Saturday, May 02, 2015

Sarah Palin angry with President Obama for not starting war with Iran over seizure of ship due to outstanding debt.

So Palin, who has been conspicuously quiet lately, has recently posted this to her Facebook page: 

Friends, please take time to read this article as it rips the veil exposing Obama's priorities in dealing with a nation known for consistent terrorist intentions. Our president and his anti-peace foreign policy supporters have not acted in the interest of our ally, Israel, resulting in dangerously compromised American interests. 

The only thing standing between a president who'd jeopardize our country by ignoring our Constitution, and foes capitalizing on lopsided international treaties that weaken our allies, is Congress. The GOP majority must stop giving lip service to halting liberals' fundamental transformation of our relationships with friendly nations and finally take a stand by exercising its constitutional right and responsibility to approve international treaties. Certainly they must with such grave consequences involved. We must realize Iranian leadership refuses to acknowledge Israel's right to exist, and, in fact is hell-bent on Israel's, and ultimately our, annihilation. Congress must not sit back and watch our own president flirting with the devil. 

- Sarah Palin

This is the picture that she posted with it, why I'm not sure.

Now what seems to have Palin's granny panties all in a crusty knot is a story about the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps commandeered the Maersk Tigris as it navigated its way through the Straits of Hormuz. A waterway that is controlled by Iran.

Apparently the conservatives are calling this an act of war against the United States, even though the ship is owned by a Danish shipping company.

However the actual facts of the incident make it seem far less dramatic.

Courtesy of NBC News:

Iran said on Thursday that its seizure of a cargo ship owned by the Danish shipping company Maersk was related to a years-old debt. The company insisted that Iran let the ship go. 

In a statement, the Iranian foreign ministry said that Iran was following international law, and hoped the ship would be released "once debts have been settled, and hopefully the ship can carry on its course." 

The statement said that the 24 crew members aboard the ship, the Maersk Tigris, were in good health and had access to diplomatic channels.

The US has sent military vessels to monitor the situation which seems to be the result of an ongoing court case.

However Palin links to an article from conservative news outlet Townhall which ties this incident together with Obama's ongong negotiations with Iran and his open frustration with the fact that Netanyahu seems to be stepping back from a two state solution with Palestine.

The underlying premise being that President Obama is now siding with Muslims over our friends in Israel, and brokering a deal that makes the Middle East far more dangerous. (You know because up til now the place has been oh so very safe.)

Just another helpful reminder of the bullet (or perhaps more accurately, the barrage of bullets.) we dodged by not electing John McCain and his un-housebroken ankle biting critter from the wilds of Alaska.


  1. angela4:36 PM

    Palin needs to give it up playing wonk and just keep trying to replace badly behaved family members for even more badly behaved "replacement" family members.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Oh and for those who would consider that a "death threat" ummm no. Its a plea to HER to rid the world of Dumbfuckery and christian idolatry, and just start the "Rapture" early...
      b/c why else do they have guns?

    2. Anonymous6:41 PM

      She is a parrot. I bet if you google this drivel it will originate from "the heritage foundation"or one of those toilets. She is just shittin' it out for $
      What a fuckin' gormless plute!
      Good for nothing...someones parrot could do as well for FREE!!!Dumbassfuckery by retards!

    3. Anonymous7:13 PM

      gormless plute? Now that's a new one on me. Love it!

    4. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Yeah, that about sums her up!

      gormless: Lacking intelligence, sense or understanding; foolish. stupid or slow-witted; one who is lacking in composure, grace, intellect, style etc.

      plute. The flesh that joins the shaft of the penis to the testes

    5. Anonymous10:48 PM

      Maybe she can have another *ahem* child to whore out.

    6. Anonymous11:34 PM

      Sarah , better to be thought a Fool, than continue to open that Big Mouth of yours and remove all doubt.

