Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dakota Meyer and his buddies want you to help them make a movie. Is it bad? Oh God yes.

Courtesy of the Ranger 15 Movie Indiegogo site:

This movie is so hardcore military it makes Hollywood wet itself and run home crying to mommy.

Yeah that should sell tickets.

Here is how these guys describe themselves:

If you already support us, then you know us as the jackasses willing to do pretty much anything for your amusement. If you don’t, we’re nine veterans who got out of the military and believe in the American Dream that anything is possible if you work your ass off. Six of us are regular dudes that served in the infantry and special operations. One of us (Tim Kennedy) fights in the UFC. Two of us (Dakota Meyer and Leroy Petry) were awarded the Medal of Honor for extraordinary valor. They also make a fine quiche.

The guys have a sense of humor, and that's a good thing. However it appears to be the same sense of humor that allows a soldier to hold up the head of a dead Iraqi like a man posing with the picture of a fish he just caught.

I don't think "crude" even begins to describe it.

I read through the description and the whole concept looks mostly like an excuse to blow shit up, meet some of their personal acting heroes, and hook up with hot girls.

In other words it reads like a typical movie treatment you would expect from a bunch of guys in middle school.

So why am I not surprised that Dakota Meyer is part of it as well?


  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    My yoga instructor is a veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He retired from the military in 2014 and is now teaching yoga fulltime, including running a free workshop for active-duty and veteran military members and their families. He also raises funds through a special monthly "donate however much you want" class for a national-level yoga program that works with veterans with PTSD. He's not a self-proclaimed jackass and he doesn't think he's running for President.

    1. Anonymous8:04 PM

      And that is how it's done.
      Bless him!

    2. Anonymous4:37 AM

      What a giver. I'm in love. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Anonymous4:58 PM

    So when the "orgy" ... I mean wedding takes place later this month how many of these guys will be in the wedding party?

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      hope4palins happymullah • an hour ago

      In terms of a Garland TX type of danger, I would suspect that the number of armed people at the wedding will be somewhat um, significant: For example the mother of the bride, among others, is certainly capable of legally carrying a weapon and is most probably very capable in its use. Never, ever mess with the cub of a Momma Grizzly at such a moment.
      Oh THAT sounds like fun, doesn't it?

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      So I guess DUHkoda is swallowing the palin meth...ummm family way of griftin....
      Dakota, invalidated his MOH with the MM Fuck U sign and this kind of crap.
      He is just some dumbassed yahoo the congress picked (WHY)???
      and POTUS had to sign off on.
      I think we should start a campaign to take it away. Its been shown he is a liar.
      There are many other Vets deserving of such a prestigious award. Basically he pissed it away.

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM

      "For example the mother of the bride, among others, is certainly capable of legally carrying a weapon and is most probably very capable in its use."

      They really are a clueless group of dopes. "Does it kick, daddy?"

    4. Anonymous4:40 AM

      Proves that these assholes have Dirty Harry delusions that they'd make a bad guy sorry. Why would you wish that type of scenario to happen? What is wrong with you?! Anyway, everyone knows Sarah would duck and cover behind her children, any of em, all of em put in front of her all these years as the human shields they are.

    5. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Agree with 6:39.

    6. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Anonymous 6:39 PM, you raise a good point. With enough signatures (over 100,000 – which should be easy to get), an internet petition could be sent to the White house that contained everything we know about Dakota: the core lies of the act for which he claims the MOH, the Michael Moore incident and how he lied about that and then tried to profit from it, how he is using the MOH as a personal grifting tool for his own aggrandizement, how he lied to the police (a felony) after the drunken brawl (unbecoming behavior for a MOH) to falsely accuse his friend of assaulting him – leading to a totally unjustified criminal record for his black friend, how he lied about his former marriage in his 'autobiography' (and perhaps in legal documents as well?), how he is now trying to promote a movie based on gratuitous gore and gratuitous sex all for his own personal gratification – and yet using his MOH to promote it, how he is now cultivating his relationship with the NRA and with 'cough cough' veterans groups for his own personal profit, and probably many more details as well. The petition to revoke the medal would be documented with loads and loads of footnotes, circulated on the internet, and once 100,000 signatures are obtained, it would be sent to the White House. The petition would plead with the White House AND the military to never, never again, give a MOH to a living person precisely because of all such potential temptations and to keep the concept of MOH from being profaned in the future. YES, this is absolutely doable.

    7. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Bristol the Pistol must be packin' for the wedding.

      A glock or 2 with holster

      She has several options.


      For the bride.

      Bristol, can't wait to see your dress and pistol.

  3. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Man, that's juvenile. True, there's no crime against being juvenile, and there's no crime against being dumb. It just convinces us that Bristol will be as happy as a pig-bride in sh!t.

    1. Balzafiar7:26 PM

      Pig-bride! I love it, perfectly apt description.

    2. Anonymous3:40 AM

      Well, seems the standards for being in the military have deteriorated, if THIS is an example of former members. Looking for fame, and an easy life, with no hard work involved. Their families must be SO proud, sorta like the PayMe clan of grifters all leeching off other people's cash. Pudgy Duhkota fits in perfectly with this group of adolescents. Why are they not looking for REAL jobs, I wonder??

    3. Anonymous11:39 AM

      They are no longer in the military.

      If Dakota Meyer cheated and lied to collect his MOH status and benefits he is worse than what they would call welfare queens back in the Ronnie days.

      How does he live with himself as he steals all that money from tax payers.

      He better be able to prove he is the real deal and that video of the battle was a lie by the military.

