Monday, May 25, 2015

Michelle Duggar, Josh Duggar's mom, once recorded a robo-call accusing transgendered people of being pedophiles.

Jim Bob, Michelle, Anna, and Josh Duggar.
Courtesy of the Daily Mail: 

Last August, Michelle - who stars in TLC's hit show 19 Kids and Counting with her husband, Jim Bob, and children - spoke out about a proposed anti-discrimination ordinance in Fayetteville, Arkansas. 

Narrating a robocall to local voters, she expressed concern that the bill - which was eventually passed - would let transgender people use whichever bathroom they felt most comfortable in. 

She said: 'I don't believe... citizens... would want males with past child predator convictions that claim they are female to have a legal right to enter private areas that are reserved for women and girls.' 

She added: 'I doubt that Fayetteville parents would stand for a law that would endanger their daughters or allow them to be traumatized by a man joining them in their private space. 

'We should never place the preference of an adult over the safety and innocence of a child.' 

'Parents, who do you want undressing next to your daughter at the public swimming pool's private changing area? I still believe that we are a society that puts women and children first.' 

This woman recorded this robo-call with full knowledge of the fact that her son had molested her own daughters.

And it is this kind of talk which leads people to presuppose that all LGBT folks are sexual predators simply waiting for the opportunity to take advantage of their children or cause them physical harm.

The fact is that there are substantially more "straight" folks, both men and women by the way, molesting children in this country, then there are homosexual or transgender predators waiting for your precious snowflake in the public restroom or department store dressing rooms.

This is why, just in case you were wondering, the Duggar family deserves ALL of the hate and vitriol that they have received since these revelations have been made public.

These are truly hateful people, who have actively promoted discrimination, while also holding themselves up as paragons of virtue.

By the way here is a timeline from the Washington Post that lays out Josh Duggar's abuses of his family members, and the failure of his family, his church, and the authorities to get him and his victims the help that they needed.


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    They raise a sex perp, who violated their own daughters. They should be advocates against the evils of incest, and not make up lies about gays.

  2. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Well, you know...Jesus.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      New post gryph!!!!

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    The officer they reported the incident to gave Josh "a stern talk." That would be this guy?
    "That officer, Joseph Truman Hutchens, is currently serving a 56-year prison sentence in an Arkansas Department of Correction facility for child pornography offenses."

    1. Balzafiar7:08 AM

      A "stern" talking to and a "thataboy" pat on the ass.

      The Duggar's creed obviously is "Do as we say, not as we do.".

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM

      IMO, the Dugger's creed is "we'll do what we want, hide it from the public but sell our lifestyle for as much as we can get". They've made a lot of money simply from having one kid after another.

      The Washington Post's timeline shows that the family knew what Josh Dugger was doing before the first show aired. Disgusting family.

  4. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Look at the crap Palin has pulled in the name of Christianity to get what she has today.

  5. Given the mentality that runs through this 'religious family,' I have to assume that Michelle didn't act without Jim Bob's permission, and equally likely it was his idea, then assigned to her. The men do the thinking and planning in those cults, you know.

    Actually, it's Jim Bob I'm most worried about. I can (proudly) tell you I've never watched an episode of this show, so I'm worried that now that it looks like TLC will be pressured to fully cancel it and the Duggars on their own earning their meals, does Jim Bob actually have any marketable skills other than knowing how to efficiently offload his ejaculate?

    True, in a market with abundant gay porn that ability can earn a fellow money but, no offense, given his modest looks and middle-aged body, for Jim Bob to get his foot in that particular career a small army of handsomer, younger and better-physiqued men would have to conveniently drop dead.

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      IIRC, I read that before they got the show and started making public appearances, the Duggars' church pretty much kept them fed and clothed. That's always bothered me; they advocate a lifestyle that isn't financially feasible for most people and wasn't for them until they became "celebrities."

