Thursday, May 14, 2015

Oil company offers Iowa resident teenage prostitute in exchange for the right to build an oil pipeline on his property.

Hughie Tweedy courtesy of Blog for Iowa
Courtesy of Radio Iowa: 

A landowner from southeast Iowa today said he has recorded proof a land agent for the proposed Bakken Pipeline offered to get him an 18-year-old prostitute if he’d grant access rights to his property so the pipeline may pass through. 

A spokeswoman for the pipeline developers issued a written response this afternoon. 

“We are aware of allegations that have been made concerning the conduct of an employee of one of our contractors,” said Vicki Anderson Granado, media relations coordinator for Energy Transfer Partners. “We take these types of matters very seriously and are investigating further.” 

Hughie Tweedy of Montrose said he recorded two of his conversations with the land agent. 

“On these recordings you will hear evidence of my senior pipeline representative offering me not once, not twice, but three times the sexual services of a woman,” Tweedy said, “the last time being a $1200 teenage prostitute.”

This is my favorite part:  

“If an old junkyard dog like me was offered the sexual services of little girls to get my hackles down, I wonder what was offered to the powerbrokers of this state to gain their support for silence,” Tweedy said. “Shame, shame, shame.”

I wish I could be surprised by this, but after living through the seventies and eighties up here in Alaska, when oil companies were throwing money around like confetti, I have seen a number of deals that were signed with one or more of the participant's pants down around their ankles.

This Tweedy guy is a pretty tough cookie. He refers to the oil companies as the "pipeline mafia" and claims they treated him like a hick and a fool.

Apparently he was not quite the fool they were hoping for.


  1. Anonymous4:45 AM

    That "hick" farmer is most likely not poor and most likely has an education :)
    And good on Mr Tweedy for recording the call from the scumbag.
    And I don't know what is making me more upset, the ofer of the prostitute or that they thought a man whose land is probably worth well over $3500 an acre is going to be impressed by a "1,20o dollar prostitute".

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      Didn't similar work well for Todd Palin back in his day?

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      It was in person

  2. I can pass Sarah off as 18 any day of the week !

  3. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Oil executive in Alaska, "we need hookers to get these deals done".....

    Now we know why Todd started his side business.

  4. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Welcome to "exceptional" Amurika.

  5. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Makes you wonder which of his neighbors took the bait and what their wives might think of it....

  6. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Everthing is about SEX!! Fuck Todd, fuck those OLD little DIcks, this is called Human Trafficking..2700 women are missing just north in Canada.. What do they do with UNDER age children, both Sexes? Promise it is FAR worse then any relize. Get um, use them up and throw them out like garbage.

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      You do realize the number of missing woman in the USA is higher than that don't you?

    2. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Yes of course. Are you kidding me.. Thats is the point. Those women are missing from just one area.. My point is Sex and Money by lust and greed.. And no one even gives it a second thought..

  7. Anonymous6:30 AM

    The only reason they offered it to this guy is because it worked before...many, many times.

    It also gives them blackmail power for the men who take them up on the offer.

  8. laurensd17:11 AM

    And bordering state Missouri offers its own unique sex entertainment!

  9. Anonymous7:32 AM

    And the moral of the story is: Don't fuck with a man whose book covers are worn.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      I didn't think there would be any posts on this subject that would literally make me smile, thank you :)

  10. Anonymous7:40 AM

    "Oil company offers Iowa resident teenage prostitute in exchange for the right to build an oil pipeline on his property"

    That sounds like something Todd would offer and something Sarah preaches. Sarah's favorite quote is "Drill baby drill".

    The oil company drills for oil and the landowner drills the prostitute.

    It is a win win as far as Sarah and Todd is concerned, Drill Baby Drill

  11. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Anonymous6:30 AM

    The only reason they offered it to this guy is because it worked before...many, many times.

    It also gives them blackmail power for the men who take them up on the offer.


    Blackmail power! That sounds familiar.

    Can you say Secret Service agent, Anchorage Police Dept and Pimp Daddy?

  12. Anonymous8:10 AM

    This guy is awesome! Wish more people thought like him.

  13. Now that they couldn't do it the easy way they'll come down hard and find a way to take his land from him. Eminent domain if they have to. Or some other legal form of theft.

    Corporations and politicians don't take kindly to having their corruption exposed. Even though the public will soon forget if they were paying any attention at all, these guys won't stop their vendetta until they take all Tweedy has.

    How did this country sink to such a sorry state?

  14. This farmer is of my generation and is typical of what Iowans used to be like until the GOP chased the decent jobs out of the state and most Boomers emmigrated for jobs. The Iowa of my youth was wonderfully balanced and a great place to live, even for minorities and gays.

    When the jobs left the citizenry got older and more churched, and everything went to hell.

  15. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I love this man's response. Who came up with this brainstorm and was she once picked by John McCain as VEEP? There isn't enough brain bleach in the world, I hope this makes it to court and the tape gets played for the public. Sex trafficking for oil.

  16. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Ah, NOW I see what the problem is! Look at the background. This guy reads books!

    >>> Tom

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      This made me chuckle.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.