  4. Anonymous5:05 PM

    The Medal of Honor has never been so profaned.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      THANK YOU.

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Anonymous 5:05 PM, I couldn't agree more.

    3. Anonymous6:24 PM

      I don't want to think that the USMC can be bought, but there is some just so damn fishy about that MOH. I hang my head.

    4. Anonymous6:41 PM

      ME TOO!!!!

    5. Anonymous7:22 PM

      The Marines wanted a living MOH. The whole thing is shady, including the fact that Army Captain Swenson who was also there (and who has disputed Dakota Meyer's account) mysteriously had his recommendation for the MOH "lost" by...wait for it...General Patreaus.

    6. Anonymous9:50 PM

      read the McClatchie reports...and the army guy "swenson" who also got a medal of honor...he really deserved it and he disputed what dakota did. Dakota pushed for swenson to get a moh too because he knew this guy was really the hero and his guilt, nah...he thought that if swenson got his moh he would shut up. dakota is no hero, he picked up the wounded, did not fight the taliban there...the coast guard helicopters filmed the area and there were no sight of taliban when dakota arrived.

    7. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Yes, the facts disputing Dakota's valor are all on military VIDEO!!!

    8. Anonymous10:49 AM

      'Gen' Patreaus was busy finding ways to betray us. Sure he 'lost' things. Other things he gave to those without proper security clearance.

  5. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Oh my that was truly the most horrible trailer I have ever seen.

    1. Balzafiar7:27 PM

      I didn't watch it; is there a part for Trick in it? He has a warrior body, you know.

    2. Anonymous10:23 PM

      He would fit in anywhere from beginning to end.

    3. Anonymous6:35 AM

      Jayzus H. Keeryst. THIS is wht constitutes the "finest" in the military? DREGS of society. Juvenile, stupid supposedly adults? Their families must be so proud. People are actually sending $$$ to these clowns? :

    4. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Dakota is clearly competing with Ted Nugent for the vilest of the vile award, all while draped in an American flag, promoting gratuitous sex, toting semi-automatic weapons, behaving in a vulgar manner, and defaming everyone he disagrees with. What's next for him? An office of distinction in the local Kentucky Ku Klux Klan?

    5. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Chris Kyle lied about a former Governor and ended up paying (his estate). I hope Dakota's lies cost him plenty.

    6. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Jesse Ventura has 100x more class and integrity than chris kyle & duhkota together. Those palins sure know how to pick their friends and who they pal around with.

  6. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Advertised as: More Guns, More Blood, More Boobs,
    Mor Ons!

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM


    2. Anonymous8:18 AM

      LOL!!! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Dakoda has Sarah's help and handy work. He'll be a moob super stud when he plays ironman.

  7. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Dear God, these are who are protecting our country?

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Since the economy went down with GW we have the bottom of the barrel. MOH is such a example of that.
      No ALL are such idiots but, yeah its scary and they go on to be our cops!

    2. Anonymous6:45 PM

      That's what I was thinking...And it's such a scary thought.
      Hopefully this will be brought up to 'higher-ups' in the US Services and they'll be knocked down for..


    3. Anonymous3:35 AM

      More like brother of... check out Timothy Giliam.

    4. Anonymous6:41 AM

      I wonder why they did not re-enlist? Turned down, maybe, for mental incompetency? No wonder peole in the ME loathe the US, if these are examples of the generation of future "leaders" Childish morons.

    5. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Anonymous 6:41 PM raises an excellent question. Why, indeed, did they not reenlist?

    6. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Dakota can't reenlist. He is too sick.

      The problem is he can't physically go back to war while at the same time he never leaves being in war.

      In his way he lives a double life and one day it will all blow up.

    7. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Unsuitable for reenlistment. Undesirables.

  8. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Sad thing is that they will get the money and more because of this post war environment that we live in.

    The infiltration of militaristic thinking and entertainment is directly attributed to W. taking us to war. The result is thousands of men and women who have been immersed in a war zone and have become accustomed to things that those of us who haven't gone to war can't begin to fathom. They seek that adrenaline rush without the direct danger, because it's what feels familiar. Never underestimate the power of comradery in a shared intense experience. It's powerful stuff. Coming back to the states and a civilian life is dramatic and shocking for many who have become permanently fine tuned to living on the edge one step away from possible death. It's a double edged sword to be 'safe' at home but not ever be able to really feel 'safe' in yourself again. You've seen too much, you've gone too far.

    However, this war mentality also results in more guns, more bravado, more violence in imagery, language and actions and this proposed movie feeds right into that viewing audience.

    The NRA pumps up the whole enchilada and makes it that much worse. Then you've got the politicians who are in the NRA's pocket, making laws or overturning previous ones, making guns and more guns available for all, painting it as a god given right to have a gun and use it when you feel the need.

    Crude, base, violent, misogynistic, gun crazy, oh yeah, some great characteristics in a husband to be, eh Bristol?

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Very well put, Anon 5:22!

    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      The love of bloodshed, like pride – and this movie is self-admittedly based in both – is straight from hell. The fact that, simultaneous with this, Bristol is making money off a so-called Christian website (Pathos/bristolsblog) is beyond disgusting. No wonder people are leaving churches and Christianity in droves: people like the Palins have absolutely ruined its character and reputation.

    3. Anonymous6:27 PM

      The NRA pumps up the whole enchilada and makes it that much worse.
      I would also add that even though as a country we treated returning Viet Nam vets horribly, after 911 we put any and all who were in service so high up on a pedestal they could never come back down to reality.

