. The dictator families. The entitled. The grove and the clowns representing them. The now Republicans. All will take their stand upon the hopes of the lame might be listening and voting..

  21. Anonymous10:37 AM

    now off subject. Has the media suggested at all the current threats from icey.........control our intrastructure? Amtrack is controlled by a control tower. Not the engineer. The tower operates the speed. Could this be terrorism test? could be?

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Off your meds are you? Could u be?

    2. Anonymous1:36 PM

      For God's sake, turn off Fox and listen to the real truth. This train did not have that capability. Some do, most don't.. GOP keeps cutting the funding!

    3. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Well pumpkin you need to tell us why you called in bomb threats to trains? Didn't get your way? Get use to it! Humanity had got go sit down and shut up! Or we got meds for that!

    4. Anonymous12:50 PM

      no dear.its controlled by the engineer. been there,done that.

  22. Anonymous10:42 AM

    He did respond more than just say he respectfully disagreed Gryph.... which you must have 'accidentally' left out (and this point is debatable- not saying the Iraq war to begin with was right of course):

    Mr. Bush replied: “We respectfully disagree. We have a disagreement. When we left Iraq, security had been arranged, Al Qaeda had been taken out. There was a fragile system that could have been brought up to eliminate the sectarian violence.”

    He added: “And we had an agreement that the president could have signed that would have kept 10,000 troops, less than we have in Korea, could have created the stability that would have allowed for Iraq to progress. The result was the opposite occurred. Immediately, that void was filled.”

    1. Yes, but that's a lie as well.

      Obama wanted to leave a residual force of advisers in Iraq, but not combat troops, but only if the Iraq government would grant them immunity.

      Al-Maliki would not make that deal. Therefore the troops had to be withdrawn, which by the way was the deal the George W. put in place before he left office.

      And Jeb Bush knows that.

      But apparently you didn't.

      ( Source:

    2. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Well I'm no expert on Iraq, including all the deals cut- the power brokers- things that go back long long before the first and second Iraq war, and neither are you, and neither is a 19yo college student that is using simple talking points on a very complex issue to attack Jeb on something he didn't have anything to do with.

      However it is deceitful to edit out half the exchange, he did provide a more detailed answer in a respectful manner.

    3. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Anon at 11:37 am. Jeb had a lot to do with the war in Iraq. His family profited mightily from it. And, don't forget, he handed George W. the White House on a silver platter in the aftermath of the 2000 election.

    4. Anonymous12:07 PM

      11:37 AM,well golly gee. You suppose that's why Gyrph always leaves the link so we can read the full exchange ourselves?

    5. To Anonymous 11:37, "However it is deceitful to edit out half the exchange,"
      No it isn't.
      a) The entire exchange was available and linked to for you to read and
      b) Bush's response was a flat-out lie and as such, no one is obligated to help him disseminate that lie, and
      c) it would be wrong for Gryphen to print the exchange in its entirety as it is not his property and would be far beyond fair use. The New York Times (which Gryphen very properly linked to) deserves whatever clicks and revenue might come its way from people interested in reading the entire article and
      d) Gryphen is not reporting news. He is a blogger posting bits of other articles with his original commentary added, which is why his readers are here. We may or may not choose to go on to the New York Times for all the details, as you may choose to do also.

    6. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Oh, the Bush administration took out Al Qaeda now? And then mean old President Obama apparently brought them back to life so he could kill them again and take all the credit, is that it? I'm sick of this douche already.

    7. Anonymous6:42 AM

      thankyou gryphen. at least someone is paying attention.

  23. Anonymous11:00 AM

    The Bush family created ISIS and no one can take that back. The same propagandists just go on and on. It is necessary to clean things up, like start with jailing the war mongering liars in the Bush Administration.

    Now we have Dakota Meyer taunting ISIS to come to his home in America.

    He taunts them to come to American soil and try to take on the guy that sells shirts bragging that he has the guns. He is never outgunned?

