Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Well Sarah Palin's back in Alaska spending time with her kids. Whether they want her to or not.

Hey look, she's still sporting Bristol's ring.
So yesterday's Facebook post from the Grizzled Mama features her showing up for Piper's graduation from middle school, and celebrating. Trig's last few days in kindergarten:

Celebrating the last day of school! What a GREAT day! New chapters in life, always unfolding.

Problem is of course that Trig simply cannot seem to be bothered with her attempts to use him as a prop anymore.

Jesus stop touching me, I hardly know you!
I was just remembering when we all started to notice that Trig seemed to have no connection to his "mother," and then there were those reports of him hitting her in the face.

Back then the Palin-bots were quick to jump to her defense and claim those were "liberal lies." But let's face it, all evidence points to the fact that we were well ahead of the curve on recognizing that there is no real mother-son connection between Palin and her most famous political prop.

And clearly she cannot force the little guy to fake one.

As for Bristol, well she is clearly back in Alaska and hanging out with her siblings.

Notice the ring finger is still bare, which does not exactly support the wishful thinking of those who want to believe that the wedding of the century is only "postponed."


  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Also note the loose, large top Bristol has on!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      The tummy doesn't look pg yet. Notice if you zoom in she's wearing pretty tight jeans with a belt. But what I did notice is that Willow is wearing Bristol's white top that she wore in one of her pictures with her amazing fiance when in Kentucky. The one where they are at a car race & I believe Dakota's father was in the picture.

    2. It looks as if her gray blouse has a sheer ribbon at the bottom of her gray blouse that you can look through and see her belt and the top of her jeans. I agree, it doesn’t look as if she’s pregnant, at least not now.

    3. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Look mo baby! that's good. the world don't need no mo of brizzles throw away babies. r u back trolling the mugshot now? at least you'll get regular preg tests after a weekend of camping in your little canvas tent.

    4. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Willow, too!

      But who?

      {Bristol looks preggers to me. That belt is being bowed outward and down, like there's a swelling pushing on it.)

    5. Anonymous4:49 PM

      She could be constipated or she's wearing her spanx backwards again. Hard to tell with her iconic moronic leg bent stretched sideways, had to side, head cocked sideways poser look. A trick she learned on DWTS to make her elongated.
      Pied Piper musta got her hair done in the same hair salon my grandma went to, she had that same color hair in her later years. It's curly, moe and shemp!!!!!

  2. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Interesting cut to Bristol's blouse. She looks about 6 months along to me.

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      That's cause you're an old lady like most on here. If you had better eyesight you could clearly see the belt and slim waist. Seriously, you poor old people need a hobby lol!

    2. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Whether the shirt is hiding something or not, compare the rest of her to the pictures of her during Dancing with the stars (the infamous blue dress that she was squashed into).

      She's half the size that she was then...and while dancing 6 or 8 hours a day!

    3. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Hey, Bristol, 12:16 -- I'm not old and I'm not a lady.

      If you're so slim, then why are you wearing a huge shirt? You're clearly not comfortable with your body.
      Or, you are bigger than you say you are.

    4. Anonymous12:33 PM

      12:16 = this old person DID notice the belt, WAY down past the stomach. I've got a hobby and still enjoy visiting here.

    5. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Hahaha 12:16, exactly right.

    6. Anonymous1:20 PM

      She ain't preggers now. Got that taken care of in Kinfucky!

    7. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Hey Bristol or Lou Sarah, what happened to the DWTS baby?

    8. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Don't worry. It's just another way to give the middle finger to anybody who's not on board with her.

    9. Anonymous1:35 PM

      12:16- couldn't you just allow people to voice their opinions without your mean spirited remarks?

    10. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Looks to me like she's lactating. Judging from all troll comments rushing in to spin observations, I'm now convinced Bristol is pregnant.

    11. Anonymous2:04 PM

      1:35..... I think you mean..."12:16 couldn't you just allow people to voice their mean spirited remarks (about 3 young women mind you), without you calling them out on the carpet with the truth about their obnoxious bs."

    12. Anonymous2:18 PM

      120 may be it's the gravemarker by the fence?

    13. Anonymous2:26 PM

      12:16 I have several hobbies, not even one of them is like Bristle;s hobby of picking up strange guys for casual sex. I come here to watch the "end of an error" when $carah and her band of grifters hits rock bottom. I for one can not wait to see that. Imagine all the PayMe's and Heaths looking for JOBS!!