      They have romanticized the war hero. Guns. God. America. Patriotism.

    4. Anonymous6:35 PM

      >>painting it as a god given right to have a gun and use it when you feel the need.

      Case in point:

      Woman Thinks She’s ‘Within Her Rights’ For Shooting At Husband Who Wouldn’t Do Chores

      ...More shocking is that Roth has no problem admitting or accepting her actions – because she actually doesn’t think that what she did was wrong. According to court documents, Roth “doesn’t think she did anything wrong and she was well within her rights because of how (her husband) was reacting and she was so pissed off.”


    5. Anonymous10:24 PM

      There is a difference between patriotism and nationalism. When you think of nationalism, think of Nazis.

    6. Anonymous7:56 AM

      ...patriotism, think of Tea Party.

  9. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Dakota Meyer is exactly why Medals of Honor should be only given to deceased soldiers. MOH's should NEVER be a profit mechanism! This silly son of a bitch truly wants a free ride in life just like his future Monster in Law clearly is teaching him!

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Excellent point. Moreover, if given only to deceased soldiers, the incentive for lying in order to obtain the award would also be greatly lessened (i.e., see Washington Post and McClatchy News stories about Dakota's dubious claims concerning the core facts of his MOH scenario – which was/were refuted with on-the-site VIDEO, BTW).

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Someone higher up in the Marines should have a little talk with Meyer. He's treating the MOH as his golden to ticket to fame and easy cash. It's shameful.

    3. WA Skeptic6:39 PM

      He should have gone straight to establishing a church; tax-free and nobody would have dissed him or his buddies.

    4. Anonymous10:24 PM

      6:39 PM:
      You mean like the Church of Scientology??

    5. Anonymous10:25 PM

      The grasping, grifting dimwit has no dignity and no self-respect.

    6. Anonymous3:51 AM

      10:25 That is why he thinnks Bristles is so AMAZING!! No talent, no job, yet flies all over the country. Got paid for lying about abstinence, paid for not dancing or acting. Got reality shows when she has ZERO talent = AMAZING. She is amazing at hiding babies once they are born. I wonder where they all are?

    7. Anonymous10:18 AM

      6:39 PM It is Marines that picked Duh Meyer. What does that say?

      It says Marines have lost and are no longer the brave strong men we once thought they were. I'm not saying they are all like Duh, he just is the face of the Marines now. No wonder the radical terrorists are growing and getting stronger.

      Terrorists can show films of Duh and they must get a million recruits. Duh is today's Marine, the Marines accept all his shit even though they must be aware that Duh is proving how weakened America is becoming. Terrorists would never fear the dough boy since he opened his mouth and now he gives them a movie to show America is nothing to fear.

      Duh is a recruiter. Can you imagine the poor boys his recruiting will fill up the military with?

    8. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Yes, he will attract the lowest of the low to our armed services. For the terrorists he gives them so much material. They are already winning the propaganda wars. They don't need Dakota Meyer to aid the winning terrorists with his bullshit.

  10. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I have yet to detect anything close to honorable in this fellow.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      I don't either.

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      There would need to be honorable for it to be detected.

  11. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I admire what your Yoga instructor is doing, 4:45. Thanks for sharing. Quite the contrast from Major D'ohMOH who is shifting his grift into high gear.

    This film funding promo is just stoopid. Do you REALLY think these guys have put 501 large of their own into this? Seriously? And the bar setting - yeah - that's about right. These fellas are not our brightest or best. Tragic that their service through the military industrial machine is the only thing that gives them a sense of self-worth.

    And Gryph...the middle schoolers I know are exponentially more creative and more mature than these 'petit retards.' (I am using this term in the Frenchiest sense possible!)

    1. Anonymous3:54 AM

      When Dubya was strutting around in the WH, my late husband said "I want to send my Purple Heart back to the military. I would NOT fight for this country, after what has become of it" He was disgusted and very serious. I can only imagine his thoughts on these lazy, grifting clowns looking for a free ride.

  12. Bethany5:33 PM

    Wow! And Chris Kyle went on the record as claiming that Iraqis are "savages".

  13. Anonymous5:46 PM

    And that is what the "princess bride" is marrying

    1. Anonymous5:38 AM

      What choice does she have? No self respecting man wants "goods" as damaged and used up as she is. All those kids, still no husband? ALL the other guys ran like HELL when $carah tried to buy them a ring to give to pissy Brissy.

  14. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Quiche, anyone?
    Not from THOSE hands, thank you very much!

  15. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Anon 5:23

    Major D'ohMOH ....BRILLIANT x 100000000!!!!

    lol lol lol

  16. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Are we sure that MOH isn't really $arah's birth son? Sure has her grifting routine down.

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      What do you think she did with Track. He must be a rich man now she pays him to disappear.

      Early retirement for Track.

    2. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Forget Track, he didn't even want to go but was forced. Ask the driver they had to the airport.

      I cannot imagine what it's like living in that tribe.

    3. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Sarah shipped Track off to the Army and the good-for-nothing couldn't even manage to get himself a Purple Heart. She'll get a lot more mileage out of Bristol fucking Dakota Meyer than she ever did from her own son.

  17. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Can a MOH be revoked because the recipient is a low class

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      I believe the only reason it could be revoked is if it was proved that the actions he took didn't actually warrant the award (i.e., he lied about enough of it that what really happened wouldn't have won him the MOH).

      Dakota Meyer will end up embarrassing the Marines and they will eventually regret making him a poster boy. From the look of things, this is going to happen sooner rather than later.