  6. Caroll Thompson7:06 AM

    Since Mom did not do anything to protect her daughters, I would say she absolutely has place to talk. And I hope TLC pulls the show forever.

    Then again, the ones that yell the loudest about how Christian they are, usually are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Absolutely. Look at Skanky Pay-me, the Duggars, and various "christian" charlatans out there. Also, whatever they're screaming about the loudest is invariably what they themselves are guilty of.

    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Just look at the Republican Christians across the nation that profess to be so!

      The majority of them are always proven to be the very worst folks on the planet! So hope the American voter is paying attention when they cast their vote in 2016!

  7. Balzafiar7:09 AM

    Generslly, homeschooled == growing up ignorant, IMHO.

  8. Anonymous7:11 AM

    O/T but dailymail has photos of Sarah at the Sat bbq and it appears that she is wagging her finger at Dakota! Uh oh.

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM


      The politico even parked her massive 'Dynamax Cruising Tour Motorhome' right on the party lawn. Alaska plates and all.

      Despite the chicken barbecue, open bar, and live southern rock music, the re-branded ‘gathering’ never picked up steam. No dancing. No spontaneous karaoke. No toasts.

      Some family members even took sides, wearing either Alaska or Kentucky t-shirts.

    2. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Oh, yes, the patented Tea Party finger wag, perfected by Jan Brewer and Sarah Palin.

      That not-a-MIL Sarah looks like she's highly agitated and giving Dakota a piece of her mind. Only she doesn't have that much mind to share. Keep it for yourself, Sarah! You might need it some day.

    3. Anonymous8:06 AM

      7:36 Oh crap, if the RV is in Kentucky, get ready for another Palin Summer Vacation complete with revisionist history lessons. She's going to milk the last of the pocket change from the poor Pees.

    4. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Please put up the photo of Palin wagging her appendage at Dakota!

    5. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Wow....Palin looks just like Jan Brewer did when she was wagging her finger so disrespectfully at our wonderful President Obama.

  9. Anonymous7:12 AM

    TLC was in on this also, too!! They had been made aware of Josh's activities, but did not want to punish their cash cow by protecting the girls. I read that viewership is about 2 nillion, not so vast, considering the population of this country is over 300,000 Well, we all just learned something from the Learning Channel, money trumps kids. Then they wanted to dump Josh, but keep the rest of the slime. The parents should stop with all the sex, take care of the kids already here. If they need the $$$ from TV, then obviously they should not be birthing any more babies. Hypocrites of the highest order. Why should taxpayers subsidize them, because they can not use birth control?

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      It would be interesting to see the income tax returns filed by that family over the past five years. I read somewhere their TV show brings them a million a year? It was also indicated that their home is free and clear. What monies could they draw legally, from the government, to assist them in living?

    2. Anonymous8:43 AM

      And Jim Bob had their home declared a church so they pay no taxes on their property. He buys and sells real estate and rents homes out. I guess that is his profession besides trying to run for local office. Jim Bob has got to be an absolute control freak.

    3. Anonymous8:45 AM

      They can't have anymore children, Michelle is 48 and has not been pregnant in years, but of course their multitude of children will reproduce like rabbits. Maybe the Duggars can open an amusement park or museum called Duggar World and school everyone on the weirdo quiverfull movement. I knew a family like that once, total weirdos!

    4. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Duggars have used car lots, flip repossessed real estate, etc. Kind of Arkansas yokel bottom feeders who hit the jackpot thanks to Jim Bob's sperm and Michelle's fecund womb - and their creepy retro lifestyle complete with absolute patriarchal rule, female subjugation, and child labor in the name of Amurika and Jeebus!

  10. Anonymous7:15 AM

    That photo just creeps me out.

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Me, too! It makes it obvious the only reason the menfolk tolerate the women--walking, mindless incubators.

    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Beyond creepy, notice where each "wife" & hubby have their hands - right on the "holy" baby factory. Too sick for words.