    14. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Anonymous1:35 PM

      12:16- couldn't you just allow people to voice their opinions without your mean spirited remarks?
      Its a payme, Remember Wallows "some old lady pushed me" (Whaaaaa) Well the lady was what 40? These two idiots think they will never get old and the way the have plastic surgery they will look like Donatella Versace in no time!!! Pissy already looks like a old Forty year old woman!
      Keep it up payme's here is your future!!!
      (Sarah already looks like that)

    15. Anonymous3:49 PM

      12:16 -- At 72, I'm probably one of the oldest old ladies on here and I come here everyday. When I looked at the above photo of the three Palin delinquents, I didn't look to see if Bristol looked pregnant because I don't givashit one way or the other about her pregnancies. My thoughts were "they are all three pretty girls. Too bad that out of jealousy, Sarah encouraged Bristol to have that horrible chin extension. If I was Bristol -- or if she was my daughter -- I'd strongly encourage her to go to a good plastic surgeon and have the Leno chin removed". But Sarah's not like that...she'll be competing with her daughters until the day she's laid to rest.

      Get over yourself, 12:16. I get it that you Palins and Heaths don't get enough comments on your own blogs to spend any time reading about yourselves so you have to come to IM in groups to work off your frustrations. Read a book. Find an AA meeting. (You Palins and Heaths could start your own AA chapter!)

      Get a hobby Sarah, Brancy, Bristol, Willow and Piper. You're getting older every day and all you have to show for your lives is incomplete educations, inability to hang on to a boyfriend/man and dumpsters full of empty booze bottles. Go try vibrant living.

    16. Anonymous4:32 PM



    17. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Anonymous3:49 PM:
      Don't worry, I'm going on 75 pretty soon. Wish I was 72 again. ;-)

    18. Duncan5:44 PM

      I'm 77, and come here everyday to watch the wreck...

    19. Anonymous6:06 PM Golden Girls are funny...old school...better logic that what I have seen..

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Still no glasses or hearing aids on him! Such outstanding parenting!
    I have almost been irritated by the people saying how much he looks like Levi, but OMG...he really does in these pictures. I also think it is more likely FAS than DS. He Clearly is not fond of Sarah.
    Willow is looking good these days.

    1. My daughter was born in 1982 when word of FAS was only beginning to be recognized with the public. I always took her to the family doctor who also didn’t recognize or diagnosed the FAS. Only be reading a news article did it strike me that it could be her problems with growth. I took her to a pediatrician who specialized in FAS and she told me she recognized her symptoms right away. My heart hit the floor and I divorced my with and got full custody of both daughters who were only 4 and 9 year old.

      What I’m saying is that FAS is not necessarily easy to diagnoses. I personally don’t believe he has FAS. He does have some of the common features that both DS and FAS children have in common. Those features are wide spread eyes with a low nose bridge and slow growth. For a FAS child to have such a low mental state, although it does happen, would be very uncommon. A FAS child is also going to have deformed joints that limits their ability to fully extend their arms, and other deformities. I don’t see any of those deformities on Trig.

      Just to let you know of my opinion on whether or not Trig has FAS. I say he doesn’t.

      P.S. My daughter with FAS has grown up and obtained 2 bachelor degrees and is a practicing RN. We were very lucky!!!

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM

      He could have BOTH syndromes, could he not ? Bristol was partying pretty hard and might not have realuzed yet she was oregnant with a Tri-G!

    3. Anonymous1:34 PM

      I live near a reservation with an ongoing cycle of alcohol abuse within the generations of adults down to the babies. very sad. poor trig. one can see he has no attachment to old trenchmouth.

    4. Anonymous1:44 PM

      m baker - a tip of the hat to ya!

    5. Anonymous1:44 PM

      12:47 pm " he's the only 6yr old I would carry around.." can he not scurry around like any kid.or does he have issues with his joints ect.? he certainly is lacking developementally and I can only hope for a bright future for the little guy. miracles Do happen. so glad your children are doing well!

    6. Anonymous1:52 PM

      remember sunbleached blonde levi snuggling with preemie "triggy bear" pre-johnson tattoo?

    7. Anonymous2:36 PM

      I've thought for a while he has both DS and FAS.

  4. Anonymous12:11 PM

    That's exactly what she wants you to think. Don't fall for her bullshit.

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      There are legalities brewing about that vehicle tampering incident...and sounds like she lost her "resources" that weren't really hers to begin with

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Birthright owner?

    3. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Probably...poor little richest kid in the world...Worth trillions Sarah?

    4. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Yeah Skarah ya know your being watched by po po right? Awe all your peeps got popped for being a weirdo deserve to be in jail! Seems your Kkkrazy crew from Warsilly can't keep their political pants on!!!

  5. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Trig clearly cannot stand her.