    2. Balzafiar7:20 PM

      I suspect it might be possible. In Duhkota's case it would unquestionably be justified.

    3. Anonymous8:16 AM

      What if we started an on-line petition; a request for a review of all available valid evidence against D'ohboy's account?

    4. Anonymous8:41 AM

      8:16 AM

    5. Anonymous4:40 PM

      8:16am: write the petition and post it here. I will sign it and fw it to all my friends, especially those that served and still serve in the military.
      I am pretty sure there are others here that would do the same, and within a blink of an eye, we could have the required 10,000 signatures!

  18. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Also disturbing is these guys are almost half way to their goal of raising $325k! Money mostly from veterans...

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Wait, really??
      That IS disturbing....

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Fools and their money...

    3. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Same ones who sent money to the cino (Christian in name only) pizza parlor that hates gays.

    4. Anonymous5:43 AM

      $175K and an update on the money site.
      G...there are going to be Zombies in the movie...sure you don't want to donate?

    5. Anonymous8:05 AM

      "It's been an amazing... "

      Nick, Mat, and the Team


    6. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Should be one hell of a bachelor party!!!

    7. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Can anyone else see the NRA absolutely funding this movie? On the side and through shadowy dark front groups, perhaps, but still, I can clearly see the NRA funding such a monstrosity.

    8. Anonymous1:31 PM

      8:26 AM

      Also the IRA is funding this project.

      It is going to be gold for ISIS, I bet they find a way to get cash to these American fools.

    9. Anonymous4:47 PM

      These fools will hit $200k tonight.
      Dakota Meyer ( The Imposter) and
      friends will pocket all this cash if they
      meet their goal with nothing...nothing
      to go to help any Veteran Org.
      What a scam!

  19. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Revolutionize the movie industry.


  20. Anonymous6:43 PM

    All I can say to YOU, Dakota Meyer, is that my Dad (RIP) served in both WWII and The Korean War as many did beside him and before him. They would NEVER have acted as you, and those like you, who claim to be patriots once they arrived stateside.

    You're a punk and, if anyone is desecrating the military, it is you and those like you.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Well said. Bravo.

    2. Anonymous8:20 PM

      I agree. It's insulting.

    3. Anonymous8:49 AM

      ISIS must be laughing at America when they see how these dummies are desecrating the military. If those vets are representing the culture here we are doomed.

    4. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Yes, it's Dakota, not Michael Moore, who has brought shame on the military. Michael Moore bends over backwards to help and fund soldiers and veterans out of his own pocket; Dakota uses the military to line his own pockets. Dakota also behaves in a way that is insulting to everything the military stands for.

      Just for a point of information, Dakota, the military fights for AMERICAN values as expressed in the Constitution and for ALL AMERICANS, not just for Fox News 'values' or for republican values. There is an enormous, enormous, difference between the two. The military is and always has been meant to be a uniting force, not a dividing force. This is not nazi Germany, and the military is not the militarized arm of a political movement.

    5. Anonymous10:05 AM

      It is a disgrace that Dakota Meyers is not reprimanded by higher ups for this public sales job where he takes to begging for money so he can further end the remaining good values we hold dear.

      I would have more respect for these boys if they sat on a street with a tin can begging for beer money.

      A movie that promotes Dakota lack of value is far more negative than beer. Begging on the streets is more honest than getting opm by way of a Dakota grift.

  21. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Oh my!
    Well looky here! http://www.divorcerecordsbyname.org/
    Put in Dakota Meyer and look at what comes up for the one that is 26 years old. Hmmmmm....

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      I put his name in Dakota Meyer and this is what I got:

      Searched Dakota Meyer and found 11 records
      Name Age Location Result
      ARLINGTON, TX 76015
      SAINT MARYS, PA 15857
      BEAVERTON, OR 97008
      PORTLAND, OR 97230
      BAKER CITY, OR 97814
      Dakota Meyer 61 BLUE EYE, MO 65611 VIEW RESULTS
      Dakota Meyer 54 BLUE EYE, MO 65611 VIEW RESULTS
      Dakota Meyer 44 SAINT MARYS, PA 15857 VIEW RESULTS

      So a whole boatload of divorce filings in Oregon, Texas and PA. What gives with that?

    2. Anonymous9:58 PM

      There's a couple of Dakota Meyer s in Oregon. Maybe it's a family name.


    3. Anonymous10:01 PM

      This is the first listing below. Does this mean that this Dakota Meyer has been divorced 8 times at 26?

      Dakota Meyer, 26

      ARLINGTON, TX 76010
      ARLINGTON, TX 76015
      SAINT MARYS, PA 15857
      BEAVERTON, OR 97008
      PORTLAND, OR 97230
      BAKER CITY, OR 97814
      BLUE EYE, MO 65611

    4. Anonymous10:29 PM

      The first one that is 26 has 8 marriages, several in the South. The second one that is 26 has two. Interesting. I wonder if either of them are him.

    5. Balzafiar5:09 AM

      Those listings merely indicate the individual has lived in those locations. Something else to consider is that the online databases are not necessarily up-to-date and do contain errors.

      What is most surprising to me is the large number of people with that name. I had no idea "Dakota" was so popular across those age ranges.

    6. Anonymous1:18 PM

      I doubt Meyers cares about a divorce. He will continue to be a blackout about the marriage.

      The truth about his mother, facts like both his blood grandparent's are pastors and church leaders.

      He just needs to make it through May 23rd. After that anything else can be handled.

