Friday, May 08, 2015

GOP superstar Ben Carson believes that the President of the United States can just ignore Supreme Court rulings. Did I mention that he wants to be the President?

“First of all, we have to understand how the Constitution works, the president is required to carry out the laws of the land, the laws of the land come from the legislative branch,” Carson said. “So if the legislative branch creates a law or changes a law, the executive branch has a responsibly to carry it out. It doesn’t say they have the responsibility to carry out a judicial law.”

Ow, ow, ow!  Okay that is WAY too much stupid for my brain to take in.

This courtesy of the Rachel Maddow Show: 

As should be obvious to anyone who passed Civics 101 at a high-school level, the U.S. Supreme Court has the final word on the constitutionality of American laws. Sometimes, the legislative branch passes a law, but it’s challenged in the courts, and if a high court majority strikes it down, then it can’t legally be enforced by the executive branch. 

There is no such thing as “a judicial law.” 

The fact that Carson doesn’t understand this is alarming. The fact that he prefaced his comments by saying we “have to understand how the Constitution works” is rather sad.

I essentially have the same response to Ben Carson that I do to Ted Cruz.

The Republicans keep telling me how smart they are, but I literally cannot see it. 

I mean I understand that Carson has to be intelligent enough to have become a brain surgeon, but it sort of feels as if that intelligence is really only applicable to medicine and not to politics.

Oh and by Carson's contention that Atheists lack compassion and have no values and principles really pissed me off as well.


  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    There are a few in medicine (and science) who most of their colleagues could never explain how they made it through and who can only roll their eyes and shrug when asked about them. This is something the public would find hard to imagine, but it is most certainly true. Once they make it through their educational process, the Peter Principle definitely applies--at least for men, though perhaps increasingly so for a few women as well. So, he may have been an adequate neurosurgeon and that alone is worthy of some respect--but I have to wonder what his neurosurgeon colleagues thought of his abilities when compared to others in the field. I'd be willing to bet that assessment would not be as impressive as the media seems to want to bestow.

  2. angela5:11 PM

    Sadly, I have met more idiotic physicians than I care to remember. I've never understood why individuals who are responsible for the care of the human mind and body can be some of the most clueless people when it comes to real world events.

    But I also think Carson is also a pandering son of a bitch who
    realized his 401K wasn't as much as he thought it would be after his stint as a surgeon was over. So he started doing what republicans do best----grifting.

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      If he was such a good neurosurgeon - why did he retire at such a relatively young age? If his surgical (motor skills) had deteriorated so much, then why didn't he give back by teaching others?

    2. Anonymous7:16 PM

      If his surgical (motor skills) had deteriorated so much, then why didn't he give back by teaching others?
      Give back?? He's Republican silly!

    3. Anonymous8:24 AM

      There's nothing republicans like better than a black guy who says people shouldn't get government handouts. They eat that shit up with a spoon. If the black guy used to get government handouts, but now says nobody else should, all the better.

    4. Anonymous8:50 AM

      If this guy is the only one you can get to operate on your brain, then you might as well shoot yourself and get it over with. I wouldn't trust this fuckin idiot to scrub my toilet, no way he would ever be cutting my head open! I'm surprised he didn't kill half his patients, considering how stupid he is.

  3. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Wow! His level of stupid is scary.

  4. Anonymous5:17 PM

    There are few in this country who know how this government works. This is why idiots like Cruz and Carson etc sound so smart to some voters.

  5. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I swear Ben Carson suffers from Aspberger's. Also, he said that people only used to live to an average of 47 years. Now we live much longer and we must adjust accordingly. Well, Bennie Boy, single shot muskets used to be the rifle of choice when the Constitution was ratified. Now we have far more sophisticated weapons in the hands of citizens. I suppose it is time to adjust accordingly and PASS SOME GUN CONTROL LAWS THAT ACTUALLY HELP. FOOL!

  6. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Brain surgery is a motor skill. He's a talented mechanic, that's all.Wise, intelligent or intellectually curious? NOT SO MUCH<

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Yes! Thanks you!
      He's a mechanic, very skilled and smart enough to have memorized a lot of stuff and to figure out what's wrong with the machine. That doesn't make him smart in other areas.

    2. Anonymous8:18 PM

      The name for this is "idiot savant".
      A person who is mentally handicapped yet brilliant in one specific area.

  7. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Even his wikipedia entry highlights his MANY hypocrisies: health care, and end of life care:

  8. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Unfortunately, with the nixing of general ed classes during the last 20 years we are ending up with people who have only studied in their major. This means a person who is on their way to a medical career can often avoid classes like Western Civics. Most already have had some exposure to civics before college, but this is of course before we actually become adults and understand how and why our government actually works. Many people who are practicing medicine come from religious colleges that avoid cellular biology and evolutionary biology. Previous to that they may have been educated in religious primary schools. The Christian schools in our town use their own history books and as a librarian I note the books have a very skewed view of the American Revolution. The founders are always viewed as religiously determined and the American Revolution as the pinnacle of American Exceptionalism and its sloughing of monarchial and secular earthly governance. I'm not surprised by this man's inability to understand the Constitution.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      With you on a lot of your post 6:13 - not so much on the religious colleges don't teach cell bio and evolution. Simply not true, their grads couldn't pass the MCAT or get into med school without it. The older RCC and mainline protestant universities are largely run by secular boards these days, but have been teaching real science for years.

    2. Anonymous9:41 PM

      California still requires two years of general ed in college. What are you talking about?