    7. Anonymous5:14 AM

      Anonymous7:18 PM
      years ago I knew a woman who looked up stuff in the Webster's...she found gormless plute and said it was worthless and unattractive woman....I'm so damn sick of her! Penis shaft that works for
      Sarah Palin is a Gormless Plute!!!

  2. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Dumbest woman alive

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      ... and one of the vilest ... evil to the core.

    2. Anonymous11:46 PM

      Uh oh Skarah...your precious Israel soldiers beat the crap out of a fellow Ethiopian soldier...oh right...dark skin... So what would God say about that? I mean since you have Him on speedail

  3. Anonymous4:49 PM

    What is Sarah doing blog posting ... she is running in the derby today with a Mexican jockey riding her.

    Don't bet on her .. she is a real nag.

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      I noticed that CBS didn't show her or her MOH son, er...future son and his lovely bride today amidst their 4 hours of coverage (not that I watched it all.) Or were they even there? Maybe her friend the rich white woman neglected to leave the Palin passes at the gate, and "Do You Know Who I AM?) was refused admittance in her penis jeans, with the off the bony shoulder shirt and no fancy hat. See, Sarah, you are no longer all that, and the wealthy horse breeders really have no use for you at all. And DaKOta? Well, they have his number too. Anyone shacking up with a walking time bomb is not welcome to their party. Maybe you can get a job mucking stalls, though.

    2. Anonymous10:30 PM

      They were not at the Kentucky Derby. Sarah Palin and her klan would have been an embarrassment to invite to the special event. Remember when she went in her hay days? Damn, but has the old girl fallen!

  4. Anonymous4:54 PM

    "Unhousebroken ankle bitting critter" needs to wipe her dirty ass.
    And get the facts+Mind her own business.
    She is the classic trouble maker.Always stirring the pot.
    Disgusting POS.

    1. Anonymous10:46 PM

      Apex shit distributor.

  5. abbafan4:58 PM

    palin, you stupid bitch! Don't concern yourself with what the big boys do; it's above your stupid head! Don't you have a "wedding" to plan for? Is your spawn too retarded to plan things for her and "Koty-pie"?? Go keep a leash on the rest of your lazy, layabout slackers dummy!

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      I wish Uncle Gryph had "Like" buttons :)

  6. Anonymous5:10 PM

    ...She goes from 0-60 there in record time, and with record lack of thought – or evidence. She has already begun with the assumption that Obama is hostile to Israel, and then made the events she discusses fit into her preconceived outline.

    She insists that, “There is a thread that runs between Obama’s policy toward Iran and his policy toward Israel,” and “That common threat (I believe she means “thread”) is mendacity. Obama’s actual goals in both have little to do with his stated ones.”

    Coming from a piece as mendacious as her own, this really gives you no pause at all. This is rather like the author who pretended to be Paul of Tarsus, in forging a fake letter to Timothy, warning against people forging letters from Paul.

    And you can take Glick’s warning just about as seriously. She hasn’t forged anything. She just hasn’t told the truth.

  7. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Run, $arah, we dare you.

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Yes we do. Sarah, put your PAC money where your mouth is, quitter pants. You seem to know exactly how to fix the entire world's problems - run for the most powerful office in the world and fix those problems, quitter pants. Man-up!

  8. Anonymous5:20 PM

    She posted the Pelosi pic because she only wishes.

    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Bingo , oh snap, and ding-ding-ding we have a winner!

    2. Anonymous10:45 PM

      Indeed, Palin is a slave to projection.

    3. Anonymous12:02 AM

      I picked up on that too. Jealous of a 74-year old Italian grandmother! Poor Sarah lol.

  9. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Sarah reminding everyone that she's such a Far Right freak is probably a bad idea right before her presidential run....

  10. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Queen Elizabeth's grandson

    Queen Esthers grandson

  11. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Great photo of her, IM. It perfectly matches her lunatic statement on war, a subject we all know she knows nothing about!

    Bet she would not be able to find the countries involved, on a map, much less the Straits of Hormuz!

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      The Straits of Hormuz must be where they make Hormuz Corned Beef Hash.