    3. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Yep, in the Quivering movement, really faithful women keep their mouths shut , their heads covered, and their legs open 24/7.

      Their job according to the Christian Ayatollahs is to keep house, pump out one baby a year, and forget any life besides being a fuck toy and a human vending machine

    4. I find the photo obscene.

  11. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Groucho Marx: Mrs. Duggar, why do you have so many children?
    Mrs. Duggar: I love my husband very much.
    Grouch Marx: I like my cigar too, but I take it out once in a while.

  12. Anonymous7:25 AM

    When will Sarah Palin release the information regarding Track and the school bus incident?

  13. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Reading blog back in 2014 about "how to have a happy marriage Duggar style"....I always thought it would be Jim Bob!
    He is creepy.

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      JB is so creepy, I'd bet that Josh isn't the only one who molested those girls.

    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      I agree...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...look at Sarah, who was almost certainly molested by her dad, marrying a pimp. These women have zero is Bibled out of them.

    3. Anonymous9:06 AM

      I agree with you 8:21 AM! Many fathers feel it is their 'duty' to teach their daughters about sex. And, they physically do so!

  14. Anonymous7:35 AM

    The politico even parked her massive 'Dynamax Cruising Tour Motorhome' right on the party lawn. Alaska plates and all.
    Despite the chicken barbecue, open bar, and live southern rock music, the re-branded ‘gathering’ never picked up steam. No dancing. No spontaneous karaoke. No toasts.
    Some family members even took sides, wearing either Alaska or Kentucky t-shirts.

    Read more:
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    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Who was seen there? Where are the photos that Palin loves putting up of herself at the picnic?

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      This pic looks like Granny $arah with the bony finger of rebuke warning Dakota to not leak any Paylin secrets

      Good luck Caribou Barbie! You have manipulated so many people in nasty ways, it's going to bite you hard

  15. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The damned internet never forgets anything!! Josh Duggar doesn't appear to be remorseful in this 2008 video where he jokes about incest.

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      That right there is sick and twisted. So arrogant and depraved that he felt safe enough to JOKE about what he got away with - with the active help of an entire network of religious and political cronies who then gave him a cushy $100,000 per year job pushing the family values agenda. Disgusting.

  16. Anonymous7:41 AM

    From the Washington Post timeline, it was one of the victims who requested the judge order Josh Duggar's investigation records destroyed.

    So either she pressured into this act of protection of her abuser, or she's been so coerced that this was her "choice", or maybe it wold affect her "purity" and thus limit her marriage prospects, or - oops! - maybe current husbands weren't informed?

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      A minor child cannot make legal decisions for themselves. That was nothing but part of the coverup.

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      The jude's decision was last week.

  17. hedgewytch7:55 AM

    'We should never place the preference of an adult over the safety and innocence of a child.' - This. Yet how much you want to bet that Mrs. Duggar would scream to the high heavens about Erin's Law being enacted in any school that her children attended (if they attended school at all)?

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Oh, they'll never set foot in a school. heaven forbid they associate with people not as crazy as their parents. You notice that not one of them has any kind of degree to even marketable skill. YOU can bet Josh got his cushy job with AFA due to his name and professed beliefs.

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      People like that will never, ever send their children to a public school because at least one of the kids might seek help at the school.

    3. She home schools all her kids. The older kids probably instructing the younger ones just like they take care of the house. She's basically bred her own maid service.

      I'm sure they have a bare bones 8th grade education in Reading, Writing and Arithmetic because that's all you need. You don't need to interpret the bible, just believe what you're told. The girls will get additional instruction in cooking, cleaning and laundry because that's all they need to do to be good wives. The boys will get some advanced math so they can keep track of the money they grift. I'm sure they'll all be ministers and all grift to pay for their houses, etc.