      For the rest of us as of now there is no divorce.

  22. Anonymous6:51 PM

    This is how they describe their "creative process":

    "but last October, while sitting in a bar and drinking an inappropriate amount of alcohol, we decided to join forces and make the greatest movie ever. Then we sobered up and realized we didn’t really know how to make a movie. Then we got drunk again and realized that God hates a coward."

    They also claim to have sunk their last dimes in the project. Maybe that explains why Bristol's mommy had to buy the engagement ring.

  23. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Not sure if these guys are "making fun of teh gayz" or if Bristol will be getting a surprise. Stuffing a cucumber in your mouth?

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Anonymous 7:02 PM, or if they intend to reenact what happened at Abu Ghraib. Wow, can't imagine what Dakota's military records would reveal: he did not get along with his commanding officers, and thought he could buy silence from his comrade by also recommending him for a MOH: didn't work. Comrade still spoke out against Dakota's behavior. Also wondering whether he 'retired' on military medical, even though he had THREE concussions even before enlisting (preexisting condition).

  24. Anonymous7:05 PM

    What is that saying about the difference between bravery and stupidity? Clearly, anything Captain Bangs has accomplished was out of the latter.

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Sgt. Bangs. Please don't give him an undeserved promotion. I don't quite understand how he became a sergeant.

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Didn't they make Track Palin a Sgt.? Proof you don't have to earn it. It's who you know, not what.

  25. Anonymous7:09 PM

    It is going to be Wasilla meets Kentucky if this thing goes through.

    This could be the wedding party. Dakota always says that he is honored with Mat Best.

    Furrin booze

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Good Whiskey, but not USA.

      That guy that uses someone's product to sell his satire needs to be sued. He shows no respect for another's business or country.

    2. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Do you think the IRA pays Best for product placement?

      Bristol did a piece for Guinness beer on her Christian blog, it had to do with Track.

      Jameson, Guinness

      It must be money in their pockets.

      Why else be all about being a patriotic American, buy America, yet promote other country's businesses?

  26. WalterNeff7:10 PM

    Did you read the rewards??? For $150,000:

    Big Dick Playa Bilzerian Role
    Have so much money lying around that you literally don't give a fuck about anything or anyone? Use that money for good and join us. We'll all be on the verge of death, when BOOM, in comes YOU riding a white fucking horse and wielding a golden mini-gun. You save the day, deliver a poignant monologue, the horse kicks its legs high in the air, and you ride off, like the big dick playa that you are. Also, instead of Executive Producer, your credit will literally be "Big Dick Playa".

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      That's real class right there.

    2. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Class AND professionalism!

    3. Anonymous9:18 PM

      That's a personal invitation for Sarah Palin, herself.

    4. Anonymous10:46 PM

      @9:18 That it is!

    5. Boscoe11:10 PM

      Ugh... There's a REASON comedy is best left to professionals...

      Really these guys should be desperately hoping they DON'T get funded, 'cause if they do, it's gonna be the worst thing that ever happens to them in this lifetime.

    6. Anonymous9:00 AM

      ISIS must be laughing at all America when they see how these dummies are desecrating the military. If those vets are representing our culture, we are doomed.

    7. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Dan Bilzerian

      The Sad World Of The Dan Bilzerian Fanboy

  27. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Seriously? I went to the site and no action there.

    So where did this whateveritis come into being? what the heck? Is Brissypants gonna let lumberboy take the stage? How could that happen?.

    I see thunderstorms on the horizon. We know Bristol does not want to be a Sugar Mama. but I guess it's ok if Sugar Grandmama foots the bill.

    The pressure is on SIL to bring home the bacon. Whatever he has to do. I feel sorry that Dakota got carried away with lust for glamour and power and potential future wealth.

    This is the stuff of Shakespeare!! All we get is a watered down soap opera. Come on you genious playrites!

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Just you watch.
      And the Queen will NEVER run again.

    2. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Lumberboy! Too funny!

    3. Anonymous7:29 AM

      I am sure Bristol will get a part in the movie since she is a celebrity. Just don't let the camera man film her from the side. those chin lumps are not a good look.

    4. Anonymous8:04 AM

      7:29 AM Bristol will play the part of a Pregnant Jackass.

    5. Anonymous9:13 AM

      They would like to do a scene where the guys have their way with Pregnant Jackass. It is their humor, you know.? Using guns, of course.

      The kids that will see that film would find that funnier than farts, which are a big screen attraction.

    6. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Again, there will be hot chicks. Mat will probably sleep with all of them. And I mean that both in the movie and in real life. Seriously, that guy has a real problem. Tim Kennedy may or may not be oiled up in a loin cloth.

      Vets to make ‘real military movie’ with blackjack and hookers

      Kennedy, Best, Meyer

      Meyer hits the big time with fame hos like Best.

      They will do anything to sell clothes.

      SHOT Show 2015

      Military book sales.

      Military humor.

      Recipient Dakota Meyer mans a Barstool. Ranger Up, Article 15 plan movie with 2 MOH recipients

      Chateau Paris is kicking off tonight! Jack has a special message for those attending.

    7. Anonymous2:37 PM

      So how will jealousy-inclined Brissy behave when she sees one of these hot-chick starlets belly-up to her Dumcoda for a lusty sex scene? What if Dumcoda likes doing those scenes?


  28. Anonymous7:17 PM

    This should be spread far and wide:


  29. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Even $500,000 would just end up financing a home movie. Look at the movie ads for that earthquake movie. These days, they use computer generated images for special effects. They don't have to really shoot things and blow things up.