    2. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Yep, she's probably got cans of the corned beef in her house on the dead lake in Wasilla!

  12. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Stupid woman child never fails to leech off the media coverage of various current events (and Obama bash). It is all she has ever done. Pathetic.

  13. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Señora Palin es un mujer fea.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      "es una mujer".

    2. Anonymous8:36 PM

      y usted es obnoxious-a, tambien.

    3. Anonymous8:56 PM

      With Sarah, 5:39 may have been right, using "un", instead of "una"

  14. Anonymous5:41 PM

    That will keep the boys in Central Casting dropping her name to the bottom of the list! That woman is dangerous!

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      No kidding, read the comments from the insane haters that she's riled up!

    2. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Korn - Hater - fits the Palins to a "T"!!!!

  15. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Ghost written RW excreta is $arah's entire product line.

  16. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Ah, the Princess of the tea party. The group that is determined to kill all the young men and women who weren't aborted by their mothers a few decades ago. Such Christian patriots, they are!

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      I am pro-life, in that I think we need to protect the born. I am pro-choice when it comes to abortion.

  17. Anonymous5:57 PM

    As usual this drooling brainfart didn't have a clue what the article was about.

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Drooling brainfart! That's her.

  18. Crystal Sage6:29 PM

    I want to see a recent photo of her Trollness. The mother of the bride should be all aflutter over the coming nuptials. Instead, she's bashing the prez about something she knows nothing about. Then again, she knows nothing about weddings either, having never really had one.

  19. Anonymous6:44 PM

    poor old boney carcass just wishes Barry was sucking on Her ear. Sarah who???

  20. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I compare this woman to some of my dog's farts. So foul and toxic, they just linger and linger and linger.

  21. Anonymous6:58 PM

    And once again the giardia-riddled shit-sitter holds court and spews her verbal diarrhea. YAWN! You be a has-been, HooHah! Nobody cares.

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Ha Ha Ha! love it!

  22. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Lol...oh didn't write that...your just REALLY mad you know who has found out there is family in Iran...and Iraq...and Syria...and Israel...then there is England...

    1. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Ah so that's what's bugging is that "product" going to get that money that came with? Or is that hush hush too?

    2. Anonymous10:44 PM

      I never found her "sexy." Boring and hackneyed, yes, sexy, no.

    3. Anonymous1:36 AM

      Who the hell said she was sexy...gross.

  23. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Did Sarah go to the Kentucky Derby? She tried so hard to get an invite by posting on her facebook page about Marylou Whitney her friend!

    Here's the real life for you Sarah, people like Marylou sometimes invite podunk people like you as an amusement for their friends.You will never fit in, it's called "old money" and they have their place and you have yours.

    You were so excited to be there! you could not kiss ass enough! Now you are yesterdays news and trying to suck up to Marylou won't work. You are an uneducated hick and no it may not be kind, and the rich blue bloods are snobs but you don't fit in and why would you try so hard to fit in? That's all you ever wanted.

    Here's a clue you are stupid, boring and dress like a tramp and that won't get you into the inner circle of that exclusive club to them you were a novelty act. You don't have the sense to show up dressed for the occasion you did not even bother to look it up to see what is the norm for the Derby.

    You are dumb, plain and simple, you are not amusing enough to keep the old school entertained and your novelty has worn off. Did you really think you would fit in?

    1. Anonymous10:25 PM

      Nope! No one even invited her to any of their parties or private boxes! Boy, the old girl ain't what she use to be - no one wants anything to do with her as she is no longer a draw!

      She's fucked due to doing it to so many others. Payback time! And, how are you liking it, Sarah? It sure is fun for the rest of us to watch.

  24. Anonymous7:16 PM

    It is amazing to me that there are actually men who find SP attractive or sexy.

    1. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Well hey, that's why porn sites like _ucking granny exists. Oh and also too, conservatives watch more porn than anyone else.

    2. Anonymous10:19 PM

      Me too.