  6. laurensd112:18 PM

    When I look at her face, I see two plastic denture cups for cheekbones.
    Does that make me bad?

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      What's a denture cup?

    2. Anonymous4:12 PM

      1:32 PM:
      It's the containers that denture wearers use to place their dentures in at night.

  7. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Her skin looks plastic in the close-up. That is not natural skin texture for anyone of her age. Either she's got a half-inch of makeup on or she's had enough surgery to make her look like a doll...and not in a good way!

    A wrinkle (or ten) gives a person character and gives evidence that they've had an interesting life.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Sarah does have nice skin in that photo - whether it's lots of make-up, I don't know. I do know that I'm 9 years older than her, and I don't have any wrinkles, and my skin doesn't look it's age. In my case, it's good genes, good diet, and sunscreen applied ever single day.

  8. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Was that before or after Vivian called? Hmm?

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      So tell! Who is Vivian?

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Sarah bot...say are they running drugs to Russia this year?

    3. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Probably not...more money in human trafficking and Todd?

    4. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Or the AK NG selling arms and transporting them overseas...say hows John boy? I know he went with the first shipment to Syria...then Russia..cough I mean Ukraine...must be the money hu?

    5. Anonymous5:58 PM

      I guess she can see Russia from Alaska.
      Where the drugs are going and the $$ to be made.

  9. I’m sorry, but Piper’s purple hair color looks like something you would see on an elderly lady. Maybe Willow just wanted to practice hair coloring on Piper.

    1. I work in a large medical center surrounded by universities. I see many young people coloring their hair these beautiful hues. The colors are much softer thaan was was being done a few years ago. If I were 40 years younger I'd do it. Or

    2. Anonymous2:34 PM

      My kids' middle and high school is filled with girls with green and pink and blue streaks. I keep thinking I wish I had been allowed to do that back in the 1980s when I was their age. Unfortunately, any "unnatural" colored hair was outlawed.

    3. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Yeah, I've been seeing a lot of fun with color where I work for at least two or three years now.

  10. Anonymous12:23 PM

    The Palin lawn appears to be spotted by deposits left by Jill Hadassah or one of the other canines, who are probably just shoved out the back door and told to do their business. No long country walks with exercise for that growing dog.

    1. I’ve been education in college in turfgrass science with about 5 years of turfgrass research experience afterwards with a national company, and I can definitely say those are urine spots from a female dog.

    2. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Those pee spots could be from Bristol, she does have that problem.

    3. Anonymous2:32 PM


      Are you saying she wanders around piddling on the lawn when she is drunk at mommy's? I think you nailed it.

    4. Anonymous5:22 PM


  11. Aww come on, there has to a photo of Trigg showing some kind of affection towards Sarah, right? He always has that "ewww" look when he is photographed with her.Like when your weird aunt wants a hug from you, and you want to run but, mom is forcing you. That look.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Not Trigg.
      Too little too late to revise the name.
      STOP trying.

    2. Anon 1:16: Hit a nerve? "Too late to revise the name"?
      Why the hell would I revise the name? and, STOP trying what,little Palinasshole

    3. Anonymous2:30 PM

      1:16 PM Trig, P.I.G., and Pimp Daddy Todd.

    4. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Anonymous1:16 PM

      Not Trigg.
      Too little too late to revise the name.
      STOP trying.
      How about Trisomy-G?
      You know the other name for Downs syndrome....did your mom think it cute when she googled it and changed Tripp's name to TriG?
      Huh pissy or willblow?
      Talk about a Sick fuckin' family, y'all take the cake.
      Or the cinnamon buns (in the oven constantly)

  12. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Willow's wearing the white top that Bristol wore in those Vegas pictures at the dirt track with Dakota.

  13. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I can't believe you're finished with school already! I'm in NY and we have another month to go.

  14. I think the three girls actually look pretty good. I'm sorta surprised, actually. The multi-colored hair on Piper is kind of cute and Willow's hair looks good with the streaks. Bristol doesn't look pregnant to me.

    1. And Trig appears not to be able to stand his "mother".

    2. OK, I'll weigh in on the aesthetics: Piper has the wrong coloring to wear that shade of pink hair and it makes her look old and haggard. I guess Willow was too busy to advise her on a better shade.

    3. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Or at the very least be so unfamiliar with his "mom" that he feels uncomfortable being touched by a virtual stranger….
      That's what comes across to me.

    4. Anonymous1:43 PM

      They obviously retouched this batch of photos. Zero blemishes on any of the faces. Piper is the only one who doesn't look preggers.

    5. Anonymous1:57 PM

      It's a cute picture of the three girls. I like the pink hair on Piper. Cute little lace middle school graduation dress. Bristol is a good size hopefully she is where she wants to be. Willow looks cute too, good hair cut and color.