  30. Anonymous8:21 PM

    O/T but check out how gorgeous Levi and Sunny's new baby is. Levy really did well for himself with his life after Bristol. A gorgeous and loving wife, equally gorgeous children, a steady job, and supportive family, it's so good to see how he has grown and moved on from that horror he experienced in 2008.

    Little Indy sure looks like a happy little camper!


    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      My gosh is she adorable!!!

    2. I hate to say it, but it looks like little Indy has a turned-in left eye...

      Sorta like Trig. And Bristol. And Sarah.

      Now, I'm not implying anything. It just seems like strabismus is rampant in Wasilla.

    3. Anonymous10:32 PM

      All three of Levi's kids look alike and are very good looking.

    4. Anonymous1:03 PM

      What a beautiful baby girl!!!

    5. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Yes, both baby girls are the cutest. I appreciate Sunny's talent in photography. She is good.

  31. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Even MOH winner Audie Murphy from World War II who was even more decorated than Dumkota refused offers to appear in alcohol and cigarette commercials cuz he thought it would be setting a bad example for kids. And Audie had a lot of gambling debts to pay off due to PTSD.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Audie Murphy shook my hand and I did not wash it for days. I often think of him when I hear about Dumkota because of the vast differences. What has happened to our country?

  32. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Sarah says...


  33. Anonymous8:50 PM

    In another generation, Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney would say, "Come on kids, let's put on a show," and then they would, complete with beautiful songs and dancing. But that was in a black and white movie and it was some long time ago.

    These guys love the sound of their own voices. They think their coarse jokes and swearing is funny. They did have to tell their pal to put on his pants. Oh, who is that at the bar?Why, it's Dakota Meyer. Let's get him to be part of the show. None of them sound very smart or funny. More like the booze talking. And how will they market their movie, assuming that they can actually shoot it? I don't think that they have any idea of how to get a movie out there. It will end up on YouTube. Awesome, Dude, just what we need.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      The propaganda was once fine with a war being over.

      Now propaganda machinists want a perpetual war. Basically that is what they are selling.

  34. Anonymous11:09 PM

    I wonder if D'ohKota is going to borrow his second almost wife's gorilla suit and hump the floor in it?

  35. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Well, instead of "working [their] asses off" these guys have chosen the grifter route. Most Americans are not grifters, do not depend on the charity of others but get jobs, honest jobs, sometimes more than one at a time. Meyer is a graduate of the Sarah Palin School of Grifting; now he's helping others do the same thing.

    Besides I think we have absolutely enough of the "military-is-great" propaganda and movies. Is Meyer trying to outdo the Chris Kyle get-rich-quick flick? i've never complained about taxes that go to help veterans or that help soldiers on the battlefield. However, I'm sick of the almost daily begging phone calls and address labels from so-called veterans' advocacy groups. Meyer, and your friends, get jobs or, better yet, get educations.

    If Meyer and his buddies really want to help someone, why don't they try to help get the bill passed that will protect military dogs transition to their "retirement." At this point it has been watered down in the Senate and will probably go nowhere. (There was a "Daily KOS" post about it yesterday.) Tell your military buddies to press Congress to do the right thing for these creatures who saved your lives out of loyalty to their soldier-handlers and not because they wanted to go halfway around the world to shoot guns.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Meyer and his buddies sold out and are owned by a military cult. They lost being individuals with thoughts. They believe, do and want what they are told.

  36. Anonymous4:15 AM

    When are Dakota and Barstool to be wed? Now that will be the beginning of a horror story.

  37. Janice A Soderquist4:41 AM

    With the FU sign he and Sarah held up and this movie, you can tell the morals he has. None..........

  38. Janice A Soderquist4:46 AM

    Do you suppose he is thinking Bristols money from the house will go on the movie, did he talk her into it.

    Also, who bought Bristols house, Sarah? It sure sold fast...

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      A doctor from Anchorage bought it and paid too much.There has to be a connection to Sarah somewhere.


    2. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Bristol met Dakota a couple of times and they became engaged. Within a few more days, she pick up Tripp and moved to Kentucky to live with him. It all seems to have happened much too fast, without thinking about the consequences for Tripp.

      As for Bristol's house, they claimed that she hadn't lived there since last October when there was a stalker in her driveway. But she didn't think about selling it until...... Nothing like rushing into a relationship with someone who might have PTSD, a drinking problem and a previous undisclosed marriage.

    3. Anonymous8:23 AM


      The property still shows as owned by SM Properties, LLC, which is Bristol. Where did you see that a doctor had purchased it?

    4. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Was it the pain relief doc? Feels so good.

    5. Anonymous8:43 AM

      If you look at Tiemessen's lawfirm they represent almost every doctor and dentist in the state. I could see them arranging a quick quiet full price sale. They aren't ambulance chasers as much as ambulance defenders. They seem to operate mostly in the shadows. That firm has done a hell of a job keeping things out of the media and makng money for the Palins. They also seem to have grown since 2008 campaign to be one of the larger firms in the state. Whatever they're doung here seems to be money in it.

    6. Anonymous9:50 AM

      They own John Roberts. @ 8:43 AM

    7. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Was it Dr. Clough?

      He was said to be living there before and or during the time of the brawl. Early September 2014.

    8. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Yes, Dr. Jeffrey Clough.

    9. Anonymous1:36 PM

      9:50 We should start a 6 degrees of sarah palin. From ted nugent , 0 degrees to chief SPJ John Roberts, 1 degree, probably about 3 degrees between her and charlie manson.