    3. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Forgive me I meant evolutionary cellular biology 6:13. A lot of universities that are tech oriented do not require general ed courses. And many religious universities do not offer geology or earth sciences in their curriculum.

  9. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Most already have had some exposure to civics before college, but this is of course before we actually become adults and understand how and why our government actually works.
    Exactly right. And also, the civics taught in HS isn't anywhere near the same as what we were taught years ago. OK, many years ago.

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      6:28 was a response to 6:13pm

  10. Anonymous7:28 PM

    The funny thing is the republicans have a person who could give Clinton a tough time and that is Huntsman, but he's not in the same loony ballpark as this years crop of useless idiots.

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      which means he could never get the support of the ReTHUGS base base.

    2. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Carson has neither. Again, he has well-developed motor skills SO does a mechanic.

    3. Dinty9:20 PM

      I considered Bingaman in 2012, he can't get traction in the GOP in its current state.

  11. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Keep in mind there's a huge difference between intelligence and common sense.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Isn't that the truth! When I was in college I had a friend who was was brilliant scholastically,but hadn't a clue socially. He decided he was tired of college so he did 26 credits in one semester (he had to get special permission to do this) and his lowest grade was a B+. He got to wear a gold tassel when he graduated as a sign of Scholastic excellence. But he was so retarded socially you had to tell him to wear a warm jacket when it was cold out. He had few social skills. I've met too many people like this. Book smart but common sense Stupid.Carson seems to be one of these people.

  12. Anonymous9:17 PM

    This dude is a real psycho.

    I saw that movie about him, about him growing up in a nice white neighborhood and going to a nice white school where he was the only middle class black kid.....

    when the truth is he had no daddy and his mother was on welfare most of his life and he grew up in the slums and he was a very badly behaved child....

    Such a lying fucking wingnut. Is there any other kind?

    1. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Just curious, but where did you get your info about growing up in the slums etc?

    2. Anonymous12:06 AM

      The truth about him used to be all over the internet before he made his name insulting President Obama so he could go into wingnut politics where it's all lies all the time.

      Occasionally someone will point to his background when they're exclaiming over his 'anti-welfare for other people' attitude in spite of the fact that he was raised on welfare. His father deserted his wife and two sons and the taxpayers took care of them all but Dr Fucknutz doesn't think that other abandoned wives and children should be protected by the State.

      Carson doesn't believe that other black students should be given the opportunities and advantages that he was given, either. He's a real pig, the genuine article.

    3. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Definitely seems to have Aspberger's. Can you picture him behind the White House podium giving a speech or meeting with foreign dignitaries? He is socially retarded.

  13. Cracklin Charlie9:37 PM

    "The Republicans keep telling me how smart they are, but I literally cannot see it."

    I totally agree with you, Gryphen, the Republican field is like a Potemkin Village of candidates. If one goes down, they just prop another one in his place.

    Every one of them since Sarah Palin came on the scene seems to someone who is attempting to portray some Republican ideal of the perfect candidate.

    They all seem like straight up phonies to me.

  14. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I hope you meant that about Ben Carson.

  15. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I've tried to figure this guy out and I just can't.

    I worked with someone who had a relative with a young daughter whose life was saved by this man's genius surgical skills. He has been considered one of the top pediatric neurosurgeon's in the world and I don't think anyone can discount his achievements as a surgeon.

    But since his retirement, his comments are off the rails. He thinks homosexuality is a choice and bases that on men becoming "gay" in prison. Seriously?

    This guy also does not believe in evolution. Seriously?

    Rachel Maddow is right. His comments are unbelievably ignorant. My seventh grader could give him a lesson on the Constitution.

    Go away Dr. C.

    You're starting to make Sarah Palin look more informed.

  16. Anonymous2:37 AM

    It gives new meaning to the expression, "you don't have to be a brain surgeon to understand this".

  17. Raz Lemons5:22 AM

    Oh law I hate to say this but he is right and there is precedent, I harken back to the 1800's and Andrew Jackson, The Supreme Court at the time ruled that it was unconstitutional for the US Government to confiscate the lands of the Qualla Boundary territory and to force relocate its inhabitants , President Jackson ignored that ruling and what we were left with is known as " The Trail of Tears "

  18. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Does this fucktard have a clue that the President has to sign a bill before it becomes a law? Oh and Raz Lemons, nice try, but you KNOW he simply doesn't know his shit and has no idea of the case you brought up. Like all these wing-nuts, he loves the Constitution so much that he can't even be bothered to fucking read and understand it. This is a case of ignorance of how the different branches of government work, how a bill is made law, and what the job of the Supreme Court actually is. This man thinks he's Presidential material? He is bat-shit crazy and dumb as a doorknob.

    1. raz lemons12:12 PM

      I was simply eluding to the fact that it can and has happened : (

  19. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Now let's get to why if I mention the word "dinosaur" for example, to someone in a private email that all of a sudden I start getting advertising in my gmail account about anything related to dinosaurs, fossils, etc?

    I don't think it's Obama reading my email.

    The millenials have been too busy standing in lines waiting for the latest iphone or game. Too busy building the internet's largest databases of private information - like FACEBOOK for one to pay attention at all to what we knew about 5-6 years ago. Then fame-seeking nerd twerp thief comes along - they start paying attention and suddenly he's a "hero".

    Well Putin's little Эдвард Вильен Сноуден can go _uck himself and stay in Russia forever for all I care.

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Ooops I posted on the wrong thread. Will re-post on the Snowden one.

  20. Anonymous5:16 PM

    And he was a brain surgeon, with REAL people getting their heads opened. Let that sink in a bit.


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