    6. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Bristol is again approaching a large pregnant belly.

    7. Anonymous2:32 PM

      I'll give Piper a break because she's still just a kid.

      But let's not forget that just a few months ago, Bristol punched a guy in the face repeatedly while Willow egged her on. Bristol also continues to let Nancy French spew faux religious, anti-choice, anti gay marriage nonsense in her name.

      When Bristol tells her mom and Nancy to fuck off and lets Levi have reasonable custody, then she'll be where she NEEDS to be rather than where she WANTS to be.

    8. Anonymous3:16 PM

      When will Sarah be wearing Piper's pretty dress?

    9. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Can anyone imagine the right-wing hysteria if either of the Obama girls showed up with pink hair?

    10. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Great question, 3:16!

    11. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Yep. Bristol doesn't look pregnant to me either. Good for her, for a change, eh?

  15. Anonymous1:18 PM

    WHERE IS TRIPP??? In all these pictures, there is no sign of Tripp.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      I imagine Tripp is with his dad and Sunny,. I hope with all my heart that Tripp will be able to come down from this "wild ride" to Kentucky. I worry about Tripp, that as a spoiled brat. he could put a deadly strain on Levi and Sunny.

    2. Hoping there was some custody action, and he's finally with his dad for awhile.

    3. @Anon 1:18 PM

      Yes, I noticed that too. Usually, when Tripp is not available, they just photoshop his picture in.

    4. I believe levi knew about the sham wedding, from the start, hence his unconcerned attitude towards custody.

  16. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I was thinking that the poor child should not always have to be advertising his mother's fake patriotism.

  17. Anonymous1:27 PM

    A closer look at her dirty fingernails with the fungus-riddled nails in the first picture:

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      1:27 PM
      Yuck!! Doesn't the woman take baths? Or wash her hands? Those nails and fingers are nasty.

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Man hands

  18. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Will Sarah take Trig to the Kentucky barbecue on Saturday?

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      I don't think any of the Palins will show at the BBQ. I think that Dakota's friends and family will have a celebration that the wedding is NOT happening.

      The Palins would not dare show their faces now that they have thrown Dakota under the bus.

      I also too think that Dakota is just too dumb to understand his close call and how he was just used.

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM

      So, if they don't show up at the BBQ, when Sarah implied that they would, they'll need to post information about what better activity engaged them on May 23rd.

    3. Anonymous2:37 PM

      I see $arah there wearing the bridal gown and sporting the ring. $he thinks she's the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral.

    4. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Whether Bristol dumped Dakota or Dakota dumped Bristol, I would think that the Palins wouldn't show up at the Bar-B-Que. A normal family wouldn't but the Palin/Heath klan has never shown any sign of good manners or sensitivity. Or class.

  19. Anonymous1:37 PM

    So, they finally fencEd in their yard towards the lake.

    Also, too: who died that they have the flowers back there at the fence?

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Probably another native prostitute like the one found on Todd?

    2. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Or may be that DWTS baby?

  20. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I still believe that the reason why Bristol and Dakota's marriage plans were canceled is because Sarah and Dakota had an affair (no matter how brief) and Bristol found out about it.

    1. Ooh! That definitely brightens up the collection of reasons why!

    2. Anonymous2:35 PM

      I'm still going with after spending a month with lazy, boring, self-centered Barstool who would do nothing all day but sit on her fat ass, MOH said "fuc_ this shit!" and sent DOH packing. The ex-wife drama was just a cover.

    3. Anonymous3:03 PM

      I'm not sure if they had an affair but i do think their was a mutual attraction going on. Dakota wishing Sarah a Happy Birthday and then saying he did not want to hear anything bad about her on his facebook page is odd, but what really looked just quite not right is that photo of the F you poster and Sarah grinning at his crotch, that to me was disturbing. Sarah is the kind of woman that flirts with any man but the creep factor on that photo was way too high.

    4. Wouldn't be surprised.

      Or that Sarah was the instigator and Dakota was drunk. (He would have to be.)

      Perhaps Bristol took the rock off and threw it at Sarah with a "you might as well have the ring too" and damn if Sarah didn't put it on and parade it around.

      Little trophy to throw in Toad's face.

    5. Anonymous6:03 PM

      I'm going with your "reason" mlaiuppa. It is definitely the most intriguing.

  21. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Much of the time the Palin clothing has slogans or advertising on their garments.They seem to think these fabric bumper stickers are how to dress.