  18. Anonymous7:56 AM

    How she could do this is beyond sanity. It is religious legalism, mixed with self-righteous zeal, and hatred, intolerance, condemnation, lack of humility, and these types get God's court sentence, which is written in the epistles, they are sent a strong delusion and believe a lie.

    God won't be mocked.

  19. FrostyAK8:07 AM

    Has anyone else noticed that the more 'holier then thou' such people are, the more perversion leaks out eventually?

    If justice was actually fair, the consequences for such crimes would be proportional to how 'holier than thou' such idiots purported to be.

  20. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Their TV show should be pulled and no longer distributed. Of, if the network keeps it going, the sponsors should be boycotted.

    Religious freaks, liars and frauds! They truly are a sick group of folks covering for their son who violated their daughters! Cannot believe it! It can't get any sicker and messed up!

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Agree Anonymous 8:08. Money-grubbing, immoral hypocrites...just like the Palins.

  21. Anonymous8:10 AM

    7:41 AM I don't believe the judge would destroy the records on the word of 'one' of the victims! What about the other ones? This entire situation is sick! Those poor kids in that family!

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Turns out the judge is friends with Josh's biggest supporter..Huckabee. You know, Huckabee, whose own son tortured and roasted a feral dog just because it was entertaining to watch another being suffer (and served no jail time, either.)

    2. Anonymous8:33 AM

      That same judge was appointed by Mike Huckabee.

    3. Anonymous8:42 AM

      That's the judge that was the decider for the Justin Harris adoptions of the demon possessed girls who were rehomed to the guy who the raped at least one of them! At least Justin waited to do that until after his campaign used the girls to help prove his family values christian status!

    4. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Huckabee is the worst supposed Christian with the mixture of being a Republican! And, he thinks he can be elected POTUS! Fucking joke!

    5. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Can you imagine being in that relationship/marriage? The Mrs. is nothing more than subservient to her god awful husband! And, even worse, they are raising their daughters to be the same way!

    6. He would at request of the Governor.

      Governor Huckabee.

  22. Anonymous8:26 AM

    What happens to a woman's vajayjay and utereus when it has been so abused by that many births? Does she have any muscle left down there or does she have to wear Depends all the time when she is not pregnant which isn't much? Inquiring minds want to know. I just want that tribe to disappear off the face of the earth. Today!

    1. Well, Michelle has miscarried at least once and I think was bedridden for the last one that came premature. She shouldn't get pregnant again but I wouldn't be surprised if she tries for 20. Probably going for a Guiness world record.

      If she keeps it up, I truly believe she'll eventually die from pregnancy.

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      She'll keep birthing babies until her uterus falls out on the table.

  23. Anonymous8:38 AM

    What a stellar example of extreme Mormon womanhood she is! Has she forgotten that her female children are every bit as worthy of her concern as the beloved first born son (who just happens to be a deviant and a hypocrite. Wait! Michelle may not know the meaning of those words. Stunning!!!

    1. I don't think they're Mormon.

      Jim Bob is some sort of self proclaimed minister, holds some sort of church services and has always grifted donations to build his compound and support his family.

      Apparently they don't believe you should only have as many children as you can support. They believe you should have as many as possible and get other people to support them.

  24. Anonymous8:41 AM

    What do you want to bet the judge is a friend of Jim Bob's or has some connection to the family!

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      The judge had been appointed by Duggar family friend Mike Huckabee.

  25. How can anyone be a Republican?

    How can anyone identify with any organized religion?

  26. A. J. Billings8:47 AM

    @6:41 am. Just like the sycophant Monica Goodling, who at 32 years of age was the # 3 person at the US Justice Dept under George W Bush

    Goodling, was in charge of 50 US Attorneys, but was one of the least experienced people.

    She got the job because she was an evangelical Christian, who had graduated from Pat Robertson's "law school" for idiots

    In her appearance before the House Judiciary Committee, the Justice Department's former White House liaison fesses up to using a political screening process to vet potential hires and turns the tables on former Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty.