  39. Anonymous4:56 AM

    They should call it "The Undefeated, also, too."

  40. I just look at Levi's beautiful youthful body, tan and hard and then look at Dakota's, boobs, white and flabby. Will Bristol compare these two when she is in bed with Dakota's rubber body? Yuck
    Sunny is the big winner, she would never pick a loser, none working, flabby, broke man in her life. She has too much pride. But, Sarah can only get Junkies and this loser. No decent man wants her, but you can bet is Sunny was single, every educated hardworking man would be breaking down her door.
    Lucky Bristol, you got what you deserve.

    1. I mean Bristol can only get losers

  41. The Four Stooges

  42. Anonymous6:40 AM

    j...Are you comparing Levi to Dakota "Ironman" Meyer?

    1. Only Dakota considers himself an Ironman, Levi doesn't have to brag about anything he has done

  43. Cracklin Charlie6:47 AM

    Why isn't Bristol being married in Alaska?

    Her mother is a former Governor of that state! I think there's a story there.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Because we don't want her ass up here.
      Bristol is a terrible mother. It is a shame how she mentally abused and used Tripp so she can get even with Levi for marrying Sunny and not her. Bristol has an ugly soul that she inherited from her mother.

    2. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Because Sarah is the Queen of Alaska and now Bristol has to find her own state. Dakota has his eyes on political office (hilarious!!) and he needs to be all about Kentucky. If the marriage lasts more than a year, we will start seeing Bristol (Nancy French) waxing poetically about the rolling green hills of Kentucky. Or course, Bristol won't last in Kentucky or in this marriage.

  44. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Is this a grift?

  45. Anonymous8:24 AM

    j6:24 AM

    I just look at Levi's beautiful youthful body, tan and hard and then look at Dakota's, boobs, white and flabby.


    You brought up an interesting point. Will Sarah and Bristol transform Pillsbury Dakota (through medical procedures) into a studly Levi? Those two need to invest in their MOH monetary future.

    You read it here first at Immoral Minority. Sarah and Bristol will transform their "Doughboy" into a Levi.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      How will they transform Bristol from her pregnant state?

    2. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Duhkota has entered an ironman marathon. Hahahahaha. At least for the swimming, his gigantic man boobs will keep him floating.

    3. Anonymous2:45 PM

      His wet bangs will flow back showing his real hairline.

    4. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Gynecomastia, moobs, man boobs.

      The Cusacks are in with the best plastic surgeons and would know who to send Dakota to for the work he needs.

      Dr. Clough will make sure he feels no pain.

  46. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Levi is a true hunter.

    Dakota has no skills. He just financially exploits the one thing he has in his sorry life and that is his MOH.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Dakota is not alone. Sarah and Bristol will ride Dakota's medal of honor all the way to the bank.

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      They need money to keep up a lifestyle.

      Flying Like Colonel Gaddafi


  47. Anonymous8:54 AM

    All I could think when I watched the video is that they want to make a really bad military version of the movie "Hangover."

    So now Dakota wants to be a movie star?--and needs money. How convenient that his MIL is a multi-millionaire & his bride to be just sold her house for 1/2 a million. Does he like the $money$ and Bristle like the fame of a MOH?

  48. Anonymous9:33 AM

    He went on to humiliate a once great country.

  49. Anonymous9:34 AM

    O/T, sarah needs to see this and let us know if she is still using that tanning bed she had in the guv's mansion:

  50. Anonymous9:43 AM

    That wasn't bad ass. That was just bad. If it wasn't for booze and date rape drugs those guys would never get laid. Respect the troops....not those guys.

    Title: Guns, Gubernmint, and Goobers

  51. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Dakota Meyer, a Medal of Honor winner, has taken to social media to write amusing taunts to members of ISIS

    Just days after the FBI urged members of the military to clear their social media accounts of anything that might draw attention to them for fear of an ISIS attack in the homeland, one very important members of the armed forces has gone out and ignored their request.
    Medal of Honor winner Dakota Meyer, who served in the Marines for four years, has used both his Twitter and Facebook to taunt members of ISIS, calling them 'cowards.'
    And now, many around the country are applauding his actions. (who, the certifiables?)

    He is a threat to security.

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Dakota is asking for trouble. So did Pamela Geller and she got it. Dakota is now responsible for a wife and a step son. I could see someone kidnapping Tripp and demanding a huge ransom. I hope not but Dakota is calling attention, and in a bad way, to himself and his new family.

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      'Dakota is calling attention, and in a bad way, to himself and his new family.'

      YES HE IS. He is also making it easy for ISIS and others to demonstrate the decline of our military. 2 MoH in the film. This is what happens to our best soldiers?

      Dakota will be a great poster child for ISIS. Their recruits will see excerpts from that film and see how dangerous and flawed our military is. A talk tough fatso is not going to scare anyone. He may as well get over himself. That would mean he would need to stip the Kentucky bourbon and junk food.

      He would have been better off had he respected the FBI.

    3. Anonymous4:14 PM

      * skip

  52. Anonymous9:59 AM

    What's next for Dakota? The next time Sarah has a book signing she will bring Dakota with her and for $1.00 you will be able to touch Dakota's medal.

  53. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I am glad that Bristol doesn't post pictures of her private life and their friends and when they are in their love nest. She use to have pictures of Gina when they canoodled and she wasn't abandoning him by the road side and freaking out poor Tripp.

    You can now imagine how much worse it is where she is living with this drunk mess of a guy and his buddies are in his business.