  22. Anonymous1:45 PM

    About that barbecue, here's what just may happen, we just might see photos [ courtesy of Sheila] of the reunited couple who after having spent some time apart decided to get married at a later date. This would not surprise me at all, think of the publicity that would get.

    The big bad press tore them apart but like Romeo and Juliet their love could not be broken, i know, gag! but it's the Palin's and that mushy bs is right up their publicity seeking alley.

    1. It will be a regular Memorial Day week-end for these inbred clusterfucks.

      It seems creepy for the insufferable çlown fake patriotic evil witch would want to celebrate lîfe on Memorial Day.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      omomma1:54 PM

      No, no bbq.
      It would be the throwdown on Steroids!
      Attitudes, booze, gunz, MOH with PTSD, stalkers payme & MOH Booze, booze and more booze.
      What could happen?

    3. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Nope, that would make Bristol look even worse than she does now.

  23. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Medea is more maternal than Sarah.

    Jennifer K

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Who is Medea?

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Medea is a Greek Mythological character that killed her children.

  24. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Always wonder why one of the Palins doesn't learn some basic photography techniques.

    For example, why would Sarah post those pictures of her trying to kiss a kid who wants nothing to do with her? Was there no other way to show them -- Trig going down a slide, with Sarah encouraging him? An action shot, where Trig doesn't have to be held down for all he's worth would be something worth seeing. These photographs tell a lot more than Sarah thinks they do. She's clearly a stranger to him, or an unwanted adult.

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM


      This way is more fun.

    2. Anonymous3:40 PM

      "Pass me a baby. Not the retarded one."

    3. Anonymous4:01 PM

      or looking at it another way, they're posting the BEST photos that they have and that's really sad.

  25. Anonymous2:12 PM

    For contrast, post the photo of Bristol's return to Alaska where Tripp protects her and Trig adores her. Trig doesn't look at Sarah that way.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      He is always turned away from her, and DS kids are loving. Body language speaks volumes. Remember how she had to lasso him around the neck in that couch interview?

    2. Because bustol is the mother...

  26. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Fuck the entire lot of them. Maybe Bristol can go after a Duggar and try to pimp out the evangelical crowd, seeing as Sarah fucked-up the whole MOH angle...

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Thought one of em was a child raper

    2. Anonymous4:19 PM

      2:49 PM
      "Thought one of em was a child raper"

      That's what I thought too but that wouldn't exclude what 2:27 PM said. Josh Dugger would fit right in with the Palin/Heath crowd.

    3. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Yea no shit right? Rape is God's will...

  27. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Sarah's talking into his ear? I thought he couldn't hear w/o hearing aids?

  28. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Yeah, "awesome," according to who, Andrea Tantaros?

  29. Anonymous2:38 PM

    When you look down at Trig's face from above, you can really see how much he looks like Levi.

  30. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Willow is too short to be that chunky.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Anonymous2:59 PM

      Willow is too short to be that chunky.
      She was built for breeding. That's all. No brains between all of them. Just breeders. Like the book: The handmaids tale.

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Excuse me, 3:40 PM?
      Knock it off.

  31. Frank Flashback3:03 PM

    Second in a continuing series.

    Flashback of the Day with Governor Palin and Bristol!

    On this date in 2009 People Magazine reported on Bristol Palin's continued quest for privacy and a normal life as a college student and abstinence activist.

    "Looking like a lot of her classmates – giddy and irreverent, wearing a silly necklace of Blow-Pop lollipops strung together with curly gift ribbon – Bristol Palin stepped toward the stage in Wasilla Sports Complex Thursday night to receive her high school diploma, more a worried mom than a jubilant teen. "

    Good thing both Bristol and Sarah were able to be interviewed by People about Bristol's big day! Sarah even claimed that she had some doubts about her daughter's education.

    “"I knew it would be hard work, but I knew I was going to do it," Bristol, 18, tells PEOPLE.

    Her mom, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the former Republican vice-presidential nominee, was not always so sure. Palin said in an interview that one of her first thoughts when Bristol announced her surprise pregnancy last spring was, "Oh, there goes her education." "And that's why I'm so proud of her … really relieved," Palin says. "It's been a challenging and exciting year – her senior year – and I'm just so pleased that we are where we are today.""

    People reported that even though Gov. Palin wondered about Bristol’s education, she was wrong again. Somehow Bristol almost graduated with honors!

    "“Bristol boasted a 3.497 G.P.A., regretting only that she was "point zero-zero-something" away from graduating with Honors. A budding activist in the cause to prevent teen pregnancy, she says she hopes to go to an area college for a two-year business degree and then a job, possibly in real estate.””

    Source for today’s flashback:,,20279197,00.html

    Frank Flashback Special Comment: As always I recommend to click and read the original source. There may be some interesting links. That really is the dill today!