      I find it strange that some think she's a slut too.Sarah uses sexual appeal (what little she has left) to fool rubes out of their money, but I guarantee that is one very, very cold fish.

    3. "Anonymous10:19 PM... but I guarantee that is one very, very cold fish."
      I agree, 10:19.

  25. detroitsam7:25 PM

    Is there no one who cares enough about Sarah Palin to tell her to stop speaking about things that are beyond her intelligence? So sad.

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      She doesn't have the brains God gave her...she smoked em away... Jack the Ripper coke/weed right?

    2. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Oh hey how's hap?

  26. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Someone over at Kochtopus Dark Money Inc noticed one of their little paid pit bulls wasn't performing up to contract lately so phoned something over to give her a little shove.

    Her channel took a drowning, the PACs are on life support & not a campaign bus in sight.

    She doesn't write many of her screeches and she most certainly didn't put this one together. She is done and can't even pretend anymore.

    1. Why would the Kochs be wasting any money on her any longer? There's no return on investment. She's just not reaching enough people except the droolers that are already believers. No one is treating her facebook rants as real news or opinion to be printed in actual real news outlets.

      It's also apparent that the money is drying up big time. Her PAC and channel are not being propped up by anybody.

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      The Kochs will brought to their demise in courts for their criminal!

  27. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Instead of worrying about Obama, she needs to worry about her daughters keeping their panties up.

    Well it's kinda late for some of them

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      LOL she taught them to go commando.

  28. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I think even Sarah Palin is bored with Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous9:40 PM

      lol. good one. and you're probably right.

  29. Anonymous7:47 PM

    pic above, two things; the dimwit skank's balding dome and her glossed over herpes flareup ... what a fukin' seditious useless retard ...

  30. Anonymous7:48 PM

    She is an idiot.

  31. Am I the only one who notices that this creep Sarah Palin is openly soliciting the murder of our president?

    1. Anonymous8:49 PM

      No you are not. From day one all the right wing has blasted President Obama as a Muslim anti American secret agenda President.

      They could not get away with their crap if he was totally white but half white? well that's another story, don't you know he gives out free phones to those black people? We won't talk about who started that program.He wants to take our guns away, he want's to make us into a police state.

      If he were white would the nut cases buy into it? no but black people are scary!

    2. Anonymous12:16 AM

      8:49 - they've always been willing to buy into it if it's a liberal President. Ask John Kennedy about that. And how many insane conspiracy theories did they have about Clinton? They want to see Obama dead like 5 times as bad because he has the gall to think he's important and deserves respect, when he has brown skin, but they're ALWAYS murderous toward anyone who dares to think differently or disagree with them. Sarah and the teabaggers know these people are out there and they do nothing but try to stir up that hate and fear that's always just below the surface of their followers. If there's a hell, Sarah and her ilk will be in the lowest level for their sins.

    3. Anonymous2:38 PM

      There are just as many in our country today that would like to see the same thing done to Palin!!!

      Why do you think she travels with security (that she has to pay for herself now!) when she travels outside of Alaska.

      And, when in Alaska, she doesn't travel much outside her dead lake home area due to knowing she is despised and is afraid what might be said or done to her.

      I know I have words for her should I ever run into the bitch!

      You never see her in Anchorage or Juneau. Arizona folks don't like her either!

      Must be hell being Sarah Palin and any of her klan! And, she brought every bit of the hate upon herself.

    4. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Well she's not very good at Sarah says how is that AUDIT going? Vladimir won't save you now SWEETIE

    5. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Oh I heard about that...he was ENRAGED about

  32. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Seeing Sarah Palin's picture again just gives me gas!

  33. Anonymous8:16 PM

    On the news: woman posting pictures of her kids on facebook finds theyve been used on pornagraphic sites. Protect your kids,folks.

  34. Why in the world should we, the United States, get concerned over a Danish ship? Does she think that Denmark is a state? Because if she did, that wouldn't surprise me.