    Guns that may or may not be loaded, as he states in his attempt at suicide story.

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Maybe Dakota needs a visit from Homeland Security. Or maybe they could just detain him for a bit the next time he wants to fly somewhere. What kind of lunatic would taunt ISIS to come looking for him? Dakota should take Sarah and the warmonger twins, John McCain and Lindsay Graham, to the Middle East and they can go on their own manhunt for ISIS. But not on our dime.

    2. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Hey Doofus, you got a family now. Maybe consider what happened to Chris Kyle - there are home-grown terrorists out there.

    3. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Dakota got punched out by a girl in a bar fight so it doesn't look like he could handle ISIS.

    4. Anonymous9:33 PM

      Follow the money trail...Cheney...

    5. At 3:50 I know some pretty tough women who can kick a guys ass. Dakota is just a big mouthed windbag.

  24. "Hypocrisy hairball". Pee-in-my-pants-funny!!

  25. The best he could come up with was "Pedantic. Wow."?

    Please PLEASE let someone ask him to define pedantic to prove he actually knows what the word means.

    If I were the next speaker, I would have changed my question to "Mr. Bush, could you please define the word pedantic for the audience?"

    Anyone care to wager the response? You may begin with the word "Wow."

  26. Anonymous11:18 AM

    JFC I hate the bush family What a bunch of entitled assholes!Obama left the middle east because the fucking worthless brother signed a date for the withdrawal of troops.And what's this "pedantic wow" BS? You can bet he has No idea what it means. Jeb "the Smart one" had a D average when he was at exclusive prep school Andover. Where he was also known for being a Bully. No surprise there!

  27. Anonymous11:40 AM

    and our greatest resource, the next generation, rouses itself and stands up and shouts "We're not stupid so cut the bullshit mr bush".
    Just as even the conservative loons in my neighboring state stood up and said " You aren't one of us ms cheney and we don't want you using our state as your podium so GTFO of here."
    change takes time, but it's coming, we're tired of being trifled with, maybe we're getting older and are less inclined to show up but we taught our children well. Beware bushes and cheneys we have your number and it's 666.

  28. Anonymous12:33 PM

    IMers need to start DIGGING for businesses that were in operation Before During After the 9-11 incident! Then cross reference and you will be able to connect the dots! Find the money and nature of associations! Get on it!

  29. Anonymous12:49 PM

    She got Jebby with "pedantic." What a smart young woman who isn't afraid to tell Jeb the truth.

  30. Anonymous12:50 PM

    jeb proved himself to be an arrogant asshole through this exchange.

    In contrast, imagine how President Obama would have responded....

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Jeb Bush (Hell the whole family) is an arrogant asshole.

  31. Anonymous2:03 PM

    The Military Industrial Complex is making a killing. Perpetual wars is what they want.

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Yes, and they are hell bent on getting what they want.

  32. Huffington Post has picked this up as well as it taking Jeb Bush FIVE tries to finally admit the Iraq war was a mistake.

    Thank doG we will never see another President Bush in the White House.

  33. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Sweet Cheeses, Jebbie's gulping air and flipping around like a clownfish out of water! Maybe Jebbie should do some learnin' by going hunting with Cheyney.

    O.T. The racist pricipal who said the devil's in the house and just came out of my mouth has been fired, canned, kicked to the curb and is in the gutter, where she belongs. No word on the Devil's wearabouts.
    Good Riddence, Bitch.

  34. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Dumbass Jeb has the same lack of command of the English language as W, so he has to mock the young lady's use of the word ''pedantic''. Poor Jeb would have used the same stratergy as W & he lnows it!!!

    1. Says something that this is the *smarter* brother.

  35. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Let me guess: this bright, articulate, well-read, knowledgeable young woman will never be invited to be a Fox News pundit or anchor, and more than likely by now has been evisorated by the right-wing whom are desperate to discredit her by digging into her 'past'.

  36. Anonymous11:15 PM



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