    In other words Goodling was hiring US Attorneys many years her senior in years and experience based on their political allegiance and religion, instead of the legal requirements.

    She confessed, " I know I crossed the line"

    So what was her punishment?

    Zip, nada , nothing, she resigned, and was reprimanded by the Virginia bar, and later got immunity for her testimony.

    Got away with illegal shit, like many evangelical Christian militants

  27. Anonymous9:07 AM

    There are at least two horrible aspects to this whole Duggar story. First of all, there is the creepiness of a teen-aged boy preying on his younger sisters with, let's face it, the compliance of his parents because they have some kind of weird patriarchal notion of religion. Secondly, there is the gross hypocrisy of these adults, including Josh now that he's all grown up and his wife, in making money from their condemning anyone who does not share their public attitude towards sex while privately they've indulged in or condoned seriously abusive behavior.

  28. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I find this picture both creepy and pathetic. Here is an almost 50-year-old woman--the mother of how many children--dressing as if she's twelve years old.

    And this is what such men find attractive. Very telling.

    1. Astute observation. And adds to my "this photo is obscene" reaction.

    2. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Is Jimmy Bobby bu fu ing the lady with the green shirt in the above photo? Yea, I know it's his wife but still.

    3. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Very astute observation indeed. Jim Bob just creeps me out. I will admit here and now that I have watched the show off and on for the past year since the courtship of their daughter Jill (who apparently was one who was fondled by her brother, Josh) began. While I got the sense that Jill and her now husband did seem ideally matched, despite Jim Bob's hands all over the matchmaking. And that perhaps they might actually have a future other than populating the earth. I nevertheless found Jim Bob's hovering during the courtship and after the wedding beyond creepy and controlling and that somehow his perverted and controlling energy continues to invade their daily lives. This week's news confirms it for me.


    4. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Anon at 4:56. Yep...and now I can't unsee that! lol!


  29. Anonymous9:58 AM

    What about the mothers of transgendered children? How do they feel having their kids diagnosed as pedophiles when it is not a medical fact? How about that Mrs. DUGGAR? Oh who cares...

  30. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Not to be missed TLC clip: Josh Duggar jokes about incest

    "Why not? We are from Arkansas. Hahahah"

    (h/t BlueRed, comment at WashPost)

  31. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Thank you for posting that. I did not know that, but I do remember under the Bush regime, that education didn't matter; what did matter was that a person was Christian and displayed those bible-thumping family values. Ouch!

  32. The Duggars are typical right wing Xian fundies.

    Their son isn't a pedophile because he is a heterosexual. But anyone that isn't must be a pedophile.

    I can't wait until one of their kids comes out as gay, disavows the family and gets their own reality show.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:14 PM

      Amen to that!!!! How can she sleep knowing he's in the house? She's only got two eyes and one thing and one thing only on her mind.

  33. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Reply to MLAIUPPA 10:59: My mistake... please forgive me. I wrote Mormon when I mean to write Fundamentalist. I am very sorry to have insulted any Mormon readers.

  34. Anita Winecooler4:12 PM

    Who wants a woman who birthed 19 kids and hid her incestuous son's dalliances to undress next to her in a public swimming area? I'd be afraid to trip on her poor uterus. I guess she's proof you can "ahem" your brains out.

  35. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I wonder what it costs Jim Bob for "the little blue pills" that he must take every day? Hopefully he doesn't go to one of those pharmacies that judges people concerning their sex lives.

  36. Anonymous6:22 PM

    And didn't you know that Mike Huckabee is defending Josh's child molestation? With this, Huckabee just kissed his political career good-bye.

  37. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Instead of saying the best words to say to your husband is "I forgive you", Josh's wife should be saying to their children, "I will protect you."
    That cult teaches the wife and children that the father is the leader and they do as he says. The wives are nothing but baby machines. Michelle Duggar told her girls to always submit to your husband in bed. Sex is not an option. It is an order.


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