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      The ship may be from a Danish company but it is registered in the Marshall Islands for which we provide protection to. The taking by the Iranians is in response to low oil prices. Take a vessel in the Persian Gulf and watch oil prices climb as they clearly did.

  35. Anonymous8:30 PM

    She should take her MOH and D'OH and family of inglorious B*st*rds and move to Israel.

  36. Anonymous9:08 PM

    How I love it that the "lamestream" media ignores her. Google News Palin and they just don't care anymore about the obvious grifter who has played one too many junior high school games with the public.

    That must really chap you ass, right Sarah? Funny thing is you still think you can beat the lamestream media while at the same time chasing them.

    You've cried wolf and blood libel one too many times and now all your left with is grifting your cult for dollars.

    How is your pit bull barracuda grizzled granny fame working out for you now? I'm so happy you stuck to your guns and refused all professional advice and went "rogue". Torpedoed your own "career" whatever that is. LMAO

    1. Anonymous10:19 PM

      She WAS a lousy politician and assuredly failed as an entertainer - crappy reality shows! She screwed herself royally and now look at her.

      She got what she deserved!

    2. Anonymous4:15 AM

      Who in their right mind would want that at president?

    3. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Criminal minds who do it until the courts tell em they can't...gosh how's those Bush boys? Looks like "getting away with murder"...until the courts come a calling...Gods Will doncha

  37. Anonymous9:09 PM


  38. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I can just hear her talking about the "Straight of 'Hoar-Moooooze" in her banter.

    Those darn Iranians, them that have those Noooo-Cooooo-lar weapons, hiding perhaps in those vaults under the sands near the shores of the straights of Hoar-Mooooooze, and they, not having the freedoms and lovin' on their rights, as some do here in Alaska and Amurica, can be proud and reign supreme by ringin' those bells warning the British to get the hell out of Dodge, and those Eye-Rain-EEEEE'ans too.

    1. Anonymous11:08 PM



    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Yes, and violence in the streets of Israel over abusive cops. Her buddy, Netanyahooooooooo has learned much from his little visit, eh?

    3. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Save us from ourselves...

  39. Anonymous10:23 PM

    The only thing standing between a president who'd jeopardize our country by ignoring our Constitution, and foes capitalizing on lopsided international treaties that weaken our allies, is Congress.

    Huh? The first rule of journalism is to keep it short and to the point. Blah blah blah is Congress is an example of such garbled writing that Sarah Palin could not possibly have a degree in journalism. She is also not capable of expressing a clear, political point of view.

  40. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Sarah, you're a nobody to Obama: accept it. To the rest of us, you're nothing but a petulant 12 year-old who for the past seven years, has sat at the table winging for more ice cream. Kindly fuck off already. No one cares about what you say, you swindling stable whore.

  41. Anonymous11:53 PM

    'I Don’t Believe This Anymore': What It's Like to Leave Behind Abusive, Right-Wing Religion

    ...The loss of my faith wasn’t all at once, as it isn’t for many people. At first the changes were tiny. I remember the moment when I had the epiphany that American Baptists might not burn in hell. Later, Bible-believing Christianity stopped working for me, but for a long time I thought that was a problem with me, not with the religion. I was probably destined for hell, but I just couldn’t figure it out. Eventually I tried out more liberal religious viewpoints, like the Unitarian Church. When I finally realized I don’t believe this anymore, I didn’t know where I fit.

    I had come on this huge, huge journey with no map, and I didn’t know where I was. But you go on the internet and connect with people who are struggling, people who are going through the same things. So, that’s my motivation. There are people who are scared and lonely and afraid and who think they are the only person on the planet who can’t figure it out. The relief some of these people experience when I talk to them—being able to offer them that bridge when there’s nowhere else to go—that is one of the most rewarding things imaginable.

  42. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Todd Christensen? A dentist? me the training...gee last I saw he was a how'd he get from that? And ripping people businesses off to affording two dentist practices with Blondie amy who can keep her panties up either...gee Sarah...shall we do an audit of WHERE that money came from...hmmm...i know...smirk!

