Sunday, May 17, 2015

Everything you need to know about a Jeb Bush presidency summed up in one Venn diagram.

Image courtesy of the Washington Post
Even if Jebbie had not turned out to be the most prolific gaffe machine since Sarah Palin started vomiting word salad onto the political scene, this would still be more than enough to let most Americans know that he should never set foot in the Oval office.


  1. A. J. Billings4:30 AM

    It's a scary thought that most of field of Repubs now running, will push hard for attacking Iran, and support spending trillions more for the military to the detriment of all other USA funding.

    The other frightening trend is that most of the Repubs in the top tier are militant evangelicals, who will have no qualms about preaching bible verses from the White House, and acting like Reverend in Chief, instead of President.

    If Hillary doesn't win, we are in for 8 years of Christian Jihad, another titanic failed Mideast war, more war on women, blacks, contraceptives, abortion, gays, immigrants, and the continuation of male patriarchy.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      "If Hillary doesn't win, we are in for 8 years of Christian Jihad"

      as awful as that would be, the bigger risk is the potential appointment of 3-5 twenty-something severe conservative Liberty University law school graduates as Supreme Court robo-justices, voting lockstep uber-right wing in the style of Thomas and/or Scalia, also too.

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Hillary will not be the only one running for nomination for the Democratic ticket. Others will be running.

  2. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Many of those names still leave a foul taste.

  3. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Now it is easier to understand his original answer to what he would have done about Iraq had he been in office and knew then what we now know. He would have gone anyway. He really meant that because he does not "get" what an awful mistake it was and how his brother is reviled for doing that. This is so scary on so many levels. He really has nothing original to bring to office, nothing that will be good for the country.

  4. Jeb travels in 'circles' that are familiar (root word: family) to him. These players were picked by his 'daddy'. He doesn't know or trust anyone else. He is not his 'own man'.

  5. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Don't be too hard on ol' Jebbie.

    Remember, the effects of war are relative. Meaning, if a politician's relatives can profit from the war, enrich their friends and avoid actual injury by not sending anyone they know or love to fight, who are we peasants to say that war is a bad thing?

    Another reason we shouldnt look too closely at Jebbie's view of war in the middle east is that we'll still be at war there when his coronation occurs in 2017. And when his two terms end in 2025. And when his son holds the office from 2033 to 2041. And some as yet unborn Bushy/Satan spawn who will inherit the presidency in the late 2040s and into the 2050s.

    Remember, Jebbie's brother, the moron, started the Endless War. His successors will simply be protecting his legacy as the worst president in American history.

    Jus' kidding! Jebbie will spend most of the 2016 election cycle watching the the proceedings from a darkened bedroom in his spacious Miami home shaking his head muttering "what the fuck just happened???"

    1. fromthediagonal7:25 AM

      I cannot begin to tell you how much I hope you are "just kidding", because there is a groundswell of regression, of "fast forward into the past" that frightens the sh8... out of me!

    2. Anonymous8:05 AM

      psst.... Inge. It's ok. It's me, Beldar..... Just file it under "Kidding but not funny"

  6. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Gryphen, it appears former ambassador Joe Wilson has something important to say on this topic...

  7. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Where's Cheney in that diagram? Don't forget the Dick.

  8. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Excellent, so right. Thanks for posting this.

  9. Anonymous1:06 PM

    We must campaign hard to see that a DEMOCRAT wins next year. If a Repub. wins we will most certainly be engaged in a war.


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