    Original source hotlink “surprise pregnancy”:

    "Bristol plans to marry the father of the child, 18-year-old Levi Johnston, Palin continued in the statement. "Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family."" (People September 1, 2008)

    How did that turn out?

    Original source hotlink “budding activist” :

    "To Today's Matt Lauer, who asked what message she was sending teens by talking about not having babies while she was holding her sleeping son, Tripp, in her arms, Palin said, "I'm just here trying to tell teens this is a really hard job."

    The TV appearances were keyed to Palin's new role as the Candie's Foundation's teen ambassador for a national campaign to raise awareness about the consequences of teen pregnancy.

    On Levi Johnston
    Cuomo and Lauer both asked Palin about her former fianc̩ Рand the father of her child РLevi Johnston, who appeared on Tyra Banks's syndicated talk show as well as CBS's The Early Show, on which he spoke about premarital sex and made claims that the Palin family has not allowed him be alone with his son.

    "I'm not here to talk about my personal life," Palin told Lauer, though she did say, with no further explanation, even when asked for it, "I'd love Levi to be part of [Tripp's] life."” (People May 6, 2009)

    How did that turn out?

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      I think Levi should cut his losses with Tripp Palin. Tripp's an excellent money maker for the Palins. Levi needs to focus on his children with his wife. Let's look at this in 15 years and see how these two group of kids turn out.

    2. Well, well. The article says..."Bristol, 18, tells People." Yes, in June, 2009, Bristol was 18. She didn't turn 19 until October.

      Everything you read today shows her age as 24. But, Bristol won't be 24 until October of this year. When Sarah was running for VP, McCain's team didn't want a "supposedly" pregnant, unwed, 16-year-old on the campaign stage. She wouldn't have turned 17 until October.

      So, they changed her birth date from Oct., 1991 to Oct., 1990, and said she was 17 going on 18. Just one of the lies and the cover-ups they did during that Mickey Mouse campaign.

    3. Anonymous4:47 PM

      409 I will remember you said that! Wow! Abandonment issues?

  32. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Look at her right hand- it looks like the slim gold wedding band she used to wear on her left hand - when she wore one. What is with the new wedding rings?

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      It's a sign! She's running! - c4p

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Running into API....

  33. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Does Sarah have the family's bags packed for the big old weekend shindig in the old Kentucky home? The big old celebratin' life bbq with the Palins and the Meyers? That will be something to see! Both families armed to the teeth! This might go down as a bigger brawl than last weekend's shootout in Waco!

    1. Janice A Soderquist4:33 PM

      Sarah and Bristol are complete quitters at everything, so add the Kentucky bbq as another quit...

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      No way the Palin KKKlan will be in Kentucky on the 23rd. What would be the purpose?

  34. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Must be pretty easy to do well at Wasilla's high school if Bristol's GPA was that high.

    Now that Bristol's not going to be living the high life in Kentucky, is she going to go back to "work" at the skin doctor's office? If her house on the dead lake has been sold, where will she and Tripp live?

  35. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Never seemed like Bristol was in love. How could she just pose and post so soon after the breakdown? Doesn't she have a heart, or is she like her mother, the tin man? Do these people have any human feelings? Or are they robots.

    The joy and excitement she displayed about her engagement and wedding, and her two loves, etc. etc. and the friends flying to KY, and her wanting to spend the rest of her life with Dakota and Tripp being so happy, where did that all go?

    Now she's posting for attention yet again, and doesn't seem bothered one bit. No ring, and just a big smile like nothing happened, it was all a dream.

  36. Anonymous3:39 PM

    When Bristol was 18 and her mom was releasing future plans to the press, like Levi/Bristol's marriage, and their break-up and every move of Bristol's life, it seemed understandable.

    Sarah Palin is still giving out details of plans or cancellations of Bristol's personal life on her FB, and the girl is 24 years old, way past her 'of age' date. Why does Sarah still have to cover for Bristol? Can't Bristol make her own statements, if she chooses to?

    Does Dakota think Bristol hasn't cut the apron strings?

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Kind of proves how much a puppet Bristol is, doesn't it?
      Poor thing never stood a chance to break free of that narcissistic sociopath, did she?
      M. from MD

    2. Janice A Soderquist4:30 PM

      I bet Bristol, the almost Bristol Meyers, was on the phone all the time in Kentucky crying to mama and Dakota got mad at or, or maybe Dakota was getting calls from other girls.