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Yeah there was a write up about something like that in ADN...and wasn't his pappa daddy the chief of police in los anchorage...i know the pieces fit cuz I watched them fall away

    2. Anonymous8:14 PM

      632 if you go around you will see its spider like in "nature of associations"!

  43. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Obviously Sarah Palin, and many of her fellow teabaggers, do not understand that the US cannot interfere in matters pertaining to other sovereign powers. Maersk is a Danish oomany, a giant in the international shipping industry. Denmark, much as i love the country and its people, is an independent country and so is Iran. Ships are routinely registered in countries where they will have the least interference. I doubt if any are registered in the US. Monitoring the situation seems to be the only lawful thing that the US can do. But, otherwise, the matter will ultimately be settled by the parties immediately involved through the appropriate international venues.

    God, Sarah Palin doesn't know anything about anything.

    And the photo with Nancy Pelosi. That's supposed to indicate that the two of them are conniving against Sarah Palin personally.

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM


      I think you are giving Palin way too much credit. The two of them conniving against her? I see it as more of a black on white kiss issue and how it repulses her even though she slept w/a black man during the Great Alaska Shootout (Anchorage, AK) years ago. A fact, in that the fellow actually verified it back in the day when people were actually talking about her!

  44. "This is the picture that she posted with it, why I'm not sure. "
    1) For right wing morons, Pelosi = Satan, thus, tada!, proof! the President is flirting with Satan.

    2) She obsesses over that picture and the injustice of the President not seeking her repulsive self out to consult and "flirt" with. And get her face in the news.

    Also she is increasingly desperate for attention. None of the mainstream news outlets are paying attention to any of her mean girl facebook rants.

    Aw, Palin, remember your glory days, when you could get ghost-written op-eds in the WSJ?

    Yeah, you blew it. You're even a failure as a narcissist. After all, as a narcissist all you had to do was keep yourself in the public eye, and you had a hell of a boost to do so (VP candidate of a major party). But you are too stupid and mean and lazy to succeed at it, and you blew it.

    1. Anonymous6:09 AM

      As someone said above, that's her "going rogue" and she can point the bony crooked finger all she wants to. The other three are back at her, which is where the blame resides.

  45. Anonymous5:34 AM

    O/T Kind of...
    I have a couple of questions: Bristol posted that she was so happy to be able to spend the last week with her BFF
    (friend from Alaska?) Is she homesick already?
    Also, career day at Tripp's school ... looks like he is in
    kindergarten. Isn't he a little old for kindergarten? My kids started kindergarten at 5 yrs old.

  46. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Effed up brain. No degree, no birth, a pimp's wife, Effed up kids. What a joke.

  47. Anonymous6:14 AM

    She has the looks and brains of a squirrel on crack.

    1. Anonymous6:39 AM

      with apologies to cracking squirrels....

  48. Anonymous8:46 AM


  49. Anonymous10:39 AM

    The nice thing is it's time to get ready for fishin season again...get those yurts aglowin...

  50. Anonymous4:05 PM


    Alaska Psychiatric Institute
    3700 Piper Street
    Anchorage, Alaska 99508-4677
    Phone: (907) 269-7100
    Fax: (907) 269-7251

    IF you count your patients, you're a couple short. Piper Avenue? Coincidence????????

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Not according to its numero uno patient

  51. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Sarah who do you keep stalking...who do you try to keep killing? Who do you like to steal from? Who is from the Middle East and England? Who was that Catholic church named after in Anchorage? Who owns 16 downtown blocks of Anchorage? Who owns a policy that had a cash value of 108 billion? Now when the Audits occur? Global disaster because if you expect that Birthright owner to feel sorry for you? Don't because they won't! When you realize they don't care you'll be all right...

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Hey call George's wife...she would be your perfect pit bull attorney...or is he the sperm donor of....because daddy's gay as gay can get...oh the global webs some

  52. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Derby pics?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.