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      She loves posting pictures of Tripp though, the latest one she has the hashtag " prettiest boy".

      And comments from others about how she should have another baby, poor kid, most boys don't want to be called pretty by their Mom's.

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Have another baby? How many kids can Bristol's hoohah pop out?


      How many babies has Bristol's hoohah popped out?

    3. Anonymous2:48 PM

      My reply about how many babies Bristol's hoohah popped out was in reponse to "she should have another baby"

    4. Anonymous2:56 PM


  54. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Sarah's advice to Bristol on her wedding night.

    *get a large refrigerator. stock pantry with cans
    * Boys will be Boys. Just ask your Daddy
    * marriage is an "economic arrangement"
    * kids are useful public diversions. have several.
    * "situations" can be gotten rid of.
    * never change your story line.
    * sex sells so apply heavily in all you do.
    * plastic surgery is your friend.
    * love the haters - they fuel you.
    * say what you want; but never say you're sorry

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      All joking aside, if Sarah cared on bit about Bristol, she would remove her from this farce of a wedding immediately. What mother, and I use that term loosely, or father for that matter would allow this wedding to take place.

  55. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I couldn't even watch half of that trailer. Stupid! I've seen better from the Theatre Department of my local community college.

  56. Anonymous3:26 PM

    This MOH fuckwad hasn’t married into the Wasilla Village Idiot's family yet and he's already cloaked in the Sarah Palin Curse.

  57. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Gold Star mom says military may be complicit in Taliban ambush

    Susan Price, the mother of fallen Marine Gunnery Sergeant Aaron Kenefick,
    said on the Tom Bauerle radio show that military commanders may have been complicit in the ambush that killed her son and four other soldiers and Marines.

    Aaron M Kenefick: A Marine Who Knew Too Much
    But what underscored his tragic death is the fact that by all accounts, it was a setup from the inside.

    Meyer in the turret of a HUMVEE
    Several hundred meters to the west, Cpl Meyer and Staff Sergeant Juan Rodriguez-Chavez were standing next to their HUMVEEs, listening to the heavy firing.

    It would have had to come form the "DEFENSE DEPARTMENT" or STATE DEPARTMENT on 8 September 2009. Why would they have the choppers abort the mission of rescue for the lives of 4 American Marines? Where was this Lt Col transferred to this day and what time leaving the major in charge of the command post?
    Another question among many is how did Army Cpt Will Swenson's Merit Citations for MOH disappear 3 times, it appears they were ambushed as well?
    How did they disappear out of the computer systems at US CENTRAL COMMAND?
    It was July 23, 2009, when this particular Marine unit from Okinawa Japan left for Afghanistan for what was to be a 9-month mission. This team was called the Embedded Training Team ETT 2-8. They were told they were going there to be a presence for the Afghan elections which took place on Aug 20 2009. A presence, yet not security, which seems confusing and fails to make sense. This team of Marines was not security, only a Presence? And it was a KNOWN FACT in history that from 1979 to 1989 the Russians could not beat the Mujaheddin in the mountains and terrain of Ganjgal, so higher echelons had this knowledge.

    Thus it is all the more puzzling because it involves a group of experienced Americans and their Afghan counterparts approaching a village that has been considered impenetrable by both our current forces and also notably by the Soviet forces who fought here in the 1980's.

    The Ganjgal Ambush September 8, 2009 is proof that the U.S. Army has the power to force officers to the Dereliction of Duties, Abandonment, & Negligence of those they are charged to oversee, in this case the political maneuvering claimed the lives of 3 Marines, 1 Navy Corpsman. The 5th man, an army soldier who was injured died 1 month later.

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      The team members were Johnson; staff Sgt. Aaron Kenefick; Gunnery Sgt. Edwin Johnson; and Petty Officer Third Class James Layton.
      Meyer and others carried their bodies out. He said he never stopped to think of his own safety when he tried repeatedly to rescue his friends, largely because "that's what we sign up for" as Marines.
      "We know what we're getting into," he said.
      With the second anniversary of the battle approaching, Meyer said he didn't want to discuss some details of the fight.

      But it's clear that battle is with him every day.

      Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2011/09/13/1879627_green-county-native-to-receive.html?rh=1#storylink=cpy

  58. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Four PTSD drunk thrwunks with half a scrambled brain between them. Hey, stupid, is that a cuke in your mouth or are you just happy to be out with the boyz? Yeah, I can see this taking off just like "Saving Private Ryan" "Full Metal Jacket" and "Apopcycle now"
    Now I understand the attraction with Bristol. Does she have to wear the monkey suit on their honeymoon? Another one with scrambled eggs for brains. Still counting the days?????

  59. Anonymous5:45 PM

    If those fu_kin' veteran drunks needs $325,000 then why don't they panhandle multimillionaire Sarah Palin? Isn't she a big supporter of vets? Well she is when it comes to lip service. If American vets needs money from Sarah Palin's clinched fists then you fucking drunks should go work for Wasilla's pimp daddy. I'm sure he has plenty of work for you guys.

  60. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Sarah Palin why is your MOH doing drinking by himself at a bar during the afternoon? Doesn't that drunk have a job?

  61. Anonymous5:52 PM

    What's going to happen after Duhkota marries D'Oh? Will we see Duhkota, D'Oh and Tripp doing shots at Duhkota's local favorite tavern after waking up from last nights drinking binge?

  62. Anonymous5:58 PM

    $325k? Doesn't Drunkota own a company? Get your buddy drunk and hit him up for $325k from his company and have him write it off on his taxes.


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