    3. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Come on, 3:39. Have you learned nothing about this Palin family? Sarah can't let go of Bristol because she will reveal Sarah's hoax of a pregnancy, that six-week wonder when she had those tight abs that no one, not even her closest aids, knew she was pregnant. Can't have Bristol getting too far from the family and telling all those family secrets.

  37. Anonymous3:40 PM

    So are the Meyers and Palins going to let bygones be bygones and celebrate together, even with Bristol's engagement ring on Sarah's finger?

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Oh my lord, yes! What kind of mom wears her daughter's ring when her daughter's heartbroken over being left at the altar or at the tent or whatevs. It's like a constant reminder that Mama doesn't give a shit about your feelings.

  38. Anonymous3:45 PM

    So Willow also wears Bristol's clothes, huh? No just the elder palin...I guess they all share

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      They are a group of mindfucks 4 slur

  39. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Couldn't help but think of Bristol last night during this performance on The Voice. In fact if I remember correctly didn't she use the hashtag "future husband" not long ago?

  40. FrostyAK3:58 PM

    On a quick scan, it looks like TWO of the girls in the triad are prego. Or one is covering for the other...

  41. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Who wears that much make-up for a trip to the playground with a child? It's all for a show. It's all about Sanctimonious Sarah.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Cover up

    2. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Oh did social services find him home alone? Now she's so\

  42. Anonymous4:13 PM

    I'm not a Palin fan in any way, but I have to say this blog post is pretty critical based on a couple of pictures and no facts. I have a son with special needs and I'm sure there could be a lot of pictures of us that look like that. And while I don't think she's a good mom, these pictures don't prove anything.

    I am all in if we are going to discredit SP, but do it based on facts. When we go down this path, that's when it gives liberals a bad name. It discredits our opinions.

    And I really get bothered by all the innuendos about the girls being pregnant and all the sexual talk about them. Would you want someone to talk about your daughters or sisters like that? Do you know them personally? I bet not.

    So you are entitled to your opinions and so am I. But that doesn't make me a troll because I disagree.

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Go to the 9:24 mark and see a sample of how Trig feels about Sarah using him as a prop. He gives her a
      two-handed slap right in her face right in front of everyone. And she can't immediately retaliate because there are cameras recording.

    2. Anonymous4:25 PM

      "When we go down this path, that's when it gives liberals a bad name."

      If you think only liberals read and comment on this blog you are in for a shock.

    3. Anonymous4:40 PM

      had palins not been in our faces 24 -7 and their mother's doing all she can to degrade our president and devide our country,I might agree with you. Bristol had a hand in the fraud mommy dearest tried to pull. on the American public as well. she's quik to put in her 2cents and continues to try to be in our faces with falsehoods and attacks on others rather than "cleaning her own house" and being a good mother to her kids. does Bristol has nothing better to do than hone her skills the palin way to grift off others? whatever happened to working a job,rather than looking for the next scam? sympathy for Bristol..or Sarah??? WHY??

    4. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Sex is the Palin medium, there is no way not to talk about it and its implications -- premarital sex, teen pregnancy, abstinence (hah), sexual language, "sexy" outfits and high heels and makeup, big tits, sexy dancing, multiple sex partners, engagements, threats of sexual assault (stalkers et al). It's how the Palins roll.

    5. Anonymous5:33 PM

      440 you only know where you have been...they been around kkkrazy...:-\

  43. Anonymous4:17 PM

    What da hell is wrong with Sarah Palin's toes? They're pointing in different directions and twisted.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      She chews her nails and has bowed legs from riding horses.

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Yes they are indeed a disquieting sight, those toes. That goes for her feet overall. Prehensile. Made all the worse by the choice of tacky footwear.

    3. Anonymous5:34 PM

      God will bless those...oh guess he's cursing Sarah for cursing the mass!

  44. Anonymous4:17 PM

    The older that kid gets, the more he looks like Levi.

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Yea probably is Levi's...but trying to get a cash cow from this greedy bunch is deadly...ask the nurse who delivered him..oh shit...she's dead..

  45. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Anonymous2:31 PM:
    What does that old article have to do with this one??

  46. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Sarah you're wearing your daughter's engagement ring and your fake ass glasses, where's your grandson's prescription glasses and hearing aid?

  47. Janice A Soderquist4:28 PM

    Is Sarah promoting her three daughters in a new light. Dressed up for a change and out of tacky clothes. Maybe she is going to try them at modeling careers. She definitely must do something to change their images from tramps to ladies.

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Like a remake of "The Sound of Music"??? Charlies Angels?

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      3 wicked witches...

  48. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I hope Dakota doe's not attend the barbecue, why should he if Bristol broke off the engagement, maybe he will get a speaking gig.

  49. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Shame on all of you, you are all haters. Give Sarah her props for not only getting Piper through middle school but baby free.

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Me thinks she wants Junker back. She posted a pic of the dog that he absolutely loves. A message to him?

    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Fuck off bitch Sarah is Queen of Hate!

  50. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I never got logo shirts. Shouldn't I be paid for advertising someone's product?

  51. Anonymous4:37 PM

    No Bristol, white clothes does not make a virgin. That boat has long sailed.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      ...and the sailors had a hell of a good time. Thanks Bristol!!!!

    2. Anonymous6:04 PM

      5:01 great comment

  52. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Trig now can shriek "NO YIKE YOU!" And "NO MORE YOU!" and when he's particularly bothered, "GO YOU". Three guesses as to whom these emotional proclamations are geared toward! (And the "go you" is meant to convey "go away"; is adorably accompanied by a pointing finger to motion the offender out the nearest door)

    He is still in diapers and still uses toddler sip cups. It's shameful how their neglect has made his life just so limited and narrow.

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      He may be more advanced than any of us know. Remember where information is coming from about this child. "Whoa is me...
      my Trig is such work and I try so hard but he just doesn't respond! "Bullshit"

  53. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I'm a regular poster here and despise Sarah Palin, she's divisive, and capitalizing on separating low intelligence devotees from their money. I'm disappointed at the turn this thread has taken in bashing Piper and Willow, and Trig. They are all harmless and have done nothing except be born into that nutty family. We are better than than the posts in here would indicate.

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Yes! Thank you for speaking up!

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      AMEN!! I disagree with what they do and stand for, but I actually think that is a very cute and becoming picture of the three girls.

    3. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Has it ever occurred to them to say no?

  54. Anonymous4:42 PM

    If you were in love, intending to get married, and had faith that you'd eventually be married...but for some reason, the wedding date had to be postponed...... you'd NEVER take your ring off.
    Something's fishy.....

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Here I come to save the day Bristol!
      Mighty Mouse will save you..

    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Something fishy in Wasilla ? How about Sarah, Todd and family douche?

    3. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Justice Dept just busted banks for antitrust Sarah's gig is up!

  55. Anonymous4:43 PM

    No sign of Palin entering the Ed Sullivan theater for David Letterman's last show. I'm sure the invite was lost in the mail! LOL!!!! #DLISTATBEST

  56. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I read a previous comment that Willow is in Alaska to support Bristol after she looked a damn fool for rushing into an engagement her mother wanted and found out that Dakota punked her with his previous girlfriends and wife. No Willow isn’t in Alaska for Bristol, Willow came home to celebrate Piper making it through middle school.

  57. Anonymous4:51 PM

    If the wedding were only postponed, she wouldn't take her ring off, and why on earth would there need to be a facebook announcement? If the wedding were only postponed, why would there need to be a statement at all? Or if they were desperate to make a statement about a postponement, why not an easy story like "too much to do, too little time, we want to enjoy this day so are taking a little bit more time to plan" or something like that. Or "too many guests couldn't manage that date". What they did, was weird. They are waiting for a story to break, and it was important for them to get Bristol to Alaska and important for them to show her without her ring, before the story blows.

  58. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Notice who's missing in the festive occasion? Sarah's ex-granddaughter!

  59. Anonymous4:56 PM

    The thing with sociopaths is they always pick photos that tell a lot more than they want folks to know. There's a natural bond between a mother and son who live vibrant lives and spend quality time together, those photos show the natural fear of strangers kids have when they only see them once in awhile for a photo op. The kid's pulling away from her and avoiding eye contact. DS kids LOVE with every cell of their being, once they know and trust the person. Especially the mother, goes without saying. But Sarah looks like she's having a hard time getting him to pose for the camera, and it shows.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      DS or FAS?

    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      sociopaths and psychopaths are not concerned with how the other person feels, their needs must be met and they love to drop a hint that they are getting away with something....they want and enjoy how others are puzzled by their actions. It is like the cat that swallowed the canary. Sarah has been like that consistently....she lets hints drop, she lies compulsively and keeps moving and smiling. She is one messed up woman who has left messed up kids.

  60. Anonymous5:00 PM

    That had to be an awkward situation. Sarah and Bristol must have felt uncomfortable knowing everybody at the graduation had smirks on their faces laughing at the family who thinks their shit doesn't stink. Don't worry Palins, you have another awkward day coming up in Kentucky.

  61. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Where's Tripp? Too embarrassed to be seen with his mother? We understand Tripp.

  62. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Where's Track? Too embarrassed to be seen with his sister? We understand Track.

  63. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Where's Todd? Too embarrassed to be seen with his daughter ? We understand Todd.


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